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Monday, July 11, 2022

Did the Maharal Make a Mistake?

 According to "EMAILIM BATORAH" he did!

Last week I wrote a shtickel drasha that humans are not G-d, and that humans make mistakes, 

even gedoilei Yisrael, even the greatest prophet and gadol ever like Moshe Rabbeinu

 is prone to make mistakes.

The Maharal's Mistake

The מהר"ל- דרך חיים פ"ה : י"ט points out & explains the differences between אברהם אבינו going to the עקידה and בלעם going to bentch the Yidden.

One of the differences is by אברהם it says ושני נעריו 
עמו and by בלעם
it says ושני נעריו 

The מהר"ל explained that עמו is less of a connection than אתו.
אברהם was less connected to the שני נעריו than בלעם.

The problem with this Toireh is that it's not true, but the 
opposite is true. By אברהם it says אתו & by בלעם it says עמו.

The Kotzker said it was done intentionally מן השמים to
teach us that even a איש אלוקים like the גאון the מהר"ל can 
also, make mistakes because he is a בשר ודם.


Jewish Summer Camp Ramah Will house kids according to their gender identity rather than birth sex,

Entrance to Camp Ramah 

  A Jewish summer camp in southern California is reassuring families after a prominent anti-LGBT+ Twitter account, Libs of TikTok, called attention to a year-old “diversity and inclusion” statement on its website.

“Camp Ramah, which owns tens of camps across the country, announced they are housing kids according to their gender identity rather than birth sex,” the account tweeted Wednesday afternoon. It linked to a document published by Camp Ramah in California explaining how the camp would include staff and campers with different religious backgrounds, family structures, gender identities and more.

The tweet was standard fare for Libs of TikTok, which has amassed 1.3 million followers for its stream of mostly anti-LGBT+ content, much of which aims to generate outrage about how public schools and individual educators teach about gender and sexuality. The account’s growth has dovetailed with a broad push by conservative lawmakers in many states to restrict medical care for trans children, penalize their parents or limit their participation in school activities, including sports.

The identity of the person behind “Libs of Tiktok,” Chaya Raichik, an Orthodox Jewish woman based in Los Angeles, was discovered by Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz in April. In an in-depth report, Lorenz detailed how Raichik’s account can set the agenda for conservative personalities as well as online trolls, who have inundated some of the people the account has featured with harassment and even death threats.

Exactly what that has looked like for Camp Ramah in California is not clear. Directors Rabbi Joe Menashe and Ariella Moss Peterseil told parents by email Thursday that they were aware of a “social media offensive” against the camp and had taken steps to ensure security.

Saudi Arabia Chooses "Zionist Imam" to Deliver Key Note Sppech in Mecca during the hajj


An imam known for his conciliatory views of Judaism and Christianity aroused fierce controversy in Saudi Arabia when he was chosen to deliver the main address during the hajj Friday in one of Mecca’s most important mosques.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, known by his initials MBS, personally chose Sheikh Dr. Mohammad al-Issa, overcoming the objections of senior clerics who did not want to honor a man whom they feel is too friendly to Jews.

Hundreds of others reacted angrily to the choice, including Muslim clerics in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some said al-Issa shouldn’t be allowed to enter the Namirah Mosque because his contact with Jews made him “impure.”

Al-Issa is one of the senior clerics in the kingdom who in the past has served as its justice minister. Those close to MBS said that this promotion in stature is a further stage in Saudi Arabia becoming more open to other countries.

Younger Saudis applauded the move, calling on Twitter, for example, for MBS to continue on “the right path” of integrating more with the Western world.

Al-Issa is the head of the Muslim World League, a non-governmental organization that promotes a moderate and tolerant version of Islam. He consistently speaks of Islam as a religion of peace and the need for people of all faiths to work with each other instead of against each other.

He has openly acknowledged the “unconscionable crimes” of the Holocaust while leading a group of coreligionists to Auschwitz in January 2020. He has invited rabbis to the kingdom, and has publicly condemned antisemitism.

In Saudi Arabia, he is known as “the Zionist imam.”

On Mount Ararat, the focal point of the annual hajj that this year was limited to a million pilgrims, he spoke of adhering to the five pillars of the Muslim faith and used his platform to urge his audience to “comply with the values taught by Islam.”

These, he said, include “avoiding all that leads to dissent, animosity, or division; and instead, ensuring that our interactions are dominated by harmony and compassion.”

“The teachings of Islam have an inherent humanitarian nature…each individual among you should love what is good for all people, and strive to bring their hearts together,” he added.

Al-Issa received awards for combatting antisemitism from New York’s Orthodox flagship Yeshiva University and the American Sephardi Federation in the past two years. At the latter’s virtual 2020 ceremony, he said, “In the Muslim League we are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters to build understanding, respect, love and interreligious harmony.”

Speaking in person at Yeshiva University last October, he said, “We may have differences, but we must have love for one another and come together.”

Diversity, he added, “should be a tool used for better understanding and better relationships, and not a tool to make people grow apart.”

Israeli media pundits have theorized that by choosing al-Issa to speak soon before U.S. President Joe Biden’s planned trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia this week, MBS is sending a positive signal to the White House regarding a possible additional thawing of  relations with the Jewish state.

Expert says the Palestinians smashed the bullet that killed Shireen Abu Akleh before handing it over


From Arutz-7:

Leading physicist and ballistic expert Nahum Shahaf, who refuted the story of 12-year-old Muhammad al-Durrah being shot by IDF soldiers in the opening days of the Second Intifada, discussed the US State Department's announcement that it was not possible to determine who killed Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh as she was recording a firefight between IDF soldiers and terrorists in Jenin on May 11, 2022.

Shahaf points out that "the bullet underwent a severe transformation at the hands of a hammer that created a deep depression in its back, which cannot be formed by the projectile's movement alone", noting that while the Americans ruled that it was impossible to determine who was behind Abu Aqleh's death, they ended up stating that it was likely the result of IDF fire - a fact pointing to the investigators' anti-Semitic bias.

Regarding alterations made to the bullet prior to the PA allowing foreign experts to analyze it, Shahaf says he can detect streaks of crushing as well as an internal depression, which can only be produced by a hammer of enormous weight. The squeezing in question was performed on the back of the bullet and not its front, which smashes on impact.  
It does not appear that Shahaf is on the team that is investigating the shooting, so I am assuming that he is basing this on the photo of the bullet that Al Jazeera published, claiming it was the one that killed Abu Akleh.

If you look at it, it indeed looks like someone took a hammer to it.
 I cannot imagine how the back of a bullet could be crushed like that only from gunfire, especially given how dense bullets are. Here is a cross section of a M855A1 bullet typically used with an M4:

It would take enormous pressure to flatten that.

To my understanding, the back of the bullet is where the striations would be seen that can match the bullet to a test round from a weapon. If someone wanted to make a bullet impossible to match, the back of the bullet is exactly what they would want to tamper with.

Keep in mind that without comparing the bullet handed over to an X-ray of the bullet in Abu Akleh's head, it is impossible to know whether this is even the correct bullet to begin with.  We have seen absolutely no evidence of even a modicum of professionalism from the Palestinian side to prove a chain of custody of the bullet. Again, I am no expert, but I would have thought that the front of the bullet would be more deformed ("mushroomed") from hitting her skull and the inside of her helmet than the photo here shows

Watch Child sneak the dog some treats


Parents Of Slain Israeli-American Orthodox Jewish Girl Seek Biden Meeting


The family of an Israel-American girl killed in a 2001 Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem is seeking a meeting with President Joe Biden in hopes of forcing Jordan to extradite a woman convicted in the deadly attack.

The parents of Malki Roth turned to Biden on Sunday asking to meet with the president when he comes to Jerusalem this week. They want the president to put pressure on Jordan, a close American ally, to send Ahlam Tamimi to the U.S. for trial.

“We are bereaved parents as you are, sir. We have a burning sense that injustice in the wake of our child’s murder is winning,” Frimet and Arnold Roth wrote in their letter. “We ask that you address this as only the leader of the United States can.”

The Roths have been waging a campaign for the extradition of Ahlam Tamimi since she was released by Israel in a 2011 prisoner swap with the Hamas militant group. Under that deal, Tamimi was sent to her native Jordan, where she lives freely and has been a familiar face in the media. Jordanian authorities have rebuffed calls to extradite her.

On Aug. 9, 2001, a Palestinian bomber walked into a Jerusalem pizzeria and blew himself up, killing 15 people. Two American citizens, including 15-year-old Malki Roth, were among the dead.

Tamimi, who chose the target and guided the bomber there, was arrested weeks later and sentenced by Israel to 16 life sentences. Since her release, she has expressed no remorse and even boasted that she was pleased with the high death toll. In a 2017 interview with The Associated Press, she said the Palestinians have a right to resist Israel by any means, including deadly attacks.

Roth has repeatedly called on U.S. authorities to press Jordan, which has received billions of dollars in American assistance, to turn over Tamimi for trial.

The United States has charged Tamimi with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction against American nationals. The charge was filed under seal in 2013 and announced by the Justice Department four years later. Her name was added to the FBI’s list of Most Wanted Terrorists.

The U.S. and Jordan signed an extradition treaty in 1995. But in 2017, Jordan’s high court blocked her extradition, reportedly claiming the treaty was never ratified.

Two years ago, the Trump administration said it was considering withholding aid to Jordan over the case, but ultimately no action was taken.

Jordan is one of the United States’ closest partners in the Arab world, seen as a force of moderation and stability in the volatile Middle East. American officials appear to be wary of sparking a diplomatic crisis with a key ally.

“Something is obviously terribly wrong with how the pursuit of America’s most wanted female fugitive is going,” the Roths wrote in their letter, sent to Biden through the U.S. Embassy.

“We want to explain this to you better in a face-to-face meeting,” they added. “We want you to look us in the eyes, Mr. President, and tell us how Jordan’s king can be a praiseworthy ally.”

Biden is scheduled to land in Israel on Wednesday before traveling to a Mideast summit in Saudi Arabia on Friday. He has no plans to be in Jordan, though Jordanian officials are expected at the summit.

There was no immediate comment from either the White House or the Jordanian Royal Hashemite Court.

Roth’s letter was sent days after the family of a Palestinian-American journalist killed while covering an Israeli military raid in the occupied West Bank lashed out at Biden over his administration’s response to her death.

Relatives of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh expressed “grief, outrage and (a) sense of betrayal” in a letter accusing the U.S. of trying to erase Israeli responsibility for her death.

A U.S. investigation wrongfully concluded that Abu Akleh was likely killed by Israeli fire, but also said there was “no reason to believe” she was deliberately targeted. Israel says Abu Akleh was killed during a gun battle with Palestinian militants, and it is unclear who fired the deadly shot. The Palestinians say Israel intentionally killed her.

The White House declined to comment on the letter or the family’s request for a meeting during his visit.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

"Lapid, you have no mandate to relinquish Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem,"


I find it appalling that not one Chareidie MK is standing up for Israel to let the demented Biden know that he cannot play with the sovereignty of the State of Israel. Why is it only the Chilonim that won't be "mevatteir" on Israel's security. Is it only about money all the time?

Where are they?

Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Yair Lapid Sunday warning of potential dangers to Israel's sovereignty posed by the proposed itinerary of US President Joe Biden's visit to Israel this week.

"This coming Wednesday, for the first time, US President Joe Biden will land in Israel. We always welcome every American president. The US President's visit to Israel is a very important political event. However, it already appears that the visit will include two unprecedented political concessions: Israeli consent to a Palestinian representation at the Allenby crossing and tacit consent (and even encouragement by Lapid's office) to Biden's visit to Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem," Danon said.

"Biden is coming to Israel as part of a trip to the Middle East as part of which he will also visit Saudi Arabia where he will meet with representatives of Arab countries. For Israel, the visit comes at a very bad time. The Knesset has been dissolved, Israel is at the beginning of an election process and the Israeli prime minister is a transitional prime minister, lacking political experience who needs every bit of legitimacy and image of a leader to strengthen his position as part of his election campaign.

"In this situation, Israel has no ability to stand up for its interests in the face of American pressure for political concessions that comes along with the president's visit. The Americans recognize the weakness of the transitional government, and the teams already in the country are making concessions that they would never have dared to ask if Israel had a strong national right-wing government today. Lapid, it turns out, is willing to make sweeping concessions to please President Biden.

"An American president has never visited East Jerusalem. Neither Bush the father nor the son, not Clinton, not Trump and not even Obama. The meaning of such a visit is to give the green light to the Americans to challenge Israel's sovereignty in Jerusalem. Lapid as interim prime minister has no mandate to allow such a move.

"As Israel's ambassador to the UN, I headed many delegations of diplomats who came to visit Israel, including two UN secretaries. There, too, there has always been a desire to include a tour of Palestinians in East Jerusalem. It never happened. We have always known how to prevent such moves while conveying quiet but decisive messages.

"I call on Lapid today to refrain from political concessions for a photo op with the President of the United States.

Baruch Lebovits convicted sexual predator has hundreds attending his funeral


A cantor from a prominent Hasidic family whose child abuse conviction shook up both his community and Brooklyn politics has died.

Baruch Lebovits died Saturday at 71, 12 years after he was first convicted of repeatedly sexually abusing a 16-year-old boy. He was buried in Jerusalem on Monday at a funeral attended by hundreds after a separate large gathering in Borough Park, Brooklyn, on Sunday.

The sendoff offered no indication that Lebovits stood at the center of a saga that had bitterly divided his community and traumatized many within it.

Satmar Hypocrites Bash Belz for Allowing "secular studies" in their Yeshivois



The Satmar (ahroinie) Yiddish Newspaper bashed Belz on their front page, because the Belzer Rebbe decided to do the right thing to introduce Math and English into their curriculum, which will entitle them to government funds for each student. 

I wonder what R' Arron Teitelbaum's wife thinks about this as she and the Belzer Rebbe's wife are sisters. I would like to be a fly on the wall, when R' Aaron and his Hebrew speaking Rebbetzin discuss this at breakfast. 

What is interesting to note is that R' Aron Teitelbaum endorsed Hochul for governor and she not only supports LGBT ideas in schools but she is fighting for this. Satmar also takes funding from "the government" and  teaches secular studies in their special public schools in Monroe. In fact the Bnei Yoel a Satmar group that hates both feuding Satmar Rebbe brothers, protest in from of R' Aaron's home on a weekly basis . 

Bunch of hypocrites!

Well respected Rav & Dayan from Bnei Brak Banished and Exiled to Tzfat because he raped a married lady

 A very respected Dayan in Bnei-Brak who was previously a Rosh Yeshiva is the talk of town as he was found guilty by a Bais Din of raping a married woman. The Bais Din first ruled that he be exiled to Chutz Le'aaretz but then decided to keep him not too far  and ruled that he must live in Tzfat as "to keep an eye on him." 

More and more women are now coming out with horror stories about him. 

Below is a video in Yiddish that talks about this "Chushiveh Dayan" 

Litvaks Remove the word "“V’eizon” (I will feed) from the Kesubos In Israel


A dramatic halachic controversy emerged during a shiur given by a prominent Dayan from Bnei Brak. The Dayan, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Cohen, noticed that a kesubah printed by a chareidi bookstore chain did not contain the word “V’eizon” (And I will feed), a critical aspect of the husband’s obligations as delineated in the kesubah. The implication is that with such a kesubah a husband would not be obligated to provide sustenance for his wife, which is contrary to the halachic requirement in marriage.

Since the erroneous kesubah has been mass-printed by the popular bookstore chain, it is assumed that there may be thousands of invalid kesubos which contain the mistaken version.

Rabbi Cohen mentioned this point during a shiur at the Shtefanesht Beis Midrash in Zichron Meir where he serves as a poseik. He ruled that anyone who has such a kesubah in his possession must refer to the Rabbi who performed his wedding and ask him to exchange the kesubah for a kosher one.

The dayan mentioned that even though there were loopholes which could enable the kesubah to be validated, it would be correct to exchange the kesubah, since the Nachalas Shiva maintains that such a kesubah is invalid and his rulings are accepted by Ashkenazi poskim.

The Dayan’s ruling was widely circulated and a number of young couples discovered that their kesubah was problematic and asked to change their kesubos. In the meantime, the bookstore has stopped printing the problematic kesubos.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Ami's Chaim Friedlander ... What A Damn Liar!


Chaim Friedlander is Ami's Israeli Politics writer. 
In this week's issue he wrote a column about Yair Lapid portraying him as anti-Chareidie. 

I am not a fan of Lapid I think that he is a disaster. 
Having said that, there is absolutely no reason to lie about him, there is enough proof of him hating Chareidim without writing lies!

Friedlander in the above clip  taken from his column, totally dismisses a disgusting incident in Beit Shemesh where a Chareidie adult spat at "seven-year-old girl" on her way to school, and wrote that this incident "has not been confirmed." 

What an unmitigated liar! 
First of all, she was not "seven years old" she was eight years old, her name is Naama Margolis.
Here is a photo of the little girl with her mother Haddassa Margolis while being interviewed on TV. This story went viral and we have a BBC clip below!

Now here is the photo of the Chareidie Adult who did the spitting:

Elon Musk says he’s terminating $44B Twitter buyout deal ... Millions of Fake Accounts


Elon Musk’s tumultuous $44 billion bid to buy Twitter is on the verge of collapse — after the Tesla CEO sent a letter to Twitter’s board Friday saying he is terminating the acquisition. 

Twitter did not immediately respond to a message for comment. It is not entirely clear whether Twitter’s board will accept the $1 billion breakup fee or if there will be a court battle over the deal. 

The possible unraveling of the deal is just the latest twist in a saga between the world’s richest man and one of the most influential social media platforms. 

Much of the drama has played out on Twitter, with Musk — who has more than 95 million followers — lamenting that the company was failing to live up to its potential as a platform for free speech.

 On Friday, shares of Twitter fell 5% to $36.81, well below the $54.20 that Musk had offered to pay. Shares of Tesla, meanwhile, climbed 2.5% to $752.29.

 In a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Musk said Twitter has “not complied with its contractual obligations” surrounding the deal, namely giving Musk enough information to “make an independent assessment of the prevalence of fake or spam accounts on Twitter’s platform.”

Podcast: Author Faye Kellerman talks books, crime and characters

Harvard University's campus is now a bastion of Jew Hatred


Harvard University provides its students with unparalleled knowledge, skills and experiences. Yet, as we Jewish students have witnessed, the routine vilification of the State of Israel — both inside and outside the classroom — indicates that something in Harvard’s contemporary education has gone seriously awry.

In the latest example of this trend, the editorial board of the Harvard Crimson endorsed the movement to boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS) the Jewish state in an April 29 editorial. BDS represents the economic arm of a global effort — spearheaded militarily by Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran — to destroy the Jewish state.

China has helped spread four epidemics — and COVID’s not the last


Chinese researcher Dr. Shi Zhengli seen working in the Wuhan lab, which many researchers now believe was the origin of the coronavirus that swept the world in 2020.


For more than two years we have lived through a pandemic that no one — no one who doesn’t fall for Communist Chinese propaganda anyway — doubts came from China.  

In fact, the consensus now is that COVID came from the Wuhan lab, something I wrote about in these pages at the outset of the outbreak. In recent months, many of those who had earlier parroted Beijing’s line about COVID coming from a bat cave, including China’s man at the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, have come over to my point of view.

At the same time, there is mounting evidence that the coronavirus was developed as part of China’s bioweapons program.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Israel grants residency visa to US Baruch Lanner convicted of sexually assaulting students


Baruch Lanner, the American rabbi who served nearly three years in prison for sexually assaulting students at a Jewish high school in New Jersey, has been granted a temporary residency visa that will allow him to stay in Israel while the country’s Interior Ministry reviews his request for citizenship.

Advocates for sexual abuse victims were aghast at the news, first reported by Haaretz on Thursday. While Israel’s Law of Return provides every Jew in the world the opportunity to apply for citizenship, Israel has withheld citizenship in the past from those with criminal records who are seen as posing a danger to the Israeli public.

Lanner and his second wife, who was granted citizenship, appeared in a video for the law firm that is handling the case, which alerted activists to his immigration status. In the video, in which Lanner and his wife’s faces are blurred, Lanner praises the attorney and declares, “I had some legal issues in the United States and I never thought I would be able to make aliyah,” Haaretz reported. The video has since been taken down.

In 2000, following reporting by the New York Jewish Week, Lanner’s former employer, the Orthodox Union, launched a probe indicating that Lanner was responsible for an array of sexual, physical and emotional abuse involving dozens of teenagers in his charge. He was convicted in 2002 of endangering the welfare of two girls during his time as principal of Hillel Yeshiva High School in Deal, New Jersey, in the 1990s.

Late last year, alleged victims filed a civil lawsuit against Lanner and his former employers under New Jersey law that allowed for a two-year “lookback” window during which sexual abuse victims could sue their abusers and their enablers.

A pending case like that should be reason enough to reconsider Lanner’s request for residency, said Shana Aaronson, director of Magen, an Israeli organization that advocates for sexual abuse victims, especially in the Haredi Orthodox community.

“It’s more than disheartening, it’s infuriating that despite efforts by organizations like mine and by various government agencies, the government would make such a morally bankrupt decision like this,” Aaronson said.

Magen has compiled and shared with authorities lists of as many as 100 accused and convicted offenders who have applied for and succeeded in getting Israeli citizenship or residency visas, Aaronson said. She said that she had known about Lanner’s intentions to move to Israel since 2019.

“We were aware of his history and recommended strongly that he not be granted citizenship,” she said. While Lanner served his time in the 2002 case, granting him citizenship would erase the relevance of his presence on the US sex offender registry and allow an abuser like him to “disappear into general society,” said Aaronson.

If granted citizenship, “Baruch Lanner could tomorrow walk into any school and apply for a job and be given a certificate of good standing from Israel law enforcement and get a job working with kids,” she said.

According to Haaretz, Lanner and his wife arrived in Israel as tourists and submitted their request for citizenship after landing, thereby circumventing the Jewish Agency, which handles citizenship requests in the United States and tends to reject those with criminal records. Lanner had been living variously in New Jersey and Florida.

“The details [of the Lanner case] will be thoroughly examined,” an Interior Ministry spokeswoman told Haaretz.

Zera Shimshon Parshas Balak


The Reason Moshe Rabbeinu Was Punished because they made him into a G-d when he was only a Rebbi


In Chutz Le'aretz, Jews will be listening to the baal korah read from Parshas Chukas this Shabbos. They will hear that Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu:

קח את המטה והקהל את העדה אתה ואהרן אחיך ודברתם אל הסלע לעיניהם ונתן מימיו והוצאת להם מים מן הסלע 

"Take the staff and gather together the assembly, you and Aaron your brother, and speak to the rock before their eyes that it shall give its water"

But what did Moshe actually do?

It seems from the following verses that Moshe did not follow instructions and made some mistakes.

ויקהלו משה ואהרן את הקהל אל פני הסלע ויאמר להם שמעו נא המרים המין הסלע הזה נוציא לכם מים? וירם משה את ידו ויך את הסלע במטהו פעמים ויצאו מים רבים 

"Moshe and Aaron gathered the congregation before the rock and he said to them "Listen now, You rebels, shall we bring forth water for you from this rock?" Then Moshe raised his arm and struck the rock with his staff twice, and abundant water came forth"

a)  Hashem told him "gather the assembly" and he gathered the "congregation."

b) Hashem told him to speak to the rock, yet he decided to hit the rock.

c) Moshe called them "rebels" 

d) Moshe when saying to them "shall we bring forth water for you from this rock?" made it seem like he had the ability to bring water from the rock, and should have instead said "only Hashem can bring water from a rock" The Torah then states that Hashem told both Moshe and Aaron 

"יען לא האמנתם בי להקדישני לעיני בני ישראל לכן לא תביאו את הקהל הזה אל הארץ אשר נתתי להם"

"Because you didn't believe in Me to sanctify Me in the eyes of the Children of Israel, therefore you will not bring this congregation to the Land that I have given them."

It was after this incident that Hashem decreed that Moshe & Aaron would not enter Eretz Yisrael.

Much ink has been spilled trying to make sense of what actually happened and what it was exactly that triggered Hashem to deny Moshe & Aaron entry into Eretz Yisrael, since it is not explicit in the verses.

Why did Hashem ask Moshe to take the stick and speak to the rock, which could have confused anyone? 

In fact way back in Parshas Beshalach in the city of Refidim, when the Jews were complaining about lack of water, Hashem tells him to take his stick and hit the rock. Isn't  understandable that Moshe would be confused? 

In fact the Ramban says Moshe didn't get punished because he hit the rock instead of speaking to it as Rashi suggests, because hitting the rock and getting water was still a great miracle. According to the Ramban Moshe's hitting the rock did not diminish the miracle one iota? 

The Ramban adds that the fact that Hashem didn't allow Moshe to enter the Land couldn't be because Moshe called the Jews "rebels," and it couldn't be because of Moshe's statement  that it  made it seem like he had the ability to bring water from the rock, and should have instead said "only Hashem can bring water from a rock" The Ramban goes in a very lengthy pilpul trying to get to the bottom of what really happened? 

The Ohr Hachayim Hakodosh is perplexed as well and quotes 10 different reasons from a variety of Rishonim on what exactly occurred and  also goes into a very lengthy explanation.

I want to suggest that the answer of what went wrong is in Moshe's last words to the Bnei Yisrael in Parshas Ve'eschanen days before his petirah.

Moshe seems to complain and states:

ויתעבר ה' בי למענכם "But Hashem became angry with me because of you!" (Rashi's translation)

It seems from these four words, that the reason that Moshe couldn't enter Eretz Yisrael was because of something that the Bnei-Yisrael did and had nothing to do with what Moshe did or said at Mei Merivah.

But we know that Moshe was not a complainer and especially not to Klall Yisrael, so what changed here?

It could possibly be that Moshe was not complaining at all but stating a fact. He simply said that he couldn't be the one to bring Klall Yisrael into Eretz Yisrael because of who they were. (this is not how  Rashi learns this verse).

 Let me explain.

The incident at Mei Meriva where Moshe hit the rock instead of speaking to it took place in the 40th year, just months before they would enter Eretz Yisrael. The older generation had already died in the desert because of the sin of the meraglim, and Klall Yisrael now, was a brand new generation who lived entirely on miracles. 

They had  heard about how Moshe brought plagues on the Egyptians, Krias Yam Suf, they didn't actually experience it. To them Moshe was more than "rabbeinu," to them Moshe was like a G-d!  What they experienced in the here and  now in the desert was a total miraculous existence and all thanks to Moshe!

When they heard Moshe Rabbeinu at Mei Merivah stating:  "shall we bring forth water for you from this rock?" It basically confirmed to them that if Moshe only wished, he, Moshe, could bring water from a rock. When they saw that instead of gathering an "assembly" like Hashem instructed, Moshe instead invited the entire "congregation" to witness the miracle that was about to occur they were convinced that he could possibly also be a "deity."

  Study the words that Hashem used when telling Moshe that he would not enter Hashem says

 לכן לא תביאו את הקהל הזה אל הארץ  "therefore you will not bring this congregation to the Land" You gathered the "congregation" instead of the "assembly" as I instructed, so  now you won't bring the "congregation" into Eretz Yisrael. Moshe had an opportunity at Mei Meriva to set the record straight that all miracles are from the One Above, but he failed in his mission, that's why Hashem told him:

"יען לא האמנתם בי להקדישני לעיני בני ישראל לכן לא תביאו את הקהל הזה אל הארץ אשר נתתי להם"

That is why Moshe told them days before his demise ויתעבר ה' בי למענכם  "Hashem wouldn't allow me to enter because of you" Because if I would be the one to bring you into Eretz Yisrael, you would eventually make me into a deity, into a G-d, and therefore "Hashem won't even allow you to know where I am buried. "

There is only One G-D and He is the one that brings water from a rock, He is the One who smote the Egyptians and split the sea. The older generation that knew Moshe when he was growing up in the house of Paro would never have thought to make him into a G-D! They knew that even though Moshe was the greatest prophet that ever lived, he was still human.

This should be a lesson for all of us, no rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva are Gods, they are all human and make mistakes. All these civil wars in Ger, Satmar, Viznits, Bobov, Sadegera, Ponovitz, etc are all about the mighty shekel and as Oin Pen Peles's wife told Mr. Oin... "no matter who wins this machlokas, be it Moshe or be it Korach, you will still be Mr. Oin! This is a message to the followers of these mere humans. No matter who wins, you will still have to go and punch a clock the next day, to bring parnassa into your homes. 

All those running to R' Shayele Krestirer or to the graves of other rabbis and spending huge amounts of money that go straight into the coffers of the grandchildren of the those who brutally murdered our grandparents should learn the message of Moshe Rabeinu Z'l ... He was human after all and we have no clue where he is buried!

The Gerer Rebbe is not G-d, R' Chaim Kanievsky wasn't G-d, and R' Yoel Teitelbaum wasn't a G-d! They are all prone to make mistakes and are not perfect. Once we realize and internalize this message we will be on our way to bring Mashiach speedily in our days. Amen!

Satmar Protesters in London Spark Outrage After Wearing Yellow Stars Against British Educational Directives


I wrote "satmar" because I recognize many of the protestors and they are all Satmar. Which is ironic, because both Satmar rabbis in New York endorsed Hochol for Governor and she has said many times that she supports LGBT education in the schools, yet her opponent Lee Zeldin opposes these mandates!
Bunch of hypocrites!

A demonstration by some 100 chareidim in London has sparked outrage after they wore yellow stars reminiscent of the Nazi period persecution of Jews. The chareidim were protesting British interference in chareidi education, with the new British laws requiring all educational systems to teach subjects which are taboo in chareidi circles. A number of chareidi schools which refused to teach these issues have been forced to close in the meantime.

The protesters, who are linked to the Rabbinical Committee of the Traditional Charedi Education, took part in the demonstration outside the International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion in Westminster, at which Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss were among 700 attendees.