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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Were R' Chaim Kaneivski's Signature Forged for the last 5 years?


Who signed all the hundreds of "psaks" from R' Chaim Kanievsky z"l in the last 5 years? Was it R' Chaim? 

Because his grandchildren wanting a chunk of the inheritance worth millions, ran to Bais Din stating that R' Chaim z"l wasn't in the right frame of mind for the last 5 years and couldn't possibly make a decision on who will inherit him. 

This claim if true, is very scary! Because that means all those close to him knew the situation very well and exploited him. They dragged him to events knowing full well that he wasn't well. For five years!

I witnessed one event myself, a rally in Yerushalyim  to get the vote out a day before elections. I was stuck in heavy traffic in Yerushalyim and couldn't figure out what was going on. I asked people who were rushing to a large square what was going on. They told me about the rally and that R' Chaim just arrived. I pulled over to the nearest parking spot I could and walked quickly to the rally where there were already thousands waiting. 

Suddenly R' Chaim z"l appeared and you cannot imagine the excitement in the air. R' Chaim was escorted to the dais where there were many "gedoilim" sitting. 

Suddenly the entire crowd heard what I heard!

As they introduced him, he asked on an open mike ..."vus tooh ich do?" "what am I doing here?" then he innocently asked "vus iz dus" "what is this?" 

And of course, this was his entire speech. Lucky for the crowd, most don't understand Yiddish! Standing next to me was a Yeshivish guy, who asked me if I understand Yiddish? And when I replied in the affirmative, he asked if I can translate what R' Chaim just said. 

I really didn't want to disappoint him, a sincere looking guy that was there to drink in every single word of R' Chaim's wisdom, so I told him that R' Chaim just said "Go Vote".

I myself had a one on one with R' Chaim z"l four years ago and believe me it took a lot of "protekzia" to get in, I needed pull from a friend of mine who lives in Monsey. I will not go into what happened, but it was bizarre and till today I really don't know what really occurred. But I was thrilled to have had the merit to see him and shake his hand, after all he was a giant in Torah and Righteousness, I didn't take that lightly, but I was traumatized to put it mildly.

 I am angry at his immediate family who would said things in his name and said it was "ruach ha'koidesh" 

Now I am wondering? Did he really want the crowd to go out and vote? Did he really want everyone including children to get the vaccine? 

What really happened?

 When Covid hit full force and there was a total lockdown in Israel, the Chevra Kadisha was overwhelmed as people were dropping dead like flies in Bnei-Brak, and yet they said that R' Chaim ruled that Yeshivois remain open. There was a video long since removed where you see the chief of police visiting him and pleading with him to close them. On the video you clearly hear R' Chaim asking the Chief what was going on? Yeshivos were then ordered closed by "Reb Chaim z"l" 

Did he initially order Yeshivois to be open, and then after being informed that there was a plague, ordered them shut? If he had ruach ha'koidesh, how didn't he know about the plague?

When did he find out? Was it before he instructed the Yeshivois to remain open?

Was it really him or was it Yanki, his grandchild?

Will we ever know?

There is however, one thing we know for sure, that his own grandchildren are arguing in Bais Din that R' Chaim  was in "no frame of mind to make decisions for 5 years."


So women want to "control their own bodies?" Only if they can murder their babies!


Uh Oh! Journalist who broke Clinton-Lynch tarmac meet story dies by suicide


Did Humans live on Venus? Because Official report states that "Climate Change" Made in Uninhabitable



Iran & Israel "celebrate" the Same event!


Republican who voted twice to impeach Trump gets wiped out in election


Hasidic boys like mine don’t receive the education they deserve


Beatrice Weber

by Beatrice Weber 

In September 2019, almost 1,000 days ago, I filed a complaint with New York City and Yeshiva Mesivta Arugath Habosem, alleging that my youngest son, who was 6 years old at the time, was not receiving a secular education as required by NYS law. 

The New York Supreme Court this past week finally confirmed [https://forward.com/fast-forward/505315/state-supreme-court-sides-with-mother-in-dispute-over-sons-yeshiva-education] what I’ve known all along: The Education Department is not following up on complaints that the Hasidic yeshivas are failing to provide a secular education, but instead is giving parents the runaround.

I am a mother of 10 children, six of them boys, all of whom have attended Hasidic yeshivas where they receive six hours of instruction in basic English and math a week at best, for just five of their elementary school years.

Mrs Weinberger of Wesley Hills Gets Killed in accident near New Square


This occurred last friday on the intersection of route 45 and New Hempstead Road. 

The traffic light wasn't working and cars were slowly trying to navigate the intersection, when a fast moving landscaping truck ran into the car that Mrs Weinberger 83 was driving. Unfortunately she didn't make it, her husband who is on the zoning board in Wesley Hills  was a passenger and was lightly wounded.

Israel cancels youth trips to Poland for Holocaust programs

 Israel cancelled this summer’s youth trips to Poland amid a disagreement over security arrangements for the trips on Wednesday.

An initial Israeli announcement also cited Polish interference in the educational content, but Israel’s Walla News subsequently reported that an unspecified compromise was reached.

“It has been decided at this time that the activities of the youth delegations to Poland will be frozen,” said the Education Ministry in a message to some 7,000 students who already booked travel arrangements.

According to Hebrew media reports, the Polish government is not allowing Shin Bet security guards accompanying the students to carry weapons. In previous years, the guards were permitted to carry guns on Polish soil.

Polish officials have not commented on the matter.

Stacy Abrams the Governor Dem nominee funnels thousands to Terrorists and Encourages Violence Against Jews

 Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams sits on the board of a foundation that funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to an anti-Israel activist who has praised terrorists and encouraged violence against Jews.

Abrams joined the Marguerite Casey Foundation board in May 2021, business filings show. Roughly six months later, the foundation announced its 2021 cohort of “Freedom Scholars,” a group of “leading thinkers and scholars … in critical fields including abolitionist, Black, feminist, queer, radical, and anti-colonialist studies.”

Included in the group was UCLA professor Robin D.G. Kelley, a leading Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) activist who works with groups that collaborate with Palestinian terrorists.

Kelley, who received $250,000 through the program, praised the Palestine Liberation Organization—a U.S.-designated terror group—as “revolutionary combatants” and “models for those of us dedicated to Black liberation and socialism” in a 2016 article.

Three years prior, Kelley encouraged Palestinians to use violence against Israelis, calling the notion that Palestinians should only protest non-violently a “bludgeon to beat down Palestinian organizations.” Kelley also advises

"Alteh Katchke" finds it necessary to teach "Sotah" to little children


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

German Court rules that the Pig Statue on a Church which depicts a Jew will have to remain


Germany’s top court ruled on Tuesday that a medieval antisemitic sculpture can stay on the facade of a church in the eastern town of Wittenberg, rejecting an appeal by a Jewish plaintiff who has for years argued it is an insult to all Jews. 

The 13th century “Judensau” or “Jew Sow” on the town church depicts a caricature of a rabbi lifting the tail of a sow and two Jewish children suckle on the teats. 

Pigs are considered unclean in Judaism. At a time when politicians are warning about rising antisemitism in Germany, the ruling is a reminder of widespread anti-Jewish sentiment in the Middle Ages.

Remember When Ahed Tamimi Slapped an Israeli Soldier? The European Police Weren't so polite


The New Trend in Chassidishe Circles celebrating the "Upsharing"


CNN Turns on Biden


FBI Instigated the Jan 6 Riots?


Biden has no answer on the "Baby Formula Shortage"


Now watch your demented meshiginar scream  

Bleich the "fake" chief rabbi in Ukraine who lives in Monsey denies sexual misconduct allegations


The main organization representing British Jews has suspended its ties with the European Jewish Congress over unspecified “misconduct” allegations against the Congress’ treasurer, Yaakov Dov Bleich, a chief rabbi of Ukraine.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews announced the move on Twitter May 31 without naming Bleich. In the tweet, the group said the EJC did not respond satisfactorily to “misconduct allegations,” whose exact nature has not been reported in the media or specified by the Board.

Bleich, who has been featured in news coverage of the war in Ukraine, has denied all allegations against him, Haaretz reported on Tuesday.

“Anyone in public life, over five to six years, you’re going to make changes, especially at my age, where I am less active,” Bleich told Haaretz. “If you come with something concrete, OK, but everybody who investigated said there’s nothing concrete behind these allegations.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

EU Unconditionally Restores PA Funding


Almost all of the EU member states- 26 out of 27 EU states – voted in favor of the decision to resume financial support for the Palestinian Authority (PA), which was suspended two years ago. In doing so the EU backed down on its demands for new measures that it had insisted be taken by the PA for a renewal of funding.

The EU will now unconditionally renew its financial support to the PA. About 80% of this support is allocated to projects, hospitals and aid, while 20% of the funds will be transferred directly to the PA’s coffers.

Sources told TPS that the support amounts to 250 million euros ($260 million) per year, and it is expected that the full amount will be transferred in the coming months.

The reasons for the original suspension of the funding revolved around three issues and conditions that the EU and the PA had disagreed on:

  • The Palestinian school curriculum and the requirement that it change in the way that it refers to Israel, among other education issues.
  • The EU’s demand that the PA cease all payments or salaries to the families of the terrorists either held prisoner in Israel or who were killed or wounded while undertaking acts of terrorism.
  • The continued payment by the PA of the salaries for government workers in the Gaza Strip, which the EU opposes.

The Europeans, however, have now withdrawn all of their demands and so the PA will be free to continue to finance the families of terrorists and the Hamas government in Gaza.

'They're waiting to kill you at the hotel' Israelis in Turkey Warned


A group of Israeli tourists who went on vacation in Turkey recently have received a phone call from a senior member of the Israeli intelligence community instructing them to return to Israel immediately, Channel 13 News reported.

The official told the tourists that they could not even return to the hotel, as Iranian assassins were waiting for them at the hotel to murder them, and informed them that, at that moment, someone would be sent to take them to the Istanbul airport to return to Israel.

A friend of a woman who received the ominous warning told Channel 13 News: "On Friday afternoon, she was asked to stay exactly where she was, in the market area and in no uncertain terms not to return to the hotel. An armored vehicle arrived with ten Israeli security guards who accompanied them and travelled with them to the airport. They got on the flight, while all their luggage and belongings stayed at the hotel."

"When they landed in Israel they were taken straight to interrogation and asked who they had spoken to and where they had been. A real serious interrogation," the friend said. "And when they tried to figure out what had happened, it was explained to them that [the assassins] were just waiting for them at the hotel. She is in shock and unable to speak."

The defense establishment believes that there are Iranian squads scattered throughout Turkey, but the focus is on Istanbul, with an emphasis on Israeli tourists, so on Monday the Counter-Terrorism Bureau announced the travel warning level to Istanbul would be raised to Level 4, which is the highest level.