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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Mrs Shulamit Landa 50 Principal of Girls School in Beitar Elite Arrested for Allegedly Sexualy Molesting her Students


New York Times Smears the Long Dead & Beloved Ed Koch because he was a Jew


Israel Apartheid? Arab Savage was "Snow-white" while the Jewish Victim was Black!


Lufthansa the "Satmar Airline" Refuses to apologize for barring 100 Chassidim to board


Both feuding Satmar Rebbes,  R' Aron Teitelbaum and his nemesis R' Zalman Leib refuse to travel on El Al; when they travel to the Zionist State, they travel Lufthansa.

Lufthansa is owned by Germans, whose relatives brutally murdered 3/4 of the Jewish people. It has since been demonstrated and proven that the Deutsche "Luft Hansa" relied on the use of forced labor on the site of Tempelhof airport. Read the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners" by Daniel Goldhagen, in which he argues that the vast majority of ordinary Germans were willing executioners.

The Satmar  Rebbes don't care about German's bloody history and would rather fly with an airline owned by the relatives of their grandparent's murderers than fly with an airline owned by Jews. El Al represents Zionism and it was the Zionists who saved the life of R' Yoel Teitelbaum. 
Now, I admit that I sometimes fly United or Delta to and back to Israel, but I don't do it on principle, I do it because of timing and go for who has a better price, my financial resources are limited.
But leaders of hundreds of thousands should travel the Jewish airline, especially since they owe Israel "hakoras hatoiv."

A group of about 100 Orthodox Jews from New York City says it was barred from boarding a connecting flight in Germany last week — because a few didn't wear masks on the previous leg,  according to reports.

Monday, May 9, 2022

The End of Bennett ?


Israel's embattled prime minister on Monday vowed to continue to lead the country as his shaky government limped into the opening of parliament's summer session on the verge of collapse.

Less than a year after taking office, Naftali Bennett has lost his parliamentary majority , his own party is crumbling and a key governing partner has suspended cooperation with the coalition. That has set the stage for a possible attempt by the opposition, led by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to topple the government later this week. 

While Bennett appears to be poised to fend off this immediate challenge, his longer-term prospects are uncertain at a time when the government is deeply divided over major issues, Israel is facing an ongoing wave of stabbings and shootings by lone-wolf Palestinian attackers and a confrontation with the United States over West Bank settlement construction is looming.

Bayaler Rebbe's Segula Not to be Attacked by Terrorists

 "Not to utter a sound after leaving the bathroom until one has washed his hands properly and made the bracha "Asher Yatzar"

The Moment they caught the Arab Savages that murdered Jews in Elad


Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg Calls His Brother's Followers in Monroe "Rashaim"


The New Supreme Court Justice Had No Clue What a "Woman" but Suddenly They have "Mother's Day"????


No! You are not going anywhere


Knesset committee approves compensation package for Meron disaster victims


Almost a year to the day after the horrifying tragedy that occurred on Lag b'Omer in Meron, when 45 people were crushed to death when attempting to exit an extremely overcrowded plaza, the government is  about to issue compensation to the families of the victims .

On Monday, the Knesset's Finance Committee authorized the transfer of a special budget for the families; the transfer will only occur, however, after the government also approves it.

According to the terms of the special legislation, each family will receive the sum of NIS 500 thousand. If the victim was a married man, the widow will receive the money; if the victim was a minor, the parents will receive it.

Members of the committee as well as committee chair MK Alex Kushnir (Yisrael Beytenu) called on the government to pass the legislation and enable a speedy transfer of the monies with a minimum of bureaucracy. They also requested that the government update them next week on the bill's progress.

New;y Elected Republican Concilwoman Inna Vernikov yanks $5K in funding after Jewish museum bars DeSantis from speaking


A local lawmaker announced Sunday she is yanking $5,000 in previously planned funding for a Manhattan museum  after it allegedly barred  Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis from speaking there in June. 

Councilwoman  Inna Vernikov  — a  Ukrainian-born American Jew  — revealed in an open letter to museum donors that she will no longer give the money to the Museum of Jewish Heritage. The dough is part of the $700,000 in city funds she is allotted to dole out to Big Apple organizations in the 2023 fiscal year.

“I was happy to contribute some of my discretionary funding to The Museum of Jewish Heritage for the great work they do,” Vernikov (R- Southern Brooklyn) wrote in a letter dated Sunday. “I am now pulling that funding and I am asking you to do the same.    

“This move should send a strong message to the leadership of the museum: DO NOT politicize the Holocaust!” added Vernikov, one of  five GOP city lawmakers . “Just teach it.”

Apple Blocks Pictures Of Holocaust-Related Sites From ‘Memories’ Albums


Apple users who want to include pictures taken at the Anne Frank House, Auschwitz or other Holocaust-related sites in their photo albums will have to work to make that happen, under the terms of a recent software update.

Apple recently changed its software so that pictures taken at Holocaust sites are suppressed from automatically generated albums that can be created through the company's Photos app. The tech news site 9to5Mac first reported the tweak, which affects iPhone and iPad users using the latest Apple operating system, last week.

The change is meant to avoid “creating some unwanted memories,” according to the site, which said only pictures taken at Holocaust-related sites are affected by the change.

Apple's “sensitive locations” protections cannot be disabled, but users can still include the photos in albums that they curate by hand.

Biden with his Chutzpa Conditions His Visit To Israel On No Building In “Settlements”

The Biden administration on Friday warned Israel about its plans to build in the “settlements” and President Biden even conditioned his upcoming visit to Israel in about a month on the issue.

However, Israeli officials told the Biden administration that if the government refrains from advancing the plan to build thousands of homes in Yehuda and the Shomron, the coalition will dissolve, Channel 12 News reported on Motzei Shabbos.  

Yamina MK Nir Aurbach, who issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on the building issue, responded to the report by stating: “Construction in the settlements isn’t a decision of a foreign entity, senior as he may be. Whoever doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to build in Yehudah and Shomron is welcome not to come.”

Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked stated that she “welcomes the meeting of the Higher Planning Council in preparation for the construction of about 4,000 housing units…Construction in Yehudah and Shomron is a basic and necessary thing and should be taken for granted.”

Gideon Sa’ar’s New Hope party also issued a statement supporting the move.

According to the report, Israel was set to approve 5,800 homes in the Shomron but reduced it to 4,000 after discussions with Biden administration officials.

“Israel’s program of expanding settlements deeply damages the prospect for a two-state solution,” Deputy State Department spokesperson Jalina Porter said on Friday.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

When will it all end?

 It will end when Israel asserts Jewish sovereignty over all its land, including all of Judea and Samaria, over which Israeli civilian law must be applied immediately; 

When we take back control of the Temple Mount; when we take back Gaza and Hevron and evict all its residents; 

When we demolish all illegal Arab construction in Area C and aggressively build Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria;

When we enact and implement treason laws and arrest, prosecute, revoke citizenship, and deport all the enemies of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel, be they university professors, members of Knessset, or anyone else. 

It will only stop when we the low party threshold laws that allowed someone with six measly seats to change to betray the majority (who voted four times for a right-wing government) by making an unholy coalition with the enemies of Israel, whose stated nationalist aspirations are antithetical to our own. 

It will end when all citizens are required to demonstrate loyalty to the state by doing their national service, military or civilian, with no exemptions for Israeli Arabs or Charedim — no rights of citizenship without the responsibilities of citizenship. 

It will end when laws are passed to ban flying the Hamas flag, ban the use of the inaccurate terms "West Bank," "settlers" or "illegal settlements" which are lies propagated by our enemies trying to delegitimize Israel and its undivided capital; the accurate terms are citizens in Judea and Samaria, and Jewish communities everywhere in our land. 

Terrorist attacks will stop when people who identify as Palestinians are banned from serving in our national government, a ban which is not racist but nationalist, as their stated goal is to replace Israel with a state of Palestine which they promise will be a truly apartheid, Judenrein, racist state, as Areas A in Israel already are. 

It will stop when we Jews firmly assert our Jewish sovereignty in every sphere of our lives in our national homeland.

Rand Paul is Spot On


Nofar Ben Yiftach, the widow of Oren Ben Yiftach, decries online attacks on her late husband after he drove the terrorists who murdered him.


The last photograph of Oren Ben Yiftach and his wife on Yom Hatzmaot, just before his murder

Nofar Ben Yiftach, the widow of Oren Ben Yiftach, one of three Israeli Jews who were murdered in a  terrorist ax attack in Elad  on Thursday night, has been shocked by the attacks on her late husband following reports that he drove the terrorists who carried out the attack into Elad.  

Ben Yiftach begged the public not to blame her husband for the attack in which he was murdered. "Have mercy on us in our difficult time. It is so easy to spread evil with a finger on the keyboard. Let us mourn without engaging in defense against vicious attacks."

The Ben Yiftach family responded: "We are shocked by the discourse on social media and in the media in the heinous attempt to link our beloved son Oren to the criminal attack, who is himself a victim of it. Oren worked as an honest and innocent shuttle driver for a living. Just as a taxi driver does not check who gets in a taxi - so he is not required to check work or residence permits. This is in contrast to a contractor who employs workers."

The family also said that "Oren drove a rabbi to a Torah lesson and there is no dispute about that. According to the media, at the end of this trip he may have been asked to drive workers to renew a synagogue and he did so without knowing of course that he was driving to his death.As far as we know, Oren fought like a hero against the vile murderers who attacked him when they came to the synagogue with an ax and a knife and slaughtered him as in the darkest periods in the Diaspora of massacres of Jews."

"The family is now focusing on the severe grief that is another blow to a series of disasters that have befallen the family in recent years. All our thoughts are to help the widow and 6 children deal with the terrible loss. We all hope that the abominable terrorists will be caught and executed exactly the way they ended Oren's life.