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Monday, March 21, 2022

Israel Gave Zelensky a Forum and Like a Ukrainian He Stabs Her in the Back!


Instead, Knesset members gave in and agreed to host the Ukrainian leader.

After a few brief polite preliminaries, Zelensky once again appropriated the Holocaust, falsely comparing the German Nazi and Ukranian mass murder of Jews to Putin’s invasion.

In a familiar appropriation, Zelensky declared, “Our people are now scattered around the world. They are looking for security. They are looking for a way to stay in peace. As you once searched.”

From there it got worse.

Zelensky repeated the lie that, “You saw Russian missiles hit Kyiv, Babyn Yar. You know what kind of land it is. More than 100,000 Holocaust victims are buried there. There are ancient Kyiv cemeteries. There is a Jewish cemetery. Russian missiles hit there.”

Russian missiles were aimed at an installation obscenely built over the cemetery.

At that point, the speech turned into a smear campaign.

“What is it? Indifference? Premeditation? Or mediation without choosing a party? I will leave you a choice of answer to this question. And I will note only one thing – indifference kills. Premeditation is often erroneous. And mediation can be between states, not between good and evil.”

That was rich coming from the leader of a state that voted in lockstep with Russia against Israel at the UN, and has deep economic links to Iran.

“One can keep asking why we can’t get weapons from you. Or why Israel has not imposed strong sanctions against Russia. Why it doesn’t put pressure on Russian business,” Zelensky demanded.

One can ask why Ukraine keeps funding Iran.

Zelensky’s speech, which the Knesset was bullied into hosting, was a combination of Holocaust revisionism, emotional blackmail, and a smear campaign.

There’s a pretty clear lesson here.

Zelensky is entitled to tell any lie he likes in the hopes of saving his country, but only idiots would provide a forum for him to attack their country.

Two Israel-Haters Turn on Each Other


NY college refuses to withdraw a Convicted Murderer and Israel-hating terrorist’s speaking invitation


Despite intense public backlash, school won’t rescind speaking invitation for convicted murderer who spent nearly 50 years behind bars for killing two NYPD officers.

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

Despite intense public backlash, the State University of New York at Brockport has refused to withdraw a speaking invitation to Anthony Bottom, a convicted domestic terrorist who spent nearly half a century behind bars and co-founded an antisemitic organization.

Bottom, who is also known by the name Jalil Muntaqim, was a member of the violent Black Liberation Army terror group in the 1970s and 1980s, which carried out multiple deadly bombings, arsons, and robberies.

Bottom shot and killed two New York city police officers in a 1971 ambush and was linked to an additional three murders. After being incarcerated for 49 years, he was paroled in October 2020.

A description of the upcoming April talk, titled “History of Black Resistance” on SUNY-Brockport’s events calendar, invites students to an “intellectual conversation” about his experience as a “political prisoner.”

Diane Pigaentini, the widow of an NYPD officer killed by Bottom, blasted the college for hosting Bottom.

“While my husband lay on the ground pleading with them not to kill him, pleading he had a wife and children, Bottom took his service revolver and emptied it into his body,” Piagentini wrote in a letter to the school obtained by PIX 11.

“There were 22 bullet holes in his body,” she said.

But despite public pressure to withdraw the speaking invitation, the school has framed Muntaqim’s presence as a free speech issue.

AIPAC endorses 27 Democrats who fought for the Iran nuclear deal


Despite intense efforts to prevent the deal in 2015, AIPAC is now embracing Democratic lawmakers who voted for the Obama-era agreement, JTA reports.

By World Israel News Staff

Pro-Israeli lobby group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) announced its support for 27 Democratic lawmakers who had voted for the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal in 2015, despite intense efforts by the group to prevent the deal when it was originally proposed.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reported that AIPAC is embracing a major policy shift on the matter and now will formally endorse politicians who voted in favor of the deal, after pulling out all the stops in 2015 to stop them from supporting it.

The JTA said that AIPAC had sent its representatives to try to persuade Jewish representatives to vote as one united bloc against the bill, with tensions rising so high that negotiations eventually escalated into “tearful angry exchanges in congressional offices.”

But despite pledging to “excommunicate” lawmakers who voted in favor of the bill, AIPAC is now openly endorsing those same politicians.

Just some Purim "Fun"


Rav Amnon Yitzchok Didn't Forget to Bring His Smartphone to the Levayeh of R' Chaim z"l


Why Pini Lipshutz Editor of US Yated Wears an "Up-Brim" Hat


The "chuchim fun Dee Ma'Nishtana" sent this to the New York Times! Nu?

Two Yeshiva Boys Held Up at Gunpoint on Friday Night in Flatbush


Two young boys were held up by a gunman on Friday night on E. 34th Street between Avenues K and L.

The boys, who were conversing in front of their homes at approximately 1:38AM, were approached by the gun-wielding bandit, who demanded their money. They explained that since it was shabbos, they weren’t carrying anything on them – money or otherwise.

Unconvinced, the suspect grabbed one of the victims by his tie and went through his pockets, which were indeed empty. He then asked the boys who was in the house they were standing in front of, and they intelligently replied that it was full of people, which kept the suspect from trying to enter.

The victims then contacted Flatbush Shomrim, which in turn contacted the NYPD 63rd Precinct, who arrived quickly at the scene. NYPD Inspector Richie Taylor also walked over from his home to assist.

Video footage of the incident has been obtained by Flatbush Shomrim and they are working collaboratively with the NYPD to identify and track down the suspect. Shockingly, a marked Flatbush Shomrim vehicle being driven by an armed off-duty NYPD Officer is seen on security camera footage  driving down the same street exactly 4 minutes before the incident.

Through the intervention of Ohel, Dr. Norman Blumenthal spoke to both boys on motzei shabbos to assist them with any trauma effects they may be going through due to the terrifying incident.

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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Meet Rabbi Kanievsky's 'successor


Following the death of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, the Lithuanian public is hinting at the president of the Council of Torah Scholars of Degel HaTorah and the head of the Ponevezh Yeshiva, the 98-year-old Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, as the natural heir to take over the reins of leadership.

Since the death of Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman, the Lithuanian community has adopted a two-part leadership in the persons of Rabbi Kanievsky and Rabbi Edelstein.

In practice, however, even though he escaped from the leadership positions all his life, Rabbi Kanievsky was behind many decisions concerning the conduct of the Lithuanian public in Israel. Now, it seems, Rabbi Edelstein will become the leader of the Lithuanian public.

The leadership of the two Rabbis has been characterized by marked differences over the years. While Rabbi Edelstein focused mainly on decisions in the Lithuanian-educational field, Rabbi Kanievsky was required to decide on political issues concerning the entire haredi public.

Although both identified with the Lithuanian idea of ​​diminishing the admor/rebbe title etiquette in issues related to blessings and rebbe-chassid relations, over the years Rabbi Kanievsky's home has become a focal point for Jews of all walks of life to visit for blessings and advice, while Rabbi Edelstein remains less known to the secular public.

There are also characteristic distinctions between them: While Rabbi Kanievsky used to shorten his answers up to only a few words, both in his answers of Halachic responsa and in his responses to all aspects of life, Rabbi Edelstein tends to give lessons that are characterized by length and deal mainly with education and encouraging Torah study and moral laws.

The differences in leadership were also evident during the Coronavirus pandemic. While Rabbi Kanievsky refused to leave the boys' schools closed for extended periods of time, Rabbi Edelstein believed that extra care should be taken to maintain health in all that it entails.

The dominant feature of both leaders has been that both adopted Rabbi Shteinman's decisions in matters of religion and state, unlike the 'Jerusalem Faction' which adopted a much stricter approach which included going out to the streets to protest government reforms on issues related to the status quo.

What will Rabbi Edelstein's leadership be like? Will it be even more pragmatic than Rabbi Kanievsky's leadership was concerning the Lithuanian rabbinical attitude toward the current government? It's too early to tell. What is certain though, is that the longer his leadership will be, the greater his popularity will grow within the haredi community, and especially within the Lithuanian street.

During Rabbi Kanevsky's funeral, Rabbi Edelstein was the first of the eulogizers.

In his remarks, he said that Rabbi Kanievsky "was a great man. There is a lack of leadership in Israel when such a great man passes from the world... The whole world was affected by him, the whole public, the whole world owes him."

Rabbi Edelstein added: "We are a poor generation, an orphaned generation, we lack men of profound wisdom. We lack the influence of a great man like him."

How the Secular Israeli Media Reported the Passing of R' Chaim z"l


Zionist Police Escort the "mita" of R' Chaim z"l


Buses from Beit Shemesh

R' Chaim z"l a short bio


The largest funeral in the history of the country, took place for a great rabbi, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, who died on Friday at the age of 94. He was at home, collapsed and died.

Estimates of up to one million people were expected to "attend" the funeral, or at least, attempt to get somewhere near it. Already major roads and highways are closed and will be used for immense parking lots for buses bringing in the mourners from all over the country. Our local Health Care provider just called and with a recorded message informed us that no testing will take place today since they will be unable to get samples to the laboratory. Police have cautioned people to avoid the metropolitan Tel Aviv area entirely.

This was massive.

And so, who was this rabbi that few outside of the Orthodox Jewish world knew or even heard about? What did he do to warrant such a huge funeral?

To begin with, you should know who Rabbi Kanievsky was not. He was not involved in politics, he was not a great speaker (he rarely spoke in public), he may never have ever been interviewed on radio or television or by a newspaper. He was not the head of a yeshiva (higher rabbinical academy) or a some Chassidic sect or the like. He was not the appointed rabbi of a community or city. He held no official position of any type, whatsoever.

Rather, he was acknowledged as the supreme Talmudic scholar whose rulings were considered absolutely authoritative. He was noted for his unusually extensive knowledge of every important Jewish text in our vast library of more than two thousand years of rabbinic writings including the Torah, the Mishna, Talmud, Codes of Jewish Law and all the major commentaries. He was noted for his extreme diligence in what is known as "learning", meaning his exceptional ability to sit and study for hours each day, late into the night, sleeping very little, and his ability to retain to memory all  that he learned.

He did, however, publish exceptionally lucid books on Jewish Law, and more. I have one of his sets in my library.

He was the scholar's scholar to whom all questions of Jewish theology and Law were addressed and whose answers were considered "final". He rarely, if ever, was challenged or questioned.  (If you want to know who is at the top of a specific profession, ask people in that profession who they consider "the best" and then ask those "best ones", who they think is on top.)

As a person, he was soft-spoken and never argumentative. He lived in small, modest apartment crammed with holy texts. His table was always piled with books which he pored over every minute he could. He received visitors from all over the world who came to him with questions, asking for advice, and requests for help. He would respond, by mail, to inquiries about Jewish Law from rabbis and individuals everywhere. Typically, his responses were surprisingly brief, such as "Yes", "No", "Maybe" or "Check this source for your answer".

He had the good fortune of being the son, the son-in-law, brother-in-law and nephew of other extremely well-known and important rabbis. These things tend to run in families. But, independent of his family connections, he earned his reputation on his own by his dedication to learning and his angelic personality. He had a sense of humor, too, and there are video clips of him enjoying a good joke or story.

What I find interesting, was his response to whomever came to him for a "blessing", something that Jews ask for from great sages and religious leaders. He would simple say, "Blessing and Success". (In the Hebrew, he would abbreviate this even further with "Bu-ha".) Short and sweet. Straight to the point.

You see, what matters at the end of the day is scholarly erudition and modesty. Reb Chaim (as he was fondly known) lived a simple, honest, respectful life. He was a scholar supreme and what we call a "Mensch", i.e. a truly good and honorable person. He served G-d by his Torah wisdom and piety.

It is because he personified these character traits the Jewish world respected him more than any other public figure or celebrity could. He showed us how to behave and how to prioritize our values.

Kol Korah Prohibits "work" during Funeral of R' Kanievski z"l but to whom is this directed to? Who works?


Guy Ranked 462 When He competed Against Other Guys, But Now that he says that he is a "Girl" (with his milah) Ranks #1 Against Girls?


This CNN Amanpour Interview Didn't Age Well


Biden’s Priority is Appeasing Iran, NOT Helping Ukraine


But as news broke this week about the administration’s success in reviving the disastrous 2015 Iran nuclear deal, that assumption is being called into question. If, as appears to be the case, the United States is giving Russia “written guarantees” that nothing in the new, even weaker accord with Tehran will interfere with Russia’s activities in Iran, then it’s clear that not only is Washington signing off on Moscow’s ability to evade sanctions, but clearly signaling that nothing—not even an act of aggression that created a humanitarian disaster—is more important to President Joe Biden and his team then their quest to appease the Islamist regime.

WATCH: Rav Chaim ZT”L and His Rebbetzin Recite Amen to Each Other’s Birchos Hashachar


Saturday, March 19, 2022

The 51 CIA Agents That Lied and Misled the Media to Get Biden Elected


They are the supposed nonpartisan group of top spies looking out for the best interest of the nation.

But the 51 former “intelligence” officials who cast doubt on The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter really were just desperate to get Joe Biden elected president. And more than a year later, even after their Deep State sabotage has been shown again and again to be a lie, they refuse to own up to how they undermined an election.

The officials, including CNN pundit and professional fabricator James Clapper — a man who was nearly charged for perjury for lying to Congress — signed a letter saying that the laptop “has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

What proof did they have? By their own admission, none. “We do not know if the emails . . . are genuine or not,” the letter said. They’re just “suspicious.” Why? Because they hurt Biden’s campaign, that’s evidence enough.

Keep in mind this was written Oct. 19, 2020, five days after The Post published its first story. Neither Joe Biden nor Hunter Biden had denied the story, they simply deflected questions. Didn’t these security experts think that if this was disinformation, the Biden campaign would have yelled to the heavens that the story was false?

Meanwhile, though the letter was advertised as being signed by people who worked “for presidents of both political parties,” a majority of the officials were Democrats.

Politico picked up the letter and ran the false headline “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.” That headline is still online today, even though the letter clearly says they don’t know if it’s Russian disinformation.

That headline was tweeted out by legions of Democrats, including current White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki, as proof that it was all a con. That tweet also is still up despite being proven false.

Thus pure speculation by a group of biased officials became gospel among the media. This was “fake news,” and could be safely ignored.

UN report: Israelis among happiest people in the world


Israel is the ninth happiest country in the world, according to the World Happiness Report, a project of the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

Israel has moved slowly up the rankings in recent years, going from No. 14 in 2020 to No. 11 in 2021. The report, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary, says it factors a country’s GDP, social support, life expectancy, “freedom to make life choices,” citizen generosity, and perceptions of corruption into its ranking.

The UN is known as a harsh critic of Israel, singling it out with continual condemnations and more critical resolutions than any other nation. Its Sustainable Development Solutions Network was founded in 2012 to advance UN sustainability, anti-poverty, and industry goals around the world.

Each country’s response to COVID-19 was also a factor in the ranking, the report noted. Israel was one of the first countries to successfully vaccinate a large percentage of its population.

“Deaths from COVID-19 during 2020 and 2021 have been markedly lower in those countries with higher trust in public institutions and where inequality is lower,” the report reads.

As usual, the Nordic countries held their spots at the top of the list, with Finland ranking as the happiest country in the world for the fifth year in a row. Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland placed in the top four, with the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Sweden and Norway the only others ahead of Israel.

Police Estimate One million will attend Rabbi Kanievsky's funeral


Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading Lithuanian-haredi rabbi, will be laid to rest on Sunday.

Rabbi Kaniesvky passed away just before the start of Shabbat (Sabbath) on Friday afternoon. He was 94.

The funeral will begin at 11:00a.m. Sunday morning. The exact hour will be decided Saturday evening by the family.

Israel Police estimate that between 700,000 and one million people will attend the funeral in Bnei Brak.