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Monday, January 24, 2022

Brave Frum Brooklyn Woman Chases Away Package Thieves


Having Thrown Victims of Abuse Under the Bus the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Releases Kol Korei on Decrees of Israeli Government


Instead of cleaning house in their own institutions and moisdois, the Agudah releases this useless irrelevant statement condemning the Israeli Government.

Does anyone out there really believe that Bennett after reading this Kol Korah, will call  an emergency meeting with his cabinet to discuss the points in this rebuke?

Does anyone out there seriously think that Lieberman will now shiver in his boots because some rabbis in New York are not happy with the government?

Now, I am not happy with the government either and yes precisely because of the points brought up in the Kol Korah, but is this the way they will change even one MK's mind?

If they, the Moetzes keep covering up and looking away at serial sexual abusers, at thieves and refuse to clean up their own moisdois why in the world should  the Israeli government give two bits and take seriously what the Agudah is concerned about?

And who exactly respects what the Moetzes says or does?

Satmar? Chabad? Belz? Klozenberg? 

Who do they represent? Ed Koch, former mayor of New York once said about the Chassidic community, "They are a minority of a minority," The Moetzis represents a minority of a minority of a minority!

And now I'll let the Moetzes into a little secret. The Chareidie Parties said last week on Kan 11 an Israeli TV Station  that should the government collapse they are ready to sit with Lapid! 

With Lapid? The Rasha Me' Rusha? who they called Hitler ym"s? Yes with that very Lapid ...and do you know something, they would sit with Lieberman too , if only he gave the moisdis some money!

Guys.. It's all about the rent!

Agudath Israel of America, today, shared a Kol Korei from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America:

(Free translation)

Shevat 5782

We hear cries of pain from our brothers who dwell in Eretz Yisroel as the Israeli government plans decrees that will seriously affect the Torah population there. Examples include:


  • desecrating the Kosel HaMaaravi – the last remnant of the Beis Hamikdash and the place from which the Divine Presence has never left – by permitting in it mixed prayer services and desecrations of our holy religious values;
  • acting to remove the safeguards for modesty accepted by the chareidi population upon themselves with respect to the use of “kosher” phones;
  • spreading Shabbos desecration such as in public transportation and the like;
  • canceling oversight over kashrus;
  • intruding into the education systems of chareidi institutions;
  • conspiring to undermine the yeshivos by forcibly conscripting their students;
  • and, most pressing now, acting towards weakening Jewish identity and holiness by allowing any community the authority to perform conversions. This will result in invalid conversions where the convert does not properly accept upon himself the obligations of Torah and mitzvos.


The ultimate outcome of all this will be to uproot the Torah from its status as the foundational identity and eternity of the Jewish people, and to turn the Jewish people into a nation like all others.

We address the Israeli government: You have no right to intrude into the realm of Torah, mitzvos, or Jewish education. These are the pupil of the eye of the Jewish nation. We will object strongly against these plans, just as our ancestors have over the course of history stood against any who have attempted to turn us away from Torah law.

To the G-d fearing religious public we say: This is a time fraught with danger for the Jewish nation, and we must cry out – from the depths of our hearts – that Hashem save us. We are obligated to increase our tefillah until Hashem awakens a heavenly spirit by which these edicts will be cancelled.

May it be Hashem’s will that the words, “They shall do no evil nor any destruction in my entire holy land,” (Yeshayah 11:9) speedily be fulfilled, and may we merit the day when the Glory of Hashem fills the world.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Harav Mordechai Bari the Head of Chinuch in Elad Arrested For Molesting Students When he was a Rebbe in Modiin Elite

 I was sitting on this story for over a week , but couldn't divulge his name because of the strict libel laws in Israel.

But he must be a dangerous guy since the police now gave the media permission to expose him. This is because they want other students, and women that he molested  to come forward ..This is a very unusual move, usually the name can only be made public after a conviction. 

This menuval is very well known in Chareidie circles and it seems that Rabbanim in Modiin Elite knew all about him..

Also this morning in Beit Shemesh, a young Chareidie man was arrested for rape.

מנהל אגף החינוך בעיריית אלעד, מרדכי בארי, נעצר בחשד לשורת מעשים

 מגונים בתלמידיו בזמן שהיה מורה. כך הותר לפרסום בצהריים (ראשון). המשטרה קוראת למתלוננים שנפגעו ממנו להגיש תלונה.

החקירה נפתחה בשבוע שעבר, ובמסגרתה נאספו כמה תלונות מתלמידים לשעבר של בארי על כך שפגע בהם מינית כשהיו בני פחות מ-14. המעשים נעשו לפני כמה שנים, בזמן שהיה מורה בבית ספר במודיעין עילית.

בדיון שהתקיים ביום חמישי התיר בית משפט השלום בפתח תקווה לפרסם את שמו של החשוד, וכן האריכה את מעצרו עד ליום שלישי.

המשטרה מבקשת מגברים ונשים שהחשוד פגע בהם לדווח למשטרת מודיעין עילית בטלפון 08-6447200 או במוקד 100, ובכל תחנת משטרה אחרת.

Antisemites Now Using The Old Satmar Outrageous Lie that "the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis"


The fact is that the Zionists did in fact "collaborate" with the Nazis but not in deporting Jews to the death camps and murdering them, but the Zionists were making deals with the Nazis to save Jews. In fact they were successful many times.

The Satmar liars say that yes the Zionists succeeded in saving Jews but the Jews that they saved were Zionists, as if to say that Zionists weren't Jews. 

What the Satmars won't tell you that their very founder of their movement, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l was saved by the Zionists in one of those deals. 

The Satmar Liars say that the Zionists saved only young people that would fight for the State...which is a brazen lie since we all know the roster of people that were on the Kastner train. And even if it were true? So what ? What's wrong with that? 

There is a two-volume book called 'Hidden in the Heights" by the Holocaust historian Esther Farbstein who is in fact a Satmar apologist who writes in detail of all the attempted deals and negotiating deals that Chareidim did or tried to do with the Nazis!

And who do you think they were trying to save by making deals with the Nazis? 

I'll let you into a little secret ... they were trying to save only Jews that were frum and Chareidie rabbanim, and if they would have had to make a choice ala Sofia's choice,  they  would have never chosen the  Jews whose sympathies were with the Zionists, they would have allowed the Zionists to rot in Poland and other countries overrun by the Nazis, they would have done the exact same thing, given the opportunity.

Instead of praising Jews that saved Jews they twisted the entire story to say that the "Zionists collaborated with the Nazis"

When Rav Weismandel tried without success to get to Eichmann that was ok but when the Zionists did it.. it's "collaboration"

Well now the goyim, the antisemites are taking the Satmar talking points and using them against all Jews, whether they be Chassidim, Litvaks, Safardim, Ashkenazim, Dati Leumi, Chilonim and Zionists.

Mordy Gelfand from Lakewood Missing.. Police Searching in the Mississippi River


After 11 days of searching for Frum Jackson resident Mordy (Michael) Gelfand, who went missing during a business trip to New Orleans and never returned home, the New Orleans Police Department now sadly believe that an unfortunate accident has taken place and Mordy seems to have tragically drowned in the Mississippi River R”L.

A massive search and recovery effort is underway and the Achiezer organization who is leading the efforts has released a message to Jewish organizations requesting groups to step forward with manpower and logistics, to quickly and honorably bring Mordy to proper Kevuras Yisroel.

Local authorities are welcoming all the help that is being offered.

Harry Rosenberg ..May You Rest in Peace ..You Changed My life!


Singing Carlbach in Krestir


TV Host Melissa Harris-Perry Says That Children Should not Belong to Parents They Should belong to the State

Apparently, this clip from 2013 is being recirculated because this is what is happening now - school boards, teachers, Democrat politicians, and the Biden administration all believe that your kids are theirs to educate and control. & if you try and have a say in what they're being taught, who's teaching them or how they're being taught (remotely, with masks), you'll be threatened, silenced and punished.


Jerry Wittenstein, Who Developed Half Of Apollo 11’s Trajectories Makes Aliyah


South African chief justice given 10 days to apologize for defending Israel


South Africa’s Judicial Conduct Appeals Committee issued a statement on Thursday giving former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng 10 days to make an “unconditional apology for becoming involved in political controversy.”

“I’m under an obligation as a Christian to love Israel, to pray for [the] peace of Jerusalem, which actually means the peace of Israel, and I cannot, as I Christian, do anything other than love and pray for Israel, because I know, hatred for Israel by me and for my nation, can only attract unprecedented curses upon our nation,” Mogoeng stated in July 2020 during a webinar discussion with South African Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein that was hosted by The Jerusalem Post.

"Did Israel take away our land or the land of Africa? Did Israel take our mineral wealth? We’ve got to move from a position of principle here,” he said.

The anti-Israel group Africa4Palestine, the South African branch of the BDS movement, filed a complaint over the chief justice’s comments, accusing him of breaching the judicial code of conduct.

Jordanian Document Proves Jerusalem’s Disputed Sheikh Jarrah Properties Are Jewish-Owned

 An English-language document from Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates proves that properties in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood (today known as Shimon HaTzaddik) are Jewish-owned.

The contract between the Kingdom of Jordan and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in 1954, published last year by Jordan’s official Petra news agency, documents an agreement for an “urban housing project of Sheikh Jarrah Quarter, Jerusalem.”

The official Jordanian document proves Jewish ownership of the currently disputed homes in the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood, with up-to-date official stamps proving its legal truth.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

A Devastating Week For the Chareidim as Many Are Arrested For Molestation

 This video below is in Yiddish, but he is reporting about a deluge of  arrests this past week of Chareidie molesters including a Chassidishe rebbe. 

The Chareidie world knew about these people for years but kept quiet. 

I have to laugh at these people that say about Walder, well there wasn't a real Bais Din, there were no witnesses, leave him alone he is dead! 

If the Chareidie leadership knew about these perverts for years and did nothing why are they upset about the two reporters from Haaretz? They actually did a very good thing, saving the lives of many Chareidie victims.

א רבי אראסטירט א מבול פון חרדישע מאלעסטערס

Woman who told kids ‘Hitler should have killed you all’ arrested: cops


 The woman who allegedly told three Jewish kids “Hitler should have killed you all” before spitting on an 8-year-old boy in Brooklyn has been arrested, cops said Friday.

Suspect Christina Darling, a 21-year-old student at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, was busted Friday morning and charged with aggravated harassment and menacing, both as hate crimes, and acting in a manner injurious to a child, NYPD Hate Crimes said.

“I’m glad she was found & charged with a crime but what in G-d’s name is going on in this country that an adult would target innocent kids with such hatred?” former state Assemblyman Dov Hikind of Brooklyn raged on Twitter.

Darling is accused of storming up to the boy, who was with two other kids, around 12:30 p.m. Jan. 14 on Avenue P near Coleman Street in Marine Park, about five blocks from her home, police said.

She snarled at the kids, “Hitler should have killed you all. I’ll kill you and know where you live,” cops said.

Rep. Boebert has Ezra Friedlander's "number" and asks him If He Was There for “Reconnaissance”


What won't Ezra "the capo" do for publicity?

Rep Boebert figured him out in seconds just by looking at him and asked him in an elevator if  "he was there for reconnaissance." LOL!

She really had him pegged!

Well Ezra the one who asked Holocaust Survivors to back the murderous Iran plan, endorsed Fat Nadler, and orchestrated a Congressional Medal of Honor to the late Anwar Sadat, a murderer of over 2,100 Jewish young Israeli soldiers , didn't like this one bit and is now crying that this was an "antisemitic incident."

He ran like a poisoned rat to his enabler the Yeshivaworld news blog, the website that refused to write anything about the rapist  Monster Walder.

Ezra had also re-tweeted a comment from a clueless dope that Ami & Mishpacha Magazines should not write about Walder because they were "Family Magazines" ... the fact that Walder broke up "families" went completely over his "langeh rekel" ...

Monster Walder was a bigger antisemite than Reb Boebert!

Ezra's tuchislekker the YeshivaWorld wrote the following about this non-incident!

Friedlander, a Hasidic Jew from Boro Park Brooklyn, who is a professional lobbyist, says that he and a group of people – including another Orthodox Jew – were being escorted by Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York. In the elevator, Boebert looked at them “head to toe” and then asked if they were at the Capitol to do “reconnaissance.”

“You know, I’m not sure to be offended or not,” one of the group members told Buzzfeed News. “I was very confused.”

“When I heard that, I actually turned to the person standing next to me and asked, ‘Did you just hear that?’” he said.

Friedlander tells YWN that Boebert clearly profiled them. “I am not a Rabbi, nor claim to be a Rabbi, but I dress in a long Hasidic grey suit, wearing a Yarmulka and a beard”, Ezra told YWN.

For her part, Boebert said that she was making “a joke” in reference to Democrats’ claims against her that she provided tours of the Capitol to Jan. 6 rioters, and had nothing to do with the group being comprised of Jews.

“I saw a large group and made a joke. Sadly when Democrats see the same, they demonize my family for a year straight,” Boebert said.

“I’m too short to see anyone’s yarmulkes,” she added.

Friedlander told YWN that her response of “being too short to see my Yarmulka”, is pathetic, as I have a long suit and beard and can’t be mistaken for anything else other than an Orthodox Jew.

The attached photo (Ezra with Rep Hakeem Jeffries) was taken less then five minutes after the incident. Friendlander says it is “clear as whistle that I am an Orthodox Jew and she chose to make it her duty to make a disparaging remark”.

This is how she sees Ezra Friedlander the lobbyist – doing reconnaissance”, he added.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Yisro


More on the Chister Rebbe the alleged Sexual Predator Arrested


A World of Sheker ... Compare Tombstones of R' Shlomo Zalman Auernach, R' Shteinman With the "Menuval" Walder


עלמא דשיקרי

A Walder Victim Dumps "Kids Speak" Books on the Door of Yeted Editor R' Natan Zochofski Because He Supported Walder Knowing the truth!

 She Screams  "You Murdered Me"

Listen: Texas gunman rants about Jews in final phone call


The gunman who took four people hostage at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, this past Shabbat, told his brother in a phone call before being shot dead by security forces, "I'm opening the doors for every youngster in England to enter America and f*** with them”.

The recording of the conversation between the gunman, Malik Faisal Akram, and his brother, was published on Thursday by UK-based JewishChronicle, which obtained the recording from a security source.

The brother, Gulbar, was speaking from a police station in the British town of Blackburn, in an attempt to persuade Akram to surrender.

“Live your f***ing life bro, you f***ing coward. We’re coming to f***ing America. F*** them if they want to f*** with us. We’ll give them f***ing war,” he said in the conversation, in which he also boasted about his desire for martyrdom. "I've asked Allah for this death, Allah is with me, I'm not worried in the slightest,” raged the gunman, according to The Jewish Chronicle.

Is there a Shadchan Around? A Shadchan Please!