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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Walder's Gravestone turns him into a huge Tzaddik


One of the accolades on the gravestone, which is three lines from the bottom reads:

"He fought the battles of those who were weak"

I would like to know who wrote that lie with s straight face!

The Eida Hachreidis Allowed the Chister Rebbe to continue to Molest as Rebbe for 30 years


Chillul Hashem!

The Eida Hachreidis knew for 30 years that the Chister Rebbe is a serial Sex Abuser and not only did they enable this vile creature to continue as rebbe they actually supported him.

30 years ago this fiend opened up a Yeshiva and of course a mikva in Givat Shaul after he was kicked out of Bobov because he was a danger to the boys in Yeshiva.

In Givat Shaul over 15 boys complained to the Eida Hachreidis Bais Din that the Chistar Rebbe was a dangerous serial sexual predator .

So what did the Eida Hachreidis do after they investigated and found all the boys credible? 

They banished him from Givat Shaul and told him to move to the town of  Emanual.

But he couldn't stay there too long ; when he continued doing "Maaseh Sdom"  the parents wanted to kill him. 

The Eida was notified and said they can no longer control him, but refused to publicize and warn the Chareidie communities of  this murderer of children. They said it was " mesirah." He also didn't own a "smartphone" so he was still a Tzaddik.

Meanwhile the monster moved to Elad and opened a chassidishe court and continued to molest countless children with the full knowledge of the Eida!

After the Elad community got wind of the fact that they have a murderer in their midst they started to make his life miserable and so he moved to Beit Shemesh. Beit Shemesh has enough of Chassidishe and non-Chassidishe molesters and didn't need  another one, so they sent him packing.

He then settled in Ramat Shlomo in Yerushalayim, his familiar hunting grounds, and continued to fulfil his sexual fantasies, taking advantage of young innocent children.

Finally one of them after getting fed up with the Gedoilim looking away and covering up for these murderers, and making Walder a martyr, made a complaint in the Beit Shemesh Police Department, and he was finally arrested!

The hands of the  Eida Hachreidis' hands are full of blood !

But nothing will change unless the victims continue to report these to the secular authorities. Hopefully the tide has changed.

My Friends this is only the beginning, there are now at least 20 active police investigations against Roshei Yeshiva and Chassidishe Rebbes.

 Just last night a "big beard" got arrested for molesting his own daughters for years! You can read the "gag order" below signed by the judge in the case.

Some of their stories make Berland a Tzaddik!

MK tells female lawmaker to ‘stop shouting like a hen’ in the Knesset




Two lawmakers on Wednesday engaged in a vicious shouting match in the Knesset plenum, with MK Ofer Cassif calling a female counterpart a “hen.”

The verbal altercation between the Joint List’s Cassif and Yesh Atid MK Merav Ben-Ari occurred during a debate on legislation aimed at combating agricultural crime.

A Fraud Case Against Trump? Not so fast, Say Experts


For years, Donald Trump punctuated his reality TV spiels and presidential speeches with claims that his business and his many gold-plated properties were “huge,” “amazing,” the biggest and the best.

Now the New York attorney general’s office says it has uncovered evidence that his comments were not just puffery for the public. The office’s civil investigation into Trump found that he and his company regularly fudged the value of assets on financial statements given to banks, insurers and tax authorities.

But that doesn’t mean the Trump Organization will be shut down, Trump Tower padlocked and the former president hauled off to prison.

Lawyers who examined the details of the allegations told The Associated Press that while Attorney General Letitia James could potentially bring a lawsuit alleging fraud, she will face two major hurdles: proving both an intent to deceive and that banks that loaned Trump money were actually fooled.

Jerusalem sheikh who called to expel Jews from Israel drops dead


Just this  month, Sheikh Suleiman Al-Hazalin from eastern Jerusalem, addressing the Arab riots in the Negev, said, “We will expel you Jews, from Safed and Haifa and Ashkelon and Ashdod and Al Aqsa (meaning Jerusalem).” Since then, he was in an accident and has died of his wounds.


Facebook Wants to take down Hillel Neuer's Account "UN Watch"


The director of a pro-Israel watchdog group revealed on Monday that Facebook has threatened to delete his personal page after limiting many of his posts from public view, citing content that violates the social media platform’s terms of service. But the social media giant won’t elaborate on what it finds offensive about the account.

Hillel Neuer, executive director of the NGO UN Watch, which highlights bias against Israel at the United Nations, said Facebook sent him a notification warning that his personal page is “at risk of being unpublished” due to “continued Community Standards violations.”

However, the social media titan cited just one example of an “offensive” post published by Neuer, which featured an image of a Taliban gunman with a caption calling out Ben & Jerry’s for boycotting Judea and Samaria but not the terror group controlling Afghanistan.

Facebook said that post had earned Neuer a “strike” against his account, adding that the post had been partially hidden from public view – even from the tens of thousands of people who specifically follow him on the platform.

The platform also deleted the post, which he said had been shared on Twitter with no indication that the content violated community standards.

Arab Loving & Israel Hater Rabbi at center of Texas hostage standoff Got Kicked Out of his Position


The Texas rabbi celebrated around the world as a hero for freeing himself and several congregants from a gunman in an 11-hour synagogue siege had resigned after the congregation’s board voted not to renew his contract, the Forward has learned.

The board decision came despite what many described as overwhelming support for Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker by the membership of Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville.

“I can assure you he would have been unanimously voted to stay,” Anna Eisen, a co-founder of the synagogue, said in an interview. “As a congregation we have been very heartbroken and distraught,” she added. “I myself have begged him to stay but I also realize that he has given us 16 years of his life.”

Malka Leifer's who abused her students keeps it in the family as her Father-in-law a Chassidishe Rebbe is Arrested for Sexually Molesting his Chassidisteh




Police will request an extension of his detention for further investigation. 

משטרת ישראל עצרה אתמול (שלישי) חשוד, רב תושב ירושלים בשנות השבעים לחייו, בחשד שביצע עבירות מין בבן משפחה קטין ובקטין נוסף.

חקירת החשוד החלק בעקבות תלונות שהתקבלו לאחרונה בתחנת המשטרה בבית שמש, בגין חשד לביצוע עבירות מין. על פי החשד, ביצע החשוד מעשים מגונים בקטינים במקרים נפרדים שהתרחשו לפני מספר שנים.

אתמול עצרו שוטרי מחוז ירושלים את החשוד במעשים, ובמהלך היום הוא יובא בפני בית המשפט בבקשה להאריך את מעצרו. החקירה נמש

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Der Yid's Moral Values


This is the latest edition of the Satmar Yiddish Weekly called "Der Yid"

On the byline on the bottom on the extreme right, they report on the  protests organized by the Eida Hachreidis against stores that sell phones in Yerushalayim without the "hashgacha" of the extremists.

 What's interesting is that the store they target on a daily basis in Geula does not carry any "smart phones". I know that store very well and I shop there from my phone accessories.  I understand that the Eida Hachreidis extorts money from storekeepers to force them to get  "The Hashgacha." And this particular storekeeper told me that he will not cave in, despite them destroying his property countless times. He says he has high rent and cannot afford the exorbitant Hashgacha fees, and abides by the Gedoilim's decree that "Smartphones" are prohibited, but refuses to pay them "mafia fees"

But I'm getting away from what I really want to talk about and that's the hypocrisy of the editors of Der Yid!

Side by side on the left side of this report, on the bottom of the page,  Der Yid reports on the latest story that the Biden's Justice department will allow most Federal inmates that committed white collar crimes to go free.
The byline of this report has the caption: הודו לה' "Thanks to Hashem"

The editors don't see the irony of these stories that they placed side by side.
The readers of this rag get the impression that to defraud people, banks and the US government  the "Medina shel Chesed" is fine but to own a smartphone is going against the Torah! 

Don't get me wrong I'm all for frum Jews who are rotting in Federal Correctional facilities to get a break and I support the efforts of the askanim who lobbied for this, but reading Der Yid's front page headlines seeing which stories they lend importance to, makes me cringe! 

They had no story about a frum man who infiltrated Chareidie society to contaminate and abuse innocent Chareidie women and children. One of the tzaddikim who eulogized Chaim Walder the monster, said that he  owned no "smart phone"!
Chareidim  backed  Nechemya Weberman a fake therapist who tortured  and burned his victims with cigarettes, and they backed Yisrael Weingarten who was convicted of sleeping with his own daughters .
 Weberman and Weingarten did not own  a "smartphone"

I find the placement of these two stories very sick.... 

New York Antisemites Now targeting Little Children


MSNBC invities the vicious antisemite Al Sharpton to give commentary on Texas synagogue attack


MSNBC was excoriated by critics Monday for including Al Sharpton on a panel of analysts discussing the weekend attack on a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, that resulted in an hours-long standoff and suspected hostage-taker Malik Faisal Akram dead.

Sharpton, a weekend host on the liberal network, has a checkered past when it comes to accusations of antisemitism, most notably in New York City during the late 1980s and early 1990s amid strained relations between Jewish and Black communities at the time.

Nicolle Wallace, known for gushing over her liberal guests, has a particular affinity for Sharpton, often inviting him on her daytime program, "Deadline: White House," and Critics took to social media to blast MSNBC for allowing Sharpton to participate on the panel, with some suggesting he was "an expert at targeting Jewish communities," and others accusing him of being unrepentant for his role in the New York City violence.

Watch the reaction of an Arab from Gaza upon receiving notice that he can work in Israel


While the NY AG James is busy with Trump, the city is collapsing in crime and homicides


Listen to this guy Nissim Saal doing Rosenblat's "Omar Rebbe Eliezer"


Golan covered in white as Jerusalem braces for first snow in years


The residents of the Golan Heights in northern Israel woke up Wednesday to a thick layer of snow covering the ground, with a dusting also expected in the higher peaks of central Israel including, possibly, Jerusalem.

Emergency, rescue and medical services were gearing up for a major storm that is set to last through Thursday.

Police said major roads in the Golan have been closed to traffic while schools in the area remained shut due to the weather conditions.

The snow began on the highest peaks early Wednesday and spread to the rest of the plateau, with some falling on the Galilee highlands.

On Mount Hermon, the highest point in the country, 15 centimeters of snow fell at the lower levels while on the summit 25 centimeters of snow gathered. Due to the weather, the site’s ski center was closed.

Temperatures are expected to drop during the course of the day across the country. Flood warnings were issued in coastal and other low-lying areas.

Heavy rainfall, accompanied by thunderstorms, will continue along the coastal plain until Thursday.

Don't Bother Looking For Your Lost Amazon Package It's been Stolen in Lawless LA


Packages stolen from Union Pacific cargo containers and then ransacked, thousands upon thousands of them, are regularly strewn along the tracks in the Alameda corridor that stretches through downtown Los Angeles. The scene is simply shocking (see, e.g., embedded video posted by the city’s CBS News affiliate).

Why is it happening? 

CA removes curriculum which forced students to chant to Aztec god of human sacrifice in order to become ‘warriors’ for ‘social justice’


Earlier today, conservative education activist Chris Rufo reported: “Following a lawsuit from parents, the State of California has permanently removed the ‘In Lak Ech Affirmation’ from the state curriculum, which would have forced students to chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice in order to become ‘warriors’ for ‘social justice.’”

Yes, in case you’ve forgotten (or were unaware in the first place): The state of California wanted to make kids sing ditties to Tezkatlipoka. For those who aren’t familiar with the Aztec deity, he’s the literal god of human sacrifice. Oh, and cannibalism. Just to give you a sense of what kind of culture the California Board of Education is revering, here’s Cameron Hilditch on the history of Aztec ritual human sacrifice:

The remains of more than 40 boys and girls were discovered at the excavation site of the great pyramid, most bearing the marks of severe and prolonged torture. 

This was to be expected given that the Aztec pictorial codices that have come down to us invariably show the children crying before being sacrificed. 

The priests of Tlaloc believed the tears of innocent children to be particularly pleasing to the god, and they took great care to ensure that their little victims were crying before and throughout the ceremony so that the smoke of the sacrificial fire would carry their tears up to the god above at the moment of death. 

The ritual began with the bones of the children being broken, their hands or their feet burned, and carvings etched into their flesh. They were then paraded before the celebrants of the ritual while crying. Insufficient tears from the children were believed to result in insufficient rains for the crops that year, so no brutality was spared. At the end of it all, the mutilated victims were burned alive.

Watch Rav Herschel Shachter Sing "Habein Yakir" with the accompaniment of his Rebbetzin Playing the Piano


The new Florida? Record number of US retirees relocate to Israel in 2021


A few weeks ago, Joel Tenenbaum, 81, and Marilyn Berkowitz, 84, arrived in Tel Aviv on an El Al flight from New York ready to start their new lives in Israel.

They had met through JDate five years earlier. Each was widowed; Tenebaum had been married for 47 years, Berkowitz, known as Lyn, for 49.

A retired New York trial lawyer raised in Brooklyn, Tenenbaum always had felt an affinity for Israel — fueled since childhood by Hebrew school and the movie “Exodus.” Berkowitz, a former university dean’s assistant in New Jersey, had been a frequent visitor to Israel ever since her son moved here in 1991.

Both are longtime volunteers for the Israeli nonprofit organization Sar-El. They now share a rental apartment in Tel Aviv’s trendy Florentin neighborhood, close to the ulpan where they will soon enroll in an intensive Hebrew language program.

“A lot of our contemporaries have gone to Florida,” Berkowitz said. “But I think they should become sandbirds, not snowbirds.”

In fact, more and more older American Jews are opting to spend their golden years in the Jewish state.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

In Wake of Texas Synagogue Hostage Situation , the Meshigina ADL Warns Against ‘Islamophobia’


As the late Bob Grant would say: 
it's sick out there and getting sicker"

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) claims that its mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all …” 

So you might think that after an Islamic jihadi stormed a Texas synagogue and took hostages, the ADL would be drawing attention to Islamic anti-Semitism, as well as to the targeting of synagogues by Islamic jihadis in the past. 

Instead, it once again proves that it is more interested in preserving the Leftist narrative than in combating anti-Semitism: the ADL is very concerned that some of the reactions to the hostage-taking incident have been, in its view, “Islamophobic.”