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Sunday, January 16, 2022

Biden's New US envoy a Coward says ‘absolutely won’t’ visit settlements


New US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said Friday that he’d never visited an Israeli settlement in the West Bank and had no plans to do so, as part of his effort as envoy not to take steps that could inflame the situation on the ground.

When pressed, during his first interview with Israeli media since arriving in Israel, as to whether he might make such a visit, Nides told the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, “I absolutely will not.”

The interview, while conducted in English, was published in Hebrew. A spokeswoman for the US Embassy in Jerusalem confirmed that the ambassador was accurately quoted. The quotes presented in this story were translated from the Hebrew report.

Footage shows hostages running out of building as crisis ended


Nikki Fried the dope running against Ron DeSantis Compares him to Hitler ym"s


Florida Agricultural Commissioner and 2022 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried compared Gov. Ron DeSantis to Adolf Hitler in a recent interview.

In an appearance on NPR’s Friday Roundup Podcast, Fried was asked about having previously referred to the Republican governor an “authoritarian dictator” by co-host Melissa Ross, a reporter at WJCT in Jacksonville.

“He is doing everything possible to take power away from local governments, taking away people’s abilities to protest, making it harder to vote, talking about, you know, banning books,” Fried responded.

“That’s what dictators do. Instead of listening and trying to govern with the people, he is trying to govern over the people, and, you know, that, I’m sorry, I’m a student of history, too. I saw the rise of Hitler.”

Ross interrupted Fried and asked her if she was comparing DeSantis to Hitler.

“In a lot of ways, yes,” Fried replied. “I have studied Hitler and how he got to power, you know, wanting his own militia.”

Psaki Blasted after releasing a statement about the terrorist-hostage situation Omitting the fact that the terrorist was Jihadist Muslim and that it took place in a Synagogue


Jen Psaki released a statement about the ongoing terrorist-hostage situtaion in Texas, where a Muslim terrorist took multiple Jews hostage inside a reform synagogue.

Yet the White House Press Secretary completely failed to mention key details about the attack.

Psaki omitted the fact that the hostage-taker is a Muslim Jihadist terrorist. She also failed to mention that the hostages were Jewish, and that the suspect targeted a reform synagogue.

This was her egregious statement on Twitter:

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Song of Megillah ... Great Chazara


BMG to Buy Massive Parcel of Land From nearby University


Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood is in agreement with Georgian Court University, also of Lakewood, to buy a large parcel of land in order to build apartment buildings, The Voice of Lakewood is reporting.

According to The Voice report, BMG has entered into a contract with the University to buy 44 acres of its current campus, upon which the yeshiva plans to build 13 buildings with a total of 465 apartments to address the dearth of living spaces for its yungeleit.

The parcel of land – bordered on three sides by 14th Street, 9th Street, and Forest Avenue – represents less than a third of Georgian Court University’s sprawling 157-acre campus.

Askanim have told The Voice that although the new housing units will assist to provide places to live for a large number of yungerleit, it will not ease the ongoing housing crunch in Lakewood.

BMG’s deal with Georgian Court University was reportedly the result of years of work on the part of former BMG CEO Aaron Kotler, who departed the institution at the end of 2021.

The university agreed to go into the deal in part because of its failing finances, The Voice says.

The university has been struggling to attract students to the school for over a decade now, and the sale of this parcel of land is expected to keep the college financially solvent for several more years.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Viznitzer Rebbes with hundreds of his Chassidim travel to Eilat to re-create the Splitting of theYam

Zera Shimshon Parshas Beshalach


After Reading this article, I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry!


Rebekah Erev, co-founder of the Queer Mikveh Project, blows the shofar at the first QMP mikvah event at the Albany Bulb in Albany, California, 

Queer Mikveh Project co-leader Kat Johnston is neurodivergent and has had a lifelong mental struggle with water, but says the group’s work has helped her develop a relationship with water. (Julie Jensen)

 Last Passover, a group of 125 Jews gathered via Zoom for a community mikvah ritual. Dr. Harriette Wimms, a queer Black Jewish psychologist and kohenet (Hebrew priestess), opened the ceremony by pouring libations, an African tradition of granting a water offering for ancestors. Some people immersed themselves in their bathtubs, spilled water down their bodies or waded into their local lakes. They sang prayers and shared artwork. 

Zuriel Biran, a transgender Black poet from Chicago, read one of his poems: “I reorient myself to a future of interconnectedness. Where my life is so woven alongside others that I cannot seriously entertain the notion of cutting it short, or vanishing. I must allow myself to be known.”

The ceremony was organized by the Queer Mikveh Project, a grassroots initiative seeking to transform the traditional mikvah practice into a communal experience, centering queer Jews of color leading spiritual rituals. (“Mikvah” can be alternatively spelled with an “a” and an “e.”)

Inspired by similar efforts such as MKV, an art project that tailors mikvah experiences for queer Jews run by the Canadian artist Radiodress (Reena Katz), the Queer Mikveh Project’s goal is to create a safe space for marginalized Jews to connect to their bodies and each other. Its other major aim is to create leadership roles for queer Jews of color who are often denied such roles in mainstream Jewish organizations.

Charedi Mafia Use Death Threats, Vandalism, and Protests Against Cell Phone Stores


The Charedi “Cell Phone Mafia” has been wreaking endless havoc on stores in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak. Extremists have vandalized and threatened phone stores, in a pressure campaign to force them to comply with the guidelines of the Communications Vaad.

B’Chadrei Charedim has reported multiple instances of harassment, threats, and vandalism against stores and owners.

In one piece of surveillance video Wednesday, a thug was seen gluing shut the lock of “Ink Print”, a phone accessory store in Bnei Brak. The owner was forced to delay opening for two hours until the damage could be repaired.

In another piece of footage, a vandal placed paskvillim on the front of a store in the middle of the night, and filled the doorway with paper.

The owner of “Giant Cellular” in Jerusalem was threatened multiple times, including death threats. An unknown individual called him claiming to know his home address, and threatened to come to his home and kill him. They also threatened to burn down his store in the middle of the night.

That is the most recent development, following a number of protests which have been held against that store in recent weeks, despite the fact that they do not sell smartphones.

The store owner told the Israeli news outlet, “I do not sell any smartphones or any devices that are not accepted by the Charedi community. I just refuse to comply with the strict criteria of the Vaad, which would bring about a financial loss.”

Open Letter To The Warriors Who Spoke Out


Very few people are fortune to go to their deathbeds knowing that they made a real change in the world; that they made waves, and made the world a better place. I know I myself have always wanted to be one of these people. I’ve always tried to be a good person and spread kindness and truth.

But I don’t think I’ll ever create ripples like the ones created by the victims of this monster. They didn’t just makes waves;

They created a tsunami.

Chaim Walder was a coward. His actions were so heinous and odious, that he left so many victims living lives filled with guilt and shame. He made a career out of creating a space for these victims. And in his last moments of his life he was thrown into that same puddle of guilt and shame. And he couldn’t even sit in it for a short moment.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Rabbi Benzion Mutzafi, leading Sephardic rabbi : 'Coronavirus deniers will sit with murderers'


Rabbi Benzion Mutzafi, a leading Sephardic rabbi, on Thursday morning slammed COVID-19 deniers, saying that "their blood is on their own heads."

The incident occurred when one of Rabbi Mutzafi's students questioned, "How will those who incite and instigate against vaccines fare when they get to Heaven?"

In his answer, quoted by Kikar Hashabbat, Rabbi Mutzafi said, "He will sit with the murderers and criminals, since with the propaganda that he spread, he prevented innocent people from being vaccinated, and because of that they became ill and were harmed for their entire lives, suffering difficult and complicated issues."

"We also know hundreds of people, personally, who avoided the vaccine and died young," he added. "Their blood is on the heads of the propagandists. May G-d bless His nation with peace."

Last month, Rabbi Mutzafi claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is "a known liar," but added that, "The Holy Torah commands us to listen to the doctors and to get vaccinated."

Miss Iraq Tells off Ilhan Omar in a Tweet "Mind your own business"


Twitter allows Iranian threats to assassinate Trump


Twitter is allowing official Iranian government accounts to issue death threats against former president Donald Trump and other Trump administration officials.

Twitter’s refusal to remove these ongoing threats is renewing congressional scrutiny on the social media platform. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the regime’s paramilitary fighting force that engages in terrorism and assassination plots, tweeted during the weekend that it will take revenge for the death of terror mastermind Qassem Soleimani, who two years ago was killed in Iraq in a drone strike ordered by Trump

“The Islamic Republic of Iran considers vengeance against those responsible for the Baghdad crime to be the right of all believers; whether they are drops in the ocean or bits of sand in the desert they’ll seek vengeance next to the criminals’ homes,” the corps’s official account tweeted in Farsi, alongside a picture of Trump golfing. The post was independently translated for the Washington Free Beacon.

Lady Tosses Baby into the Garbage Bin ..Caught on film

 Not even in the re-cycling Bin?

Former MK indicted for ‘walking too slowly’ on Temple Mount


Former Knesset member and right-wing activist Yehuda Glick was slapped with an indictment by the Israeli police on Wednesday, over an incident in which security forces allege he “walked too slowly” during a visit to the Temple Mount.

According to Hebrew language media, Glick has been banned from the holiest site in Judaism until further notice.

The incident over which he is now facing criminal charges began when Glick allegedly “walked too slowly, contrary to police instructions” at the Temple Mount in February 2020.

Police say that Glick had left his original tour group in order to spend more time at the site, and refused to join another tour group. Security policies at the Temple Mount require that Jewish visitors tour the compound in a group, accompanied by armed guards.

When Glick declined to join another organized group and continued to walk around the site, he was detained by police.

At the police station, he then allegedly removed police documents, including a memo about his conduct at the site, from an interrogator’s desk while the detective left the room.

Because of this action, police say, he should be charged with obstructing the course of an investigation.

In September 2021, Glick was turned away from the entrance gate at the Temple Mount and was told he was banned from the site, but not given an explanation as to why.

It’s unclear why the Israeli police waited nearly two years to indict Glick over the alleged theft of police documents.

Several right-wing NGOS have come to Glick’s defense, charging that the police ban and indictment are politically-motivated.

Tom Nisani, CEO of Beyadenu, which supports the rights of Jews to pray and visit the Temple Mount, said the potential charges against Glick were not made in the interest of public safety.

“Beyadenu opposes the indictment against former Knesset member Yehuda Glick, which stems from a desire to silence, persecute, and limit paths for those who dare to fight for the rights of Jews on the Temple Mount,” Nisani said.

“We are Yehuda, we are with you, and with everyone who is persecuted by the police. We will continue to fight for the Temple Mount.”

Sfardie Rabbi: Those Police that issue tickets will be reincarnated into a Mouse

הרב אברג'יל

 כל שוטר שנותן דו"ח יתגלגל בעכבר

I am wondering what the Ashkenazi Rabbis think a cop will turn into!

Reuvein Weinstein Says that When he Learned in Ger He had to Take Pills Against the "Yetzer Harah"

Homeless man is good for nothing


Shocking surveillance video shows a good Samaritan getting walloped on a Midtown sidewalk Wednesday morning after he gives a homeless man his coat.

The twisted turn of events began when the 59-year-old victim tried to help Xavier Israel, 25, who was lying on a sidewalk in front of 476 5th Ave. at about 8:40 a.m., according to sources.

Moments after the victim gently covers Israel with his jacket, Israel shoots to his feet and appears to push the man to the ground before snatching the wallet from his back pants pocket, according to footage obtained by The Post.

The victim tries in vain to retrieve his wallet, but the suspect punches him and throws him back to the ground, the video shows.

Israel fled the scene but was arrested a short time later on West 41st St. and 5th Ave., sources said.

Witnesses told police that Israel stuffed cash inside his pants and officers recovered nearly $1,500 from him, according to sources.

Israel was hit with several charges, including assault, robbery and grand larceny, sources said.

The victim refused medical attention on scene.

Wednesday’s attack marked the second time in less than a week that Israel allegedly turned on a good Samaritan.

On Saturday, outside of a building on East 81st Street in the Upper East Side, Israel is accused of pummeling a 49-year-old woman who wanted to give assistance, sources said.

The woman fell to the ground and sustained a cut to her elbow, according to sources. Israel was arrested, charged with assault and released on a desk appearance ticket, sources said.

Israel allegedly assaulted two more victims – a man and a woman – on Jan. 2 inside of Central Park, according to sources.

He is accused of randomly punching the 18-year olds as they sat on a rock inside the green space.

Israel was also busted for the Central Park incident and charged with assault, sources said.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Yad Vashem puts records of Holocaust victims online


New York Jewish Week via JTA — In a boon for scholars and amateur researchers, records from Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust museum, are now publicly available through JewishGen, the largest online Jewish genealogy resource of its kind.

The agreement announced Tuesday by Yad Vashem and New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage/A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, an affiliate of JewishGen, provides easy access to millions of names commemorated in Yad Vashem’s database.