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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Ami's Headline "Israel vs Kiruv" Is An Unmitigated Lie


Many years ago when I was in High School, we would call headlines like these "Yellow Journalism," today it's known as "Fake News."

Yitzy "The Frank" Frankfurter, who is the editor and publisher of  Ami Magazine will jump on any story that denigrates the State of Israel. Why?

He wants Satmar to like him. 

The Frank's father was a Sigether, a staunch follower of The Sigether Rebbe, Reb Moshe Teitelbaum aka The Beirach Moshe, who subsequently became the Satmar Rebbe after the passing of his uncle R' Yoel Teitelbaum. 

The Sigether was a closet Zionist and married off his eldest son, R' Aaron the present Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel, to the Viznitzer Rebbe's daughter, an act of betrayal to the Satmar "SHIT'ah, that despised Viznitz for supporting the "Medina." R' Yoel never forgave him .

 But G-d had other plans, when R' Yoel Teitelbaum went to meet his Maker, without leaving any living children, the natural person to inherit was his closest relative who was none other than the Sigether, his nephew.

Alan Dershowitz: Kim Potter’s Conviction Carries ‘Dangerous Implications’


The conviction of former Minnesota police officer Kim Potter in the death of Daunte Wright was a “double injustice with dangerous implications for policing in America,” especially considering the judge in the case denied her release on bail, Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says in an opinion piece Friday. 

“Officer Potter, a decorated policewoman with more than two decades of service, simply did not commit a crime,” Dershowitz writes in his column, published in The Hill. 

“Under American law, honest mistakes are not crimes — even if they result in tragic deaths.” 

Potter, a former suburban Minneapolis police officer, said she confused her handgun for her Taser when she killed Wright during a traffic stop. She will be sentenced in February after a jury convicted her Thursday on two counts of manslaughter. First-degree manslaughter, the most serious charge against Potter, carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. 

“An elderly driver accidentally putting a foot on the gas instead of the brake and killing a child is not necessarily a crime,” Dershowitz argued. “It becomes a crime only if the action was reckless, involving a conscious decision to engage in conduct which the defendant knows poses a high risk of serious injury or death.” But, he said, there is no evidence that Potter had consciously decided to fire her service weapon and not her Taser, and there was not sufficient evidence demonstrating her conscious decision to tase Wright was a criminal act. 

“Wright had an outstanding warrant for an armed crime, and his conscious decision to resist arrest and get back in his car constituted a direct threat to the life of Potter’s fellow officer and others,” said Dershowitz. “She was right to tase him, but she made a mistake by firing the wrong weapon.” He said that it was “even worse” that the judge denied Potter bail. “There is a substantial likelihood that Potter’s conviction will be reversed by an appellate court,” he said. “Potter is not a flight risk nor a danger to the community. The judge’s decision to throw her into prison seems lawless and calculated to appease the public lust for holding police accountable, even in cases where the fact and the law do not justify imprisonment.” 

Potter was sent to the state women’s prison in Shakopee after the verdicts were announced, reports ABC News. State Department of Corrections spokesperson Nicholas Kimball, a spokesman with the state Department of Corrections, said in many high-profile cases, people are transferred directly to the state prison to await sentencing. 

Her hearing is in February.

Breaking Israel's Charedi autonomy via kosher phones - interview with Yoaz Hendel


It was a video that spread like wildfire on Israeli haredi corners of the Internet – ironically since it’s a video featuring haredi rabbis who don’t want their flock exposed to the Internet.
On November 30, Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel (New Hope) sat in his office, across from senior rabbis from the hassidic, Lithuanian and Sephardi haredi communities, such as the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Mir Yeshiva head Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Finkel (II), Shas Torah Sages Council member Rabbi Reuven Elbaz, Yeshivat Porat Yosef head Rabbi Moshe Tzedaka and others.
The first thing that may strike someone familiar with meetings between politicians and haredi rabbis is how different this scene looks from the usual scenario, in which the politicians make their way to the home courts of the rabbis. They sit at the rabbis’ tables, with floor-to-ceiling cases of holy books covering the walls of the room. They wear a black kippah and show deference.

Instead, Hendel was at the head of the table, and the rabbis were his guests at the Communications Ministry. In addition, Hendel is an observant Jew, who keeps Shabbat and kosher but chooses not to wear a kippah on weekdays, and in his meeting with the rabbis, he was bareheaded as usual.
And rather than ask the rabbis for their advice or their blessing, Hendel addressed them like equals.

Ephraim Rom a 22 Year old missing since Monday found dead near Amirim


Just prior to Shabbat, searchers who had been looking since Monday for 22-year-old Efraim Nachum Rom from Jerusalem found his body near Moshav Amirim in the Upper Galilee.

Rom, who had studied at the Knesset Yisrael-Hadera yeshiva, had been visiting the tomb of Rashbi last weekend and on Monday called his mother and told her that he wanted to check a new yeshiva in Yavniel which could suit him. His mother asked him to return to Jerusalem to discuss the matter with her. He said that he did not have money to return and that the weather was very stormy but added that he would try to make it back. From this point the family did not hear from him and, fearing the worst, contacted police to search for him.

Mnay volunteers participated in the efforts to find him, including yeshiva students from around the country who scoured the region near Meron where he had last been seen. On Friday police succeeded in locating him near Moshav Amirim, which is a few miles south of Meron. Unfortunately he was not alive by the time he was found and apparently had fallen from height. Police said there was no suspicion of foul play.

Efraim Z’l was the son of Rabbi Ze’ev Rom and the grandson of Rabbi Yona Rom, the rabbi of the Makor Baruch and Kerem neighborhoods in Jerusalem who recently passed away. The Rom family is a famous and illustrious Jerusalem family who are descended from the brother of the Gra. His mother is the daughter of Rabbi Bentzion Brodianski, one of the heads of the Kol Torah yeshiva and the son of Rabbi Efraim Brodianski, one of the editors of the Talmudic Encyclopedia.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Shmos


Russians sing Shma at a Talent Show


Mota Frank Defends Berland The Admitted Rapist & Thief and a suspect in two murders


Israeli Bochur Missing in North


A search is underway for a yeshiva bochur from Jerusalem, who has been missing since Monday and is believed to be in northern Israel. The man’s family has been unable to reach him for days, and they fear the worst.

On Wednesday the police requested the public’s help. The missing 22 year old, Ephraim, was last seen near Kever Rashbi in Meron, now the primary search location.

According to the young man’s mother, she last spoke with him by phone on Monday when he told her that he had met a man at a ‘Hachnosas Orchim’ who recommended a Yeshiva at the Moshav of Yavniel which was “really worth coming to.” The worried mother asked him to come home so they could discuss it.

“He told me that he had no more travel money, and it was really stormy and very difficult to return [in such bad weather],” the mother said. She added, “Still, he asked me to find out the bus schedule [to get back to] Jerusalem.”

According to the bochur’s mother, after getting wet from the pouring rain, he took off his hat and suit, but “unfortunately, when he took off his suit, he accidentally left his cell phone as well.” (Presumably in his suit pocket.)

After trying to call him dozens of times with no answer, the family decided on Tuesday morning to go to Meron.

The family fears that he may be in danger, possibly after wandering into a desolate area and getting lost. Ephraim is about 6 feet tall, thin build, light complexion, he wears glasses and has a short beard

The family is requesting to daven for Ephraim Nachum ben Leah.

Rep. Scanlon "The Defund Police" Advocate Gets Carjacked by gunpoint


Read the article... not one word that she was in the forefront of defunding police!

Five teenagers were charged Thursday after the vehicle stolen at gunpoint in Philadelphia from U.S. Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon was found in neighboring Delaware, police said.

Scanlon’s blue Acura MDX was located Wednesday night in Newark, Delaware, about 45 miles (74 kilometers) from Philadelphia, Delaware State Police said. The five were apprehended as they tried to flee, police said.

Scanlon, a Democrat, was walking to her parked vehicle after a meeting in the city’s FDR Park shortly before 3 p.m. Wednesday when two armed men demanded her keys, police said. She handed them over, and one drove off in the car while the other followed in a dark sport utility vehicle, police said.

Scanlon was physically unharmed, said her spokesperson, Lauren Cox. Several personal and work items were also taken with the vehicle, police said.

The investigation determined a 19-year-old man was involved in the armed carjacking in Philadelphia, police said. He was turned over to the FBI.

A 14-year-old female and three males, ages 13, 15, and 16, were each charged with receiving stolen property. The 15-year-old was also charged with resisting arrest and criminal mischief. Their names were not released because they are juveniles.

All the juveniles were released to their parents or guardians, while the 15-year-old was taken to a detention center, police said.

All the suspects are from Wilmington, Delaware.

Scanlon, whose district includes portions of south Philadelphia and neighboring Delaware County, was among elected officials meeting to discuss constituent concerns around ongoing development plans for the park, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

Scanlon’s office said she expressed gratitude to city police for their quick response and to her local police department and the Sergeant at Arms in Washington for working with Philadelphia police “to ensure her continued safety.”

Mayor Jim Kenney said he was “appalled to learn of this violent crime” against the congresswoman, whom he described as his friend and colleague.

“My thoughts are with her during what I’m sure is a traumatic time,” he said in a Twitter post.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe in our city, and sadly that hasn’t always been the case this year,” Kenney said. “It’s disheartening and infuriating that criminals feel emboldened to commit such a reckless crime in the middle of the day in what should be a place of peace—one of our city’s parks.”

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Ezra Friedlander Now Hanging Around With the Republican Inna Vernikov

We are old enough to remember when Ezra wrote in the Jewish News blogs urging Heimishe Yidden to not switch parties and stay with the DemonRats, because "Republicans have no chance in New York City,"  but Inna proved Ezra wrong and won in a landslide over her DemonRat opponent.
Now like a "Chamer-Izel" he is following her around!


This Santa is not a Satmar Chusid


No Satmar Chusid would visit the Kotel!

Satmar Rebbe Visits Widow of R' Shlomo Chaim Heisler .... but where is she?


Not Tzneedik Bobov Mitzvah Tanz ...

If this was a modern wedding and the Chassan was dancing with the Kallah with hundreds of men standing around  clapping and ogling her, and the modern rabbi running circles around them, every one would be screaming "preetzes, not tzneesdik" but if they are chassidim doing it with the Rebbe running around with his fancy bathrobe then of course its ok~ because this is a "Holy minhag"

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Ancient Treasure Found at Sea: 2 shipwrecks discovered off Israel's coast near Caesarea


A number of fascinating artifacts from the wrecks of two ships that foundered off the coast of Caesarea in the Roman and Mamluk periods (some 1700 and 600 years ago) have been discovered in recent months near Caesarea, during an underwater survey conducted by the Marine Archaeology Unit of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The ships’ cargoes and the remains of their wrecked hulls were found scattered in shallow water at a depth of about 4 m, scattered on the sea floor.

According to Jacob Sharvit and Dror Planer of the Israel Antiquities Authority’s Marine Archaeology Unit, “The ships were probably anchored nearby and were wrecked by a storm. They may have been anchored offshore after getting into difficulty, or fearing stormy weather, because sailors know well that mooring in shallow, open water outside of a port is dangerous and prone to disaster.”

Jews in the Lower East Side 1960's


Listen to Lakewood Boy , son of Menachem Mozes, Scream Profanities and threating an other Jew

The Kid barking profanities and threating to get a knife and stones is none other than the son of Menachem Mozes the principal of Yeshivas Torahs Aharon and grandchild of Shlomo Chaim Kanarek. Owner and operator of several schools in Lakewood NJ. 

They are  upset with a neighbor who is fighting the "Vaad" and put up an "eirav" among other things without permission of the Lakewood kapos!

The boys throwing eggs and stones on a home on November 27. Nooo there are not goyim they are boys that wear hats and learn Torah most of the day 

"Never be afraid" Uplifting Niggun


Listen to Chazzan Yitzchok Meir Helfgott Bless the State of Israel

Blimi Marcus A Nurse Fights Anti-Vaxxers with 140-Page Rebuttal


A detailed rebuttal to the anti-vaxxers  claims has come from a group of Orthodox nurses called Emes, Hebrew for “truth.” Emes was an active advocate for vaccines during the measles outbreak; its own pamphlet is cheekily called PIE, short for Parents Informed and Educated, and clocks in at 144 pages. It offers basic, fact-based information on vaccines and their benefits.

But there’s one disease it doesn’t address: COVID-19. Blima Marcus, the president of Emes who has a doctorate in nursing, said the material for PIE was actually assembled before the pandemic. However, because Emes relied on healthcare workers who were slammed for the past 18 months and aren’t paid for their work with the organization, it was only published and distributed this month.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Deri to plead guilty in plea bargain, resign from Knesset


Shas chairman MK Aryeh Deri's attorneys are on the verge of signing a plea bargain with Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit.

According to the agreement, the chairman of Shas will plead guilty to relatively minor tax offenses and in return will not be sentenced to actual imprisonment or community service.

Deri will be able to remain chairman of his party, but will have to resign from the Knesset.

He will also be able to run for the Knesset in the future and return to serve as an MK in the next Knesset.