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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Neturei Karta "SpokesSavage" Justifies Beating the Hell Out of a Chareidie Policeman



Belgium Bastards Will label products from Judea and Samaria


Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN and Chairman of World Likud, Danny Danon, on Wednesday condemned Belgium’s decision to label products originating in Judea and Samaria.

“Belgium's decision to label Israeli products is outrageous and concerning. All action that supports the boycott of Israeli products and the BDS movement will receive a harsh response,” tweeted Danon.

“I invite the Belgian representatives to visit the industrial areas in Judea and Samaria where Israelis and Palestinians work together to develop the economy of the region,” he added.

Walla! reported on Wednesday that Belgium had adopted a new policy under which tax authorities will immediately begin examining merchandise which arrives from Israel, labeling those products which are produced in Judea and Samaria.

At the same time, the Belgian government will begin examining a full boycott of the products, and companies will be warned that they should not involve themselves in "human rights violations" in Judea and Samaria.

In response, Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll cancelled meetings he had been scheduled to hold with representatives of the Belgian government and parliament in Brussels.

Turx from Ami Named Political Contributor for Newsmax TV


Jake Turx, the popular White House correspondent for Ami Magazine, has again made history. Turx (aka Avraham Yaakov Terkeltaub) has been named political contributor at Newsmax, a fast-growing conservative cable television news outlet.

He becomes the first ever Chassidic yid to hold such a coveted position on a television news channel.

As senior White House correspondent and chief political correspondent for Ami, Turx has interviewed dozens of high-profile politicians, including members of Congress and presidential candidates.

He made history in 2017 when he became the first Chassidic Jewish member of the White House press corps.

Turx has appeared on Fox News, CNN, NPR, and other national news outlets. According to Nielsen, Newsmax TV is the 4th highest-rated news channel in the country.

The Lady From Flatbush that Defied the Askanim and Won by a Landslide


A win is a win.

But when you are a Republican running for office in Democrat-filled New York City, you are a female running for a position that is dominated by men and you are in your first campaign expected to end in a razor close-finish but wind up winning by more than 25 percent of the vote, it’s more than simply a win.

Divorce and immigration attorney Inna Vernikov, 37, defeated special-education teacher Steve Saperstein to secure the City Council seat in the 48th District, which covers areas of South Brooklyn, by garnering 12,082 votes to 6,821 or about 64 percent to 36 percent. The seat was vacated by former councilman Chaim Deutsch after his conviction for tax fraud. Vernikov said she was not surprised to win by a large margin but surprised at how large it was.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Washingto Post Has a 4,494 Word Essay on Israel And It's All a Bunch of Lies

The Post’s Nov. 22 story, titled “Highway of Hope and Heartbreak,” was clearly a major project. The dispatch was authored by Jerusalem bureau chief Steve Hendrix, and reporters Shira Rubin and Sufian Taha, and ran an astonishing 4,494 words. It contained more than 40 photographs and a video—all to chronicle “how remote the prospect of a Palestinian state—and a resolution of the Middle East conflict—has become.”

The story’s concept centers around a road trip along Route 60, which the Post claims “reveals how distant” the prospect of a two-state solution really is. The 146-mile journey “begins and ends in Israel,” but “most of it … traces the spine of the occupied West Bank.” Should “Palestinians ever achieve statehood,” the Post tells readers “Route 60 will be its national road.”

Despite expending thousands of words and dozens of glossy photographs, the Post can’t bring itself to tell readers the truth about why there isn’t a Palestinian state.

As the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) has documented, Palestinian leaders have rejected numerous offers for a Palestinian state if it means living in peace next to Israel.

Less Cholent and Challah: Nutritionists take aim at Charedi diets


The Charedi community, with on average seven children per family, is characterized by poor diet, high rates of obesity, anemia and diabetes. In order to prevent the development of chronic diseases later in life, it is essential to assist parents in providing their children with healthier nutrition.

A new study of dietary habits in the Charedi community, conducted by the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University, reveals some of the origins of poor nutrition and offers concrete solutions to nutritionists and health care professionals on how to promote healthier eating practices.

Twenty key leaders from the Gur and Chabad Charedi communities in Israel – including rabbis, rabbis' wives, parents, and educational and health professionals -- were interviewed in-depth for the study, published in the journal Appetite.

11 Year-Old Girl Finds 2,000 Year Old Silver Shekel


A girl who visited the “archeological experience” in the Emek Tzurim Sifting Project in Jerusalem with her family discovered a rare 2,000-year-old silver shekel coin that may have been minted in the Temple as part of the Jewish Revolt against the Romans around 70 CE.

Scholars believe that the unearthed coin was extracted from the many silver reserves kept in the Second Temple and was probably minted by one of the Temple Priests, who joined forces with the Great Revolt of the Jews against the Romans shortly before the destruction of the Second Temple.

The coin weighs about 14 grams. On one side is an inscription of a cup with the caption: “Israeli shekel.” Next to the cup are the letters: ש”ב – shorthand for “second year” – the second year of the Great Revolt of the Jews against the Romans (67-68 CE). On the other side of the coin is an inscription identified by scholars as the headquarters of the High Priest, and next to it appear in ancient Hebrew script the words “Holy Jerusalem.”

Watch How The Arab Knesset Member Refuses to Stand up to Honor The Jewish Man Murdered by an Arab Educator


Lev Tahor Leaders Told Mothers To "SHECT" Slaughter THEIR CHILDREN



In a video produced by Lev Tahor survivor Mendy Levy, he speaks about the shocking abuse and neglectful conditions he endured during his years in the cult.

In one hair-raising segment of the video, a female Lev Tahor survivor is heard talking about the instructions of Lev Tahors leaders to the women of the cult to literally “shecht” their children in the case of authorities trying to take them away.

She said that the cult leaders called them to a meeting and told them that there were threats from the authorities that their children will be taken away from them.

“So he said that when the authorities come, the men will all go and talk to them, and meanwhile all the women will gather here together with their children. Then each mother will take their children and just as shechita is performed, each mother will take a knife
take a knife and cut…”

“Take a knife? Kill with a knife?” the interviewer interrupted to ask in astonishment.

Yes,” she responded. “He said to take a knife and cut. Close the eyes of the children and cut. Because you have many children, you should start with the small ones so the big ones can understand what they’re seeing. And you as mothers tell them that it’s very painful for you to do but it’s necessary because of the ones that are coming to take the children away. And better the children will die, better that the children should be dead rather than living with a goy. He said it will be considered like the shechita of a pure korban.”

“Then we got scared,” she concluded.

Video Playe


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Terror Victim’s Grieving Fiancee Speaks Out


Arab Child Cries for Dead Terrorist, his ‘Amazing Teacher’


“He never cursed anyone except the Jews, may God burn them,” says the brainwashed Palestinian child about his beloved teacher.

The terrorist who murdered 26-year-old Eliyahu Kay Sunday morning in the Old City of Jerusalem – and injured three others, one critically – was  identified as Fadi Abu-Shkadem, a resident of the Shuafat refugee camp in his 40s, affiliated with Hamas.

He was also a high school teacher in eastern Jerusalem.

This grieving student says he was an “amazing teacher.” He must have been, as he succeeded in winning the children’s love and instilled in them his warped values.

“The truth is pity for this child who was educated in this way,” says Yoseph Haddad, an Israeli-Arab IDF veteran who fights against BDS.

Biden says house burned ‘with my wife in it,’


President Biden said last week that his house burned down with his wife Jill Biden inside before trying to correct himself, adding to a long list of personal stories he’s embellished over the years.

Speaking on a New Hampshire bridge on Tuesday about his bipartisan infrastructure plan, Biden said, "Without this bridge, as I said earlier, it’s a 10-mile detour just to get to the other side. And I know, having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely, God willing — that having a significant portion of it burn, I can tell: 10 minutes makes a hell of a difference."

Monday, November 22, 2021

Chaim Walder: I am innocent, my defense of victims made me many enemies

Author Chaim Walder has published a response to recent defamatory attacks made on him in the media, first printed in the Haaretz newspaper and since published elsewhere, along with calls to boycott his dozens of books written over a decades-long career.

“I appeal to everyone who has been exposed to the serious allegations made against me and I cry the cry of Dreyfus who was degraded in the public square, stripped of his insignia, his sword broken before a huge crowd – I am innocent of all wrongdoing. I beg of you to do just one thing: Invest a small amount of time, a drop of logic, and question whether these terrible defamatory statements have any basis to them. Do not be hasty to pass judgment on someone who has worked all his life on behalf of children and their rights,” Walder said in his statement.

Walder stressed that he categorically denies the allegations made against him, accusing him of exploiting minors. “This is a tissue of lies for which there can be no forgiveness,” he said, “and the entire purpose of these claims is to make the bizarre claim that I acted in entire contradiction to everything that I have worked for – protecting children.”

He added that, “There is also the evidence of the journalist Ariella Sternbach that people came to her ready to invest huge sums in order to damage my reputation in any way possible. I state here and now that I have never been summoned to a beit din [rabbinical court] on such matters or anything related to women. The document that was published does not bear my name and only attests to the calculated and well-funded campaign being waged against me.”

Responding to statements by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, chief rabbi of Tzfat, that people should remove his books from their homes, Walder said, “I was stunned to hear what Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu said, given that he did not take that very simple step of turning to me personally to hear my account. He should have known that he was being misled. When he spoke with me, I asked him how he could have ruled on this issue without hearing my side, and he responded that this was the reason why he had called for my books to be put into storage rather than entirely removed.

“How can I address such claims when I have not been given any specific details and have no idea where the claims are coming from and what might be the specific motivations of the accusers?” he continued. “People have to understand that the kind of holy work I was engaged in – helping children – brought me many enemies in the form of the people who sexually or violently abused them, whom I exposed – thereby stopping the abuse. The more I achieved on behalf of children, the more enemies I gained.”

Walder stated that he was not familiar with any of the people making accusations against him, other than one single case. “I cannot identify a single one of all the people who have made defamatory statements against me, other than one woman who made a complaint against me in 2008 that was shown to be a false claim and the case was closed without me even having to engage a lawyer on my behalf,” he said.

“Various experts have advised me to remain silent until the storm passes,” he added. “I don’t know if they are right or not, even though they are the experts. But everyone knows that it’s impossible for a lone individual to cope with a flood of defamation against him like this one.

“I have written this clarification at the request and with the support of Rabbi Chaim Shaulzon,” he continued, “and I believe that it will soon become clear who is behind this unprecedented campaign of defamation – and then I will refute the claims, one by one. Do not forget that I passed a polygraph test and emerged as one telling the truth, showing the allegations printed in the Haaretz newspaper to be unfounded,” he concluded.

0:54 / 1:31

Uber driver turns tables on armed robbers, shooting two Killing One


A trio of would-be armed robbers picked on the wrong guy — a Philadelphia Uber driver who was also packing and shot two of the criminals, killing one of them, dramatic surveillance video shows.

The unidentified driver was in the city’s Mayfair neighborhood when the robbers were seen running up to him, footage posted online by KYW-TV shows.

That’s when the driver is seen blasting away at the robbers, who run for their lives — and two got hit by the quick-thinking driver.

Police said one of the wounded men was later pronounced dead at Jefferson Torresdale Hospital and the other is in critical condition, the outlet reported.

The two suspects who were shot were not identified, but police said both were 20 years old.

The third suspect remains on the loose.

“I don’t really like violence,” one Mayfair local told WPVI-TV. “But it’s in self-defense, so if he didn’t shoot them, they might have shot him. So I think, in that case, there’s not much he can do.”

Police said the Uber driver was not injured and had a license to carry a firearm.

This terrorist shattered all the stereotypes about terrorists


Eliyahu Kay's Hy"d fiance

At first, it might seem as though Sunday’s attack in Jerusalem’s Old City was just another typical act of Palestinian Arab terrorism—an attacker with a submachine gun opened fire on a street not far from the Western Wall, murdering one Jewish passerby and wounding four others. We’ve heard that kind of horrible news a thousand times before. I’ve lived it.

But when you look closely, it turns out that there is a lot to learn from this “typical” episode, because everything about it contradicts what the “experts” are always telling us about Arab terrorists and the evil deeds that they perpetrate.

The self-appointed experts say the “profile” of an Arab terrorist is an unemployed, single young man. But Sunday’s killer, Fadi Abu Shkhaydem, was none of those things.

Israeli court rejects terrorist's demand for free nose job


A female terrorist who carried out a horrific terror attack in 2015 suffered injuries during the attack and demanded that the State of Israel fund her cosmetic surgery to correct the damage to her nose.

The Haifa District Court rejected her appeal last week, Haaretz journalist Chen Maanit reported.

The terrorist was sentenced to 11 years in prison after she caused a gas balloon to explode in a machine near the al Za'im checkpoint near the city of Maaleh Adumim. A police officer at the scene suffered injuries, and the terrorist herself suffered burns, among other things to her nose.

Over the years, the terrorist has received medical treatment from the Israel Prisons Service, and she recently requested to undergo a nose reconstruction surgery. The Prisons Service rejected her demand to receive funding for the surgery, since it is not an operation which is necessary for her to function.

Following the rejection of her demand, the terrorist appealed to the court, claiming that the Israel Prisons Service must provide her with medical treatment, without questioning whether it is necessary for her physical functioning or not. The court, as was noted, rejected her appeal, and the terrorist will not receive funding from the Prisons Service for her cosmetic surgery.

Chareidi Mayor Detained By Police In Connection To Shuvu Banim Murder Case


A well-known Chareidi mayor in Israel was detained by the police on Sunday for questioning regarding his alleged involvement in one of the two Shuvu Banim murder cases from over 30 years ago.

The police are expected to request an extension of the suspect’s arrest on Monday.

The mayor is suspected of being involved in the murder of Avi Edri, the menahel of a yeshivah who was found murdered with signs of severe violence on his body in 1990. It is believed that Edri was murdered by members of the Mishmeres HaTznius of the Shuvu Banim organization, led by Eliezer Berland.

According to the police, Berland was the one who gave the orders to the kidnappers and murderers in both murder cases.

Also on Sunday, the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court extended the arrest of another suspect for eight additional days.

NY School Districts Must Provide Busing to Non-Public School Students on Public School Off Days


In a massive win for New York yeshivos, a state judge ruled that a school district must provide busing for non-public school students on days that public schools are closed.

The case was filed by the Orthodox Jewish community in Blooming Grove in July, saying that the guidance affected some 170,000 frum students in New York, and around 400,000 students in total.

New York State Supreme Court Justice Peter Lynch ruled that the Washingtonville School District was in violation of state education law by refusing to provide said transportation, and that state education department guidance allowing districts not to provide busing on days that public schools are not in session was “null and void.”

The ruling will already have an effect this week, as yeshivos continue providing instruction on Thanksgiving, when public schools are closed, and will have much wider implications if the ruling is upheld on appeal.

Rabbi Yeruchem Silber of Agudath Israel called the ruling “a victory not just for non-public school in Washingtonville School District, but for all non-public schools and their students throughout the entire state.”

Sunday, November 21, 2021

HaChasan Eliyahu Dovid Kay Murdered With Tefillin & Sefer In His Hands


The man who was killed in the terror shooting attack near the Kosel on Sunday morning was later identified as Eliyahu Dovid Kay, H’yd.

The niftar was a 26-year-old resident of Modi’in and an employee of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, serving as a tour guide for the Kotel tunnels. He was engaged to be married and his wedding was to take place in several months.

Eliyahu Dovid, z’l, made aliya from Johannesburg with his parents about six years ago. As a bochur he learned in Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim of Chabad in Kiryat Gat and then served as a combat fighter in the Paratrooper’s Brigade, a platoon commander, and a platoon sergeant in the brigade’s training base.

He was killed as he was walking toward the Kosel for Shacharis, holding his tefillin and the  Chabad sefer Likutei Sichos.

R' Shmuel Eliyahu: Chaim Walder is dangerous to society


Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the chief rabbi of Tzfat and a member of the Chief Rabbinate council, denounced children's author Chaim Walder and called him a menace to society.

 Rabbi Eliyahu told Rabbi Avi Berman on Galei Yisrael.

 "We did not draw a conclusion solely on the basis of what was written in the newspaper. We received very serious testimonies from the men and women who were harmed."

He said, "We also saw court rulings that referred to Chaim Walder's very terrible involvement in families. Let's put it bluntly - some families broke up because he did forbidden things with the woman and destroyed the family. These are things that came before a court and were clarified. "

"Things are very clear," he said. "It's not based on an article in the Haaretz newspaper. It's based on a lot of testimonies, documents, transcripts, court records. Pictures, recordings. Unequivocal things."

"This person has the outward appearance of a God-fearing and good man and an educator but it is only an external shell," he added. "Inside this person is dangerous to society, really dangerous, woven from the same thread as Scheinberg and Berland. People who do damage."

"That's why I think we should not be close to anything of his," he noted. "Such people should be condemned from society and it is impossible to condemn a man when you study his book. When you read this book it is as if you are saying 'he is legitimate'. He is illegitimate. Instead of admitting to his acts and striving for redemption [doing Teshuva] he denies and lies. "

"These are the ones we must condemn, These are the ones for which it is written 'I will remove the spirit of impurity from the earth'. In that we condemn such people and remove them from their positions of power, they say beware of this person. In this we ourselves share in the redemption that says the spirit of impurity I will transfer from the earth. In this the spirit of impurity is removed, " says Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu.

As reported, a report by Haaretz provided evidence of women describing how the writer and educator Chaim Walder sexually exploited them when they were minors. Walder has written about 80 books, received the Prime Minister's Award "Protector for the Child" and advises on a successful radio program.

Walder's lawyers, Miki Hova and Guy Shemer, told Haaretz: "Our client vehemently denies any allegation of misconduct on his part, let alone what is said in the article. These are false allegations based on a blatant lie, amounting to a real blood libel."

According to them, over the years Walder has fought for the benefit of children who have suffered violence and abuse. "As a result, they were joined by elements who set themselves the goal of harming him, and we have evidence of some of the foolish attempts to incriminate our client. This article is a direct continuation of this, which stems from a false complaint that was filed against him many years ago and was shelved when it came."

They added that Walder had undergone a polygraph examination in relation to the allegations made in the article and was found to be telling the truth. "Our client is determined not to allow himself to be harmed in the slightest, and will fight for his good name by all the legal means at his disposal."