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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

‘Swear to god, true story,’ Biden says as he tells ‘false’ Amtrak story for 5th time


President Biden on Monday repeated — for the fifth time this year — a made up story to illustrate his closeness to Amtrak and a former conductor named Angelo Negri.

Biden told the tale — declared “false” by CNN — during a speech at the NJ Transit maintenance facility in Kearny, NJ, as he touted the $1.2 trillion Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill that would boost funding for Amtrak.

“I apologize because some of you have heard this,” Biden said as he told the reliable laugh line.

“When I was vice president I used to like to take the train home because my mom was very sick and dying. And I’d come home every weekend,” said Biden, whose mother died in 2010.

“I’m getting on one Friday and then one of the senior guys on Amtrak, Angelo Negri … walks up to me and he goes, ‘Joey baby!’ He grabs my cheek. And I thought the Secret Service was gonna blow his head off. I swear to God, true story.”

Biden continued: “I said, ‘What’s up, Ang?’ He said, ‘Joey. I read in a paper. I read in the paper, you traveled 1,000 — 1,200,000 miles on Air Force planes.’ Because they keep meticulous tabs of it.”

Biden said that Negri had done the math and said, “You know how many miles you travel on Amtrak, Joey? … 2,200,000 miles… So Joey, I don’t want to hear this about the Air Force anymore.”

Negri retired from Amtrak in 1993, meaning he didn’t work there when Biden was vice president from 2009 to 2017. He died in May 2014.

Biden usually says the story happened in his final year as vice president, but he didn’t include that detail Monday. His mention of his mother’s death suggests it may have happened earlier.

But there’s an additional factual issue: CNN reported in June that “Biden’s account simply does not add up. Biden did not reach the million-miles-flown mark as vice president until September 2015, according to his own past comments.”

It’s unclear if Biden confused mileage details, dates or the name of the Amtrak employee. The frequent retelling of the story comes as Biden’s critics accuse him of being in mental decline ahead of his 79th birthday next month.

The White House did not respond to The Post’s request for clarification.

Yeshiva Boys Dress Like Armed Arab Murderers to "bring joy to the Chassan Ve'Kalleh"


I am positive that there wasn't a person that attended that wedding that lost a loved one to an Arab savage.

What would the world have said if they dressed up in Nazi uniforms? Better yet, if goyim dressed up like that at a wedding? 

On videos that circulated throughout social media this past week, Yeshiva students can be seen dancing at a wedding to the sounds of Arab music, while in the middle of the circle numerous  yeshiva students danced while dressed like Arabs armed brandishing rifles.

After numerous attempts to figure out exactly what was taking place, the BeChadrei Charedim news site set forth to uncover the truth behind the incident that spread widely on the internet.

According to their report, the wedding took place in the Sequoia wedding hall in the town of Ma’aleh HaHamisha, and the armed Arabs that were seen in the video were actually Chareidi yeshiva students from the yeshiva in Meitzad, who put on Arab dress and brandished toy rifles that were intended to look like real ones.

The participant who spoke to BeChadrei Charedim added that the dance was planned in advance, and the students had been practicing for it for a number of days, all in honor to bring joy to the Chosson and Kallah.

Ambassador Michael Oren Slams Biden Admin. For “Anti-Semitic” Policies


Former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren slammed the Biden administration for its plan to unilaterally reopen a consulate in east Jerusalem despite Israel’s opposition to the move, calling it an “anti-Semitic policy.”

“It’s a decisive reversal of the US recognition of Jerusalem as our capital,” Oren, who served as ambassador under former President Barack Obama, said in an interview on Radio 103FM on Monday morning. He referred to the situation before President Trump closed the US consulate in east Jerusalem as absurd.

“It was a totally absurd situation. Not only are these American policies impractical, they’re anti-Semitic,” Oren said. “It’s the only place in the world where Jews are banned from living in certain neighborhoods. Would anyone dare pass such a law in New York?”

Oren also spoke to Yisrael Hayom about the consulate issue and recalled a “humiliating incident” during his term as ambassador, when the US still maintained a US consulate in east Jerusalem. He said he was summoned to the State Department and castigated for the demolition of an outdoor toilet in east Jerusalem. “The demolition was authorized by the Israeli courts,” Oren stressed. “The incident, like other humiliating incidents was germinated at the American consulate in Jerusalem.”

Oren said he spoke about the issue at the time with Jewish organizations. “I showed them the consulate’s website. Everything on it was a Palestinian narrative, in Arabic and English only. You wouldn’t know that there was a single Jew in Jerusalem from that website. I told them – this is antisemitic, do something about it. They weren’t willing to stand up against the State Department. The consulate made sure to avoid even an appearance of American recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and they embittered the lives of successive governments here every time they built a new neighborhood for Jews in Jerusalem, and every time they tried to enforce planning and building laws in east Jerusalem.”

“We have to stand up for our interests,” Oren asserted. “I can see a crawl toward that old antisemitic policy when the ambassador in Washington is summoned for every demolition of illegal construction in east Jerusalem and every brick that is laid in Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem beyond the Green Line. It is a matter of sovereignty and national honor. This is our capital. We must set boundaries, even when we’re talking about our greatest friend. This is the moment when I expect our government to do so clearly, firmly and respectfully.”

Monday, October 25, 2021

Chilonie in Yerushalyim Uses "neturei karta" tactics to lure people away from them

 Shouts "gevalt"


These guys were from the "lev Tahor" Cult

R' Chaim Kanievsky Says that Harav Ovdia Yosef z"l is in Hell because he Permitted the "Heter Mechira" in Shmittah Year

This is not the place to debate the different poiskim that permitted fruits and veggies during Shmittah with the "Heter Mechira" I will leave that halachic discussion to bigger Talmidei Chachmim than myself.

Suffice it to say that besides Harav Kook z"l many poiskim including Harav Ovadia Yosef z"l permitted the consumption of fruits and vegetables that are sold under the "Heter Mechirah" banner.

In the video above, some guy from Tverya tells R' Chaim that in Tverya there is a lady that sells products with the "Heter Mechira" he asks R' Chaim if he can tell this lady that  R' Ovadia Yosef z"l is "not in Gan Eidan , because he allowed the "Heter Mechira""

 see 1:02

R' Chaim clearly answers that "yes" he can tell the lady that "he is not in Gan Eden" when the guy asks if he is in "gehinnim?" R' Chaim says "yes in gehinnim"

They better start monitoring what R' Chaim says or he will lose respect from everybody.

Question: What would have happened if a Rav would have said this about R' Chaim? 

So now if a Talmud Chacham disagrees with a "chareidie" psak, he goes to hell?

What is happening to us?

Why isn't this being reported all over the news? Where are the Sfardim?

To those who will inevitably jump on me about this post claiming that I am spreading hate, I will let you into a big secret...

The Teverya guy posted this on social media and set this up by having someone film this. 

Also remember that I am not the one who said this about R' Ovadia Yosef z"l ... you should address your complaint to the "higher authorities"

Chareidie Askanim bribing families of the Meron Victims with 15 million dollars to "shut up asking for investigations"

 ההקלטות חושפות
 : כך ניסו עסקנים חרדים לבלום את מאבק משפחות הרוגי מירון כאן חדשות | ישראל דיסקינד עומד בחזית מאבק המשפחות של הרוגי האסון במירון . השבוע עלה לראשונה להר שבו איבד את אחיו , וחשף את שיחת הטלפון בה הציע לו עסקן חרדי 15 מיליון דולר אם יפסיק את המאבק . כתבתו של ויקו אטואן , מתוך חדשות השבת 

The Tape that ties Berland , the convicted sex fiend, to the Murder of Shitrit 35 years ago


Zionists Start "tax" on disposable plates & cutlery Nov 1st ... Satmar will subsidize those families who continue to use them


The Zionist government has decided to tax practically all disposable plastic plates, cutlery etc, starting November 1st.
 Plastic stuff unless they are recycled cannot be broken down and remain in the environment hundreds of years. Tons and tons of these plastic items are in oceans destroying marine life.

Until last year the Zionists would sell this garbage to the Chinese and only G-d knows what they did with it. But as of last year, the Chinese no longer want Jewish recyclable garbage even if the garbage is Chassidishe garbage, and so the Zionists having no other choice decided to put a huge tax  to discourage people from buying stuff that even the recycling plants can no longer handle.

Chassidism have huge families, so washing dishes for a family is very time consuming, which is a commodity they don't have; they are the largest consumers of disposable stuff in the Zionist State.

 Shabbos Kiddishes that now supply the fressers with 8 different types of herring are the second largest group to utilize disposable plates, as each "herring fresser" needs at least 20 plates, because, G-d forbid, the Shmaltz herring should touch the Wasabi herring. The Yaptcha terrorists need at least 12 plates each to satisfy their cholesterol cravings, and please don't get me started with the Chulent Chazzeirim.

This past shabbos, I was invited to a "full" Kiddush, so I headed straight to the ladies section, knowing full well that the herrings, kugels and chulent and fancy cakes would remain untouched as the women are all on a diet when surrounded by other women and filled up my "disposable" plates with the goodies and brought it into the men section, for them to enjoy. This took about five "full" minutes and when I somehow survived getting to the men's table, all the food was gone! 

But all the plates smeared with oil from the herrings and different kugels were there waiting for some szlub to collect the greasy stuff and put them in the 10 garbage bins that was in "full" view of everyone!

The vegetable platters by the men remained crying ...untouched 

By the ladies, the vegetable platters were gone except for the dressings which the ladies wouldn't dare put on their veggies for fear their neighbors were watching!

Anyway, I digress...

Let's go back to our subject at hand.

R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe from Williamsburg, yes the same guy who brought 5 million dollars to help  the hundreds of "moisdois" that refuse to take Zionist money (FYI the Zionists helped Moisdois Ha'Torah with 250 Million Dollars just last year alone) came up with a genius idea, instead of granting them money to buy dishwashers, he decided instead to subsidize the Chassidim who live in Israelwith  the "Zionist Tax"  to help them continue buying plastic disposable dishes and cutlery and the hell with the environment, after all, all that greasy garbage will remain in the greatest gift Hashem gave to the Jewish people.... Eretz Yisrael!

מי כעמך ישראל

Yerushalyim Ir Ha'koidesh


Black Guy Enjoys Chassidishe Music


Listen to the Chassidishe lady in the background who is filming this  with her "smartphone" tell him "you are so sincere"

This dummy thinks that only Chassidim are "sincere" she is amazed that a black guy can be "sincere" as well.

I'm amazed that she is amazed!

What a young mother wrote to an anti-Semite Who told her to "go back to Euope"


by Bruria Efune

I got told to go back to Europe. I’m not from Europe. But the Twitter warrior didn’t care, and just ranted on about the Jews leaving “Palestine” alone, and going back to wherever they came from.
So let’s talk about this. Where are the Jews from?
Take my family for example. I’ll start at an easy point: My grandparents on my dad’s side are from Iraq. We don’t have any family left there, because they were all either chased out, or murdered for being Jewish. Family records show that despite on and off persecution, they had lived there since the Babylonian expulsion, over 2,000 years ago.
My mom grew up in Argentina, where her parents were born. Most of their parents trace back to Ukraine, which they had fled during the 1918 pogroms that killed tens of thousands of Jews. It’s likely that many of them were previously from Spain, but had fled the Spanish Inquisition. One of my mom’s grandparents was not from Ukraine - he had fled Morocco, also due to pogroms targeting the Jews. Argentina was a relative safe-haven, despite antisemitism and discriminatory laws against them.
Now for my husband’s side, his grandparents are mostly Holocaust survivors, or escapees. On his mom’s side, his grandmother grew up in Vienna. At nine years old, she escaped to England with her sister on the kinder-transport. Her parents were murdered by the Nazis. She kept a family tree, tracing her ancestry back to the Maharal of Prague, a direct descendant of King David.
My husband’s father’s mother was also from Vienna. Her family managed to escape to France, where for four years of her childhood, she hid with her family in an attic, and then alone with her sister in a nunnery. When the war was over, she met a young man who had escaped Latvia, and asked her to join him with his family in South Africa. His last name was Yefuneh, since his family were descendants of the biblical Calev ben Yefuneh, but immigration officials in South Africa didn’t appreciate that, and anglicized it to Efune.
So here’s the thing, antisemites. You know where we’re from. You always did, and that’s why you always chased us out of wherever we tried to find peace.
We never forgot it either. For millennia, all my ancestors, all around the world, prayed the same prayer every day. No matter where they were, they faced Jerusalem as they prayed to be able to return in safety one day, soon.
Because we’re from Israel. Jews are indigenous to Israel. We belong in Israel.
The Romans may have burned down our Temple, renamed our land, slaughtered our people, and exiled most of the survivors into the diaspora, but the fire never stopped burning in our heart; we always painfully remembered where we belong.
And now we’re here. And I can assure you, we’re here to stay.

The Living Olive Tree that lived thru the exile and now the homecoming of the Jewish people and it still produces olives


The olive tree on the Island of Crete, has a trunk 15 feet in diameter, and is at least 2,000 years old, and could even be 2,900 years old based on the age of a graveyard nearby. 

This tree lived through the writings of the Tanach , the entire Talmud, Shulchan Aruch, and both the building and the destruction of both Bais Hamikdash, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Holocaust and now the great miracle of the Jews returning to the State of Israel.
It still produces olives!

Monkey Hitches a ride on a goat and shares some berries


David Blatt aka Jay Black a Singer known for ‘This Magic Moment,’ dead at 82


The reason I'm posting this because David Blatt grew up in Boro-Park. spoke yiddish fluently and when I was growing up, people said that he had learned in Torah Va'daas. I'm not sure about Torah Va'daas, but he did go to Yeshiva. In 1966 he recorded a yiddish song about the Holocaust, "Where is my village"

Jay Black, the lead singer of Jay and the Americans, died Friday at the age of 82, his family said.

Complications from pneumonia was the cause of death for the Brooklyn-born frontman, family told Rolling Stone magazine.

Black was the second “Jay” to front the group, following on from Jay Traynor. A third “Jay” fronted the band when they reformed in the early 2000s, the magazine reported.

The New York City ’60s doo-wop based pop-rock group announced the death of the vocalist, whose real name was David Blatt, on Facebook.

“We acknowledge the great successes we had with him both as a partner and as a lead singer,” the band wrote.

“We shared both wonderful and very contentious times, and much like an ex-wife, we are so proud of the beautiful children we created. We’ll always remember The Voice.”

Jay and the Americans were best known for Top 10 hits like “This Magic Moment” and “Cara Mia.”

“Jay Black was an iconic performer with a voice that was instantly recognizable anywhere in the world,’’ said John Catsimatidis, who recalled that Black helped run his campaign for mayor in 2013. “He left us too soon. We lost a tremendous talent today.”

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Rabbi MEIR KAHANE SPEAKS - Talkline with Zev Brenner (1989) ... On His Yurzeit

 This interview was one year before he was murdered by an Arab Savage!

Shlomo Carlebach's last TV interview on Talkline with Zev Brenner


Shlomo Carlebach singing "Moshe V'Aharon" - משה ואהרון


This version of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach himself singThis version of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach himself singing the famous "Moshe V'Aharon" (AKA "Mizmor Ledovid") has become popular at contemporary cantorial concerts - especially the version sung by Shlomo Simcha and subsequently Chazzan Yitzchak Meir Helfgot in video below

Listen to Biden Shout like a Lunatic


Friday, Biden shouted that there are fewer democracies today than 15 years ago, during a public address on human rights for dedication of Dodd Center at University of Connecticut.

Pelosi's thinks "a lot about ruling the world"


"Never Again" - who will fight for that promise today?


Rabbi Meir Kahane was not afraid to come out against the dangers he saw facing the Jewish people, and he paid for that with his life.

Today's Hebrew date is the yahrtzeit (death anniversary) of a modern Jewish hero who was murdered on the evening of November 5th, 1990. Over 30 years ago, Rabbi Meir Kahane, (zt'l) died at the hands of a Muslim gunman in New York City. The Jewish people, even those who despised him, lost a true leader.

Look around you at those who today are considered the spokespeople for us in the USA. For our causes. For our survival. Rabbis, lay people, politicians who lay claim to be our saviors, our standard bearers in these tough times, none can hold a candle to Kahane. His phrase, "Never Again!" is often used inappropriately for inappropriate causes by people who never heard his name. But it refers to the silence of the world, and even Jews, to the Holocaust, and is a term we must familiarize ourselves with now in order to save our people from the catastrophe about which he prophesied so often - to deaf ears.

Rabbi Kahane was a born and bred New Yorker. He saw the frequent attacks on the city's Jewish elderly and the robberies of Jewish owned businesses by blacks. He looked on as black Mayor David Dinkins, ignored the violence. He reacted as a leader should and formed the Jewish Defense League (JDL) to protect his people. He wanted to encourage his people to fight back, to teach others that Jews must be respected.

Less than a year after his assassination, Al Sharpton led a black pogrom aimed at Brooklyn's Jewish community. And without Kahane's leadership, Jews and their mainstream organizations just stood by and watched as Dinkins purposely permitted the riots to flame out of their own accord. Kahane's failed efforts to awaken fat-cat Jewish groups to stand by their people was a motivating factor leading up to the pogrom.

Thirty one years after his death, nothing has changed.

Kahane also turned his attention to the plight of Soviet Jews. He formed the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, organizing marches on and rallies in front of the Soviet Mission to the UN. He fought the struggle to force Russia to permit Jews to immigrate to the United States. Eventually, under his leadership, Russia caved and Russian Jews were given the green light to flee Communist Jew hating.

Kahane also feared that Arabs, permitted to become citizens of Israel would eventually, through the democracy practiced in the Jewish state, combined with their high birth rate and Israel's super medical system would eventually turn the Jewish state into another Arab one by their increasing numbers. He suggested Israel pay Arabs good money to encourage them to leave.

For this he was called a racist. His idea was actually a brilliant one. We can only guess how he felt, from his perch in Heaven, as Israel's Arab citizens rose up against their own country during the recent Hamas attacks. Enemies within. He was right on the money.

Today we look sadly on as Israel still is a target for Jew haters around the world, even in our own country. We are helpless as our Progressive Jewish elected officials and lawmakers bow down to self acknowledged, vocal, outspoken Jew haters within the Democrat Party. They are weaklings, traitors to their own people and nation.

In Boca Raton, my home town, we have rabbis of major synagogues listed as T'ruah members. Look up the leftist, Progressive goals of that group here..and weep.

We know how Rabbi Meir Kahane would react. That's why we miss him and pay our respects to him, the modern Jewish prophet and the reincarnation of Shimon bar Kochba, the iconic Jewish fighter for Jewish independence during the time of Rabbi Akiva, who fought the Romans in 132 C.E.. We miss and need them both....now. Speak up!

Alan Bergstein, lecturer and columnist, is an editorial writer for The NY Jewish Voice and a retired NYC school principal A father of four, he is a Korean War veteran and Jewish activist who is President of the Judeo/Christian Republican Club of Palm Beach County, Florida.