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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Parents of Malki Roth killed by Hamas bomb take on Jordan’s King Abdullah

 Malki Roth was a bubbly 15-year-old who loved her family and friends, playing the flute and visiting her grandparents in Queens. She also loved pizza, which is what brought her to a popular central Jerusalem Sbarro’s on Aug. 9, 2001, to have lunch with a friend.

That’s when Hamas terrorist Abu Muhammad al-Masri walked into the busy restaurant — packed with Israelis and tourists — carrying a guitar case full of explosives, nails, nuts and bolts. The suicide bomber detonated his weapons, killing 15 people and injuring 130.

Among the seven children murdered was Malki, an American living in Jerusalem with her parents and six siblings. The family buried their daughter the next day alongside her closest friend, Michal Raziel, also killed in the attack.

“We knew the first part of our lives had come to an end,” Malki’s father, Arnold Roth, 69, told The Post. It’s a struggle to hold myself back from imagining how her life might have worked out.”

“I sometimes imagine how different the grief would be had [Malki been old enough] to marry and have children [first],” said her mother, Frimet Roth, 67. “A piece of her would have remained with us. But we are left with nothing of her.”

Malki plays flute at annual concert in Ramot.
Malki plays the flute at an annual concert in Ramot.

The Roths are appalled that one of the architects of their daughter’s murder walks free, enjoying the life Malki wasn’t allowed to live.

Ahlam Tamimi, a Jordanian, was 20 when she helped scout the Sbarro location — chosen because it was popular with kids and American tourists — and drove bomber al-Masri on the day of the attack. It was a year into the deadly second intifada, the Palestinian rising against Israel that brought terror to buses, restaurants and other populous locales.

Tamimi confessed to all the charges — always with a smile on her face — and was sentenced in Israel to 16 life sentences. But she ended up unexpectedly freed to Jordan in 2011 as part of prisoner swap for an Israeli soldier held hostage by Hamas.

Since then, Tamimi, now 40, has bragged about killing children. “I wanted to hide my smile, but I just couldn’t,” she said in a 2012 interview of her journey from the restaurant. “On the way back [to Ramallah on a public bus], we passed a Palestinian police checkpoint, and the policemen were laughing. One of them stuck his head in and said: ‘Congratulations to us all.'”

Friday, August 6, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Re'eh


Lebanese Druze block Hezbollah rocket launcher convoy after it fired at Israel


Druze residents in a southern Lebanese village halted a Hezbollah convoy carrying rocket launchers that were apparently used to attack Israel on Friday, according to media reports.

The group stopped a truck-mounted multiple launch rocket system as it drove through the village of Chouya in southern Lebanon, video footage showed.

The angry group of villagers accused the terror group members of endangering civilian lives by launching projectiles from close to residential areas.

The Lebanese Army later arrived to confiscate the rocket launcher seen in the video and said it arrested four suspects involved in the rocket fire. It was unclear if any Hezbollah members were detained, but footage showed a man in one of the vehicles surrounded by the crowd.

Reports indicated that the rocket launchers mounted to the vehicle stopped by residents in Chouya were used in the earlier attack, as some of the barrels appeared to be empty.

Hezbollah acknowledged the truck was stopped after the group conducted the attack, but claimed the rockets were fired far from residential areas to ensure civilian safety.

Hezbollah fires almost 20 rockets at Israel; IDF responds with artillery fire


Nearly 20 rockets were fired at northern Israel from Lebanon on Friday morning, sending residents in a number of towns in the Golan Heights and Galilee Panhandle scrambling to shelters.

The Israel Defense Forces said 10 projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system and six landed in open around Mount Dov. Another three rockets failed to clear the border and landed in Lebanese territory, according to the military.

The alarms sounded shortly before 11 a.m. in Ein Quiniyye, Neveh Ativ and Snir, near Israel’s northern border with Lebanon and Syria.

A president who has himself trivialized the Nazi regime to make a partisan political smear appoints as his anti-Semitism envoy the person who defended him a the time


 President Joe Biden’s choice of Emory Professor Deborah Lipstadt as America’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism has not been greeted with the unqualified approval that might have been expected for such an appointment.

Lipstadt has a stellar academic record as a justly admired scholar of the Holocaust and antisemitism. In 2000, she won a celebrated victory against the Holocaust denier David Irving, who had sued her for libel in a British court.

Yet last September, she defended someone for comparing former President Donald Trump to the Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Her reasoning was specious. She tweeted that if Trump had been compared to “what Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich or Eichmann did, she/he would have been wrong. But a comparison to the master of the big lie, Josef Goebbels? That’s historically apt. It’s all about historical nuance.”

But it wasn’t apt at all. The comparison was indefensible. Not only was it an egregiously unjustified smear against Trump; more importantly, it downplayed the evil of Goebbels and grossly disrespected the memory of those who were slaughtered in the Holocaust.

For it wasn’t simply that Goebbels was a lying propagandist. It was that he was a Nazi committed to the extermination of the Jews. To compare Trump to such an individual was ridiculous and shameful, and should have been robustly condemned.

And just who was the individual that Lipstadt defended for making this comparison? Why, none other than one Joe Biden, who was then running for the U.S. presidency.

So a president who has himself downgraded and trivialized the Nazi regime in order to make a partisan political smear appoints as his anti-Semitism envoy the person who defended him in making this repugnant comment.

Moreover, Lipstadt has made other dubious observations. In 2019, she linked Trump to Britain’s hard-left Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn—who presided over an explosion of Jew-hatred in his party—when she told an Australian audience that both Trump and Corbyn “have shown themselves to be absolute anti-Semitic enablers.” This was true of Corbyn but untrue about Trump.

Such jarring double standards and partisan judgments have provoked concern that despite her acknowledgment that “some people on the progressive left” indulge “the anti-Semitism of others,” Lipstadt is afflicted by the myopia through which anti-Semitism is viewed as overwhelmingly associated with Nazi supporters and white supremacists.

Anti-Vaxxer Solicitor Dies Of COVID-19 9 Days After Posting That It Is “Nothing To Be Afraid Of”


 A British anti-vax solicitor with no underlying health conditions died of coronavirus just days after insisting it is “nothing to be afraid of” and hoping that he had contracted the virus in order to gain natural antibodies to COVID-19.

Leslie Lawrenson, 58, a solicitor from Bournemouth in Southern England, died at his home on 2 July. Lawrenson was a vociferous opponent of the vaccines who spoke out on social media against “taking the jab.”

His partner Amanda Mitchell, 56, became seriously ill while Mr Lawrenson was infected and spent a week in hospital. She said afterwards that his belief that Covid-19 vaccines were too “experimental” put his family at risk.

Mitchell added that Lawrenson had made a “terrible mistake” and warned others to vaccinate immediately, writing on her Facebook page that “I’m trying to stop any other family suffering a loss and the total devastation that we are going through.”

Speaking to the Stephen Nolan program on BBC Radio 5 live, she said: “I feel incredibly foolish. Les died unnecessarily.” Mitchell said that her partner, a graduate of Cambridge University, had read materials on social media warning of the dangers of vaccination.

She added that “It was a daily thing that he said to us: ‘You don’t need to have it [the vaccine], you’ll be fine, just be careful.’

“He said to me: ‘It’s a gene thing, an experimental thing. You’re putting something in your body that hasn’t been thoroughly tested’.

“Les was highly educated… so if he told me something, I tended to believe it.”

The “Squad” targets Yerushalayim


Move over, Ben & Jerry’s. Now the congresswomen known as “The Squad” have launched a new attack on Israel—and, just like the ice cream maker, one of their prime targets is Jerusalem.

The dirty little secret of the Ben & Jerry’s assault is that it is aimed not just at “settlements” but at Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. The ice cream company’s use of the vague term “Occupied Palestinian Territory” is a deliberate attempt to hide the unpopular fact that their boycott extends to the Western Wall.

Now “The Squad” is taking aim at the Wall, too—only they are being much more open about it.

In a letter to Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen this week, four self-described “Squad” members, together with three other Democrats, called for revoking the tax-exempt status of American charities that send funds to projects in “Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

Disturbing video shows woman casually shoot victim dead on crowded NYC street


Shocking video obtained by The Post shows the moment a woman with a gun walked up to another woman and shot her dead on a crowded Prospect Heights street Tuesday – before casually strolling away.

The video shows a shooter wearing a purse walk up to 42-year-old Delia Johnson and shoot the unsuspecting victim in the head while she was having a conversation with some people sitting on the stoop of a building on Franklin Avenue near Prospect Place.

The shooting happened at about 9:40 p.m., police sources said.

After the victim drops to the ground, the shooter fires off several more shots, the video shows. As nearby crowds duck for cover and run, the shooter nonchalantly walks away and gets into a white SUV that’s double parked on the street with its hazard lights flashing.

Johnson was found unconscious and unresponsive afterwards, and she was pronounced dead after being taken to Interfaith Hospital, cops said.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Satmar Rebbe Monroe Calls Viznitzer Chassidim "Mechallei Shabbos"


R' Aaron Teitelbaum, Monroe Satmar Rebbe, calls himself the "Moreh D'asrah" of Kiryat Yoel, and expects all residents to abide by his "fatwas" 

But this is a dream and far from reality, and not practical, since many residents follow R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, his brother that lives in Williamsburg, and there are the Bnei Yoel who do not follow either of them.

The town of Kiryat Yoel has expanded, and Viznitz from Williamsburg, bought property in Kiryas Yoel and recently opened a Shul and a Yeshiva on the outskirts.

 So what's the problem?

Satmar Chassidim abide by the later "zman" of the Rabbeinu Tam, and Viznitz holds the regular "Zman" they are not "makpid" to wait Moitzei Shabbos for the later "Rabbeinu Tam" zman!

When R' Aron got wind of that, he publicly questioned whether Viznitz are being "mechalil Shabbos" 

 Just so you know, the Rabbeinu Tam lived over 1,000 years ago and since then there hasn't been a rabbi in the world that ruled that if someone doesn't do the later zman of the Rabbeinu Tam he is being a "mechalel shabbos"

But I guess, this has little to do with halacha and much to do with power; they are openly defying him. The Rebbe did send a delegation to the Viznitz yeshiva to inform them whose boss, telling  them that they are being "poiretz geder".  They listened politely but continue to end Shabbos early.

Now I must say that he may have a point, because  Kiryas Yoel was founded by his uncle R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l who I'm sure established the town so that the residents would follow Satmar minhagim.. as the saying goes "When you are in Rome, do what the Romans do"

Biden Calls Cuomo a "Chazir" in Yiddish



Lady Cops Pose In Front of Belzer Aron Hakoidesh

  If you are a frum lady, and you want to stand in front of the Belzer Aron Kodesh they will scream and yell at you "Shiksa Arois"

But if you are not frum and wear pants in a Police Uniform, then you can mix and stand with men with your bottom facing the Aron Hakoidesh ...

Can you imagine what the Chareidim would do if they saw a photo like this but in a Conservative Shul?

30 Ben & Jerry American franchises send letter to their executives denouncing company's decision to boycott Judea and Samaria.


The American Jewish Committee (AJC) praised a group of Ben & Jerry’s franchisees in the United States who are urging the company to reconsider its decision to boycott Judea and Samaria.

In a letter signed by multiple franchises sent to Ben & Jerry’s executives, the franchisees wrote, “Those who feel so strongly about Israel that they want to boycott it or some part of the territory it administers are free to do so. They cannot, however, do that at our expense.”

They went on to explain the decision’s harm to them personally and to their businesses.

“There is a danger in the pursuit of social justice will descend into political correctness or result in the adoption of overly simplistic solutions by people who share a single view of the world that misconstrue complex problems in which multiple claims of justice are implicated,” they said.

The franchisees behind the letter own 30 Ben & Jerry’s locations with a total revenue of $23.3 million.

They wrote that they were “proud to be part of a company that highlights values as a part of its mission” but the “imposition of such narrow prescriptions does not advance social justice, or the pursuit of a values led business in any meaningful way.”

“The decision that has been made to terminate the contract with Ben & Jerry’s licensee in Israel not only distorts the situation on the ground – it has imposed and will to continue to impose, substantial financial costs on all of us,” they said. “More importantly, the controversy your recent actions have brought upon our local businesses has had an adverse effect on the value of our independently owned franchises and investments.”

They added that their families and communities “have shamed us personally for doing business not just with a company that draws controversy, but with one that continues to consider the calculated negative affect on its franchisees as acceptable collateral damage.”

The American Jewish Committee applauded the letter, noting that the franchisees had approached them for help with drafting the letter which was addressed to Ben & Jerry’s CEO, Director of Social Mission, Director of Global Retail Operations, and Head of U.S. Retail and Global Strategy.

AJC Chief Legal Officer Marc D. Stern lauded the franchisees for their courage in directly taking the company to task.

“Tagging one side with all responsibility for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may make self-described social justice advocates proud, but it advances neither peace nor justice,” Stern wrote in a letter to the editor published in the New York Times on Thursday in response to the Ben & Jerry’s co-founders' Times opinion piece defending their company’s decision.

Stern noted that while the co-founders claimed the company’s intent is only to stop serving Judea and Samaria, and not all of Israel, “The chair of the company’s board of directors has publicly said it wanted to boycott Israel but was overruled (wrongly she believed) by its parent company, Unilever, and now may do so only under unspecified arrangements. The failure of Ben and Jerry to address that reality fatally undercuts their argument.”

Jake Novak, the Broadcast Media Director for the Consulate General of Israel in New York, said on Twitter that the franchisees letter was “very, very important.”

“Franchisees often take their franchise owners to court over stuff like this,” he tweeted. “There are lawyers who specialize in these kinds of cases and win. This is a red flag for [Ben & Jerry’s] parent company.”

First a "Talking Fish" in Skver and now a Fish with human-looking teeth


“Jaws” ain’t got nothin’ on these chompers.

A sheepshead fish with human-looking teeth is freaking people out after it was caught off the Outer Banks.

According to Jennette’s Pier in North Carolina, Nathan Martin caught a grinning 9-pound fish whose teeth resemble dentures. A photo captioned “#bigteethbigtimes” shows the sheepshead flashing a top and bottom set of pearly-ish whites.

Many Facebook users were as creeped out as they were intrigued by the fish that was found in Nags Head. According to Scientific American, the sheepshead’s teeth are similar to those of humans since they, too, are omnivores. The fish usually weigh between 5 and 15 pounds — in part thanks to their hardy incisors — and are generally found year-round in North Carolina’s coastal waters.

The viral post, now with more than 1,200 Facebook reactions and hundreds of shares, had beachgoers shocked — and laughing hysterically.

“Is this where dentures come from?” one commenter said.

“I know people who would love to have that many teeth,” added another.

A third joked, “Sad when someone catches a fish and it has more teeth than they do.”

Coinci-dental-ly, this isn’t the first time a toothy sheepshead made a splash on social media. A triggerfish with human-esque teeth and lips was spotted in Malaysia, and was almost identical to an Instagram star’s filler-injected pout.

Gwen Berry, hammer thrower who turned away from US flag, and was planning to diss the USA Again .. fails to medal at Olympics


Gwen Berry failed to medal during the women’s hammer throw finals on Tuesday. Berry finished in eleventh place out of twelve competitors, registering a distance of 71.35 meters. 

The 32-year-old caused a stir during the medal ceremony at the Olympic trials in June. After winning a bronze medal during the event, Berry faced the stands rather than the American flag, holding up a shirt that read “Activist Athlete.” 

Afterward, Berry said she was “pissed” that “The Star-Spangled Banner” played during the celebration. 

“If you know your history, you know the full song of the national anthem,” Berry said on Black News Channel. “The third paragraph speaks to slaves in America — our blood being slain … all over the floor.” 

In July, before the Olympics commenced, Berry pledged to “represent the oppressed people” should she win a medal in Tokyo, adding, “that’s been my message for the last three years.” 

El Al to try out inflight COVID-19 testing


Israel’s national carrier El Al will hold a trial for inflight COVID-19 testing on Thursday, in a plan that will enable passengers to skip the mandatory tests that all arrivals are required to undergo when they land at Ben Gurion Airport.

There have been numerous complaints about long and crowded lines at the airport, as arriving passengers wait to take their tests. These have sparked concerns that the conditions could facilitate the spread of the virus among the crowds.

The voluntary pilot program will be tried on an El Al flight leaving New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport at 2 p.m. local time, carrying about 280 passengers. It is being done in coordination with the Health Ministry and the Femi Premium company, which operates COVID-19 testing facilities at Ben Gurion, as well as XpresCheck, a US company that carries out testing at JFK.

XpresCheck will perform virus tests on passengers at the boarding gate before they get on the plane. Passengers who do not undergo tests before the flight can be tested on the plane.

Specially qualified personnel will perform throat and nose swabs while wearing personal protection outfits and disposable gloves — the latter replaced between passengers.

The tests will be placed in a culture used for transporting samples and stored in special refrigerated coolers during the flight. Each sample will be marked with a barcode to identify the passenger it came from. Passengers will be asked to provide details such as name, passport number, address, and telephone number, in order to inform them of the test results.

Tests will cost NIS 80 ($25) each for passengers who sign up for the program before the flight.

All travelers, including those who are vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19, are required to self-isolate for 24 hours upon arrival in Israel, or for a shorter period if they receive a negative test result (starting August 11, arrivals from many countries, including the US, will need to isolate for a week, even if vaccinated).

Though the program enables travelers to avoid being tested at the airport, El Al stressed that the tests are not a replacement for the virus test all arrivals must undergo up to 72 hours before their flight.

In a statement Wednesday announcing the pilot, El Al said the method could be “a breakthrough for the entry of tourists into Israel in the future.”

“The aim of the project is to bring the flight experience back to one somewhat similar to the one we knew before the eruption of the coronavirus,” the statement said.

El Al CEO Avigal Soreq added: “It is clear to everyone that the virus is here to stay in one form or another and we must not put life on hold.

“El Al will continue to do everything in its power to develop creative and effective solutions for its customers” in order to open the country for foreign tourism that is a critical part of the economy, Soreq said.

Israel has seen a strong resurgence of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks, which officials have blamed on the Delta variant of the virus brought back to the country by travelers who did not properly quarantine on arrival.

In recent days new daily virus cases have passed 3,000. As of Thursday morning there were 24,463 active cases in the county, of which 241 were in serious condition. In mid-June, there were just a few dozen being cases found each day.

Israel has begun reintroducing restrictions on public life to curb the outbreak while also urging people to get vaccinated under the national inoculation drive that has already given shots to over 55 percent of the population.

It has also started giving third booster shots to people over age 60, in a world-first.

On Wednesday Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said that a lockdown over the coming Jewish holidays is “a last resort” but could be implemented if coronavirus cases continue to rise.

Twenty-six Israelis have died of COVID-19 since the beginning of August, with 10 people dying on Sunday, the highest one-day figure since early April. The death toll since the start of the pandemic is at 6,503.

What is going on with the Lakewood Hashgacha KCL?


Catering Standards Questioned?

Invited to an affair under the supervision of Lakewood's yeshiva’s established  “Hashgocha” Kosher Council of Lakewood, aka “KCL” , but which was being held in a non-kosher facility, we went into the kitchen to look around and to compare notes with the Mashgiach. we were not prepared for what we found.

More disappointing was it to learn that the “Rabbonim” who certified the  KCL  never visited any of their certified establishments. The affair under their certification was being held in a non-kosher facility.

KASHRUS experts  recently discovered a number of such organizations where the “Rabbonim” themselves have never seen the operation which they certify, but instead rely totally on the head “Mashgiach” or on their Kashrus Administrator to make all “halachic” decisions.

This letter, basically unchanged, was mailed to all of the “Rabbonim” in the Lakewood Yeshiva’s KCL kashrus organization. To date, “we have not received any reply”. 

'Do You Need An ID To Rent An Apartment?': Nancy Mace Asks Witness Rapid-Fire Questions About ID


Evidence of the Earthquake Mentioned in Amos & Zacharyia Discovered


Archaeological excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the City of David National Park revealed a layer of destruction, including a row of shattered vessels, including bowls, lamps, cooking utensils, storage and storage jars, which were smashed as the building's walls collapsed.

According to the researchers, since no signs of fire were found, this was not a deliberate event and the reason for the collapse of the building is the earthquake that occurred in Israel during the eighth century BCE, during the period of the Kingdom of Judah.

According to Dr. Joe Uziel and Ortal Chalaf, excavation directors on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority: "When we excavated the structure and uncovered an 8th century BCE layer of destruction, we were very surprised, because we know that Jerusalem continued to exist in succession until the Babylonian destruction, which occurred about 200 years later."

"We asked ourselves what could have caused that dramatic layer of destruction we uncovered. Examining the excavation findings, we tried to check if there is a reference to it in the biblical text. Interestingly, the earthquake that appears in the Bible in the books of Amos and Zechariah, occurred at the time when the building we excavated in the City of David collapsed."

"The combination of the finds in the field together with the biblical description, led us to the conclusion that the earthquake that struck the Land of Israel during the reign of Uzziah king of Judah, also hit the capital of the kingdom - Jerusalem."

According to the researchers: "The earthquake that occurred in the middle of the 8th century BCE was probably one of the strongest and most damaging earthquakes in ancient times, and evidence of its occurrence has been discovered in the past in excavations conducted at a variety of sites throughout Israel, such as Hazor, Gezer, Tel Agol, and Tell es-Safi/Gath.

"" Hamodia'' encourages Chareidim to Fly With "goyishe" Airlines, despite that El Al is owned by a Frum Jew

The world's Jewish population is less than the population of all of the kindergarten classes in China. 

You would think that Jews especially "Torah Jews'' would want to support businesses that are owned by their fellow Jews. 

Not a chance.

The Gerer Rebbe flew ''Delta"" this week on his visit to New York, despite the fact that El Al is now owned by a shomer Torah Umitvois.

The Gerer Rebbe is a multi-millionaire, so his decision to support ''Goyim" was not a financial one, this was not a question of the price of the ticket.

To make matters worse, the Israeli  Hamodia, a Gerer backed newspaper, encouraged its readers to fly an airline owned by goyim, instead of encouraging Jews to support their own.

This post is not about someone who has a limited budget and must fly the cheapest way.


Joel Landau, Owner Of Nearly 400 Nursing Homes, Tells 70,000 Employees To Get Vaccine Or Lose Your Job


The U.S. nursing home industry’s resistance to forcing workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 for fear that too many of them might quit began to crack this week when its biggest player announced its employees must get the shot to keep their jobs.

The new requirement at Genesis Healthcare, which has 70,000 employees at nearly 400 nursing homes and senior communities, is the clearest sign yet that owners may be willing to risk an exodus at already dangerously understaffed facilities to quickly vaccinate the 40% of workers still resisting shots and fend off the surging delta variant.

Some experts are calling for mandatory vaccinations at nursing homes, warning that unprotected staff members are endangering residents. Even residents who have been inoculated are vulnerable because many are elderly and frail, with weak immune systems.