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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Chief Strategist of the Rhode Island Democratic Party Wishes Death on Lindsay Graham


Kate Coyne-McCoy, the chief strategist of the Rhode Island Democratic Party, faced swift criticism late Monday over a tweet about Sen. Lindsey Graham’s COVID-19 diagnosis.

The Republican from South Carolina—who had been fully vaccinated—announced earlier in the day that he came down with flu-like symptoms on Sunday. He said he was diagnosed with the virus on Monday by the House physician. His symptoms are mild and he said he will be quarantining for 10 days. 

Coyne-McCoy took to Twitter and posted, "It’s wrong to hope he dies from Covid right? Asking for a friend. #COVIDISNOTOVER #LINDSEYGRAHAM," she posted. 

Even at a time when the political divide in the country seems like it could not get any deeper, posts hinting at the death of a political opponent seem to cross an imaginary line of civility. But individuals who tweet out these posts have often weighed the risks and have determined that they play to their base. 

The Rhode Island Democrats and Coyne-McCoy did not immediately respond to after-hours emails from Fox News. The tweet was initially screengrabbed by a reporter from the Free Beacon. 

In March, Rhode Island Public Radio called the hiring of Coyne-McCoy, a registered lobbyist, a "clear signal" that the state’s Democratic Party was intent on moving to the left. The report said that while she is not the party’s executive director, she "will be the person responsible for leading the party’s political efforts."

When former President Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 last year, many Democrats seemed to put politics aside and sent the president well wishes. But some of his notable detractors seemed to view the infection as a political vulnerability during the 2020 election and used it to describe him as reckless.

Graham has been an advocate for the vaccines and received his jabs in December. He said during a visit this spring to the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston that "the sooner we get everybody vaccinated, the quicker we can get back to normal." 

Nikolsberger Rebbe is my Rebbe and he should be yours too



Tuesday, August 3, 2021

NY AG Investigation Finds Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women, Violating State, Federal Law

 Independent investigators determined that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women who worked for the state in violation of state and federal laws.

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced on Tuesday, Aug. 3 that the five-month investigation into sexual harassment claims against the governor has concluded, with independent investigators Joon Kim and Anne Clark finding that the Executive Chamber was “rife with fear and intimidation,” which allowed for harassment to occur and create a hostile work environment.

The investigation found that Cuomo allegedly engaged in unwanted groping, kissing, and hugging, as well as making inappropriate comments to both state employees, and non-state employees, including a New York State trooper who was assigned to his protective detail.

According to investigators, the governor and his senior staff took actions to retaliate against at least one former employee for coming forward with her story.

James said that the Executive Chamber fostered a “toxic” workplace that enabled “harassment to occur and created a hostile work environment.” 

“The investigators find that Governor Cuomo’s actions and those of the Executive Chamber violated multiple state and federal laws, as well as the Executive Chamber’s own written policies.” 

The report found that Cuomo repeatedly harassed women, including reaching up one victim’s breast, gazing at their private parts, and talking explicitly about sex in front of employees, which Clark said “humiliated them.” 

“One current employee said that she was terrified that if she spoke out she would lose her job,” Clark said. “She broke down in front of colleagues on March 3, 2021, when he claimed he never touched anyone inappropriately, and then she confided in co-workers, who made it known.” 

Clark also outlined the claims made by former aide Charlotte Bennett, age 25, who came forward in the spring last year and was attempted to be quieted by the governor’s administration.

“He said he could date women as young as 22, knowing that Bennett was 25 at the time,” Clark said. “He asked about details of her sexual assault … He said he was lonely and wanted to be touched … He asked about monogamy … He asked how her sexual assault affected her romantic life … He said she looked like Daisy Duke … He asked if she had any piercings anywhere other than her ears.” 

The investigation also found that Cuomo’s administration was one of fear and intimidation.

Kim said that “words that witnesses have used to describe it include ‘toxic,’ ‘hostile,’ ‘abusive,’ while others used words like ‘fear,’ ‘intimidation,’ ‘bullying,’ and ‘vindictive.’”

In texts among members of the administration, Kim said that one wrote that “Hopefully when this is all done, people will realize the culture even outside the sexual harassment stuff is not something you can get away with. You can’t berate and harass people 24/7.” 

James said that “This is a sad day for New York because independent investigators have concluded that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and, in doing so, broke the law. 

“I am grateful to all the women who came forward to tell their stories in painstaking detail, enabling investigators to get to the truth. 

“No man — no matter how powerful — can be allowed to harass women or violate our human rights laws, period.”

This is a developing story. 

Meah Shearim "perverts" Splash Water on Passing Girls

The woman in the video yells up to the "pervert" in Meah Shearim that just spilled water from the balcony of his home on the girls walking under his cursed window, and asks him if that's Torah? "are you crazy, cut off your peyes or be a person, what a Chillul Hashem, what a chutzpah"

She then turns around to the girls and explains in English, that "we are Chabad and we love every Jew and we don't behave that way" 

The Meah Shearim extremists are like the Shvartza in the Bronx, where a white guy cannot go into their neighborhoods safely but they can go to all white neighborhoods.

I sincerely believe that those spilling water on girls are perverts and use  frumkeit as an excuse. The girls are all dressed tzneesdik but of course not to his sick standards .

The Cat that will only eat from "Bedatz Hechsher"


AOC Calls For Defunding Police for the regular "Szlub" on the Street, but for herself She Hired Private Guards


A view of Federal Election Commission records indicates New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paid thousands to a former Blackwater contractor for security.

According to the New York Post, Ocasio-Cortez, who has been a vocal proponent of defunding the police, had her campaign pay at least $4,636 for “security services” to Tullis Worldwide Protection.

Since she arrived in Congress, Ocasio-Cortez has insisted that shifting resources out of police departments and into communities is the best way to help those struggling.

“[Suburban] communities have lower crime rates not because they have more police but because they have more resources to support healthy society in a way that reduces crime,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a 2020 social media post.

After New York defunded billions from police, Ocasio-Cortez maintained that “defunding police means defunding police.”

Will Chareidie Yeshivas implement the "New Language" Now required by the Biden Administration?


Gentile Filmmaker Joins "Hachansas Sefer Torah" in Monsey "very Impressed"


'We don't want any haredim around here'


I watched this video over and over and of course I found it very disturbing, a Chareidie should be able to live anywhere in Eretz Yisrael.And this guy should fined for his "hate slurs" 

Having said that, I wonder if a chilonie would be able to move into a Chareidie neighborhood, without them burning his house down. I'm old enough to remember when a "frier" bought a house in New Square at an auction and it didn't take long until the house burned down. 

Well, Chassidim explain, that the whole reason they established a town like New Square or Kiryat Yoel was to protect their traditions without outside influence. This is a utopian dream, something impossible to accomplish in today's world of technology that has infiltrated the most sacred of homes, and in Chutz Le'aaretz.

At any rate, a chilonie would never be able to move into a Chireidie neighborhood, but Chareidim don't like it when it happens to them, they hate being screamed at, something they do every single shabbos in Yerushalayim. 

So if you want respect,,, give it to others as well.

A haredi man looking to buy property in northern Israel was chased out of town by a local resident, who declared that haredim were not welcome in his community.

The incident occurred in the Western Galilee town of Bustan HaGalil, a moshav near the city of Acre [Akko], when realtors brought a haredi customer to visit property up for sale in the moshav.

While the realtors took the customer for a tour of the town, a resident approached them, cursing both the realtors and the customer and demanding they leave town immediately.

“Get out! Move it, or I’m going to eat you,” the man screamed.

When asked why he was harassing the group, the resident replied: “Because we don’t want haredim here.”

“Don’t try and lie to me that you’re here for a vacation. Listen, you’ve got one minute to get out of here, and then we can all be friends.”

The resident continued to berate and even threaten the realtors and their haredi customer, demanding the leave immediately.

“I’m very angry, I don’t want to see them here. Take them to your home, those pieces of garbage, you piece of filth.”

“Do they carry guns? Do they protect us from the Arabs? They’re just trash. They just take our money.”

Religious Zionist Party chief Bezalel Smotrich responded to the incident in a statement, saying: “This disgusting person needs to be embarrassed whenever he leaves his home. The truth is he should go to jail for his violence and racist anti-Semitism. But since there is no chance our rotten police and the justice system will deal with him, make the video go viral and shame him everywhere possible so that he should be too ashamed to leave home.”

Rabbi Kanievsky: Populations at risk must get third vaccine


Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the preeminent authorities of Jewish law in the Haredi world, has issued a ruling to the staff of healthcare provider Clalit's Haredi department that populations at risk must be vaccinated a third time.

Senior members of the Dan district administration and Clalit's Haredi department went to the Rabbi's house to hear his opinion regarding the third vaccine according to Jewish law.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Eyal Jacobson, Medical Director of the Dan - Petah Tikva District in Clalit, Rabbi Avraham Konsky, Director of the Haredi Department in Clalit, and Rabbi Nehemiah Blushtein, Director of the Haredi Sector in the Dan - Petah District with Bnei Brak Community Relations Manager Rabbi Yechezkel Peksher.

Rabbi Kanievsky considered the experts' opinions before issuing a ruling that people at risk are obligated to get vaccinated a third time and gave his blessing to the new vaccination campaign.

Rabbi Kanievsky's directive is in accordance with the advice of the Health Ministry and the medical community, both of which support the third vaccination for seniors and other populations at risk.

Monday, August 2, 2021

100-year-old Nazi camp guard will stand trial in Germany accused of complicity in 3,518 murders


A 100-year-old former concentration camp guard will face trial in October accused of being an accessory to the murder of 3,518 people.

The accused, who has not been named in accordance with German law, is said to have worked at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp near Berlin from 1942 to 1945 as an enlisted member of the Nazi Party's paramilitary wing.

Around 200,000 people were imprisoned in the camp, tens of thousands of whom were killed.

The man's trial is slated to start in October after the prosecutor's office in Neuruppin, which first brought the charges in February, received a medical assessment which confirmed the man is 'fit to stand trial' despite his advanced age.

A spokesman from the Neuruppin district court told German weekly Welt am Sonntag that the defendant should be able to stand trial for two to two-and-a-half hours a day.

The suspect is accused of 'knowingly and willingly' assisting in the murder of prisoners at the Sachsenhausen camp in Oranienburg, north of Berlin, between 1942 and 1945.

He is accused notably of complicity in the 'execution by firing squad of Soviet prisoners of war in 1942' and the murder of prisoners 'using the poisonous gas Zyklon B'.

Thomas Walther, a lawyer representing a number of the victims in the case, told Welt am Sonntag: 'Several of the co-complainants are just as old as the accused and expect justice to be done.'  

The Neuruppin office was handed the case in 2019 by the special federal prosecutors' office in Ludwigsburg tasked with investigating Nazi-era war crimes.

The court in Neuruppin is based northwest of the town of Oranienburg, where Sachsenhausen was located.

The defendant is said to live in the state of Brandenburg outside of Berlin, local media reported. 

While the number of suspects in Nazi war crimes is dwindling, prosecutors are still working to bring individuals to justice.

‘I should have gotten the damn vaccine’: Dad sends heartbreaking text before death


A Las Vegas dad dying of COVID-19 sent his fiancée the heartbreaking text, “I should have gotten the damn vaccine” just before he succumbed, according to new reports. 

Michael Freedy, 39, had gone on vacation with fiancée Jessica du Preez and their children, ages 17, 10, 7, 6 and 17 months, in mid-July, KVVU reported

A short time after their return, Freedy went to the hospital with a painful skin rash.

While there, he ended up testing positive for COVID-19. 

He went home to try to ride out the illness in isolation, but his symptoms became more and more severe, the outlet reported.

“Early Tuesday morning, I would say around 3, 4 o’clock in the morning, he wakes me up panicking,” du Preez told the Fox TV station. “He’s like, ‘I can’t breathe. I know something is wrong.’ ”

Freedy couldn’t even manage to stand, so the couple went back to the hospital.

He was admitted with pneumonia in both lungs and moved to another hospital, where du Preez was allowed to see him. 

“I just kept telling him, ‘You are going to get through this, you’ve got to come home to us,’ ” she said. 

Instead, his condition deteriorated, and he was transferred to the ICU.

“I was able to call before they took him in, and he sat on the phone,” du Preez said. “And I was able to hear him. I was like, ‘Please keep fighting. Don’t give up.’ And he’s like, ‘I’m trying to fight, but they are going to intubate me and put me under.’ ”

At one point, Freedy sent du Preez a text from the hospital. 

“Oh my [expletive] God. This is terrible,” he wrote, according to CBS-TV affiliate KLAS. “I should have gotten the damn vaccine.”

The heartbreaking text messages that Michael Freedy sent while in the hospital.

Freedy died at the hospital Thursday morning with du Preez by his side. 

“I was at the hospital visiting Mike and telling him all about our kids’ day and how everyone was pulling for him,” du Preez posted on a GoFundMe page. “His numbers crashed and they were not able to bring them back up.

“The love of my life, my rock, my everything. The father to my babies, is no longer with us. I don’t know what to do.”

Freedy was not vaccinated — though his fiancée said the couple had planned on becoming so eventually.

“We were just holding off, and now to think that if we just had gotten the shot a week before or a month before when one of our jobs had a vaccination thing, he could still be here,” she told the station.

“We wanted to wait just one year from the release to see what effects people had, but there was never any intention to not get it,” she added to KVVU.

Du Preez, who said she will always regret the decision, is now vaccinated along with the couple’s oldest child. 

She said that even if the vaccine had prevented “a little bit” of her fiance’s symptoms, “it could have stopped the coronavirus from progressing so fast.”

“I expected to get 30 more years with him,” du Preez said. “I didn’t expect him to be gone.”

Kathy Griffin diagnosed with lung cancer despite ‘never’ smoking


Kathy Griffin revealed she has lung cancer despite “never” smoking and will be undergoing surgery to have half of her left lung removed.

The comedian announced the news Monday morning in a lengthy note posted to social media, sharing that the cancer is stage 1 and “contained.”

“I’ve got to tell you guys something. I have cancer. I’m about to go into surgery to have half of my left lung removed,” she began her letter on social media. “Yes, I have lung cancer even though I’ve never smoked! The doctors are very optimistic as it is stage one and contained to my left lung.”

Griffin, 60, said she’s hopeful that she won’t need to get chemotherapy or radiation treatment after the surgery and “should have normal function with my breathing.”

“I should be up and running around as usual in a month or less,” she added.

The former “Fashion Police” star assured fans that she’ll be “just fine” and ended her note by encouraging readers to get vaccinated for COVID-19.

“Of course I am fully vaccinated for Covid,” she continued. “The consequences for being unvaccinated would have been even more serious. Please stay up to date on your medical check ups. 

“It’ll save your life.”

Griffin was hospitalized in March 2020 — just days after her 99-year-old mother died — with “unbearably painful” Covid-like symptoms, but was unable to be tested for the virus due to restrictions at the time.

In an interview with “Nightline” slated to air Monday night, Griffin admits she was stunned upon receiving the diagnosis about two weeks ago.

“I was definitely in shock,” she says. “I’m still a little bit in shock — not denial — but I still like once a day I’ll just turn to like nobody next to me and go, ‘Can you believe this s–t? Is this a bitch or what?'”

They Guy who dressed Up as a Girl to Compete at the Olympics in Weightlifting ..Lost to the Girls


Laurel Hubbard’s groundbreaking Olympics debut didn’t quite go as planned. 

Hubbard, who made history as the first transgender athlete to compete at the Olympics, was eliminated after failing to record a single lift in three attempts in Monday’s over-87-kilogram super-heavyweights. 

The New Zealand native missed her first lift, at 120 kg in the snatch, with the bar going over her head and behind her back. The judges then ruled against her second attempt, at 125 kg. Her third attempt, also at 125 kg, also resulted in the bar going over her head, resulting in an unceremonious end to her competition. 

Hubbard’s inclusion in the Games has proven to be a divisive topic, given that the 43-year-old had not competed internationally as a weightlifter until she began her gender transition at the age of 35. 

Though Hubbard satisfies the protocol for transgender athletes as first established by the International Olympic Committee in 2015, her testosterone levels are still several times greater than the standard for biological women.

Chareidie Rabbanim Find a New "Issur" to torture us .....'3D goggles might bring disaster upon the Jewish people'


Charedi rabbis' opposition to computers, the internet, smartphones, and a host of other tech devices is well-established, but now it appears that they have targeted a new threat – 3D viewing technology.

Considering that the technology is not in overly wide use, it is unclear why Haredi rabbis have taken a strong stance against it, but it could have to do with the fact that 3D viewing devices have been introduced at some archaeological sites, such as the Western Wall tunnels.

The Haredi website Be'Hadrei Hadarim published a letter from a committee of rabbis representing various Hassidic sects and Haredi communities that opposed modern technology, attacking 3D goggles in the harshest terms.

"As we all know, the dangers of technology reinvent themselves every day … heaven forbid that we should encounter the corrupting device known as '3D goggles – augmented reality, which even comes to us in the guise of being 'kosher' and carrying the scent of sanctity, but after studying the reality and clarifying things, the extent of the disaster these devices could bring to the holy people has been made clear," the rabbis wrote.

"Recently, the aforementioned device has been marketed for use with innocent games, when the truth is that this is an advanced, dangerous technological device that entails the danger of watching and growing addicted to movies and technological games, even more so in '3D,' which pulls the heart even farther away than it has been thus far," the letter warned.

"Therefore we have agreed that according to the Torah, this device is not worth of entering holy communities, and it must not be purchased or used in any manner, not even at public events, and certainly not advertised or sold," the rabbis said.

Wheel Chair belonging to former Chabad Rebbe goes on auction


An unusual item has recently arrived at the Appel Auction house in New York.

Collectors will soon have the chance to bid on the wheelchair that belonged to the leading 19-century Chabad Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn.

Schneersohn was the sixth Rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch Hassidic movement, potentially leading to great interest among collectors and Chabad members.

The auction house published photos and letters attesting to the item's authenticity. Based on the items, Schneersohn used to have two wheelchairs. One was kept at the Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, New York, while the other was used by Schneersohn for community events.

The wheelchair currently on auction was gifted by Schneersohn's grandson, Shalom Ber Gourary, to Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch.

"My grandfather has two wheelchairs. This chair [referring to the photo] shows that he used it to go to events," he wrote in a letter. In one of the photos, Schneersohn is seen using the wheelchair at a Chabad event in 1943, seven years prior to his death.

Schneerson was the last Chabad Rebbe to live in the town of Lubavitch, a town that was at the time under Tsarist Russia's control and today is part of Belarus. In 1920 he became the leader of the movement after his father, the fifth Rebbe, Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, passed away.

In 1927, he was sentenced to death without trial for operating a secret network of Jewish schools, a matter illegal at the time. As a result of international pressure, he was instead sent to exile to the city of Kostroma, more than 300 kilometers (186 miles) from Moscow. After his release, again due to international pressure, he was allowed to leave Russia. He moved to Latvia, and eventually to the United States.

In 1940, he purchased the famous 770 building in New York. After passing away in 1950, his son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, took over.

US, UK, Russia give Israel 'green light' to strike back at Iran


The United States, the United Kingdom and Russia gave Israel the "green light" on Sunday to attack Iranian targets following a deadly drone strike last Friday on an Israeli-owned cargo ship in the Gulf of Oman, Kuwait-based newspaper Al-Jaridareported, quoting American officials.

Both the US and UK joined Israel in alleging that Iran carried out the fatal drone strike on the oil tanker Mercer Street, putting further pressure on Tehran as it denied being involved in the assault.

Calling it an "unlawful and callous attack," British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said his country and its allies planned a coordinated response over the strike Thursday night on the oil tanker Mercer Street.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken soon followed, saying there was "no justification for this attack, which follows a pattern of attacks and other belligerent behavior."

"We are working with our partners to consider our next steps and consulting with governments inside the region and beyond on an appropriate response, which will be forthcoming," Blinken added.

The strike on the Mercer Street marked the first-known fatal attack after years of assaults on commercial shipping in the region linked to tensions with Iran over its tattered nuclear deal.

While no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, Iran and its militia allies have used so-called "suicide" drones in attacks previously, which crash into targets and detonate their explosive payloads

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett went further than Blinken and Raab in his remarks Sunday at a cabinet meeting, saying: "I declare unequivocally: Iran is the one that carried out the attack on the ship." He then accused Tehran of "trying to shirk responsibility" for the attack and called its denial "cowardly."

He then made a point to stare directly into the camera and slowly warn: "We know, at any rate, know how to convey the message to Iran in our own way."

The drone attack blasted a hole through the top of the oil tanker's bridge, where the captain and crew command the vessel, a US official said. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity as an investigation into the attack still was ongoing. The blast killed two crew members from the United Kingdom and Romania.

Photographs of the damage caused to the bridge of the vessel were published by foreign media outlets.

He is proud to be a "Pooop'eh"

Looks Like a "Chareidie" Painted a Swastika on a Shul in Bnei Brak ....On Shabbos!

Watch the video and watch a "chareidei" run in and out near the shul that was defaced with a Swastika on Shabbos early morning !

Im not surprised , first the "rabbanim" were quiet when their flock called other Jews "Nazis" and so why wouldn't they think that it's a "mitzvah" to be mechallel shabbos and violate a "deoriisah" of writing on shabbos.....?
The shul was Zionist so maybe the rabbis will "paskin" that it's ok ...
anyway, I hope that I'm wrong and the guy on the video turns out to be a goy...
But I won't hold my breath as the investigators are focusing on a Chareidie as of this posting!

UN teachers celebrate deaths of Israelis


In 1948 and again in 1967, Satmar and other Chachamim, suggested that instead of a State, the United Nations should manage Eretz Yisrael. 
This idiotic bizarre idea has been proven to be a colossal disaster.  In 1967 the UN had troops in the Sinai and the Golan to separate Israel from Arab invasion, Nasser, the President of Egypt ordered UN Troops out, and they happily left leaving Israel vulnerable to Arab attack. So much for that crazy idea. 
Over the years since then, the United Nations has shown itself to be a nest for Jew haters. 
Thank G-d, that Hashem didn't listen to Satmar and helped the Jewish people establish a Jewish State and provided miracles in 1967 to totally destroy three invading Arab armies.  
Yes indeed, the State  has come with much pain, but the Chazal itself says that Israel comes with "yesurin." 
May we all have see the light and together bring Moshiach.

A United Nations agency that runs schools and social services for Palestinians is facing calls to fire employees using social media to celebrate attacks on Israelis and promote anti-Jewish hatred.

Over 100 UNRWA educators and staff have publicly promoted violence and antisemitism on social media, according to a new report published by the non-governmental organization UN Watch, an independent human rights group based in Geneva.

The report, entitled “Beyond the Textbooks,” uncovers 22 recent cases of UNRWA staff incitement which clearly violate the agency’s own rules as well as its proclaimed values of zero tolerance for racism, discrimination or antisemitism. UN Watch is calling on the agency’s major funders — including the U.S., Germany, the UK and the European Union — to hold UNRWA accountable to its own standards and commitments.

As revealed in the report, UNRWA staff stationed in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan have publicly incited antisemitism and terrorism. Among the educators who have used their personal social media channels for such propaganda are UNRWA Gaza math teacher Nahed Sharawi, who shared a video of Adolf Hitler with inspirational quotes to “enrich and enlighten your thoughts and minds.” Husni Masri, an UNRWA teacher in the West Bank, posted antisemitic conspiracy theories according to which Jews control the world, created the coronavirus and seek to destroy Islam.

UN Watch’s report lists a total of 113 cases that it managed to capture from UNRWA employees' public pages alone, all celebrating and promoting violence, even among young children. The watchdog group only examined a sample of Facebook users who publicly identified themselves as UNRWA employees, and estimates that the actual number of UNRWA staff who incite violence and hatred includes many more of the agency’s 30,000 staff.

UN Watch further reveals that despite its numerous prior requests and submission of detailed evidence, UNRWA has failed to fire teachers who incite to racism and terrorism, nor has it taken any other meaningful action. UNRWA should therefore be considered complicit in its staff members’ misconduct, says UN Watch.

UN Watch Director, Hillel Neuer: “Around the world, educators who incite hate and violence are removed, yet UNRWA, despite proclaiming zero tolerance for incitement, knowingly and systematically employs purveyors of terror and anti-Jewish hate.

“We call on the governments that fund UNWRA to take action to stop the vicious cycle of generations being taught to hate and violently attack Jews. We demand that UNRWA address the core problem, and demonstrate its genuine commitment to basic norms of education in its schools, by publicly condemning UNWRA employees who incite terrorism and antisemitism, removing them from their positions, and creating an independent and impartial investigation of all of its staff.”