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Friday, July 2, 2021

Biden kneels before President Rivlin's Charedi Aide After Learning She has 12 Kids


Rivka Ravitz Mother of 12

President Joe Biden made an unusual gesture of respect for the chief of staff of his Israeli counterpart earlier this week.

President Reuven Rivlin and his chief of staff and bureau chief Rivka Ravitz met with President Biden in the Oval Office Monday, during President Rivlin’s final trip to the US while in office.

While speaking with Rivlin and Ravitz, Biden learned that Ravitz has twelve children, prompting him to kneel down before her.

“I have a picture of my mother here,” Biden said during the meeting, “You must see who she was.”

Biden also met with President Rivlin’s daughter, telling reporters he spoke with the Rivlins about their family.

“I’m so delighted his daughter is here. She’s in the back right there. And I got to — I got to meet her and talk about our kids and grandkids and all the like.”

Two Young Women Itty Andrusier and Leah Goldsmith in their Early 20's founded a Girl Seminary in Yerushlayim


When you are in your twenties it's ok not to know exactly what you will pursue in life, it's ok, you are still young and you are still searching, trying to understand your role in life in this world and G-d.

Itty Andrusier and Leah Goldsmith see it differently, two American Chabad girls twenty-one years old after meeting in a seminar in Australia when they were 18 years old decided to merge their energy and create a seminar that would fulfill all their requests in what they thought was missing in the Chabad seminar panorama.

With the full support of both their parents who are very successful shluchim in Miami and in Dallas, the girls despite their young age and not being married yet, got the green light to become the Creative Directors and bringing their seminary vision to life.

The Jean Schottestein Institute called Orya was established in the quiet neighborhood of Har Shmuel outside Jerusalem, with a twenty-staff program and thirty-six girls from all over the world.

Watch the chat I had with these incredible young girls and the project they had in mind and made it into reality after a lot of hard work, faith in Hashem, and in their Rebbe (Lubavitch).

Biden’s promise on Iranian nukes is worthless


The president pledged that Tehran will not acquire nuclear weapons on “my watch.” But if he reinstates Obama’s deal the crisis will occur after he leaves office.

By Jonathan S. Tobin, JNS.org

Outgoing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin met with U.S. President Joe Biden in Washington this week and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Rome. The theme of both meetings as far as the Israelis were concerned was happiness with the Biden administration.

As far as Rivlin and Lapid are concerned, any problems facing the alliance were the fault of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom both men despise despite coming from different ends of the Israeli political spectrum. Lapid went out of his way to declare that “mistakes were made” by Netanyahu, whose policies toward Democrats he described as “shameful and dangerous.” Rivlin was equally eager to portray Biden as a reliable friend of Israel who should be taken at his word when he makes promises about protecting its security.

That’s exactly what the administration wants to hear even if the attempt to depict the Democrats as having been wronged by Netanyahu is inaccurate. After all, it was former President Barack Obama who undermined the alliance between the two democracies with his appeasement of Iran, which Netanyahu was right to oppose. And castigating Netanyahu for embracing the historic tilt of the Trump administration and the Republicans toward Israel is equally senseless.

Viznitz "tipshim" Apologise for Trivialising Chabad Death in Florida Condo


Just yesterday we posted an article by "Kol Berama" a Viznitz yiddish newspaper that trivialised the tragedy of the condo collapse in Florida, stating and implying that a few "chabad families missing' in the condo  is no big deal and not the end of the world.

Well this DIN post went viral, and it didn't take long for the editors to place a full page "apology" in today's newspaper.

They claim that their statement

""People originally thought that only a couple of Chabad families perished in the Florida Condos, yes indeed, it is a very big loss, and a terrible tragedy, but it's not something that one has to turn the entire world around."

was misunderstood, and what they meant was that unfortunately the world has become "immune" to tragedies...

What that has to do with their "Chabad", only the writer knows, and he hasn't explained it ..

After rereading their article, nothing they wrote was "misunderstood" ...and their statement trivialising the tragedy and specifically naming the  "Chabad Families" cannot be understood in any other way...

At any rate, DIN is not in a position to accept an apology for Chabad; Chabad being a "benevolent" chassidus will forgive their stupidity. Chabad knows that Viznitzers are not the sharpest blades in the  drawer.

Reb Pinya Korf's Levayeh .... 38 Years Ago Satmar Guys cut his beard off for teaching Tanye


Reb Pinye z"l davening  in his hospital room a week ago


Trump Organization indictments are a travesty of justice

 It’s a travesty, not a triumph: Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance’s long-running investigation (with New York Attorney General Letitia James) into the Trump Organization just produced … indictments for minor offenses that almost never bring criminal charges. 

But this is Donald Trump (well, his company), so normal standards didn’t apply. 

The company’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, walked in on his own — yet the prosecutors made a show of handcuffing him and walking him down a hall crowded with reporters.

Vance acquired years of Trump Organization tax records, yet all he’s found is an alleged failure to pay proper taxes on corporate perks like cars, tuition and apartments. Any other company and it’s a civil suit, an audit, perhaps a hefty fine. 

If Vance had any evidence suggesting serious fraud (as press leaks long suggested), he’d have included them already. MSNBC hosts and blue-checked Twitter are slobbering that the CFO will cut a deal and reveal the real crimes. Why hasn’t he flipped yet, they yell. Maybe because there’s nothing to flip on?

When it comes to Trump, liberals are giving Wile E. Coyote a bad name. We’ll get him this time! Just you wait!

Thursday’s indictment is plainly a bid to justify the vast time and resources Vance and James devoted to the case these last two years, prompted by nothing more than the ravings of then-President Donald Trump’s embittered former personal attorney, Michael Cohen — who never had anything to do with the Trump Organization. 

Trump’s attorney, Ronald Fischetti, says prosecutors told him the ex-prez won’t be charged “for now.” But it’ll plainly be never: All that Vance & Co. really have is partisan hate, not evidence.

“In my more than 50 years of practice, never before have I seen a district attorney’s office target a company over employee compensation or fringe benefits,” Fischetti said. “It’s ridiculous and outrageous.”

We’ve seen the nation grow ever more partisan in recent decades, with each party starting congressional investigations into the other when it’s in power. But this is a new frontier. Offices like the Attorney General of New York and District Attorney of Manhattan, which should be focused on crime, not politics, have become inquisitions, trying to mete out the revenge Nancy Pelosi couldn’t. It’s appalling — and will only backfire on them.

Chabad Shliach In Boston Stabbed Multiple Times

 A Chabad Shliach in Brighton, MA was stabbed multiple times, Thursday afternoon.

Sources say that Rabbi Shlomo Noginsky was stabbed just after 1:00PM outside his Chabad House, known as the “Shaloah House” on Chestnut Hill Avenue near Dighton Street.

Boston Police have a suspect in custody. A motive was not known.

Noginsky was rushed to a local hospital, but was being transferred to Boston Medical for major trauma.

His name for Tehillim is Shlomo ben Zlata Miriam.

According to a report, Noginski was sitting on the front steps of the Shaloh House on his cell phone. The suspect approached him, drew a gun and asked Noginski to take him to his car. When the suspect attempted to force Noginski into the car, the rabbi tried running across the street to a small park called Brighton Common, where the suspect stabbed Noginski multiple times in the arm. As the rabbi tried to fend off the attacker he raised a commotion, finally causing the suspect to flee. The suspect was apprehended by police almost immediately.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Nathaniel Sommer Was Cleaning for Pesach in Fatal Monsey Assisted Living Fire


A father and son charged in a deadly fire at a suburban New York assisted living facility had been performing a pre-Passover cleaning ritual that involves heating kitchen utensils to burn off traces of forbidden food, the Journal News reported.

It remains unclear what specific role Rabbi Nathaniel Sommer of Monsey and his son, Aaron Sommer, allegedly played in the March 23 fire at Evergreen Court Home for Adults in Spring Valley that killed a resident and a firefighter, the newspaper reported.

The Sommers were arraigned Tuesday on charges of manslaughter, assault and arson in connection with the fire and are due back in court Friday. Information on their attorneys wasn’t available.

Volunteer firefighter Jared Lloyd and a 79-year-old resident of the facility were killed in the fire, which caused a partial collapse of the building.

Records show that the Evergreen Court fire was reported about 90 minutes after the Nathaniel and Aaron Sommer had left the facility after preparing the kitchen for Passover, the Journal News reported.

It remains unclear what specific role Rabbi Nathaniel Sommer of Monsey and his son, Aaron Sommer, allegedly played in the March 23 fire at Evergreen Court Home for Adults in Spring Valley that killed a resident and a firefighter, the newspaper reported.

The Sommers were arraigned Tuesday on charges of manslaughter, assault and arson in connection with the fire and are due back in court Friday. Information on their attorneys wasn’t available.

Volunteer firefighter Jared Lloyd and a 79-year-old resident of the facility were killed in the fire, which caused a partial collapse of the building.

Records show that the Evergreen Court fire was reported about 90 minutes after the Nathaniel and Aaron Sommer had left the facility after preparing the kitchen for Passover, the Journal News reported.

Angry Sheitel Wearer


This "letter to the editor" appeared in the FJJ (Flatbush Jewish Journal) 

Rabbinical Court Rules Lawyers of Get Refusers Will be Sanctioned


Lawyers who act to prevent the giving of a get (Jewish divorce document) and harm divorce proceedings can be slapped with sanctions, the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court ruled in a groundbreaking decision earlier this week.

Av Beth Din Rabbi Meir Freeman, along with Rabbi David Berdugo and Rabbi Yitzhak Rabinowitz, issued the ruling after a husband who refused to give his wife a get stated that he was not opposed to issuing the divorce, but was doing so because his attorney had advised him to in order to benefit in financial negotiations against his wife.

In order to conduct a divorce under Jewish law, a husband is required to give a divorce document known as a get to his wife. Until the document is handed to the wife, the divorce cannot take effect. An issue that has arisen from this requirement is that some husbands refuse to give their wives a get for a number of reasons, including as revenge and as a blackmail tool, thereby preventing them from remarrying. Wives whose husbands refuse to issue a get are referred to as agunot ("anchored" or "chained" in Hebrew.)
Rabbinical courts often use sanctions in order to pressure husbands into issuing the get to their wives. In Israel, the sanctions are legally recognized and can include a variety of measures, including bans on exiting the country, holding a drivers license and managing a bank account. Husbands who refused to issue a divorce can even be imprisoned in extreme cases.
The wife in the recent case began proceedings in the rabbinical court due to her husband's worsening cognitive condition which she feared could eventually make it impossible to receive a get if proceedings continued for too long. The wife was represented by attorneys Orit Lahav and Batya Cohen from the Mavoi Satum organization, which works to help women whose husbands refuse to grant them a divorce. 
The attorneys of the wife subsequently filed a request to the rabbinical court to place sanctions on the attorney, leading the husband's attorney to announce that the husband was now ready to issue the divorce. The husband's attorney demanded, however, that Mavoi Satum cover his legal costs.
The rabbinical court denied the husband's attorney's request, ruling that the lawsuit was not considered vexatious litigation (legal action meant solely to harass someone) since it is "not inconceivable that there will be cases in which it can be proved that a husband who is required to grant a divorce refuses to grant the divorce only due to misconduct by his attorney."

Compare Washington Post Headlines of Tuesday & Wednesday

Tuesday's Headline 

Wednesday's Headline

Jewish Black diversity chief out after failing to mention Islamophobia in statement rejecting antisemitism


A Black Jewish diversity chief at a nonprofit group for children’s book authors resigned amid backlash after she neglected to specifically condemn Islamophobia in a statement denouncing antisemitism.

April Powers, chief equity and inclusion officer at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, issued a statement this month saying the organization denounces “all forms of hate, including antisemitism,” citing an uptick in crimes against Jewish people. Critics apparently took issue with Islamophobia not being specifically mentioned in the statement.

Ms. Powers apologized in a statement announcing her resignation Sunday, saying she “neglected to address the rise in Islamophobia, and deeply regret that omission.”

“As someone who is vehemently against Islamophobia and hate speech of any kind, I understand that intention is not impact and I am so sorry,” she wrote. “While this doesn’t fix the pain and disappointment that you feel by my mishandling of this moment, I hope you will accept my sincerest apologies and resignation from the SCBWI.”

Ms. Powers, who introduced herself as being Black and Jewish in a welcome video last June, explained in a postTuesday on her personal Facebook page that she was not fired or forced to resign from the nonprofit, Newsweek reported.

The organization’s executive director, Lin Oliver, issued a statement Sunday accepting Ms. Powers’ resignation and apologizing to “everyone in the Palestinian community who felt unrepresented, silenced or marginalized.”

“SCBWI acknowledges the pain our actions have caused to our Muslim and Palestinian members and hope that we can heal from this moment,” Ms. Oliver wrote.

Jewish Doctoral Candidate Who Wanted To Prove Justice System Was Racist Against Blacks Was Stabbed To Death By Black Man In Chicago


Anat Kimchi, a 31-year-old Israeli-born doctoral candidate and scholar at the University of Maryland, wrote a paper published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology in 2019 attempting to prove America’s criminal justice system was racist against “young black offenders” and “black drug offenders.”

While visiting Chicago over the weekend, Kimchi was ambushed and stabbed in the back and neck while walking near a homeless encampment at 401 South Wacker at around 3:35 p.m. Police said witnesses told them the assailant was a homeless “slim black male with long dreadlocks who wore a red bandana and a blue tank top,” CWB Chicago reported.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Monday that police know the man who fatally stabbed her and are “scouring the various homeless encampments downtown” to find him.

While speaking with CBS 2 Chicago, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown expressed bafflement that Kimchi would walk on such an “obscure route” which only leads to a freeway and an underpass with a homeless encampment.

Given her field, one can imagine she may have purposefully gone to the encampment to see first hand the horrible oppression that “white supremacist America” was subjecting these disadvantaged, underprivileged victims of white supremacy to due to no fault of their own.

Viznitz Yiddish Newspaper about Florida Tragedy...." I'ts only a couple of Chabad families.l"


I wasn't going to print this but once they themselves printed it in their own newspaper, Kol Berama, for the entire world to see , I decided to post it.

Loose translation of the circled sentences

"People originally thought that only a couple of Chabad families perished in the Florida Condos, yes indeed, it is a very big loss, and a terrible tragedy, but it's not something that one has to turn the entire world around."

Shul Sign in Yerushalyim about the Air conditioner


Sign in Katamon Shul reads:

I'm Cold/I'm Hot 
There hasn't been a Gabbai born yet who can figure out the exact comfortable temperture for everyone
We did everything we can
If you are hot, sit underneath the air conditioner
If you are cold, bring a sweater

Not always good to help someone


R' Pinye Korf Chabad Chasid Who Had His Beard Cut off by Satmar 38 years ago ...Passes On

38 years ago on Parshas Pinchas, Satmar hooligans grabbed R' Pinye Korf  z"l, and like the Nazis, cut his beard & peyos off.

What was his crime? 

He gave a shiur in Tanye in a private Williamsburg apartment.
This week on that exact day, 38 years later, R' Pinye passed away.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe in his L'kutei Sichos mentions the incident ...


Americans can pick their passport gender


So now even if you have a big beard and wear a "rashvulka" on Shabbos, you can now choose to have "female" in your passport... your wife with her "spitzel" and "bullet-proof" stockings can now identify as a man.....

Applicants for a US passport will now be able to choose whether they identify as male or female and won’t need medical certification if their choice differs from the gender listed on other documents like a birth certificate, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Wednesday. 

Blinken also said that the Department will soon give applicants the option of describing themselves on their passport as “non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming,” though he added that change would take time to implement due to “extensive systems updates.”

According to Blinken, the moves are another step “toward ensuring the fair treatment of LGBTQI+ U.S. citizens, regardless of their gender or sex.” America’s top diplomat added that he was announcing the move “after considerable consultation with like-minded governments who have undertaken similar changes.”

The American Civil Liberties Union welcomed the move to add a third gender identification option. 

“Improved access to accurate passports will have such a profound impact on the lives of trans, intersex, and non-binary folks across the country,” ACLU campaign strategist Arli Christian said in a statement. “Now people will be able to fill out a passport application and indicate M, F, or X — whichever is most appropriate for them.

Despite a hateful wave of anti-trans legislation this year, trans, non-binary, and intersex people know who we are and we need recognition of who we are — not permission,” Christian added. “Today’s action demonstrates an important first step in realizing a whole-of-government policy for accurate IDs.”

Wednesday’s announcement was the latest acknowledgment of the LGBTQ community by Blinken. In April, he authorized US diplomatic missions to fly the rainbow-colored Pride flag on the same pole as the American flag at embassies and consulates around the world. Last week, Blinken announced the State Department would fly the “Progress” flag — which incorporates a black, brown, light blue, pink and white chevron into the pride flag design — for the first time ever to mark Pride Month. 

“We … value our continued engagement with the LGBTQI+ community, which will inform our approach and positions moving forward,” Blinken said. “With this action, I express our enduring commitment to the LGBTQI+ community today and moving forward.”

Omar Doubles Down ‘No Regrets’ About Anti-Israel Remarks, ‘Jews Aren’t Partners In Justice’ Schumer Quiet


Where is the "Shomer Yisrael" Cryi'n Schumer? .....

In an interview with CNN on Tuesday, host Jake Tapper confronted Dem. Rep. Ilhan Omar about her comments equating the US and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban and asked her if she regretted her comments.

Omar replied: “I don’t. I think it’s really important to think back to the point that I was trying to make. Obviously, I was addressing Secretary of State Blinken.”

Although Omar’s response to Tapper’s question failed to actually answer the question, he tried again, this time mentioning some of her anti-Israel and anti-Semitic comments in the past, asking: “Do you understand why some of your fellow House Democrats, especially Jews, find that language anti-Semitic? 

 Omar totally ignored the question and instead said she welcomes conversations from her colleagues so they can “learn from her.” 

She then proceeded to accuse “these members” of not being “partners in justice.” “I think it’s really important for these members to realize that they haven’t been partners in justice,” she said. “They haven’t been equally engaging in seeking justice around the world.”

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Aaron Sommer and his son, Nathaniel Charged With Manslaughter & Arson in Adult Home Fire in Spring Valley


Four people have been arrested, including two facing manslaughter charges, and two others face arrest warrants in connection with a fatal fire at a Rockland County home for elderly residents.

The arrests were announced on Tuesday, June 29 by Rockland County District Attorney Thomas Walsh during a press conference following a three-month investigation into the Tuesday, March 23, fire at Evergreen Court Home for Adults in Spring Valley.

The fire, which caused the building to partially collapse, killed Spring Valley Volunteer Firefighter Jared Lloyd as he was rescuing residents and a 79-year-old resident of the home.

"Today is the culmination of a multi-agency investigation that left no stone unturned," Walsh said. "I informed the Lloyd family today of the arrests made today. While we can't bring Jared back, today is a step in the right direction."

Those arrested for their actions that allegedly caused the fire include Aaron Sommer and his son, Nathaniel Sommer, who were both charged with:

Two counts of manslaughter

  • Nine counts of assault
  • Arson
  • Two counts of reckless endangerment

Both men were arraigned and are being held at that the Rockland County Jail. Their next court appearance is scheduled for Friday, July 2.

Also arrested were Spring Valley building inspectors Wayne Ballard and Raymond Canario who were both charged with filing false reports to the state in connection with fire inspections. They were officially charged with offering a false instrument of filing and falsifying business records.They were processed and released.

Walsh said arrest warrants were also issued for Denise Kerr of New York City and Manuel Lema of Pomona. Kerr is facing a charge of reckless endangerment, and Lema faces charges of criminal impersonation and obstructing governmental administration.

Walsh, who declined to answer any questions regarding the role each of those arrested played in the fire and deaths as to "not taint a grand jury," said his goal was to hold those arrested responsible for the fire and their actions.

Rockland County Executive Ed Day said: "The fact that these arrests came from many different facets of this situation says a lot about how comprehensive and in-depth this investigation has been along with the different aspects of accountability and criminality we are dealing with." Walsh said the investigation is ongoing.