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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Richard Grenell Begins Cleaning House in the Intelligence Office Firing "Deep State" Holdovers

Richard Grenell’s tenure as the nation’s top intelligence official may be short-lived, but he wasted no time this week starting to shape his team of advisers, ousting his office’s No. 2 official — a longtime "Deep State"  intelligence officer — and bringing in an expert on Trump conspiracy theories to help lead the agency, according to officials.

Mr. Grenell has also requested the intelligence behind the classified briefing last week before the House Intelligence Committee where officials told lawmakers that Russia was interfering in November’s presidential election and that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia favored President Trump’s re-election. The briefing later prompted Mr. Trump’s anger as he complained that Democrats would use it against him.

"Deep Staters" Joseph Maguire, the former acting director of national intelligence, and his deputy, Andrew P. Hallman, resigned on Friday. 
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Trump flips the Liberal Leftist 9th Circuit Court

Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) highlighted concerns with Patrick Bumatay and Lawrence VanDyke, President Trump’s nominees to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

When President Trump ticks off his accomplishments since taking office, he frequently mentions his aggressive makeover of a key sector of the federal judiciary — the circuit courts of appeal, where he has appointed 51 judges to lifetime jobs in three years.
In few places has the effect been felt more powerfully than in the sprawling 9th Circuit, which covers California and eight other states. Because of Trump’s success in filling vacancies, the San Francisco-based circuit, long dominated by Democratic appointees, has suddenly shifted to the right, with an even more pronounced tilt expected in the years ahead.
Trump has now named 10 judges to the 9th Circuit — more than one-third of its active judges — compared with seven appointed by President Obama over eight years.
“Trump has effectively flipped the circuit,” said 9th Circuit Judge Milan D. Smith Jr., an appointee of President George W. Bush.
To assess the early impact of these appointments, The Times interviewed several judges on the 9th Circuit. Some either declined to discuss their colleagues or inner deliberations or refused to be quoted by name, saying they were not authorized to speak about what goes on behind the scenes.
To be sure, some of the new appointees to the 9th Circuit have quickly won the respect of their colleagues
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Trump Congratulates "Crazy Bernie" ......Won Because of "Undocumented Immigrants"?

Bernie Sanders’s Nevada caucus campaign ended with a convincing win Saturday afternoon, thanks in large measure to a 37-percentage-point victory among Latino caucus-goers. Many are not yet citizens. But the seeds of that victory were sown five years ago when a staffer on Sanders’s first presidential bid had trouble reading a Spanish website.  
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Over 200 Israelis and 30 Children In Isolation After Contact With South Korean Tourists

Over 200 Israelis are in isolation as of Sunday morning due to contact with South Korean tourists who tested positive for the coronavirus in South Korea after returning from a tour of Israel.
Nineteen South Koreans who were on a week-long trip in Israel from February 8 -15 and were in contact with hundreds of Israelis tested positive for the coronavirus when they returned home, Israel’s Health Ministry said on Motzei Shabbos.
About 30 Beer Sheba eighth grade students who visited the Tel Be’er Sheva National Park last Thursday at the same time as the South Korean tourists were instructed to self-quarantine.
Two of the students’ teachers were also instructed to self-quarantine as well as the cleaning staff of the Jerusalem hotel where the tourists stayed.
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Binyomin Gewirtz Bone-Marrow Donor Meets Scott Novorr the Recipient For Very First time

A non-Jewish man fighting leukemia finally met the stranger – a Frum man from Lakewood New Jersey – who donated bone marrow to help save his life.
The two men had the chance to meet for the first time at a bone marrow gala on Thursday night.
Bone marrow recipient Scott Novorr said he owes his life to Binyomin Gewirtz.
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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Briskers Hiding Handwritten Letter Of R' Aron Kotlar that wrote that the Brisker Rav's Position was Pro-Voting!

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Shabtai Tzvi Syndrome comeback?

The devastating pain Shabtai Tzvi(1626-1676) and his followers inflicted on the Jewish people have lasted for centuries. 

Presenting himself as the Messiah, garnering the support of hundreds of thousands, Tzvi’s eventual misconduct and conversion to Islam, has scared the Jewish people for centuries. 

Much of this pain could have been prevented by addressing this charlatan and likely psychopath earlier.

 Sadly, we have seen in the past year, a wave of deja vu Shabtai Tzvi ideology flourishing in the past five years in the Jewish community— without much religious opposition. 

The primary manifestation of this can be seen in the case of disgraced charismatic leader Eliezer Berland, arrested last week in Jerusalem. 

His open disregard to at least two of Judaism’s three most cardinal sins can be seen on video alongside other widely available incriminating information. 

Similar to Shabtai Tzi, Berland’s seeming disregard for the laws of morality is public, and often rationalized by his followers. 

Recently, Berland was taken into custody for allegedly advising a cancer patient to quit life-saving treatment in favor of giving him money, resulting in her tragic death. 
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Rabbi Dr. Chaim Wakslak Morah D’Asra, Young Israel of Long Beach Passes On

Rabbi Dr. Chaim Wakslak z’l, who was the Morah D’Asra, Young Israel of Long Beach and the clinical director of HASC Center, passed away.
The Levaya was held Erev Shabbos  
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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Larry Tesler The inventor of "cut/copy & paste" Dies at 74 ...Bronx Jewish Boy!

The pioneering computer scientist Lawrence 'Larry' Tesler whose accomplishments included inventing the cut, copy and paste commands for computers has died. 
Bronx-born Mr Tesler died on Monday at the age of 74. A cause of death has not been released.
Xerox, the company where he spent part of his career, tweeted: 'The inventor of cut/copy & paste, find & replace, and more was former Xerox researcher Larry Tesler.
'Your workday is easier thanks to his revolutionary ideas. Larry passed away Monday, so please join us in celebrating him,' they added. 
The Stanford University graduate specialized in human-computer interaction, utilizing his expertise at companies such as Amazon, Apple, Yahoo and the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). 
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Rapper Nissim Black reintroduces himself to the world

Nissim Black knows that wherever he goes, he’s going to turn heads.
“There’s always these questions,” the rapper explains to me from his home in Israel. 
“Like, ‘Well, are you still black? How black are you? How does that work? But you’re also Jewish? Jews are white?’ No they’re not!”
At the Bris of His Son
The questions annoy him, and rightfully so. Yes, he’s black and Jewish and Orthodox. No, that combination does not make him any less of any of those identities.
His new single, “Mothaland Bounce,” sets the record straight.

“I wanted to be able to just sort of lay it all out there, and make a statement, so I could at least limit the questions,” he says.

In many ways, the song serves as a declaration of who he is. Even though he’s been active as a rapper since 2006, 
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Michael Bloomberg’s campaign implodes onstage in Democratic debate

Mike Bloomberg’s millions in campaign spending flew right out the window Wednesday night.
The billionaire’s self-bankrolled presidential bid was torn to shreds in the opening minutes of Wednesday’s Democratic debate as his opponents skewered him for his checkered past on sexual harassment and his record on stop-and-frisk.
Each candidate on the Las Vegas stage attacked Bloomberg right out of the gate, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren made the former Big Apple mayor visibly squirm and roll his eyes in frustration.
“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against, a billionaire who calls women ‘fat broads’ and ‘horse-faced lesbians,'” she said from the Paris Theater.
“And, no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”
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Yeshivisha Ethiopian Refuses to Get His IDF Exemption ..Encourages Riots

Gamliel Madhani decided to join the "Auerbach Hapeles" movement that refuses to allow the Bochrim to get exemptions... instead they want an exemption based on nothing!

So one nice day the Mishtara arrested him and threw him in prison, causing huge riots by the Auerbach fanatics... closing key roads in Yerushlayim and Bnei-Brak ...

The Government told him that all his has to do is "request an exemption" and they will let him walk..

But the Rabbis that are too old to be drafted and living in comfortable homes.... gave instructions from their leather couches that he should continue to refuse to register ......

So meanwhile he is  rotting in prison and it could very well be because his rabbis  secretely don't really care about Ethiopians...

 The Boys from Auerbach institutions continue to riot and block traffic ..

Gamliel himself never worked a day in his life and I'm not sure how much Torah learning he actually does since he wasn't arrested in Yeshiva by his Gemmarah, he wasn't arrested while trying to figure out a difficult "Rashbah"... he was arrested at the airport...
Enough said!
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Satmar Fanatics Protesting Against Chabad Calling them "Yemach Shmo"

But when they need a place to stay anywhere in the world they look for a Chabad place

Rabbi Avram Mlotek Marries Off Two Gays !

Guys don't send me e-mails inquiring "which one is the bride"

When Nadiv Schorer and Ariel Meiri were married on Sunday, the rabbi standing with them under the wedding canopy was breaking new ground, too.
For Avram Mlotek, a rabbi affiliated with a progressive wing of Orthodox Judaism, it was the first time he had performed a wedding for two people of the same sex.
“In many ways, it was like any other simcha I’ve officiated: joyous, Jewish, spiritual, full of love,” Mlotek wrote this week on Facebook. “What made it different was that they were two men who joined in sacred, covenantal relationship.”
Mlotek declared his intention to begin performing same-sex weddings last year, arguing in a Jewish Telegraphic Agency opinion piece that facilitating Jewish marriages for all kinds of families is a communal imperative.
“A wedding day should be a joyous day for loving companions, as liturgy connotes, regardless of their sexual orientation,” Mlotek wrote at the time. “If the couple is choosing to live Jewish lives, build a Jewish home and raise Jewish children, our traditional rabbinate must seize the opportunity to welcome and work with these families at their most precious life-cycle moments. If we don’t, we risk further alienation and falling into an abyss of religious irrelevance by denying these couples their rightful place of belonging.”
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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Obama asked FBI to investigate someone on behalf of Soros

 'Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of George Soros'
As President Trump faces ongoing criticism for allegedly interfering in the Roger Stone case -- and Attorney General William Barr confronts more calls for his resignation for his handling of the case -- Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz says he has proof that former President Obama "personally asked" the FBI to investigate someone "on behalf of George Soros," the liberal billionaire megadonor.
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Obama Trying To Take Credit For Economy.....Hilarious

Obama wrote on Twitter, 
“Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history.”
Trump responded, 
“Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration. He had the WEAKEST recovery since the Great Depression, despite Zero Fed Rate & MASSIVE quantitative easing.”
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R’ Yerachmiel “Rocky” Zweig 69 Passes on .... Original Founder of Neginah Orchestra

DIN regrets to inform you of the Petira of R’ Yerachmiel Shraga Feivel (Rocky) Zweig Z”L who was Niftar on Tuesday morning. He was 69.
“Rocky” was born in Boro Park and spent most of his life in Flatbush.
He was one of the original founders of Neginah Orchestra around 50 years ago. For the past 10 years he wrote weekly columns in the Flatbush Jewish Journal, something that thousands of readers looked forward to each week, with his humor and opinions about a multitude of topics. His letters and articles elicited much response and he always enjoyed debating people in good spirits.
Unfortunately, he suffered from a lung illness and was waiting for a lung transplant the past year. Despite his Yesurim, Rocky was always Besimcha – with his humorous quips and a good word to others. Sadly, his condition deteriorated and he was hospitalized until his Petira this morning.
He is survived by his son Kalman, daughters Faigy Lieberman (Flatbush) and Blimi Nakash (Manhattan), brother R’ Avrohom (Flatbush), sister Mrs. Chayie Fisch (Flatbush), and his grandchildren.
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