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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Fake "Greta Thunberg" pranks the Gullible Bernie Sanders

Russian pranksters claim they called U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders pretending to be climate activist Greta Thunberg and offered Thunberg's support to his campaign.

 Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, who have fooled many high-profile victims around the world, posted a recording of the phone call on YouTube on Thursday. 

 The call itself took place in early December, but the duo decided to release it more than two months later because of Sanders' success in Iowa and New Hampshire, Kuznetsov told the Associated Press in a Skype interview. 

 In the recording, an unnamed female pretends to be Greta, and Stolyarov plays her father, Svante.

They offer to lend support to the campaign of a man who identifies himself as Sanders, and the man welcomes it.

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Berland On Tape From Prison: “Break Their Bones"

New recordings obtained by police investigators revealing how Eliezer Berland, the leader of Shuvu Banim who was arrested on Sunday along with his associates, tried to intimidate people with physical violence, were aired on Channel 12 News on Wednesday evening.
Berland is heard talking with the Shuvu Banim chief of operations Aharon Schwartz (Oren Amit) on one of the recordings, instructing him to use violence against two people.
The conversation was recorded when Berland was in police custody in Tzalmon prison following his extradition to Israel after fleeing the country due to criminal charges against him for assaulting women.
Read the conversation below (with censorship of incriminating details):
Berland: “So now you need to carry out a cheirem on…”
Schwartz: “Yes…”
Berland: “It’s forbidden to go anywhere near [them]. So now – right now – make a recording.”
Schwartz: “Yes…”
Berland: “That’s it’s forbidden for anyone to go anywhere near [so and so] and everyone is permitted to break their bones because they’re transgressing ‘skilah, seraifah, hereg and chenek’ every second. Make a recording!”
Schwartz: “Okay, so one minute, I’m connecting it to the [Shuvu Banim] hotline. I should put it on the hotline?”
Berland: “Put it on the hotline. Yes! It’s best to put it on the hotline! There’s nothing better than the hotline!”
Schwartz: “Good. This is a very sharp message! We’ll put it on the hotline!”
Berland: “Sharp…’to beat them’…what? What could happen? They’ll leave me here another ten years? I already got used to it. I’m prepared to be here for even another 100 years! They won’t go to the police to complain about me. Maybe, maybe…they’ll go to the police to complain against me that I beat people so we’ll take care of him also!”
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Friday, February 14, 2020

Bunch of Self-Hating Leftists Jewish Harvard Students Form Anti-Zionist Organization

Who can really blame them? They have no Torah backgrounds so they came to hate Israel because that's all they hear on the street and read in the media ....

They don't bentch where we bless Eretz Yisroel in every single bracha... and they don't daven Shemonah Esra where we beg Hashem to return us to Zion three times a day.....

My question is .... how far is their non-Torah thinking from the now Satmar/Yeshivish Torah thinking? What do they think when they utter the words:
נודה לך ה' אלקינו על שהנחלת לאבותינו, ארץ חמדה טובה ורחבה

וברכת את ה' אלקך על הארץ הטובה
על הארץ ועל המזון
What is going thru their minds when they say those words?
Do they really believe that?

They answer ...Israel has chillul shabbos etc .... 
well why don't you skip those words in bentching....?

 For 2,000 years the land lay desolate ... there was hardly anyone there.... it only became ארץ חמדה ..... when Jews came back to inhabit her. 
You don't like the Jews living there? Then why are you any different than the Harvard Students? 
What makes you different? Because you put on tefillin and in your box it says :
והיה כי-יבאך ה' אל ארץ הכנעני 
But you don't believe what's in the box ... if you really believed it why are you building monstrous shuls on 15th Ave? On 48th street? On Rodney Street?

Why are you paying over $1,800 for a pair of tefillin when in your heart you don't believe a word that is in those tefillin?

Why are you saying .... לשנה הבאה בירושלים?
You mean on vacation? ...Is that what the Baal Haggadah meant?
Oh! I get it ... you are waiting for Moshiach to come!
If you were waiting for Moshiach to come you would run right now to buy property in Israel...
Tell me again.... why are you any different than the misguided naive Harverd students?

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A group of undergraduate students at Harvard University has formed what they call an “anti-Zionist Jewish organization” that supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.

The Harvard Jewish Coalition for Peace introduced itself in a public statement posted Monday on Facebook as “a new organization founded in the idea that Jewish liberation is inextricably bound up with the liberation of all people.”
The group said it will focus on Palestinian solidarity work; fighting anti-Semitism and for the safety of Jews and all people through solidarity; and creating Jewish spaces and events outside of Hillel.

Zera Shimshon........ Parshas Yisro

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Thursday, February 13, 2020

'US will never cooperate with anti-Israel blacklists'

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned the decision yesterday by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to publish a list of 112 companies which do business in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

"It is outrageous that the @UNHumanRights Commissioner @mbachelet would release the database of companies operating in Israeli-controlled territories. Its publication confirms the unrelenting anti-#Israel bias so prevalent at the @UN," Pompeo tweeted Thursday.

"The U.S. has not and will never provide any information to support the compilation of these lists.

 We call on @UN member states to join us in rejecting this effort. Attempts to isolate #Israel damage momentum toward Israeli-Palestinian negotiations," he added.

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Israeli Judge That Lets Arab Terrorists Walk but Jails Jewish Boys Confronted In Hallway

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Nikolsberger Rebbe Sings His New Song About Lakewood to R' Malkiel Kotler

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Zalonim and their Smartphones....

Thank the L-rd that the Zalonim banned the smartphones...... 
can you just imagine what this picture would look like if they hadn't?

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Tomeka Hart the Lead Juror At The Roger Stone Trial Hates Trump

A former Democratic congressional candidate whose social media accounts are replete with criticism of President Donald Trump came forward Wednesday as the foreperson on the jury that convicted longtime GOP operative Roger Stone at a trial in November 2019.
According to multiple news reports, Tomeka Hart revealed her role on the jury in a Facebook post supporting the four prosecutors who withdrew from the Stone case Tuesday in protest over a revision in a sentencing recommendation for the GOP operative.
“I have kept my silence for months. Initially, it was for my safety. Then, I decided to remain silent out of fear of politicizing the matter,” Hart wrote on Facebook, adding: “But I can’t keep quiet any longer.”
CNN first reported Hart’s post but did not note that she was a Democrat. Commercial Appeal, a news outlet affiliated with USA Today that spoke to Hart, reported details of her professional background. Those details match up with the same person who ran for Congress in 2012. A Politico reporter who covered Stone’s trial identified Hart as a former congressional candidate.
Hart, who did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment, lost to incumbent Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen in the 2012 primary.
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Trump Insults "Mini Mike" Again ....

This past week I had the honor and the opportunity to meet with one of my readers and who comments from time to time...

As we were walking the holy streets of Yerushalyim, he commented, "I love Trump but I just wish he would stop attacking his opponents personally."

I am sure that a lot of my readers think that way too.....

So I would like to take this opportunity to be "masbir" the"inyan."

The above tweet from Trump just came in seconds ago ...
and so before this tweet becomes stale as he will probably tweet 50 more times by the time you get to read this ...
I will explain the mindset of Trump and so you will understand what ticks him off!

First put yourself in his shoes, and make believe you are the President of the USA... Let's forget what party he is and let's forget that Mike Bloomberg is a democrat... that was once the Republican Mayor of NYC.

So far, as of this writing, Mike Bloomberg spent $188 million of his own money on his presidential campaign,..
The New York Times wrote that Bloomberg will spend over 1 billion dollars in his attempt to try defeat Trump!

The Times added that Bloomberg will spend the money even if someone else is the nominee..
The Times wrote: 
"If Mr. Bloomberg fails to win the nomination, future spending would be redirected toward attacking Mr. Trump."

Mike Bloomberg is not a regular candidate that's playing fair and square...
If he did he would debate his opponents .... and would quit his campaign when he sees its not going anywhere....
But as the Times said, he is willing to spend this enormous amount to support anyone opposing Trump even if that candidate is a communist!

Now, my friends re-read Trump's tweet ...
Is it so bad?
Unlike the previous Republicans that went away meekly when attacked by Democrats ... he strikes back
and when he does ... people cringe...
but no one cringes when the establishment lie and conspire to destroy him..

Trump go ..... attack them below the belt ...hit them where it counts
that's why we love you!

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Viznitz Rebbe Brought Chassidim to Har Sinai Last Week Parshat Be'Shalach to Recite Parshat Ha'Mon

The Holy Visnitzer Rebbe Shlitah, Reb Mendeleh,  promised his chassidim that he would bring them to a special place to recite Parshat Ha'Mon,the segulah for parnassah!

The Rebbe had a chartered jet waiting and flew them all to Har Sinai.....yes Har Sinai.....in Egypt!

But this was not for the poor szlub who really needed this segulah for parnassah in the worst possible way ..no....no ....
The poor szlub who could hardly feed his huge family and doesn't know where his next meal will come from .... had to stay home and watch paint dry!

This special trip was for only those who could muster thousands of Shekalim to donate to the Rebbe's coffers and this did not include the expense of chartering a private jet...

It seems you really need to be rich to afford a segula for the poor!

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Rabbi Yaakov Zuker Defends the Pervert Berland on TV

Rabbi Yaakov Zuker says on Israel TV that the admitted convicted sexual predator Eliezer Berland is no different than the Baal Shem Tov that took pidyan ($$$) from people that needed refuoit...

He says that Berland did nothing wrong taking huge amounts of money from families of cancer victims and promising them cures...

Zuker said that many people who are seeking cures travel to far places like Canada and pay huge amounts of money to doctors to get cured and they are not always successful ... so why not arrest those doctor specialists?

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Belzer & Satmar Rebbetzins Dance Together ... Sisters!

The Belzer and Satmar (R' Aron Teitelbaum) Rebbetzins and Rebbitzen Erenster are sisters, daughters of the late Viznitzer Rebbe ..Kindly Support Our Blog by Browsing the Ads

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

J Street Jeremy Ben-Ami Kisses Abbas the Murderer of Jewish Children on the Face

Sealed With a Kiss
Abbas’ kissing buddy is Jeremy Ben-Ami, the President of J Street, which calls itself a “proudly pro-Israel organization.”
Lucky for Ben-Ami, Abbas does not find his lips to be as filthy as his feet.
Ben-Ami is running for the 2020 World Zionist Congress on the HATIKVAH slate, along with faux Zionists like Peter Beinhart and others from the likes of Americans for Peace Now, New Israel Fund, and T’ruah, which all work to undermine the Jewish state and our security, despite their claims otherwise.
If you are thinking of voting for the World Zionist Congress, please play this video again and again and then vote for one of the real Zionist organizations such as:
And feel free to show this video to anyone thinking of voting for HATIKVAH.
Let’s hope Ben-Ami’s World Zionist Congress fate is sealed with this kiss.
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DIN on Parshat Yitro

וישמע יתרו כהן מדין חותן משה את כל אשר עשה אלוקים למשה ולישראל עמו כי הוציא ה' את ישראל ממצרים
Yitro the minister of Midyan, the father-in-law of Moshe, heard all that Hashem did to Moshe and to the Jewish people ... that Hashem took the Jews out of Egypt

Rashi asks:
?מה שמועה שמה ובא
"What report did he (Yitro) hear that made such a great impression that made him come to the midbar?"

Rashi answers:
קריעת ים סוף ומלחמת עמלק 
"He heard that Hashem split the Red Sea and he heard that Amalek subsequently went to war with the Jewish people."

Why did Rashi even ask the question ...."what motivated Yitro to come?"
Isn't the answer explicit in the pasuk?

את כל אשר עשה אלוקים למשה ולישראל עמו
"He came because he heard about all the miracles that Hashem performed for Moshe and the Jewish people?"

So guys open your hearts and listen .... to this answer...
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"Yiddalich Shreii" .... "Sheigatz Aran"

In Satmar they scream at someone who is against their SHIT'ah
 "Sheigatz Arois" ...
Meaning "You are a Sheigatz" so Get the Hell 

But at the wedding that  Mota Frank made... 
the band played "Yiddalich Shreii" ..meaning Jews Yell
.""sheigatz Aran"...
 Even though you are a Sheigatz 
You can Join In

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tell Your Grandfather Who Still Eats CARP Fish "He May Get Herpes"

A plan to infect invasive fish species with herpes has sparked complaints about its 'secrecy'.
The Federal Government in Australia is keeping the results secret of its final recommendations into the $15million National Carp Control Plan.
The plan will involve introducing the herpes virus into waterways to kill off the introduced species.
The proposal became dinner table conversation back in 2016 when deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce famously ranted about 'carpageddon' during Question Time.
The Department of Agriculture has recently received final recommendations around a National Carp Control Plan, reports ABC news. 
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Brooklyn Drivers Can't Park

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A video uploaded to Instagram by a Brooklyn, New York resident, on Friday shows the driver of an SUV slowly back out of a space in a highly occupied parking lot. 

Instead of slowly gliding out of the space in reverse by just stepping and releasing the brake pedal, this particular driver decided to slam on the gas. 

As one would expect, the SUV barreled in reverse into a nearby car, smashing the front hood. 

For good measure, the driver then hit the gas again, accelerating forward and slamming into another four-door sedan that was parked nearby.

All Voters in Israel just had their data leaked in ‘grave’ security breach

All 6.5 million voters in Israel have just had their personal data leaked, reports the New York Times. The full names, addresses, and identity card numbers are among the information that was leaked about every eligible voter in the country. In some cases, phone numbers were also leaked.
The leak happened through a vulnerability of the website promoting an app called Elector. The app itself, however, did not leak the data. The NYT says a flaw was found on the website of the app that allowed anyone to right-click on the website to view its source code. Inside that source code was the user names and passwords for the website’s admins. Anyone who found these usernames and passwords could then log into the site and download a database with information for every voter in Israel.
The flaw in the website was discovered on Friday by an anonymous tipster who disclosed the vulnerability to the Haaretz newspaper. It’s unknown whether anyone actually took advantage of the flaw; however, doing so would take no hacking skills whatsoever. Anyone who knew about the flaw could access the data with a few clicks.
After news of the flaw broke, Elector issued a statement to Israeli news media claiming that the event was a “one-off incident that was immediately dealt with.
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Bnei Brak Gedoilim Sign Letter Against Those Who Testify Against the Sexual Predator BERLAND!

A letter handwritten by Bnei-Brak Gedoilim mimics a letter that Gedoilei Hador wrote in support of Shabsai Tzvi when he was incarcerated in Turkey...

The letter in support of Berland is handwritten and signed by the Gaaved of the Bais Din Tzedek of Bnei-Brak, Harav Sereil Rosenberg (pictured) and Dayan Rav Yeedil Fisher the official representative of Eida Hacreidis and  Rav Shimon Badni, a member of the Moetzes Chachmei HaTorah..

"יש להצטער על מעצרו של הרב ברלנד" 
"אם יש
טענות ותלונות נגד הנהגה מסוימת, יש לבדוק את הדברים במסגרות הקיימות
בציבור שלנו, ולא להזדקק לגורמים אחרים, שלא זו הדרך, וה' יתברך ישפות
שלום עלינו ועל כל ישראל",
 על החתום הרב שריאל רוזנברג שליט"א  גאב"ד בית
דין צדק בני ברק, הדיין ר' יידל פישר נציג העדה החרדית.

"We are very pained by the arrest of Harav Berland.
If anyone has any complaints about a specific thing that he did , then it should be investigated within the confines of our own community and not to turn to outside sources (secular authorities) ..
This is not our way
And Hashem should bring peace to all of us and all Klall Yisroel
Harav Seriel Rosenberg Shlitah... Gaaved Bais Din Tzedik Bnei Brak,
Dayan R' Yeedil Fisher, Eida Hacreidis Representative 

Rav Badnei from the Moetzes also signed and added the following in his own handwriting 

זקן מועצת חכמי התורה מרן הרב שמעון בעדני שליט"א שחתם גם הוא על המכתב,
הוסיף בכתב ידו וכתב "תמיד אמרתי שצריך להסתדר היכן שיהודים חרדים רגילים
לברר והמשנים   יתנו את הדין.

"I always said ...how we should always investigate facts like  Chareidim always used to do and those who do different will give judgement (after 120)"

Now let's see what Gedoilie Yisroel wrote to the Jewish Communities when Shabsai Tzvi was incarcerated..

יש להצטער על מעצרו של ר' שבתי צבי, אם יש טענות ותלונות נגד הנהגה מסויימת, יש לבדוק הדברים במסגרות הקיימות בציבור שלנו, ולא להזדקק לגורמים אחרים, ולא זו הדרך, וה' יתברך ישפות שלו' עלינו ועל כל ישראל.

"One should be pained by the arrest of R' Shabsai Tzvi, If anyone has any specific complaints against a specific thing that he did, it should be investigated within the confines of our community and not to turn to outside sources...this is not our way...And Hashem should bring peace to all of us and all of Klall Yisrael "

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