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Sunday, January 12, 2020

30 Ukrainian Thugs Attack Jews in Uman ....4 Hospitalized

A group of about 30 Ukrainian thugs went on a rampage close to midnight on Friday night in Uman and mercilessly beat Jews outside the tzion of Rav Nachman.
Witnesses say that the Ukrainians were running wildly through the street looking for Jews with knives and clubs in their hands.
One Jew who spent Shabbos in Uman told Kikar Shabbos: 
“I returned from the kloiz and I see that they’re beating every Jew who ‘dared’ to look at them or say a word to them. It started with an insignificant dispute between one of the local Ukrainians and a Jew. The Ukrainian involved in the dispute called his anti-Semitic friends to come and beat up Jews.”
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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Confirmed: Iran Blew UP Ukranian Passenger Plane

Ukrainian plane flew too close to sensitive military site

An Iranian commander has taken responsibility for downing a Ukrainian International Airlines civilian plane earlier this week, leading to the deaths of 176 people.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh on Saturday said the plane was downed due to "human error" and that his unit accepts "full responsibility" for the mistake.

In a statement, Hajizadeh said the plane few close to a sensitive military site which belonged to elite Revolutionary Guard units, and that it therefore led led to "heightened sensitivity" by the air defense units.

"Our air defense systems sent a signal to the plane and after ten seconds in which no response was received, it was decided to shoot it down." 

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Agudah of UK Tells British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis Not Show up At The London Siyum Hashas event

British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis was disinvited from a major event marking the completion of the Daf Yomi cycle, the 7.5-year project of studying a page of the Talmud every day.

The event, held Tuesday at Wembley Arena in London, was sponsored by the Charedi group Agudath Yisroel of the United Kingdom.

Mirvis was originally invited to sit on the dais with other prominent rabbis, but the invitation was withdrawn on Monday, the UK Jewish News reported.

Mirvis angered some segments of the Orthodox Jewish community in 2018 when he released a guide for Jewish day schools on how to support their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. The guide, produced in partnership with the Jewish LGBT group KeshetUK, urged tolerance for students struggling with sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Friday, January 10, 2020

Zera Shimshon .... Parshas Va'Yechi

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Black Monsey Monster Suspect Charged With Additional Hate Crimes

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on Thursday that five additional federal hate-crime charges have been filed against the suspect behind the machete attack on Dec. 28 at a home and prayer hall known as Rabbi Rottenberg’s Shul in Monsey, N.Y., injuring five of the around 100 celebrants at a Hanukkah candle-lighting party.

The new charges against Grafton Thomas, 37, include willfully causing bodily injury to five victims because of the victims’ religion and five counts of obstructing the free exercise of religion in an attempt to kill.
“Since before our founding as a nation and ever since, this country has provided refuge for people from other parts of the world who suffered violence and other forms of persecution because of their right to believe and worship as they see fit,” said U.S. Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband for the Civil Rights Division.
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Turx from Ami Magazine Makes "Choizik" of President Trump after He Killed "Salami" of Iran

Turx whose real name is Abraham Jacob Terkeltaub, writes for Ami Magazine and according to Wikipedia," is an American journalist and humorist" ..

Anybody ever picking up an Ami and reading his column will quickly realize that he is neither.

Turx while a nice guy is really very childish .... loves pranks..thinking he is still in Bobover Yeshivah. 
He is way over his head being the "Chief Correspondent of Ami to the White House."
Any serious publication would have gotten rid of him a long time ago and replaced him with a serious journalist....

Well yesterday he "liked" and retweeted a nasty comment on twitter.....

Only a backward kid from Boro-Park would bite the hand that feeds him and enjoy a nasty disgusting tweet about the best friend the Jewish people ever had in the White House ....

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Court: Malka Leifer is able to stand trial, was feigning mental issues

A team of mental experts on behalf of the Jerusalem District Court ruled today that alleged Australian pedophile Malke Leifer is mentally fit to stand trial in her native Australia and was feigning mental illness in an attempt to thwart her extradition, Maariv reported.

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Yankele "Hakoines"

3300 women joining together for the first time to celebrate the completion of Shas in the Daf Yomi

 DIN: Just as a point of interest ...I waited a week to see how it was reported in the Chareidie media and there was absolutely no negative press from the Chareidie News ...they just reported that it happened ...

My opinion .... Kol Ha'kovod! 
Now maybe their husbands can go to work and support their families .....

A historic Siyum Hashas for women took place in Jerusalem Sunday, with over 3300 women joining together for the first time to celebrate the completion of Shas in the Daf Yomi cycle. 

The event was initiated and organized by the Hadran organization which uses podcasts and online materials to make the daf accessible to women worldwide.
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Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran ..... Video

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Synagogue arsonist lights own head on fire

Hospital X-ray technician Tristan Morgan, 52, was arrested at his England home where he was found smelling of gasoline with burns on his hands, forehead, and hair, after attempting to torch the Exeter Synagogue in Devon, England. 

He pled guilty to arson and two charges under the Terrorism Act following a hearing at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) in London.

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"Chicken Littles" got everything wrong on Trump and Iran

If you went to bed early Tuesday, you were surprised to wake up Wednesday and learn that World War III has been delayed. 
No doubt you were also shocked that Iran blinked, oil prices were tumbling and the stock market was soaring.
Once again, the Chicken Little chorus got everything all wrong. The sky isn’t falling and Donald Trump pulled off a huge victory. Oh, and he’s still president.
Iran’s decision to pretend it was retaliating for the death of Qassem Soleimani, by lobbing ineffective missiles is terrific news for America and freedom loving people everywhere. So was Trump’s Wednesday offer of negotiations, which he wrapped in even tougher economic sanctions and warnings against any new attacks on Americans.
Over the last week, the president has put on a clinic in seeking peace while projecting strength. Just don’t expect to find the outcome described that way in The New York Times or on CNN.
Comically, the Times tried to turn America’s victory into defeat, with its top headline declaring that “Trump Backs Away From Further Military Conflict With Iran.” Imagine the headline if he had chosen the military option.
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Motti Ben-Shabbat Drowns While Saving Family In Flood

Motti Ben-Shabbat, 38, was identified as the Nahariya man who drowned on Wednesday afternoon. He died while performing his last act of mesirus nefesh and chessed when he left the safety of his home to rescue the occupants of a car that had flipped over in a stream of water from the Ga’aton river which had overflowed its banks.
A Chareidi avreich jumped into the water together with Motti to save the family and was saved by a nes. The avreich, Raviv Cohen, told Kikar Shabbos:
 “I and Motti, z’l, saw people screaming for help, to be rescued from their car in the flood. We quickly jumped into the water and rescued them through the windows of the car.”
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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Did Iran Shoot Down Ukrainian Airline Killing 180 by Mistake ?

A Ukrainian airplane carrying 180 passengers and crew crashed Wednesday near an airport in the capital, Tehran, state TV reported. There was no immediate word on casualties.
The plane had taken off from Imam Khomeini International Airport, the report said. The crash is suspected to have been caused by mechanical issues, it added, without elaborating.
An investigation team was at the site of the crash in southwestern outskirts of Tehran, civil aviation spokesman Reza Jafarzadeh said.

Flight data from the airport showed a Ukrainian 737-800 flown by Ukraine International Airlines took off Wednesday morning, then stopped sending data almost immediately afterward, according to website FlightRadar24. The airline did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Meanwhile, the Al Hadath News agency from Jordan reports the plane may have been shot down accidentally by an Iranian missile. This is still unconfirmed.
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Video of Fraidel Weider Getting Killed by Cement Truck in Boro Park

Tragedy struck Boro Park on Tuesday morning, when a woman was R”L struck and killed by a truck.
It happened just before 12:00PM, when a 68-year-old woman was struck by a cement truck on New Utrecht Avenue near 49th Street.
Boro Park Hatzolah rushed to the scene and found the woman in traumatic arrest. There was nothign they could do to save her life, and she was unfortunately Niftar on the scene.
The Niftar was later identified as Mrs. Fraidel Weider A”H. Her husband is R’ Avrohom Wieder, a Skverer Chosid.
Misaskim and Chesed Shel Emes were on the scene dealing with the Kavod Haniftar.
The Levaya was scheduled for tonight at 8:00PM at the Skverer Bais Medrash, 5321 12th Avenue.
The NYPD is on the scene and a prolonged investigation is underway. Expect heavy traffic in the area as the street will be closed for hours.
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Thanks to Trump, the forty-year appeasement of Iran is over

The assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani is an unusual, possibly aberrant, event.  

The killing of this individual leader of a sovereign state may lead to all-out war between Iran and the U.S. — or, on the other hand, the assassination may bring an end to the cycle of Iranian violence countered by U.S. and world diplomatic flatulence and appeasement.

Assassinating the leaders of terrorist organizations — i.e., non-state actors, such as Osama bin Laden and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi — did not lead to a greater war footing against the USA because, as terrorist organization leaders, not heads of state, they are automatically considered rogue, even by sovereign state leaders sympathetic to their goals.  Al-Qaeda and ISIS, despite any claims to territorial governance, are non-state actors.

Thus, despite ISIS's former control of land areas, ISIS was despised for its aggressions but was not considered a serious threat to the power of leaders of other Muslim-dominant states within the region. 

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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Neshama Carlebach Kickes Her Father to Curb to Save Her Dying Career

Neshama Carlebach will do anything to sing in public even if it means destroying her father's legacy! 

In 2012, Neshama recorded Hatikvah ... changing the lyrics to include Arabs ..... yes Arabs ..... the same guys that are killing our brothers & sisters! 

In 2013, after losing her frum audience because of "Kol Isha" she decided to join the Reform Movement to save her crappy career.

In 2014, she asked a bunch of Black Baptists to join her on Parshas Zachor in singing "Essah Einah"  in a reform shul!

In 2016, she  auctioned off his guitar ....

It didn't take long before the Reform Leftists banned her and cancelled all her concerts and kicked her out of their "shuls" because of accusations that her father, Shlomo Carlebach z"l had a bad reputation.

Now .... in a post in the  The Times of Israel Blog ...she grovels to her tiny audience like a little pathetic loser ..... 

If it wasn't for her father, she would have been a nobody..... her whole career was singing her father's songs ....

But now because of  the "Metoo" movement the name Carlebach in her reform leftists community is a nono! 

She had to scramble to do something to keep from starving!

So to save her career she decided to  bury her father all over again!

She no longer has a neshamah !

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Stampede kills 50 at funeral for Iran's "Salami ". ....

A stampede on Tuesday at a funeral procession for a top Iranian general killed in a U.S. airstrike last week killed 40 people and injured 213 others, two Iranian semi-official news agencies reported.
The stampede took place in Kerman, the hometown of Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, as the procession got underway, said the Fars and ISNA news agencies, citing Pirhossein Koulivand, the head of Iran’s emergency medical services.
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Trump proves the Iran ‘experts’ wrong again

In 2015, as the debate over President Barack Obama’s proposed ­nuclear accord with the Iranian regime roiled the nation, mainstream reporters insisted there were only two choices: the deal or war.
It was understandable. Left-of-center media (that is, most outlets) so adored Obama that one of his aides called them his “echo chamber.” Following the White House line was the dutiful, echo-chamber thing to do — even if it meant ignoring rational alternatives to Obama’s appeasement of Tehran that didn’t entail waging war.
Today, liberals are regurgitating the same claims about the consequences of President Trump’s decision to take out Iranian arch-terrorist Qassem Soleimani. Iran’s threats of retaliation and the statement that it is abandoning restrictions on its nuclear program are evidence, they say, that Team Trump is sleepwalking to war. The only option, in this line of thinking, is returning to the deal.
According to Obama administration alumni and other voices on the left, the deal was keeping Iran’s nuclear ambitions in check, and it was only Trump’s decision to pull out and reimpose economic sanctions that caused the current trouble.
But these are barefaced lies. Obama’s deal didn’t solve the nuclear problem. And Soleimani and his Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps began to make trouble for America long before Trump’s pullout from the deal.
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Hila Schlakman 17 of Efrat Finishes Shas

As hundreds of thousands of Jews worldwide celebrate the completion of the seven-and-a-half-year long cycle of daily Talmud study, and as women for the first time in history held their own celebration in Jerusalem, one 17-year-old girl is believed to be the youngest woman to ever mark this achievement.
Hila Schlakman of Efrat, a senior at Ohr Torah Stone’s Neveh Channah High School, began this learning cycle with her father after her older brother had completed the previous one with their father in 2012. Though her original plan was only to learn with her father until the celebration of her Bat Mitzvah, her piqued interest drove her to continue.
Over the course of the first four years of the 2,711-day cycle, she worked with her father’s schedule, sometimes sacrificing and adapting her own social plans in order to gain a mastery of the basics and set the foundation for her future learning. For sleepovers at friends, she’d need to plan to arrive late in order to study with her father beforehand, and in order to travel for summer vacation, she and her father would learn ahead so as not to miss a page. Later on, she would be joined by her younger sister and ultimately their grandfather, too, sometimes learning together and at other times on their own.
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