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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Michael & Yarin Nadel, Father and Son Queens Moving Company Arrested For Fraud

Pay up — or you’ll never see your chaise lounge again!
A Queens father and son were busted for allegedly using their interstate moving companies to extort customers — demanding victims pay thousands if they wanted their belongings returned, federal prosecutors announced Tuesday.
Michael Nadel, 65, and son Yarin “Joe” Nadel, 35, are accused of netting $100,000 from dozens of customers who they forced into paying bogus extra fees to get their stuff back between February 2018 and July 2019.
The Fresh Meadows duo allegedly defrauded customers by giving quotes they had “no intention of honoring.” Once the possessions were loaded onto their trucks, the men then told their marks “additional fees were due,” prosecutors claim.
In some cases, the men and employees of their “State to State” moving companies threatened to sell and auction customer’s belongings if they didn’t cough up the extra cash, prosecutors charge.

Accused sex abuser Malka Leifer refuses to appear before key psychiatric panel

Former principal Malka Leifer, wanted in Australia for child sex abuse crimes, seen at the Jerusalem District Court, February 14, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/ Flash90)
Malka Leifer’s attorneys informed the Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday that their client would not appear before the court-ordered psychiatric panel to determine whether she is feigning mental illness in order to avoid extradition to Australia, where she faces 74 charges of sexual assault.
In a letter to the court, Tal Gabay and Yehuda Fried said they could not allow their client to cooperate with a panel, which they had opposed from the start.
Last month, Jerusalem District Court Judge Chana Lomp ruled that the evidence against Leifer was inconclusive and therefore a board of psychiatric experts would be appointed to determine whether the former principal of Adass Israel ultra-Orthodox girls’ school in Melbourne has been faking mental incompetence to avoid being sent back to Australia for a sex abuse trial.
Both the prosecution and defense opposed the appointment of a new panel, with both arguing that sufficient evidence had been submitted to reach a verdict. The state has relied on the legal opinions of three district psychiatrists who determined that Leifer is mentally fit to face justice. 

The pathetic push to deny Trump credit for getting Baghdadi

The mockery and the spin from President Trump’s political opponents poured in as soon as he made his announcement on Sunday about US forces killing ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The president didn’t restrain his urge to take credit for the triumph or hold back on describing the events in pure Trumpspeak. He spoke of Baghdadi “whimpering” and “dying like a dog.” While giving the proper credit to the heroism of the operators who put an end to the career of a murderer and rapist who was one of the planet’s true villains, Trump did the presidential equivalent of an NFL touchdown dance.
Yet as far as his opponents in the media were concerned, the president’s behavior was not only unseemly but also dishonest, since they think he deserves no credit for a moment that put a bow on the successful war the United States has been waging against ISIS on his watch.
That was the keynote of coverage of the Baghdadi operation in the New York Times, CNN and most other liberal outlets. Instead of allowing Trump to bask in the glory of this victory, reporters and pundits widely bashed the president for supposedly being clueless about the operation and the intelligence establishment, for pursuing policies that made the fight against ISIS harder and for not giving top Democrats a heads up about the impending attack.

Dr Michael Schloss Killed When His Plane Crashed in New Jersey

The pilot killed when his prop plane crashed into a quiet New Jersey neighborhood has been identified as a Manhattan cardiologist with a long-running passion for flying, The Post has learned.
Dr. Michael Schloss, 74, was flying from Leesburg Executive Airport in Virginia to Linden Airport in New Jersey when his plane plummeted into a home in the Woodbridge Township community of Colonia around 11 a.m. Tuesday, setting that home and two neighboring houses on fire.
Authorities said no one was killed or injured on the ground.
Schloss was an experienced licensed commercial pilot, records show.
He operated a business called Warbird Associates Inc., registered in Delaware, and owned two airplanes — the 1980 Cessna 414A that crashed Tuesday and a 1942 Boeing B75N1 Spearman biplane.
He had flown the Cessna three times in the past week, Federal Aviation Administration records show.
On Oct. 23, he piloted the plane from Leesburg in Virginia to Defiance Memorial Airport in Ohio, and flew back to Leesburg Sunday.
On Tuesday, he took off from Leesburg for a scheduled one-hour flight to Linden.
No one answered the doorbell at Schloss’ medical office in Kips Bay on Tuesday.

Try Stealing a Sefer From Satmar Bais Medrish in Yerushalyim

I guess Satmar Mispallilim are in the habit of stealing! 

Monsey Rebbe Beats the Hell of His Student then Thows Him Out of Class


A 3 year-old video has gone viral of a Rebbe in a Yeshiva in Monsey beating a student, who appears to be around 15 years old. 
The boy is seen (in the very unclear video) on the floor, and the Rebbe then screaming at him to leave the classroom. The video made its way to Twitter, where local news agencies have picked up on it.
Yeshiva Shaar Ephraim gave the following statement 
“The behavior shown on the video is abhorrent and has no place in an educational institution. We unequivocally condemn any such behavior. We are also glad that the faculty member seen on the video separated from our school several years ago.”

Friday, October 25, 2019

Zera Shimshon - Bereishis

In the beginning Hashem created (1:1)

Rashi points out that the Torah refers to Hashem by the name Elokim as opposed to ' . 

When Hashem acts with judgment, He is referred to as Elokim and when He acts with mercy, He is referred to as ' . 

Here, Hashem is called Elokim since when Hashem decided to create the world, He wanted it to be governed by strict justice. However, looking into the future, Hashem saw that such a model would fail. Hashem therefore brought in the trait of mercy and only then added the attribute of exacting justice to ensure that the world
would endure.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Yoeli Oberlander Can't Keep His Filthy Hands to Himself ...... Arrested Again

A 39-year-old man with a history of sex offenses has pleaded not guilty in Rockland County Court to new charges of improperly touching a teenage boy.
Yoel Oberlander is being held in federal custody in New Jersey on accusations of violating his supervised release from prison based on his June arrest in Rockland on the new charges, his attorney Daniel Bertolino said today.
Oberlander was arraigned Tuesday by County Court Judge Larry Schwartz in New City on grand jury misdemeanor charges of third-degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. Oberlander is accused of improperly touching a 15-year-old boy's genitals on June 3, Bertolino said. 
Oberlander's next court appearance is scheduled for Nov. 7.
"He intends to vigorously fight the charges and have me defend him until the day he's exonerated, which is our expectation," Bertolino said. 
Supervising Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Parietti declined comment on the grand jury indictment or the case, citing the nature of the charges.  She is chief of the office's Special Victims Unit.

Airplane incident

Oberlander was sentenced to 13 months in federal prison in July 2017 for assault with intent to commit stalking when he touched a woman's chest and harassed her during an El Al flight from Tel Aviv to Newark Liberty Airport in May 2016. He was placed on three years supervised release.

Why Hillary Clinton Lost the Election in 2016

Israel has 131,000 millionaires, and its wealth is growing quickly

Israel has about 131,000 millionaires, and its population is getting wealthier quickly, according to a Monday report from the Swiss banking firm Credit Suisse.
Israel ranks 23rd worldwide in its total number of millionaires, and by 2024 is expected to have 173,000 millionaires, representing a growth rate of 32 percent, the annual Global Wealth Report found.
The report surveyed worldwide wealth from mid-2018 to mid-2019.
The total number of Israeli millionaires is relatively high, placing the Jewish state slightly below more populous countries including Brazil and Poland, although some states with fewer people, including Norway, Switzerland and Hong Kong, had more millionaires.
The 32% expected growth rate put Israel in the middle of the pack for wealthy countries. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Republicans Storm and Disrupt FAKE Impeachment Hearings

Republicans brought House Democrats’ impeachment investigation to a halt on Wednesday as around two dozen GOP House members stormed into a closed-door deposition with a Defense Department official. Democrats said the move compromised national security as some of them brought electronic devices into a secure room.

As a series of diplomats have been interviewed in the probe, several of them detailing President Donald Trump’s efforts to persuade Ukraine to investigate a political rival, many Republicans have been silent on the president’s behavior. But they have been outspoken about their disdain for Democrats and the impeachment process, saying it is unfair to them even though they have been allowed to participate.
“The members have just had it and they want to be able to see and represent their constituents and find out what’s going on,” said Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Reform panel. That committee is one of three leading the investigation, and its members are allowed into the closed-door hearings.
Jordan said things were at a “standstill.” And after several hours, a handful of members remained in the room. The deposition with Laura Cooper, a senior Defense Department official who oversees Ukraine policy, was temporarily on hold.
The Republicans decried that the deposition was happening behind closed doors and said Americans should be able to read the transcripts of any interviews being conducted as part of impeachment.
Democrats have promised to release the transcripts when it won’t affect their investigation, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff has pushed back on the criticism of the depositions.
Schiff said in a letter to colleagues last week that “the majority and minority have been provided equal staff representation and time to question witnesses, who have stayed until the majority and the minority have asked all of their questions – often late into the evening.”
Several Republicans appeared to be tweeting from the secure room. North Carolina Rep. Mark Walker tweeted: “UPDATE: We are in the SCIF and every GOP Member is quietly listening.” Georgia Rep. Buddy Carter wrote that “my Republican colleagues and I just stormed the impeachment hearing room and finally got in.”

Gerer Chassidus Ofiicially Split .....

The Gerrer hassidic dynasty – the largest, wealthiest and most influential of the hassidic communities in Israel – is facing an unprecedented schism that could, and likely already has, damaged its prestige and power.

After several years in which tensions have simmered between Gerrer Rebbe Yaakov Aryeh Alter and his first cousin Rabbi Shaul Alter, events over the course of the recent Sukkot holiday boiled over.

These tensions resulted in breakaway prayer services by Shaul and his followers, and a statement by Shaul that he was establishing new institutions for the Hassidim that have followed him out of the mainstream Gerrer community.

Meah Shearim "Tzadikim" Raise the Flag Of the PLO Jew Murderers ... Zionist Police Remove It

Its after Yom Kippur and the Tzadiikim of Meah Sharim are back to embracing the murderers of Jews that make Jewish daughters and women into  Jewish widows and orphans ...

Poll: Nearly a third of Jews avoid identifying themselves as Jewish publicly ,,, Time to Make Aliyah

Nearly a third of Jewish Americans say they have hidden their religious identity or avoided carrying items that would identify oneself as Jewish in public due to threats of anti-Semitism, according to a poll released Wednesday.
A study by the American Jewish Coalition (AJC) found that 31 percent of the respondents said they had "avoided publicly wearing, carrying, or displaying things that might help people identify [them] as a Jew."
Twenty-five percent of those surveyed also told pollsters that they at least sometimes "avoid certain places, events, or situations out of concern for [their] safety or comfort as a Jew."
The survey's results come as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says the rate of anti-Semitic incidents has doubled in the U.S. since 2015.
There continues to be "an alarmingly high number of anti-Semitic acts," ADL national director Jonathan Greenblatt said in April.
“We’ve worked hard to push back against anti-Semitism, and succeeded in improving hate crime laws, and yet we continue to experience an alarmingly high number of anti-Semitic acts,” Greenblatt said at the time.
Early numbers for 2019 suggest that the problem is continuing, as the ADL recorded roughly the same number of anti-Semitic attacks in the first half of 2019 as it did in the first half of 2018.
AJC's poll contacted 1,283 Jews living in the U.S. over the age of 18 between Sept. 11-Oct. 6. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gantz Gets Mandate to Form Government

Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz. (Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90)
President Reuven Rivlin will task Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz with forming a government on Wednesday, after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced earlier this week he was unable to do so.
A statement from Rivlin’s office on Tuesday said the president will officially give Gantz the mandate to try and build a Knesset majority after his chief of staff completed a second round of consultations with representatives of all Knesset parties.
The two will sign a document establishing the appointment at 8 p.m. and make statements.
Along with his new status as prospective prime minister, Gantz this week will receive a security detail from the state.
Earlier Tuesday, the secular right-wing Yisrael Beytenu party said it would not be endorsing anyone for prime minister in the second round of coalition talks, while Netanyahu’s allies reiterated their support for the prime minister.
Netanyahu announced Monday that he had failed to form a majority government in the Knesset, marking a major setback for the embattled prime minister that plunges the country into a new period of political uncertainty.
Facing a Wednesday deadline, Netanyahu said he was returning the mandate to form a government to Rivlin, blaming his failure on Gantz, Blue and White deputy head Yair Lapid, and Yisrael Beytenu party leader Avigdor Liberman

Chassidishe Guy Runs Over Chaveirim Guy By Zviller Funeral Because He refused to Let Him Thru


Bobover Rebbe z"l R' Shlomo Doing Hoshanois & R' Shlomo Carlebach

Rabbi Nissim Karlitz passes away at 93

Rabbi Shmaryahu Yosef Nissim Karlitz, a senior rabbi and major halakhic posek of the Litvish community in Israel, passed away Monday evening. He was 93.

Rabbi Karlitz was a member of the leaders of the Degel Hatorah faction and served for many years as the rabbi of the Ramat Aharon neighborhood of Bnei Brak.
He played his central public role in establishing the Bnei Brak Beit Din and served as its head for over 50 years.
Rabbi Karlitz was hospitalized two weeks ago at the Maayanei Hayeshua Medical Center in Bnei Brak due to cardiac problems.

During Simchat Torah, there was severe deterioration in his medical condition when he underwent CPR twice after losing consciousness.


The world of Torah and Halacha has said farewell to Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, one of the leading Lithuanian public leaders in the last generation, who passed away at the age of 93.
Journalist Yisrael Cohen, a Kol B'Rama commentator on haredi affairs in various media venues, talks about the rabbi's image, influence, and uniqueness.

Frum & Separate Chassidishe Concert Disgrace the Memory of R' Shayele Krasterer

A Sukkos concert in Yerushalayim is causing outrage among many people.
At the concert a popular song titled “Reb Shaya ben Reb Moshe” was sung by a popular performer. As the song was being sung, a large screen displayed a photo of the holy Tzadik Reb Shayele Kerestirer, who the song is about.
 In a despicable Bizayon, surrounding the image of Reb Sheyele were rats and mice running across his face.

The “justification” of this warped and disgusting act was done due to a story that people claim happened in the time of the Tzadik when he told someone with a mice infestation to hang his photo as a prevention. 
 A great-grandson of Reb Shayele  says that his grandmother lived in his house until WWII broke out, and she claims that this entire story never happened, and that he was against photos and therefore there are no photos of him other than a passport photo. In fact all his descendants vehemently deny that this “Segula” originated from Reb Shayele.