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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mazal Tov! Holocaust survivor, 89, weds woman nearly 50 years younger

Holocaust survivor Jack Garfein, 89, said “I do” to his 42-year-old bride, Natalia Repolovsky, last Sunday on the Upper West Side.
Garfein wept with joy as he entered the chapel of Congregation Rodeph Sholom.
“I can’t believe all of this love I’m surrounded by after everything I’ve gone through in my life,” he told The Post while choking back more tears after the ceremony.
Garfein, who was born in then-Czechoslovakia, lost his parents and sisters when they were marched to the Nazi gas chambers. He himself survived 11 concentration camps.
Among his wedding guests was Jack Terry, 89, whom he has known since World War II.
“I met Jack in 1945 at the Flossenbürg concentration camp,” Terry, 89, told The Post. “We shouldn’t even be alive . . . And here I am at his wedding.”


Garfein, who came to the US at the age of 14, spoke no English at first but went on to become a major figure in The Actors Studio — where he collaborated with Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe and James Dean. He directed the films “The Strange One” in 1957 and “Something Wild” in 1961, and is credited with discovering actor Steve McQueen.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Vizhnitzer Rebbe’s Golden cane Stolen in Switzerland

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak is currently on a visit to Switzerland with a small group of chassidim.
The rebbe is staying in St. Moritz, the high Alpine resort town in the Engadine in Switzerland, known for its high elevation of about 5,900 feet above sea level.
The rebbe’s gabbaim have revealed that the rebbe’s golden cane has suddenly gone missing. It is not clear why or how, but there is suspicion that it has been stolen.

Israel Approves The Vicious Anti-Semite Tlaib a Visit to her 90-year-old Grandmother ....

Tlaib writes: 'I will respect any restrictions and not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit.'
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) on Friday approved US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's request to visit Israel in order to see her elderly grandmother.

On Thursday, Israel announced that Democratic Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib will not be allowed to enter Israel due to their support of BDS.

On Thursday night, Tlaib sent a request to Israel's Ministry of Interior to visit her "Palestinian" grandmother on humanitarian grounds.

In her request, Tlaib wrote:
 "I would like to request admittance to Israel in order to visit my relatives, and specifically my grandmother, who is in her 90s and lives in Beit Ur al-Fouqa."

"This could be my last opportunity to see her. I will respect any restrictions and will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit. Thank you, Rashida Tlaib."

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Trump Supports Israel in Barring the Two Anti-Semitic Congresswoman

Trump to Israel: Don't show weakness, ban Omar and Tlaib now!

'They hate all Jews.' Trump urges Israel to prevent controversial Democratic lawmakers from entering the country. 'They're a disgrace!'

President Donald Trump urged Israel on Thursday to bar two Democratic congresswomen from entering the country, warning that a failure to ban the two would constitute a show of“great weakness” on Israel’s part.

“It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to visit,” Trump tweeted. “They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a disgrace!”

The tweet came just hours after Israeli media reported that the Israeli interior ministry had decided to ban Omar and Tlaib from entering the country, due to their support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Israeli law prohibits entry into the country by supporters of the BDS movement.

Israel has not confirmed the ban, however, and two weeks ago appeared poised to permit the two freshman Democratic lawmakers to enter the country.

Two weeks ago, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer announced that Israel would allow the two to enter, in light of the strong messages he received on the subject from senior House officials.

Tlaib and Omar had planned to visit Israel’s security fence in Judea and Samaria, as well ascend the Temple Mount accompanied by senior Palestinian Authority officials, visit Bethlehem, Hevron, and Ramallah.

The trip was planned by Miftah, a pro-Palestinian Authority NGO cofounded by PA negotiator Hanan Ashrawi. Omar and Tlaib had been scheduled to land in Israel Sunday.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

242 Olim from North America arrive in Israel .... Not One Chasid .. Few Yeshivish!!

I'm watching this 2 1/2 hour video with tears running down my cheeks.... 
Watching how the words of our prophets are coming true in our lifetime..

Watching Grandparents, Great-Grandparents,Parents, Teenagers, Children, toddlers and even newborns ...
Teenagers far from being frum looking forward to join the Jewish army to defend our homeland, all coming off the plane ...looking forward to spend the rest of their lives surrounded by other Jews, in a Jewish country with a Jewish Flag....
after over 2,000 years ...

And suddenly I realize....
not one "Heimishe" person ...not one!
Not one Chusid ... not one ...
and suddenly I'm  sad.....

There something very wrong with our chinuch .....something very very scary .....

Rabbonim are worried about what the New York Board of Education is implementing in our moisdois ha"toirah ...

Our moisdois in Chutz Le'aaretz will all be lost ...yes .. 
all ..... yes.....
if we don't embed and infuse our children with "Ahavas Eretz Yisroel"...
 the BOE is going to be the least of your problems .....

Don't you see that it is Yad Hashem sending you this plague? 
Can't you see the message from Above?
You don't ... because  you don't care about Israel....

You instead choose to listen to the lies of the liberal left, you choose to listen to the Reform & Conservative Rabbis with their frum cohorts the Satmar and Yeshivisha Roshei Yeshivas ....

How do you say with a straight face in bentching
על הארץ ועל המזון
"Blessed be Hashem for the Land and the Food!"

How do you repeat that lie so many times a week ...??
Are you really thanking Hashem for the "land"?
You liar ... how do you utter this lie when you have absolutely no intention or even thinking about coming to live in Eretz Yisrael ....???

How do you say with a straight face ...in the על המחיה 

והעלנו לתוכה ...ונאכל מפריה 
"You shall bring us to (eretz Yisrael) so that we can eat its fruit ?"
How do you say that?????

There are even poiskim in Chutz Le'aaretz, Gedoilei Hador, that advise American Jews not to buy Israeli fruits because they may not be "maasered"  tithed....
Crazy .....Stuff!!! 
Not only don't move to Eretz Yisroel ...but don't even eat the fruit . !!!!!!

How about ....
Buy it and learn the halachos... of maaser.....?
but "not to buy fruits grown in Eretz Yisroel?

How low did we go? How far removed are we from the land Hashem gifted to all of us, that even our poiskim are so deeply embedded in the Tumeh of Chutz Le'aaretz ...

How do you end that bracha with:
ונודה לך על הארץ  
" I'm thanking YOU for the land"
You bald faced liar!! 

Are you really thanking Hashem for Eretz Yisrael???

I understand not everyone can make Aliyah ... but at least make sure that your children feel the love of Eretz Yisroel! 
At least don't speak like the meraglim .....

Ignore.... the badmouthing of Israel even if it's your own Rebbe, or Rav or poisek,,,,, Ignore them!!

Who do you think were the meraglim??
They were the "rebbes" they were the Sanhedrin...they were our leaders and poiskim!

Meforshim say that they even had noble and altruistic intentions..
they wanted to learn Torah and be close to Hashem; they didn't want to work ... they didn't want to work the land!

Sounds familiar?

Do you know in last week's parsha, Moshe Rabeinu chastises the Jewish people and reminds them of all their sins ... but did it in "remazim" with riddles, with "hints" only ...not to embarrass Klal Yisrael
the only sin that Moshe didn't hint.... didn't speak with a "remez" ...but spoke directly ....explicitly ... dugree ...
without any hints or remazim ...
was the Chet of the Meraglim ...
Because he knew that it there will be leaders of Klal Yisroel in the "achris ha'yomim" , some 3,500 years later that will bad mouth Eretz Yisrael ......

If he had spoken in remez in riddles or in hints 
the rebbelich in their Shalosh Seudois Toirelich, would say that Moshe didn't mean that you cannot bad mouth Eretz Yisrael and its inhabitants ..he meant something totally different..

So Moshe spoke directly ... without beating around the bush telling them that this aveirah of speaking ill of Ererz Yisrael will not be forgiven so easily ..
 Now fast and cry every single year on the anniversary of the sin of the meraglim ...

Moshe spoke to ALL Jews not only Rebbelich, Roshei Yeshivah and Fake Poiskim ....
 he spoke to each child, to each pusheter Yid ... they shouldn't get misled by their leaders ...
Every Jew can open a Chumash and see what Moshe said .... you don't need to wait till Shalosh Seudois!

Moshe knew that the rebbelich, the Roshei Yeshiva will quote all kinds of gemmarras and midrashim .....
But out master and teacher Moshe wants you to ....
Ignore them! 
Know that they are not the solution they are the problem...
Any Rabbi be he Yeshivish, Chassidish, Conservative, Reform or even liberal progressive....
if he discourages Jews to make Aliyah ... Ignore him!
They are from the meraglim...absolutely!

Why is it that in our heimishe moisdois we teach our children that  after 120 years they should come to Israel in a box ...????
What is wrong coming when you are alive and well???

Isn't that idea right out of the mouth of Bilam..
That he wished to die like a Jew but he refused to live like one!

Watch real Jews ... yes even the girls with pants on .. ..
watch their Ahavas Eretz Yisroel....

I want to know .... and think about this ....
How many Gedoilei Yisrael did Lakewood produce????
How many Gedoilei Yisroel did all Heimishe Yeshivois combined,produce ....?????

The answer is ZERO!!!!

The future of Klall Yisrael is Eretz Yisroel ...

Walk into any Bais Medrish in Israel, be in Yerushalyim. Bet Shemesh, Zfas, and yes even in Tel Aviv, and you will find Thousands of Yiddealach all Gedoilei Yisroel ...
Constant Learning ....24 hours ...

You don't like the Zionists???
Fine ... come here and change it .....

According to the gemmarah in Kesubois ... yes that one ...
the one with the "Shalosh Shvuois" yes that same page ..
The gemmarah states that:
"Anyone living in Chutz Le'aarerz is like living without a G-D!!! "

For generations not all of us had that opportunity...
Read the efforts of the Chafetz Chayim, The Vilna Gaon, the Baal Shem Tov trying to make Aliyah..
How fast would they have been here if the had airplanes in those days .....?

The Midrash states that Moshe Rabeinu was even maskim to come into Eretz Yisrael as an animal...

Wow! Moshe was ready to come to Eretz Yisrael as a squirrel ...and yet we ... who Hashem gave us another chance in 1948 and made sure to have the infrastructure in place to gather in the exiles ... refuse to come as humans! 

 Today B"H we have a country that has bli eyen hara over 6 million Jews living here .... No more excuses ....

Wake Up My Brethern Wake Up Before It's Too Late 

I will not publish any negative comments on this post ...save that for the meraglim in your own families, save that for the meraglim of your shuls, save that for the Meraglim in the Rebbeshe Batei Midrashim ...

242 North American Olim are arriving in Israel on Wednesday on a special Aliyah flight chartered by Nefesh B’Nefesh, facilitated in cooperation with Israel’s Aliyah & Integration Ministry, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (KKL), and Jewish National Fund-USA.

The new Olim are from a variety of backgrounds culturally and demographically – hailing from 22 US states and two Canadian provinces. They also include 21 medical professionals, three sets of twins, and a 28-day-old baby, who will officially become the youngest Oleh to make Aliyah with Nefesh B’Nefesh this summer.

Rabin's Granddaughter Meets and Embraces ABBAS Murderer of Jews

Noa Rothman, granddaughter of Yitzchak Rabin Smiles and embraces Abbas

Elihai Ben-Yishai, brother of Ruth Fogel who was murdered in a terrorist attack in Itamar along with her husband Ehud and three of their children in 2011, blasted Democratic Union member Noa Rothman on Tuesday, following her meeting with Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

"You met with a man who pays a salary every month to the murderers of my sister Ruth Fogel, her husband Ehud, and their three children Yoav, Elad and Hadas Fogel," 

Ben-Yishai tweeted in response to a tweet by Rothman about the meeting.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, such wretchedness. continued Ben-Yishai in a jeer toward Rothman, who is Rabin’s granddaughter.

Earlier it was reported that Rothman, alongside MK Esawi Frej, met with Abbas in Ramallah with the approval of the leaders of their party.

Rothman tweeted after the meeting,
 "I met this evening with Palestinian Authority chairman Abu Mazen in Ramallah. I met a leader who is concerned over radicalization in Israeli and Palestinian society, the hopelessness and lack of dialogue, with the understanding that both sides have no other home and no other neighbors and that we have a lot to lose from the ongoing conflict and paying the price in the form of blood."

"As an Israeli, I am angry and disappointed that in the last decade Netanyahu has done nothing to advance the diplomatic process and not even minimal steps of dialogue in order to bring calm in the south. I cannot avoid the heavy feeling that our leadership is failing to act to protect us and move us forward - when there is so much to do, and yet, on the ground, nothing has been done,” Rothman noted.

She continued,
 "The military cannot eradicate incendiary balloons and kites. The residents of the south are in dire straits that the government does not solve. Our national resilience is eroded. And above all - the unbearable cost of the loss of life that this conflict continues to charge."

The cigarettes that made Aliyah

New immigrant caught with 19 suitcases filled to the brim with only cigarettes, attempting to avoid customs tax.

Badri Shimshilshvili was arrested Tuesday evening in Ben Gurion Airport after attempting to smuggle a commercial quantity of cigarettes into Israel without paying customs tax, the Tax Authority reported.

Shimshilshvili, a new immigrant, tried to use his status to avoid paying 500,000 NIS ($143,388) in tax.

Rishon Lezion's Magistrates Court agreed to Ben Gurion Airport Customs Authority's Drug Department's request and released the suspect on condition.

According to the arrest warrant, Shimshilshvili attempted on Tuesday night to walk through the "Green Lane" together with his luggage, and was pulled aside to be checked. The examination revealed 2,228 packets of Winston and Pall Mall cigarettes, packed in nineteen large bags which were to be used to bring his personal belongings from abroad. None of this was reported to customs.

The suspect was then taken to the offices of the Customs Authority's Drug Department, where he connected himself to the cigarettes during an interrogation.

Judge Rina Hirsch has barred Shimshilshoyli from leaving Israel for a period of 180 days, and said he can be released on bail for a sum of 50,000 NIS ($14,339).

The Faces of DemocRATS Running for President

New York Times: Lawns Are Symbols of Racism and "Come on the backs of slaves"

While most Americans are spending time this summer enjoying the sun in the comfort of their houses’ yards, the New York Times is out with a new exposé on how lawn care is problematic, once viewed through the lens of social justice.

Lawns are contributing to pollution and climate change, asserts narrator David Botti, and their origins are far from woke, in a seven-minute video on the history of American lawns.
Botti says lawns are part of the “colonizing of America,” which transformed the landscape from “pristine wilderness” to “identical rows of manicured nature.”
“These lawns come on the backs of slaves,” he continues, zooming in on a painting of George Washington in a field to highlight men cutting the grass with scythes. “It’s grueling, endless work.”


A treif restaurant in upstate New York has been using a fake hechsher and causing dozens of Jews to eat non kosher food this summer.

24-hour Bistro, located at Resort World Casino in Monticello, New York, is a completely treif eatery that has been tricking frum Jews into eating their food by hanging up a fake kashrus certificate. 

The outdated sign was brought to the restaurant by a conniving worker who got it from New York.

The expired certificate, issued by Rav Yisroel Gornish shlit”a of Khal Chizuk Hadas in New York in 2017, belonged to the now defunct La Cuisine restaurant, formerly located on the corner of East 19th Street and Avenue M in Brooklyn, NY.
Additionally, a few items on the 24-hour Bistro menu have been marked kosher despite there being no indication that any hashgacha were given their stamp of approval on the kitchen.
There have already been multiple instances of Jews eating at the restaurant due to seeing the fake sign without giving it a closer look.
Rav Gornish is aware of the situation and is working tirelessly to have the management remove the phony hechsher and raise awareness of the matter to stop more Jews from being nichshal.

Why Are Yeshivah Boys and Yungelite Denying the Holocaust ???

From EmailimBaTorah 

ואהבת את ה' אלוקיך
 - שיהא שם שמים מתאהב על ידך-- אבל מי שקורא ושונה--ואין דבורו בנחת עם *הבריות, מה הבריות אומרות אליו, 
או לו לפלוני שלמד תורה או לו לאביו-- או לו לרבו-- כמה מקולקלין מעשיו וכמה מכוערין דרכיו וכו' (יומא פ"ו ע"א) 
In most civilized western countries, Holocaust deniers are not tolerated. In some countries, it is a criminal offense.

Even the אומות העולם understand that denying the Holocaust is a most offensive and hurtful type of antisemitism. 
Holocaust victims and their families after suffering through this nightmare of torture and killings who are told to that it never happened or it happened but wasn't as severe as they claim it was, is an extremely painful type of antisemitism.
Unfortunately, there are groups of Yeshiva Bachurim & Yungerleit who are ביודעים ובלא יודעים "Frum Holocaust deniers". 

**There are even some counselors training young children in
camp to become Holocaust deniers.
When demonstrators shout at the police "נאצים" (Nazis)
that is Holocaust denial

If a Jewish policeman who has his job to do to keep the demonstrators in an area so as not to block traffic etc. (even if he is overly rough etc.)  is being compared to a German SS Nazi who was part of the killing machine of six million, who tortured millions who starved millions who slave labored millions, that is the ultimate רשעות one can do to the Holocaust Kedoshim, survivors, their 
children, and to every thinking Yid.
You may be a Neturei Karta, Satmar, Peleg, etc. and you have the full right to demonstrate against the Zionist State.

However, you may not be a Holocaust Denier. It is your responsibility to make sure that the non-Frum Tziyoinim won't say 
 או לו לפלוני שלמד תורה 
"Woe is to this person who
learned Torah "וכמה מכוערין דרכיו "and how ugly are his ways".
יהי רצון שנקיים מצוות ואהבת את ה' אלוקיך ויהא שם שמים מתאהב על ידינו                                                         
*בריות refers to עמי הארץ non שומרי תורה ומצוות
**Some camps have an activity for the children  demonstrating against the Zionist Medina, They carry placards and shout Givald, Shame shame Israel and NATZIM

Solution to the Shidduch Crises!

by EmailimBaTorah 

There are Mosdos asking for donations geared especially to those who are desperate to find Shidduchim for themselves or for their loved ones. 
These organizations offer to have Gedolim, Rebbes, Roshei Yeshivos, Rabonim, Kabbalists, etc. travel to Mekomos Hakdoshim and daven for a Zivug on behalf of those who send in money.

It is a pathetic way of raising money by taking advantage of people who are in a desperate situation. What's even more pathetic is that it is very likely for such Tefillos not to be accepted by HKBH.

If the situation is that for every 120 nineteen-year-old girls there are only 100 twenty-three-year-old boys to go around, it would be pointless to daven that all girls should get married, since there are simply not enough 23-year-old boys to marry all the 19-year-old girls. 
This Tefillah would be asking for the impossible and that would be considered a תפילת שוא.

Furthermore, davening only for those girls who donate money to the organization doesn't sound right. 
For every girl who gets married another boy gets taken off the market.

There is a concept in the Gemoro of 
תופס לבעל חוב במקום שחב לאחרים - 
One cannot grab an item for the benefit of his friend if by doing so another person will lose out. 
One may, however, grab it for himself even
 במקום שחב לאחרים. 
Therefore davening for only a certain group (Donors) and not including the בתוך שאר הנצרכים sounds like a תופס לבעל חוב במקום שחב לאחרים.


The solution to the shidduch crisis is to narrow the age gap between the boys and girls getting married. 
Davening for this to happen on its own is futile; it is incumbent on us to take the measures to make it happen. 
The problem is man-made and can be corrected by man בעזהי"ת. 
It's up to us; 
we can and should change the trend of having such a wide age gap between the genders.

Perhaps, the time has come of 
מה תצעק אלי-- ויסעו.
We must make a move to correct the problem. 
We cannot shove the problem under the carpet, nor pretend to solve it with Davening gimmicks.

We must first acknowledge the cause of the Shidduch crisis. 
Many people aren't aware that the number one cause for the shidduch crisis is the age gap, and if nothing is done to remedy that, then   
15%- 20% of the girls will remain Agunos for the rest of their lives. 

We must also educate and publicize this to as many people as possible.
 It is very important that the naysayers be proven wrong.

The only way to narrow the age gap is by facilitating and encouraging the boys to start dating at a younger age. 
 This can be accomplished if the Roshei Yeshivos are on board and implement policies such as:
1) The American Roshei Yeshivos should not send away their talmidim to Eretz Yisroel at age 20, and not allow them to stick around past that age.
2) The Israeli Roshei Yeshivos should not accept Bachurim over the age of 20.
3) B.M.G. Lakewood Yeshiva should abolish the "freezer" rule.
Having the Bachurim go to learn in Eretz Yisroel at an earlier age means they will return to America at an earlier age, thus starting  Shidduchim earlier and thereby narrowing the age gap.

These might be drastic measures, but we can all agree that the severe tragedy of having girls never get married, remaining Agunos for the rest of their lives, surely requires drastic measures.  Now is the time of 'עת לעשות וגו

If the philanthropists, Gevirim,& Askonim who support the Yeshivos want to seriously commit themselves to solve the Shidduch crisis, they would exert their influence on the Roshei Yeshivos and give them the "motivation" to take these necessary steps and policies to effect change.

Check this

                                                    WHAT CAN YOU DO?



Chris Cuomo of CNN flying into a rage after man calls him ‘Fredo’ .....NETWORK STANDS BY BERSERK CUOMO...

A man in NY yesterday approached CNN's Chris Cuomo and called him "Fredo"

Cuomo: "You're going to have a problem"

Man: "What are you going to do about it?"

Cuomo: "I'll fuckin ruin your shit. I'll fucking throw you down these stairs"

Credit: "THAT'S THE POINT with Brandon"

22.6K people are talking about this

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

El Al stewardess dies after being infected with measles on Flight From New York

A stewardess of Israel’s El Al airline died Tuesday, following a months-long battle with measles.

The 43-year-old stewardess was infected with the measles virus during a flight from New York to Israel five months ago.
After she was infected, the stewardess was hospitalized in serious condition at Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba in central Israel after she was found unconscious and struggling to breathe.

During her hospitalization, the stewardess’ condition deteriorated, and she was transferred to the quarantine section of the hospital’s intensive care wing.
On Tuesday, doctors at Meir hospital declared her death, following the five-month struggle.