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Monday, July 15, 2019

Teveryeh's Mayor That Started a "Chillul Shabbos" Campaign ... Ousted ... Couldn't Pass a budget!

There was a new "sheriff" in the town of Teveryah, who was elected as Mayor a few months ago in the last election.

His whole campaign was to turn the Holy City of Teveryah into a "Chilonie City" like Tel Aviv, with full blown "Chillul Shabbos."

The only glitch he had, and he totally forgot about that ... ...... was "G-d!"

The rule in Israel is that when a Mayor in a town gets elected, he has to put together a coalition and pass a budget....
If he can't, then the entire office of the Mayor and its staff collapses and the "Misrad Hapnim" the Interior Minister, can either call new elections or appoint temporarily a new crew!

Last night, G-d .... the force that the Mayor totally forget about ... had him voted out because he "couldn't pass a budget" and he will now look for another job!

He is in court fighting his ouster but he is barking up the wrong tree... he should save his money and send it to DIN!

At any rate ...
I almost forgot my point of this posting ....
and B"H, I remembered ...

How did it come that a Holy City like Teveryah would get enough votes to vote in a "Chilonie" who hates Frum people and who openly ran on a platform to "secularize Teveryeh"?

Guess what???? You sitting??

I'm not talking about the mishagayim" who don't vote at all ... because "the Torah forbids voting in Zionist elections."

I'm talking about "normal" frum people who vote ..

Well, the  frumies themselves were fighting like cats and dogs ...
"askanim"  put up multiple people for Mayor and other top posts and so not one frum guy had enough votes, and  because of the "infighting"  they split the vote and so it happened that this "frum hating" guy got voted in ....

They are lucky that this time, G-d intervened and made sure that this Chilonie Mayor got ousted ....
But in the future if they still don't have "achdus" ....... 
who knows what will happen!

Close Call!

For Ladies Only ..... The New Minhag by the Heimishe Ladies that wear Teichels

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Arachin 14,15,16, 17, 18, 19 & 20

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף י''ד ''שדה אחוזה ושדה מקנה       
Page 14  Mesectas Arachin
''An Ancestral Field and an Acquired Field "

"Sedeh Achuza," an ancestral field, refers to a field in Eretz Yisroel whose owners inherited the land from generations of direct ancestors dating back to the days of Yehoshuah Bin Nun who apportioned Eretz Yisroel among the Shvatim, the tribes.

The term "Sedeh Achuza" comes from the word "acheeza" or "holding," because it refers to land that belonged to or was held by a family that was granted the land in perpetuity.

Even if such land is sold, it returns to the ownership of the seller during the Yovel, the Jubilee.

"Sedeh Mik'neh," an acquired field, is a field purchased from a family who owned a Sadeh Achuza.

A "Sedeh Mik'neh" would only belong to the individuals who acquired it,until the Yovel, at which point ownership of the field would revert back to its initial owners.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Shmuly Yanklowitz Whose Mother Was A Shiksa ...Says "Intermarriage is Not a Second Holocaust!"

This Yanklowitz character calls himself an "orthodox rabbi," but is part of the "Choveive Torah" gang that tries to integrate into the "frum" communities to destroy them from within. and Choveive Torah gave him his "smicha." 
Don't get fooled by his "heimishe" name ...."Shmuly Yanklowitz, .... his mother is a devout Christian, and he supposedly had a frum conversion but no one knows who converted him....in his article, below, he admits exposing his Jewish Children to Christianity stating:
"my children continue to be enriched through diverse exposure to my family’s quilt of different faiths. Rather than shun interfaith families, let’s celebrate the unique contributions they bring to Jewish life,"
To give an idea how far this guy is from being a frum rabbi, he was named by the "frum hating" Forward as one of the 50 most influential Jews of 2016 ...  
 and The Daily Beast in 2012 listed Yanklowitz as one of the 50 most influential rabbis in America .....You can be sure that the Daily Beast didn't list the Noveminsker or the Matisdorfer Rav as part of the  50 rabbis...
Recently the Education Minister in Israel, Rafi Peretz made a comment that "intermarriage in the US" is like a "Second Holocaust.".... 
It's probably worse since even according to Bnei Brit, a reform oriented organization, the rate of assimilation in the US is over 86%.
At any rate, this statement hit a nerve with Shmuly, and he wrote an article attacking Peretz in The Times of Israel.
Here is his article ..

Body Of Rabbi Reuven Bauman Has Been Found By Misaskim Boat

 The body of Rav Reuven Bauman Z”L who heroically jumped into the ocean to save a student, has been found. He was located at around 1:00PM by a boat of volunteers from Misaskim of Maryland searching off the coast of North Carolina, and positively identified by authorities. The family was notified moments ago of the sad news.
The tragic story united Klal Yisroel, as Jews around the globe Davened, gave Tzedakah, and learned – first for a miracle of finding him alive, and then for the miracle of locating his body so he can be brought to proper Kevuras Yisroel.
 Dozens of volunteers traveled hundreds of miles to search all day Sunday, with boats, jet skies, and helicopters.
Yossi Margareten, Coordinator of Chaveirim of Rockland along with the members of the Achiezer Organization had been coordinating the search, and worked tirelessly all day and night since Rabbi Bauman was swept out to sea last Tuesday.
The Virginia Beach Police and Virginia Beach Fire Department had searched continuously since he had gone missing, and were assisted by the U.S. Coast Guard last week for two days.
Among the organizations that assisted in the search were Achiezer, Rockland Chaveirim,  Misaskim of Maryland, Baltimore Shomrim, Hatzolah Air, Lakewood Chaveirim, Misaskim of Greater Washington, NY Hatzolah, COMSAR and others.
Hundreds of civilian assisted from Norfolk, Savana Georgia and other communities.
Rabbi Bauman, 35-years-old, was at the beach at False Cape State Park last Tuesday with around 20 campers from a local day camp when a 13-year-old student was caught in a sudden rip current. 
Rabbi Bauman immediately entered the water to save the boy who was able to make it out of the water. Unfortunately, Rabbi Bauman was swept out to sea and has not been seen since.
Rabbi Reuven Bauman is a Rebbi at Yeshiva Toras Chaim in Norfolk Virginia.
He leaves behind a wife and 5 children.

Kloizenberger Rebbe Tells his own Auschwitz Story

On the day of his Yartzeit, listen to an amazing saga of self sacrifice, accepting suffering with love, the  Sanz Klausenberg Rebbe Zatzal:

Sunday, July 14, 2019

You Can Eat The Burger and Drink Your Milk At The Same Time........

Rabbis from Elad ....All Dogs are Bad and their owners Accursed

More than a dozen rabbis from the city of Elad near Tel Aviv issued an edict declaring all dogs bad and warning residents that keeping them will make them accursed.

The edict, dated to June 14, contains the signatures of all the Sephardic rabbis in Elad and the city’s chief rabbi, Mordechai Malka, the news site Bhol reported Friday. Most of Elad's approximately 46,000 residents are Charedi.

“We have heard and have seen that lately, a serious phenomenon has spread in our city Elad, in which young boys and children walk around publicly with dogs. This is strictly forbidden, as explained in the Talmud and by the Rambam, anyone raising a dog is accursed and especially in our city where many women and children are afraid of dogs,” the anti-canine edict states.

The rabbi of neighboring Holon, Avraham Yosef, is quoted as writing: “I do not find any grounds for permitting any dog whatsoever in any manner.”

The term “bad dog” means “any dog, for it barks on whomever it does not know and because of its bark it is a bad dog even if does not bite,” the edit states. 

People who keep dogs for medical needs should appear before the local rabbinical court so it may rule on their matter, the edict says.

The authors’ interpretation of references to dogs in Judaism is strict compared to other readings by Israeli Orthodox chief rabbis.

Rabbi Uziel Elyahu, the chief Orthodox rabbi of the northern municipality of Misgav, in 2002 ruled that keeping guard dogs is allowed, as well as guide dogs and ones kept “to develop a person’s emotions.”

Elad was established in 1998. More than half of its population are below 18.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

"If you Are a "Rebbe" who Goes on "Vacation to Switzerland To Bathe in the Mineral Baths .....Don't Give Me Musar About Chodash Ellul!"

The guy is ranting about the minhag of Chassidishe Rebbes that vacation in Switzerland, Austria, etc. ; bathe in the mineral baths and take strolls in the mountains, and while eating supper on a golden plate he writes the Ellul Musser Shmooze he is going to give to the poor shleppers that are stuck in the hot muggy city and can't afford the luxuries the "rebbes" have

How Viznitz Embarrass the Poor

Viznitz has a minhag that when they make a wedding of a child or grandchild they also invite the poor but not in the same hall, G-d forbid!

They invite poor hungry people to eat but then they also invite hundreds of chassidim to surround the poor to watch them gobble at their food!
Then after the poor get their fill, they stand in line, and the rebbe gives each one 100 Shekel.. all while being ogled by hundreds ..

If this some kind of Viznitz minhag ...
they should cut out this sick show ASAP! 

Leftist Bastards Now After the Jewish Bernie Marcus of Home Depot .... Because He Backs Trump

After several Facebook posts this week on the issue, Marcus dropped the hammer on his critics on Wednesday. Here is what he wrote in a new Facebook post:
“I woke up this morning thinking it was going to be another great day. I've been celebrating with friends, family and the community since I turned 90. I've told you about the gracious gift of $117 million that was collected and given in my honor to four charities that mean a lot to me. All that happiness blew up because I said in a newspaper interview that I have supported and will continue to support Donald Trump.
Negative stories... vicious threats, without cause, to boycott the company that has enabled my foundation to give billions to support autism, medical research, education, heart and neurological issues like stroke, and to help our veterans. The company that I retired from in 2002 and have not had a business relationship with in almost 20 years. A company that has employed more than a half-million people. The people who work there are affiliated with both political parties or no party at all. They are of all religions and all colors and backgrounds. Why would people want to hurt them?
All because I give my voice and some of my money to our President. Am I in China? Argentina? Russia? That's what it feels like to me.
It saddens me that our country has come to this, where I, as a private citizen, cannot express my feelings. It angers me and it saddens me, but it sure as hell is not going to stop me. If you thought it would, you've got the wrong guy.
In the next ten years, God willing, I will accomplish more to save this world than my critics will do even if they had forty lifetimes.”
We aren’t sure what other 90-year-olds are having a similar week to Marcus’. But, it’s not hard to see what drove his success — he doesn’t take any BS.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Rebbe Reb Ber

Rebbe Reb Ber, all alone with no chassidim in New Hampshire!

It seems bears enjoy a good view just like any other visitor to the White Mountains in New Hampshire.
A photo snapped June 29 by an employee at the Omni Mount Washington Resort shows a black bear holding onto a rail on the veranda and looking out. The photo was taken around 5 a.m. and the employee, Sam Geesaman, said he had only wanted to get a photo of the sunrise.
Instead, he caught the bear as it climbed stairs in search of a trash can. The bear moved on after Gessaman loudly clapped and stomped.
New Hampshire routinely has reports of bears finding their way into homes, campgrounds and even apartment complexes.
Last year, food shortages were blamed for a sharp increase in bear-human conflicts and the highest numbers of bear killings since 2014.

Will Jews leave their homes to come to Israel as a consequence of today’s unprecedented antisemitism?

This month marks 69 years since the State of Israel passed the “Law of Return,” giving the right to every Jew to come to Israel as an immigrant.

How significant it is that this law emerged in the aftermath of the Holocaust, especially as we came to comprehend that six million Jews were massacred – not only because of Hitler and his barbaric acts, but because of the many countries that barred their gates to Jews trying to escape Europe at a time when it was still possible for them to hope for refuge elsewhere.
A Jewish Agency shaliach serving in the United Kingdom in the 1970s spoke words that resonate with me to this day. He told the Aviv (young) section of British WIZO, “We lost six million Jews not simply because of Hitler but also because of the passive collaboration of the free world.” The countries that closed their gates share responsibility for the horrific annihilation of two-thirds of European Jewry.

Bus Driver for Jewish Boys up in the "country" Describes Her Experience



I'm think that  Shulem Lemmer, a chassidishe guy isn't makpid on "kol isha" .....
because this is the only way he heard this rendition of "Aveenu Malkeinu"
People tell me that he imitates Barbra perfectly ... singing in falsetto ....

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Chabad Bar Mitzvah Boy Says Over Lubavitcher Rebbe' "sicha" Imitating The Rebbe's Voice and Mannerism

For the rest of the story see COL

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Arachin 7,8,9, 10, 11, 12 & 13

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ז' ''נודד ערכין      
Page 7  Mesectas Arachin
''A Vow of Valuation "

A needy individual who makes a Neder Arachin, saying:
"Erki alai" "I vow to consecrate .. the sum of my own value" but does not have enough money to pay the sum stipulated in the Torah for one who proclaims this vow, must appear before the kohein to assess his financial situation and determine what sum that individual will have to pay.

However, an individual who makes an "Erki alai" vow was never permitted to pay less than one sela coin. 

Likewise, an individual who makes a Neder Arachin never paid more than 50 sela, which is the maximum specified by the Torah.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Neturei Karta Are "Menachim Aveil" Family of Palestinian Terrorist

A group of Neturei Karta savages went to the Palestinian neighborhood of Isawiya in East Jerusalem to express their condolences to the family of a terrorist who was killed while attempting to kill an Israeli soldier.

The dead terrorist also was involved in planning shooting attacks on Israelis in the past but that did not stop the Neturei Karta barbarians from expressing their sympathies to the terrorist’s family.

Israeli Police Learned How to Pull Protestors By the Peyois From the Rebbes of the Yeshivos !

Recently the Chareidim are going berserk accusing the Mishtara of "Nazi Behaviors" because  they pulled a Chareidie protester by his peyois!

Well...... not so fast guys....
I'm not condoning it .... but this minhag.... comes from an old "minhag yisroel" of rebbes puling the peyos of their talmidim in Yeshivah Ketana!

The Chareidim are also accusing the Police of a double standard ...
That they use force against the illegal Chareidie Protesters and do nothing with the Ethiopian protests!

I say ....
Hashem also judges Tzaddikim כחוט השערה

If you are a "ben Torah" behave like one... 
When we were children our parents used to say that "bnei Torah" are judged more severely ...........

Metal Straws May Be Great for the Planet, But They Can Also KILL You.

Reusable metal straws may be good for the planet, but they can also kill you.
The November 2018 death of Broadstone, England, resident Elena Struthers-Gardner has just been ruled accidental. According to the Daily Echo, the 60-year-old woman collapsed in her kitchen while holding a glass — whose 10-inch steel straw drove through her left eye socket and pierced her brain.
Specifically, Struthers-Gardner was carrying a jar-style glass with a screw-top lid that held the straw in place.