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Friday, July 12, 2019

Bus Driver for Jewish Boys up in the "country" Describes Her Experience



I'm think that  Shulem Lemmer, a chassidishe guy isn't makpid on "kol isha" .....
because this is the only way he heard this rendition of "Aveenu Malkeinu"
People tell me that he imitates Barbra perfectly ... singing in falsetto ....

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Chabad Bar Mitzvah Boy Says Over Lubavitcher Rebbe' "sicha" Imitating The Rebbe's Voice and Mannerism

For the rest of the story see COL

Day Yoimie Snippets .... Arachin 7,8,9, 10, 11, 12 & 13

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ז' ''נודד ערכין      
Page 7  Mesectas Arachin
''A Vow of Valuation "

A needy individual who makes a Neder Arachin, saying:
"Erki alai" "I vow to consecrate .. the sum of my own value" but does not have enough money to pay the sum stipulated in the Torah for one who proclaims this vow, must appear before the kohein to assess his financial situation and determine what sum that individual will have to pay.

However, an individual who makes an "Erki alai" vow was never permitted to pay less than one sela coin. 

Likewise, an individual who makes a Neder Arachin never paid more than 50 sela, which is the maximum specified by the Torah.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Neturei Karta Are "Menachim Aveil" Family of Palestinian Terrorist

A group of Neturei Karta savages went to the Palestinian neighborhood of Isawiya in East Jerusalem to express their condolences to the family of a terrorist who was killed while attempting to kill an Israeli soldier.

The dead terrorist also was involved in planning shooting attacks on Israelis in the past but that did not stop the Neturei Karta barbarians from expressing their sympathies to the terrorist’s family.

Israeli Police Learned How to Pull Protestors By the Peyois From the Rebbes of the Yeshivos !

Recently the Chareidim are going berserk accusing the Mishtara of "Nazi Behaviors" because  they pulled a Chareidie protester by his peyois!

Well...... not so fast guys....
I'm not condoning it .... but this minhag.... comes from an old "minhag yisroel" of rebbes puling the peyos of their talmidim in Yeshivah Ketana!

The Chareidim are also accusing the Police of a double standard ...
That they use force against the illegal Chareidie Protesters and do nothing with the Ethiopian protests!

I say ....
Hashem also judges Tzaddikim כחוט השערה

If you are a "ben Torah" behave like one... 
When we were children our parents used to say that "bnei Torah" are judged more severely ...........

Metal Straws May Be Great for the Planet, But They Can Also KILL You.

Reusable metal straws may be good for the planet, but they can also kill you.
The November 2018 death of Broadstone, England, resident Elena Struthers-Gardner has just been ruled accidental. According to the Daily Echo, the 60-year-old woman collapsed in her kitchen while holding a glass — whose 10-inch steel straw drove through her left eye socket and pierced her brain.
Specifically, Struthers-Gardner was carrying a jar-style glass with a screw-top lid that held the straw in place.

R' Reuven Bauman MISSING! Rebbe/Counselor Swept Out To Sea At Virginia Beach

Emergency personnel continued their search as night fell, for a Rebbe (counselor) at a day camp in Norfolk Virginia who was swept out to sea, early Tuesday afternoon.
Tefillos were being recited around the globe for Reuven Tzvi ben Esther Baila who went missing in the water off False Cape State Park Tuesday afternoon.
Emergency dispatchers say they received a call reporting a drowning at the park, located at 4001 Sandpiper Road in Virginia Beach. The caller said two people had been in the water. One was 35 years old. The other was an 11-year-old student.
WVEC reports that the teacher was with a group of 20 students when he saw one of the struggling in the water so he went into help. The student was able to get out, but the teacher has not been located.
The missing person has been named as Rabbi Reuven Bauman. He is a Rebbi at Yeshiva Toras Chaim in Norfolk Virginia.
An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C. and a 45-foot Response Boat-Medium boatcrew from Coast Guard Station Little Creek are currently searching for the man. Crews from the Virginia Beach Fire Department and the Virginia Marine Police are also assisting with the search.
Emergency personnel from the New York area are mobilizing to head to the area to assist in the search and recovery. A large trained team from “Hatzolah Air” are scheduled to depart NY on Wednesday morning and will assist the search by air, land and sea. 
A team from Rockland Chaveirim are mobilizing as well, including special sonar equipment used to search underwater.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


 Last week, The Jerusalem Post ran a story on my daughter Chana, who recently opened the world’s first Kosher Sex store. 

The first one is in Tel Aviv. She trusts there will be many other actual stores to complement the online sites of Kosher.Sex and SensualRevolution.com, from which the store stems.

The store was opened to coincide with the new 20th anniversary edition of Kosher Sex, the book I published in 1999 that at the time was extremely controversial but has, two decades after its original appearance, gone mainstream.

“I wanted to open a store that is more of a boutique; that promotes sensuality and intimacy between couples in a framework of Jewish values,” my daughter Chana told reporter Hannah Brown, who then asked her whether her father approves of the Tel Aviv and online store.

My daughter answered that I gave the store “my blessing.” I was not aware of the story or its content until it appeared and now that I have read it, I feel I must comment.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Outrage At Associated Press That Targeted Jewish American Who Supports Israel

Simon Falic

Last week, the Associated Press ran a hit job on a successful American businessman. 

Simon Falic and his two brothers own the Duty Free Americas chain, a private company that runs duty free stores in airports throughout the United States and Latin America.

They also happen to be Jewish. Simon Falic in particular is a powerful advocate for Jewish causes worldwide and for the State of Israel.
Through their family foundation, Simon Falic and his wife donate to dozens of organizations in Israel. The causes they support run the gamut from medical research to Jewish education. They support synagogue construction and refurbishment; archaeological excavations and preservation of archaeological sites; battered women’s shelters and day care centers; and the construction of new Jewish communities in Israel.
AP’s hit piece centers on Falic’s charitable work.
The title of the article gave the game away. It read, “U.S. duty free owners give millions to settlements.”
The obvious question is: so what? 
There is nothing even vaguely illegal about Falic’s charitable undertakings. And indeed, the article doesn’t accuse him of committing or facilitating any crime.

Jews Upset Because Some "Shvartzah" Florida School Principal Says He Cannot Take A Position On The Holocaust

A "Shvartzah" high school principal in Boca Raton, Florida told a parent that inquired about the school’s educational plan for teaching the Holocaust that “Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened.”
Spanish River Community High School principal William Latson in an email in April 2018 first told the parent, that “the curriculum is to be introduced but not forced upon individuals as we all have the same rights but not all the same beliefs.”
The exchange of emails was first reported by the Palm Beach Post, which obtained the emails through a public records request.

When the parent, who is not named in the report to protect the identity of her child, asked the principal to clarify his remarks, telling him that the Holocaust is a “factual, historical event,” he doubled down saying: “you have your thoughts, but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs.” He said that as a school district employee he cannot take a position on the Holocaust.
The school with about 2,500 students is said to have one of the county’s largest Jewish student populations in the county, according to the report.
In a statement to The Post, Latson, who has been principal since 2011, apologized, saying his email “did not accurately reflect my professional and personal commitment to educating all students about the atrocities of the Holocaust.”
The school’s educational offerings on the Holocaust exceed the state’s requirements, according to Latson, though not all of the offerings actually take place in the classroom. The parent proposed a change, adopted this school year, which has every 10th grader read “Night” by Elie Wiesel.

Latson was not disciplined for his emails.

3,000 Year-Old Town Where Dovid Ha'Melech Hid From Shaul Found

Researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority and Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, believe they have discovered the Philistine town near Kiryat Gat, immortalized in the Biblical narrative.

Ziklag is mentioned multiple times in the Bible in relation to David (in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel).

 According to the Biblical narrative, Achish, King of Gat, allowed David to find refuge in Ziklag while fleeing King Saul and from there David also departed to be anointed King in Hebron. 

According to scripture, Ziklag was also the scene of a dramatic event, in which the Amalekites, desert nomads, raided and burned the town taking women and children captive.

Chaim Binyomin Biegeleisen 11-year-old Dies After Being Hit in "Hit And Run" in Yerushalyim

An 11-year-old boy who was severely hurt in a hit-and-run in Jerusalem in April succumbed to his injuries on Sunday, the hospital said.
Chaim Binyamin Biegeleisen was struck by a car in the Ramot neighborhood in north Jerusalem on the Passover holiday.
The suspected driver, Netanel Sandrusi, 23, fled the scene and turned himself in a week later, following a manhunt. The abandoned car was found hours after the accident near a West Bank settlement adjacent to the city.
Sandrusi, a Jerusalem resident, turned himself in to authorities, but has maintained his innocence and initially said he didn’t know police were looking for him since he is religious and isn’t exposed to “secular media.”
He was charged with the fatal accident, while a passenger in the car, Meir Gamliel, stands accused of taking the wheel after the collision and fleeing the scene.

Ehud Barak Preaches Satmar’s ‘Three Oaths’ Line Against Zionism

Score this one in favor of the argument that the extremists on either side of any debate are bound to meet sooner or later. 
We’ve gotten used to extreme anti-Zionists such as Neturei Karta collaborating with the worst anti-Semites in Tehran, but we did not expect the former IDF chief of staff, former prime minister and former defense minister Ehud Barak to start citing the traditional Satmar anti-Zionist line. 
Well, he did, on Sunday morning, and it’s not clear at this point whether or not he had been to either of the Rabbis Teitelbaums’ tish on Shabbat.
Here is what Barak said verbatim on Reshet Bet radio Sunday morning, on the occasion of announcing the official name of his new party (Democratic Israel), starts around min. 5:
“The extreme right has diverted the ship of Israel to directions against which the Talmud has already warned us, about two catastrophes that have happened in history as a result of such a policy of false messianism, which pushes to usher in the end, and tries to dictate to God Almighty a schedule of when to send the Messiah; which storm the wall and provokes world powers and sows baseless hatred. These three Talmudic prohibitions are transgressed every day by people wearing kippot and priding themselves on their title of rabbis, but in fact, they falsify and distort Judaism, Zionism and Israelism.”
Holy red heifer.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Grown "Men" In Bet Shemesh Interfere With Crew That Remove Grafittee Calling Mayor Aliza Bloch "Hitler"

Authorities clean up graffiti in Beit Shemesh appearing to say "Aliza Bloch is Hitler" 

Nooooooooo! These weren't kids looking for trouble... these weren't kids bored out of their minds ...
These were "grown men" married barbarians who were interfering with the cleaning crews........
These are the same guys that schnoor every day in the shuls in Bet Shemesh Alef and Gimmel ..
Ye! let's keep funding these miserable parasites!
Minor scuffles broke out Friday in Beit Shemesh between the police and ultra-Orthodox demonstrators as authorities cleaned up graffiti against the Jerusalem-area city’s mayor.

Video footage showed a group of ultra-Orthodox men approaching an official cleaning the graffiti, while police officers tried to stop them. In a second video, shoving could be seen as the police tried to keep the demonstrators away.
The graffiti in Hebrew appeared to read “Aliza Bloch = Hitler.”
According to the Kan public broadcaster, the graffiti seemed to be in protest of the demolishing of an illegally built synagogue in the city earlier in the week.
A photo of other graffiti purportedly from the city labeled Bloch a “terrorist” over the demolition.
“To call Aliza Bloch, the mayor of Beit Shemesh, a terrorist is grave incitement and we can’t be silent,” centrist Blue and White MK Yair Lapid wrote on Twitter.
Lapid called on police to probe the graffiti and arrest whoever was behind it. “Terrorists are people who murder not a mayor in Israel,” he said.
Bloch, a religious Zionist woman, was elected Beit Shemesh’s first female mayor last year in a runoff against ultra-Orthodox incumbent Moshe Abutbol.
Beit Shemesh in recent years has seen conflict between ultra-Orthodox, non-ultra-Orthodox and secular residents over restrictions on women’s dress and gender-segregated seating on public buses. In a widely publicized incident in 2011, an 8-year-old Orthodox girl was spat on by ultra-Orthodox men on her way to school for her perceived immodest dress.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Will "Off the Derech" be the Greatest "Kiddush Hashem?


Yerachmiel Ziegler finally found his happy place in Israel. But it wasn’t a smooth ride to his current destination.

Born and raised Orthodox in Monsey, NY, Ziegler first visited Israel on a family trip when he was seven. “I remember being one of the first people to go on the Kotel tunnel tours. I had an uncle who was one of the excavators. That left an impression on me,” he recalled.

He has visceral memories of Bnei Brak as a child. “It smelled like a different country. The old buildings were on stilts. Everything there reminded me [that] I was in a different world.”

Ziegler started his musical career early in life. Inspired by older brothers who auditioned for the Tzlil V’zemer Boy’s Choir, Ziegler joined at age seven, two years younger than the choir’s minimum age.

"MAD Magazine" Closes ... Was Infused With Jewish Humor!

Mad Magazine’s gap-toothed mascot, Alfred E. Neuman, always said, “What? Me Worry?” and now there is really nothing left to trouble him, as the iconoclastic humor magazine announced it is shutting down after nearly 70 years of publication.

The magazine said Wednesday that its next issue would no longer be available on newsstands and would only be sold to subscribers, and that subsequent issues would feature only previously published content.

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Bechoros Dafim 60 ,61 ... Arachin 2,3,4, 5 & 6

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ס' ''שתי בהמות יחד      
Page 60  Mesectas Bechoros  
''Two Animals Together "
Is it possible for someone to set aside a pair of animals as Ma'aser simultaneously?

On this daf, Rabbi Yochanan says that if a person leads cattle out of an animal pen and two animals exit simultaneously, the person should continue to lead the animals in pairs.

The two animals exiting together as the tenth pair are both deemed sacred and consecrated as Ma'aser Beheimah.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

25th Year Yurzeit of the Rebbe of Lubavitch!

"מה זרעו בחיים - אף הוא בחיים"


Twenty-five years is enough time to pause and reflect. This is what Jews around the world are doing this Shabbat as they observe the 25th yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson. For hassidim who stood in the New York cemetery that ominous day, it’s almost unfathomable that so much time has passed.
I remember the funeral vividly. With thousands gathered in the cemetery, I was standing inside the ohel, the granite-walled grave site, with some 75 others as the Rebbe was interred near his father-in-law and predecessor, Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Schneerson. After listening to the Rebbe’s secretaries recite a tearful Kaddish, there was an eerie silence. We stood there, wondering what was next, still unbelieving and filled with unasked questions about how we as a community, as hassidim, could proceed. 

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Rabbanut Nullifies "Heter Meah Rabbanim" of Michael Eizenbach the Get Refuser

This guy, Michael Eizenbach , is a Toldos Aaron Chasid ... the Chassidus that wear the "Golden Bekeshes" ! 
He is a father of 5 and refuses to give his wife a "get."

First he went to the Eida Ha'chareidis and they told him that he must divorce his wife .... so he ran to the Rabbanut...and they told him that he cannot leave his wife an Agunah and must give her a "get!"

So he ran to Europe where he somehow convinced some old Rebbele to give him a "Heter Meah Ra'bonnim" and married someone else!

As you probably know that Biblically a man can have many wives, but once the "Issur Rabbeiny Gershon" kicked in, the rabbis forbade a guy to have another one ....

So what do you do, if a guy winds up with a woman that he claimes is insane?

 The rabbis came up with a loophole...that if the husband manages to get 100 rabbis to sign off, they allow him to remarry !
What they do then is put the "Get" in escrow and the wife can pick up the "get" in Bais Din anytime she wants ....

Not so fast.....

The husband can put all kinds of conditions and restrictions on the "get in escrow"...and that's exactly what this menuval did ...
When the wife came to the Bais Din in Europe to collect her "get" they gave her so many conditions that it made it impossible for her to claim it ...
A similar story as with the EVIL RASHA Meir Kin

But this time he met his match and the Rabbanut in Israel nullified the "Heter Meah Rabbanim" on the basis that he got the Heter under false pretenses....

And so now... the Eizenbach guy is fighting the Rabbanut ...
Good Luck!