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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Women’s March names Chassidishe "Purim Rav" Abby Stein and 2 Black Jewish women to steering committee

The "Women's March" have a bunch of anti-Semites running the show, so to pacify liberal progressive Jews, they named 3 Jewish Women to join the steering committee; they will now join the evil Sarsour, and the openly anti-white anti-Semite Tamika D. Mallory.
They hope that now, with this fantastic cover, maybe the Jews will shut up while they keep pushing their agenda of destroying Israel!

They searched high and low and couldn't get anyone that would want to join these "farbissineh" low lives ... but after doing "bedikas chumatz" they found someone ........ yup ...

When Abby Stein dressed as a chusid

A guy ...... yes ... it's true ... 
they found a GUY who thinks he is a lady!!!

A guy who has  Purim all year round ... a former Chusid that enjoys joining girls in the bathroom, a lunatic who dresses like his sister and takes hormones.

To make it more real they managed to convince two other "typical Jewish" women who "happen" to be black to join their "Jew Hating Circus."

One with a nice Jewish sounding name 

April Baskin .... 

and the other lady is
Yavilah McCoy 

I heard that they approached the "capo" Ezra Friedlander (not confirmed) and asked him if he would join, mistaking him for "The Bearded lady" but he declined this great opportunity saying that he was doing his part destroying Israel by backing the "Iran Deal" and that he would rather be busy giving a "Jew Killer" Anwar Sadat a Congressional Award!!

What I find interesting is there is not one jewish woman amongst the 3 who could be called "mainstream".

As I mentioned, one is a transgender and the other 2 are black.

The leaders of the march are pretty much black and or Muslim and the demographic that makes up the actual marchers is white. 

They are trying way to hard to be inclusive and they are basically excluding the very group they are trying to court.
This gives new meaning to the term "Court Jew".

I would love a list of everyone who slammed the phone down in disgust or slammed the door in their face when asked.

These three were clearly not the top of the list.   

CNN Commentator Accuses Black Radio Host of ‘White Privilege’ ... Listen In!

Attorney and CNN analyst Areva Martin found herself in an incredibly awkward situation when she accused Sirius XM radio host and Fox News contributor David Webb of  benefiting from his “white privilege” — even though the man is black.
Martin (pictured above right) spoke with Webb (above left) during a segment on his radio show on Monday.

Aron Rosner Accused of Helping Kidnap Jewish Children Released on $10 Million Bail

A Brooklyn "Chusid Shoiteh" accused of helping members of a Jewish “cult” kidnap two kids who had escaped the religious sect with their frightened mother will be released from prison pending trial, a judge said Tuesday.
White Plains federal Judge Paul Davison ordered Williamsburg resident Aron Rosner released on $10 million bail — despite prosecutors’ claims that he financed the kids’ abduction and even lent their kidnappers a van to pull off the dirty deed.
Rosner, 45, was jailed in December after Manhattan federal prosecutors charged him and three other men with kidnapping two children in an effort to return them to the ultra-Orthodox Lev Tahor sect in Guatemala, known for child brides and burqa-like clothing for women.

The "Machshfa" & The "Klafta" On The House Financial Services Committee

"Who Dis?"

The Machshifah" (Witch) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has secured a spot on the House Financial Services Committee, a panel chaired by fellow progressive Maxine Waters, The "Klafteh" (Dog)  that oversees the financial services industry.

Why NYPD Tow Trucks Are Scouring Boro Park

An open letter to the community:
Much has been said about the widely publicized incident that took place last week when community members removed an about-to-be towed car from an NYPD tow truck and urged the driver to flee the scene before making disparaging comments to an NYPD tow truck operator who was just doing his job.  Over the last few days, police tow trucks have been out in force in Boro Park, but the idea that the NYPD is exacting revenge for what happened this past Thursday is a very grave error.
We have been in close contact with the NYPD who is very much aware of a massive scam that is taking place in various communities involving bogus inspection stickers and doctored registration decals.  There are vehicles on our streets that have these fake stickers and the NYPD is out there looking for them and for their owners, many of whom owe thousands of dollars in fines on their cars.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Brave Frum Lady Takes on the Chassidishe terrorists ...that were blocking traffic !

Frum Girls tired of Chassidishe Terrorists blocking cars fights with them, and gets the cars to get thru .... meanwhile, in the background you hear these chassidishe mamzeirim scream "Shikseh" "Shikseh"

Is Congressman Rand Paul An Anti-Semite?

News broke Sunday morning that U.S. Congressman Rand Paul has refused to support the anti-BDS bill currently before congress as part of an aid package for Israel. Rand Paul’s argument is that he thinks the bill violates freedom of speech and rights to redress government.

Paul has shown himself to be a fool, a schlemiel when it comes to suborning terrorism and his refusing to join congressmen who oppose BDS while thinking he is pushing American values shows distorted thinking.

This isn’t the first time Rand Paul claims he is a Libertarian as his reason to support anti-Semites who seek Israel’s destruction. In an earlier episode he also placed U.S. citizens and soldiers at risk by objecting to the killing of Anwar Awlaki, an Al Qaeda superstar.  

An ophthalmologist by profession, this isn’t the first time he has failed to see the forest for the trees.

Nancy Pelosi Removes Illegal Immigrants From Her House!

Self-described investigative journalist Laura Loomer brought a handful of illegal immigrants to the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Monday.

Pelosi — who has been unwavering in her opposition to funding a wall along the southern border, which she's classified as an "immorality" — reportedly had Loomer and the illegals removed from her property.
Loomer, accompanied by illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico, lugged a tent onto Pelosi’s multimillion-dollar vineyard estate, freelance journalist Nick Monroe reported Monday. In large red letters, the word "immorality" was written across the tent; there were also photos of murder victims of illegal immigrants hanging from the front of the tent.
Livestreaming the event, Loomer took the time to read each of the victims’ names and reiterate that these folks were not welcome in "sanctuary state California."

Palestinians Refuse Entry to Israeli Officer Wearing Kippah on OUR Har Ha'Bayis

A large number of Israeli occupation officers are besieging the Dome of the Rock mosque in on Monday morning and are stationed at its gates. officials say police severely beat Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani, head of the Al-Aqsa mosque

Just been sent this video, the zionists have entered the Al Aqsa compound and have blocked the entrance to the dome of the rock, their goal is to make a temple in its place, the zionists have weapons but just look at the palestinians trying to protect Aqsa subhanAllah 1/2

See Ammaarah's other Tweets

Scuffles broke out at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem’s Old City on Monday after guards at the mosque refused to allow an Israeli policeman to enter for a routine security check because he was wearing a Jewish skullcap known as a kippah, a Palestinian official said.
Firas Dibs, a spokesman for the Islamic authority that oversees the site, says dozens of worshippers scuffled with police after the guards closed the doors to the mosque and barricaded themselves inside. He says the director of the mosque was lightly wounded.
Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said police “prevented any disturbances from taking place” after local residents closed the doors of the mosque and prevented officers from entering. He said the doors were opened a few hours later and that police detained five people for questioning.
Dibs said police carry out routine security checks every morning, and that the policeman was only prevented from entering because he was wearing a kippah. The Palestinians have long feared that Israel plans to take over the site so it can rebuild the Temple, allegations denied by the Israeli government, which says it has no plans to change the status quo.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Bunch of Shvartzah Hooligans Beat the Crap Out Of Frum 19 year old in Crown Heights

Police are investigating an attack on a Jewish man in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn as a possible hate crime.
The brutal beatdown occurred on Empire Boulevard near Schenectady Avenue at around 9:00PM on Motzei Shabbos. The 19-year-old victim told police that he was minding his own business and walking down the street when he was suddenly accosted by a group of black males.
“Do you want to fight?” he was asked by one of the suspects.
Before the man could respond or run, he was punched in the face, thrown to the ground, and slugged another five times in the face before the violent gang fled on foot. The man took out his phone to call for help, but the gang returned and said “are you calling police on us”? and began kicking him and punching him as he lay on the ground. They eventually fled.
Crown Heights Hatzolah along with Shomrim were dispatched immediately to the scene.
The man suffered facial trauma and was taken to a local hospital.
Shomrim along with the NYPD have reportedly secured footage of the attack which has been turned over to the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force who are investigating the incident.

Lakewood Mother Finds Nanny Smothering Child With Pillow

Crazy Story .... I don't get why the family didn't call police???
Offers to drive her to the bus? Whats wrong with people isn't that your child .....drive her off a cliff.
He called the agency? And now he is ok because the "agency is investigating?"
Something doesn't add up....
A Lakewood father  awoke during the night to hear his 4-week-old infant screaming, and then suddenly stopping. The father ran to the door of the newborns bedroom, where he listened from outside. he heard silence, and then suddenly heard shrieking. 
The mother barged into the room to find their nanny standing over the the child with a pillow on her face.
The mother yelled “what are you doing”?!
The nurse responded “it’s not what it looks like”.
The husband ordered the woman out of his home during the night, and offered to drive her to a bus station.
TLS who spoke to the father exclusively said that he was wondering why the baby monitor wasn’t working properly, and now has reason to believe that it was tampered with.
The woman came from a reputable agency that provides live-in nannies. The agency is investigating the incident.

Confused Jewish He/She Upset Because His Hormones Are Made In Israel!

Former "Putz" now "Yenta" Ita Segev 

This is one of the funniest things I've ever read, from Them, an LGBTQ online magazine, by Ita Segev, a "transfeminine anti-Zionist Israeli interdisciplinary performance artist."
I am an Israeli trans woman who desperately needs Palestine to be free. ....I need this because I understand that trans liberation and Palestinian liberation are linked.

Yehuda and Tamar Kaduri Found Murdered In Yerusalayim

Authorities have identified the victims of an apparent double murder in the capital, less than a day after the victims’ remains were recovered from their apartment.

Police and emergency teams discovered the couple dead on Sunday, with signs of violence on the bodies which police said made it clear the two had been murdered.

On Monday, police identified the victims as Yehuda 71, and Tamar Kaduri 68.

The discovery was made after relatives of the couple became concerned after they were unable to reach them by phone for several days. Relatives say that since Thursday they had not spoken with the Kaduris.

Police suspect that the couple were slain on Thursday – a day after a stabbing attack at a nearby bus stop.

During the attack, a 15-year-old girl was wounded by a man she described as being of “Arabic appearance”. She was evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in light-to-moderate condition.

While police have refused to divulge details from the investigation, saying only that “all directions” were being examined, some neighbors have expressed concern that the double homicide may have been an act of terror perpetrated by the terrorist involved in the bus stop stabbing.

Investigators say the two victims in the apartment were stabbed, but that the cause of death did not appear to be the stab wounds, with other “signs of violence” found on the bodies.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 40, 41, 42,43, 44, 45, & 46

Hey ladies ... here is an opportunity to test your husbands and see if he really goes to the daf....

This is a good opportunity for the entire family to share thoughts on the daf ... so that the family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.  
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... however this particular tractate is difficult ... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of צארטל בת אסתר מלכה

"דף מ' "אין אדם אוסר דבר שאינו שלו       
Page40  Mesectas Chullin  
"One Cannot Halachacly Disqualify An Object That He Doesn't Own" 

On this daf we learn an interesting rule that a "person cannot  prohibit something that is not his even through a significant and complete act."

For example:
A person goes and worships a puddle of water that accumulated at the edge of a lake...... the halacha is that he has not rendered the puddle of water unfit for use ....even though he worshipped the water as an idol.
Because the water was not his ...
If, on the other hand, he took some of the water in the palms of his hand ... then the halacha is that he has now acquired that water for himself and if he bows down to the water in his hand ... it is considered an idol, an Avoda Zara, and the water is prohibited for use ...

Another example:
Someone decides to take his neighbor's animal and slaughters it for the sake of his idol .... the halacha is that the animal can be eaten ... why? The animal wasn't his. He can only render the animal unfit for consumption, if he slaughtered his own animal for the sake of an idol.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

"Alter Kocker" Engel Says "Going After Trump Is More Important Than Fighting Terrorism"

What is it with Jews? 
Are we wondering why Goyim hate us? Are we wondering why there is rampant anti-Semitism?
Here is a 'yukel" who apparently served in the House since 1989, and no one ever heard of this putz.
Now like a roach who crawls out of a crack in the wall he shows up and babbles like an old yenta on a park bench that he is after the President of the USA and thinks President Trump is a bigger "threat than terrorism?

Let's all press on the link below  and comment on his Facebook page and  tell this dangerous demagogue that  as Jews we are embarrassed that he represents us .....

Eilat Ranked Sixth-Best Place To Visit In 2019 By ‘New York Times’

Eilat is a must-visit for tourists in 2019, according to The New York Times, which Thursday released a ranking of 52 places to go in 2019.
The newspaper wrote that the coral reef, boasting hundreds of varieties of neon fish, sharks and stingrays, are the Red Sea resort’s main attraction, but it is the opening of the new Ramon Airport that opened Israel’s most southern city to the wider public.
With direct flights from European destinations, including Munich, Frankfurt, Prague and London, tourists are now be able to circumvent complicated travel options like charter flights from Tel Aviv or the long drive through the Negev desert, and land directly in the Timna Valley, just a 20 minute drive away from Eilat.