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Friday, December 21, 2018

Is Trump pulling all US forces out of Syria "Good For The Jews??"

How are we to understand a move that seems to advance the interests of all of the US’s worst enemies at the expense of its closest allies?

US forces were first deployed to Syria in 2014 as part of an international anti-Islamic-State coalition. At the time, then president Barack Obama was engaged in negotiations with the Iranian regime toward the nuclear deal.

Obama’s embrace of Iran was part of an overall strategic realignment of the US away from its traditional Sunni Arab allies and Israel toward Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. As Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes told an audience of pro-Obama activists at the time, Obama viewed his embrace of Iran through nuclear talks as the central policy of his second term.

Since Sunni ISIS was perceived as hostile to Shi’ite Iran, by fighting ISIS, Obama was achieving two goals: He was helping Iran by getting rid of a powerful adversary in Iraq and Syria, and he was selling the idea to the American public that Iran was their ally in a common war against ISIS.

US forces in Syria were given a very narrow mandate. They were prohibited from taking any action against Iran or Iranian-backed forces.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

100 Year Old Still Drives & Works ......

Toronto Group Say Kaddish for Palestinian Terrorists!

May they continue saying Kaddish for Terrorists until all of the Terrorists gets killed!
ifNotNow is a relatively new Jewish organization that opposes the policies of the Israeli government, voices pro-Palestinian positions, and criticizes the Jewish establishment in North America for its “silence” over Israel’s “crimes” against the Palestinian people.


Veronica Brooks Teaches Us A Lesson In Life!

Muslims Decapitate Two Girl Tourists in Morocco But Media Covers It Up and Call it "Stabbings"

Two female tourists from Scandinavia have been found dead in Morocco, local police announced today.
The bodies of the women, from Norway and Denmark were found near the town of Imlil in the High Atlas mountains with knife wounds to their necks. A Muslim man has been arrested on suspicion of murder, the Moroccan Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation.
Victims Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, of Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway were discovered stabbed in the neck Monday by other tourists.
The killings have shocked Morocco, a popular tourist destination where such attacks on foreigners are extremely rare.
The Rabat public prosecutor's office said in a statement Wednesday that the only captured suspect has affiliations to a terrorist group, without naming the group.

Footage of the horrifying attack shared on social media shows a blond woman screaming while a man cuts her neck with what appears to be a sharp kitchen knife.
“This is for Syria, here are the heads of your gods,” a man can be heard saying in French in the video
Moroccan media outlets say there is footage showing three suspects putting up a tent near the victims’ camp and leaving the area after the murders. 
Earlier reports said the killings were sexually motivated.

Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Engaged!

Satmar Rebbe Prediction in 1967 that there "will be no Torah Institutions in Israel in 20 Years" Proves False!! RECORD NUMBER: 124,450 Avreichim And Yeshiva Bochrim In Eretz Yisrael

When I talk to my Satmar buddies, they keep pointing out to me how R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of Satmar Chassidus SHIT'ah was proven correct vis a vis  the status of the State of Israel.....
I cry and I laugh when I hear this silly naive remarks ....
I cry because his prediction in 1943, that Hitler ym"s would never enter Hungary and Romania may have inadvertently caused the deaths of thousands of his followers ...... 
Of course, how would he really know as he himself admitted in a Shalosh Seuda drasha on Parshas Shlach in 1967 that he "is not a novie and not the son of a novie" (why he dragged his father into this.. we will never know) and he added that he doesn't have "Ruach Ha'Koidesh.!
It's too bad that instead of taking some blame and blaming other Torah Leaders  of that time that made similar predictions, he blamed ........
Who did he blame  for the Holocaust????
Oh ... I know ..... the Nazis ym"s ....
Nope.... Guess again......
Rav Avraham Yitzchok HaKohein Kook z"l......?
No .... you silly goose .....
He blamed ..... yup .......
He blamed ....... The Zionists!!!
What ... you crazy idiot ....The Zionists didn't have an army, didn't have a state ....had nothing ..... how could  Zionists who  just had some little fragmented groups be responsible for what the Nazis did to the Jews in 1944? 
Aha.......I know it makes absolutely no sense, but they believe that Hashem decided to have the Nazis annihilate 6 million innocent Jews because there were people out there that wanted to return to our homeland and build a country!!!
But but but ....... 
Weren't Jews murdered in crusades, in pogroms, expelled from Spain, Portugal, Brazil and England hundreds of years before Zionism was ever thought of .....??
They answer... "Don't confuse us with the facts." 
And I have to laugh when I listen the CD of R' Yoel Teitelbaum's prediction in 1956 and then later in 1967 that there will absolutely be no Torah Institution in the Zionist State of Israel in "20 years."
He added in that very same drasha that all the Jews living in Israel will no longer be "Shomrei Torah Umitzvois."

There is a record-breaking number of Yeshiva Bochrim and avreichim in Israel, a number that has not been reached since the establishment of the state in 1948. According to the Israel Democracy Institute, in 2017, there were 124,450 bochrim and avreichim sitting and learning in yeshivos nationwide.
According to the 2018 Israel Democracy Institute’s annual report, based on official data from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the government ministries, the IDF and the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi), there was a sharp increase of more than 30 percent in the number of talmidim compared to 2014. According to the data, this is a new record reflecting a 21% jump in three years.
The ratio vis-à-vis 2013 is due to a decline in that year, when it was a decline of 12.5%, and a year later fell another 3.5%. The following year, the trend reversed and was a 19% jump back to the familiar numbers. Since then, the numbers have continued to rise, and in 2017 the record was set.
The data also indicate that concurrent with the large increase in the number of students in yeshivas and kollels, there is a halt to the entry of chareidim into academic studies, and their number has dropped by 200 student

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Nacham Helbrans right ......Meir Rosner left
Several leaders of the Lev Tahor Cult have just been taken into police custody, YWN has learned exclusively.
They were apprehended in Mexico, in a joint operation between Interpol and the FBI. Police raided two out of three Lev Tahor owned properties in the country in the middle of the night.
The five people in custody are:
  • Nachman Helbrans
  • Meyer Rosner
  • Chaim Yankel Rosner
  • Uriel Goldman
  • Arye Malka
Additionally, there are a few families of Guatemalans that became Geirim through Lev Tahor but eventually left the cult after learning first hand how horrific the lifestyle was. 


In the final monthly session of the year, Haley made it absolutely clear that the United States has run out of tolerance for the body’s hostility towards one of America’s biggest allies. 

“The UN has shown itself to be hopelessly biased,” Haley told the body. “This biased obsession is not the path to peace.”

Haley also made it clear that proposed one-sided peace agreements were not acceptable.

“It’s time we faced a hard truth: both sides would benefit greatly from a peace agreement,” Haley said. “But, the Palestinians would benefit more and the Israelis would risk more.”

Haley’s fiery speech included a parting shot at the anti-Semitic passions that are widely believed to be the driving factor being many United Nations’ resolutions.

“Israel is a thriving, strong, prosperous country. It has always wanted peace with its neighbors,” Haley said. 

“No UN resolutions, anti-Semitic boycotts, or terrorists change that.

New York Useful Idiot "Shul" hosts Jew-haters Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory

 Leftist Jews do not represent the Jewish people. 
They are useful idiots for our enemies. As if we don’t have enough people gunning for us — these “Jews” are the public face of “acceptable” antisemitism. 

Linda Sarsour has called for jihad against President Trump, as well as for the slaughter of Jewish families. She has warned against “humanizing” JewsShe avidly supportsthe Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement, an economic boycott of the tiny Jewish state, which mirrors the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses in the lead-up to the Holocaust. 

Preceding Kristallnacht, the Nazis held several days calling for Germans to boycott Jewish-owned businesses. BDS is no different. Sarsour was outraged when a police officer and an FBI agent shot and killed a young black Muslim named Usaama Rahim in Boston on June 2, 2015, when Rahim lunged at them with a military-style knife as they attempted to question him about suspected terror-related activities. 

Naturally, Sarsour said: “At the end of the day, a Black man was shot on a bus stop on his way to work and we should treat this like any other case of police violence.” Usaama Rahim was involved in a plot with two other Muslims — their goal was to behead Pamala Geller(see below). And about Sarsour, there’s much more.

Islamic Jew-hatred: it’s in the Quran, and it’s propagated by Linda Sarsour. And now it’s legitimized by Randi Weingarten.
More information on this far-left rabbi here.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), editor-in-chief of Geller Report and Amazon best selling author of the here FATWA: Hunted in America , The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.

Follow Pamela Geller on Facebook here and Twitter here.

Media Celebrates 11-Year-Old Boy Dressing In Drag And Having Dollar Bills Thrown At Him As He Dances In Bar in Brooklyn

I’m pretty sure we as a society would be aghast that this happened in any other circumstance, but it appears that since this event happened in a gay bar and the boy is a famous drag queen then everything that occurred here is somehow a societal positive.
According to the DailyWire, 11-year-old Desmond, known to many as “Desmond is Amazing” appeared at a gay bar in Brooklyn, NY, and danced on stage as patrons threw dollar bills at him. Desmond performed “I’m Just a Girl” by No Doubt, dressed up as a Gwen Stefani-lookalike. 

The Daily Wire reported that even some of the patrons found the entire scene a bit disgusting and left as a result, but many stayed and encouraged the performance by throwing money at the child like a stripper:

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Rona Ramon Widow of Astronaut talked about her personal tragedy "How I rose from the ashes'

Rona Ramon was born in Kiryat Ono in 1964.She died from cancer this week at the young age of 54.

She served as a paramedic in the parachute unit in the IDF.
Rona and Ilan Ramon got married when she was 22. They had four children. 

Trump Welcomes Holocaust Survivors to White House........

Why the Majority of American Jews Feel Alienated From Israel

by Yotav Eliach 

The very sad truth is that a large part of American Jewry has decided not to educate their children and grandchildren to be Jewish in any shape or form. This reality sits at the heart of the present divide between these American Jews and the State of Israel.
As someone who has been involved in centrist, Orthodox Zionist education for close to four decades, I have seen the results when Jewish children receive this education; they almost always maintain their religious identities. They overwhelmingly affiliate with Judaism, mitzvot, torah, Jewish holidays, values, etc. This also includes being connected to Israel on multiple levels.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Airbnb reverses decision to remove West Bank listings

Airbnb announced that its policy of boycotting Jewish properties in Judea and Samaria would not be carried out in practice.

The announcement follows a meeting between officials from Airbnb and Israeli Tourism Minister Yariv Levin.

The Tourism Ministry called the decision "a step in the right direction," a reference to the fact that the initial decision to boycott the Jewish homes was not officially reversed but will merely not be implemented.

Minister Levin said that he will continue to act to ensure that all Israeli citizens will receive equal treatment and will continue to strengthen tourism in Israel, including in Judea and Samaria.

Last month, the online rental marketplace announced that it will no longer list homes in Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria. About 200 homes in Judea and Samaria had been listed on Airbnb prior to the announcement.

Airbnb justified the decision by stating that it had developed a new five point checklist for handling listings in "occupied territories." and had "concluded that we should remove listings in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank that are at the core of the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians."

Critics have accused Airbnb of discrimination against Jews as it continues to list properties in Judea and Samaria that are not owned by Jews and has not delisted any properties in any other conflict zone, including Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus, Russian-occupied Crimea, or Chinese occupied Tibet, among others. 

BDS Going Insane because World’s Fastest-Growing Tourist Destination is Jerusalem Despite Boycott

Jerusalem boasted the world’s biggest growth in inbound tourist numbers for 2018, with international arrivals soaring 38 percent this year, nearly doubling since 2016.

The findings come from Euromonitor International, a London-based market research firm. The Holy City benefits from “relative stability and a strong marketing push,” the report said.
Making up second and third place in the rankings were two Indian cities – Chennai and Agra – which experienced 30 percent growth and 24 percent growth, respectively. Two U.S. cities – Miami and Las Vegas – helped round out the top 10.
According to the report, one of the reasons for Jerusalem’s high ranking is a marketing push by the Israeli tourism industry that included airing commercials during breaks popular television shows in the United States:
The news comes on the heels of 2017, which was a record year for Israeli tourism. Almost 3.6 million tourists visited Israel last year, itself a 25 percent increase from 2016. The majority of them were from the U.S., and 59 percent were first-time visitors.
Since January, the tourism industry is estimated to have contributed more than ₪18 billion ($4.8 billion) to the Israeli economy. According to Ministry of Tourism figures, tourists stay in Israel for an average of eight days.
This is despite the efforts of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement which has been trying unsuccessfully to isolate Israel on the world stage.

Rambam Comes Alive In Israel!!

Israel Museum is showcasing manuscripts and artifacts on the life of medieval Jewish scholar, philosopher and physician Maimonides, including his original signature.

One of Judaism's greatest and most renowned thinkers is being honored with an internationally sourced exhibition at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

The exhibit will showcase the original signature and several manuscripts of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon – the Sephardic Jewish philosopher, physician, astronomer and preeminent Torah scholar who lived and worked almost a millennium ago. The exhibit is in conjunction with an international convention on his work at the neighboring National Library of Israel.

To Gideon Levy: You are spreading lies about me

Gideon Levy: Face of Pure Evil!

Dear Gideon Levy,
After the Ish-Ran family was seriously wounded, after the baby had to be delivered prematurely and later died, after the baby’s parents had to miss the funeral because they were in the hospital recovering from their wounds, you wrote that you have no sympathy for the settlers, that their tragedy is not yours. Then you added that “the settlers’ lust for revenge is never satisfied. How is it possible to identify with the grief of people who behave like that?”
You don’t have to grieve with the Ish-Rans or mourn with me or others like me or even feel anything for us. But please don’t spread lies about us. Don’t pretend that you know me. Or others like me.
Don’t tell me that because I am a settler I have a lust for revenge. Our son Koby was 13 when he was murdered by terrorists in 2001. I know it won’t matter to you that he and his friend, Yosef Ish-Ran, were in eighth grade when they cut school, went out hiking and, were met by terrorists who beat them to death with stones. Because they were Jews.