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Monday, July 16, 2018

Vintage Photos of R' Yoel Teitelbaum Founder of Satmar Chassidus

Photo Credit: Shmuel Knopfler 

The Satmar Rebbe kissing a Sefer Torah that has a Magen David on its cover... photo was taken in 1948 when the State of Israel was established!

Photo credit: Shmuel Knopfler

Above photo depicts R' Yoel Teitelbaum for the very first time after his escape on the Kastner Train.
R" Moshe Gross supplied him with new clothes. Notice the Rebbe wearing boots like the Skverer Chassidim. 

Rabbi Borland The Breslover Being Worshipped Like the Golden Calf!

International observer slaps Jewish boy in Hebron

A member of a monitor group in Hebron was ordered on Friday by the Foreign Ministry to immediately leave Israel after video showed him slapping a child from the West Bank city’s Jewish settler community on Wednesday.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef z"l called Ashkenazim who do not shower in the nine days "donkeys"

Sunday, July 15, 2018

מצות ישיבת ארץ ישראל

מצות ישיבת ארץ ישראל
בצלאל נאור
רבי אבא הוה קא משתמיט מיניה דרב יהודהדהוה קא בעי למיסק לארעא דישראלדאמר רב יהודהכל העולה מבבל לארץ ישראל עובר בעשהשנאמר "בבלה יובאו ושמה יהיו עד יום פקדי אותם נאום ה' [והעליתים והשיבותים אל המקום הזה]" [ירמיה כזכב].

אמראיזיל ואשמע מיניה מילתא מבית וועדא והדר אפיקאזל1 אשכחיה לתנא דקתני קמיה דרב יהודההיה עומד בתפלה ונתעטשממתין עד שיכלה הרוח וחוזר ומתפללאיכא דאמריהיה עומד בתפלה ובקש להתעטשמרחיק לאחריו ארבע אמות ומתעטשוממתין עד שיכלה הרוחוחוזר ומתפלל ואומר, "רבונו של עולםיצרתנו נקבים נקביםחלולים חלוליםגלוי וידוע לפניך חרפתנו וכלימתנו בחיינוובאחריתנו רימה ותולעה". ומתחיל ממקום שפסק.
אמר ליהאילו לא באתי אלא לשמוע דבר זהדיי!
(ברכות כדב)

An author predicts Diaspora Jewry’s death, at the hands of Tikkun Olam liberals

Liberal Jews in the United States have “distorted” Jewish teachings to align with a narrow political agenda, according to the author of a new book called, “To Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel.”
Published on June 26, the book “sets out to slaughter the sacred cow of Tikkun Olam, at whose udder too many unlearned Jews have suckled,” according to author Jonathan Neumann. He blames American Jewry’s leaders for not only reinventing aspects of their ancient heritage, but also for causing damage to Israel by aligning with groups hostile to the Jewish state.
For much of the book, Neumann explains how the concept of Tikkun Olam — or “repair the world” — has been co-opted by liberal Jews to advance their vision of “social justice.” The author claims that based partly on a reading of isolated words in the Hebrew prayer “Aleynu,” a generation of American Jews have come to equate their religion with a commandment to tackle all of society’s ills.
Calling this application of Tikkun Olam “the bastardization of an ancient civilization,” Neumann claims the movement “was conceived by Jews who had rejected the faith of their fathers, and midwifed by radicals who saw it as a pretext to appropriate Jewish texts and corrupt religious rituals — such as the seder — to further political ends.”

Peter Strzok’s arrogance is the product of a corrupt FBI

Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger. His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.
Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.
Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?
My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.
The cause of death was murder, and it was an inside job.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Parshat Matot-Masei ...

by Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler
This weeks double portion of the Parshiot how the Jews finally cross the Jordan River on their way to conquer the Promised Land. The tribes of Gad, Reuven and half the tribe of Menashe possess a great multitude of cattle, and “paradise” for cattle is good grazing land, which happens to be what these two and a half tribes find in their present nlocation of Trans-Jordan. They then petition Moses with a special request. “If you would grant us a favor, let this land be given to us as our permanent property, and do not bring us across the Jordan.” (Bamidbar 32:5)

Explosion At Strzok Hearing As GOP Reps Clash With Anti-Trump FBI Agent

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Avraham Abish Goldberg Killed in Bobover Camp on a Hike

טרגדיה קשה: הבחור אברהם אבוש גולדברג ז"ל, בן 21 נפטר באופן פתאומי, עת ששהה בקעמפ "המתיבתא" של חסידות באבוב בהרי הקטסקילס שבניו ג'רזי.
ל'בחדרי חרדים' נודע, כי הבחור יצא לטייל במרחבי הקעמפ, כשלפתע מעד במקום אין איש, לאחר שנתקל באבן. הוא לא הצליח לקום וגם לא הצליח להזעיק עזרה וכעבור זמן הוא נפטר.
המנוח ז"ל, הינו בנו של הרב החסיד ר' אלכסנדר זושא גולדברג מחשובי חסידי באבוב בבורו פארק. הוא נודע כבחור שקט ועדין נפש, שישב ושקד על התורה בדיבוק חברים שאהבו והעריצו אותו.
הלוויתו יצאה אמש (שלישי) מבית המדרש הגדול של חסידות באבוב ברחוב ה-48 בשכונת בורו פארק שבברוקלין. בהלוויה השתתפו קהל רב מבני החסידות ומתושבי השכונה אשר הגיעו לחלוק כבוד לבחור הצעיר שהלך לעולמו בדמי ימיו ולא זכה להשאיר אחריו זש"ק.
Avrahanm Abish Goldberg, a 21-year-old Bobover Chasid got killed by a falling rock while he was hiking by himself near the Bobover Camp. 

The levayeh took place yesterday in front of the Bobover Bais Ha'Midrash on 48th street in Boro Park!

Avraham Abish was the son of R' Alaxander Zusha Goldberg, a Chushiver Bobover Chasid.

Two fresh faces from NY – and both are dangerous

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Does it make me sexist if I refer to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a pretty woman? 

Well she sure is prettier than Rep. Joe Crowley, the Dem heavyweight she beat for District 14, which makes this femme fatale a rising star for the Party, and she did not do it on looks alone. The lady is young, witty, smart, and most definitely anti-Semitic.

That makes her a shoo-in when she runs as a self-described Democratic Socialist. The Bernie Sanders wing, which includes Keith Ellison and Tom Perez – they love that type. They love it even more when she talks dirty like Farrakhan, blaming the Jews for everything. Just listen to her. She knows the whole story about that and everything else, and she’s only 28.
No doubt about it – she is a quick learner from the schools that brought us Obama’s Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached hatred of America and Israel Sunday to Sunday.
But that was Chicago, that toddling town, and we’re talking New York. If you can make it there, ask Sinatra, you can make it anywhere.
So cue Ocasio-Cortez as she says – “I don’t think he knows how to deal with a girl from the Bronx.”

She meant Trump, of course – and notice, she said GIRL. I didn’t. So all bets are off.

Told you she was witty, and about that other girl running for high office – Cynthia Nixon, aiming to unseat Gov. Andrew Cuomo -- let Dershowitz fill us in.
Cynthia Nixon

As follows from a tweet:
“Cynthia Nixon may run for Gov of NY. She has collaborated with Israel haters Jewish Voice for Peace and Vanessa Redgrave in boycotting Israel. Do not support her bigotry.”

Hikind After Boro Park Doctor Who Allegedly Abused Children


Allegations of possible improprieties have surfaced against a Borough Park doctor, according to an elected official from Brooklyn.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind took to Twitter this morning to announce that his office is looking into possible instances of abuse perpetuated by “a prominent Boro Park doctor.”

Hikind said that he first began researching the matter after being contacted by two separate people and has spoken with a number of potential victims in alleged instances that took place as far back as approximately ten years ago. All of the reported incidents involve the same physician who Hikind declined to identify at this time.

Since his tweet was posted this morning, several other people have reached out to his office, said Hikind, who hopes others who have been abused will follow suit.

“We need to get the message out there,” Hikind told VIN News. “People need to know that if something inappropriate happened to them they can’t and they shouldn’t run away. You can’t just turn your back on what happened to you because it is going to happen to someone else. This has been going on for so many years and we cannot let this go on any more.”

Hikind said he plans to continue looking into this matter, and any others, even if it extends past the end of his final term in office.

“I am committed to this for years ahead,” said Hikind. “If anyone thinks that after January 1st I will not be around, they are very sadly mistaken. I will be around even more than ever and, as always, I continue protecting the privacy of anyone who reaches out to me.”

The assemblyman is asking anyone with firsthand information of any improprieties to contact his office at hikindnews@gmail.com or at 718-853-9616. 

All names and information will be kept strictly confidential.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Fanaticism & The Covenant of Peace ...

Parshas Pinchos 
by Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler

Fanaticism, particularly when garbed in the clothing of myopic fundamentalism, rarely evokes in us a sympathetic bent. How could it, given its association with an an uncontrollable zeal and violence for the sake of heaven?

But when we turn to the opening of this week’s portion, the Torah lauds Pinchas for zealously killing a Jewish man and a Midianite woman in the very heat of their sexual passion as they recklessly defy Hashem's command. For responding so quickly and decisively, we read that, “Hashem spoke to Moses saying, Pinchas, a son of Elazar and grandson of Aaron the priest, was the one who zealously took up my
cause among the Israelites and turned My anger away from them …Therefore tell him that I have given him My covenant of peace…” (Bamidbar 25:10-12)

The Torah summation is certainly one of praise and approbation. Indeed, Pinchas’ full genealogy is presented in this sequence; we are also given the name of his father as well as of his grandfather, Aaron the high priest, indicating that the Torah wants to underscore his linkage to Aaron, “lover and pursuer of peace”. Moreover, both grand-father and grand-son succeeded in stopping plagues sent by the
Almighty to punish the Israelites.

Hikind Tells Off Cryi'n Schumer

Open Letter by Dov Hikind to Cry'in Schumer
Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D, Brooklyn) said he recently received a mailer from fellow Democrat, Senator Charles Schumer asking for contributions. The letter was riddled with attacks on the “hard right” but omitted vital information. In an open letter to Schumer, Hikind filled in the blanks.
“Senator Schumer, in your letter you promise to fight for Democratic values and go on at great length to fully villainize the current administration, but you left out certain facts that my fellow Democrats, to say nothing of all Americans, should also be aware of.
“You forgot to tell us about the economy. As good as it’s been, economists expect even more growth through the end of the year. That’s very good news, Senator.

Israelis Have One Of The Highest Life Expectancies Worldwide

A report released by the Israeli Ministry of Health that compares Israeli health care to that of the 33 other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries revealed that Israel’s average life expectancy is among the highest in the world. While the average OECD life expectancy is 80.8 years, the average Israeli lives 82.5 years, with women reaching an average of 84.2 years old and men 80.7.

Clouds Stolen from Iran Discovered in Jerusalem

While walking in downtown Jerusalem, past the Italian Quarter, we couldn’t help but notice the clouds that were tied up to the buildings It didn’t take a genius to realize that these must be the missing clouds that the Iranian general claimed were stolen from them by Israel.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

First Lady Visits a Kid's 'Concentration Camp in Arizona

92-year-old woman 'kills son' because he tried to put her in an assisted living facility

A 92-year old woman allegedly shot dead her son after he tried to put her in an assisted living facility.
Anna Mae Blessing, of Fountain Hills, Arizona, appeared in court, in a wheelchair and orange jumpsuit, to face charges of first-degree murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and kidnapping. 
She shot her 72-year-old son Thomas dead on Tuesday with one of two weapons she stored under her bed in her room in his girlfriend's condo. 
They moved her there six months ago and Anna had become worried that the pair were plotting to move her into a home.  
On Monday morning, Blessing hid two pistols inside her house robe and walked into her son's room and show him twice.
One bullet struck his neck and the other pierced his jaw. 
She then turned the gun towards her son's girlfriend, who has not been named, but the 57-year-old was able to wrestle it out of her hands.   
It was at that point, Blessing allegedly reached into her robe pocked and pulled out her second weapon, which the girlfriend also managed to wrestle out of her hand.
All out of guns, Blessing simply took a seat in a recliner chair and waited for the police to arrived.
As she was arrested, she announced: 'You ended my life, so I'm taking yours.' 

Israel Hit By Second Earthquake in 24 Hours; Emergency Teams

A second earthquake in less than 24-hours rattled Israel’s north and central regions on Wednesday night. Reports in the Israeli media listed the quake as a 4.3 on the Richter scale, eclipsing the one felt earlier in the day which ranked at 4.1. The epicenter of the quake was listed as being close to the border with Syria and Jordan just south of the Golan Heights.

Worried citizens who felt the quake contacted emergency services and reported feeling the tremors. One rescue service, United Hatzalah issued the following statement:
“United Hatzalah Dispatch and Command Center hotline of 1221 fielded dozens of calls by concerned citizens reporting feeling an earthquake in Israel’s north and central regions.
As of the time of this message, no physical injuries have been reported. United Hatzalah’s Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Team, which provides emotional and psychological stabilization to anyone suffering emotional or psychological stress or trauma, has been instructed to put all volunteers in the north and center of the country on standby in order to provide immediate assistance to anyone who needs it

Hailen Schacher MISSING in the Mountains!

A 17-year-old Jewish teen has gone missing in Ulster County, and police have released details to the public.
Missing is 17-year-old Hailen M. Schacher of Ellenville, NY. She was last seen on Monday. She is 5 foot 6, 120 pounds, has black hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a necklace with a Magen David on it, and a black color watch.
She has an illness which requires her to take her medication.
If you have any information that can assist police, please call the Ellenville Police Department at 845-647-4422.
It should be noted that although Catskills Hatzolah is involved in the search, it remains a law enforcement search as of this time, and no official search has been organized. Hatzolah stresses that people should not be offering assistance, but just to keep their eyes and ears open if they see this individual