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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thousands Flocking to Meron But Reb Shimon Bar Yochai Wasnt Even Buried There

According to R' Menachem Hachevroni, a Rishon that lived during the 13th century, Reb Shimon ben Yochai is buried in Kfar Chananya, which is 15km south of Meron. 

Reb Binyomen of Toledo mentions being in Meron at the Kever of Hillel and Shammai, but there is no mention that Reb Shimon ben Yochai was also buried there. There is no doubt that if Reb Shimon was buried in Meron, R' Binyomin would have mentioned that.

And according to the Chida, there is absolutely no mekor that Reb Shimon ben Yochai was niftar on Lag Beomer. 

The first to mention the Yurzeit of Reb Shimon ben Yochai on Lag Be'omer is in the Sefer "Chemdas Ha'yamim, that some have accused of being from the Shabtzei Tzvi cult.

According to the Yavetz, R' Yaakov Me'Emdim, R' Shimon ben Yochai never wrote the Zohar HaKodosh, it was R' Moshe d'Leon!
Time to give credit where credit is due!

According to the Gemorrah Yevamos (62)12,000 pairs of the students of Rebbe Akivah died.  
The Midrash, however states that only 300 talmidim died...... go figure!

That Gemmorah states that all the talmidim died of a disease called "Askera." 
Rav Henkin and others say that "Askera" is a code word for getting killed by the Romans....
Were they in fact serving in the army?????? 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Fish Jumping For Joy Excited That DusIzNeis Made Aliyah

Who Needs Satmars When We Have Koreans

Free Bus Rides For Litvishe Boys in Israel

Roseanne Barr Says She Wants to Make Aliyah and Run for Prime Minister of Israel

Roseanne Barr said at the Jerusalem Post Conference on Sunday, April 29, that she wants to move to Israel and run for prime minister — and she also talked about her phone call from Donald Trump.
“I’ve met him several times when he was just a civilian, or whatever you call it, not the president, just a showbusiness person and he was always nice to me. …He said ‘Congratulations on the ratings,’ cause he’s really into ratings like I am,” she said at the conference in NYC.
Then the actress, who is Jewish, thanked the former reality TV star for moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
“I want to thank you on behalf of my mother, and all the Jewish people, for moving the embassy to Jerusalem,” she told the businessman, adding that Trump told her that “a lot of presidents have promised it, but I wanted to get it done.” Trump’s decision to move the embassy has been a controversial one, but the Emmy winner believes “it’s the first step to peace in the world, I really do.”
Barr, who has been to Israel three times, told interviewer Dana Weiss, “I want to move to Israel and run for prime minister, I do. In 2012, I said I was gonna run for president of the United States and prime minister of Israel, a twofer. I do have that fantasy. If God calls me, I’ll go, of course.”

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Definitive James Comey Democrat Hypocrisy Compilation

Swordfish is kosher!

The commentaries on the Shulchan Aruch say dag ha’cherev[literally, “the fish of the sword”] is kasher.
Why is it widely considered to be not kosher, then?
Because around 60-70 years ago, they asked Rabbi [Moshe] Tendler if he could make a list of which fish are kosher and which aren’t. Rabbi Tender decided to list swordfish as atreife fish because he called up an expert who told him scales on a swordfish are a different consistency – or something like that – from those of other fish. So he decided it was a treife fish.
But that’s absolutely not correct. The commentaries on theShulchan Aruch say dag hacherev is kasher. Professor [Shlomo] Sternberg, a big genius in learning and math, published an essay maybe 20 years ago in which he writes that Rabbi Soloveitchik asked him to conduct research on the status of swordfish. He did. He showed Rabbi Soloveitchik the scales of a swordfish and Rav Soloveitchik said, “It’s akashere fish!”
Professsor Sternberg writes that he still has the envelope with the scales he showed Rav Soloveitchik in his Gemara Chullin.
If the commentaries on the Shuchan Aruch say dag ha’cherev is kosher, how can Rabbi Tendler claim it isn’t?
Rabbi Tendler claims “dag hacherev” is a different fish. It’s not true.
But Rabbi Tendler did a service to the Orthodox Jewish community because at the time there were Conservative rabbis who were givinghashgachas, so he laughed them out of existence and said they don’t know what they’re talking because [they were giving swordfish ahechsher when] swordfish is really treif. So the Orthodox realized you can’t rely on the Conservatives.
L’maaseh, the Conservatives were right on this issue, but Rabbi Tendler accomplished his goal.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Time to go Home: Frum Man Stabbed In Manhattan And In Critical Condition

An Orthodox Jewish man is in serious condition after he was stabbed in Midtown Manhattan on Monday afternoon.
The 32-year-old victim was walking on 33rd Street and 5th Avenue when he accidentally bumped into a FedEx employee. 
They got into an altercation which resulted in the FedEx employee stabbing the Jewish man at least 4 times.
He was rushed to Bellevue Hospital where he is listed in critical condition.
The suspect was taken into custody by the NYPD.
Please say Tehillim for Yaakov Ben Yocheved.

Chassidishe Children in the Gaza Strip?????

Published on Aug 12, 2014

You may find this clip disturbing as it does not take place in the Gaza Strip but rather takes place in the Catskill Mountains, New York State. 

This camp is likely tax exempt and uses taxpayer subsidies to brainwash and embed virulent hate in innocent young children. 

The Satmar community is responsible and should be held liable for the propaganda and lies that they indoctrinate in innocent children. 

Yes, all these lies were clearly stated in "the Mein Kampf" of their revered leader, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum. 

 His goal was to pin Jew against Jew and for that he gets an A+.

You will find that the rhetoric of Satmar is exactly the same rhetoric as the Neturei Karta....

So much for the lying Satmar propaganda that Neturei Karta has nothing to do with Satmar!

Police Arrive in Meah Shearim/Beis Yisrael Area During Predawn Hours to Arrest Chareidie Terrorists

A large police force including officers, detectives and Yassam commandos arrived in the Meah Shearim/Beis Yisrael areas during the predawn hours on Monday, 8 Iyar to make arrests. They arrived at about 3:00AM and went to eight homes, resulting in the arrests of four persons.

As the arrests took place, word spread of the large police presence and the local terrorists took to the streets in the hope of sabotaging police and preventing the arrests. In addition to their shouts a Palestinian flag was hung in the area.
Police report the arrests are connected to “Recent violence and violent activities”, adding they will eventually reach each person who took part in illegal violence. Police report in addition to the minor, the other suspects are between the ages of 20-30.
In was later revealed that the arrests were in connection to last weeks violent Hafgaonos at the IDF Conscription Office in Jerusalem, which resulted in Police using extreme force – including flash-bang grenades, horses, and water cannons. It appears the arrested individuals are suspected of physically attacking police officers.
At the time, the protest was held after word spread of a “Frum woman” who had been taken to the draft office and was taken into custody. It was later revealed that her level of “Frumkeit” was highly questionable, as her Facebook posts from as recent as two weeks ago became public.
VIDEO & PHOTOS VIA מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים:

Chareidi Coward Patrols Ramat Bet Shemesh With A Stick; Orders Women Off The Streets

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Stunning high-quality video shows 1911 NYC when horses and trams filled the streets and everyone wore a HAT

The Museum of Modern Art released surprisingly clear footage of what life was like in New York in 1911. 

The video, a part of the museum's June 2017 collection, was filmed by a team of cameramen with the Swedish company Svenska Biografteatern. The cameramen were sent around the world to take photos and videos of well-known places.
The group traveled to Niagara Fall, Paris, Venice and Monte Carlo in addition to New York City. 

The State of Israel The Greatest Miracle of Our Time!

Prayer for Peace in the Great State of Israel

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

5th of Iyur, Israel Independance day has a "mekor" in Shulchan Aruch

Everything is in the Torah which includes the Shulchan Aruch ...

The Shulchan Aruch Siman 429, Chapter 1, says that from the 5th of Iyur, the Rabbis should teach the laws of the Yom Tov Shevuois....

So there you have a remez to Yom Hatzmeot...
Now I can't wait for all the haters of Eretz Yisroel to come out like roaches attacking this true premise. 

Gedolei Yisroel Stand In Memory Of IDF Soldiers

Yom Hazikaron, the Israeli Memorial Day, began on Tuesday night at sundown. It begins with the sounding of the siren 8:00PM – the most noticeable feature of the day. The siren is heard throughout the country twice, during which the entire nation observes a two-minute “standstill” of all traffic and daily activities.

Gedolei Yisroel showing their respect for IDF Soldiers killed while defending Eretz Yisroel.
At the “Sixth Kenessia Gedolah” held in Yerushalayim in 1980, a “Kail Malei Rachamim” was made for the memory of the previous Admorim, Rabonim and Roshei Yeshiva of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah as well as the IDF Soldiers that died Al Kiddush Hashem.
Gedolim who were standing during this Kail Malei Rachamim include, Rav Shach, Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Ruderman, the Gerrer Rebbe, the Vishnitzer Rebbe, the Slominer Rebbe, the Modizter Rebbe, and the Biala Rebbe.

R'Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l would go to Har Herzl if he wished to pray at "Kivrei Tzaddikim"