“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” Rav Kook z"l
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Monsey Lady Burns Challah and Almost Burns Her entire House Down
A woman burning bread for a religious ritual sparked a house fire in Monsey that severely damaged the home, police said.
The fire, at 92 Blauvelt Road, started around 4:30 p.m. Thursday, when the woman burning old bead on the back porch, saw the fire had caught some dry leaves on fire which in turn moved to the porch, causing extensive damage to the home, said Det. Sgt. Brian Corbett.
The woman, along with another family who lives in a basement apartment, were all able to escape unharmed, Corbett said.
Firefighters from Monsey, Tallman, Hillcrest, Spring Valley, South Spring Valley and Hillburn responded to the fire as did first responders from the Ramapo Valley Ambulance Corps, Rockland Paramedics and Hatzolah ambulance, Corbett said.
Little Leah Mezzi Killed by School Bus in Kiryas Yoel
Details have been released along with the identification of a 6-year-old who was struck and killed by a school bus in the village of Kiryas Joel in the town of Monroe in Orange County.
The girl was hit around 11:15 a.m. Friday by the bus near Acres Road, New York State Police said.
After the bus stopped to let several children off, Leah Mezzi of Brooklyn exited the bus and proceeded to a south sidewalk and abruptly changed directions and began to cross the street in front of the bus, state police said.
The bus driver did not see her change directions and she was subsequently struck by the front bumper and was pronounced deceased at the scene, according to police.
An investigation of the accident is continuing.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Yechiel Lebovits' Plan to stick 5,000 Chassidim on Route 202 & 306 gets blocked ...
In a major victory for Ramapo environmentalists, a state appellate panel has annulled a Town Board zoning change and Planning Board approvals for the former Patrick Farm, blocking a massive housing development proposed for the site.
The multiple legal decisions this week send a Scenic Development LLC's proposal to build 470-plus housing units on 206 acres along the Route 202/306 corridor outside Pomona back to the starting gate.
"As we hoped, the appellate court agreed that the town’s original reviews were flawed and is now forcing the town of Ramapo to revisit the environmental impacts for the zone change, essentially returning the property back to its original low-density designation," said Deborah Munitz, a board member with the environmental group Ramapo Organized for Sustainability and a Safe Aquifer, known as ROSA.
ROSA and other activists have led the fight to ensure Ramapo follows the environmental regulations involving Scenic Development's proposal. Monsey developer Yechiel Lebovits and his family own the property, the former Patrick Farm, which they purchased from Clarkstown for $7.5 million in 2001.
"ROSA, along with our partners, worked tirelessly for the last seven years so that our cases against the town of Ramapo and Scenic Development were ironclad," said Susanne Mitchell, the organization's director. "ROSA's research and fact-based advocacy throughout our numerous legal proceedings led to the positive outcome we had all hoped for."
Watch the Crazy Meltdown the Media Had the Night Trump Won 1 Year Ago
The moment ABC NEWS realizes Donald Trump has WON THE ELECTION!!
The moment CNN realizes the election is OFFICIALLY over. Trump wins!!!!
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Shmulie Auerbach Extorts I30,000 Shekalim from Israeli Drink Company "Tempo"
Watch Uriah Elkayam exposed in "Whatsapp":
Auerbach was extorting Israeli companies for the benefit of his terrorist organization.
Auerbach personally extorted the CEO of Tempo in the amount of NIS 30,000 for every ad that the company published in Yedioth Neeman.
The extortion monies went directly to the "Fund for Saving the World of Torah,"which is responsible for the demonstrations.
The extorted monies did not go to the newspaper "Peles.
Tempo denies it .....
however Avraham Trigger of Peles confirmed the extortion and explains:
"Tempo did not want the company boycotted."
Monday, November 6, 2017
Yeshivas Chevron Bochrim Fast After Finding Bugs in Their Lunch
Students of the Chevron Yeshiva will conduct a voluntary fast on Monday for half a day after finding bugs in the lunch that was served on Sunday.
An announcement that was hung in the Yeshiva read: “Due to the serious transgression that took place today in the cafeteria, and in consultation with our Rosh Yeshiva, HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Farbstein Shlita, the Bochrim of the Yeshiva are taking upon themselves the fast of Ba”Hab tomorrow on Monday. Those who are interested should accept the fast upon themselves today before sunset.”
The Yeshiva will also be reading the special Krias HaTorah portion set aside for fast days during the morning Tefillah. Students told a reporter from Channel 10 news that during lunch “petitim” were served that contained hard-to-see bugs. “Until the situation was discovered, many had already partaken of the dish,” the students said.
Rabbe Nachman Coming to Israel?????
I have been saying this for years. Makes no sense to give the Ukrainian murderers millions of dollars every single year ......
Will one of the world’s most popular Jewish pilgrimage sites be relocated to Israel?
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, founder of the Breslov Hassidic movement, was buried in the Ukrainian town of Uman 207 years ago.
Followers of Rebbe Nachman made regular pilgrimages to his tomb, though the annual tradition was largely abandoned during the Cold War.
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991and the end of the Cold War, however, led to a resurgence in the traditional Rosh Hashana visits to Uman, which by the early 2000s began to draw wider appeal even beyond the Breslov movement.
The Uman pilgrimage drew a record 40,000 participants this September, up from some 30,000 in 2016.
Since the 1990s, some members of the Breslov movement have advocated relocating Rebbe Nachman’s remains to Israel, home to the world’s largest Breslov community, reinterring them in Jerusalem.
Yet no concrete efforts to do so were made for the first quarter century since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Recently, however, Israeli Foreign Ministry officials have opened discussions with their Ukrainian counterparts to examine the possibility of reinterring Rebbe Nachman’s remains in the Holy Land.
According to a report by Army Radio Monday morning, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely instructed Israeli diplomats to discuss the issue with Ukrainian leaders.
While Ukrainian officials did not reject the proposal out of hand, journalist Shiloh Fried said that Kiev was hesitant to make a decision.
“The Ukrainians aren’t rushing to give us answer on this.”
Jewish pilgrims visiting Uman have become a major source of foreign currency in the region, and Israeli officials are skeptical the Ukrainian government will accede to Israel’s request without an attractive compensation package.
Rabbi Aryeh Lippo, a member of the Breslov movement involved in talks to bring the rabbi’s remains to Israel, said that given the distribution of Breslov Hassidim, the move made sense.
“It’s illogical for half of Israel to leave the country every Rosh Hashana.”
Satmar Attacks Agudah Compares them to "Rabid Dogs" and "Haters of Torah"
Der Goy, the Satmar Yiddish Weekly that represents R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, came out with an Op-Ed accusing the Agudah Party in Israel of being "rodfim" and haters of "Jewish Law."
And if that was not enough ..they quote a gemarrah in Mesactas Yoma, comparing the Gedoilim of the Agudah to "Rabid dogs."!
And if that was not enough ..they quote a gemarrah in Mesactas Yoma, comparing the Gedoilim of the Agudah to "Rabid dogs."!
Why? You ask ......
You silly goose....!!!!!!!!!
The Romanian gypsies that call themselves "Satmar" back the old criminal bachelor, Auerbach, who instructed his savages not to register for the draft and then called for protests throughout Israel and instructed his "Bnei Torah" to block traffic.
The Agudah follows the instructions of R' Chaim Kanievsky and R' Shteinman, who ruled that all Yeshivah boys must register for the draft ....and so because they, the Agudah, follow these Gedoilim, the Hungarian barbarians call them "Rodfim" and "Sonei Hadas" which translated means that the Agudah basically "hate Torah"!
And then they called the Gedoilim of the Agudah "Rabid Dogs" for good measure!
And then they called the Gedoilim of the Agudah "Rabid Dogs" for good measure!
According to Der Goy, over 40 boys sit in Israeli prisons for not registering ....
Now I'm going to let you into a secret ....but please don't pass this on ...
The Israeli Zionist Police did not barge into the Yeshivos to lock them up ........... noooooooooo?????!
Is that what you thought?
If that is what you actually thought ... you were fed horse manure!
The very first Yeshivah boys were arrested because they were driving drunk in Eilat during "Bin Hazmanim" ... Yup!
They were "bar hopping" ....... and after the local people complained about the drunks, that were throwing up all over the streets and yelling like hyaenas ....the Israeli Police caught up with the "Gemmarah kep" and asked them for their IDs' and discovered that they didn't register for the draft ....
They were "bar hopping" ....... and after the local people complained about the drunks, that were throwing up all over the streets and yelling like hyaenas ....the Israeli Police caught up with the "Gemmarah kep" and asked them for their IDs' and discovered that they didn't register for the draft ....
When their buddies, the parasites, were informed that the drunks were arrested .... they started blocking buses and traffic and then they were arrested; they in turn were discovered to have been dodging the draft by not registering...
So you ask again.....
"How did they learn ...that the "bar hoppers" were arrested? According to reports ... they organized protests throughout Israel within minutes!??????
Silly goose!
Hold on to your seats now ....
They heard the news thru the tumedike app ......"Whatsapp"!
They.... the holy Yeshivah Bochrim are all on the banned "Whatsapp" and that's how they got news and instructions to gather to antagonize other innocent Jews and make them suffer!
The Israelis do not arrest anyone who is registered and desires to learn Torah!
So guys keep emailing me that Satmar is great because they feed the sick, chicken soup!
Satmar Joins Arab Murderers in Denouncing 100 Year Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration
It is interesting to see how politics begets strange bedfellows. The Satmar Yiddish weekly, Der Yid, copied hate and vulgar statements straight out of Al Jazirrah to denounce the Balfour Declaration that that just celebrated 100 years!
The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a minority Jewish population. It read:
His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
The declaration was a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.
Der Yid, in an "editorial" parrots the anti-Semitic Al Jazzira blaming the State of Israel for entire Mid-East conflict.
It's ironic that the editorial board of Der Yid ... a bunch of amai-ratzim, ignorant gypsies, accuse Israel of violating the "oath" of "not rebelling against the nations" in the very same "editorial" that quotes the context of the Balfour text, which by it's very declaration proves the opposite.... that the nations agreed that Jews have their own State.!
Satmar is not alone in its condemnation of the Balfour Declaration, they are joined by the Israei Haaretz, a self-hating newspaper that ironically hate Satmar more than they hate Israel.
It is well worth noting that the Reform movement was also against the Balfour Declaration ..
And so again, Satmar join the Reform and the murderous Arabs against the land that G-d gave to us!
Friday, November 3, 2017
Activists call for mass anti-Orthodox 'Day of Rage' across country.
I can go on record, saying the there will be bloodshed, begun by the Left, against the religious, Chareidim.
They will fire the first shot.
They will fire the first shot.
And this will be the fault of the old bachelor Auerbach, who started this blocking traffic business.... and it will also be the fault of the Chareidie Leaders and Askanim who have failed to come out strongly against this brisker terrorist ......
I pray that I am wrong ....but the chickens have already come home to roost!
I pray that I am wrong ....but the chickens have already come home to roost!
Anti-religious activists have called on the public to join a “Secular Day of Rage” protest scheduled for later this month to protest against what they call the “religionization” of Israeli society.
The event is being organized by the Yerushalayim Hofshit movement (not to be confused with the left-wing Free Jerusalem movement) for Friday, November 17th, with protests planned around the country.
The plan for the Secular Day of Rage was initiated by Jerusalem city councilwoman Laura Wharton, who cited recent unauthorized demonstrations by the Yerushalmi Faction against the drafting of yeshiva students as the inspiration for the protests.
On October 19th, the Yerushalmi Faction, led by Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, declared a “day of rage”, with protests in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and other haredi population centers.
While a number of prominent haredi leaders have condemned the Yerushalmi Faction, the protests drew hundreds of demonstrators, who shut down roads and clashed with police.
“The entire State of Israel witnessed in recent weeks protests by extremist groups within the haredi communty, in which they blocked roads and railways, shuting down traffic at major intersections and leaving millions of people stuck [in traffic] for hours,” Yerushalayim Hofshit’s Facebook page declared.
Although the Yerushalmi Faction protests serve as the pretext for the Yerushalayim Hofshit “Secular Day of Rage”, organizers have a far wider agenda, calling for an end to funding for public ritual bathhouses (mikvahs), and end to the alleged “religionization” of Israel’s school system, the opening of publicly-funded transportation on the Sabbath, among other demands.
“We call on people from across the country, from Metullah [in the north] to Eilat [in the south] to come together and declare a day of rage for the secular public, just like the haredim did. And why are we going to do this? Because… the time has come to stop funding yeshivas and public bathhouses (mikvahs) with our tax money! Because the time has come to stop the religionization of the education system! Because the time has come to have public transportation on the Sabbath! Because the time has come… for secular Jews to also have something to do on the Sabbath!”
The secular public has slowly been squeezed out of the cities where it grew up and lived, and its freedom has been stolen from it! Parks, stores, minimarts, coffee shops, movie theaters, restaurants, bars, dog parks and streets all are being closed [on the Sabbath]! It is time to end the madness and let our voices be heard!”
In Jerusalem, demonstrators say they plan on meeting in Zion Square on Jaffa Street, with a march into the nearby predominantly haredi neighborhood of Geulah.
“The haredim are protesting in our backyard? So we’ll protest in their backyard!”
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Weber, Bechhofer, Valentine and Michael Koplen as Judge on November 7th as every vote counts!
** Please note that Michael Koplen is running on the Republican line and is actually the only sitting Judge running ... his opponents were never judges.
Dear Ramapo Residents,
Dear Ramapo Residents,
We have never been involved in politics, but for the upcoming election of a new supervisor, we feel a need to express our opinion. The Town of Ramapo establishment has Michael Specht as their candidate. He has been a town attorney under St. Lawrence for many years. Together with our whole neighborhood, we are witness to Mr. Specht’s and the town’s negligence in protecting our legal rights as tax-paying citizens of Ramapo.
A massive commercial/ residential mixed use development is going up behind our bedrooms. St. Lawrence’s administration assured us that our legal rights to a buffer with trees would be upheld. By law, that buffer is supposed to be 25 feet. On May 29, 2014 there was a zoning board meeting to decide if variances should be granted to the development. (We have the entire transcript of the meeting.) Many variances bypassing the laws of Ramapo were granted based on a few tradeoffs for the neighbors.
Mr. Michael Specht was the attending town attorney at that meeting. The decision he wrote up for that zoning board meeting did not reflect the final instructions of the board as documented by the transcripts. Since Mr. Specht delayed for one and a half years until he finally wrote up the decision, Mrs. Weaver (chairwoman of the zoning board) must have trustingly signed his write-up without referring back to the transcripts. When we neighbors, at a requested meeting with Mr. Specht and Mr. Alan Berman (another town attorney), pointed out the discrepancies, Mr. Specht refused to correct the mistakes. He is an attorney. We neighbors are not attorneys. He knew that by that time we had no legal recourse to challenge what he wrote.
But we do have recourse in the voting booth!
By publicizing how he was instrumental in devastating our neighborhood, we are doing our civic duty to protect our town and other innocent taxpayers. Our whole neighborhood is working against his being elected. The establishment is spreading lies about A New Direction candidates saying they are from Preserve Ramapo and are anti-Semites. We met with Shani Bechhofer and were assured that none of the three candidates have any Preserve Ramapo ties. They are truly motivated to save our town. Please help us spread the word to vote for Weber, Bechhofer, Valentine and Michael Koplen as Judge to finally take the Town of Ramapo in a new, honest direction.
Please go out to vote for Weber, Bechhofer, Valentine and Michael Koplen as Judge on November 7th as every vote counts!
Concerned Citizens of the Augusta, Treetop, Grove Neighborhood
The Ebsteins The Rubensteins The Tresses
The Friedmans The Schwabs The Wengers
The Kreitmans The Scharfers
The Rabinowitzes The Tillims
NYC terrorist drove yeshiva students home to Lakewood
A pair of Charedi yeshiva students were shocked to discover recently that the terrorist responsible for Tuesday's deadly vehicular attack in New York City was the Lyft driver who had driven them to Lakewood a week before.
According to a report in the New York Daily News, terrorist Sayfullo Saipov had driven yeshiva students Eli and Avrumi Grynhaus to Lakewood from New Jersey's Newark Airport after they returned from a vacation in Miami Beach on October 19.
The brothers were stunned to find out that they had shared a ride with a terrorist. “I freaked out,” Eli Grynhaus said. “I was actually in a Lyft with this guy? The fact that he killed eight people yesterday is just a frightening thought.”
Gyrnhaus told the New York Daily News that they made small talk during the drive and that Saipov revealed that he drove for both ride-sharing services Uber and Lyft. While the driver was friendly, Grynhaus admitted to getting scared when Saipov got lost.
"When we got to Lakewood, he took us down a back street,” Grynhaus said. “I asked him why he was going down there. I was starting to get nervous. It was a bad area. He said he made a mistake.”
“I didn’t get the warmest feel from him. I could see there was hate,” Grynhaus added.
Authorities say that Saipov was likely in the midst of planning his attack when he drove the Gyrnhaus brothers to Lakewood.
Police believe that Saipov planned the attack for weeksand even made several dry runs before slamming his rented Home Depot truck into a group of cyclists in lower Manhattan on Thursday.
“It appears that Mr. Saipov had been planning this for a number of weeks. He did this in the name of ISIS,” said John Miller, deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism for the New York Police Department (NYPD).
Another Las Vegas Shooting Witness Who Described Multiple Gunmen, Found Dead
Danny Contreras, an eyewitness Las Vegas shooting survivor who publicly claimed there were multiple shooters involved in the attack, has been found dead in an empty house in Las Vegas with multiple gunshot wounds.
His body was found in a vacant home in the northeastern valley after a neighbor heard a man groaning inside the building and called 911. Police say Contreras was dead when they arrived at the 5800 block of East Carey Avenue, near North Nellis Boulevard.
The woman who called emergency services to the scene says she didn’t hear any gunshots, but the coroner confirmed that Danny Contreras, 35, died of “multiple gunshot wounds” and ruled his death a homicide.
Dany Contreras has become the latest Las Vegas survivor to die in suspicious circumstances or disappear in the weeks following the shooting. Disturbing, the dead witnesses all have one thing in common – they all provided information that calls the official narrative into question, and they were all ignored by law enforcement and mainstream media.
Directly contradicting the official narrative that only one shooter fired on the Route 91 Harvest festival crowd, Danny Contreras tweeted the day after the attacks saying he was “lucky to be alive” after he was “chased by two gunmen”.
Posting on Twitter, Danny Conteras stood in solidarity with many of the survivors and insisted that there were multiple gunmen involved in the attack. His tweet was retweeted hundreds of times.
“Feeling lcky to be alive. cant beleive i got out of concert alive! 2 men chasing me with guns. not evry 1 so lcky.”
In the face of all evidence, and countless survivor testimonies, mainstream media is perpetuating a major cover up by claiming there was only one shooter.
Las Vegas Review Journal reported on the death of Danny Contrera and claim that Metropolitan Police Department homicide Lt. Dan McGrath told them Mr. Contrera may have had gang ties or have been involved in narcotics.
While this may or may not be true, what is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore is the number of bodies stacking up after the Las Vegas shooting.
Are they being silenced to stop the truth coming out?
John Beilman, who was wanted by federal agents following the discovery of a communications device in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock, killed both himself and his disabled daughter in an apparent murder-suicide
Chad Nishimura, the Mandalay Bay valet who parked Stephen Paddock’s car, went missing in the days following the shooting, after giving an interview to a Hawaiian mainstream outlet KITV4 in which he contradicted the official narrative, and pointed out that Paddock “didn’t have many bags.” Certainly not enough to cart 27 semi-automatic weapons, thousands of rounds and modifications up to the room.
Mr. Nishimura has yet to surface. Unfortunately the fate of other eyewitnesses is more certain. Kymberley Suchomel of Apple Valley, California, was found dead in her home, hours after her husband left for work. Ms. Suchomel gave a very detailed account of what happened in Las Vegas, insisting there were multiple gunmen involved in the shooting.
Claiming that mainstream media was not telling the truth, Kymberley was planning on creating a survivor’s groupto continue the quest for truth and justice.
Whether this series of disturbing deaths and disappearances are purely coincidental or whether there is something deeply sinister afoot has yet to be determined, but the response by law enforcement and mainstream media – in particular their refusal to address the questions that the informed public want answered – is leading many to arrive at the same conclusion.
There is a major cover up underway.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
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