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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Terrorists kill 4 in Yerushalayim

An Israel Police spokesman has reported at least 4 killed and 13 wounded after a truck rammed into pedestrians in the Armon HaNatziv neighborhood in Jerusalem.
MDA EMTs and paramedics reported that all four of those killed - three women and on man - are approximately 20 years of age. Of the 13 living victims, three are severely injured, one is moderately injured, and nine more are lightly injured. All were transferred to either Shaarei Zedek or Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospitals in Jerusalem.
Police units at the scene are investigating.

Yakov Kaminetzki, a volunteer with United Hatzalah's EMS ambucycle unit reported, "When I arrived at the scene I saw a number of pedestrians who were run down by a large truck near the Armon Hanatziv Promenade. Some of the pedestrians were unconscious and trapped underneath the vehicle. I requested that the dispatch and command center send additional assistance including fire and rescue services as well as additional EMS responders due to the large number of injured persons. Near the vehicle were a number of other pedestrians who had sustained various degrees of injuries some of whom were in serious and moderate condition."

Friday, January 6, 2017

SHOOTING AT Ft Lauderdale Airport .... AT LEAST 5 DEAD

Gunman in custody after shooting nine - and killing three - at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport

A gunman is in custody after a deadly shooting at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport. 
Sources tell NBC Miami that nine people have been shot and three people have died. 
An airport spokesman said that the center of the incident was in the baggage claim area of Terminal 2. It does not appear that the shooter breached the TSA-secured area of the airport. 
Video from the airport Friday afternoon showed hundreds of passengers corralled together on the tarmac with emergency vehicles parked outside the terminal with lights flashing.  

Minutes later, he said police tol dhim there was just one shooter. By 1:30pm, the scene had settled.   
'All seems calm now but the police aren't letting anyone out of the airport - at least not the area where I am,' Fleischer wrote. 
The airport is one of the top 25 busiest airports in the nation.  

Obama Builds Wall around his new home!

President Obama is taking a cue from Donald Trump ... he's building himself a wall.
We got photos of construction at Obama's soon-to-be D.C. rental. You also see construction in the garage.  It will become an office with a bathroom.
The rental will be home until Sasha graduates so the Obamas needed the property outfitted for the Secret Service and ... it needed more fortification.
BTW ... he's getting a new neighbor. Ivanka Trump and family, they are moving nearby to a rental.

J Street "ad" in the NYT thanks Obama and Kerry for speech blasting Israel

Ad in the New York Lies
J Street, the pro-two state solution American organization, took out a full page ad in the New York Times Wednesday thanking outgoing President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry for their support for the two state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict and for speaking 'hard truths' to Israel.

The ad calls Obama and Kerry "true friends of the State of Israel" and says that "History will applaud your courage in addressing the conflict in both practical and moral terms."
The ad goes on to quote from the speech Secretary Kerry gave last week, in which he spent most his hour-long remarks lambasting Israel for construction in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

"Friends need to tell each other the hard truths, and friendships require mutual respect...[Israelis and Palestinians] can choose to live together in one state, or they can separate into two states. But here is a fundamental reality: if the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic – it cannot be both – and it won’t ever really be at peace." the ad quotes from Kerry's speech.

J Street called the speech "powerful" and "lucid," using quotes from former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and claimed that most Israelis and most of the world agree with Kerry
However, Israeli leaders blasted Kerry's speech, as did Congressmen and Senators from both the Republican and Democratic parties. The governments of Russia and the UK also criticized the speech. A spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa May called Kerry's criticism of the makeup Israel's government "inappropriate" and slammed its focus on only one issue - Jewish communities over the 1949 armistice lines - over all other issues.

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) said after Kerry's speech that the Secretary of State "seems to have forgotten the history of the settlements in Gaza, where the Israeli government forced settlers to withdraw from all settlements and the Palestinians responded by sending rockets into Israel,” adding, “This is something that people of all political stripes in Israel vividly remember.”

J Street had previously praised the Obama Administration's abstention on an anti-Israel resolution at the UN Security Council last month. J Street has also has announced its opposition to a congressional resolution condemning the UN resolution.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

EU Drone Spying on Jewish Towns and IDF in Judea and Samaria

A crashed drone with a video camera that crashed Mount Hevron revealed a European Union (EU) spying operation intended to spy on and gather intelligence about IDF locations  Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.
The video footage reveals that the drone was flying low over residents it crashed. Once it crashed it was recovered by residents in the area and taken to the Regavim Movement for Preservation of State Lands, where it was discovered that it was sent by the EU, in concert with residents of Arab villages to spy on Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria. The drone contained many espionage videos, some showing IDF bases and antennas.
The Regavim organization blamed this brazen act of espionage against the IDF and Judea & Samaria on the governments failure to  act against illegal Arab housing and construction in area C without permits which is forbidden by the Oslo Accords.
“What started as illegal construction continues and now is harmful to our security.” said  the head of the land division of Regavim, Oved Arad.
“For years the European Union was involved in illegal construction in Judea and Samaria. Now it turns out that EU officials, together with the Palestinians, are even documenting Israeli settlements and sensitive locations in Judea and Samaria. The Foreign Ministry must respond strongly and unequivocally against this activity, which crosses a red line and is very dangerous.”

Monday, January 2, 2017

Hollywood Values: Leftist Celebs Perform for Murderous Dictators, But Not Trump

As  our childish and biased media chuckles at President-elect Donald Trump's inability to attract some big name stars to perform at his upcoming inauguration celebration, there is a vital part of the story this very same media does not want to tell. The inconvenient part about how a number of these rich and famous celebrities, many of them Obama and Hillary supporters, have willingly performed in the past for murderous dictators, human rights abusers, and Russian gangsters.

Did you know that Beyoncé, who has performed live for both President Obama and Hillary Clinton, has also performed for the family of Libya's murderous dictator, the late-Muammar el-Qaddafi? For a fat seven-figure paycheck on New Year's Eve 2009, Bey belted out her hits for the Qaddafis at a lavish, champagne-soaked party. Also in attendance, her husband Jay-Z, hip-hop kingpin Russell Simmons, Usher, and Jon Bon Jovi.
The previous New Years Eve, Mariah Carey was paid $1 million to sing four songs for Qaddafi's son. In 2007, Nelly Furtado grabbed a cool $1 million to perform for the Qadaffi family.
Oh, and did you know rap superstar Nicki Minaj grabbed $2 million to perform for Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos, a noted dictator and abuser of human rights?
Jennifer Lopez has reportedly earned some $10 million selling her soul to "dictators and crooks."
Sting -- say it isn't so!
This says as much about Hollywood and our political media as it does these performers.
Believe it or not, it actually works like this…
If you perform for murderers and gangsters, your Hollywood career is in no jeopardy whatsoever.
But if you jump off the Leftwing Plantation to perform for America's next duly-elected president, you will face the silent blacklist, the one where people quietly back away from you, stop calling you, and no longer consider you for various jobs.
On top of that, there will also be the unrelenting public attacks. Sing the "Star Spangled Banner" for Trump and you are an automatic Other -- an instant pariah. Immediately, many in the national media will join your show-biz colleagues to condemn you as a non-person, a sell-out, a Nazi, or worse.
No less than CNN published this warning just last week:
Celebrities shouldn't lend their fame to normalize or validate Trump's history of racism, bigotry and sexism. And by being a part of his inauguration they would be doing just that.
They would be saying it's OK Trump demonized Latinos, Muslims and immigrants. They would be telling us they are cool with his sexist remarks and mocking of a disabled reporter. And that they are not disgusted by Trump bragging in the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape about his sexually assaulting women and then publicly shaming the victims of his alleged sexual misconduct who had the courage to come forward.
Translation: That's a nice career you got there, be a shame if anything happened to it…
Shake your ass in a skintight outfit for the monster who shot down Pan-Am Flight 103 and its 270 passengers -- 189 of them Americans?
No problem.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC

Abraham Shmailov killed sitting in a cab that was hit by a drunk driver

A person is in custody following a fatal overnight motor vehicle collision involving a cab in Brooklyn. 

Authorities say 56-year-old Abraham Shmailov Z”L was seated in the rear of a 2008 Toyota Camry when it was struck by a 2015 Infiniti near the intersection of Avenue P and West 2nd Street at 3:17 in the morning.

Shmailov sustained trauma to his body and head and was rushed to Lutheran Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The drivers of each vehicle were also taken to the hospital for treatment and are currently stable.

Peter Michael (24) of East 31 Street in Brooklyn was charged with: 
Vehicular Manslaughter 2, Criminally Negligent Homicide, DWI, DWAI (Violation)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Israeli left trying to sabotage Netanyahu........as Obama ramps up pressure on Israel

A prominent American Jewish jurist and Democratic critic of President Obama has accused the Israeli left and media of attempting to subvert the Israeli government, playing up investigations into the Netanyahu family in an effort to undo the Prime Minister’s electoral victory in 2015.

Professor Alan Dershowitz, a long-time Democrat who supported Obama until UN resolution 2334 and who is a staunch supporter of the Jewish state, attacked the recent United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria and strongly criticized the Obama administration both for allowing its passage and later justifying it in a speech delivered by Secretary of State John Kerry.

Since then, in an interview with Israel Hayom published on Sunday, Dershowitz took aim at the Israeli left and media outlets for what he described as attempts to use ongoing police investigations into the Netanyahu family to hobble the Prime Minister.
"[T]hey can't beat him through democratic means, so they're trying to use these investigations and the media to push him out of office. That would really undercut democracy. He's been elected by a proper method of election in Israel and he should be left to complete his term without interference. If there are issues they should be pursued after he leaves office.”
“I've never seen a situation where the media has been so obsessively focused on what appears to be the most trivial details -- whether a Prime Minister's wife helped care for her dying father, whether or not furniture should have been in one location or another location -- these are the kind of things that would never happen in the U.S. In the U.S., the White House pays for everything, and in Israel there's apparently a 200-page book about how you deal with costs in the Prime Minister's house.”

In its latest update, Judicial Watch, said that following Obama’s latest vacation in Hawaii, his travel costs over the last eight years have reached more than $96.9 million.

The Prime Minister’s wife, Sara Netanyahu, has been accused of misuse of public funds, allegedly purchasing furniture for the family’s private residence with money allocated for the Prime Minister’s Office. In addition, she was even accused by the media of not reporting the deposits on empty bottles which she returned to stores.

In a separate case, this November a report by Channel 10 suggested a possible conflict of interest in a deal negotiated by the Netanyahu government to purchase ballistic missile submarines from a German firm allegedly represented by an associate of the Prime Minister’s attorney. The deal, however, is between heads of government and went through all the proper channels.

While the allegations against the Prime Minister and his wife may or may not be valid, said Dershowitz, they must not be used to undermine a sitting Head of Government and prevent him from performing his duties, particularly during the current diplomatic crisis sparked by the UN Security Council resolution.

"The Prime Minister in this case has to work 24/7 particularly now, between now and the time when President Obama leaves office, to respond to the U.N. Security Council resolution, to the Kerry speech, to try to prevent another Security Council resolution - the idea that the Prime Minister is now going to have to be questioned about what appears to be relatively trivial incidents, really undercuts democracy."
Instead, argued Dershowitz, investigations into the alleged corruption charges should be delayed until Netanyahu leaves office. In the interim, he argues, the Prime Minister must be granted immunity from such charges.

"I think this reflects a general problem around the world when democracy is being undercut by investigations and media attacks on properly elected officials. I think there are investigations that should be delayed until after the public official, the prime minister or president of a country, finish their term of office.”

“The idea that he has to now take time from serving the people of Israel to prepare, work with lawyers, to spend hours with investigators, in what appears to be -- from everything I can see -- relatively trivial accusations; I mean, if they were serious accusations, the statute of limitations can be extended. Nobody is above the law, we all agree with that, but he can be held accountable after he leaves office. Not interfere with what's going on while he's in office. ... I think it's a mistake to be investigating the prime minister at this time. Let the investigation go forward, but the questioning should wait until he leaves office."

Daniel Friedman, Frum Former Monsey Councilman missing near Bear Mountain Bridge

New York State Police have confirmed they are searching for the body of former Ramapo Councilman Daniel Friedman who is presumed to have jumped off the side of Bear Mountain Bridge early Friday morning.
Friedman's car was found along the east side of the bridge in Cortlandt, said State Police Investigator Steven Connolly.
Although his body has not been located, Connolly said Friedman's family had been notified that he is the person they are searching for.
Currently, there are numerous agencies helping with the search that began around 4 a.m. Friday morning after video surveillance showed a person jumping from the middle span of the bridge.
"Our people have in the water for more than six hours searching for his body," Connolly said.
Friedman, a Democrat, joined the town board in 2010, hasn't been seen since police located his car.
Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco, whose office is working with the state police, said the case is difficult for him since he knew Friedman well.
Rockland County Executive Ed Day said he was stunned and saddened by the apparent sudden loss Friedman.
"While we may have been at the opposite sides of the political spectrum, I can say unequivocally that in his role at the Legislature, Daniel put politics aside and always worked for the good of the people of Rockland. May his memory be for a blessing," Day said.
State police plan to continue searching the waters until they locate Friedman's body.

Happy New Year

Thursday, December 29, 2016

10 Lies Secretary of State Kerry Told During His Big Middle East Peace Speech

On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech on his proposed plan for peace between Israelis and Arabs. His plan: blame the Jews, pretend that Palestinian terrorism and incitement isn’t representative of the actual Palestinian government, and then blather for 69 more minutes. His speech razed facts to the ground in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.
Here were ten of the worst lies and lies-by-omission Kerry purveyed in his ode to lying and self-indulgence:
1. Equating Jewish Settlements and Palestinian Terrorism. Israel has been wracked by a wave of stabbings and shootings and rocket attacks from Palestinian terrorists over the last two years. Kerry spent a few minutes on that, but only in order to draw moral equivalence with Jews building additional bathrooms in East Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. “The truth is that trends on the ground, violence, terrorism, settlement expansion, and the seemingly endless occupation, they are combining to destroy hopes for peace on both sides,” Kerry said. This is nonsense. Before there were any Jewish settlements – when Israel did not control Judea, Samaria, or Gaza – the Palestine Liberation Organization called for the “liberation” of Palestine, meaning the complete destruction of Israel. The problem isn’t people building homes. It’s Palestinians murdering Jews, and refusing to accept that any home built by a Jew ought to exist in the Middle East.

A shameful end to the Obama foreign policy.

by Elliott Abrams
In the Obama administration's waning days, global challenges to American interests abound. In Syria, which will be a bloody stain on the reputations of Barack Obama and John Kerry, the killing continues. The effort to free Mosul from ISIS is slowing. The rise of Iranian influence in the Gulf and the Levant, of China in Asia and the western Pacific, and of Putin's Russia in both Europe and the Middle East, all continue. One might have thought any of these could be the subject of a final address by the president or the secretary of state.
But one would have been wrong. John Kerry delivered what is probably the last major speech of the Obama administration Wednesday, and its subject was the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and especially the growth of Israeli settlements. So the Obama administration ends where it began: obsessed with Israelis and Palestinians as if their struggle were the key to peace in the entire region, and with construction of homes in settlements and in Jerusalem as if it were the major roadblock to a peace agreement.

9 questions about the UN vote on Israeli settlements you were too embarrassed to ask

A controversial new United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory has triggered a brutal and messy diplomatic fight between President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and now President-elect Donald Trump.
The war of words got even nastier Wednesday, when Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a high-profile speech warning that Netanyahu’s settlement policy could doom any chance at a peace deal and threaten Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state.
“The status quo is leading toward one state and perpetual occupation,” Kerry warned. “The Israeli prime minister publicly supports a two-state solution, but his current coalition is the most right-wing in Israeli history, with an agenda driven by its most extreme element.”
Netanyahu immediately shot back that Kerry’s speech was “biased against Israel” and "obsessively focused" on settlements, and “barely touched upon the root of the conflict — Palestinian opposition to a Jewish state in any boundaries."
So who’s right? And why are both countries so angry? It’s a complex answer that involves geopolitical maneuvering, international legal issues, and a healthy dose of seemingly nonsensical diplomatic language, so you’d be forgiven for feeling a little bit lost trying to sort out exactly what’s going on.
If so, don’t worry: We’ve got you covered. What follows is a simple guide to the whole kerfuffle.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Kerry's Last slap and lies about Israel

Kerry: "Israel can either be Jewish or Democratic ....it cannot be both"
Din: What?    What the hell is he talking about?

Note: Kerry just drew a direct equivalence between Hamas terrorism in Gaza and Israeli settlements in West Bank

Kerry: The Israeli government is the most right wing in history. Driven by its extreme elements."
Din: From an administration who won't say: "Islamic Extremists"

Note: John Kerry entered public life 45 years ago slandering his fellow American servicemen. He leaves it slandering America's finest ally...

Clearly the only way to solve the Middle East crisis is to create another terror state backed by Iran.

Kerry: "Let's be clear .... settlement expansion has nothing to do with Israel's security" 

Kerry is delusional .... he promises that if Israel created Hamasistan, Muslim nations would ally with Israel 

Kerry spent 30 seconds on terrorism, and he spent 20 minutes on settlements!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Obama is not finished with Israel yet.... will impose 2 state solution?

Israel fears that the United States and France want to advance another move on the Israeli-Palestinian issue before President Obama leaves office on January 20.
A senior official in Jerusalem said that during Sunday’s security cabinet meeting, ministers were presented with an assessment that during the international foreign ministers’ meeting scheduled for January 15 in Paris as part of the French peace initiative, a series of decisions on the peace process will be made. These will immediately be brought to the UN Security Council for a vote and will be adopted there before January 20.
The move presented to the ministers led Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to tell the Likud ministers during their subsequent meeting that Friday’s vote in the Security Council on the settlements was not the end of the story and that there are liable to be other steps taken by the international community, the official added.
Representatives of the Foreign Ministry, the National Security Council and others who attended the security cabinet meeting presented information indicating that the trend in talks between France, the U.S. and other countries in preparation for the foreign ministers’ meeting tended toward advancing such a move, he added.  
According to the information that Israel has, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry wants to utilize the foreign ministers’ parley, which will be attended by representatives of dozens of countries, to deliver an address that presents his vision for the two-state solution. The senior official said that Israel fears this address will include American principles for resolving the core issues of borders, refugees, security arrangements and Jerusalem. 
“The Foreign Ministry and the National Security Council spoke about information to the effect that what is planned is that the foreign ministers’ meeting in Paris will make a summary decision that will be adopted by the Quartet [on the Middle East] and by the UN Security Council before January 20,” the senior official said. “Israel believes this is an operative plan and the assumption is that the Americans are leading it all, together with the French.”
t was such a fear about the foreign ministers’ meeting in Paris that led Netanyahu to instruct his ministers to avoid public statements to the media about launching a wave of settlement construction or annexing parts of the West Bank in response to Friday’s Security Council resolution. 
“The effort now is to see how to prevent such a move at the Paris conference,” the senior official said. “That’s why there is no need to provoke and no need to do anything to add fuel to this.”
Earlier on Sunday, Netanyahu summoned the American ambassador to Israel to clarify matters over the UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. Netanyahu has also stepped up the diplomatic response to the UN vote and ordered the government to reduce ties with the 12 countries that supported the resolution.

Ezra "Kapo" Friedlander Tuches Lekks Ben Rhodes, Who Blames Israel for UN Resolution

Ezra Friedlaner (Shmuck in the Middle) Ben Rohdes (Obama's Stick against Jews) Second from left

Ezra Friedlander the Jewish "Back Stabber" can't wait to stay away from anyone who hates the Jewish State .... in this photo at the Obama Chanukah party, you can see him tuches lekking the Israel Hater, Ben Rhodes, Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor ...

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes pointed to Israel’s settlement building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a key reason for the failure of a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
“And in that context, we therefore thought that we could not in good conscience veto a resolution that expressed concerns about the very trends that are eroding the foundation for a two-state solution,” Rhodes told reporters in a phone call Friday.

Danny Dannon Complete Smackdown of the Anti-Israel UN Resolution

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Obama’s appalling UN betrayal

Friday’s failure to veto an anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations sets a new low in the annals of American diplomacy.
It was a shocking betrayal of a firm US ally, and of longstanding bipartisan US policy — a sneaky, dishonest move by a lame-duck president to express his pique at the president-elect and land a final vindictive blow on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In the process, he sought to tie his successor’s hands in a way that no past president — especially his own predecessor, George W. Bush — has ever before done.
President Obama has now empowered the economic war against Israel, just to get even with a leader who dared to defend his own country’s best interests.
A day earlier, Egypt had withdrawn its support for the extremist, one-sided resolution condemning all Israeli activity beyond the 1967 cease-fire lines. That’s when Team Obama spread the word that it would’ve abstained — which prompted Israel’s enemies to revive it for Friday’s vote, where Washington indeed declined to veto.
Never mind that it was virtually identical to a 2011 resolution that Obama’s diplomats did veto, on the ground that the issue of settlements and borders should be decided in direct negotiations, not by a UN-imposed diktat.
Or that successive US presidents — Republican and Democrat alike — have used Washington’s veto power precisely to limit the UN’s involvement in the peace process.
As then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice said in 2011, American’s abstention was not an endorsement of settlement activity but a recognition that such a resolution “could encourage the parties to stay out of negotiations.” On Friday, though, she claimed “the situation has changed.”
Nonsense: The Palestinians still refuse to negotiate without preconditions and unilateral Israeli concessions. Good luck getting them to the table now.
Remember the furor when Trump broke with past practice — not US policy — by taking a call from Taiwan’s democratically elected president? Watch and see who slams Obama’s far greater violation of the bipartisan consensus.
Obama went ahead with this stab in the back of an ally despite the pleading of top Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill. He plainly just had to get even with Netanyahu, and with Trump — whose public intercession Thursday seemed to have indefinitely postponed the vote. Would Obama have abstained if a President-elect Hillary Clinton asked him to veto? Absolutely not.
This measure doesn’t just criticize or condemn Israeli settlements, which Obama (like his predecessors) has done repeatedly. It declares any and all Israeli activity across the Green Line — including in the Old City of Jerusalem and at Jewish holy sites like the West Wall — “illegal” and subject to international action.
In short, it’s a major step in the campaign to delegitimize the state of Israel and subject it to boycott and sanctions.
Which is why the resolution was denounced across the Israeli political spectrum, including by the leader of Netanyahu’s opposition, who called it “dangerous and harmful.”
Again, it also breaks with consensus US policy — which is presumably why the Obama crowd sprang it as a surprise, though it had to have been in the works for months, even as top Obama officials denied rumors of a coming betrayal.
Fortunately, a new president takes over in three weeks — one who doesn’t consider the UN to be a productive body and is in no rush to bend over backward to Palestinian demands.
Trump vowed Friday that “things will be different” once he takes over. We’re counting on it.
As for Barack Obama, it’s a sorry exit. But it’s par for the course for a president who has made everything all about him and his perceived slights. Which is why he’s bungled foreign policy in general — and the Middle East in particular — over the past eight years.
What a profoundly sad — and dangerous — legacy. By every measure, he has taken a giant step away from any chances for peace and betrayed a key ally. Just for some petty personal revenge.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Obama Stabs Jews in the Back and Lets Anti-Israel UN Resolution Stand!

In a dramatic vote the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements proposed by Egypt Thursday. 

The United States abstained. 
 vote with 14 for, and 1 against the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements proposed by Egypt Thursday. 

The United States abstained.