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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Media BAFFLED By Motives of Self-Declared Islamic Terrorist at Ohio State

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Tuesday, nearly a full day after Islamic terrorist Abdul Razak Ali Artan ran a car into a group of students and then hopped out with a butcher’s knife and began hacking away, CNN still can’t uncover a motive. 
Here’s CNN’s headline: 
“Students back in class at Ohio State; investigators search for knife attack motive.” 
Ohio Governor John Kasich – OH GOD NO PLEASE GOD NO NOT JOHN KASICH – has now announced “we may never find out” why Artan committed this act of terrorism.
I have a hot lead.
It’s called Facebook.
Here was Artan’s post just before entering into a personal jihad against Americans:
Law enforcement official tells @ShimonPro this is text from a Facebook post believed to be by suspect in OSU attack
But the media have decided to make this about discrimination against Muslims. Here’s CNN: “Back in August, Ohio State's student-run newspaper profiled Artan as part of its ‘Humans of Ohio State’ series. He had just transferred from Columbus State and talked about his struggles to find a place to pray in peace on the large campus.” They neglect to mention that at the end of the profile, Artan admits he engaged in prayer in the open with no consequences. Which is normal. 
As an Orthodox Jew, I pray three times a day; in the mornings, I pray with tallis (prayer shawl) and tefillin (phylacteries). I have never been bothered or approached while praying in public everywhere from campuses to airports. This is America, the most tolerant country on planet earth. But the media must pretend that Artan was a victim of the West rather than a perpetrator against it.
That springs from a deep-seated need to cast Western civilization in a negative light. The media did the same thing after a spate of attacks in France – an enormous series of stories broke about how France had not been tolerant enough toward new Muslim immigrants. Because the left’s chief priority in life is equality of outcome, and because the left believes that actions should have no connection with consequences, the left must connect all unhappiness and suffering not with individual decision making but with The System. And The System is Islamophobic, which is why Artan was so upset.
Or, alternatively, we may never know why this Islamic terrorist committed an act of Islamic terrorism.
Want to know why Trump won? Because of this sort of nonsense. We all know why Artan committed an act of terrorism. It wasn’t because of lack of gun control or the evils of income inequality or any other stupid reason those who purposefully attempt to obscure the truth suggest. It was because of radical Islam. At least Trump will say the words, unlike cowards of both left and right.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Trump no longer ruling out Hillary Email Criminal Investigation ...following Hillary Joining Recount Effort

Hillary Escapes Justice
A senior Donald Trump adviser is calling Hillary Clinton’s decision to join a recount effort “incredible” and noting that the president-elect has not ruled out pursuing a criminal investigation into his former Democratic rival.

Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway told CNN’s “State of the Nation” that Trump has not ruled out a criminal probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state, even though Trump recently indicated he’d rather not do so.
Conway said, “He’s been incredibly gracious and magnanimous to Secretary Clinton at a time when, for whatever reason, her folks are saying they will join in a recount to try to somehow undo the 70-plus electoral votes that he beat her by.”
She added, “The idea that we are going to drag this out now where the president-elect has been incredibly magnanimous to the Clintons and to the Obamas is pretty incredible.”
Trump took to Twitter Sunday morning to condemn the Green-Party backed recount effort as “a scam.” Clinton’s team joined the effort in Wisconsin after Green Party nominee Jill Stein filed paperwork formally requesting a recount.

Muslims are Trying To Burn Israel to The Ground and Obama and The Liberal Media are Silent


And this report from Israel Matzav will make you ANGRY
Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed ‘most pro-Israel administration evah’ has been silent.
Now a report is finally emerging that a U.S. asset is deploying to Israel to help fight the fires. But it’s not assistance being provided by the U.S. government. The Israeli government has arranged with the company Global SuperTanker to send its unique Boeing 747 supertanker firefighting aircraft to Israel for support. The plane will arrive on Friday.
Public communications about the supertanker’s deployment have been somewhat stilted – in contrast to the simple, heartfelt thanks expressed by the Israeli government to the foreign governments that have stepped up to provide assistance.
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, put it this way, regarding the deployment from Global SuperTanker:
“It needs to be understood that the firefighting planes currently being used are not able to operate overnight. There is only one plane that has this ability, and that is the Supertanker. I instructed that it be brought here. It will take 24 hours to come from the US. We only use it in extreme situations. We don’t use it for everything but I prefer that we have too much rather than too little,” said Netanyahu.



Rav Shternbuch: "We have Fires not because of Arsonists but Because of Chillul Shabbos!

Rav Shernbuch, the fanatic leader of a handful of Neturei Karta, who recently turned on him because he allowed a developer to build in Beit Shemesh, said that the recent fires in Israel are not because of any arsonists but because of those who are Mechalleil Shabbos!

Harav Kook said the fires happened because of a Tzaddik [Berland] (who admitted that he is a rapist) sitting in jail!

The Palestinians are saying the fires are because the Israelis are finally stopping the Arabs from using megaphones to call for prayer!

Satmar already said that "Zionism" is the cause, though they blamed the murder of 6 million Jews also on the Zionists, and they would have blamed the two Churban Bais Hamikdashs' and the expulsion of Jews in England and Spain, and the Inquisition, and the Crusades and the Cheleminski Pogroms on the Zionists, except the Zionists didn't exist then ..

Tomorrow there will be Gedoilim that will say that it is because of the Reform Jews at the Kotel!

I say its because of  terrorists, who hate Jews ...and who are trying to destroy Israel...and who need to be thrown out of the country if not destroyed!
We are forgetting the Chazal:

כל המרחם על אכזרים, סופו שיתאכזר על רחמנים

Hoped you looked into the Herring this Shabbos! Worker losses hand in Flaum's Factory!

Flaum Appetizing, which makes hummus and kosher food, did not immediately respond to Dailymail.com's request for comment
A worker at a New York food factory lost his hand in a piece of machinery after it was mangled in a grinder, according to officials and witnesses.

The unidentified man reportedly lost his right hand while working at Flaum Appetizing in Brooklyn when the workplace accident occurred around noon Friday.

At the time, he had been putting fish in the grinder and at several points had turned it off and removed the cover to check on the fish, a coworker told the New York Daily News.
However, he apparently forgot to turn it off the last time when his hand got stuck in the machinery, the co-worker said.

He was transported to Elmhurst Hospital where he is being treated for trauma to a limb, a New York City Fire Department spokesman told Dailymail.com.

The man, believed to be in his 40s, is in stable condition and his injuries are serious but non-life threatening, the spokesman said.

Flaum Appetizing, which makes hummus and kosher food, did not immediately respond to Dailymail.com's request for comment.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Chareidim don't care about the fires ...make a protest to tie up traffic

Just as tens of thousands of people were being forced out of their homes due to massive fires around the country, a small group caused thousands of people to be inconvenienced in the heart of Jerusalem. 

The group walked into the middle of Kikar Shabbos, bringing traffic to a screeching halt, causing dozens upon dozens of packed buses to be stopped, and hundreds of private cars to be stuck in gridlock traffic.

These protesters are the regulars that take to the streets, burning the city down, disrupting traffic, inconveniencing thousands of people from getting to and from work, school, doctors appointments, Yeshiva, Kollel, shopping or anything else.

 Naturally, when confronted today by the bus drivers, they scream “NAZIS!” 

Not to worry, whatever the protest was about, it was done “Lishem Shomayim

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Putin Sending 2 Giant Firefighting Planes to Israel

The Beriev Be-200 waterbomber

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday spoke by telephone with Russian President Vladimir Putin who acceded to Israel’s request for assistance in extinguishing the wave fires plaguing the country and promised to immediately send two giant Beriev be-200 firefighting aircraft to save the day.
The Beriev Be-200 Altair is a multipurpose amphibious aircraft designed by the Beriev Aircraft Company and manufactured by Irkut. Marketed for fire fighting, search and rescue, maritime patrol, cargo, and passenger transportation, it has a capacity of 12 tons (3,170 gallons) of water, or up to 72 passengers.
Beriev developed unique fire-fighting equipment for the Be-200, allowing it to scoop water while skimming the water surface at 90-95% of takeoff speed. This system was developed using a specially modified Be-12P, coded “12 Yellow.”
In 2006 the Be-200 was leased by the Portuguese Fire Fighting Services for evaluation during the forest fire season. On July 6, 2006, the Russian crew of the Be-200 were carrying out a water pick-up from the Aguieira dam near Santa Comba Dão, when on climbing away they clipped treetops and at least one of the engines suffered ingestion damage and had to be shut down.
In October 2006, two Be-200 were leased to Indonesia to fight fires for 45 days, to the tune of $5.2 million. These operations prompted press reports that the Indonesian government had agreed to purchase two Be-200s, each with a projected price of $40 million. China bought 4 Be-200 during Zhuhai Airshow 2016.
Two Be-200 also operated in Greece, fighting the 2007 forest fires for the entire season.
In August 2016 two Be-200s were sent to Portugal to help in extinguishing forest fires. Four days later it was reported that thanks to the work of the Russian pilots, the fire was prevented from spreading in the direction of two settlements — Castro Laboreiro with a population of 1,000 people and Viaden de Baixo, where 15 farms were saved from fire, and Peneda-Gerês National Park.
Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked Russian President Putin for the response and the assistance.

ADL & Senator Shumer ignore Ellison anti-Semitism, attack pro-Israel Bannon

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The Vicious Anti-Semite Keith Ellison
It seems that with each passing day, more information comes to light about the alarming anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, and extremist radical Islamist involvements and positions of Muslim U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison a/k/a Keith X. Ellison a/k/a Keith Hakim a/k/a Keith Ellison Muhammed (D-Minn.) - which should disqualify Ellison from heading the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for which he is the Senator Schumer-supported leading contender.  
Ethical issues have also come to the fore.
On Monday, we learned that the House of Representatives Ethics Committee had opened an investigation into Rep. Ellison (D., Minn.) after he failed to disclose that the Muslim American Society - a group that Muslim Brotherhood members founded to be the “overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.” - paid $13,350 for Ellison to visit Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 2008.  (See Muslim Brotherhood-Tied Group Paid for Keith Ellison to Visit Mecca in 2008: Group was founded as 'overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.',” by Brent Scher, Washington Free Beacon, Nov. 21, 2016.)   The Muslim Brotherhood is the “parent” organization of Hamas, al Qaeda and other terrorist entities.  Egypt, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, the UAE, and Kuwait have all designated the Muslim Brotherhood to be a terrorist organization. 
Last week, my organization, the ZOA, published a release, urging that Ellison should not be appointed to head the DNC.  Per the extensive sources cited in ZOA’s release, Ellison’s dangerous positions and involvements, have included the following:  

  • During a Democracy Now! TV  interview, Ellison suggested that the Israeli “occupation” was to blame for a “humanitarian crisis” and lack of sewage processing in Gaza – while ignoring that Israel withdrew from every inch of Gaza, and that Hamas diverts the electricity needed to operate Gaza’s sewage treatment plant to Hamas’s terrorist tunnels and operations.

  • Also in 2016, Ellison tweeted a sign falsely accusing Israel of expropriation and “apartheid.”  And just two months ago, Ellison defended the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) on the House floor.  ISNA is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case, involved in funneling money to Hamas.

  • In 2015, Ellison co-authored and spearheaded a letter (and obtained signatures on the letter of 23 Democratic Members of Congress) demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress about the Iran deal be delayed until after the sanctions deadline – when the visit would have been useless.  

  • In 2014, Ellison was one of only 8 Congresspersons who voted against the bi-partisan bill to provide $225 million to Israel’s “Iron dome” missile system.  Ellison’s position would have left innocent Israeli civilians at the mercy of Hamas rockets.  

  • In 2012, Ellison traveled from Minnesota to raise funds and speak at mosques in New Jersey, urging Arab-American residents of New Jersey to defeat pro-Israel Democratic Jewish Congressman Steve Rothman. 

  • In 2010, Ellison spearheaded and convinced 53 other Democratic Congresspersons to sign his infamous “Gaza 54” letter to President Obama, which falsely accused Israel of humiliating and wreaking “collective punishment” on Gaza residents and demanded that President Obama should pressure Israel to lift the Gaza blockade – thereby enabling Hamas to obtain more weapons to kill and terrorize innocent Israeli civilians. 

  • The leading anti-Israel, anti-Semitic boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) group in the U.S. still uses the anti-Israel smears in Ellison’s “Gaza 54” letter to promote BDS. 

  • In a 2010 Democracy Now! Interview, Ellison also argued that the U.S. should not kill a leading terrorist located in Yemen, who was responsible for numerous deaths of Americans and was continuing to foment some of the worst terror attacks on Americans, because the terrorist would consider his own death to be a “reward.” 

  • Ellison also received substantial campaign contributions from groups tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, spoke at Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) dinners, and defended CAIR on the House floor.   Materials handed out at CAIR’s 2008 dinner (where Ellison spoke) called America a terrorist organization, and called for the destruction of Israel and the United States.  CAIR is another unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case, involved in funneling money to Hamas.

  • In 2007, Ellison analogized President Bush’s prosecution of the war on terror after 9/11 to Hitler’s rise to power and activities after the Reichstag fire.  

  • From approximately 1989 until at least 1998, Ellison was an active leader in Louis Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic Nation of Islam.  Ellison raised funds and led anti-police chants to support cop-killers; co-sponsored a vicious anti-Semitic speech by Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), entitled “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?” while ignoring Jewish law students’ pleas to Ellison not to sponsor the speech; and spoke at a public hearing on behalf of the Nation of Islam in support of a woman alleged to have said “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.“  

  • Back in 2007, the ADL criticized Ellison’s analogy of President Bush to Hitler.  

    However, the ADL is utterly silent about Ellison now – when the leadership and direction of the Democratic party is at risk of falling into the hands of someone with a longstanding record of anti-Semitic, anti-Israel activities.  Instead of calling out the real danger from Ellison, the ADL has been busy falsely accusing President-elect Trump’s appointee Stephen Bannon of anti-Semitism.ADL’s failure to condemn Ellison’s overwhelming record of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activities displays rank partisanship, and is an abdication of the ADL’s stated mission of combatting anti-Semitism.

    The ZOA thus again urges the ADL to join us in speaking out against appointing Ellison to the extraordinarily powerful position of head of the DNC.
  • Morton A. Klein is the President of the Zionist Organization of America.

Shin Bet Makes Arrests as Palestinian Arson Terrorism is Suspected!


4:16PM IL: Every emergency agency in Israel is focused on assisting in battling the fires in the Haifa district and elsewhere in Israel or addressing the needs of over 60,000 homeless, victims of the fires.
In his press statements a short time ago, 

Police Commissioner Alsheich ordered the establishment of a special investigation team into the fires over recent days, a unit that will combine the expertise of intelligence, operational, technological, forensic technicians and other units. One may assume Israel Police will be cooperating with the Shin Bet, which announced it too is probing the possibility the arson that led to the blazes was Palestinian terror.

Hardest hit in Israel is the Haifa district, where over 7,500 duman (1,875 acres) of forest land has been destroyed. There are still five fronts being battled in Haifa, all described as “giant fires that continue burning out of control”.

In updated statements released to the media, the Shin Bet is working on the premise the fires were the result of Palestinian terrorist arson. Channel 10 News adds that there are already suspects in custody. Two of the suspects in custody are reportedly students at the University of Haifa but this is yet unconfirmed.

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan promises persons responsible for the arson attacks will be apprehended and brought to justice.

Some fire-related briefs:
• Bnei Tzion Hospital information number: 12-55-142
• Train service between Binyamina to Hadera still interrupted but officials hope to resume service soon
• The last of the patients from geriatric center being evacuated
• 105 persons required medical attention due to fires
• Forecasters expect unseasonably high winds to continue through Shabbos
• Police spokesman: While there is a fire in the Shar HaGuy area, Route 1, the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway remains open, despite unfounded reports to the contrary a bit earlier
• An Arab trying to start a fire near Kochav Yaakov in the Binyamin Council of the Shomron apprehended in time
• Rock-throwing attacks against Israeli motorists continue at this hour near Kiryat Arba

Arab social media ablaze with 'Israel is burning' posts celebrating fires

kuwaiti sheikh twitter

Arab social media (may they all burn in hell) was on Thursday were rife with inflammatory celebratory reactions in light of the myriad of brush fires that have been blazing across central and northern Israel since Tuesday.

Dry conditions and high winds have spread the flames across the central and northern regions of Israel as well as parts of the West Bank

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud) said Thursday morning that he suspected that up to half of the fires had be intentionally ignited by arsonists. Meanwhile, Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi) suggested that those who set them could not be Jewish.
"Tel_Aviv_IsBurning" was the most common Arabic hashtag trending on Arab social media platforms on Thursday morning. 

One of the most proliferous tweets was published by a police officer in Abu Dabi that read "Israel has prevented the muezzin calls to prayer, and then it was engulfed in fire." 

In addition social media networks in Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf emirates were also saturated with posts that indicated that the fires were nature's retribution over an controversial Israel billto ban outside loudspeakers from places of worship, such as the likes used in the five-time daily call to prayer by mosques. 

The imam of Kuwait's Grand Mosque, Sheikh Mishary Alfasy Rashid, also chimed in issuing incendiary remarks to his following of 11 million on Twitter. 

"Good luck to the fires. #Israel_Is Burning," he wrote in an Arabic Twitter post accompanied by a smiling face icon and various photographs of the daily fires across the country. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Zionist funding for yeshivas reaches new high ...$303 Million Dollars!!!!!!!!!!

Extra funds for yeshivas brings total level of subsidies to 1.17 billion shekels per year. That's $302 Million a Year ...

Yeshiva students
The Zionist State of Israel are the biggest supporters of Torah, unmatched in the entire history of the Jewish people! So how much did the Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib,  bring this past year?? Oh 5 Million..... 
Just a thought...

Public funding for religious institutions of higher learning reached new heights on Sunday, when the coalition approved an additional 48 million shekels ($12.4 million) for yeshivas.

With the injection of cash, the government’s funding of yeshivas broke the previous record, set just half a year ago, with a total of 1.17 billion shekels ($302 million) spent annually supporting the religious institutions.

The new level of funding represents a significant increase over the past few years. The previous all-time record was set this June, when government funding for yeshivas passed 1.119 billion shekels ($290 million). In real money terms, the increase was even greater, as the past six months have had an average inflation rate of negative 0.5%.

Before June, government spending for yeshivas peaked in 2011, with 1.032 billion shekels ($270 million).
But following cuts during Yair Lapid’s (Yesh Atid) term as Finance Minister, the budget for yeshivas fell to just 564 million shekels ($146 million) in 2014.

By the beginning of 2016, however, that figure had grown 74%, to 984 million shekels ($254 million). With the addition 48 million shekels ($12.4 million) allocated on Sunday, the total increase in the yeshiva budget from 2014 to 2016 stands at 107%, or more than double the level two years ago.
Much of the increase over the past two years stems from haredi coalition demands to increase funding for foreign yeshiva students studying in Israeli institutions.

While in the past such students received just 60% of the funding native Israeli students received, non-citizen yeshiva students now get 95% of the amount provided for Israelis. Many of these students, especially in the Religious Zionist sector, remain or return later to make their homes in Israel.
During Lapid’s term as Finance Minister from 2013 to 2014, a new requirement obligating foreign yeshiva students to participate in a special Education Ministry program in order to receive funding drastically reduced the number of students on the government rolls. Upon the new government’s formation, that requirement was dropped, and the number of students receiving funding has risen.

Separate from the budget allocated for yeshivas are the monthly stipends given to married yeshiva students. If approved, the stipends will add another 100 million shekels to the yeshiva budget, bringing the total to 1.27 billion shekels ($330) per year.

Torah study in Israel has blossomed, with the country having the largest number of yeshiva students in any country in the world, more than were in all of Europe before the Holocaust.