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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Arab social media ablaze with 'Israel is burning' posts celebrating fires

kuwaiti sheikh twitter

Arab social media (may they all burn in hell) was on Thursday were rife with inflammatory celebratory reactions in light of the myriad of brush fires that have been blazing across central and northern Israel since Tuesday.

Dry conditions and high winds have spread the flames across the central and northern regions of Israel as well as parts of the West Bank

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud) said Thursday morning that he suspected that up to half of the fires had be intentionally ignited by arsonists. Meanwhile, Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi) suggested that those who set them could not be Jewish.
"Tel_Aviv_IsBurning" was the most common Arabic hashtag trending on Arab social media platforms on Thursday morning. 

One of the most proliferous tweets was published by a police officer in Abu Dabi that read "Israel has prevented the muezzin calls to prayer, and then it was engulfed in fire." 

In addition social media networks in Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf emirates were also saturated with posts that indicated that the fires were nature's retribution over an controversial Israel billto ban outside loudspeakers from places of worship, such as the likes used in the five-time daily call to prayer by mosques. 

The imam of Kuwait's Grand Mosque, Sheikh Mishary Alfasy Rashid, also chimed in issuing incendiary remarks to his following of 11 million on Twitter. 

"Good luck to the fires. #Israel_Is Burning," he wrote in an Arabic Twitter post accompanied by a smiling face icon and various photographs of the daily fires across the country. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Zionist funding for yeshivas reaches new high ...$303 Million Dollars!!!!!!!!!!

Extra funds for yeshivas brings total level of subsidies to 1.17 billion shekels per year. That's $302 Million a Year ...

Yeshiva students
The Zionist State of Israel are the biggest supporters of Torah, unmatched in the entire history of the Jewish people! So how much did the Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib,  bring this past year?? Oh 5 Million..... 
Just a thought...

Public funding for religious institutions of higher learning reached new heights on Sunday, when the coalition approved an additional 48 million shekels ($12.4 million) for yeshivas.

With the injection of cash, the government’s funding of yeshivas broke the previous record, set just half a year ago, with a total of 1.17 billion shekels ($302 million) spent annually supporting the religious institutions.

The new level of funding represents a significant increase over the past few years. The previous all-time record was set this June, when government funding for yeshivas passed 1.119 billion shekels ($290 million). In real money terms, the increase was even greater, as the past six months have had an average inflation rate of negative 0.5%.

Before June, government spending for yeshivas peaked in 2011, with 1.032 billion shekels ($270 million).
But following cuts during Yair Lapid’s (Yesh Atid) term as Finance Minister, the budget for yeshivas fell to just 564 million shekels ($146 million) in 2014.

By the beginning of 2016, however, that figure had grown 74%, to 984 million shekels ($254 million). With the addition 48 million shekels ($12.4 million) allocated on Sunday, the total increase in the yeshiva budget from 2014 to 2016 stands at 107%, or more than double the level two years ago.
Much of the increase over the past two years stems from haredi coalition demands to increase funding for foreign yeshiva students studying in Israeli institutions.

While in the past such students received just 60% of the funding native Israeli students received, non-citizen yeshiva students now get 95% of the amount provided for Israelis. Many of these students, especially in the Religious Zionist sector, remain or return later to make their homes in Israel.
During Lapid’s term as Finance Minister from 2013 to 2014, a new requirement obligating foreign yeshiva students to participate in a special Education Ministry program in order to receive funding drastically reduced the number of students on the government rolls. Upon the new government’s formation, that requirement was dropped, and the number of students receiving funding has risen.

Separate from the budget allocated for yeshivas are the monthly stipends given to married yeshiva students. If approved, the stipends will add another 100 million shekels to the yeshiva budget, bringing the total to 1.27 billion shekels ($330) per year.

Torah study in Israel has blossomed, with the country having the largest number of yeshiva students in any country in the world, more than were in all of Europe before the Holocaust.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mohamed Arrested for Trying to Ram a Garbage Truck Into Times Square

Uber Driver Mohamed Rafik Naji Accused of Times Square Terror Plot

A New York City man was arrested for plotting a terror attack on Times Square and attempting to join ISIS five times, according to a complaint that was unsealed Monday.

Mohamed Rafik Naji, 37 of Brooklyn, was charged with providing material support to a terrorist organization after traveling to Turkey and Yemen between March and September of last year in an attempt to join ISIS, the New York Post reported.
According to emails he exchanged with his girlfriend back in the U.S., he said he faced problems getting into ISIS-controlled areas and hit her up for money to fund his quest to become a terrorist.
“It’s very hard to get in I’m on my 5 try its difficult mad po po military and ppl here very scared,” he allegedly wrote to his girlfriend.
“Hunny 1 last favor $2 grand for plane ticket and to get back I promise I’ll pay u back when I get there,” he wrote her on April 4, 2015. “It’s hard then [sic] I thought m [sic] tired hiding n mountains for 3 weeks it’s very very hard wallah,” he added using the Arabic expression for “I promise by God.”
Naji was caught on wiretaps discussing with a confidential source on how to bomb Times Square shortly after the terror attacks in Nice, France in July.
“I was saying if there is a truck, I mean a garbage truck and one drives it there to Times-Square and crushes them shshshshshsh…Times-Square day,” he allegedly told the source on July 19.
“They want an operation in Times-Square, reconnaissance group already put out a scene, the Islamic State already put up scenes of Times-Square, you understand. I said that was an indication for whoever is smart to know,” he added.
Naji pledged his support for ISIS on Facebook, the complaint said.
Naji is expected to be in court on Monday.
The FBI has warned of potential terror threats on Thanksgiving, along with the Department of Homeland Security.

An Ohio man was arrested for attempting to join ISIS earlier this month.

Chinese drink "Holy" water by Kotel!

Trump Not President Yet and already Pardoned a Turkey

Hillary Corruption
President-elect Donald Trump won’t subject Hillary Clinton to a criminal inquiry — instead, he’ll help her heal, his spokeswoman said Tuesday.
“I think when the president-elect who’s also the head of your party … tells you before he’s even inaugurated he doesn’t wish to pursue these charges, it sends a very strong message, tone and content, to the members,” Kellyanne Conway told the hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” who first reported that the president-elect would not pursue his campaign pledge to “lock up” Clinton, his Democratic opponent.
“Look, I think, he’s thinking of many different things as he prepares to become the president of the United States, and things that sound like the campaign are not among them,” Conway, who is now on the Trump transition team, said in her interview.
She continued: “I think Hillary Clinton still has to face the fact that a majority of Americans don’t find her to be honest or trustworthy, but if Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that’s a good thing.”
At the second presidential debate in October, Trump sounded a much harsher tone.
“If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception,” he vowed.

Berland: "'In Biblical times I would have been executed for what I did"

Rabbi Berland in hearing

A Jerusalem district court has approved the final plea bargain agreement for Shuvu Banim founder Rabbi Eliezer Berland.

Berland, who fled Israel after being accused in 2012 of sexually assaulting several female followers, was apprehended by South African authorities and extradited to Israel in July of this year.

While he previously denied the charges against him, on Tuesday he acknowledged his actions and expressed remorse for them.

“I regret, from the deepest part of my heart, and apologize to everyone whom I hurt, man or woman, male or female.”

As part of the plea bargain, Rabbi Berland will be sentenced to 18 months in prison, but will be credited with time served since he was taken into custody in July.

Rabbi Berland said he appreciated the “light” sentence he was handed down, comparing the jail term to the executions of two thousand years ago.

“For the things I did, back in the Biblical days, they would have stoned me or burned me to death. But today they’re lenient in the punishments, and I want to keep this [plea bargain] agreement.”

Trump Cancels Meeting With The "Lying" New York Times UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump accused the newspaper of changing the terms of the meeting

President-elect Donald Trump announced on Twitter on Tuesday that he had canceled his scheduled meeting with the "Lying" New York Times, accusing the newspaper of changing the terms and conditions of the meeting—an account theTimes, of course, disputed.
“I cancelled today’s meeting with the failing @nytimes when the terms and conditions of the meeting were changed at the last moment. Not nice,” Trump said. “Perhaps a new meeting will be set up with the @nytimes. In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!”
In a statement Tuesday morning, the Times contradicted Trump’s account, explaining that the president-elect had tried to cut an on-the-record portion of the meeting.
“We were unaware that the meeting was cancelled until we saw the President Elect’s tweet this morning. We did not change the ground rules at all and made no attempt to. They tried to yesterday—asking for only a private meeting and no on-the-record segment, which we refused to agree to,” the Times said in a statement. “In the end, we concluded with them that we would go back to the original plan of a small off the record session and a larger on the record session with reporters and columnists.”
Trump frequently uses Twitter to lash out at news outlets, particularly the Times, for their coverage of him. Tuesday’s Twitter tirade followed a meeting he hosted Monday with more than two dozen broadcast journalists, the New YorkTimes reported. The contents of the meeting were off-the-record and have largely remained confidential, but some in attendance told the Times that Trump used the meeting to criticize news networks and anchors for their coverage of his presidential campaign.

“Mr. Trump's staff has told us that the President Elect's meeting with The Times is on again. He will meet with our publisher off-the-record and that session will be followed by an on-the-record meeting with our journalists and editorial columnists,” Eileen Murphy, a spokeswoman for the paper, tweeted.

Donald Trump’s Early Thanksgiving – An Incredible Story About Anonymous Chessed That Trump Did

Image result for donald trump
[By Rabbi Hershy Z. Ten - President, Bikur Cholim Of Los Angeles] 

With the Jewish New Year just over a month behind us, and the long nights of winter closing in, Jewish communities throughout the world have begun their new cycle of the weekly Krias Hatorah. The parshios throughout sefer Bereishis describe the greatness of our Avos and the permanent impact they had on the world in which they lived, the children they bore, and the future of the Jewish people and humanity. The first of the Avos, Avraham Avinu, is presented to us as a majestic and benevolent individual who possessed an unsurpassed level of empathy.

Trump Calls Top Media to Meeting and tells them off!! "We’re in a room of liars"

Trump summons network executives and anchors from 'the dishonest media' to Trump Tower
Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post.
“It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.
“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.
“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.
A second source confirmed the fireworks.
“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said.
“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.
“Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”
The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration.
“[CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, ‘How do you propose we the media work with you?’ Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked ‘How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting.”
Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well.
“Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks,” she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. “Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days.”
The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.
The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC’s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC’s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz,
Also, CBS’ Norah O’Donnell John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News’ Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC’s Phil Griffin and CNN’s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett.
Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, plans to meet with Trump Tuesday.
There was no immediate comment from the Trump Team.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Is Trump Jewish? Senior Hamas guy says he is!

Mahmoud Zahar

Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Zahar has suggested that US President-elect Donald Trump is secretly a Jew.

In an interview with Al-Jazeera earlier this month, translated by MEMRI,  Zahar said that "Trump loves the Jews, and not only because he likes the Jewish religion. I do not rule out the possibility that he is a Jew.

"He loves the Jewish religion," Al-Zahhar continued, "and the most important thing in the Jewish religion is Jewish money."
Zahar then went on an antisemitic rant, saying that Harry Truman was bought by $2 million in "Jewish Money" and therefore recognized the State of Israel.

Zahar continued by saying that American culture was consumed by "unnatural violence...obscene language, obscene acts, obscene declarations and obscene attacks on other countries," adding that "that is the American culture and upbringing, that is their true religion."

Speaking to reporters in Gaza after Trump's win, the Islamist group's spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri, said: "The Palestinian people is not very much concerned about the changes in American policies towards the Palestinian cause because such a policy is constant and is based on bias in favor of the Israeli occupation. However, we urge the American President to re-evaluate this policy and to work on bringing justice to the Palestinians."

Trump has told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that if elected, the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, marking a potential dramatic shift in US policy.

Satmar gangsters call visiting Viznitzer Rebbe from Bnei Brak a "Rasha"

Yiddish loose Translation by DIN (only partially)

The Viznitzer Rebbe from Bnei-Brak just arrived in Willamsburg 

We are notifying our brothers, students and chassidim of our Holy Rabbi from Satmar, may his merit protect us,

To be warned not to have even the slightest idea to go to any of his welcome parties, G-d forbid!

Those who give him even the slightest honor are caught in the web of honoring "rashaim" which is one of the harshest sins!

Visnitz vote in the tumedikeh elections (of the State of Israel) that the Rebbe z"l said is one of those sins that one should allow himself to be killed rather than to vote!

Viznitz takes money from the Zionists that the Rebbe z"l says  is forbidden ...

Above all, it is known that the Moetzes Gedoilei HaTorah that the Viznitzer Rebbe is a member of, has approved the draft in the IDF which is Gezeiras Shmad .....which means that the Viznitzer Rebbe has a part in destroying Klall Yisrael!

Satmar goons protesting the Viznitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak!

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Its ok to make a Chillul Hashem by annexing parts of Monroe, antagonizing the gentile neighbors, but its not ok to honor a competing Rebbe from a different chassidus!

This minhag of embarrassing other Rabbonim goes back to pre ww2  days of Siget, Krula and Satmar ....
the chickens have  come back to roost!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Silent Majority ......"Techiyas Hameisim" (Awakening of the Dead)

Trump Silent Majority

This past week's Haftorah shows the difference between Sfardim and Ashkeneizim

Image result for Prophet Elisha

שם מסופר על האשה השונמית שבנה מת,  והיא הולכת לאלישע שיחייה את בנה, בעלה שואל אותה מדוע את הולכת אליו, לא חודש  ולא שבת, ותאמר שלום. *כאן מסיימים הספרדים* מספיק שהולכת לרב בטוח יחיה . *ואילו האשכנזים*  עד שלא רואים שאלישע החייה את הנער לא מסיימים את ההפטרה  *נקודה למחשבה*

In  the Haftorah (Melachim 4:1-37) that was read this Shabbos Parshas VaYeirah, we read two stories of  Shunamit Women, one  whose husband (the Prohet Ovadia) dies suddenly, and she goes to Elisha to complain that creditors are after her and Elisha takes care of the problem......

but in the second story we see a sharp contrast between Sfardim and Ashkeneizim....

We read about a childless Shunamite women, who is promised a son by Elisha, conceives and  gives birth to a boy, and the boy grows up but  suddenly dies still a child.... she then asks her husband (who has no knowledge that the child has died) "Please send me one of the attendants and one of the donkeys so that I can hurry to the man of G-d (Elisha)" 
Her husband asks: " Why are you going to him today? It is not Rosh Chodash, and it isn't Shabbos?"
She says : "All is well."

The Sfardim end the  reading of  the Haftorah here ..... where she is confident that everything will turn out great, since she had Amunas Tzaddikim and 100% trust in Elisha!

But The Ashkeneizim, who don't have this Amunah Peshuta .... must read on .....until they read that Elisha actually revived the child!
Very Interesting ..........

Aliza Scheinfeld Shares Letter of Encouragement For R' Moty Scheinfeld (52) Z"L

In the wake of the sudden and shocking passing of Rabbi Moty Scheinfeld (52) Z”L, his wife Aliza shared a heartfelt letter of thanks and encouragement of perseverance with the community.

“This week we experienced a shocking and horrible tragedy, the sudden loss of my dear husband R’ Mordechai Tzvi, Moty Scheinfeld, A”H. My family is heartbroken and we will never be the same. Although we are suffering, we know we will survive and live our lives again with the fondest memories of a great husband, father, and of course, a loving Zaidy.
It says that Hashem prepares the medicine before the illness. In our case, Hashem prepared the best medicine for us, our beautiful loving immediate and extended family and our amazing friends and neighbors here and the world over. I have received the warmest emails and messages via text and Whatsapp from people I know and those I do not know…. those who knew Moty and those who did not.
During this week, we were fed the most delicious and plentiful meals. Most of all, we were blown away by the hundreds of people who came to be Menachem us, sharing stories and memories of their relationships with Moty, either personal or professional. You gave us comfort and strength.
As we welcome Shabbos, I encourage you to celebrate Shabbos the way Moty celebrated Shabbos. Not only enjoying it because of its holiness but because of the special time with the family, singing, sharing stories of our individual weeks at school or work, and of course, lots of laughter and good times.
With tremendous thanks and wishes to you for a most Freilichen Shabbos,
Aliza Scheinfeld and family”

Rabbi Ben Zion Shenker Dies At 91

Image result for ben zion shenker
 One of the most gifted and inspired composers of Hassidic niggunim Rabbi Ben Tzion Shknker has passed away this morning at the age of 91.
Music has played an integral part of Shenker’s life since he was very young, including making a record at the age of 13, while performing on his own radio show and singing in a boy’s choir.
Shenker has composed roughly 500 songs in his lifetime, including “Eishes Chayil” (completed in 1953), “Mizmor L’David, Hashem ro’i” (composed in 1946), and “Yasis Alayich” (composed in 1965). In addition, he has published several records of the music of Modzitz – a Polish Chassidus – including the very first chassidic record in the United States, “Modzitzer Melave Malke,” released in 1956.

Recently dubbed “the greatest living figure of chassidic music” by NPR Radio.
Shenker served as prayer leader in a Brooklyn Modzitzer synagogue for five decades.
His funeral will be held today at the Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Borough Park at 1:00 PM this afternoon.