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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Khan's son was murdered by a Muslim ...but it's Trump's fault

Image result for khizr khan
Khizr Khan, the Muslim "Gold Star Father" who harangued Americans at the Democratic National Convention, with a mute, hijab-wearing wife at his side, is just another in a long string of human shields liberals send out to defend their heinous policies. The "Jersey Girls" were the classic example, first described in that magnificent book Godless: The Church of Liberalism

In order to shut down a debate they're losing, Democrats find victims to make their arguments for them, pre-empting counter-argument by droning on about the suffering of their victim-spokesperson. Alternative opinions must be preceded by proof that the speaker has "sacrificed" more than someone who lost a child, a husband, or whatever. 

by Ann Coulter
Khan's argument, delivered angrily and in a thick Pakistani accent at the DNC, is that "our" Constitution requires us to continue the nonstop importation of Muslims. 

If the U.S. Constitution required us to admit more than 100,000 Muslims a year -- as we do -- we'd already be living in Pakistan, and Khan wouldn't have had to move to get that nice feeling of home. So the "argument" part of Khan's point is gibberish. 

Antisemitic incidents rise by 62% in London ...Aliyah?

Time to make Aliyah .......
Antisemitic incidents across Britain increased by 11 per cent in the first six months of this year, with a shocking 62 per cent rise in London.
Figures published in a report by the Community Security Trust show that between January and the end of June there were 557 reported incidents, up from 500 in the first six months of 2015.
While London witnessed 379 incidents - up from 234 - in Manchester there was a sharp decline, with 62 reported cases representing a 54 per cent fall on the same period last year.
A quarter of nationwide incidents occurred on social media sites, which are now regarded as "an essential tool" in the repertoire of antisemites, according to CST.

Is this Ad in the "Monsey Community Connections" for a cat or a dog?

Are they training the Goita for the zoo or the circus? 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

14 year old Chareidie girl found in an attic in Meah Shearim, totally neglected

אילוסטרציה (פלאש 90)
The 14 year old 

קורע לב: בת 14 הוזנחה בביתה; "שמענו אותה צועקת בלילות"

Heart Breaker: 14 year old left neglected in her house ...
We heard her scream at night!

העובדת הסוציאלית ל'בחדרי': "מצאנו אותה בעליית גג שלא מתאימה למגורי אדם"

The social worker said "we found her in an attic that is not fit for human habitat" 

 לחלץ נערה חרדית כבת 14 מבית אביה לאחר שחיה במצב הזנחה קשה, ככל הנראה במשך תקופה ארוכה. האב, שחשוב לציין כי אינו חשוד במקרה, הוא זה שמתגורר בבית, והאם אינה בסביבה. הנסיבות, עדיין בבדיקה. 
A 14 year old Chareidie girl was rescued from her father's home, after being neglected for an extended period of time ....
it's important to note, that her father is not a suspect at this time; he lives in the house, however, her mother isn't around and officials are still trying to find out why.

מי שחילצה את הנערה היא העובדת הסוציאלית רותי שפירא מאגף הרווחה בעיריית ירושלים, בגיבוי השוטר הקהילתי אלון כהן וכוחת נוספים שהגיעו כליווי. הנערה על פי הרווחה, נמצאה כשעליה סימני אלימות, אך בעקבות מצבה הנפשי הגרוע לא ברור האם מדובר באלימות מצד האב או שמא הנערה עשתה זאת לעצמה. 

The social worker, Ruti Shapira, that works for Child Welfare found the girl with bruises, its not certain if her father is responsible for her wounds or if the wounds were self inflicted!

U.S. Sent 400 Million Cash Ransom to Iran as Americans Were Freed and he calls Trump Unfit?

Cash for Hostages
This accusation is from The Wall Street Journal
The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward.
Wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies were flown into Iran on an unmarked cargo plane, according to these officials. The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland, they said.

Obama Admin. Seeking Greater Distance From Israel

Image result for obama and arabs
The State Department’s latest assault on Israel is further proof of the Obama administration’s deep conviction that “more distancing between itself and Jerusalem is a good thing for the United States,” a top adviser to former US President George W. Bush told The Algemeiner on Monday.
“Its obsession with housing construction by Israeli Jews is certainly not shared by any Arab government, but it is apparently held by everyone working in the Near East Bureau,” said Elliott Abrams, a senior fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Washington, DC-based Council on Foreign Relations.
Abrams, who served as deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security advisor in the “Bush 43” administration, was referring back to his own counter-offensive against what he called the State Department’s “remarkable assault on Israel” last week, which, “both in tone and content, marks a new hostility – and plenty of sheer ignorance.”
In his blog “Pressure Points” on Thursday, Abrams blasted the American administration, after State Department spokesman John Kirby released a statementaccusing the Israeli government of “systematically undermining the prospects for a two-state solution,” by engaging in “settlement activity, which is corrosive to the cause of peace.”

Yehivah World Blog's Comments, talk just like the Meraglim

Image result for yeshiva world blog

In a post titled: "Rabbi Chaim Druckman: How Can Jews Still Be Living In The Diaspora?"

Rav Druckman, Rosh Yeshiva Bnei Akiva, questioned  “after all that has happened to the Jewish People, how is it possible that there are Jews still living in The Diaspora?”

Look at the hateful remarks that,  Bnei Torah, Yeshivish and Chassidish people are making in the comments section  ..
Just as if they were meraglim....
I am telling you that the Roshei Yeshivas and the Chassididhe Rebbes in Chutz L'aaretz have to rounded up and be taught our holy Torah all over again ....they are destroying generations of Jewish children!  They have done more damage to the Jewish soul than Ben Gurion!

Except for one blogger (the comment below)  "ZionGate" that said it perfectly, the rest of the comments could be posted in Al Jazirrah

ZionGate says:
From Chapter 4, EHS, Rav Teichtal H”YD :
Margeleh befumeei of Rav Sonnenfeld ZT”L;
Urei Betoov Yerushalayim; One always must see the good in EY, meaning the good aspects of it, and not chas vesholom be meragel like the meraglim. And they were meragel when there wasn’t a single Jew, al achas kama vekama when there is a kibbutz Yidden.
Orach Chayim : 17the of Ellul is a taanis tzaddikim because the meraglim died then.
Mogen Avraham asks: But, B’avod Reshoim Rina?
Shaloh Hakadosh answers that they were tzaddikim.
Hence we see that that even tzaddikim can be meraglim.
Please, watch how you demonize Eretz Yisroel, especially in the 3 weeks. Many things wrong ?? Make Aliya, encourage the masses to do the same, and fix it. In Galut it’s like avodah zarah. No charifus pilpul can deny it.

  • bargain4milenium@gmail.com says:
    Your see! Looking frum but in thr the head is KRUM.
  • sickofidiots says:
    The great Shofar to proclaim our freedom already sounded? Mashiach came already? How come I did not hear it? Silly me..
  • arizona says:
    Rabbi Chaim Druckman should read YWN. Every day there are new reasons not to live there.
  • Not getting involved says:
    Because America is a free country, at least for the moment, I think. Over here you can sit and learn Torah without being harassed by the Government. One is not forced to throw out his Yiddishkeit and join the army. One can go to work as a Charedie and not be discriminated against. Over here one can get along with our “not yet frum” brothers and sisters without all the hate. There aren’t all the tensions between the two and Kiruv rechokim is so much more pleasant and welcoming. Unfortunately in Israel it’s all the opposite.
    Btw, we’ve had generations of Gedolim/Rabbanim/Roshey Yeshiva /Rebbes etc… from all segments who did NOT move to Eretz Yisroel. When Moshiach comes and reveals himself, we’ll pick ourselves up and go.
  • bugnot says:
    Well for one, God cursed us. Hashem said that until the 3rd Bais Hamikdash is rebuilt, we will be spread among the other nations.
  • mendoza says:
    because yr goverment is corupted
    worrse then in the usa
  • kvetcher says:
    That’s a very good question. I’m not sure what to answer, but R’ Aharon Kotler, R’ Moshe Feinstein and R’ Yaakov Kaminetzky must have had a good reason. Of course there are many more names of Gedolim that could be included in the previous sentence.
  • rwndk1 says:
    With all due respect to Rav Druckman, I have been living in Eretz Yisrael for almost thirty years, would never consider going back, however there are reasons why at this point in history it is not for everyone.
    1) The lack of communal structure – say what you want about the yishuvim, the new communities they are trying, it is not the same. I have been there and I grew up in USA, it is just not the same. It is much more difficult here for a person to feel he belongs, to offer his services (even free of charge), and to get involved. When I was in High School, the school saw it as a responsibility to make sure a shiva-house had a minyan and would send a group for Mincha in the winter, here with the huge numbers, I see them flagging people down. A person wants to give a shiur who is not a great talmid chacham, in USA will have an audience, here probably not. Simchas – there people go and stay for a while, here “if I have time I will pop in”. This can make people feel very lonely.
    2) The total separation of “black hat” from “kippa sruga” is disturbing and very unhealthy. Our shul had a bit of this and that without making an issue out of it. What is happening here is that many come with good intentions, and feel they belong in kippa sruga, without the “black hatters” to befriend them and keep them honest, the demands of the community are just not as great and children of olim chadashim who would have succeeded abroad are getting lost. On the other hand, the “black hatters” without the other side to keep them honest, can lose their children if not religiously then certainly in other ways related to attitudes towards others.
    3) I was drawn to Israel by the simplicity of life, much to my chagrin materialism is rampant here, there is no longer the simple living that I was charmed by. Just look at old houses in yishuvim and the new ones to see the difference.
    4) The list goes on.
    Yes, it is a mitzvah, it is the land Hashem gave us, and I am very happy here, however there are many who would grow further in Yiddishkeit abroad than here and at this point until things change, they need to be respected as good Torah-observant Jews.
  • akuperma says:
    Because a bunch of רשעים took over the land of Israel and actively persecute Jews for being too frum. In America the current regime is at worst “benign”. It doesn’t see a Torah lifestyle as something to be surpressed. At worst, we are seen as “quaint” or “archaic”, but hardly a threat to society. At least the national anthem isn’t about creating a world free from the yoke of Torah.
  • dani 1659 says:
    New Restrictions Surround Donating A Sefer Torah To The IDF As The IDF Appears To Becoming Increasingly Anti-Religious
  • sholom66 says:
    Rabbi Druckman! Not everybody believes in messianic zionism
  • american_yerushalmi says:
    Unfortunately, all the commenters here are correct! In even more ways than you’ve mentioned and can even imagine. The assembly where Rav Druckman was speaking was not a gathering of yeshiva bochurim or avreichim in kollel. I fail to understand altogether why Dati Leumi news reports belong on a chareidi website at all. Particularly someone like Rav Druckman who has just about zero standing in the chareidi tzibbur here.
    Nevertheless, the possibilities for sheiging in learning and in avodas Hashem here are staggering. If you’ve never experienced it, you can’t really understand it. And so, despite all the above mentioned reasons not to come, I’d still urge people (– with children not older than 8-9 yrs. old; NOT teenagers), to come visit and “check out the situation.” If you presently own a house in the U.S. that you could sell, you could then afford to buy a nice apartment here. Yes, you’ll have to be willing to settle for an apartment, but there are some really nice ones available. And you must have some reasonable idea how you will support yourself and your family. If the above checks out, it’s worth exploring the possibility. Everything that was said by the various commenters about the government is true, but once you are settled here (after about a year), you generally don’t have many run-ins with the authorities on an ongoing basis. So, as some commenters remarked, “there are reasons why it is not for everyone,” you’ll never know unless you try. Trying could mean coming for a yomtov, or for a month in the summer (depends on work obligations back home), with or without the entire family. Get a feel for the place and the goings on here. At least, you’ll be making an educated decision. The fact that Reb Aharon Reb Moshe, and Reb Yaakov zt”l didn’t move here decades ago is not proof to what one should be doing now. And anyway, Hashem needed them to build Torah in the U.S.!! And regarding govt. corruption — yes, it’s all true in more ways than you know. But, after Nov. 6, especially if the machsheifa is elected (C”V!!!), you’ll be treated to a quantum leap in govt. corruption that will start being revealed in the great US of A.
    All the true gedolei Torah encourage yidden to come. There’s a brief video on You Tube showing Reb Chaim Kanievsky answering someone, “it’s a mitzva (!) to come!” This is all on condition that it’s possible, i.e., parnassa, housing, schools. You can’t really know unless you check it out up close and not rely on hearsay. Despite everything, it’s definitely worth a close look.
  • ZionGate says:
    R’ Druckman,
    They’ll come when it gets tight, as in France.
    Meanwhile, as you see here, excuses, excuses, lies, distortions, and more excuses. Of course some of the government frummies are as corrupt as anybody else .
    They refused to come in the early Aliyah waves, and now they moan about conditions.
    Using Moshiach as an excuse is untenable, as there are so many rabbonim in the past who explained it well.
    The question, Rabbi Druckma,, is this:
    When it’s time to run, will they still be able to take their $$$$$$$$$$ from their bank accounts. Better yet, will they even be allowed to sneak out of their sweet Diaspora.
    “Zovas Cholov Udvash”, yeah, but___ EFES. EFES.
    Heard that before from even from the gedolei hador.

  • Tuesday, August 2, 2016

    R' Shteinman's Grandchild Drowns in Tub .. Condition "very Serious"

    Evacuation of baby who drowned in Jerusalem
    A one and a half year old baby, grandchild of Harav Shteinman Shlitah, drowned in a bathtub in her house in Jerusalem tonight 

    An MDA ambulance crew performed CPR on the baby and only evacuated her to the Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital when her pulse had returned.

    MDA paramedic David Yelinick who arrived at the area told media, "when I came into the apartment I saw the MDA personnel performing CPR on a baby, around 18 months old, who was unconscious after having drowned in the bathtub.
    "We gave her life-saving treatment, with advanced and continuous CPR that included medication and massaging, and when her pulse returned we immediately took her out to the hospital while continuing treatment," he added.

    Police investigators arrived at the scene too, and are now looking into the possibility of criminal negligence.

    It should be noted that tragic incidents of drowning infants are especially common in the summertime.

    העתירו בתפילה עבור מרים אידל בת בתיה לרפואה שלמה.

    6 Belzer Rabbaeim indicted for child abuse at Belzer Chaider ..Updated!

    Six teachers of an ultra-Orthodox school in Tel Aviv are brought to a court hearing at the Tel Aviv district court on August 2, 2016, The six teachers accused of physical abuse of pupils, and one of them in sexual abuse. Photo Roy Alima/Flash90
    3 of the Tzaddikim
    The Abusers are modeling Talis Katans 

    Main defendant accused of raping boys aged 3-10 while at school, tying students and force-feeding them black pepper or soap, and forcing them to relieve themselves in their pants, among other allegations; indictment states students called the school 'Bergen-Belsen' and the main defendant 'Rosenazi.'

    Six teachers from a Talmud Torah school ("Cheder") belonging to the Belz Hasidic dynasty were indicted on Tuesday for the abuse and assault of minors, with the main defendant accused of many cases of sodomy with minors, indecent assault, and extortion.

    According to the indictments, the offenses were allegedly committed over the course of 11 years from 2000 to 2011 against 22 complainants aged 3-10, who were taught by the defendants.

    During that time, the defendants committed daily physical and emotional violence against the students, which was characterized by cruelty, humiliation, and intimidation.

    According to the indictments, the students called the school "Bergen-Belsen," referring to the Nazi concentration camp, while the main defendant, 49-year-old Avraham Mordechai Rosenfeld, was dubbed "Rosenazi."

    Rosenfeld, the indictment states, brought students to a lounge at the school that contained beds and a closet in which he kept sweets, some of which he confiscated from the students. He allegedly ordered the students to come with him into the room, where he sexually assaulted them. After they stopped crying, he gave them sweets and sent them on their way.

    In many of the cases, Rosenfeld beat the students using wooden sticks or planks that he ordered the students to gather during recess.

    The indictment also details some instances in which Rosenfeld tied the students to chairs or desks using ropes or cable ties and had them stand in class with their hands and feet bound. While tied, he force-fed them a spoonful of black pepper or soap and forbade them from washing their mouths after.

    In other cases, he forbade students from going to the bathroom, or otherwise forced them to relieve themselves in their pants while sitting in class.

    Rosenfeld is also charged with animal abuse. In one instance, when a cat entered the classroom in which Rosenfeld was teaching, he beat it in front of the students with an umbrella or wooden sticks, and eventually shoved it out of the window, killing the cat.

    Additionally, Rosenfeld is suspected of terrorizing his wife and children at home. He allegedly subjected one of his children to abuse for years until the child left home. His wife claimed he threatened to keep her from their children, threatened to divorce her, and controlled the food in the house.

    The other five defendants are:

     Yisrael Haim Shapira, 65, 
    Haim Fishgrond, 69, 
    Moshe Hirsch, 39, 
    Menachem Alberstein, 63, and 
    Avraham Pinchas Deytsch, 53.

    The six defendants denied the offenses attributed to them, with each providing explanations and interpretations of the incidents, claiming they did not intend to harm the minors. Some admitted to some of the less serious incidents, while presenting them as mere jokes.

    Apart from Rosenfeld, the other five teachers were released from detention under restrictive conditions.

    Zion Amir, who also represented former president and convicted rapist Moshe Katsav, now represents some of the defendants.

    "Some of the people I represent completely deny the allegations against them," he said. "There is going to be a long trial that will acquit whoever needs to be acquitted from this important community."

    Rosenfeld's lawyer, Yehuda Fried, claimed that "the acts described in the indictment are exaggerated. Regarding his family, the accusations are completely made up by those seeking to get between him and his wife."

    Read More to see Indictment:

    EUROPE is “at the end of its existence” following a summer of terror and the EU’s free movement policy, an ex-Polish counter-terror officer has warned.

    Angela Merkel was blasted for her open door policy by two Polish experts
    Not soon enough .... Europe's earth is saturated with Jewish blood and the sooner they fall, the better for the entire world..... they murdered millions of Jews and now they are welcoming millions of Islamist!
    Ma Rabu Maasechca Hashem!
    Former Central Bureau of Investigation officer Jacek Wrona gave a damning forecast about the future of Europe, claiming people have lost faith in the political system.
    Speaking on a Polish chat show, he said: “The worst problem for the police service is political correctness.
    “Europe is at the end of its existence.
    “Western Europe is practically dead. These people live in a void, without ideas. And then come along the young, who only want to make money, as once did the barbarians.”
    Wrona was joined by military history academic Dr Rafal Brzeski who blasted Angela Merkel in the wake of a spate of terror attacks in Germany.
    He said: “The Germans have had enough of this, which does not mean the government has had enough. These are two different approaches”.
    Wrona condemned the European Union’s free movement, claiming it had allowed for the free movement of illegal ex-Soviet weapons from Eastern to Western Europe.

    He said: “The whole Balkans are flooded with weapons, and from the Balkans have come two million people.
    “Together with them came arms dealers, gangsters, drug dealers. Buying a Kalashnikov in Bosnia and Herzegovina is as it was with us after the war. You can buy one for peanuts”.
    The scathing attack comes as thousands of people took to the streets of Berlin to protests against the German Chancellor’s open door policy.
    Crowds gathered in Washington Square on Saturday and vented their fury at Merkel’s leadership of the country.
    Holding banners reading “Merkel must go” and “The queen of smugglers. Merkel must leave”, crowds flocked to the public square while the hashtag #Merkelmussweg is being used by protesters online.
    Five attacks have taken place in Germany since July 18, leavingt 15 people dead, including four attackers, and dozens injured.

    MOTHER OF ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIER writes to the Muslim Dad

    Only a military mom could write such a fantastic testimony and rebuke to the Muslim pawn used by Hillary’s campaign at the Dem Convention to trash Donald Trump. The Facebook letter below is so great and so powerful that it’s gone viral. We hope you will read and share because it’s time to support our military 100% in this war against terror!
    To the Muslim Gold Star father that spoke at the DNC…..
    I have some thoughts on your comments. I am a Blue Star mother. My deepest condolences on the loss of your son. No family should have to endure such a loss. That being said….while your son is a hero, you Sir, are NOT. My son has served three tours of combat in the countries you and your family came from. Iraq and Afghanistan were his introduction to adulthood and service to something bigger than our individual selves. He was blown up by an IED set by your countrymen. His Purple Heart is a testament to his love of America and our freedoms. I have suffered through his multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan….never knowing from moment to moment if he would return home in a flag draped coffin. It is torture when a mother wakes up to this day after day and sees the atrocities happening over there on the news and being helpless to change a thing. My comments to you will probably offend you. I do not apologize. These things need to be said. Unlike you, I could NEVER use my son’s death as a pawn piece in support of a woman that left “America’s treasure” (Hillarys words) to die unaided in Benghazi. The same woman that says vile things to her military details there to protect her. You, Sir, are supposed to be a witness to your son’s bravery and sacrifice. Instead you stood on a stage and promoted the woman that upholds the very people that killed your son. You became a political PAWN that promotes pandering to our enemy. You desecrated your son’s memory by your words. You did not utter one word of outrage at anyone but Donald Trump. Are you forgetting that Trump did not kill your son. He had nothing whatsoever to do with these wars. His memory should mean more to you than five minutes of fame on the stage of the party that voted to send your son to war. The same party that for eight years has denied and cheated our veterans out of their deserved medical care. Who for the last three years has cut our veterans pay.
    Of note…your wife stood SILENT. She stood with her head covered, never uttering a word about her loss. She submitted to you being her voice in front of the country. She abdicated her free voice to you…..as would any good Sharia wife and mother. Let me say, this was not lost on the other American military moms….myself included. Had it been my son being “used” as a political PROP, no one could have silenced me. I would be voicing my grief, my pride, my love of him to the world. A man cannot speak to a mothers loss. No man knows her heart at the loss of a child. She did her heroic son a disservice by her silence. She should have uncovered her head and her heart to be the American mother you claim. And last if all….you dared to flash your picket Constitution and ask if Trump has read it. I dare to ask you, Sir….HAVE YOU READ IT? If you say yes, then I dare ask you HOW you could represent that party? HOW can you support this woman? How can you affiliate your family with a party and candidate that cannot even call the radicals that killed your son what they are? How can you support a current administration that diminishes your son’s death by denying he had an enemy? And if you have read our Constitution, how could you cover your soulmate in colorful submissive sheets and have the audacity to speak FOR her? Your son died for that Constitution you so carelessly waved around on national TV in support of the very party that exists to destroy it. As a soldier’s mother….NO ONE could ever speak for me. I find your outrage artificial. I find your party affiliation offensive. I find your wife’s silence atrocious and offensive. I find YOU a political FOOL. I find your son to have been your greatest accomplishment, and you, Sir, have dishonored him. I hope you memorize that picket constitution so you will understand what it means to be a REAL American and hero. You are not one. You were USED. Your son WOULD NOT be proud of you. My only hope is that when MY son goes a fourth time to combat radical Islamic terrorist’s, ( and he WILL) he will know that his mother never stood submissively SILENT about an American hero. Yes, your son was a hero that could not be manipulated but, you, Sir, are a weak minded FOOL. I would love to hear your thoughts this morning about the 1500 American soldiers on the air base in Turkey being held as basic hostages as I type. Not a word from this president or party you adore…or the media that so thoroughly manipulated and used you and your wife. So…what say you Sir??? What will you say to a Blue and Gold Star family if these heroes die? In my opinion, you will say NOTHING.

    Khizr Muazzam Kahn the guy who attacked Trump is a Muslim Brotherhood agent


    The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Kahn, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States.
    After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration. But not so fast. Trump we have your back.
    Kahn is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law. Khan is also co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic Sharia).
    Khan’s fascination with Islamic Sharia stems from his life in Saudi Arabia. During the eighties Kahn wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).”  A snapshot of his essay can be seen below:
    Kahn currently runs a law firm in New York City called KM Kahn Law Office. According to the website, the the law firm specializes in “immigration services.” Most likely Kahn was working to bring Muslims into the country.

    Facebook blocks Michael Savage story on Muslim hacking pregnant woman to death in Germany

    Image result for michael savage
    Facebook has temporarily blocked talk-radio host Michael Savage from posting stories to his page after he put up a link to a story about a Muslim migrant killing a pregnant woman in Germany.
    The message said, regarding the posting feature, “This Feature is Temporarily Blocked.”
    “You recently posted something that violates Facebook policies, so you’re temporarily blocked from using this feature.”
    The message then refers the user to Facebook’s “Community Standards” and states the block will be active for 21 hours.
    Facebook’s “Community Standards” page lists “hate speech” as one of its prohibitions, along with “violence and graphic content,” and nudity.
    The article linked by Savage was about a pregnant woman in Reutlingen, Germany, who was hacked to death with a meat cleaver by a 21-year-old Syrian refugee.
    On his show Monday, Savage chastised Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, saying he “doesn’t care about my audience.”
    “He doesn’t care about the audience of conservatives. He’d rather you all drop dead and go home,” Savage said.
    Savage described Zuckerberg as a “classless citizen who enjoys all the benefits of America, enjoys all of the wealth that America has given him, and he stabs America in the back by siding with the Islamic terrorist nations of Iran and Saudi Arabia.”
    “That’s why he would ban me from posting an article, which I didn’t write, incidentally.” Savage said. “It was a link an article about a Muslim in Germany, about a week ago, who cut a nine-month pregnant woman to death in the street.
    “Zuckerberg found that offensive and anti-Islamic”