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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Clinton has the FBI in her pocket: She won't be charged

FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that despite evidence Hillary Clinton was “extremely careless” in her handling of classified emails on a private server, the Department of Justice would not recommend charges being brought against the former secretary of state.  
“Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said.
Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, did not immediately respond.  Her Republican rival, Donald Trump, did -- blasting the FBI's recommendation. 
“FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow! #RiggedSystem” he tweeted. 
FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow! 

The decision helps remove what was arguably the biggest threat to her presidential campaign going forward – a criminal referral that could have led to an indictment – just weeks before her party’s national convention in Philadelphia where she is set to seal her nomination as the Democrat standard bearer.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Elie Wiesel

Miracle at Entebbe! The Day G-D sent Miracles thru the Zionists ....video!

Monday, 4th of July, is not only American Independence Day. It also marks the 40th Anniversary of the incredible Rescue at Entebbe by Israeli Special Forces commandos of over 100 Jewish hostages taken captive by Arab terrorists at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. ‘Operation Thunderbolt,’ was later renamed ‘Operation Yonatan’ in memory of Yoni Netanyahu (brother of PM Binyamin Netanyahu) who was the only Israeli soldier to lose his life in the operation.

In honour of this milestone occasion, Sydenham Shul in Johannesburg, South Africa produced a short video synopsis of the raid, one of the most daring hostage rescues of all time. 
The video, Miracle at Entebbe, premiered at the Shul’s recent Benny Friedman concerts in Johannesburg.

For the IDF to mount such a complicated and dangerous mission, over 2000 miles away from Israel, flying over mainly hostile countries, and to bring the hostages back to Israel safely required not only Jewish brains and chutzpah but the unmistakable protective hand of Hashem.

Rabbi Yossy Goldman, Senior Rav of Sydenham Shul, felt it was very important for the younger generation to know about such a historic event. He directed the video which was professionally produced by the well-known David Fleminger and narrated by one of the top radio voices in South Africa, Anthony Fridjhon.

Just as a point of interest, the Satmar Rebbe at that time was furious that the IDF put their soldiers at risk (not that he cared, but because this would fly in the face of his SHIT'ah that G-d does not perform miracles for Zionists).

The Rebbe was against the rescue even after the fact ....he reasoned that the terrorists would have released the hostages eventually, even though the terrorists at the time released the non-Jews and selected Jews just like the Nazis ....

In addition, the fact that the Zionists were ready to put their lives on the line to save Jews that lived outside of Israel, made the Rebbe look foolish since he called the IDF and it's leaders, Apikorsim and Meenim and Tamai!
This rescue was an embarrassment to the Rebbe and put him in a very difficult position, because he couldn't explain to his naive sheep  that Zionists would with mesiras nefesh put their lives on the line for Jews in Entebbe!

The Rebbe got his info from his Gabbai, Yossel Ashkanazi, who also couldn't read English.....

In fact today's President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, declared today  that "Israel was right to carry out the Entebbe Raid"

Looking back in history, only the Satmar Rebbe and Idi Amin, were against the rescue!

Hypocrites! Eida Hachareidis Girls School took money from Zionists! Oh My G-D!!!!!

R' Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss 
This is not the first time .... 
Years ago a Satmar boys school in Yerushaylim had all children registered in a school with a different name so that they could collect Zionist money!

Now a girls school under the auspices of the Eida Hachareidis, a fervent anti-Zionist organization, was caught taking Zionist money!

The ironic part is that the parents of this school pulled out their children from Bnos Rochel, 17 years ago because  they took Zionist money (Chas Ve'sholom).

Now, R' Zalman Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe is fuming because he brought money to fund schools that refused to take Zionist money .... and now they were "double dipping!"
The truth is that no school can survive with the pittance of money that Satmar gives them...
The Zionist are and have been the biggest supporters of Torah in Jewish history and all the Mosdos know that and to survive they must take Zionist money .... if they cannot do it openly, they take it clandestinely. 

The Chachmas Lev school for girls was established seventeen years ago after parents pulled their girls out of Bnos Rochel, learning the latter was accepting state funds. There is now a storm in the Eida community after it was learned Chachmas Lev has also accepting state funds all these years from the ‘Treif Zionist government’. - 

The situation is such the Eida’s Education Committee was scheduled to meet on Sunday afternoon 27 Sivan but the meeting was pushed off a day to money. The rabbonim will discuss the breach in protocol, the acceptance of funding from the ‘Medina’.
According to reports, parents realized something was wrong when they saw Education Ministry officials visiting the school. While the principal is insisting he was unaware of the funding, parents are demanding the Eida Education Committee oust him from his post. The principal’s wife and brother-in-law appear to have made the arrangement with the ministry.

The school principal has been summoned to meet with Gavaad Eida Chareidis  HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita as well as will Rav Zelig Reuven Katzenelbogen of Torah V’Yirah.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Chava Mark regains consciousness doesn't know her husband was murdered

Michael Mark with wife Chava, who was seriously wounded in the attack
The seriously wounded victim of Friday's deadly drive-by shooting attack south of Hevron regained consciousness early Sunday afternoon.

Chava Mark was left in critical condition in the shooting, which killed her husband Michael and injured two of their children who were traveling with them in the car at the time.
She has been in a medically-induced coma ever since, as doctors fought first to save her life, and then to stabilize her condition. She underwent a serious of major operations for multiple gunshot wounds to her upper body. Her 15-year-old daughter, who also sustained gunshot wounds in the attack, is hospitalized with her in moderate condition.

On Saturday night, doctors announced that Chava's condition had stabilized, but cautioned the full extent of her injuries were not yet known. 

Chava awoke from her coma as the funeral procession for her husband makes its way from their hometown Otniel to Jerusalem's Har Hamenuchot cemetery - via the site of the deadly attack which claimed his life.

She is not yet aware of her husband's death.

The attack occurred late Friday afternoon, as the family were making their way down Route 60 in the Hevron Hills region. 
The Arab terrorists who carried out the attack overtook them, raking their car with gunfire and causing it to flip, killing Michael and wounding all three passengers. 

Some 20 bullets were fired at the innocent family in the attack.

Son of terror victim Rabbi Mark eulogizes father: 'I’m drowning in the depth of your absence'

 Joshua said on Sunday as he eulogized his father Rabbi Michael “Miki” Mark who was killed in a terror attack on Friday.

“My heart is shattered in pieces,” said Joshua as he looked out at the thousands of mourners who filled the sanctuary and study of the Otniel Yeshiva, where his father had been the director-general.

On Frida, Mark was driving with his wife and two of his 10 children along Route 60 near the West Bank settlement of Otniel where they lived. He had been on his way to his mother’s house for the Sabbath to help her celebrate her 80th birthday.

Palestinian gunmen shot at their car, killing Mark and injuring his wife Chava and two of their children. 

At the funeral, Joshua said of the attack, “God took what he wants and now what should we do, who do we curse?” he asked. 

Mark’s son Netaneal recalled how he had spoken with his father every Saturday and plied him with questions. “Now, who can I speak with?” Netaneal asked.

His father, he said, was a “renaissance man” who was also kind and gave endlessly to those around him. “Everything he touched turned to gold,” Netaneal said.

Mark’s daughter Orit began her eulogy by crying repeating over and over again, “Father, I love you.”

She recalled how only recently, he had hugged her and sworn her would never leave her.

“And now God has taken you,” she said.
“You added so much goodness into the world. You did so much for others and for us. You gave us everything we wanted with a full heart. You accepted us as we were. You never abandoned us, even when we did something wrong. Now we are here and you are absent.”

President Reuven Rivlin said at the funeral, “Jewish blood is not worthless. We promise - over Miki's grave - that we will continue to fight terror unequivocally, and without fear. We will fight, and we will win. The IDF and the security forces will cut down the accursed murderers who killed Miki. Nothing will cure the pain. But the light of the way that Miki paved will not be extinguished. May his memory be blessed, and may his soul be bound in eternal life." 

Mark’s body was carried out of the yeshiva to slow mournful singing of the prayer, “God of mercy.”

As the funeral procession made its way along Route 60 to Jerusalem Har Hamenuchot cemetery for burial, Mark’s family stopped to say the prayer for the dead at the spot, where the terror attack occurred. 

Settlers from the Jewish communities along the road stood along the highway waving Israeli flags. 

The IDF had soldiers positioned all along the road and closed off the entrances to the Palestinian villages as the funeral procession passed. Unable to access the road, the Palestinians stood watching the slow funeral procession.

Mark’s wife Chava remained at Hadassah Ein Karem hospital and was not at the funeral. She was unconscious from the time of the attack and until Sunday afternoon, when she woke up. She is listed in serious but stable condition. 

Mark’s daughter, 14, who sustained a gun shot wound to her stomach, was temporarily released for the funeral. One of his son’s who was also injured in the attack was sent home from the hospital on Saturday night.

Elie Wiesel, Auschwitz Survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dies at 87

Elie Wiesel, the Auschwitz survivor who became an eloquent witness for the six million Jews slaughtered in World War II and who, more than anyone else, seared the memory of the Holocaust on the world’s conscience, died on Saturday at his home in Manhattan. He was 87.
Menachem Rosensaft, a longtime friend and the founding chairman of the International Network of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, confirmed the death in a phone call.
Mr. Wiesel was the author of several dozen books and was a charismatic lecturer and humanities professor. In 1986, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. But he was defined not so much by the work he did as by the gaping void he filled. In the aftermath of the Germans’ systematic massacre of Jews, no voice had emerged to drive home the enormity of what had happened and how it had changed mankind’s conception of itself and of God. For almost two decades, the traumatized survivors — and American Jews, guilt-ridden that they had not done more to rescue their brethren — seemed frozen in silence.

Friday, July 1, 2016


Donald Trump tried something different on Thursday, hosting about 120 people for a small-scale town hall event about trade issues in a parking lot that could easily hold 5,000.

For his trouble, he got a one-on-one exchange with an elderly anti-Semite who insisted 'Zionists' are dictating American military policy.

Warren Goddard of Portsmouth grabbed the microphone from an aide for what was to be the final question of the day, and delivered a pair of zingers.

'Number one, I'm opposed to the murder of unborn babies being legal,' he said. 'Number two, I'm opposed to our wasting our military in the Middle East on behalf of Zionist Israel.'

Trump was unflappable, staring him down.

'Lemme just tell you that Israel is a very, very important ally of the United States,' he replied. 'And we are going to protect them 100 per cent. 100 percent! They've been our most reliable – it's our true friend over there – and we're going to protect Israel 100 per cent.'
ZIONIST' CONSPIRACY: Warren Goddard, the alter kocker from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, declared that American military policy in the Middle East was being directed by Benjamin Netanyahu – but Trump insisted that he would always side with Israel '100 per cent'

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Christiane Amanpour the anti-Semite CNN Reporter has a meltdown and goes crazy about the BREXIT Vote! Video!

What really was said between the Attorney General Lynch and Bill Clinton on a private plane that neither of them traveled on!

Lynch Clinton Meeting
The following is a transcript of the Rush Limbaugh show ..

RUSH:   We have a surprise visit by Bill Clinton to the attorney general in a private plane on the tarmac at Phoenix.  If it hadn't been for a local Phoenix ABC affiliate, we wouldn't know that it had happened.  

 "Amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of email and hours before the public release of the Benghazi report, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton. The private meeting took place on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport on board a parked private plane," that was being used by Loretta Lynch and her husband. They're traveling around doing appearances on how the Justice Department's taking over local police departments. 

Now, neither Clinton nor Loretta Lynch actually arrived in Phoenix on that plane.  

Did you know that?  
You didn't know that?  
The plane on which they met is not the plane either of them used to get there.  It looks like somebody put that plane there so nobody would see the meeting.  And again, as I say, if it weren't for this local ABC affiliate, for some reason had a camera crew out at Sky Harbor, we wouldn't know that this meeting had taken place. 

Moshe Strohli refuses to give his wife a get! Wife begs Spring Valley Board for help..Video

Moshe Strohli 

Hundreds attend funeral of Israeli girl murdered in her bed

Hallel-Yaffa Ariel's mother grieves over her body during funeral procession
Hallel-Yaffa Ariel's mother grieves over her body during funeral procession

Reproduction photo, courtesy of the family, of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, who was stabbed and killed in a terror attack in the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, in the West Bank on June 30, 2016. Flash90
Reproduction photo, courtesy of the family, of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, who was stabbed and killed in a terror attack in the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, in the West Bank on June 30, 2016.

Thousands of mourners have gathered in the Judean town of Kiryat Arba near Hevron on Thursday afternoon, for the funeral of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, the 13-year-old girl murdered in her sleep by an Arab terrorist.

The funeral procession began with eulogies outside the Ariel family home in the  Ramat Mamre "Charsina" neighborhood at the edge of Kiryat Arba, and is making its way gradually to Hevron's Jewish cemetery, where the tragically young terror victim will be laid to rest.

Prominent officials, including Israeli Education Minister and Jewish Home party leader Naftali Bennett, are among the mourners.

Chief Rabbi of Hevron Dov Lior was among the first to pay tribute to Hallel.
"She fell for the sake of the independence of the nation of Israel," he said, comparing her to other Jews martyred by oppressive regimes.

Rabbi Lior went on to attack the government for its policies which, he accused, "broadcast weakness."
"Our leadership indirectly contributes towards their evil," he said.

Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel, who is a first cousin of the victim's father Amichai, eulogized young Hallel with a call to strengthen the Jewish presence in the land of Israel.
"We say to the mourners: through the building of the land we will be comforted."
"This cannot be just a demand - this is a Torah command!" he added, "I stand here and say to you Hallel, and to all the Ariel family... we vow today to further build up the land of Israel."

Turning to the prime minister, he continued: "We are calling on to: apply the complete sovereignty of the State of Israel on all parts of our land."

Education Minister Naftali Bennett struck a similarly defiant tone with a moving eulogy.
"Whoever gives up on Kiryat Arba gives up on the entire country," he said.
"This war goes on. This battle continues. The world stands at a crossroads, attack follows attack - a river of terror, and the worlds blames Israel," Bennett continued.
"The nation of Israel connects with you," he told the bereaved family. "The nation of Israel sees you and our hearts break."
"Rest in peace, oh flower; rest in peace, young child; rest in peace Hallel."

Speaking to reporters earlier Thursday, Hallel's grief-stricken parents told of their anguish, and remembered a talented, happy girl.
"My daughter was just sleeping - tranquil, relaxed, happy - when a terrorist came to her bed in Kiryat Arba and murdered her," mother Rina cried.
"This morning our daughter, 13-and-a-half years old - an incredible girl - was murdered in her sleep," she continued. "Every father and mother should consider their own children and they will feel slightly the pain that we are feeling now."

Rina called on the public to come to Kiryat Arba to provide moral, and physical support to the family.
"We invite everyone to come and help, to console; there are vineyards which need help, there are Jews here who need strengthening. We are strong and we won't break, but we need your help to continue and to build here."
"Hallel loved living here... right now we are just crying out 'By your blood you shall live! By your blood you shall live!'" she continued, quoting the biblical passage.

Hallel's father, Amichai, said he and his daughter were scheduled to work together at his winery that morning.
"Last night she came back from a dance performance," Amichai Ariel recounted. "She was an amazing girl." 
"She worked very hard for years to become a dancer. She put so much effort into everything she did. God gave her a great mind, lots of wisdom. She was so bright."
"This morning at 9:30 we were supposed to work together filling bottles with wine."
"Hallel loved living here, loved the place," he continued. "She wasn't afraid of anyone. She never imagined - nor did anyone else - that an evil person, one of 1.5 billion Muslims who just want to drown the world in rivers of blood. That's what they live for. Its terrible, just think about it: A little girl who did nothing."

13 year-old Hillel Yafa Ariel murdered in terror attack by Arab Savages: Media Totally Silent

Hallel Yaffa Ariel

A teenage girl was murdered Thursday morning in Kiryat Arba when a terrorist broke into her home and stabbed her dozens of times as she lay in bed. A second victim, a member of the town's civilian security team who responded to the terror attack, has been seriously wounded.

The terrorist was eliminated.

MDA emergency responders were called to the scene at around 9:00 a.m. on Thursday following reports of a terror attack. Two victims were transferred to Jerusalem hospitals.

A Kiryat Arba spokesperson said the terrorist penetrated the town's security perimeter and entered the Ramat Mamre (Givat Harsina) neighborhood.

Officials reported that the terrorist broke into a home and repeatedly stabbed a 13-year old girl in her bedroom. When the town's security team was called to respond to the attack, the terrorist assaulted a member of the local security squad. The terrorist was then shot and killed by the first responders.

The female victim, Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, was unconscious and had no pulse when emergency responders arrived to provide first aid, and was evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek hospital in Jerusalem. Doctors attempted to resuscitate Ariel, but were ultimately forced to declare her death.

The second victim, a 31-year old male, has been transferred to Hadassah Ein Karem in Jerusalem, and is in serious condition.
The terrorist has been identified as Muhammad Tararia, a 17-year old resident of the village of Bani Naim.

Terrorist broke into the home of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, murdering her in her bedroom Hatzala Yosh

Emergency responders arrive following Kiryat Arba terror attack Zaka

Security sweep following attack Zaka

Scene of attack in Kiryat Arba Zaka

Loretta Lynch held private talks with Bill Clinton aboard a private plane in Phoenix while her department investigates Hillary

Lynch said she and Clinton spoke a lot about his grandchildren
Lynch Clinton Meeting
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, whose agency is investigating Hillary Clinton's email practices, spent about 30 minutes meeting with President Clinton while both of them were separately passing through Phoenix.

Clinton had landed ahead of the nation's top law enforcement officer, and waited for her arrival, a local affiliate ABC15 reported.

Lynch was in town for an event on community policing.

Clinton learned of her arrival, and decided to wait so they could meet, sources told the station. 

'I did see President Clinton at the Phoenix airport as he was leaving and spoke he  to myself and my husband on the plane,' Lynch said at a press conference when asked about the prolonged chat, which took place aboard a jet on the tarmac.

But she indicated it had nothing to do with the controversies swirling around the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate. 

'Our conversation was a great deal about grandchildren, it was primarily social about our travels and he mentioned golf he played in Phoenix,' Lynch said.
Lynch's husband apparently was along for the trip as well.

The tarmac talk took place at Sky Harbor International Airport

The Monday meeting also occurred just hours before House Republicans released their report on the Benghazi attacks. 

The report was critical of Clinton's actions during the 2012 attack, although release of the report was well beyond the control of the attorney general's office.
But the two did find talk about some stunning news of the day, such as Great Britain's vote to withdrawal from Europe.
'There was no discussion on any matter pending before the Department or any matter pending with any other body,' she said. 'There was no discussion of Benghazi, no discussion of State Department emails.

'By way of example I would say it was current news of the day, the Brexit decision and what it would mean,' she said. 

Arab Loving Left Wing Activists Nearly Lynched by Arabs

Image result for ramallah

Nine Israeli peace activists entered Ramallah today in three vehicles. They were surrounded by a mob of Palestinians. 

They were spotted by the Palestinian General Intelligence and were transferred to the Civil Administration. One of the cars was set on fire. All escaped unharmed. 

They were visiting the former governor of Salfit. 

Washington Post asks "Why aren’t apes evolving into humans?" Answer? "We are apes"!

Image result for guerilla
Darwin had a theory which he called "The theory of evolution" and he first formulated that theory in a book that he wrote called "On the Origin of Species." 

The theory has two main points, one of which is that all life is connected and related to each other, and that this diversity of life is a product of "modifications of populations by natural selection," hence all the different species.

In other words, we really, according to this theory, could possibly come from a rat, because a rat also has two eyes a mouth and has two ears ears but because of "natural selection" we evolved to be human. 

I won't go into this crazy theory,..... be it as it may, Darwin wrote that since the human is very closely related to the ape, we come from apes.... further up the chain the ape could have evolved from a mosquito or a fish ...I don't remember the order.....

So because of the recent story of Harambe the guerrilla, the Washington Post featured an article in it's science section, asking the question:
If the theory of evolution is true and we are descended from apes, "then why are there still apes around?" and why in 5,000 years has no one seen an ape give birth to a human?
A question every thinking person asks.

To make a long story short, they conclude, that we are all "apes'.....fartik ....git shabbos! 

So now that we are apes, there is no difference between Harambe and the child, and therefore, if we extend this logic, there was absolutely no justification to kill the guerrilla to save the child, since they are both apes!
They don't write it, of course, and it's not mentioned in the article, but that's what they are implying....
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