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Monday, March 14, 2016

Zionists thank R' Aron Teitelbaum for bringing tourism to the State

I have to give credit where credit is due...
The State of Israel is going through very tough times, and if anyone especially a leader of thousands decides to bring people to Israel, then that should be commended since it gives chizuk to the residents...
Also a thanks to those Satmars who opted to fly El Al!

The words of Harav R' Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l is coming to fruition! 
R' Kook used to say that "leb'es'oif kulam yaasuh teshuva" "At the end, everyone will repent" ...I guess even R' Aron Teitelbaum is seeing the truth and is marveling at the beautiful country and its infrastructure....
He is realizing finally that the words of the Novie Amos have already happened ...and it's time to dump Monroe ...and move to the holy State of Israel!

Satmar Craziness Continues: No More Birthday Parties for Girls!

Satmar idiocy is forging ahead ... with no end in sight! 
If I lived another thousand years I couldn't possibly come with with these demented ideas! 

From now on little Satmar girls will watch their male siblings have birthday parties, but not them ... they don't exist except for being brought up to serve as baby machines to perpetuate the cause, just like ISIS!

The letter from Bais Ruchel, the Satmar girl school, mentions that "our grand mothers never had birthday parties"

Well, out grandmothers never shaved their heads either! 

Only protesters have free speech not Trump!

Bernie Socialist Thugs

Attempted Rape In Boro-Park

The incident took place in the area of 50th Street and 8th Avenue at 11:45 PM Saturday night. 

 The suspect approached the 29 year old female victim in the lobby of her apartment building and held a knife to her throat,he then grabbed her buttocks, cops said.The man then pulled down her pants and underwear, and tried to rape her, cops said.
The suspect, who is described as a light skinned male, 5’9” to 5’10”, with a slim build and dressed in a dark hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans, fled the scene after the assault.

The Name Heard Round the World!

Hillary's out right lie about Bernie Sanders Health Care Reform

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Catholic students chant 'you killed Jesus' at basketball game against school with high number of Jewish students

Catholic Memorial School has apologized after some of its students chanted 'you killed Jesus' during a  game against  a school with a large Jewish enrollment. Above Memorial's crowd at a previous game. There is no suggestion the students pictured were involved in Friday's incident

I always wondered what kind of crazies adhere to a religion that believes that their God can get killed?

Who do they think is running the world, now that he is dead?

And who ran the world before he was born?

Why do they care that a Jew murdered another Jew?

  • Catholic Memorial School students  shouted the chant 'you killed Jesus' at the school with a large Jewish enrollment
  • Chanting horrified and upset many who were attending Friday game between Newton North and Memorial
  • Newton Superintendent David Fleishman said he found behavior 'chilling'
  • Catholic Memorial President Peter Folan apologized on Saturday for what he called 'abhorrent behavior' 

  • Massive Chillul Shabbos in Meron occupied by Satmar Israel Haters!

    Never in it's entire history has  Meron been subjected to  such Chillul Shabbos!
    Rumor has it that Satmar hired a goy from Monroe  to photograph the entire Shabbos!

    Satmar instigates the goyim in Bloominberg and in Monroe by annexing entire acres, and then this hypocrite screams his gibberish that the State of Israel is responsible for all the stabbings because it exists!

    Satmar has a SHIT'ah that Jews cannot make Aliyah until Moshiach comes, a theory that they fabricated themselves!
    It seems that the holy Ramban, Reb Yehuda HaChusid, the Talmedei Hagra the Talmedei Baal Shem, all made Aliyah ... and never heard about this crazy theory!

    And now they violate shabbos in one of the holiest places on earth. 
    Let's all scream "Shabbos" Shabbos"  

    Thousands Moroccan Protest Against UN Chief Kock im' Uhn, because he said that Moroccan "southern provinces" are "occupied"

    Protesters hold a banner and the Moroccan flag as they chant slogans during a rally, in Rabat, Morocco, Sunday, March 13, 2016. Morocco has accused U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of "abandoning neutrality, objectivity and impartiality" during a recent visit to Western Saharan refugee camps in southern Algeria. (AP Photo/Abdeljalil Bounhar)

    What is it with us Jews?.... Kock im' Uhn and R' Aron Teitelbum come to Israel and call Judea and Samaria, "occupied" and we write a couple of articles in the newspapers....and forget about it!

    It's about time that we learn something from the Moroccans!
    When the UN chief called  the Southern Provinces that were annexed by Morocco in 1975, "occupied" they all came out to the streets to protest. Some estimates were that there were 3 million protesters.

    Satmar when they want to demonstrate in lower Manhattan against the Medinah,  are able to muster tens of thousands of black sheep that scream and rant against their brothers and sisters in Israel .... 
    but we, supporters of our holy land  are very lackadaisical when it comes to defend Israel against these evil leaders .... the bobsy twins, Teitelbum & Kock im' Uhn! 

    Hundreds of thousands of Moroccans are demonstrating to protest the U.N. chief’s remarks about the contested Western Sahara territory.
    Morocco considers the vast mineral-rich region as its “southern provinces” and took offense when U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon used the word “occupation” after a visit this month to refugee camps for the region’s native Sahraouis in southern Algeria.
    Protesters on Sunday filled the streets of Rabat after leading Moroccan political parties, unions and non-governmental groups called for a national demonstration. Authorities claimed there were up to 3 million.
    The U.N. has been trying for years to hold a referendum on independence for the territory, which was annexed by Morocco when Spain withdrew in 1975. Morocco proposes increased autonomy instead.
    Ban also called for renewed peace efforts during his trip.
    Protesters hold banenrs and Moroccan flag as they chant slogans during a rally, in Rabat, Morocco, Sunday, March 13, 2016. Morocco has accused U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of "abandoning neutrality, objectivity and impartiality" during a recent visit to Western Saharan refugee camps in southern Algeria. (AP Photo/Abdeljalil Bounhar)

    Remembering the Erlauer Rebbe

    Image result for erlauer rebbe
    By Chaim I. Waxman

    In 1999, I searched the old Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem for an apartment to buy with my wife, Chaya. A real estate agent had mentioned that there was one available on Mishmar Haam Street, but he said that televisions were not allowed inside because Rav Yochanan Sofer, the Erlauer Rebbe who recently passed away, lived there and had rights to the building. We decided to ignore that apartment and continued our search.

    Terror wave be damned: Americans are still making aliyah

    The security situation in Israel may be tense, but that won't be stopping yet another wave of North American olim from making Israel their new home soon.

    Arutz Sheva spoke to some of the soon-to-be-Israelis making aliyah with Nefesh B'Nefesh at last week's aliyah event in New York - many of whom said the current wave of terrorism only made them more determined to move.

    R' Aron Teitelbaum drinks Zionist Wine!

    This is the guy that rushed Trump today as he was speaking

    A film that Tommy Dimassimo, made with Arabic chanting, dragging an American flag on the ground. And the media accuses Trump of fomenting violence. 

    تومي يكره أمريكا (Tommy Dimassimo Wright State University)

    تومي د هو مجرد كيس نضح الأم الأبله وطي آخر يحاول أن يكون باردا ويصلح . ويعتقد أن من خلال الوقوف على العلم الأمريكي المقدس انه سيكون رجل كبير ولها الخصيتين كبيرةولكنهيثبت فقط أن قضيبه

    A film that Tommy Dimassimo, made with Arabic chanting, dragging an American flag on the ground. And the media accuses Trump of fomenting violence. 


    People getting sick of "Protesters" that sabotage political rallies!

     Violence at Trump rallies are here. 
     I watch coverage of this and I watch media people wring their hands. I watch other people whine and get furrowed brows and get pained expression on their faces, and lament what's happening to our culture, the coarseness and the incivility and so forth.  
    "Trump supporters are routinely punching protesters in the face at Trump rallies." 
    They asked Trump about it.  In some cases, he denies it.  In other cases, they accuse him of encouraging it, such as when a protester will erupt at a Trump rally and Trump will see it.
    "Throw the guy out! Yeah, punch the guy in the face! I want to punch the guy in the face! Throw him out."

    "Vos Iz Neias" News Blog Headline similar to Al Jazirah

    Image result for vosizneias

    This is the headline by VIN, minutes ago!

     Gaza Siblings Killed In Israeli Air Strike After Militant Rockets Hit Israel

    Included was the picture distributed by all anti-Semitic news outlets with the caption by Reuters:

    Palestinians look at the damage to a house, where medical officials said fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft killed a 10-year-old Palestinian boy, in the northern Gaza Strip March 12, 2016.  Reuters
    Palestinians look at the damage to a house, where medical officials said fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft killed a 10-year-old Palestinian boy, in the northern Gaza Strip March 12, 2016.  Reuters
    The VIN news blog is run by a Satmar anti-Israel fanatic and it's high time we boycotted all the advertisers!

    Vin does this all the time since they follow the demented SHIT'ah of Satmar!

    Instead of reporting that Hamas murderers fired rockets into Israel ..... the VIN animals copy anti-Semitic news outlets

    See the news article copied and pasted and then posted by VIN 

    A Palestinian boy and his sister were killed in Hamas-controlled Gaza on Saturday when they were hit by fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft, medical officials said.
    The incident took place hours after militants launched rockets into Israel.

    Now see how Hamodia reported the same news:

    Hundreds Sent to Shelters Friday Night as Hamas Fires Rockets at Negev

    Friday, March 11, 2016

    Frum Jews for Trump!

    Trump vs Romney
    The Jewish democrats for Trump are beginning a massive get out the vote among Orthodox Jews in New York and New Jersey.

    They have begun posting ads as well as posters in allsynagogues throughout the metro area.

    For any more info:
    jewishdemocratsfortrump@gmail .com

    Thursday, March 10, 2016

    Abbas refused Biden's division of Jerusalem, total 'settlement freeze' "peace plan"

    Thank the RBSH"O for Abbas, if not for him the Israelis would give up most of Israel vis a vis the Satmar Plan!

    Thank G-D, the Arabs want all of Israel and not just settlements....

    Who can forget when Satmar during the Gush Katif evacuations screamed that Israel should give up parts of Israel (against halacha, the halacha is very clear that any land in Israel cannot be handed over to goyim) the  Satmar Shitah (which is against Torah Mi'Sinai) was always to give up territory except of course the Satmar Mosdos buildings, everything else should be given up! 

    Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas reportedly rejected a new peace plan outlined by visiting US Vice President Joe Biden yesterday, according to Arab media reports.

    Abbas and Biden met in the PA leader's Muqata headquarters in Ramallah on Wednesday, following Biden's meeting with Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

    According to the Palestinian Al-Quds newspaper, the US Vice President used the opportunity to present Abbas with a fresh initiative, which would have included dividing Jerusalem and a total freeze on Israeli "settlement building" in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.

    In return the PA would be expected to recognize Israel as the Jewish state, and give up its demand for a "right of return" for the descendants of Arabs who left the country during the Israeli War of Independence in 1948.

    Abbas, not for the first, promptly rejected the generous offer.

    The the meeting came after Biden leveled strong implicit criticism at the Palestinian Authority and its leadership for failing to condemn the ceaseless wave of deadly terrorist attacks against Israelis.

    Dustin Hoffman Weeps After Discovering Great-Grandmother Escaped Soviet Concentration Camp

    Dustin Hoffman was reduced to tears on Tuesday after learning that his great-grandmother had escaped a Soviet concentration camp before starting a life for herself in America. 

     Hoffman, who is a Jewish actor, found out about his great-grandmother, Libba, on Finding Your Roots, a PBS program in which famous people scour ancestral records to learn about their family’s history. 

    The show revealed that Libba had been taken from her home in Ukraine to a Russian camp when the Bolsheviks targeted Jews after the outbreak of the Russian civil war in 1917. She was 53 when she entered the camp, where she remained for five years. Both her husband and son were killed by the Soviet state security force, the Cheka.

    Along with many other Jews fleeing Eastern Europe, she made her way to Argentina, and ultimately to America.
    Looking at his great-grandmother’s medical records from Ellis Island, Hoffman, 78, discovered that Libba had entered the US in 1930 at age 62. The records show that her left arm had been amputated, she suffered from poor vision and was described as senile. Libba settled with family in Chicago, where she remained until she died in 1944 at the age of 76.
    Tuesday night’s program also highlighted Hoffman’s Jewish heritage, which his parents kept a secret.
    “She was a hero,” Hoffman said of his great-grandmother, as tears streamed down his face. “People ask me today: ‘What are you?’ I say, ‘I’m a Jew…’ I’m a Jew. They all survived for me to be here.”

    Oh Oh! 50 Monsey Businessmen and Politicians may be indicted next week in Chodash Adar

    I don't have all the details, it will all play out next week!
    And it's probably about the Stadium built in Pomona!

    However, what is known for years is that  greedy frum developers have bribed politicians to bypass zoning laws, or get them to change zoning laws, so they can pave over the entire greenery of Ramapo and build multiple dwellings for exaggerated prices, fleecing their own poor people so they can line their pockets!
    The entire Monsey and its surrounding areas is a bottleneck, and no infrastructure is built to accommodate the influx of people!

    An average home in monsey is about $400,00.00. The Developers first bribe the local politician to change the zoning, and then they build 8 4 family houses on that property, convert them into condos, and charge for each condo  750,000.00 to 850,000.
    Where the chassidim (they are sold exclusively to chassidim) get this kind of money, no one knows...

    Last night hundreds of goyim protested a proposed Yeshivah & Dorms for Spook Rock Road....and Route 59

    This is causing massive hatred of goyim who have lived there for years .....

    The frum heimishe developers dont care, they don't try to work with the people ... and instigate the Monsey frum residents telling them that the Goyim are a bunch of anti-Semites!
    And the Mosdos all back the developers, because they give them huge donations...

    A three year long federal corruption probe is expected to create a major shakeup in Rockland County next week, with up to 50 people, the majority of whom are elected officials, reportedly facing federal indictments.
    Several high ranking sources told News 12 (http://goo.gl/mpDu7f) that the FBI investigation focuses on the funding of Provident Bank Park, a Ramapo stadium that is home to a Can-Am league baseball team.  In addition to elected officials, the indictments are also expected to name several Chasidic businessmen with Israeli passports who illegally channeled money both to the stadium and to private yeshivas.
    Federal agents raided the Ramapo Town hall in May 2013, spending more than six hours seizing boxes of documents as well as data files, as previously reported on VIN News (http://goo.gl/RPvQQe).  At the time, FBI agents refused to divulge what records they were looking for, noting only that the search warrant was under seal and not a matter of public record.  Speculation has lingered since that time that the search was related to the construction of Provident Bank Park, a project that was overwhlemingly rejected by voters but was approved by town officials, with questionable financing put in place that may leave taxpayers footing a hefty $60 million bill.
    It is unknown if Town Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence who maintains close ties with the Chasidic community will be named in the indictment. St. Lawrence was unavailable for comment this afternoon.
    The death of a Suffern man ten days ago may well be related to the corruption probe.  Sources said that 60 year old Thomas Vanderbeek, the county’s former director of transportation, was aware that he was under investigation by the FBI, prompting him to take his own life.

    Satmar Chusid a Drug Lord!

    The amazing story of Samuel "Shmilo" Leibovich, a Satmar Chusid who became the king of the orthodox coke. A journey from the Cholent to gang wars in South America, murder in prison

     What's interesting is that Satmar is not even upset that one of their own is a drug lord and a murderer, but they are fuming that he gave an interview in Ivrit, the language of the Zionists!