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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Chassidim adopting Arab Minhagim?

Vishinitzer Rebbe of Bnai Brak Passes away at 96

Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager, the fifth Vishinitzer Rebbe in Bnei Brak and president of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudath Israel, passed away this evening just three months shy of his 96th birthday.
From Vosizneias by Sandy Eller
R’ Hager was the oldest son of the previous Vishnitzer Rebbe, R’ Chaim Meir Hager, also known as the Imrei Chaim, and succeeded his father upon his death in 1972.  The Rebbe’s health had been failing over recent years and the with the exception of holidays and the occasional tish, the Rebbe rarely appeared in public.
R’ Hager was born in Romania in 1916 and was appointed by his father to serve as the Rov of the Hungarian town of Vilchovitz at the age of eighteen.  When World War II spread into Hungary in 1944, the Hager family, with the help of local residents and askanim, made the arduous six month trek by foot, rail and boat from Hungary to Israel, where they were welcomed by joyous Vishnitzer chasidim in Haifa.
R’ Hager was also named by his father as the Rov and Av Beis Din of Kiryas Vishnitz, where he created the “Tzirei Vishnitz” youth movement in both elementary and high schools, to keep young Hungarian and Romanian Vishnitzer refugees close to the chasidus of their families.  R’ Hager served in these positions until the death of his father, whereupon he took over his father’s position as the Admor of Vishnitz.  His brother, R’ Mordechai Hager, was named the Admor of Vishnitz in Monsey at that time.
Upon arriving in Eretz Yisroel, R’ Hager was appointed by his uncle, R’ Eliezer Hager, also known as the Damesek Eliezer, to be the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Beis Yisroel V’Damesek Eliezer.  The yeshiva was originally located in Tel Aviv but later moved to Bnei Brak after the establishment of Kiryas Vishnitz and, in fact, R’ Hager was known to be his father’s proverbial right hand and was instrumental in establishing the Vishnitz community and its mosdos in Bnei Brak. 
R’ Hager was renowned for both his great skills as a lamdan and his extreme vigilance in shemiras eynayim and was instrumental in the establishment of Mehadrin bus lines in Eretz Yisroel.  As president of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudath Israel, R’ Hager established many Vishnitzer schools serving over 10,000 children. Both his davening and his legendary tishes, which were held until R’ Hager’s health began failing, were known to be events of great enthusiasm and joy and were attended by thousands.
A massive celebration was held last year on Rosh Chodesh Nissan in Binyanei Hauma in Yerushalayim to commemorate the R’ Hager’s creation of the Vishnitzer yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel seventy years ago. R’ Hager is credited for stressing the importance of serious learning and proper education among thousands of the Vishnitzer sect, second only in size to the Gerrer chasidim.
R’ Hager, who suffered from Alzheimers, had been in poor health for the last several years and had been in extremely serious condition for the last several months.  Last week, R’ Hager developed an infection in his leg which spread throughout his body causing his kidneys to shut down and calls had gone out to Jews worldwide to daven for R’ Hager’s recovery.
R’ Hager was niftar in his home on Rechov Ahavat Shalom in Kiryat Vishnitz just after midnight amid cries of “Shema Yisroel” from his sons, grandsons and gabbaim who were present at the time of his petira.
R’ Hager is survived by his second wife, Sheindel, his sons, R’ Yisroel and R’ Menachem Mendel and his four daughters, Rebbetzin Chana Chaya Twersky, wife of the Skverer Rebbe, Rebbetzin Sosha Teitelbaum, wife of R’ Aaron Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe, Rebbetzin Sara Rokeach, wife of R’ Yisochor Dov Rokeach, the Belzer Rebbe of Yerushalayim and Rebbetzin Hinda Ernster, Rosh Yeshiva of the Vishnitzer Yeshiva in Bnei Brak and thousands of loyal followers consider themselves to be orphaned as well.  The paroches was removed from the Aron Kodesh in the large Vishnitz Beis Medrash and hundreds of people have congregated outside R’ Hager’s home in Kiryat Vishnitz.
Thousands are expected to attend the levaya, which will take place tomorrow from the large Beis Medrash Ahavas Yisroel in Bnei Brak’s Kiryat Vishnitz and the kevura will take place in the Zichron Meir Beis Hachaim, where R’ Hager will be laid to rest near his father.  The Israeli police, Bnei Brak city officials, Magen David Adom and other agencies will be working together to close down sections of the area as needed and announcements will be made banning all work during the levaya.

R' Yitzchok Fischer still performing "Metzitzah" after being banned!

Hella Winston Special To The Jewish Week
A mohel who was ordered to stop the circumcision practice of metzitzah b’peh in 2007 by the New York State Department of Health is apparently still engaging in the controversial practice of “oral suction,” The Jewish Week has learned.
In a recording made within the past two weeks and obtained by The Jewish Week, Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer can be heard scheduling a bris with a caller who asks him to perform metzitzah b’peh. On the recording, Rabbi Fischer asks the caller whether the bris will take place “in Monsey or the city,” noting that he “can only do it in Rockland County.”
At one point during the call, the caller asks Rabbi Fischer, “We’re frum yidden [religious Jews], I want to do metzitzah b’peh, it’s not a problem?” to which Rabbi Fischer responds, “No, it’s not a problem.”
Asked to comment on the information in the tape, Michael Moran, a spokesman for the state health department, said: “The Department of Health will be contacting Rabbi Fischer to advise him that the order prohibiting him from practicing this ritual in New York State remains in effect.”
In 2005, it was reported that Rabbi Fischer had been linked to the infections of three infants, one of whom died, with the herpes simplex 1 virus. All three infants were circumcised by Rabbi Fischer in New York State. At the time, the city ordered Rabbi Fischer to stop practicing metzitzah b’peh temporarily while it investigated the matter.
When the city learned that Rabbi Fischer was not complying with the order, it ended up suing to compel him to do so, though the Bloomberg administration ultimately withdrew the suit. The city Health Department passed the matter on to a Jewish religious tribunal.
The state health department also issued a ban against Rabbi Fischer in 2005 but, according to reports, withdrew it in April of that year “after receiving a written assurance from a Hasidic business man, Jacob Spitzer, that the community was instituting its own self-policing procedures.” In 2006, an agreement between the state department of health, headed by Pataki appointee Antonina Novello, and a “broad array” of Orthodox rabbis resulted in what was called a “circumcision protocol regarding the prevention of neonatal herpes,” which outlined guidelines for the practice of metzitzah b’peh and steps the state health department would take if an infant were to become infected with the herpes simplex type 1 virus.
Last week, The Jewish Week learned that those protocols — which were widely criticized as ineffective by then-New York City health Commissioner Thomas Frieden and others — were rescinded the following year by Dr. Richard F. Daines, the late health commissioner under Gov. Eliot Spitzer.
In 2007, after Rabbi Fischer was linked to another case of neonatal herpes in May of that year, he was prohibited under Section 16 of the Public Health Law by the state Department of Health from performing metzitzah b’peh “in and throughout the state of New York.” Rabbi Fischer was also prohibited from engaging in any other practice in which he “[allows his] mouth or oral fluids to come in direct contact with an infant’s genitals…”
At one point during the phone conversation, the caller asks to be reassured by Rabbi Fischer about metzitzah b’peh.
“It’s perfectly OK,” Rabbi Fischer answers, and then goes on to claim that the recently reported death of an infant in September from a herpes simplex 1 infection was mistakenly reported to the public as being the result of metzitzah b’peh. He added that “the baby’s death had nothing to do with the mohel.”
“The baby passed away on Rosh HaShanah,” the mohel continued, claiming “it took five months for the health department to convince the medical examiner to add the words ‘oral suction’ to the cause of death. The medical examiner did not want to do it … but the newspapers picked it up and it was enough to make the issue.”
When asked by The Jewish Week about Rabbi Fischer’s claims, Ellen Borakove, director of public affairs for the chief medical examiner of New York City said, “Let me tell you that that cause of death was the way it was back in September. It was finalized [shortly after the death].”
Several attempts by The Jewish Week to reach Rabbi Fischer by phone at his home were unsuccessful.
Reached at his office and asked for comment, attorney Mark J. Kurzmann told The Jewish Week he hasn’t represented Fischer since 2005 and had no knowledge of the 2007 ban.
According to state health department spokesman Peter Constantakes, if the DOH were to receive a complaint with credible evidence that Rabbi Fischer was in violation of the order, the matter would likely be referred to the New York State Attorney General’s office for enforcement.
Calls to the Attorney General’s office were not returned.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Avram Simcha Samet killed by Car in Boro Park

A pedestrian by the name of Avram Samet z"l was killed while crossing a street in Borough Park Monday afternoon, according fire officials.
The accident occured at New Utrecht Avenue and 49th Street about 12:30 p.m., the fire department said.
The 68-year-old victim who lives in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, was rushed to Maimonides Medical Center by a Hatzolah ambulence where he was pronounced dead.
NYPD of the 66th Pct and Chesed Shell Emes are all on the scene, Highway units responding.

While Jewish Children in Israel are getting Bombed, Satmar & Neturi Karta Gangsters burn Israeli Flag!

Rashi z"l wrote long ago "we don't need your honey or your bite"
Its time to tell the Romanian Satmars gangsters , we don't need your "chesed" and don't give us your "Chillul Hashem"
Notice there is not one Satamar guy who has guts to stop this atrocity! This is what they teach their children, hate for a fellow Jew!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Rottenberg doesn't believe his car was burned because of the New Square controversy !

A village dissident once set on fire for bucking rabbinical orders said his car was torched Thursday night by a drunken Purim reveler who was angry when he was denied more booze, according to Ramapo police.

Based on those circumstances, Aron Rottenberg doesn’t believe the arson fire to his car at 10:40 p.m. resulted from his previous problems with the New Square theocracy, police said.
“We’re looking to talk to that young man,” Ramapo Police Chief Peter Brower said.
Brower said Rottenberg told investigators that he “tried to counsel the young fellow against the dangers of drinking.”
“That led to some words along the line of ‘Don’t Tell me what to do’ and he left,” Brower said. “The next thing you know the car is ignited. Mr. Rottenberg stated there is no nexus between the incident last year and the incident last night.”

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Parents of child that died because of Metzizah Be'peh, don't care if other children die !

According to a New York Daily News article the parents of the boy that died because the Mohel that  did Metzizah B'peh had herpes are stonewalling the investigation thereby causing hundreds of future children to be contaminated by that Mohel!

Authorities are being stonewalled by the family of a newborn boy who died after contracting herpes through a controversial religious circumcision ritual, the Daily News has learned.
Multiple sources in the Orthodox Jewish community said the 2-week-old boy’s parents were related to a herpes-infected rabbi who conducted the circumcision according to tradition — using one’s mouth to remove blood from the wound.
“You guys are barking up the right tree,” a law enforcement source said of word that the mohel was related to the boy. “But we don’t know yet who did what.”
The Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office is investigating the death and trying to identify the rabbi, or mohel, but family members have not been cooperative, sources said.
City health officials have criticized the religious practice, saying that putting the open wound into contact with the mouth of the rabbi carries “inherent risks” for the infant.
The unidentified infant died at Brooklyn’s Maimonides Medical Center last Sept. 28. An autopsy listed the cause of death as
“disseminated herpes simplex virus Type 1, complicating ritual circumcision with oral suction,” according to a spokeswoman for the city Medical Examiner.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Chabad Survivor Of Child Sex Abuse Speaks In Albany! Video

Activists and pols gather in support of the Child Victims Act which would extend the statute of limitations for child sex abuse cases.
Agudath Israel of America and Satmar, along with the Catholic Church, oppose the bill.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"Metziztzah B'Peh" linked to child's death at Maimonides Hospital!

A two-week old boy died at a Brooklyn hospital in September after contracting herpes through a religious circumcision ritual that ignited controversy in 2005 after another infant died, the Daily News has learned.

The unidentified infant died Sept. 28, 2011, at Maimonides Hospital, according to a spokeswoman for the city Medical Examiner, who confirmed the death after a News inquiry.
The cause of death was listed as “disseminated herpes simplex virus Type 1, complicating ritual circumcision with oral suction.”
City officials declined to comment Friday.
Under the practice, the rabbi or mohel removes blood from the wound with his mouth — a practice city health officials have criticized, saying it carried “inherent risks” for babies.
It’s unclear who performed the circumcision.

"I'm Sitting in the Gates of Hell" Perry Reich about her Chassidic Background! Video!

"I was raised in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish family," says Pearl, as she describes some of the customs of her faith. "A married woman has to cover her hair. I was expected to wear a skirt down to mid-calf, a shirt covering the collar bone."
Dr. Phil Show Friday March 2, 2012
We had the opportunity to watch the entire segment of Dr. Phil, and we found Perry Reich to be angry, not genuine, a blatant liar, and bizarre. At times during the show she had incoherent outbursts! We believe she came on the show to further her "modeling" career and was not at all interested in retaining custody of her children. In fact, what she she didn't mention was that the court appointed psychologist was one of her own choosing and that psychologist recommended that the father have full custody. She signed the arbitration agreement as an adult, and no one coerced her to sign it.
Her "modeling" career will go nowhere, no agency needs a 30 year old. Most models who are 30 and above started their careers at 18 years old.
News report:
The mother of four says her dream is to become a successful model and actress, and she aspires to be a criminal lawyer. "The ultra-Orthodox Jewish community would not allow me to model or act in any way —- my kids would be thrown out of school. I would be completely isolated," she shares.

To pursue her dreams, Pearl left the only way of life she knew, but it hasn't been easy. "Five years ago when I decided to leave the marriage, my husband declared me a bitch and a whore. That is the worst thing that a Jewish religious woman can be labeled," she says. "Once we leave a religious marriage, the rabbis force the women to go to rabbinical court. At this point, my husband is trying to portray me as an unstable mom and a promiscuous woman, because he’s trying to take the kids away from me. They are fabricated stories so my kids are on the verge of not having a mom." She adds that her husband will not give her a divorce unless he gets custody of their four children. "He wants me deleted from his life and from my kids’ lives," she explains. "I’m about to lose custody of my children. My greatest fear is knowing that my kids are on the verge of being deprived of a healthy home.
"Not to be able to leave something, and not to be able to have your personal happiness — that is a cult, and that’s what I’m facing right now," she continues. "I am extremely resentful. I am extremely pained. I am sitting in the gates of hell." 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Perry Reich on Dr. Phil Tomorrow , Video

Pearl says for six years she was trapped in an abusive arranged marriage in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. She says she escaped five years ago but is now at war with her soon-to-be ex husband for custody of their four kids.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Aharon Friedman, staffer of Rep Dave Camp refuses to grant his wife a get!

A social-media campaign is being waged to pressure Rep. Dave Camp to encourage a top staffer to grant his wife a Jewish divorce, and the lawmaker restricted public posts on his Facebook page after a flood of comments about the issue
Protesting Aharon Friedman
Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, employs a staff member, Aharon Friedman, who is the subject of intense anger from some in the Orthodox Jewish community for refusing to provide his wife with a Jewish divorce decree, known as a “get,” despite the finalization of their civil divorce nearly two years ago.
Friedman, a tax counsel for Camp who has worked for the Michigan Republican since 2007, must consent to the get in order for his ex-wife, Tamar Epstein, to remarry, have additional children or even for her to wear her hair uncovered as unmarried Orthodox Jewish women are permitted to do. Friedman’s detractors charge that his behavior amounts to “domestic abuse.”
The situation is awkward for Camp because it is rare that the personal lives of congressional staffers become political issues for members of Congress. But the influential committee chairman is being dragged into the highly unusual situation now that Friedman’s opponents have decided to thrust it into the public sphere.
Camp’s office turned off a public posting feature on the Facebook page and declined to answer questions about why it did so. Public users can no longer add original posts to Camp’s wall, but can still comment on existing posts.
Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, the rabbi for Ohev Sholom, an Orthodox synagogue in Washington, D.C., that serves more than 300 families, told POLITICO that he will go further than the online campaign and intends to write a letter of complaint to the House Ethics Committee.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Liar Deborah Feldman Exposed!

She’s got some chutzpah!
She lied about her education, lied about her mother, lied about her sister, lied about her husband, when did she tell the truth?
A gal who ditched her hubby and ultra-Orthodox Satmar community in Brooklyn left behind a trail of broken hearts and hurt feelings to pen a controversial yarn.
Deborah Feldman, 25, says she was choked by an antiquated religion and trapped in a loveless marriage — but that’s news to her husband, Joel Feldman, who friends and family say is “shattered” by the damning memoir.
“She was crazy about this boy,” Feldman’s uncle, Izzy Berkowitz, 58, told The Post. “She was dying to get married.
“He did everything and anything for her, but she never appreciated anything no matter what he did,” Berkowitz insisted. “She lacked happiness. Nothing was good enough for her.”
Feldman, who’s been on a whirlwind publicity tour for “Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots” that’s included a powwow with Barbara Walters on “The View,” offers a clinical account of the couple’s marital intimacies.
“He feels betrayed,’ said an old friend of the jilted pop. “She wasn’t forced to marry him. They were madly in love.”
Pearl Engelman, 64, a neighbor of Feldman’s when she lived in Williamsburg, blasted the author.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rebbetzin Chaya Mussia Schneerson in video has most of her hair uncovered!

Rebbetzin Chaya Mussia, wife of the last Lubavitcher Rebbi Z"L being deposed over the ownership of Rabbi Josef Isaac Schneerson's library, she clearly has most of her hair uncovered!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Another Chasidic Lady leaves the fold!

Pearl perry Reich, 30, a stunning mother of four, said she’s done with the Hasidic community after it fought tooth-and-nail against her repeated attempts to end her rocky marriage — despite her claims of emotional and physical abuse.

“It was an arranged marriage,” she said of her betrothal at the tender age of 18. “We got married and right away we had issues.”
Now, after 12 years of “war zone” living, she wants custody of her kids, is trying to launch a career in acting and modeling, and no longer plans to follow the Hasidic teachings she was raised with in Borough Park, Brooklyn.

Her husband, Sinai Susholz, wants his children to remain within the faith.
“There are issues of her leaving Orthodoxy,” said Susholz’s attorney, Richard Sevrin. “It’s not in the best interest of the children to raise them other than how they’ve been brought up.”
But apparently that isn’t the only bone Susholz has to pick.
In a Facebook exchange, someone identifying himself as Susholz leveled accusations including “promiscuous sexual activities.”
“There are much more deeper issues involved,” the Facebook post noted. “She has no ability to think in long term logical terms and behaves on her sexual impulses all the time.”
Reich — who now lives in Lakewood, NJ, where she says she continues to keep a traditional Orthodox home — contends Susholz is trying to portray her as unstable merely to make it harder to get a “get,” or a divorce, in rabbinic court.
Even her father, a prominent rabbi of the Riminov line, has encouraged her to remain married.
“My father gave me a very hard time. He didn’t want me to get divorced, period,” she said. “They discouraged me from making police reports about abuse — my father, the rabbis and my husband’s family . . . His parents made a meeting with my parents. They called me a bitch and a whore, and my parents accepted it.”
Reich’s father and husband refused to comment.
Reich claims that Susholz cut up her $4,000 wig, threw her sneakers in the garbage, stole her glasses and told their daughter that her mother was a “slut.”
Lakewood Police records show that Reich has been granted at least one restraining order after she received a text from Susholz stating, “You are playing with fire and by the time you realize it will be too late.”
The couple’s custody case will begin in a New Jersey Family Court in April.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/bronx/marriage_holy_war_tyfZMjU8fVFyuOdIlvm6iI#ixzz1mpwhBc7M

Friday, February 17, 2012

Deborah Feldman's book of lies?

With allegations of communal cover-ups involving child sexual abuse dogging the haredi community over the past several years, it may not be much of a stretch for some readers to believe a gruesome story that appears in a new memoir about growing up in, and leaving, the Satmar community.

Hella Winston reports in the Jewish Week:
The story, recounted by Deborah Feldman in “Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots” (Simon and Schuster), involves the alleged mutilation and murder of a boy by his own father — supposedly for masturbating — and the subsequent cover-up of the crime by Hatzolah, the community’s volunteer ambulance service.

The only problem, however, is that based on information obtained by The Jewish Week, the seems not be true.…
Further, a death certificate obtained by The Jewish Week indicates that the death — which it noted occurred in a “storeroom” on a Friday afternoon in Kiryas Joel around the approximate date Feldman’s blog alleged — was ruled a suicide by coroner Thomas A. Murray, and lists the cause of death as “partial decapitation, severed carotid arteries due to circular saw.” The deceased’s age was listed as 20.

Several e-mails to Feldman and her publisher, Simon and Schuster, seeking comment did not receive a response.

Deborah Feldman on "The View" Video

Here see her plugging her book, video from Simon and Shuster, her publisher

Belz and Satmar meet in middle of the night! Video!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Women start their own Hatzalah after getting "nowhere with the Hatzalah organization"

From Vin ... Sandy Eller reporting:

Plans for a women’s division of Hatzalah dedicated to assisting in emergency births have been scrapped as the women, after consulting with a respected Brooklyn rabbi, have instead decided to create their own independent volunteer service, titled Ezras Nashim, that will be staffed entirely by women. 
Ezras Nashim spent more than half a year trying to join forces with Hatzalah, under the premise that many women who find themselves facing an emergency birth situation were uncomfortable with male emergency medical technicians, many of whom are community members and even neighbors.
VIN News has learned that, in a meeting that took place just prior to Chanukah, four women representing Ezras Nashim explained the need for women EMTs to be called in childbirth situations to noted Brooklyn Halachic authority Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, the Karlsburg Rov.
Several prominent rabbonim and numerous others were present at the meeting which took place at the Karlsburg Shul on 53rd Street in Borough Park.
“Rabbi Roth listened for at least an hour,” one person who asked to remain anonymous was present at the meeting told VIN News.  “He explained that historically the ‘miyaldos’ (mid-wives) were women and we see in our community that in the Chevra Kadisha, we have men attending to men and women attending to women.  Our shuls are separate, our weddings are separate and there is no reason for our emergency medical corps not to function in the same way, not only in childbirth but in other medical situations as well.
As for how to implement having women serve on Hatzalah, Rabbi Roth said that decision should be made by Hatzalah’s rabbinical advisors.  Rabbi Roth concluded by telling the women that the miracle of Chanukah, among many others, happened through the hands of women, the geula will come through women and that Ezras Nashim, also being brought about by women, should be blessed with hatzlacha.”
Following Rabbi Roth’s advice, Ezras Nashim arranged a meeting with Hatzalah.
“Hatzalah’s board told us that their members did not want women joining Hatzalah and that any changes to Hatzalah could potentially cause delays in service, which was obviously something that nobody wanted,” attorney and community activist Ruchie Freier who represents Ezras Nashim told VIN News.
In a news report that appeared Tuesday in The Forward , Ezras Nashim EMT Yocheved-Lerner Miller explained that the women decided that it was preferable to start their own corps instead of continuing their efforts to join Hatzalah.
“Basically, we did the Hatzalah routine and it is going to get us nowhere,” said Mrs. Lerner-Miller.  “They are adamant and the goal now is to get going. That is how we are going to do it. We are going to do our own thing.”
Hatzalah CEO David Cohen confirmed to VIN News, that he met with Ezras Nashim, but gave no further details, saying he wished Ezras Nashim well.
“We did our homework and we realized that if we aren’t providing medical transport, we don’t need to be a licensed ambulance corps,” said Mrs. Freier.  “Once we discovered that we didn’t have to buy an ambulance but could just contract out with a licensed medical transport provider, it was clear that we could do this on our own and didn’t need to join forces with Hatzalah.”
Members of Ezras Nashim will be trained as both EMTs and doulas or midwives and while the volunteer corps is being founded to aid women in childbirth, their members will be trained to assist in other medical situations as well.  The group expects to be classified as a tax exempt 501C3 charitable organization and will be relying on donations from the public.  Volunteers with Ezras Nashim will have to spend over a thousand dollars each to cover the cost of training, insurance, a medical kit and a phone.
“Our goal is not to encourage home birth,” explained Mrs. Freier.  “We will assess just like Hatzalah assesses and while we will have a full medical board of advisors on staff, as women who have had children, we have an extra sensitivity and awareness of the situation that men could never have.  What I find amazing is that Ezras Nashim is uniting women from all walks of life who want to be involved.  Women from Manhattan, women from New Square, irreligious women, Chasidic women, so many women who have never had the opportunity to use their medical skills in a volunteer fashion are coming forward and asking ‘How can I help?’”
According to Mrs. Freier Ezras Nashim will be in full operation within the next few months with an emergency Telephone number.
To find out more about Ezras Nashim or to make a donation contact Mrs. Freier at freieresq@gmail.com