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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gay-Rights Groups Hold Fund-raiser for Weprin!

Weprin at the Gay Parade

Those in Congressman Weiner's district listen closely, as we reported in this blog yesterday, a vote for Weprin is a vote for the anti-Israel Obama. Now comes a report that Weprin is in "bed" with gays. The New York Post reported in its August 24, edition, that Gay- Rights Groups are fundraising for Weprin. Its time to send a strong message to this democrat lackey that we had enough. Vote for Bob Turner!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

US Worst President: Barack Hussain Obama

Barack Obama is solidifying his status as the worst president in American history. The leader who promised us a bright future of peace and fraternity is leading the American empire – and the rest of the world with it – into a dark abyss. Ever since he settled into the Oval Office, Obama has been hopping from one disaster to the next, making every possible mistake, boosting enemies and disregarding allies while ruining everything he touches in the process. To our regret, the heaviest price – for the time being at least – is being paid by residents of the Middle East.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Message to Israel: Time has come for abolishing Retaliation and trading it for Eradication

Is Israel going to wait for a terrorist big bang before eradicating this cancer, or treat it with aspirin to make the temporary pain go away?
There is no question. Iron Dome may not be able to stop 100% of incoming rockets. A war of attrition is advantageous to the enemy since the cost of a single Katyusha or Qassam rocket is miniscule in comparison to a single Iron Dome smart missile.
And one day, one of those rockets would hit a sensitive target. This is only a matter of chance, and the odds against such an event are getting thinner.
Time has come for abolishing Retaliation and trading it for Eradication. Israel must put a stop, once and for all, to the constant challenge that the Palestinian terror organizations put through.
Settling on Eradication may yield a transitory resentment by those around the world who label themselves as ‘civilized’. They may complain that such actions are too harsh, that innocent lives get caught in the cross-fire, and that this is not a measured response.
But the outcome and its associated benefits would be more permanent, and would last long after the memory of the global fury has been faded away. History has shown that a lasting peace following a bitter war has a better chance of success when the enemy is forced into an unconditional surrender.

A Vote For Weprin is a Vote for Obama!

Bob Turner (left) Weprin (Obama's tail, right) 
Time to call a spade a spade... Webrin running for Weiner's seat refuses to say whether he will indorse the Anti-Israel Obama for President... this congressional race in Brooklyn is turning out to be a referendum on the president and his party, and its time for Jews to do the right thing and vote out the "bums."
So I ask my readers to make sure to vote in this special election and vote for Turner.

Man who refused to give a "get" beaten and in serious condition!

8:58AM (Boroparkscoop.com)
Boro Park Hatzolah just transported two people to Lutheran Trauma Center after an apparent home invasion at a private home on 50th Street. The incident unfolded just a few minutes ago when Hatzolah was called to the home located on 50th Street near 18th Avenue. According to initial reports, they found two people tied up. One of them is in serious condition. They were reportedly assaulted as well. Detectives from the NYPD’s 66th Precinct are currently on the scene investigating the incident.
Boroparkscoop reports that the men refused to give their wives a get....
Let's see if they will now be motivated ...
Wow .... Why would a guy refuse to give a get? There is no legitimate reason to hold on to someone who refuses to live with you..

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Manhattan DA's office will ask judge to dismiss all DSK charges!

Nafissatou Diallo, The Maid
The Manhattan DA's Office will ask a judge to dismiss all charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn when he appears in court Tuesday, The Post has learned.
Prosecutors are poised to file what's called a Dismissal On Recommendation motion, which will say the indictment against the frisky Frenchman cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt because of credibility problems with the sole witness in the case, Strauss-Kahn's hotel-maid accuser.
Prosecution sources said the motion, also called a Recommendation for Dismissal, will be lengthy, thorough and carefully crafted.
One source believes the dismissal motion will include never-before-revealed details attacking the credibility of accuser Nafissatou Diallo, in addition to details already revealed by prosecutors in a June 30 filing describing her previous lies to federal asylum and tax officials and then to prosecutors and grand jurors in the Strauss-Kahn case.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/source_to_drop_dsk_rap_31ojnTxU9N4v6ykxpntQOL#ixzz1VfbAck1V

Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the maid who accused him of sexual assault did have what appeared to be non-consensual sex, but the maid's history of lying means that charges cannot be pressed, prosecutors say.
New York prosecutors have asked a judge to dismiss sexual assault charges against the former IMF chief, a stunning reversal that could revive the political future of a man many had seen as the next president of France.
DNA testing "established that several stains located on the upper portion of the complainant's hotel uniform dress contained semen that yielded the defendant's DNA", the Manhattan District Attorney's Office said.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/world-business/strausskahn-free-as-criminal-charges-dropped-20110823-1j78a.html#ixzz1VoIPh1x2

In Mock Puppet Trial, Children Accuse Mubarak of Inflicting the Egyptians with Cancer From Israel

Knesset Members Call For Israel to Re-Occupy Gaza after another Missile Onslaught!

National Union MKs call on government to stop relying on “Iron Dome” and start hitting Hamas – hard.

National Union (Ichud Leumi) party Knesset Members called on the government Saturday to take dramatic action in response to the declaration of the Hamas terrorist organization of its resumed hostilities and subsequent murderous rocket attacks.

“Iron Dome cannot be the answer,” said MK Aryeh Eldad. “The answer has to be taking out all the heads of Hamas, tonight. From Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashaal on down.”

MK Ben-Ari called to not only target Hamas, but retake Gaza. “The one conclusion from the recent events must lead us to reoccupy Gaza,” he said.

“Otherwise, we will remain captive in the hands of terrorist gangs, who will make uspay a high price in blood every now and again,” he continued. He warned against being satisfied with a ceasefire like the one declared after Operation Cast Lead, saying, “No more 'tadiyeh' with gangs of murderers.”

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Saturday afternoon that Israel is “acting with efficiency” against rocket attacks.

Minister of Internal Security Yitzchak Aharonovich issued a harsher warning following an attack on Be'er Sheva in which one person was killed and several others wounded. “Hamas is responsible for this. Our response will be harsh and very painful. We will not put up with this anymore, the [rocket] fire must stop. We will put an end to it,” he said.
Arutz Sheva
Read Arutz Sheva

Lullavim Shortage This Year? Following Mubarak's downfall, Israel fears for annual import of 700,000 palm branches for Sukkot holiday

Every year for the past three decades, ahead of the Jewish holiday of SukkotIsrael imports from Egypt some 700,000 lulavim (one of the Four Species mentioned in the Torah), originating in palm trees in the northern Sinai city of El Arish.

This year could see a shortage in the palm branches, however, as Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's downfall has created uncertainty in regards to the deal.
Read More Ynet News

New Square letter: Spitzer sought mischief, not murder, in Rottenberg attack

Shaul Spitzer
A community group has circulated a letter claiming Shaul Spitzer just wanted to make mischief on the early May morning that he's accused of trying to kill a dissident resident and burn down the man's house with his family inside.
 Spitzer, 18, is charged with trying to kill Aron Rottenberg, 43, who defied Skver Grand Rebbe David Twersky by not praying at the rabbi's synagogue in the village.Three board members of the New Square Kehila issued a "special letter for Skver followers and friends." The Kehila deals with charity and other communal affairs. The letter-writers state that after gathering the facts, "the most important thing we have learned is that the teenage boy did not intend to harm anyone." They argue that the incendiary device went off when Rottenberg went after Spitzer, who is accused of tossing one device on the back porch. "He never wanted to burn a house with five people inside," the letter says. "His design was mischief on Lag Be'omer night, not arson."The letter condemns violence, says Rottenberg was unjustly attacked, calls for community peace and says "disagreements in a community have to be solved by adults with reason, not by teenage boys with mischief."
Rottenberg and his family have said Rabbi Twersky and his inner circle control life in the community, authorized the violence and looked the other way when Rottenberg suffered burns over half of his body in the May attack.
The letter staunchly defends Rabbi Twersky and the New Square Hasidic Jewish community against criticism and ridicule. Rabbi Twersky is the dynastic leader of the worldwide Skver Hasidic who sets the rules and lifestyle for his followers. An attorney for Spitzer said Friday that neither Spitzer, the Spitzer family nor the defense team had anything to do with the community letter signed by Kahila board members Mordachai Schwartz, Avrum Moshe Silberman and Isaac Breuer. The members could not be reached for comment.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Palestinian Authority plans to destroy the Kotel and build Arab housing in the Kotel Plaza if ever it gains control of Jerusalem.

Kotel Plaza
The Palestinian Authority plans to build an Arab housing complex on Judaism's holiest site if ever it gains control of Jerusalem, according to a documentary translated by thePalestinian Media Watch (PMW).
"They [Israelis] know for certain that our roots are deeper than their false history," thedocumentary stated in Arabicvideo clip from an official Palestinian Authority TV documentary broadcast August 10, 2011 on the Fatah-controlled television network from Ramallah stated that the construction would come as part of the PA's plan to erase the Jewish presence from Jerusalem."We, from the balcony of our home, look out over [Islamic] holiness and on sin and filth (Jews' praying at the Western Wall) in an area that used to have [Arab] people and homes.
"We are drawing our new maps," the program continued. "When they [Israelis] disappear from the picture, like a forgotten chapter in the pages of our city's history, we will build it anew.
"The Mughrabi Quarter will be built here (on the Western Wall Plaza)."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Don't Mess With Obama! Justice Dept Investigating S&P

The Justice Department is reportedly investigating whether credit ratings agency Standard and Poor's improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in years leading up to the financial crisis.The investigation began before Standard & Poor's cut the United States' AAA credit rating this month, but it's likely to add to the political firestorm created by the downgrade, the newspaper said. Some government officials have since questioned the agency's secretive process, its credibility and the competence of its analysts, claiming to have found an error in its debt calculations.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/08/17/doj-reportedly-investigating-standard-poors/#ixzz1VO0e6SFx

"Achdus" : Two weeks to go, and 100 Sfardi Girls still not accepted to High School

With two weeks to go before the start of the new school year, some 100 girls in the country's largest ultra-Orthodox enclaves still have not been accepted to any high school. Most of the girls are of Sephardi origin.
"I am writing to you as the person responsible for placing pupils in your city, asking that you immediately act to place the many pupils who have not been accepted to Haredi secondary schools," Shoshani wrote. "The complaints we heard after the registration period closed were that many pupils were not placed due to alleged discrimination, particularly relating to ethnicity, and that the schools don't have transparent procedures for placing girls."

The cities of Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Modi'in Ilit and Betar Ilit have not complied with a demand made by the Education Ministry's director general, Shimshon Shoshani, who earlier in the summer wrote to the mayors and city managers of all four cities, ordering them to submit their full list of high school placements by the end of July.
Shoshani called on local officials to set up placement committees, headed by the director of the local education department and comprised of two Torah figures (one Ashkenazi, one Sephardi ), a truant officer and a ministry inspector.
"Due to the late date, I want to get a placement list of all the girls in your city by Thursday, July 28," he wrote.
Now, three weeks after that deadline has passed, no lists have been submitted, and an estimated 100 girls are still without a high school. Some of the cities did not even set up the placement committees requested by Shoshani.
Attorney Yoav Lalum, head of the Noar Kehalakha organization - which initiated court action last year against what it claimed was ethnic discrimination in Immanuel - condemned the cities for not following ministry orders. He also chastised the ministry for not going far enough.
"The Education Ministry and the high schools would prefer that we busy ourselves with the issue of which girls did or did not get accepted, and not with the real problem: the quotas set for Sephardim in the girls' high schools," Lalum said. "It's too bad that the Education Ministry keeps missing the point again and again."
Sources say the leading Haredi high schools set the quota for accepting Sephardi girls at 30%.
Soon after Shoshani sent his letter, the leading Ashkenazi Haredi rabbinical arbiter, Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, called the principals of the Haredi high schools to a meeting and told them not to cooperate with the placement committee initiative.
"We must fight this decree," he was quoted as saying.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2 year old Chaya Gittel Schwartz killed in car accident in New Square, Video

A 2-year-old girl was killed Monday after being struck by a minivan on Clinton Lane. Ramapo Police Sgt. Anthony Giardina said Monday that a member of the Hatzolah Ambulance Services called police just after 6:45 p.m. to say that the child had been hit by the car and was being taken to Nyack Hospital. The girl suffered severe head trauma and her identity was not released.Though the details of how the crash occurred were not clear late Monday evening, Giardina said the child was taken from the crash site near 150 Clinton Lane and pronounced dead a short time after reaching the hospital.As of 10:45 p.m., Giardina said a Ramapo Accident Investigation Team continued to examine evidence at the scene.
As of 10:45 p.m., Giardina said a Ramapo Accident Investigation Team continued to examine evidence at the scene.Just before 8:30 p.m. Monday, a large crowd of men, women and children surrounded the maroon minivan that remained in the center of Clinton Lane.People standing quietly in doorways along the densely populated street watched as members of the Hassidic Jewish village used white cloths to soak up blood from beneath the car's left-front tire.The men saved the cloth in a plastic bag; Jewish law requires all remains — including blood — be collected before a burial can take place.None in the crowd appeared to have witnessed the crash, but several bystanders on opposite sides of the roped-off scene said the child had run out into the street, leaving little time for the driver to react.Police reported no injuries to the driver, who was not identified.

The scene was similar to an April 15 crash on Jefferson Avenue where another 2-year-old girl was killed after being struck by a car in the parking lot of the New Square Supermarket.Giardina said no summonses had been issued and he was awaiting the results of the investigation.That girl, identified by village residents as Golda Taubenfeld, was also taken to Nyack Hospital, where she, too, was pronounced dead.On Jan. 28, 2010, a 4-year-old boy suffered head trauma, bleeding to the brain, a fractured pelvis and a bruised lung after he was struck by a minivan while crossing Bush Lane with his mother.The driver of the minivan, Reuven Bayer, 37, of New Square later turned himself in to police and was charged with felony assault and reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor. The status of his case was not known Monday evening.All three crashes occurred within less than .3 miles of one another.

Monday, August 15, 2011

US Helps Pay Terrorists jailed in Israel Who Murdered Americans

Itamar terrorist who murdered five.
Israel news photo: Flash 90

Every single PA terrorist in Israel's jails receives a monthly salary from the PA, courtesy of American taxpayers.

Every single Palestinian Authority terrorist held in an Israeli jail receives a monthly salary from the PA. Terrorists who committed the most heinous crimes – and therefore received longer sentences – receive the most money, according to a report in Israeli paper Yisrael Hayom.
Citing a report received by a senior government official in Jerusalem, the paper says that the terrorists' salaries are paid from the PA's "public budget," which accounts for about 3.5 percent of its total budget.
The PA treasury receives cash from two main sources: the US pays about 50 percent of the money, and the rest is mostly from European Union member nations.
Prisoners who were jailed for periods of up to five years receive 1,400 to 2,000 NIS per month. However, terrorists serving 10 to 15 years receive 6,000 shekels, the ones serving 15 to 20 years receive 10,000 shekels, and those serving 20 to 30 years get 12,000 shekels. These are people who planned, directed and took part in the intentional sadistic slaughter of civilian men, women and children, at point blank range.
Since some of the victims of PA terror are American citizens, the information means that US taxpayers pay monthly salaries to the people who murdered their fellow citizens. The latest US citizen who was a victim of PA terror is Ben Yosef Livnat, who was gunned down in Shechem.
The terrorists' wives and children receive additional cash, and prisoners with Israel citizenship get a bonus.

'How to protect kids from dangerous online relationships'

Israeli company develops technology called Kangaroo to detect and protect young Internet users from dangers in the virtual environment.

David Schwimmer’s latest movie, “Trust”, says it all: "In the face of the enormity of the online world, protecting your child from potential predators is near impossible."In the movie, a 14-year-old girl enters into a virtual relationship with a man she believes is 19-years-old. When she discovers, months later, that he is actually a middle-aged pedophile, it is already too late.

This extreme scenario is every parent’s worst nightmare. Other problems for children on the Internet are the impossibility of controlling their access to sexually explicit content or the relatively new phenomenon of cyber-bullying.
Building on the need for better protection, an Israeli company, Sensegon, has developed a technology, called Kangaroo, to detect and protect young Internet users from dangers in the virtual environment. Inspired by advanced military intelligence software and developed with algorithms designed to identify predatory behavior patterns online, Sensegon informs about potential high-risk developments in virtual relationships.

Obama approval below 40% for the first time!

Obama is sinking like the Titanic! According to the latest Gallop Poll, Obama's approval rate is 39% and his disapproval rate is 54%.
Not Since Carter did we have such low Consumer Confidence!

American Jew abducted in Pakistan

A Pakistani police officer stands guard at the house of kidnapped American development expert Warren Weinstein in Lahore, Pakistan, on Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011.  A senior police official says investigators still don't know who kidnapped Weinstein from his home on Saturday night, in eastern Pakistan at gunpoint.  Kidnappings for ransom are common in Pakistan, with foreigners being occasional targets.(AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary)

 An American citizen working on an aid development project was kidnapped from his home in Pakistan.

Warren Weinstein

Warren Weinstein, 70, who has been identified as Jewish, was snatched from his home in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore early Saturday, according to news service reports.  
Weinstein was working as the Pakistan country director for J.E. Austin Associates, a development contractor, on a project sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Shortly before his abduction, he had announced that he intended to return to the United States on Monday after successfully completing the project.
No group has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping nor asked for a ransom; kidnapping for ransom is common in Pakistan.
Lahore police told Reuters that they have detained several people for questioning, including the guards posted at the house, who allegedly were overpowered by the armed assailants.
The home of kidnapped American development expert Warren Weinstein is seen in Rockville, Md., Saturday, Aug. 13, 2011. Gunmen kidnapped Weinstein from his house in Lahore, Pakistan, Saturday after tricking his guards and breaking into the house in a brazen raid that alarmed aid workers, diplomats and other foreigners, who already tread carefully in this country rife with Islamic militancy and anti-U.S. sentiment.  (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)