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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Eida Chareidis, "Badaatz" rip off the people charging an extra 16%......

A Channel 2 News report addresses the high cost of dairy products in Israel, turning our attention to the Badatz Eida Chareidis, the kashrus organization that certifies the milk powder used in Israel’s dairy industry.

The report cites the Eida charges 16% more than the fair marketplace rate, 
seeking to understand why the additional cost. 

When the Ministry of Agriculture was approached for a response, the spokesman instructed the reporter to seek a response at the Chief Rabbinate. The Chief Rabbinate does not really see the need for added costs with dairy, throwing the blame on the Eida.

The Eida is not operating as a non-profit and it does have added costs to supervise and maintain the mehadrin standard of the product. 

However, many consumers feel that while most of the country wishes to eat kosher, they do not understand why the Eida has been given exclusivity regarding milk powder when the Chief Rabbinate of Israel can do the job at a lower cost. The latter will suffice for the majority of kosher consumers. However, the situation is reversed and the most stringent kosher certifier manufacturers milk powder which is used by the nation’s dairy industry, and it appears consumers must pick up the additional cost.

Minister of Religious Services Naftali Bennett this week announced the planned kashrus revolution,  which he promises will “earn back the public’s trust and lower the prices in the marketplace”. 

Bennett is confident that once the new system is up-and-running, many will no longer feel the need to rely on one badatz or another for the Chief Rabbinate promises three levels of kashrus to satisfy all consumers, accompanied by total transparency.

Bennett explains that even in hospitals, when newborns are given formula, four brands will be used because once competition is introduced prices will drop. 

Today there is one company which maintains exclusivity and Bennett promises those days are about to end. Bennett warns however that the changes will be gradual and one cannot expect the marketplace to change overnight. He estimates it will be a six-month process. 

Bennett is cautious, explaining there are matters that must be probed but he adds his idea is that those not demanding a higher level of kosher should not have to pay for it while those who do want it, are able to receive that product as well.

Three Arab Terrorists caught planning to blow up Wedding Hall in Bayit Vegan dressed as Chareidim

Israel - The Jerusalem District Attorney today filed an indictment in the District Court against three Arab residents of the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in East Jerusalem for planning to carry out a shooting at a banquet hall clad as Haredi Orthodox Jews.

Maariv (http://bit.ly/Lyki00) reports that the suspects, ages 19-21, are accused of conspiring to aid the enemy in wartime.
According to the indictment, in December 2013 the men decided to carry out a terrorist attack against Israelis in Jerusalem to aid terrorist efforts against Israel by Palestinian terrorist organizations.
They decided to carry out the attack in a Jerusalem banquet hall to kill the largest possible number of Jews. The banquet hall could see from 800 to 1,500 guests for events at any time.
The men planned to arrive at the hall dressed in Orthodox garb and had “mini Uzis” purchased from an arms dealer to carry out the attack, stating the weapons were suitable for the attack because of their small size and shooting ability to kill large numbers of people.

ADL tells off Kerry in a well written letter!

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today issued an open letter to Secretary of State John Kerry in response to his comments February 1 at the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, in which he described the price he believes Israel will pay if there is a breakdown in the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

The following is the text of the open letter to Secretary Kerry from Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director:

Dear Mr. Secretary:
We are writing to you at this moment with great respect for the exemplary and devoted efforts you are putting in to try to move peace forward between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
We have all witnessed the suffering and loss on all sides as the conflict continues year after year, decade after decade. We welcome your perseverance and optimism in trying to accomplish something that has eluded others time and again.
It is with this perspective in mind that we regretfully read of your comments this past weekend in Munich. In speaking about the price Israel will pay if the peace talks break down and Israel is blamed, you may have thought you were merely describing reality. But as the key player in the process, the impact of your comments was to create a reality of its own.
Describing the potential for expanded boycotts of Israel makes it more, not less, likely that the talks will not succeed; makes it more, not less, likely that Israel will be blamed if the talks fail; and more, not less, likely that boycotts will ensue. Your comments, irrespective of your intentions, will inevitably be seen by Palestinians and anti-Israel activists as an incentive not to reach an agreement; as an indicator that if things fall apart, Israel will be blamed; and as legitimizing boycott activity.
What is particularly troubling about your comments is the absence of similar tough talk about the consequences for Palestinians should the talks fail. We make this comment not in search of some theoretical balance. Rather, its absence suggests a historical amnesia about why there has been no peace and no solution all these years. Israel always must be willing to compromise for peace and at different times it is not unreasonable to ask Israel to do more.
But the core of the conflict was and remains Palestinian unwillingness to accept Israel’s legitimacy and permanence as a Jewish state. That is why the Palestinians rejected the 1947 partition, that is why they rejected recognizing Israel after the 1967 war, and that is why Israeli offers at Camp David in 2000 and Annapolis in 2008 were rejected or allowed to go unanswered.  It is Palestinians who must hear the message that not only has their rejectionism been the major obstacle to peace, but it has also been the main source of their suffering and misery over the years. It is time for them to make the qualitative leap toward peace and acceptance of the legitimacy of the Jewish state.
It is encouraging that reportedly in the talks you are raising these matters with the Palestinians. Your comments in Munich, however, threaten to undo all this by ignoring the historic compulsion of the Palestinians to look for ever new reasons and incentives to reject the Jewish state. Concerns of the kind you expressed therefore would have been better left unsaid or at most discussed in private conversations with Israeli representatives.
We wish you continued success in moving this process forward. We urge you to understand, however, that those who are most against peace are the ones who will benefit the most from the unintended encouragement in the comments you expressed in Munich.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Satmar loosing its biggest ideological supporter, Toldos Aaron is now against the Asra Kadisha Savages!

How things quickly change! 
The Satmar barbarians were throwing leaflets all over the streets of Monsey, Williamsburg, Boro-park and Yerushalyim, against Rav Shternbuch, because he supports building on what the Asra Kadisha savages and Satmar Hooligans, consider kevorim...

But now Toldos Aaron is backing Rav Shternbuch.

The truth is that's its all about money. Asra Kadisha cares about kevorim like I care about last years snow. 
If the developers give them some money, they allow them to build.

What happened was that last year a developer in Beit Shemesh got fed up with the constant demands and blackmail and went to Rav Sternbach who investigated and found no Jewish people buried at the site and ruled that the developer could build....
That left Asra Kadisha in a bind, they are made up mostly of Satmar Romanian barbarians! So they started saying that the world renowned posek Rav Sternbuch lost his mind and is a "Shaygetz"

Till now these animals had the support of Toldos Aaron....
but now the party is over!
So what will the two Satmar leaders do now?
The split in the Eida Chareidis appears to be widening as Toldos Aaron has come out publically against Asra Kadisha. 
The  flyers against Asra Kadisha were distributed after Asra Kadisha held an event in Beis Medrash Ohel Rochel, using the forum to protest ongoing construction in Beit Shemesh. 
Asra claims that construction compromises the integrity of ancient kevarim. 
Harsh words against Eida Chareidis Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita were heard at the event along with criticism against the Toldos Aaron Rebbe Shlita and his kehilla.

Toldos Aaron did not remain silent and flyers denouncing Asra Kadisha were distributed in the kehilla.

Asra and Satmar have now met their match... Toldos Aaron will not back down and will fight the barbarians!

Crazy Satmar Parents made this sweet boy go off the derech!

Uzi Perlmutter Before & After
מאת עוזי פרלמוטר

בגיל 13 השתנו חיי מקצה לקצה, היום אחרי 6 שנים אני מרשה לעצמי לקום ולספר, מיד לאחר הבר מצווה שלי אבי הודיע לי כי אני נוסע לחתונת בנו של האדמו"ר מסאטמר בחו"ל, אני כמובן שמחתי לא כל יום יוצא לי להיות בחו"ל, מיד לאחר החתונה הודיעו לי שאני נשאר ללמוד בישיבה של חסידות סאטמר בחו"ל, אני כמובן התנגדתי בכל תוקף והסברתי שאני צעיר ולא בשל לשהות לבד בארץ זרה, כמובן שהדיבור היה לקיר ולמרות התנגדות מצידי מצאתי את עצמי שוהה אצל משפחה זרה מחסידי הקהילה בלי רצוני. בחצי שנה הראשונה ישבתי בישיבה והסתובבתי שם בעצבים על הוריי שלא התחשבו בי והטיסו אותי כביכול לחתונת האדמו"ר ואז הוכרחתי להישאר שם, העצבים היו בשיאם, הייתכן שהוריי שיקרו אותי?!, ובחצי השני של השנה עבדתי בעבודות מזדמנות כדי לממן לי כרטיס טיסה חזרה לישראל, ואז בגיל 14 עליתי על מטוס וחזרתי לארץ, שמתי פעמיי לכיון בית הוריי ונחתתי עלייהם בהפתעה, כמובן שקיבלתי מטר של צעקות הייתכן שאתה מעז כך לחזור לארץ ללא רשותנו? צעקו עליי הוריי. כמובן שנפגעתי נורא לא רק ששלחתם אותי נגד דעתי לארץ זרה אתם עוד מטיחים בי אשמה?! נורא נפגעתי ועזבתי את ביתי בזעם. מאז ועד היום אני מסתדר בכוחות עצמי, אך תמיד שאלתי את עצמי איפה היה אלוהים בכל הסיפור הזה? למה בגיל כה צעיר הייתי צריך לסבול? היום כשכל הסיפור מאחוריי אני מרשה לעצמי לפתוח את הקלפים על השולחן, והנה אני חי חיים חופשיים ונהנה

My Loose Translation
From Uzi Perlmutter
When I turned 13, my life changed completely. Now after 6 years I have the courage to finally tell my story.

Immediately after my Bar-Mitzvah, my father informed me that we were to travel to America to the Wedding of the Satmarer Rebbe's son. I was very happy because its not everyday that one gets to travel out of Israel.

After the wedding, my father informed me that I would remain in the USA learning in Satmar Yeshivah!

I, of course fought this tooth and nail, explaining to my father that I was too young to be alone in a foreign country. But all my pleading was like talking to a wall and I wound up living by a strange Satmar family.

For the first half year, I would sit and contemplate the betrayal of my father, tricking me into thinking that I was going to a wedding, when all along his plan was to have me live in the USA! 

I couldn't fathom that he would do something like this!

But the second half of the year, I managed to find odd jobs that payed, enough for a return ticket to Israel!
So at the young age of 14 I returned to Israel. 
I arrived at my house suddenly without warning, and you cannot imagine the screams of my parents chastising me for returning without permission and without giving them prior notice.
What Hypocrisy? Did they give me prior notice before shipping me off under false pretenses?

I left my house with anger and since then I have some how managed to be on my own, but all this time I asked "where was G-D while this was going on?" "Why did I have to suffer at such a young age?"
Now that all this is behind me I allow myself to place the cards on the table, so to speak, and I live a life of freedom and I'm enjoying life!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Now EU Ambassador Warns Israel of Isolation! Why doesn't someone warn the Arabs???

Don't forget readers that these anti-Semites have warned us for thousands of years, but we will carry on long after this bastard is discarded in the footprints of history!

The European Union’s ambassador to Israel has warned the Jewish State that it would likely endure “increasing isolation” if peace talks with the Palestinians collapse.

Lars Faaborg-Andersen told Israel’s channel 2 TV Monday that such a scenario wouldn’t necessarily be a result of European policy, but rather the actions of private companies.
His comments echo those made by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who is brokering the talks and who warned last week that the boycott would expand if talks fail.
The warnings caused uproar in Israel, with some officials condemning the remarks while others recommended the government take note.
A small but growing number of European businesses have cut trade with firms involved in West Bank settlements.

Inside the Israeli SodaStream factory where the Palestinian employees are giving the thumbs up

SodaStream’s chief executive has hit back at Oxfam’s criticism that the Israeli company profits from illegal trade that harms Palestinians, saying the charity is being hypocritical in calling for it to close its factory in the occupied West Bank.

Last week Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson ended an eight-year role as an Oxfam goodwill ambassador after campaigners for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel criticised her sponsorship deal with the fizzy-drink machine manufacturer.

Now the company’s chief executive Daniel Birnbaum has claimed SodaStream is being ‘demonised’ by activists who overlook the fact the factory is the largest private company employing Palestinian workers in the West Bank, all of whom he says receive the same pay as their Israeli colleagues.

Positive: Wissam, an Israeli-Arab who lives in Jerusalem, gives the thumbs up while working in the Soda Stream factory in Mishor Adumim
Positive: Wissam, an Israeli-Arab who lives in Jerusalem, gives the thumbs up while working in the Soda Stream factory in Mishor Adumim
Daniel Birnbaum (right) has claimed SodaStream is being 'demonised' by activists who overlook the fact the factory is the largest private company employing Palestinian workers in the West Bank
Daniel Birnbaum (right) has claimed SodaStream is being 'demonised' by activists who overlook the fact the factory is the largest private company employing Palestinian workers in the West Bank
Palestinian workers wait in the production line at the controversial Soda Stream factory in Mishor Adumim
Palestinian workers wait in the production line at the controversial Soda Stream factory in Mishor Adumim
Row: Last week Scarlett Johansson quit as an Oxfam goodwill ambassador after criticism of her SodaStream sponsorship deal
Row: Last week Scarlett Johansson quit as an Oxfam goodwill ambassador after criticism of her SodaStream sponsorship deal
Speaking to The Independent, Birnbaum said: 'We have to deal with the media and activists who too often demonise us just because of the location of the factory.'
He added that there were no financial incentives to base the company on the controversial Mishor Adumim and insisted Sodastream has no political agenda.

    He went on to say: 'We purchase special health insurance for our 500 Palestinian employees so that we can be sure they have coverage for things like emergency surgery and organ transplants'.

    In his defence of SodaStream, Birnbaum also claimed Oxfam gave money to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which he says is being used 'to demonise and attack Israel.'

    Ayman (right) a Palestinian from the West Bank town of Ramallah, works near his prayer carpet in the Mishor Adumim factory
    Ayman (right) a Palestinian from the West Bank town of Ramallah, works near his prayer carpet in the Mishor Adumim factory
    Daniel Birnbaum says SodaStream has to deal with the media and activists who 'demonise' the company because of the location of its factory
    Daniel Birnbaum says SodaStream has to deal with the media and activists who 'demonise' the company because of the location of its factory
    A Palestinian man uses a sling to hurl a stone during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest in the West Bank
    A Palestinian man uses a sling to hurl a stone during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest in the West Bank

    Oxfam denied Birnbaum's allegations, saying its partnerships with BDS-linked groups did not mean it was actively funding their activities.
    Yesterday it was revealed that Johansson’s decision to honour her controversial contract with SodaStream at the expense of her role as ambassador for Oxfam may lie in her family’s struggle with money.
    The star of The Girl With The Pearl Earring and The Island admitted she hankers after wealth and squanders money.
    And while she commands huge fees for her film appearances, including a reputed £13 million for Avengers 2, she has also amassed a stable of sponsors, with top-brand firms paying her £3 million a year for acting as an ambassador for their goods.
    ‘It’s nice to have money. I didn’t grow up with it so it’s nice to have it,’ she told The Mail.
    ‘I’m not at all frugal and I don’t save – to my business manager’s dismay. I like to be generous. I can’t stand people who are tight with their money, it drives me crazy.
    ‘It’s different if you’re scrimping and saving because you need to, to save up for something. But I cannot stand cheapness.’
    Scarlett Johansson controversially appeared in an advertisement for SodaStream at Super Bowl XLVIII
    Scarlett Johansson controversially appeared in an advertisement for SodaStream at Super Bowl XLVIII
    SodaStream is said to have paid £243,000 for Scarlett Johansson's advertisement during the Super Bowl
    SodaStream is said to have paid £243,000 for Scarlett Johansson's advertisement during the Super Bowl
    Scarlett Johansson's decision to remain linked to SodaStream whose factory is in Mishor Adumim, an industrial zone in the Jerusalem hills, has infuriated Oxfam
    Scarlett Johansson's decision to remain linked to SodaStream whose factory is in Mishor Adumim, an industrial zone in the Jerusalem hills, has infuriated Oxfam
    Conflict: Oxfam insists it is incompatible for Scarlett Johansson to represent both it and SodaStream
    Conflict: Oxfam insists it is incompatible for Scarlett Johansson to represent both it and SodaStream
    SodaStream is said to have paid £243,000 for Johansson’s advertisement during the Super Bowl.
    Her decision to remain linked to the firm, whose factory is in Mishor Adumim, an industrial zone in the Jerusalem hills, has infuriated Oxfam.
    The charity insists it is incompatible for Johansson to represent both it and SodaStream.
    It said: ‘Oxfam believes that businesses such as SodaStream that operate in settlements further the ongoing poverty and denial of rights of the Palestinian communities that we work to support. We are opposed to all trade from Israeli settlements, which are illegal under international law.’
    Johansson insists SodaStream provides employment for hundreds of West Bank Palestinians along with Israeli Jews. She said: ‘It supports neighbours working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights.’

    Israel creates "Pill Camera" to screen Colon, How about not selling it to EU & the Arab Countries who back Israel Boycott?

    Given Imaging Ltd. said Monday it has won U.S. approval for an ingestible pill camera that can help doctors screen the large intestine for polyps and other early signs of colon cancer.
    The Israeli company’s technology, developed from missile defense systems, uses a battery-powered camera to take high-speed photos of the intestinal tract over the course of eight hours. The images are transmitted to a recording device worn around the patient’s waist and later reviewed by a doctor.
    Analysts originally expected Given’s approach to directly compete with traditional colonoscopy procedures. But company studies found that the images taken by the mini-camera are not quite as clear as those of from the in-office procedure. As a result, the company has pursued a more limited market for its PillCam: patients who have trouble undergoing standard colonoscopies.
    The Food and Drug Administration approved the company’s PillCam Colon for patients who have experienced an incomplete colonoscopy. The company estimates 750,000 U.S. patients are not able to complete the procedure each year, due to anatomy issues, previous surgery or various colon diseases.
    Even with this limited indication, analysts estimate the new pillcam could grow to sales of over $60 million in North America by 2019, with room for expansion as the technology improves. MorningStar analyst Debbie Wang said the company has shrewdly positioned the device as another tool in the gastrointestinal specialist’s tool kit, rather than a direct competitor.
    “Given’s management understands that that traditional colonoscopy is the gastroenterologist’s bread and butter right now,” Wang said. “So they didn’t want to do anything that would position this as a substitute.” Wang points out that Given’s PillCam costs $500, significantly less than the $4,000 for a colonoscopy. Eventually, she thinks doctors may use the device to attract adults who avoid regular screenings due to fears of pain, embarrassment and general discomfort. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines currently recommend regular colonoscopies beginning at age 50 and continuing until age 75, though the majority of American adults don’t follow the recommendations.
    In December, Irish medical device firm Covidien announced it would buy Given for about $860 million. Given, headquartered in Yoqneam, Israel, markets seven lines of medical devices and surgical supplies, including pillcams to screen the esophagus and small intestine.
    Pillcam Colon was previously approved in 80 other countries, including in Japan, Europe and Latin America.

    Netanyahu calls on world to pressure Palestinians after Abbas refuses to recognize Jewish state,! Abbas Policy similar to Satmar!

    After reading the following article, I want you to stop and ponder if there is a difference in the Abbas policy of not recognizing Israel and the Satmar position?
    Both don't want Zionism, both don't recognize the State of Israel and both want Israel to give everything back to the Arabs!
    So don't wonder why Mashiach is taking his time!
    Prime Minister Binyamin on Monday attacked Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for his refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish state.
    "The chairman of the PA was quoted today as saying that he is not prepared to recognize the Jewish state. And this comes with him knowing that there will not be an agreement without recognition of the nation state of the Jews," Netanyahu said at the Likud faction meeting.
    Netanyahu said that it is "absurd" to think that Israel would acquiesce to a peace agreement that entails Israeli recognizing a Palestinian state without gaining Palestinian recognition of a Jewish state.

    The prime minister's comments came after Abbas told The New York Times on Monday that he was willing to allow Israeli troops to remain in the future Palestinian state for a five-year transitional period, after which they would be replaced by US-led NATO troops to ensure Israel's security. He added, however, that he would not recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
    "Now we will see if those same international actors, who until now have solely put pressure on Israel, will make clear to the Palestinian Authority what exactly will happen to the Palestinians if there will not be an agreement," Netanyahu said.
    "Because, unless the Palestinians understand that they will pay a price for the failure of peace talks, they will prefer not to continue the talks," he added.
    The prime minister's comments came after US Secretary of State John Kerry warned on Saturday that Israel faces the threat of delegitimization and boycott should the status quo continue without progress in the peace process.
    "No amount of pressure, will cause me to give up on the essential interests of the State of Israel - chief of which is the  security of Israel's citizens," he vowed.
    Economy Minister Nafatli Bennett also reacted to Abbas's interview in the Times Monday, rejecting the idea of NATO troops taking over for IDF soldiers.
    "I heard about a new start-up: NATO forces guarding Israelis. We have seen in the past that when it is calm they are there, but when things heat up, they run away," Bennett said.
    The Bayit Yehudi leader gave the example of southern Lebanon following the Second Lebanon War. He stated that there were now some 100,000 missiles in south Lebanon despite the mandate of UN peacekeepers in the area to keep missiles out of the region in accordance with UN Resolution 1701.
    "Only the IDF will guard our kids. To any other patent, we say, no thanks," he said.
    Labor leader Isaac Herzog reacted to Abbas's proposal, saying at the party's weekly faction meeting that "Agree or not, at least he has a plan."

    Hillary Clinton argues against sanctions on Iran, and nobody cares!

    Where is the Agudah? Where are the Jewish Organizations?
    They don't give a damn!

    Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is urging Congress to resist imposing new sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, saying that “this is the time” to give diplomacy a chance to work.
    Clinton, who leads the pack among potential Democratic presidential contenders for 2016, according to Reuters polling, said in a January 26 letter to Democratic Senator Carl Levin, “Now that serious negotiations are finally under way, we should do everything we can to test whether they can advance a permanent solution.”
    Her comments came after Levin wrote to her about the sanctions issue. The lawmaker released her letter on Sunday.
    Fifty-nine of the 100 U.S. senators, including 16 of President Barack Obama’s fellow Democrats, co-sponsored a bill that would impose new restrictions on Iran if talks on a permanent deal falter.

    Iran, which insists its atomic ambitions are limited to peaceful purposes, has warned it will walk away from negotiations on its nuclear program if the bill becomes law. The measure is now stalled in the Senate amid expectations the chamber’s Democratic leaders will not allow a vote.
    Obama pledged in his annual State of the Union address last week to veto any legislation that threatens talks with Tehran. He said an interim agreement seeking to curb Iran’s nuclear program was already taking effect, and the ongoing diplomacy between Iran and six world powers was important for U.S. safety.
    Noting she was a longtime supporter of previous sanctions against Iran, Clinton told Levin that she shared his position that those measures “and the carefully constructed global consensus behind them are responsible for driving Tehran to the negotiating table.”
    She said that like Obama, she had no illusions about the ease or likelihood of reaching a permanent deal with Iran, “yet I have no doubt that this is the time to give our diplomacy the space to work.
    “If it does not, there will be time to put in place additional sanctions in the future, with greater international support necessary to ensure enforcement, and to explore every other option on the table,” she wrote.