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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Chassidim Embracing, Hugging and Kissing Palestinian Murderers .. Watch NK openly Desecrating Shabbos

Ismail Kaani commander of the Revolutionary Guards Dressing as a Lady to Hide from Mossad


Candace Owens claims Star of David originated from child-sacrificing pagan deity

Political commentator Candace Owens said on her YouTube show on Tuesday that the Star of David originated from an evil pagan deity and has only become associated with Judaism within the past few hundred years, continuing the prominent provocateur and media personality’s recent focus on Jews and conspiracy theories associated with them.

“Do you know the history of the Star of David?” she asked on her show. “I thought that that was associated traditionally, somehow, with Judaism.”

The right-wing firebrand went on to argue that, in truth, the Star of David only became associated with Judaism when European Jews decided to adopt it as a symbol comparable to the cross a few hundred years ago.

Then, when the Zionist movement adopted it in the late 1800s, that is when it became the symbol people think about today, she claimed.

However, many Jewish ancient artifacts have been found to have the Star of David on them.

There were also other cultures, including pagan ones, that used the symbol.

Additionally, the term “Magen David” — the “shield of David” — is referred to in the Talmud, although not specifically as the six-pointed star symbol.

Owens said that the true origin of what is today called the Star of David was actually the Star of Remphan, a pagan god worshiped by the Canaanites and who was regularly offered child sacrifices.

As proof, Owens showed a picture from the internet that claimed to depict the Star of Remphan as a six-pointed star.

However, there is no agreed-upon idea of what the Star of Remphan is actually supposed to be.

She went on to link these stars with demons and sorcery.

It appears Owens gathered much of the information to make her argument from Wikipedia.

“If it’s on Wikipedia … that just must mean that it’s such an irreversible fact,” she said.

In recent months, Owens has apparently latched onto the theory that there is a cabal of demon-worshiping people who have tremendous power in today’s world, and that many of these individuals either originally were Jewish or claim to be Jewish.

She does not claim that Judaism properly observed or practiced includes the evil she has discussed, but rather the people who engage in the evil — people she labels as “Frankists” — are claiming the mantle of Judaism.

Owens’ recent focus on Jewish history is a slight pivot from her previous fixation on Israel.

In a June episode of her show, Owens argued that “it seems like our country [the US] is being held hostage by Israel.”

She lamented, “I’m going to get in so much trouble for that. I don’t care.”

In the same episode, Owens claimed US Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was “wading into some dangerous waters” when, during an interview with host Tucker Carlson, he spoke about how effective the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is at lobbying members of Congress and suggested the group should have to register as a foreign agent that is acting on behalf of Israel.

The reason it was dangerous, Owens said, was because “we know there was once a president that wanted to make AIPAC register, and he ended up shot … so Thomas Massie better be careful.”

Owens was referencing the fact that Kennedy wanted the American Zionist Council, a lobby group, to register as a foreign agent.

However, there is no evidence the group had anything to do with Kennedy’s assassination.

Weeks later, Owens promoted a series of talking points downplaying the atrocities of the Holocaust and said experiments by Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele performed on Jews during World War II sounded “like bizarre propaganda.”


Terrorist vehicles tried to block IDF forces at the entrance to Jenin. Here’s how the forces responded.


Message to the anti-draft Gedoilim... Way Before We Were a Nation We Had an Army and We Fought!


Pelosi murdered Biden’s career and now she wants him on Mount Rushmore – what a shameless hypocrite!


By Piers Morgan

Nancy Pelosi has what we British would call a “brass neck.”

It’s a saying that alludes to someone so thick-skinned, it makes them utterly impervious to any sense of shame for their self-interested or hypocritical actions.

It’s an open secret in Washington that Pelosi just did to Joe Biden what Marcus Brutus did to Julius Caesar.

Of course, she didn’t actually kill him.

But she did kill his political career.

And she did it in a manner so ruthless that I’m told — on reliable authority — that Biden will never forgive her for it.

Following the president’s humiliating debate debacle with Donald Trump, Pelosi appointed herself chief assassin, albeit one who continued to support him publicly while knifing him in the back behind the scenes.

As Politico reported on July 17, quoting one of her allies: “The speaker does not want to call on him to resign, but she will do everything in her power to make sure it happens.”

And that’s exactly what she did, until Biden finally fell on the sword she’d dropped in front of him.

“Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,” the media were briefed afterward, making her sound like Michael Corleone in “The Godfather Part II.”

So Joe Biden was forced to quit his dream job, the one he had fought so ardently to get his whole political life, and the one he never had any desire or intention of voluntarily giving up.

By backing out of the 2024 race, just four months before the election, and six months before the end of his first term, Biden instantly entered the pantheon of biggest-ever presidential losers.

In the process, he also became a global laughingstock — an object of ridicule, mockery and embarrassment that reportedly left him feeling utterly crushed.

Yet on Sunday, there was his assassin, Nancy Pelosi, popping up on “CBS News Sunday Morning” to call for him to be added to Mount Rushmore, the great American stone shrine to democracy that features 60-foot faces of four truly great American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

“Such a consequential president of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of president of the United States,” Pelosi sighed about Biden to interviewer Lesley Stahl, who was so startled, she retorted incredulously: “Are you really saying that he belongs up there on Mount Rushmore? Lincoln and Joe Biden?”

“But you got Teddy Roosevelt up there, and he’s wonderful,” Pelosi insisted. “I don’t say take him down, but you can add Biden.”

Like I said, she’s got a brass neck.

In fact, it would be hard to think of any female politician in American political history whose neck is made of a stronger metaphorical alloy of copper and zinc.

But she’s also got a forked tongue.

“No, I wasn’t a leader of any pressure party,” she lied when Stahl asked if she’d led the plot to topple Biden. “Well, let me say things that I didn’t do. I didn’t call one person. I did not call one person. I could always say to him, ‘I never called anybody.'”

I laughed out loud when she said that.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Chassidim Take a Helicopter to go to their Bungalows



Elimelech Stern a Viznitzer Chusid from Beit Shemesh Finally Admits that he knowingly Spied for Iran

 Elimelech Stern, a Chasidic resident of Beit Shemesh, admitted during a Shin Bet investigation that he realized at a certain point that he was communicating with Iranian agents, Avishai Greenzeig disclosed on Monday evening on Kan Reshet Bet.

During his investigation by the Shin Bet, Stern said: "I realized that 'Ana' (undercover name of the Iranian agent) was probably something bigger, something with the arms of an octopus, and I began to worry about myself as well. I was afraid that if I contacted the police, I would be putting myself at risk." When further questioned, he admitted, "I suspected that they might be from enemy countries."

When asked why he continued to accept missions, even though he realized that it was a terrorist organization, he replied that he did it "possibly to earn a bit of money."

During one of his investigations, Stern broke down and said: "I know I was wrong. I failed big time. It's more that I continued with her, and didn't overcome my fear and go to the police station."

"I realized that there is an organization behind this thing and that's why I preferred Telegram, because it's encrypted. And no one can be, I realized that there is something problematic. Something here is not kosher, and I will not publish that I did it. Something between the drops is not kosher."

Contrary to what he said during the investigation, his lawyer claimed that he is a Vizhnitzer Hasid, who has not studied Hebrew or English and, therefore, relied on Google Translate, which made it difficult for him to understand that he was talking to a foreign agent.

Regarding the missions he received, he said: "I had two options, either she is outside of Israel and she plans to cause chaos in Israel, or she is from the anarchist left side of the spectrum and she plans to cause chaos.

Mossad Pushing for Preemptive Strikes

 Since 1967, Israel’s strategic and military orientation gradually marginalized the option of preemptive strikes, and anticipation gave way to a defensive concept that essentially relied on the ability to discover what the enemy was up to, rely on warning signs and be able to react in time.

This system, as is logical, placed the emphasis on good — excellent — intelligence, both via external, internal and military channels. And this system, as we know, dramatically blew up on Oct. 7, when Hamas, against all expectations from Israel, launched an invasion on Israeli soil in a spree of blood, barbarism and destruction. There are still many today who wonder how such a failure of intelligence was possible, unable to correctly interpret the signals coming out of Gaza and prevent such a large-scale attack. As in the U.S. with Al Qaeda on 9/11, I imagine that part of the responsibility lies in groupthink, lack of imagination and bureaucratic reluctance to confront disruptive options.

It’s Not Kamala’s Campaign, It’s Obama’s


One of the great obsessions of some conservatives was that Michelle Obama was going to be brought in and replace Joe Biden. That never happened and there was no reason that it was going to happen.

Michelle doesn’t want the job and Barack Obama doesn’t want to spend his time in the humiliating Bill Clinton or Doug Emhoff role when he could be seen as a kingmaker and live comfortably in a nicer mansion than the White House.

Obama’s staffers however began a whispering campaign to undermine Biden and panic donors. Then they swooped in to install a woman who makes Michelle Obama seem like Abraham Lincoln.

In that brief interim where the media, in response to the Biden coup began committing sudden crimes of journalism, the New York Times told us that Biden “considers Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, the main instigator but is irritated at Obama as well, seeing him as a puppet master behind the scenes.”

Kamala is now pushing out the Biden loyalists who tried to keep him in power and bringing in Obama’s people.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris hired a battery of new senior advisers to her campaign this week, moving swiftly to replace lifetime loyalists of President Biden with Democratic campaign veterans, including multiple leaders of Barack Obama’s presidential bids, according to people briefed on the campaign shifts.

David Plouffe, a top strategist on both of Obama’s presidential campaigns, joins Harris as senior adviser for strategy and the states focused on winning the electoral college. Stephanie Cutter, the deputy campaign manager for Obama’s reelection who has been working in recent months with Harris, is the new senior adviser for strategy messaging. Mitch Stewart, a grass-roots organizing strategist behind both Obama wins, will become the senior adviser for battleground states. David Binder, who led Obama’s public opinion research operation and previously worked for Harris, will expand his role on the Harris campaign to lead the opinion research operation.

“This team is a reflection of the vice president. It brings in people who have worked for her a long time, people who have been with her for the last few years of the administration,” O’Malley Dillon said Friday.

As usual, the thing they’re assuring you of is the opposite of the truth. This is Obama’s operation.

During private talks, Obama had repeatedly pressured Biden to bring in his campaign people to run everything. And now it’s happening. There’s no Kamala campaign, it’s the Obama campaign, with an even more feeble and clueless figurehead out front than even Joe Biden. But that is a problem.

Kamala has a history of wrecking her own operations. Her previous presidential campaign fell apart in infighting between her sister and her team. Her Veep office blew up with most of the original team leaving. And the co-chair of her campaign, Tony West, is her brother-in-law which means family will once again be pitted against campaign pros. That was not an issue for the more professional Obama campaigns.

Obama’s people are betting they can work around Kamala, roll out lots of staged pop culture events and faux serious statements while minimizing live media interaction. So far their aggressiveness has paid off but sustaining that across three months with an idiot candidate who also has a history of narcissistic tantrums and a dysfunctional family is going to get messy. But if they succeed, this really will be Obama 3.0.

by Daniel Greenfield

{Reposted from FrontPageMag}

Harav Kook's Halell Today with Music...

 "הַטּוֹב כִּי לֹא כָלוּ רַחֲמֶיךָ, וְהַמְרַחֵם כִּי לֹא תַמּוּ חֲסָדֶיךָ"*

Rabbi Kook's Rosh Chodesh video: The Rabbi has given a "Heter" to sing with music.

IDF Secretly Enter Palestinian Town to Arrest Terrorists this Morning


Massive Explosion on the Iranian Border


 Massive Blaze on the Iranian Side of the Border with Afghanistan

Hashgachos In Israel Now Certify if the Shabbos Goy is a Genuine Goy


Because of the stressful situation now in Israel, Frum Jews need a Goy on Shabbos to give them the News! "Nias Goy" Goy News! 
But how does anyone know who fits the criteria of a Genuine Goy??
Not to worry! 
Hashgachos in Israel are always rated by the "heimishe oilam" and Badatz is number1, Machpud #2, Rabbanut #3 and Tzohar #4!

So the Goy of Badatz is 100% a genuine Goy. A Ben achar ben achar ben, a Goy!

The Goyim of the other Hashgachas are questionable Goyim. The Goy of the Rabbinate could even have a name like Rabinovitz! The guy in the video wants to know if the Badatz Goy would eat from the Hashgacha of Machpud! 

Ellen Greenberg 27 Was Stabbed 20 times Yet the Med Examiner Ruled it a Suicide??

Sam Goldberg's call to 911 

This graphic shows knife wounds Ellen suffered to her neck and chest, that pierced her brain and severed her spinal cord

The Door That Sam said he broke down, Latch looks almost Intact

Parents of a young teacher found with 20 stab wounds have won the right to challenge the ruling of her death as a suicide.

Ellen Greenberg, 27, was found dead on the kitchen floor of her apartment in Philadelphia in the middle of a blizzard on January 26, 2011.

She had 10 stab wounds to her neck and the back of the head, and 10 to her stomach, abdomen, and chest with a 10-inch knife still plunged into her heart.

Her fiancé Sam Goldberg told police he broke down the door, which was locked from the inside, found her, and attempted CPR with on the phone with 911.

Assistant Philadelphia Medical Examiner Marlon Osbourne initially ruled her death a homicide but changed it to suicide after a meeting with police and prosecutors.

Greenberg's parents Joshua and Sandee have spent the 13 years since, and hundreds of thousands of dollars, trying to reverse it.

'Ellen stabbing herself 20 times before dying is bulls**t. She died from a very vicious, very painful knife attack,' Joshua told DailyMail.com 

After amassing a wealth of evidence pointing to homicide, they sued the ME's office and Osborne in 2019 but were rejected by the Commonwealth Court last September.

But the Pennsylvania Supreme Court this week granted their appeal to hear the case as a 'matter of statewide importance'.

'We're smiling, we're very optimistic... I hope we're making our daughter proud. There's been a lot of frustration, but we haven't given up,' Sandee said.

The court will hear arguments on whether 'executors and administrators of an estate have standing to challenge an erroneous finding recorded on the decedent's death certificate'.

The order noted 'that finding constitutes a bar or material impediment to the recovery of victim's compensation, restitution or for wrongful death, as well as private criminal complaints'. 

Joshua said the family would change a longstanding precedent if it won, and hoped Greenberg's cause of death would at least be changed to 'undetermined'.

'Medical examiners apparently have this ability that you and I don't have - they can walk on water so their conclusions cannot be challenged, except by a court. So, we are challenging something that cannot be challenged,' he said.

The family's lawyer, Joseph Podraza, said getting the finding changed could force Greenberg's death to be reinvestigated as a possible homicide.

'We've got our fingers and toes crossed. That's why we were ecstatic when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided to take up the matter,' he said.

'We're hopeful that one of the reasons that they took this case is to set that precedent and to correct what we contend is an erroneous determination.'

Though the Commonwealth Court found the Greenbergs had no standing to challenge the medical examiner, the judges were otherwise on their side.

The 39-page decision was a scathing indictment of how the case was handled, giving them hope for the Supreme Court appeal.

Biden met with national security team ahead of anticipated Iranian attack against Israel

 President Biden met with his national security team in the Situation Room Monday ahead of an anticipated Iranian attack against Israel. 

The meeting came a day after Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with his counterpart in Israel Sunday to reiterate U.S. support for the Jewish state as tensions escalate with Iran and its proxies, threatening a wider regional war after 10 months of fighting Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.  

Austin and Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant discussed U.S. force posture moves that the Defense Department is taking to bolster protection for U.S. forces in the region, support the defense of Israel, and deter and de-escalate broader tensions in the region, according to readout from the Pentagon.

That meeting came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a Cabinet meeting Sunday that Israel is already in a "multi-front war" with Iran and its proxies.

Tensions in the region are already at all-time highs after last week’s killing of a senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon and Hamas' top political leader in Iran. Iran and its allies have blamed Israel and threatened retaliation. Hamas said it has begun discussions on choosing a new leader.

Netanyahu said Israel was ready for any scenario. Jordan's foreign minister was making a rare trip to Iran as part of diplomatic efforts — "We want the escalation to end," Ayman Safadi said.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly told his counterparts on Sunday that Iran and Hezbollah could attack Israel as early as Monday, per Axios. 

Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, head of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) is expected to arrive in Israel Monday to coordinate preparations for the anticipated attack, according to the Times of Israel. 

In Israel, some prepared bomb shelters and recalled Iran's unprecedented direct military assault in April following a suspected Israeli strike that killed two Iranian generals. Israel said almost all the drones and ballistic and cruise missiles were intercepted.

"For years, Iran has been arming and financing terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including smuggling explosives into Israeli territory for terror attacks against civilians," IDF Spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a statement. "The IDF and ISA have already thwarted numerous attacks in which Claymore type explosives were smuggled into the country’s territory. We are determined to continue acting against Iranian terrorism wherever it may be."

The war in Gaza was triggered by Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel that killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and took around 250 people hostage. Israel’s brutal retaliation has led to the deaths of nearly 40,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Hamas-run Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants.

Heavy airstrikes and ground operations have caused widespread destruction and displaced the vast majority of Gaza's 2.3 million people.

“To establish a Palestinian state means to abandon, God forbid, the center of the country to the Nazis and the next massacre"


Jewish woman rides her horse in Sdeh Bar Farm, Gush Etzion.

by David Israel

Twenty-five new outposts have been established in Judea and Samaria Since October 7, 2023, according to a new Peace Now report. I received the report in my email because I am a Peace Now subscriber, so you won’t have to be.

The report, which summarizes the numbers behind the Israeli government’s actions “to annex the West Bank under the auspices of the war,” also states that the government has promoted approvals for the construction of 8,271 housing units throughout Judea and Samaria (although Peace Now used the W word).

One of the significant moves made by the government in Judea and Samaria since the outbreak of the war was declaring some 6,000 acres as state lands, which allowed the state to build there. Peace Now noted that 2024 was a record year for land declared state land, which is about half of the entire area declared as state land since the 1994 Oslo Accords.

The new Peace Now report reveals:

  • 25 new outposts were established.
  • Dozens of roads have been carved out.
  • 24,193 dunams (a little less than 6,000 acres) were declared as state lands.
  • Plans for 8,721 housing units in the settlements have been promoted.
  • 5 new settlements were established by cabinet decision.
  • 3 outposts were qualified as “neighborhoods” of existing settlements.
  • 70 illegal outposts were recognized as eligible for budgeting and infrastructure.

Here’s to you, John Oliver!

Minister Bezalel Smotrich said on Monday: “To establish a Palestinian state means to abandon, God forbid, the center of the country to the Nazis and the next massacre. We are working on the ground to remove this threat from the agenda, to ensure security for the residents of the seam line, Gush Dan, and everywhere else in the country. We do this through strengthening settlements in construction, development, establishment and regulation of settlements and infrastructure, stopping the Arab takeover of the open areas, fighting the terrorist financing of the Palestinian Authority and its leaders and imposing complete Israeli control of the territory. This is the only way.”

Iran Going Crazy Paranoid ... Arrest Commander of Islamic Revolutionary Guard for "collaborating with the Mossad"


Iranian channels are reporting that Brigadier General Hassan Karami, the Commander of the Iranian Police Special Units, has been arrested by members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on charges of spying and collaborating with MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service.