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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Netanyahu Meets Fetterman

In a highly anticipated meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Democrat Senator John Fetterman, a leading pro-Israel voice among Democrats since October 7. Netanyahu told him that his standing up to pro-Palestinian demonstrators while waving an Israeli flag, was both courageous and heart-warming.

“We’ve been through dire times in these months of anguished war, and during that time I can say that Israel has had no better friend than Senator John Fetterman,” said Netanyahu.

“I want to thank you for your courageous statements that show moral clarity and moral courage, and you just say it the way it is. And we appreciate this friendship at all times, but especially at these times.”

“Welcome friend, welcome.”

Fetterman replied: “We stand with Israel through this, and I’m so sorry for what’s been done to this nation.”

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Huge Tragedy in Lakewood as Frum Mother Drowns Her Two Children


A Lakewood, N.J. mother has been arrested for the killings of her two young daughters, both of whom were allegedly drowned in the bathtub of her Ocean County home, officials announced Wednesday.

Naomi Elkins was taken into custody Tuesday night and charged with two counts of murder, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose and unlawful possession of a weapon, according to a press release from Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer.

Police were called to her home in Lakewood, along Shenandoah Drive, Tuesday evening to investigate reports of two children suffering cardiac arrest.

When officers arrived on the scene around 4:50 p.m., first responders from Hatzolah Medical Services were already working to resuscitate two unresponsive little girls, ages 1 and 3 years old. Despite their lifesaving efforts, both children were pronounced dead on the scene a short time later, according to the release.

“A subsequent investigation by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Major Crime Unit, Lakewood Township Police Department, and Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit, revealed that both victims were Elkins’ children,” Billhimer said, praising each agency for their quick work in the case.

Authorities also concluded the girls were drowned, and that the younger of the two also suffered a stab wound.

“Continuing investigation revealed that Elkins was responsible for the deaths of both of her children,” the prosecutor added.

Billhimer did not provide further details, but a source told NBC Philadelphia that 27-year-old Elkins drowned her daughters in the bathtub.

Elkins was taken into custody without incident and remained behind bars Wednesday morning at the Ocean County Jail, where she will remain until her upcoming detention hearing.

An investigation into the matter is ongoing.

Hilarious! Listen to these "Top" Reporters Shielding Hunter Biden and saying that the "laptop" was a Russian Plot!


Antisemitism at JFK airport by Virgin Atlantic ??????


by Shai Goldstein on Dan's Deals 

I am writing to formally lodge a complaint regarding the abhorrent treatment experienced of antisemitism by two passengers, Nechama and Chana , on June 17, 2024, while traveling with Virgin Atlantic from JFK to Tel Aviv with a stopover in London. Despite arriving at the airport hours before the flight, checking in their luggage, going through check-in, and receiving their boarding passes, they encountered severe mistreatment by your staff.
At 22:50, they were seated at the gate, having something to eat before the flight scheduled to depart at 23:59. When boarding began, several passengers were allowed to board the plane without issue. However, when it was their turn, they handed over their passports to a man who seemed to be the manager on duty, a man of dark skin wearing a gold cross necklace. He called them aside and informed them that they had been removed from the passenger list and said that their luggage had been taken off the plane.
When they sought an explanation, the manager became hostile and threatened to call the police if they took pictures or videos of him. This aggressive and intimidating behavior, combined with the lack of a satisfactory reason for their removal, led them to believe that his actions were driven by discriminatory motives.
As they stood there confused and distressed, other staff members on duty began to laugh and mock them openly. They made derogatory comments which were clearly anti-Semitic in nature. Their collective behavior indicated a coordinated and deliberate act of discrimination against these Jewish passengers. This public humiliation was exacerbated by the staff's blatant enjoyment of the distress they caused, evidenced by their laughing at each other after what they did.
The El Al gate, located in front of Virgin Atlantic at JFK, witnessed the incident. The El Al staff were appalled by what they saw and heard. They described the behavior of the Virgin Atlantic staff as completely out of place and anti-Semitic. They were forced to pay additional 800 usd each to fly with elal because the antisemitic agents put them as no show Their is proof to back up this story

Brooklyn Gets TWO Wins, Kalman Yeger Wins Assembly Primary and Gives His Wife a Get After 4 Years

The Journalists based in Washington D.C. that's been radicalizing American youth


Dr Farasat Ashraf Doctor at Duke Hospital a Vicious Antisemite


Relevant Prophecy From the Talmud


Ironically the Peleg Crazies Will Continue to Receive Money from the "Medinah"

 Despite leading numerous raucous demonstrations against the Draft Law and not showing up for deferments at the IDF’s absorption base, the Jerusalem Faction’s yeshivos are continuing to receive government funding. All the other yeshivos have had their funding cut by the high court’s disqualification of the draft law.

The reason for this anomaly is a lacuna in the current law, which states that the budgets will be cut for those who defer IDF service [due to the court’s claiming that the current deferment law is illegal and causes inequalities by placing a larger burden on the rest of the population].

The law however did not mention those who shirk army service rather than deferring, and since they were not included in the law, their budgets have not been cut.

The Ministry of Education claims that it has no authority to cancel budgets and it works based on lists provided by the IDF. However the IDF has only provided lists of those who declared Torato Umanuto and received deferments, while those who did not apply for deferments and did not come to the bases are not on these lists and therefore continue to receive their monthly stipends.

High Court Rules State Must Conscript All Yeshiva Students, Cannot Fund Them


 In a dramatic ruling reversing the 75-year support of the state of Israel for yeshiva students who immerse themselves in Torah study, The High Court of Justice declared unanimously on Tuesday that there is no longer any legal framework for the government to grant blanket exemptions from military service to charedi yeshiva students. Moreover it added that the government cannot continue to instruct the IDF and Defense Ministry not to draft such men into IDF service.

The nine-judge panel also ruled that the government can no longer provide financial support for yeshiva students studying in lieu of military service since the law providing for that arrangement has passed.

The court did not however go into the details of how to enforce the law as it stands according to its new ruling, or how many charedi yeshiva students need to be drafted. There are an estimated 67,000 Haredi males who are eligible for military service.

The ruling could have dramatic political and societal ramifications since the charedi political parties fiercely oppose the draft for their constituents and are demanding legislation to reinstate draft exemptions, which some Likud MKs have already said they cannot vote for. A provisional law allowing for quotas of 3000 charedim per year to be drafted has passed its initial vote and is being discussed in Knesset committees before being presented for further readings.

The immediate effect of the court’s ruling on charedi males will be the slashing of all funding to yeshivos which defer army service, as well as kollelim whose members have not served in the army or received a complete exemption from service. Moreover, the Attorney-General has stated that several other budgets for charedim could be stopped as well, including municipal subsidies for poorer families and child care subsidies for families where the male is studying Torah.

These additional budget cuts could lead already impoverished families to severe financial difficulties, but they could be prevented if the Shas ministers in charge of the Interior Ministry and Labor and Social Affairs Ministry change the criteria for receiving subsidies to refer only to families where the wife works irrespective of the husband’s other activities [as long as he is not employed].

Charedi MKs reacted angrily to the court’s ruling. UTJ chairman and Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf tweeted that the decision was “expected and very unfortunate,” since “The State of Israel was established in order to be a home for the Jewish people whose Torah is the bedrock of its existence. The Holy Torah will prevail.”

Moshe Gafni simply tweeted “as I said,” referring to an earlier post anticipating the ruling in which he alleged that “there has never been a ruling by the High Court in favor of yeshiva students and in the interest of the charedi public.”

“There is not a single judge there who understands the value of studying the Torah and [yeshiva students’] contribution to the people of Israel in all generations,” Gafni stated.

Jerusalem Affairs Minister Meir Porush stated that the ruling “inevitably leads to two states” — one being “the country that is being run as it is now” and another in which yeshiva students “will continue to study Torah as they used to in the country that Ben Gurion declared.”

“There is no power in the world that can force a person whose soul longs to study Torah to refrain from it,” he declared

Good Riddance: ‘Fire Alarm’ Bowman Loses New York Primary


George Latimer has unseated Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) in the Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District, Decision Desk HQ projects, delivering a stinging blow to progressives in what has been the party’s most divisive primary of the cycle.

Bowman, the far-left Squad member, has made extremely divisive and hateful comments, especially after the October 7 attack. He also infamously pulled a fire alarm to prevent an important vote led by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, then lied about it…until the incriminating videotape surfaced.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Senator Kennedy Questions Yale Professor Who Tweeted :"Every Single House Republican would only Support Israel Only If it Was Made Easier for Americans to Cheat on their Taxes"

 Questioning Starts at the 1:59 Mark 

Pro-Palestinian protesters are proving why Israel is needed


Mijal Bitton, PhD

Here’s a secret that many of the protesters in university encampments and on city streets don’t seem to be in on: 

The more they demonize Israel, the more they reawaken Jewish identity and strengthen Zionism.

As a community leader and Jewish educator in the United States, I have been living in the shadow of the horrors of October 7. We have seen the worst carnage against Jews since the Holocaust, video-broadcast by brutal terrorists. We have witnessed the avalanche of rising antisemitism around the world, including allegations last Saturday that a 12-year-old Jewish girl in France was gang-raped while being subjected to religious slurs. We have found out that too many of our allies right here at home refuse to speak up when Israelis are murdered or when American Jews who care about Israel are excluded from polite society.

While the intensity of the campus protests are simmering down with the end of the school year, the virulence of demonstrators outside college quadrangles are only intensifying the fear Americans Jews are feeling. Last week, protesters in Lower Manhattan targeted an exhibit dedicated to the memory of the hundreds of young Israelis murdered or kidnapped from the Nova music festival. They unfurled a banner proclaiming “Long Live October 7” and held signs declaring that Zionists “are not Jews and not human.” Days earlier, crowds chanted “kill another Zionist now” across from the White House in Washington.

But paradoxically, every day since October 7, I have also seen how this rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionist rhetoric is inspiring Jewish pride and solidarity with Israel among so many young Jews. I have seen this as a visiting researcher studying American Jewry at New York University. And I have seen this as the spiritual leader of Manhattan’s Downtown Minyan, a congregation filled with the diverse, ambitious and socially liberal young professionals who thrive in New York.

I have heard from many young Jews around America newly awakened to their Judaism. Some confess that they haven’t been to synagogue since their bar or bat mitzvahs but they want to come back now. Others have asked me how to get dozens of mezuzahs for their friends to hang beside their front doors. I see many sporting new jewelry expressing both pride and pain: prominent Magen Davids alongside dogtags calling to “Bring Them Home Now.” I am in regular conversation with dozens of Jewish leaders, rabbis and educators, and we’re all experiencing this — we’re running out of chairs for programs and struggling to meet demand for Shabbat dinners.

Some things about Israel I can never understand


Every so often, several “small things” about Israel pile up and drive me crazy. None of them seems enough to write about as a full article, but each of them disturbs my sleep. So, when enough accumulate, it is time to write, recite “krishma” (Yiddish slang for the Judaic “Kriat Sh’ma” bedtime prayer), get a good night’s sleep, and begin a new day dealing with my pulmonologist, cardiologist, or any other among a dozen other “-ologists” in my two-year-old lung’s inner circle. So here goes:

1. Taking a Casual Shabbat Day Walk in an Arab Village in Fatahland

US Ambassador Lew's Idotic Clueless Statement : 'A Palestinian state would be a defeat for Hamas'


US Ambassador Jack Lew spoke to the Herzliyah Conference, convened by the Reichman University today, about the Israel-US partnership.

''The best way to define the strategic relationship between the United States and Israel is to look at what's happened over the last eight months. Any question about the US support for Israel is something I don't understand. That doesn't mean we haven't asked questions, but we're not at a different point in terms of the US support for Israel."

He also commented on his vision for the future of the conflict. ''We have been urging Israel to defeat Hamas as a military and governing power. The provision of humanitarian assistance has been crucial to keeping the pathway open to success. When the war ends there has to be a vision for a future. Israel can't be exposed to another October 7th, but there also has to be a conversation about the future of the Palestinian people and a pathway toward a future of self-governance.''

Lew noted that such a plan for the Palestinians would have positive implications for Israel as well. ''Israel is on the brink of being accepted by all of the moderate Arab countries. I don't think you can get there if you don't also have a pathway for dealing with the legitimate interests of the Palestinian people. Getting a Palestinian state, a demilitarized autonomous governing body that provides for security and dignity, would be a defeat for Hamas."

Lew also noted that doing so would unite many countries against the Iranian axis. ''We saw a hint of the power that could give us during the Iranian attack. An alliance of moderate countries against Iran's extremism would bring enormous benefits.''

He also urged a prisoner exchange deal as part of a ceasefire. "People need to come home to their families, and that's just a human issue that has to be resolved. Strategically, a hostage deal and ceasefire would open a doorway to a discussion with Hezbollah about avoiding a war and to normalization discussions with Saudi Arabia."

One party that will need to be involved in the process, Lew claimed, is the Palestinian Authority. ''There's only one group of people who can do the work to make civil order come back. We've got to figure out how to get those people to work in a way that meets everybody's needs.''

Lew addressed a remark by US Air Force General Charles Brown, who serves as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who recently warned that the US will have a hard time aiding Israel in the event of a war against Hezbollah. ''We've made clear that we continue to support Israel and its need to defend itself. We've also made clear that we think the right course of action is to try to avoid a war in the north. We're urging a diplomatic solution.''

Lew has a certain degree of optimism going forward. ''This war could end in a better place. Israel is already in a better place in several ways, and its resilience has been inspiring. The United States and Israel as partners can succeed in almost anything that we work together on.''

Lew has set the future of the region as his personal goal while in office. ''I thought I was coming into a position where the number one objective would be completing a Saudi normalization deal while I was here. I'm committed to still having that be the objective.''

Black LA Mayor Allowed Pogrom in LA ala Dinkins in Crown Heights!

Early Sunday morning, The Los Angeles Times dubbed Karen Bass “mayor of the city of the eternal future” in a profile in its “L.A. Influential” section that spoke of “Los Angeles’s first female and second black mayor” as “instantly hyper-alert, composed and commanding,” and a “pragmatic leader.”

Bass made “good on a campaign pledge to push a fractious patchwork of government actors toward something resembling coordination” and “commands respect with an outstretched hand instead of a clenched fist,” the Times reported.

Hours later, as clenched fists had targeted Jews in what many called a “pogrom” outside Adas Torah, an Orthodox synagogue in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood, many were asking where Bass was and why police weren’t protecting Jews.

“Pro-Hamas and Hezbollah extremists violently attacked American Jews in Los Angeles and the politicians ordered the police to do nothing to defend them,” wrote Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “Radical leftists and Islamists are ruining our country.”‘

Noah Pollak, a political consultant and writer, wrote that he was at the synagogue for an event on Sunday.

New Ambassador of Argentina to Israel a Frum Rabbi

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz on Monday welcomed Argentina’s incoming envoy, Rabbi Shimon “Axel” Wahnish, during a meeting in Jerusalem.

“I had the pleasure today of receiving the new ambassador of Argentina to Israel, Shimon Wahnish, on the day of his inauguration,” tweeted Katz.

The top diplomat noted that under the leadership of President Javier Milei, the relationship between the two nations will reach new heights. “I am sure that we will soon see the new embassy of Argentina in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the State of Israel,” added Katz.

Rabbi Wahnish—the spiritual leader of Argentina’s pro-Jewish president—previously led the Moroccan Jewish community of Buenos Aires. He holds a bachelor’s degree in educational psychology and also studied at the ultra-Orthodox Negev Yeshivah in the Israeli city of Netivot.

Milei and Wahnish met in 2021 after the former faced accusations of antisemitism while serving as a senator. The two subsequently developed a close relationship, studying Torah together.

As Milei rose to national prominence, the politician remained close with Washnish, attending lectures at the Great Temple of Piedras Street and joining the rabbi’s family for Shabbat dinners and Jewish holidays.

In February, Milei and Washnish visited the Jewish state on one of the president’s first diplomatic trips since being elected four months prior. The three-day solidarity visit signaled a shift in Buenos Aires’s policy toward the United States and Israel after decades of backing Arab countries.

Upon landing in Tel Aviv, Milei immediately reiterated his pledge to move his nation’s embassy to Jerusalem and open a new chapter in bilateral relations. He said he was also working on a project to declare Hamas a terrorist organization, calling this “one more token of the historical closeness, and support and friendship between our peoples.”

The trip also included a visit to a kibbutz on Gaza border that was hard-hit by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, a visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem and a stop for prayer at the Western Wall.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Milei during a meeting at his office in Jerusalem, “Your stalwart support for Israel in so many forms is deeply, deeply appreciated. Welcome to Jerusalem. Welcome, friend.”


Graphic Video Of 3 Hostages Being Abducted,



 In an attempt to pressure the Israeli government to complete a deal with Hamas to release hostages, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum released on Monday the video of the capture of hostages Hersh Goldberg-Polin (23), Eliya Cohen (26), and Or Levy (33), who were kidnapped on October 7. Goldberg-Polin, Cohen, and Levy all attended the Nova festival.

The footage, taken from Hamas terrorists’ cameras, included the moments of the kidnapping of the three hostages as well as the time they spent in a mobile shelter.

Parts of the video have been blurred as per the families’ requests, the forum noted, but they are still very graphic and jarring to watch. Hersh can be seen in the video badly injured, with his arm blown off, and the other hostages are also injured at their capture.

In a statement published with the video, the forum wrote, “This harrowing footage stands as a damning testament to the 262-day-long abandonment of our loved ones. Hersh, Eliya, and Or were taken alive, and they must return alive, today.

“Every day that passes puts the hostages at greater risk and diminishes our chances of bringing them back safely.

“After nearly 9 months of fighting and despite recent achievements, it’s clear to everyone that returning all 120 hostages is only possible through a deal! We must approve and implement an agreement that will bring all hostages home – the living for rehabilitation and the murdered for proper burial,” the statement added.

WikiLeaks’ Assange Released in Plea Deal

 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will plead guilty to a felony charge in a deal with the U.S. Justice Department that will allow him to walk free and resolve a long-running legal saga that spanned multiple continents and centered on the publication of a trove of classified documents.

Assange left a British prison on Monday and will appear later this week in the U.S. federal court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Western Pacific. He’s expected to plead guilty to an Espionage Act charge of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defense information, the Justice Department said in a letter filed in court.

The guilty plea, which must be approved by a judge, brings an abrupt conclusion to a criminal case of international intrigue and to the U.S. government’s years-long pursuit of a publisher whose hugely popular secret-sharing website made him a cause célèbre among many press freedom advocates who said he acted as a journalist to expose U.S. military wrongdoing. Investigators, by contrast, have repeatedly asserted that his actions broke laws meant to protect sensitive information and put the country’s national security at risk.

He is expected to return to his home country of Australia after his plea and sentencing, which is scheduled for Wednesday morning, local time in Saipan, the largest island in the Northern Mariana Islands. The hearing is taking place there because of Assange’s opposition to traveling to the continental U.S. and the court’s proximity to Australia, prosecutors said.

Attorneys for Assange didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on Monday.