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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

JUST DAY AFTER! After Israel Asked Clan To Rule Gaza, Hamas Beheaded Its Leader

A secret Israeli plan to persuade a Gazan clan to rule the Gaza Strip after the war abruptly ended after Hamas beheaded its leader, the UK’s Telegraph reported, based on an Israeli intelligence source.

The same source related a similar incident that occurred two months ago when Israel encouraged the Doghmush clan to assist Israel in distributing humanitarian aid. Hamas terrorists promptly entered the clan’s compound and beheaded its leader. The next day, all clans in Gaza made a joint statement announcing their support for Hamas.

The incidents prove the fact that contrary to the pressure exerted by the US on Israel, it’s impossible for the war cabinet to make decisions for the “day after” before Hamas is eliminated.

Bezalel Smotrich Asking His Rabbanim if He Should Leave Netanyahu’s Govt.


According to Israeli media reports, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has consulted with rabbis, to discuss whether he should withdraw from PM Netanyahu’s coalition. Israel’s Kan public broadcaster reported Monday that over the last day, Smotrich held discussions with several rabbis linked to his Religious Zionism party to discuss the party’s future in Netanyahu’s Likud-led government, if the controversial hostage deal announced by President Biden actually comes to fruition.

On Motzei Shabbos, Smotrich said he informed Netanyahu that he would resign, should the proposal be accepted. National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir issued a similar warning, threatening to “dismantle the government”.

Kan News reported that Smotrich is considering withdrawing even before the deal is finalized if he feels that things are progressing toward such a deal.

Biden said his new proposal would “bring all the hostages home, ensure Israel’s security, create a better day after in Gaza without Hamas in power, and set the stage for a political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike,” although he did not specify how Hamas would be removed from power.

According to reports, Netanyahu planned to meet with Ben Gvir Monday to present him with the blueprint of the deal, to disprove his accusation that the deal would end the war against Hamas.

Jack Lew's Cockamamie Statement "Two-State Solution Would be a Defeat for Hamas"


We must be living in an alternate universe. With friends like this "upgerissiner naar" "unmitigated fool," who needs enemies?

Jack Lew told a news outlet that a two state solution would be a defeat for Hamas. The US Ambassador to Israel, an orthodox Jew and former Obama Treasury Secretary and Chief-of-Staff, made the controversial and difficult-to-comprehend comments in an interview with the Jerusalem Post.

“I don’t think Hamas wants two states,” Lew said. “The only time they indicate they want two states is when they’re trying to put a little bit of a patina of legitimacy around their real strategy, which is the elimination of the State of Israel.”

Lew has been involved in intense negotiations, trying to broker an agreement that includes a Washington-Saudi defense pact, Israeli-Saudi normalization, and a pathway to Palestinian statehood.

On the flipside, PM Binyamin Netanyahu and his government believe Palestinian statehood rewards terrorism and legitimizes that brutal style of attack in which people were tortured burned alive.

Lew said he believed that the opposite is true, particularly if Palestinian statehood is achieved through the framework of a larger Saudi deal, which would place Israel within a regional alliance against Iran.

“I think it’s a defeat for Hamas to talk about a two-state solution, which is why I think even out of the pain of October 7, there is a way to have this conversation, but it takes leadership,” Lew said.

A Saudi deal “would be a strategic move that would be transformative in terms of isolating Iran, with its proxies on one side and Israel with the moderate Arab world and the Western world on the other side,” he explained.

While Lew is certainly correct that Hamas would prefer a one state solution that eliminates Israel, as is clear from their “From the river to the sea” doctrine, it is very difficult to comprehend that a two state solution would be a win for Hamas.

Prior to October 7, the notion of a two-state solution was virtually dead. President Trump had successfully defunded and marginalized the Palestinians, and Hamas had zero influence on policy.

However since October 7, the proposal has been heavily revived. As absurd and sickening as it seems, committing atrocities has given Hamas enormous leverage. As such, Lew is clearly incorrect, as a two state solution would be a massive win for Hamas. Lew is simply trying to push the Biden agenda, which seems to care more about winning Michigan than destroying Hamas.

These Ladies Sure Know How to Make the Kallah Happy!


Wow Now I understand the Difficult Sugye in the Daf about the Grape the Employee Ate


Meet the Bernie Sanders Whose voting for Trump


 It’s a Monday afternoon and Bernie Sanders just finished praying mincha, the afternoon service, at a synagogue in Beit Shemesh, a bedroom community in the Judean Hills between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

He returned the Hebrew prayer book to the shelf and walked into a study hall in the back of the sanctuary where he plopped down at a long folding table to talk politics.

“Obviously,” said Sanders, leaning back in a chair, his arms confidently resting on the table, “I’ll be voting for Trump.”

Before we go any further, I should point out this is not the Bernie Sanders. This Bernie Sanders is 73, nine years younger than his congressional counterpart, and spent his career working in New York’s garment industry. He moved to Israel in 2019 with his wife, Ruthie

About the only thing he has in common with the senator from Vermont, besides the name, is that they share a gruff “tell-it-like-it-is” attitude they both nurtured in their native Brooklyn.

“Whatever he goes for, I go the other way,” said the Sanders in front of me, dressed in a gray polo shirt and a black baseball hat framing his salt-and-pepper beard. “I’ve got more seichel than him,” he said using the Yiddish word for intelligence.

The senatorial Sanders, who spent several months in 1963 volunteering on a kibbutz, called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “a war criminal” over the weekend. What does the Sanders in Beit Shemesh think of his famous namesake? “He’s an antisemite.”

The bearded Sanders, who holds dual American-Israeli citizenship, said his primary source of news about the U.S. is Fox News, and thinks last month’s hush money trial, in which Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a felony, was “a sham” and that taxpayers’ money spent on the prosecution would have been better used to help homeless veterans.

“I think Trump is good for America,” Sanders said, citing issues that are important to him: the economy, immigration and Israel.

Sanders’ views seem to echo those of other Orthodox Americans who made aliyah that I met during a visit last week to Israel. They believe Trump is a better choice for Jews and praise him for following through on his promise to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Sanders thinks America, where he has more than a dozen grandchildren and where he believes colleges are “basically brainwashing” students, is facing an existential crisis with President Joe Biden at the helm. “If there’s no change,” he opined, “I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel for America.”

Weekend at Bernie’s

Burlington, Vermont, and Beit Shemesh are around 5,500 miles apart, so there’s not much chance that the two Bernie Sanders will ever bump into each other, the old Jewish man equivalent of tinkering with the space-time continuum. Asked if he would like to meet the senator, the Sanders in the back of the synagogue said he has no interest.

“His views are completely different than mine,” Sanders said. “Look at Bernie Sanders’ records and what he’s for. And I’m exactly the opposite.” He called the politician’s policies “crazy ideas,” especially on issues like student loan forgiveness. “I don’t think it’s fair because what about all the people that had to go through college and are still paying through the nose for it?”

My conversation with Sanders winded around — about who Trump should pick for vice president (Nikki Haley), the war in Ukraine (“Why can they do whatever they want, even though it’s American arms and ammunitions?”) and Hunter Biden, whose trial in a federal gun case begins today. We eventually ended up talking about retired life in Israel, where Sanders said he enjoys better healthcare than he would have had in the U.S.

“So you like socialized medicine?” I asked.

“I’m very pleasantly surprised,” he said with a smile.

So the two Bernie Sanders do agree on something.

Monday, June 3, 2024

4 hostages murdered in captivity

 Today (Monday), IDF representatives informed the families of Haim Perry, Yoram Metzger, Amiram Cooper, and Nadav Popplewell, who were brutally abducted to the Gaza Strip on October 7th, that they are no longer alive and that their bodies are held by the Hamas terrorist organization.

The decision to pronounce the four hostages dead was based on intelligence and was confirmed by a Ministry of Health expert committee, in coordination with the Ministry of Religious Services and the Chief Rabbi of Israel.

The circumstances of their death in Hamas captivity are still under examination by all the relevant professionals.

The IDF uses a wide variety of methods to gather information about the hostages who remain in the Gaza Strip.

Amiram Cooper, 84, was one of the founders of Kibbutz Nirim. Amiram's wife, Nurit, was kidnapped along with him and was released on October 23 along with Yocheved Lifshitz.

Yoram Metzger, 80, was kidnapped along with his wife, Tamar (Tami) Metzger, who was released.

Haim Perry, 79, was an entrepreneur and peace activist. His wife, Osnat, said that he saved her life during the massacre.

Nadav Popplewell, 51, was kidnapped together with his mother, Channah Peri, 79. Channah was released on November 24 as part of the temporary hostage and ceasefire deal.

Nadav's brother Roi was murdered on October 7.

Satmar Singer Riki Rose Who Left Her Community Talks About Her Journey


**Riki Sings some songs on the Video, so for those that adhere to "KOL ISHA ERVA"" I'm posting the time stamp below
1. Yomtov Ehrlich's Song 'FRUNZER ESHALON' 15:08-18:07 English translation for the song: https://www.dinastorch.com/songtitle/... 2. Yossele Rosenblatt Ve'hu Rachum" : 45:23-48:35 3. Riki's original song "Woman": 1:32:15-1:35:40

Young Bochur On His way Back From the Mikvah Shabbos Morning Met by 4 Dogs in Beitar


Palestinian Authority frees terrorist who murdered two soldiers


The terrorist who murdered two IDF soldiers, Staff Sergeant Eliya Hilel and Staff Sergeant Diego Shvisha Harsaj, in a ramming attack in Shechem (Nablus) last week, was held by the Palestinian Authority and released, Galei Tzahal reported.

The IDF is furious over the PA's conduct and is hunting for the terrorist.

The terrorist, a 40-year-old resident of Shechem, turned himself into the PA police a short time after the attack. Sources in the PA security apparatus said he claimed it was an accident and not a nationalist attack.

The report stated further that the PA held the terrorist for just over a day. At that time, the PA security apparatus offered the Shin Bet to create a joint investigation board to investigate the incident while the terrorist remained in PA custody.

The Israelis refused the offer and made it clear that as far as they were concerned the incident was not an accident, but rather a terror attack, and the PA must turn the terrorist into them.

The PA security apparatus, which feared that the IDF would raid the PA police station in Shechem where the terrorist was being held, released him on Friday morning and he fled the area.

The IDF and Shin Bet commented: "The security forces are working at all times to arrest terrorists, including the terrorist who allegedly murdered the two soldiers."

Chucky Schumer Booed While Speaking at Israel Parade in NYC

Videos shared on social media on Sunday show Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer being booed by crowd at a parade for Israel in New York City.

Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in the United States, has become increasingly critical of Israeli leadership as the Middle Eastern nation's war with Hamas.

In March, the stooge for the DemonRats called for new elections in Israel and described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an "obstacle to peace." Netanyahu dismissed Schumer's criticism, calling the remarks "ridiculous."

Despite scrutinizing the Israeli leader, Cryi'n Schumer reportedly plans to join Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson in inviting Netanyahu to address Congress.

As the senator was being introduced to speak during a parade for Israel in New York City on Sunday afternoon, boos could be heard erupting from the crowd, videos show.

Videos shared to X, formerly Twitter, show the booing continue as Schumer chants, "Bring them home" in reference to the remaining hostages still being held in Gaza. About half of the Israeli hostages were freed during a temporary ceasefire in November.

An independent photographer, who goes by Viral News NYC on X, shared a 25-second clip of the incident on the social media platform, igniting swift backlash for the Democratic senator.boos can be heard in the video.

"The Israeli Day Parade. Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer was met with boos while delivering a speech," Viral News NYC wrote on X.

Newsweek reached out via email on Sunday to Schumer's representatives for comment.

The Jewish Claudia Sheinbaum Elected as first Female Mexico President


Mexicans have voted for a new president in an election that marks a major milestone.

For the first time in the country's history, the race came down to two female candidates: Claudia Sheinbaum (above), of the ruling Morena party, and Xochitl Galvez, of the opposition alliance.

Claudia Sheinbaum, candidate of the left-wing populist Morena party, emerged as the clear favorite after early exit polls were released. The granddaughter of Jewish immigrants from Lithuania, Sheinbaum is an experienced politician, having served as mayor of Mexico City. Support for her party has grown significantly over the past years, and Morena currently holds around two-thirds of Mexico's 32 mayorships.

Sheinbaum also has the backing of the current Mexican president and Morena party leader, Andres Lopez Obrador, who remains widely popular. He is not eligible to run, however, as the constitution limits a president to one six-year term.

Sheinbaum has campaigned on a platform of continuity, specifically of the reforms begun by Lopez Obrador, whose ongoing popularity — his current approval rating tops 60% — is likely due in part to the state social programs he initiated. However, some political observers question how sustainable these programs may be.

June 2 was the largest election in Mexican history, with some 100 million eligible voters: Ballots were also cast for Congress, nine state governments and more than 20,000 public offices.

Blomeier believes the future congressional makeup will be decisive for the political direction of the world's largest Spanish-speaking country. "With respect to democracy, one hopes that along with a clear mandate for the new government, voters will also ensure there is meaningful democratic opposition in Congress, so the democratic and legal steps backward taken by the current administration will not be topped by the next administration through a constitutional majority."

Israel Day on New York’s Fifth Avenue 2024


Bernie Sanders Says He Will Boycott ‘War Criminal’ Netanyahu’s Address to Congress


I didn't have any idea that BernieHamas is a Satmar Chusid, the last time Netanyahu addressed Congress in 2015, the Chuchim Fun Monroe  had his dumb sheep write letters to their congressmen to stop Netanyahu from addressing Congress! You live and learn! 

Bernie Sanders blasted the invitation from congressional leaders, including Democrats, for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress. Sanders declared that he would be boycotting the speech, and called Netanyahu a “war criminal”.

Sanders released the following statement:

It is a very sad day for our country that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited – by leaders from both parties – to address a joint meeting of the United States Congress.

Israel, of course, had the right to defend itself against the horrific Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th, but it did not, and does not, have the right to go to war against the entire Palestinian people. Israel does not have the right to kill more than 34,000 civilians and wound over 80,000 – 5% of the population of Gaza. It does not have the right to orphan 19,000 children. It does not have the right to displace 75% of the people of Gaza from their homes. It does not have the right to damage or destroy over 60% of the housing in Gaza. It does not have the right to destroy the civilian infrastructure of Gaza, to obliterate water and sewage systems, and deny electricity to the people of Gaza. It does not have the right to annihilate Gaza’s health care system, knocking 26 hospitals out of service and killing more than 400 health care workers. It does not have the right to bomb all 12 of Gaza’s universities and 56 of its schools, or deny 625,000 children in Gaza the opportunity for an education.

It most certainly does not have the right to block humanitarian aid – food and medical supplies – from coming in to the desperate people of Gaza, creating the conditions for starvation and famine. It does not have the right to condemn hundreds of thousands of children to death by starvation. This is a clear violation of American and international law.

The International Criminal Court recently announced that it is seeking warrants for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas. The ICC is right. Both of these people are engaged in clear and outrageous violations of international law.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal. He should not be invited to address a joint meeting of Congress. I certainly will not attend.

Do we have another potential suicide because a child is being ripped away from his father?


Background: It seems this child is a top learner and a very popular boy amongst his peers. His parents are divorced and the family doesn't want the father to have any relationship with the child so they took an order of protection against him. The video was filmed by the wife's family, ironically. 
The mother ripped him out of the Yeshiva that he was doing great in and put him in a Yeshiva in Monroe that he hates and is unfamiliar.
According to the father's family, he doesn't even live with his mother, he refuses to go there! So he wanders from house to house to sleep and have his basic needs met! 

I admit I don't have the entire story, but I did reach out to the mother of the child and she referred me to the video saying that the video speaks for itself.
I don't get it, the video is heartbreaking! 

I am still working on why the father has an order of protection. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Jew in the Netherlands Hunted Down Like a Dog


South African Minister: 'America is next in line for prosecution'


South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor says that countries that support Israel will be next to be targeted in the international courts.

In a speech at a mosque in Claremont, a suburb of Cape Town, that was published by the MEMRI institute, the minister stated: "I feel that I'm doing what I'm doing from too safe a position. I wish I were shoulder-to-shoulder with the men and women in Rafah. That's where I feel I should be. We have been denied that opportunity by the circumstances of geography and thus we must do what we can."

Later in the address, Pandor warned that "those countries and officials who continue to arm and fund Israel's war machine will be liable for prosecution as well."

According to her, "Civil society organizations will certainly take up such cases and hold those who facilitated genocide accountable by taking them to court."

She noted that there is already a planned class action suit "against all foreigners who have been serving in the IDF. A group of 140 international lawyers are working on this case. They are very carefully identifying each of these non-citizens of Israel, including South Africans, who have been fighting in Israel."

Pandor claimed that "it is very disturbing that the US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has responded to the ICC prosecutor's decision by saying 'America should punish the ICC and put Karim Khan back in his place.' He said that if the ICC can threaten Israel's leaders, then we know America will be next. Our answer is: 'Of course!'

Naomi Babad Was a Rosh Kollel Now a Rebbetzin

Jackal snatches baby from tent at the Gvanim Camp site


A jackal bit a one-year-old baby in a nearby tent at the Gvanim Stream camping site in Ramon Crater on Friday night.

According to the Nature and Parks Authority, the father said that he left a small opening in the tent when he went out at night, and returned after hearing his wife screaming while searching for the child. "Apparently, the jackal dragged the child a few meters before releasing him".

Magen David Adom (MDA) teams evacuated the baby to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva in moderate condition, with bite marks on his face. Later, the hospital reported that the baby was mildly injured.

Soroka Hospital stated that the one-year-and-two-month-old baby is hospitalized in the pediatric emergency department. "Upon arrival, he underwent medical evaluation and imaging tests, and subsequently received the required medical treatment, including vaccinations. A notification was sent to the Ministry of Health, and now the baby is hospitalized in light condition."

MDA paramedic Doral Arzawan said, "We arrived at the camping site in Ramon Crater and saw, near the tents where travelers were sleeping, a man in his thirties holding a one-year-old baby with bite marks on his neck and face and jaw grip marks of an animal (apparently a jackal)."

"The baby suffered deep penetrating injuries and bruises; he was fully conscious and in pain. We provided advanced medical treatment for pain and monitored vital signs while urgently evacuating him to the hospital, where his condition was defined as moderate and stable. We were told that apparently a jackal dragged the baby from the tent and people who noticed chased the jackal and released him. I have been capturing snakes for years and know animals, but I have never encountered such a bizarre event, which fortunately ended in a big miracle."

Is Turkey's Erdoğan’s a Descendant of Shabtai Tzvi?


During a recent visit to Turkey, I spent time with friends in Istanbul and further north, in Edirne and Kakaralli, where it was hard to ignore the whispers circulating in bars and comedy clubs, that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is one of the Dönmeh. Chatter about him being a Dönmeh is all the buzz in the bazaar, among the trade and working class in Istanbul… it’s everywhere.

According to Wiki, the Dönme were a group of Sabbatian crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who under coercion converted outwardly to Islam, but secretly held on to their Jewish faith and Kabbalistic beliefs. The movement’s origins date back to the era of Sabbatai Zevi, a 17th-century Sephardic Jewish Rabbi and Kabbalist who claimed to be the Messiah and eventually converted to Islam after Sultan Mehmed IV had threatened to execute him. His followers purportedly converted to Islam as well and became the Dönme. The word means “to convert,” but in the pejorative sense of “turncoat.”

According to scholar, Rıfat N. Bali, in her book, “Model Citizens of the State: The Jews of Turkey During the Multi-party Period,” the Turkish word Dönme means ‘to turn’ or “to betray.”


On November 5, 2021, Alican Uludag reported for Deutsche Welle in Turkish, under the headline, “Calling Erdoğan ‘Jewish’ was considered an insult,” that a Criminal Court of First Instance in the Turkish city of Bursa sentenced the person who used the term “Jew” about President Erdoğan to a judicial fine of 7 thousand Turkish Lira ($1,033) for “insulting the President.”

In 2020, after Bursa resident Yüksel Üstün posted on Facebook that “Tayyip is a Jew who pretends to be a Muslim,” Bursa’s Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office filed a lawsuit against Üstün for insulting the President. The indictment argued that the suspect committed the crime by “offending the honor, dignity, and respect of the President” with this post.

Presidential Law and Legislation General Director Hakkı Susmaz sent a letter to the court on March 25, 2021, stating the case should be “followed and tried without waiting for the complaint of the President, who is the head of the State and represents the Republic of Turkey and the unity of the Turkish Nation in this capacity.”

The defense asked for acquittal, arguing that “Jews are honorable citizens of this country. Calling someone a Gypsy or a Jew is not a crime.”

At the end of the hearing, the court sentenced Yüksel Üstün to 10 months and 20 days in prison for insulting the president, but later commuted the sentence to a fine of only $1,033.

Modern Turkish antisemitism and the conspiracy theories upon which it relies have always centered on the Dönmeh, according to historian Marc David Baer, professor of International History at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His work, “The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks,” Stanford University Press, California, USA, 2010, is considered authoritative in the field.

Dönmeh machinations were said to have motivated the Young Turks Revolution and the overthrow of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1909, the dissolution of the Ottoman religious establishment, and the founding of a secular republic in the 1920s. Accusations of Dönmeh ancestry were used against the father of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938). Those rumors have persisted to this day.

People in Turkey cannot help but notice the fiery vehemence with which their president denies aspersions of Dönmeh connections whenever they come up, and wonder what new Dönmeh accusation has surfaced to provoke Erdoğan’s latest wave of vicious antisemitic rhetoric.

Have documents outlining Erdoğan’s own or his familial dealings with secret Jews surfaced, and is that what fuels his latest paranoia? The average Turk on the street also wonders how much of Erdoğan’s political rise to power depended on behind-the-scenes manipulations by the Dönmeh.

It is feared that President Erdoğan may once again use his National Intelligence Organization (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilatı) to gather information against those who attempt to make public any fact that would embarrass him personally. It has been his policy to do so in the past, but whether he can completely eliminate all the historic traces of his Dönmeh connections is doubtful.

On Wednesday this week, President Erdoğan called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “vampire who feeds on blood” and urged Muslims to act against the “Zionist threat.”

“The world is watching the barbarity of a psychopath, a vampire who feeds on blood called Netanyahu, and they are watching it on live broadcast,” Erdoğan said in a speech to members of his AK Party.

Something must be bothering him.


Jewish Press Staff Writer


I think They need their own country