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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Hamas Occupies UCLA Won't Allow Jewish Students In ...Mother's Plea for help Ignored!




Jewish Student Runs for his Life in UCLA ... Security Watches and Does Absolutely Nothing

 This is why we need a Jewish Army ... 

Watch How the NYPD Planned and Cleared Out Hamas From Columbia Univ


Universities Make Concessions to Pro-Hamas Demonstrators


At least two elite American universities have made concrete concessions to anti-Israel protesters who set up illegal “encampments” on school property, chanted antisemitic slogans, and vowed not to leave unless administrators agreed to adopt the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against the Jewish state.

For the past two weeks, college students have been amassing in the hundreds at a growing number of schools, taking over sections of campuses by setting up “Gaza Solidarity Encampments” and refusing to leave unless administrators condemn and boycott Israel. Footage of the protests has shown demonstrators chanting in support of Hamas, calling for the destruction of Israel, and even threatening to harm members of the Jewish community on campus. In many cases, activists have also lambasted the US and Western civilization more broadly.

The protests initially erupted across the US but have since spread to university campuses around the world, primarily in the West.

According to an announcement issued by Northwestern University in Illinois after hours of negotiations with the protesters, the school has agreed to establish a new scholarship for Palestinian undergraduates, contact potential employers of students who caused recent campus disruptions to insist on their being hired, and create a segregated dormitory hall to be occupied exclusively by Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) and Muslim students. Northwestern University — where a mob shouted “Kill the Jews!” as part of the ongoing protests — has also agreed to form a new investment committee in which anti-Zionists students and faculty may wield an outsized voice.

On Tuesday, meanwhile, Brown University in Rhode Island announced that it will hold a vote on divesting from companies linked to Israel in exchange for the students disassembling their encampment and abstaining from holding more protests until the school’s commencement on May 26, according to the Brown Daily Herald. The student newspaper added, however, that the university will not “at this time” drop criminal charges filed against 41 students who illegally occupied an administrative building in December.

A German soldier looted postcards from doomed Lublin Yeshiva in Poland. 80 years later, his granddaughter brought them back


Karla McCabe speaks at a ceremony where she returned postcards that her Nazi soldier grandfather looted from the Lublin yeshiva,

Before World War II, Lublin was a vibrant center of Jewish culture in Poland dating back to the 16th century. A large share of the city was always Jewish, roughly one-third — or 40,000 people — when the Nazis invaded. The Lublin Yeshiva opened in 1930, led by Rabbi Meir Shapiro, and lasted only nine years. In its brief life it became one of the world’s largest Jewish religious schools and boasted a library of between 15,000 and 40,000 religious books, among them some of the earliest manuscripts in print.

The Nazis turned Lublin into a center of mass exterminationkilling 99% of its Jews and eradicating symbols of Jewish culture. Although the broad yellow structure of the yeshiva remained, used as an office by the German army, its vast library disappeared. The destruction was so effective, leaving so few traces of the yeshiva’s documentation, that even how its books vanished has remained a subject of speculation. For decades, a popular theory said they went up in flames at a Nazi book burning.

Lauren Boebert Tries to Tear Down Palestinian flag Draped over George Washington Statue "This Sh_T Needs to Come Down"


 Boebert visited the college campus with her fellow GOP politicians, James Comer, Byron Donalds, and Anna Paulina Luna.

But the hostile reception didn't deter Boebert from making her stance known to protesters.

"This is America, and that shit needs to come down," Boebert told protesters as she tried to remove a Palestinian flag that was draped over a statue of George Washington.

"It's not your property," a man told Boebert.

Boebert later threatened to cut the university's funding if the protesters weren't stopped.

"If they don't want to do something to address this? Well, then kiss your federal funding goodbye," Boebert said while using a loudhailer.

Boebert isn't the only GOP politician who has tangled with pro-Palestinian protesters on American college campuses.

House Speaker Mike Johnson was booed and heckled by students when he visited Columbia University last month. Johnson called for the resignation of the university's president, Minouche Shafik, after the Ivy League institution was rocked by protests over Israel's war in Gaza.

On Tuesday evening, officers from the New York Police Department entered the university in riot gear and detained dozens of protesters.

Johnson's and Boebert's calls to crack down on protesters expose a growing rift between the GOP and American colleges over their handling of protests on campus.

"The rise of antisemitism in America and especially on college campuses is abhorrent and disgusting," Boebert wrote in an X post on Wednesday.

Matt Gaetz Slams ‘Ridiculous’ Anti-Semitism Bill Passed by the House ‘Without Regard for the Constitution’


DIN: Matt Gaetz brings up an interesting point.

 He says in his tweet that “The Gospel itself would meet the definition of antisemitism under the terms of this bill,”

I have news for Matt, the Gospel is in fact antisemitic and the cause of much of the death and chaos in the world! 

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) slammed an anti-Semitism bill approved by the House on Wednesday, claiming it has no “regard for the Constitution.”

On Wednesday, lawmakers in the House passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a vote of 320-91. The legislation, which was introduced by Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY), will be sent to the Senate for a vote.

Although the bill was passed with bipartisan support, a small group of progressive Democrats and hardline Republicans opposed it by claiming it would interfere with free speech.

Gaetz told his followers on X, formerly Twitter, that he voted “no” against the legislation because it is a “ridiculous hate speech bill.”

“Antisemitism is wrong, but this legislation is written without regard for the Constitution, common sense, or even the common understanding of the meaning of words,” he wrote.

“The Gospel itself would meet the definition of antisemitism under the terms of this bill,” he added. The bill says the definition of antisemitism includes ‘contemporary examples of antisemitism’ identified by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). One of those examples includes: ‘…claims of Jews killing Jesus…'”

Gaetz concluded, “The Bible is clear. There is no myth or controversy on this. Therefore, I will not support this bill.”

The House passed the legislation amidst nationwide pro-Palestine protests across dozens of college campuses in recent days, leading to the arrest of hundreds of demonstrators. Democrats and Republicans have denounced the protesters for the use of pro-Hamas chants.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Chabad infiltrates Pro-Hamas Rallies

During clashes between anti-Israel protesters and pro-Israel counter-protesters on Tuesday night at UCLA in California, one flag held by a counter-protester caught the eye of many.

The bright yellow flag was not that of Israel nor of the PLO, and not even the flag of the Hezbollah organization, which is similar in color. Rather the flag flown by the pro-Israel counter-protester was the yellow "Moshiach" (messiah) flag of the Chabad Hassidic movement.

A video that has gone viral on the internet shows a CBS News reporter's reaction to the fl the flag, which he had never seen in the past.

"The first I've seen of this, I've never seen this flag before, or this logo. I don't know if that's what this group is. We've been trying to get a clear view of what that says," the reporter pondered aloud to the viewers.

Many on social media were surprised that the reporter was unfamiliar with the flag, being that members of the Chabad movement fly it across the world, including the US.

'US troops at Gaza pier will fire back if Fired Upon


US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that American troops may be fired at by terrorists in the Gaza Strip as they work to build a pier off the Gaza coast to facilitate the provision of more humanitarian aid into the Strip and would be allowed to return fire in the event of such attacks.

Speaking before the House Armed Services Committee yesterday (Tuesday), Austin said that it is "possible" that the American servicemen working on the pier could be attacked while in the course of their duties.

“Typically, all of the deployed service members carry guns, and they have the ability to protect themselves if challenged," he told the lawmakers.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) asked, "So if someone from land, and Gaza, shoots at our service members who are on the $320 million pier that we’re building, you’re telling me our service members can shoot back?"

Austin responded, "They have the right to return fire to protect themselves."

The Defense Secretary reiterated that American troops would not have "boots on the ground" in Gaza despite being present at the pier.

Senior Hamas Khalil al-Hayya has threatened to attack any foreign forces stationed in the area of the pier. “We categorically reject any non-Palestinian presence in Gaza, whether at sea or on land, and we will deal with any military force present in these places, Israeli or otherwise … as an occupying power," al-Hayya said.

Terrorists in Gaza have already attacked the pier. Last Wednesday, US officials confirmed that terrorists had fired mortars at the pier, damaging equipment and injuring one person.

Rep. Gaetz called the Secretary's remarks a "very telling moment."

“Shots from Gaza, on our service members, and then the response – our armed service members shooting live fire into Gaza – that is a possible outcome here so that we can become the Port Authority and run this pier,“ Gaetz said.

Cops toss away Palestinian flag and raise the stars and stripes,in iconic moment after quelling City College pro-terror protest


Chabadnikers don't take crapola from the Pro-Hamas guys

Alarming!! Drone footage reveals that pro-Hamas students are being trained in hand-to-hand combat at the UCLA encampment.


 Pro-Hamas rioters part of the UCLA encampment attack and clash with crowds of pro-Israel demonstrators.

A Neveilah is better than Talmud Chacham that doesn't have Nice Character !

 תלמיד חכם שאין בו מידות, נבילה יפה הימנו

Below is a video of Rav Sneh speaking in Yiddish about "rebbelich" and "talmeide chachamim" that make dumb comments and are disconnected and clueless! He called them "neveilas" 

But below that is a letter that I translated from the Hebrew about the Chief Rabbi of Israel. 

Translated from the Hebrew letter to an editor below

Our friends are being burned nearby, and some are murdered. 
Others were injured. One loses an arm, another a leg, a third has lost sight. Horrible screams. Fear of death. A dark black Gaza night, the rescue is delayed and the shooting continues. Post-trauma will also last a lifetime. ‎
I read shocking and detailed testimonies from the battlefield in Gaza, and in the process an article pops up with new pearls from Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef. 

The man claims that 
"13,000 missiles were thrown at us, and we were saved only thanks to Torah learners"... 

And now the question arises: 
Why is the Torah good to save us from Iranian missiles, but not good to save us from the rabbi's stupidity? ‎

‎Well, there is Torah and there is Torah. 

There is a Torah that supports the world, and there is a Torah that does damage to the world!
The Torah of the "Merchant of Halacha" who wears a golden robe under  his father's reputation and is on the payroll of taxpayers, belongs to the second category.‎

‎And to all those who are horrified by my words, I will say that the fact that the man accumulated a lot of Torah knowledge throughout his life does not make him holy and certainly does not grant him immunity from criticism.
It was precisely for people like him that the nickname "Chamor Nosei Sefarim" was intended, and it was precisely for people like him that the Sages said, 
"תלמיד חכם שאין בו מידות, נבילה יפה הימנו

הנ"ל נכתב על ידי אחד המשתתפים בקבוצה של 'שיטת חכמי ספרד האחרונים'
חברים נשרפים בסמוך, חלק נהרגו. אחרים נפצעו. אחד מאבד יד, אחר רגל, שלישי איבד את הראייה.. צרחות אימים.  פחד מוות. לילה עזתי חשוך ושחור, החילוץ מתמהמה והירי נמשך. גם הפוסט טראומה תימשך לכל החיים. 
קורא עדויות מזעזעות ומפורטות משדה הקרב בעזה, ותוך כדי קופצת כתבה ובה פנינים חדשות מפי הרב הראשי יצחק יוסף. האיש טוען ש"13,000 טילים זרקו עלינו, וניצלנו רק בזכות לומדי התורה"... ועתה נשאלת השאלה: מדוע אותה תורה טובה כדי להציל אותנו מהטילים האיראניים, אך לא טובה כדי להציל אותנו מטיפשותו של הרב?  
ובכן, יש תורה ויש תורה. יש תורה שהיא קיום העולם ויש תורה שהיא נזק לעולם. התורה של סוחר ההלכות שהולבש שימלה מוזהבת בחסות קומבינות של אביו ובאדיבות משלם המיסים, שייכת לקטגוריה השנייה.
ולכל המזועזעים מדבריי אומר שהעובדה שהאיש אגר לאורך חייו הרבה ידע תורני לא הופכת אותו לקדוש, ובוודאי לא מקנה לו חסינות מביקורת. בדיוק לאנשים כמוהו יועד הכינוי "חמור נושא ספרים", ובדיוק על אנשים כמוהו אמרו חז"ל "תלמיד חכם שאין בו מידות, נבילה יפה הימנו"..

הנ"ל נכתב על ידי אחד המשתתפים בקבוצה של 'שיטת חכמי ספרד האחרונים'

Where the hell are the parents of these deluded Columbia students chanting about attacking Jews?


Tent Cities Across the USA College Campuses 

By Piers Morgan

It costs around $90,000 a year to attend Columbia University.

Most undergraduates do four years of studying there, which means that if they’re not getting any subsidized grants, their parents are coughing up a total of $360,000 just for their tuition, housing, food and books.

Add in other expenses like travel, and Mommy and Daddy won’t be getting much change out of $400,000.

That’s a lot of money.

But those parents would doubtless consider it a price worth paying to give their child what is supposedly one of the best educations in the world at such a supposedly elite institution with a supposedly world-class reputation.

I use the “supposedly” because Columbia has now proved itself to be none of those things.

Instead, it’s become a disgraceful hotbed of toxic terrorism-supporting insanity and its lunatic students have literally taken over the asylum.

The increasingly disturbing situation on Columbia’s campus exploded last night in shocking and shameful scenes as a violent mob broke into one of the university’s historic buildings, then brandished a banner with the word “INTIFADA.”

As if there were any doubt about their intentions, they brazenly harassed and intimidated Jewish students, holding some against their will.

Another of the mob’s banners demanded a “Liberation Education,” which is ironic because these morons are hopefully going to get a harsh lesson in a real-world education on the legal repercussions of committing crimes like trespass, property damage, assault and false imprisonment.

But as I’ve watched this escalating mayhem, one thought has kept recurring to me: 

Where the hell are their parents?

How could anyone be happy or proud of their child abandoning their hugely expensive tuition to be part of a self-styled intifada against Jews?

IDF recommends: Cancel Lag Ba'omer events in Meron

 Three weeks before the Lag Ba'omer holiday, the IDF has recommended that the Israeli government cancel Lag Ba'omer events in Meron this year - completely.

Yediot Aharonot reported that the recommendation was made at the conclusion of a series of discussions held by the IDF's Northern Command and Home Front Command over the past several weeks, and in accordance with updated situational assessments.

The recommendation was made in light of the escalation by Hezbollah, and the missiles fired towards the Meron area from the direction of Lebanon, which render holding even small gatherings potentially dangerous.

Over the past several months, Hezbollah terrorists have fired hundreds of rockets and missiles towards Northern Command bases in the Meron area, and the IDF estimates that this situation is unlikely to change. The missiles do not always hit their targets, and in some cases, civilians are injured or killed.

If the recommendation is adopted, the site would be declared a closed military zone for the duration of Lag Ba'omer, and police and IDF soldiers will enforce the decision, preventing entry to the site.

Approximately one month ago, following an IDF recommendation, an event marking the passing of Moses, scheduled to be held at Mount Meron, was canceled.

"In accordance with the updated operational situational assessment, the IDF recommended to the relevant parties that the events marking the passing of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, to be held on Mount Meron on May 25-26, 2024, be canceled. There are no additional changes in the guidelines for the home front."

Poll: Smotrich & Ben-Gvir gaining strength, Sa’ar losing support


The National Unity party, led by Minister Benny Gantz, continues to lose strength and receives 29 seats in a Kan News survey.

The Likud party, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wins 21 seats. Yesh Atid headed by Yair Lapid wins 15 seats, Yisrael Beytenu 11, Shas 10, Ben Gvir's Otzma Yehudit 9 and United Torah Judaism 7 seats.

In addition, Minister Bezalel Smotrich's party, Religious Zionism, continues to grow stronger and receives five seats. Gideon Sa'ar's party loses support and does not pass the electoral threshold.

The Hadash-Ta'al party headed by Ayman Odeh and Ahmed Tibi receives five seats, the United Arab List (Ra'am) and Meretz each receive four seats. Labor and Balad do not pass the threshold.

In another poll published this evening on Channel 12 News, the National Unity party receives 31 seats, Likud 18, Yesh Atid 15, Shas, Yisrael Beytenu and Otzma Yehudit received 10 seats each, United Torah Judaism 8, Hadash-Ta'al 5, Ra’am 5, Religious Zionism 4 and Meretz 4.

According to the survey, Gideon Sa'ar's party, Balad and Labor do not pass the electoral threshold.

Ha Ha! .......Israeli MK Gotlieb Sings a Lullaby To Arab MK Ahmed Tibi in Knesset that "he is a terrorist supporter"

 I didn't put a "Kol Isha" alert because I paskened that this was really a speech! 

this video may not work on phones 

Hilarious! Columbia students who are encamping on campus are asking Columbia to supply them with, wait for it, humanitarian aid.


Netanyahu 's Message to the World!


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Chafetz Chayim Coined the Word "shoah" meaning Holocaust 20 Years Before the Holocaust

Read the line in bold 6 lines from the top in the footnotes!

It was only on April 12, 1951 when the Israeli Knesset institutionalized the word "Shoah" in reference to the Holocaust!  

When I was growing up, and I grew up amongst survivors, in fact I didn't know any Jews, frum or secular, that weren't survivors, they used the term "churban" meaning destruction. The word "churban" was also used vis a vis the destruction of both Bais Hamikdash. 
However, people wanted a special word to describe the worst atrocity ever to have occurred to the Jewish people in its entire history. 
It seems that the Zionists took a page out of one of the Chafetz Chayim's drashos. 

I just want to point out that in 2018, a letter was auctioned off at the Genizim Auctions, which went for over $10,000 that referenced his "final plans' to move to Israel and to Petach Tikva. 
The CC was derailed when his wife got sick and daughter got sick soon after, and then couldn't get a passport because he had no documents on to when he was born. Officials told him to bring someone who remembers when he was born, which was an impossible feat as that person would have had to be over 100 years old. 


21 Furious DemonRats break with their party and demand resignations at Columbia University unless it breaks up the student protest camp

Some Democrats have broken rank with their colleagues and have begun calling for the resignations at Columbia University, furious at how anti-Israel protests have engulfed campus life for a third week. 

The ongoing 'Gaza Solidarity Encampment' has been ongoing for nearly two weeks and has led to the arrests of hundreds of protestors. 

The activists have often vacillated between pro-Palestinian and pro-Gaza chants to anti-Zionist messages laced with antisemitism. 

 This enraged a small number of Democrats who last week want as far as going to the university to call for it to take action against the targeting and harassment of Jewish students as a result of the encampments. 

Now, some of those Democrats who visited the university are going further, writing to the trustees of Columbia University to request they 'act decisively, disband the encampment, and ensure the safety and security of all of its students.'

'The time for negotiation is over; the time for action is now,' Jewish Reps. Josh Gottheimer, N.J., and Dan Goldman, N.Y., wrote to the trustees.

'It is ultimately the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to act.'

Gottheimer and Goldman - who both led the Democrat trip to Columbia's campus last week - said if the Board of Trustees is unable to shut down the encampments they should resign. 

Still, the two Democrats have yet to call on the University's President Minouche Shafik to resign as all New York Republicans and Speaker Mike Johnson have.

'For the past week, this encampment has been the breeding ground for antisemitic attacks on Jewish students, including hate speech, harassment, intimidation, and even threats of violence,' the letter stated. 

'Instead of solving the root cause of discrimination and harassment that students faced on campus, the administration decided to segregate some students from campus altogether, which naturally created an unsafe environment on campus for all students.'

'If any Trustees are unwilling to do this, they should resign so that they can be replaced by individuals who will uphold the University’s legal obligations under Title VI.' 

The letter was signed by 21 Democrat lawmakers in total. 

Their tough stance comes while other members of the caucus have embraced the student protests at Columbia and elsewhere.

Progressive 'Squad' members Reps. Ilhan Omar, Minn., and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, N.Y., have gone as far as visiting some pro-Palestinian encampments to express their support and even take selfies with admiring fans

'I had the honor of seeing the Columbia University anti-war encampment firsthand,' Omar posted on X after her campus visit. 

'Contrary to right-wing attacks, these students are joyfully protesting for peace and an end to the genocide taking place in Gaza. I’m in awe of their bravery and courage.'

Notably, Omar's daughter, Irsa Hirsi, was one of the students arrested at Columbia University on April 18. Over a hundred other students and protestors were also arrested that day. 

Hirsi's arrest was also accompanied by a suspension from her school - Barnard College - which the Democrat's daughter later pathetically described as leaving her homeless and hungry as we was temporarily not allowed to stay on campus or access her meal plan. 

Many Democrats have not gone as far as supporting the demonstrations in the same fashion as the 'Squad' members, but a lot of them have demurred on whether the paralyzing protests are appropriate. 

The letter sent Monday draws a line in the sand for Democrats, separating those who condemn the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel protests and those who don't.

After the letter was sent, the University sent out a memo notifying students that the encampment would be cleared out by 2:00 p.m. Monday. 

If students resisted, they would be suspended and not provided an opportunity to leave the semester in good standing with Columbia. 

After the deadline to clear the encampment passed, videos of faculty linking arms to protect the protestors emerged, indicating they will prevent the university and law enforcement from breaking the tent city down. 

'Columbia has surrendered to the radical pro-Hamas antisemitic mob instead of securing campus and protecting Columbia’s Jewish students,' Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik, N.Y., said in a statement after the protestors were unmoved Monday.

'There can be no more extensions or delays. There can be no negotiations with self-proclaimed Hamas terrorists and their sympathizers.'

Gottheimer's office did not return a request for comment.