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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Raw Footage of October 7 Released ... Warning!


MK Danon: We made a mistake when we listened to the US regarding the war

 MK Danny Danon (Likud), a member of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, on Friday morning said that Israel made a mistake when it acquiesced to US requests in the war against Hamas in Gaza.

"Our mistake was made a few months ago, when we listened to the US," Danon told Kan Reshet Bet. "We changed the modus operandi in Gaza and took our foot off the gas pedal. That brought pressure on us. Today the international community is saying that it's taking too much time."

Danon also responded to the Diplomatic-Security Cabinet's decision to take immediate steps to increase the amount of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

"Unfortunately, the tragic incident in which aid workers were killed had consequences in the international arena," he said. "There was an effect in the world and we saw that we needed to do something about it. On the other hand, if the world cares so much about Gaza, there is a port in Arish (Egypt -ed.), there are solutions to bring in humanitarian aid. We are not responsible for the Gaza Strip."

When asked for his opinion on Minister Benny Gantz's call to hold elections in September, Danon said, "The last thing we need right now is to set a date for elections. The people have already chosen the current leadership to lead even in a time of crisis."

"The last thing I want is to see changes in the leadership - not in the Shin Bet chief, not the IDF's Chief of Staff, not the commander of the [IDF's] Southern Command, not the Defense Minister and not the Prime Minister - none should move from their positions. Changing any of them will not serve the goal of victory."

After Immense Pressure from Biden ym"s Israel Withdraws Troops from Gaza, And the Missiles Return


6 Months of War
Red alert sirens are sounding across parts of southern Israel as Hamas fires a rocket barrage at Israeli towns east of Khan Younis.

This comes as the IDF withdraws nearly all troops from the  Gaza Strip.

Hamas guy gets surprised by a snake while building the tunnel


Satmar Rebbe z"l once said that "Not All tzaddikim will rise by Techiyas Hameisim"

 I will translate the above sign with no comment from DIN! It speaks for itself!

"It once happened, that the Satmar Rebbe, (R' Yoel Teitelbaum) went to visit "mekomos hakedoshim" (a cemetery where great rabbis are buried)  with a group of his followers, suddenly one of the Chassidim told the rebbe, that "he is getting tremendous feelings of spirituality here," and is wondering that if and when Moshiach comes, and there will be "techiyas hameisim," the rising of the dead, if he will still feel this spirituality.

The rebbe answered "You have nothing to worry about, there will be enough so called tzadiikim that will never arise at Techyas Hameisim" 

Is this Kerestier Yurzeit a Scam to pilfer the rich?

I thought that the whole point of Karastir was to feed the poor, and even to those who are not so poor but want to visit the grave by R' Shayele, how does this square with the ass'kanim running the show in Karastier charging premium prices for the Shabbos Menu?

People writing to us are asking if the purpose of this price list is to discourage those who are struggling for parnassah,the innocents, who want to make the trip to beg R' Shayele to intercede on their behalf, but who  cannot afford the meals! 
The ass'kanim want to become rich from those meals and don't need the schnorrers who will just eat and not contribute! 
The organizers don't really care about R' Shayele ben Moshe z"l it's "how much money we can make. "
Organizers in Meron became very wealthy getting funds for the famous "Chai Rotel" business and pocketed millions off those who thought they were doing a mitzvah! But at least in Meron, food was distributed gratis, for free. 

Judge tosses Louis Farrakhan’s $4.8B lawsuit against ADL


A federal judge tossed Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s $4.8 billion lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League accusing the civil rights group of falsely smearing him as an antisemite. 

Farrakhan — who over the years has said Hitler was a “great” man, repeatedly claimed “Satanic” Jews control the government and Hollywood and compared Jews to termites — sued the ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Manhattan Federal Court in October, insisting the groups had harmed him and the Nation of Islam by pushing the “false narrative” that he is an antisemite.

In dismissing the suit Friday, Manhattan federal court Judge Denise Cote wrote Farrakhan had failed to provide any evidence demonstrably linking the groups’ actions and writings to injuries sustained by him or his religious organization.

Regarding Farrakhan’s claim that Morgan State University barred him from speaking at the school in 2023 due to pressure from the ADL, Cote wrote he did not prove there was “an injury fairly traceable to the ADL.”  

Cote also noted in her decision the ADL’s writings on Farrakhan and his comments about the Jewish people were not defamatory because they “constitute non-actionable opinions” and that Farrakhan “has not pled actual malice.”    

The Anti-Defamation League cheered the judge’s decision on X and linked to a blog post listing a selection of Farrakhan’s “hateful and conspiratorial statements.” 

“Truth is a defense and no, we will not stop calling out antisemitism wherever and whenever we see it,” the ADL wrote.  

Biden keeps on delivering a dangerous two-faced approach with Israel



Saturday, April 6, 2024

Pelosi Turns on Israel joins Tlaib, AOC in call for Biden to halt transfer of US weapons to Israel


Several dozen Democratic members of Congress, including former speaker Nancy Pelosi, have sent a letter to US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling for a halt on arms transfers to Israel following an IDF strike in Gaza that killed seven staffers of the World Central Kitchen, including a dual US citizen.

“In light of this incident, we strongly urge you to reconsider your recent decision to authorize the transfer of a new arms package to Israel, and to withhold this and any future offensive arms transfers until a full investigation into the airstrike is completed,” the House representatives wrote.

“We also urge you to withhold these transfers if Israel fails to sufficiently mitigate harm to innocent civilians in Gaza, including aid workers, and if it fails to facilitate — or arbitrarily denies or restricts the transport and delivery of humanitarian aid into Gaza,” they said.

Noting that Israel has said it did not intentionally target the aid workers, the Congress members said that “if this is true, it is a shockingly unacceptable mistake.” They also called for the administration “to conduct a thorough investigation into this airstrike,” which the White House reiterated Friday it will not do.

Most of the signatories were from the Democrat’s left flank but the backing by Pelosi indicated support for stopping weapons deliveries to Israel is increasingly becoming mainstream among Democrats.

Biden-appointed judge torches DOJ for defying subpoenas after prosecuting Trump advisor


'There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena,' Reyes said

President Biden-appointed judge slammed the Justice Department’s apparent hypocrisy on Friday for allowing attorneys involved in the Biden family investigation to defy subpoenas — even though former Trump advisor Peter Navarro is sitting in prison for doing the same thing.

District Judge Ana Reyes ripped the DOJ at a status conference for not letting DOJ lawyers Mark Daly and Jack Morgan provide testimony as part of the House Judiciary Committee's investigation into the Biden family and the impeachment inquiry into the president. 

"There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena," Reyes said during a hearing on the Judiciary Committee’s lawsuit, according to Politico, seemingly referring to Navarro. 

Former defense secretary predicts Iran will strike at Israel


Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Friday said Iran is likely to retaliate against Israel for a recent missile strike that hit Tehran's consulate in Damascus, Syria.

Israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike, which killed senior Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi. Reuters cited a Lebanese security source as the first to identify Israel as the responsible party, to which an Israeli military spokesperson responded, "We do not comment on reports in the foreign media."

In an interview on CNN, Esper predicted Iran will take action against Israel, but on a limited scale to avoid wide-scale war in the Middle East.

"They are going to act," Esper said Friday. "They're going to feel the need, to uphold their dignity, to maintain credibility with their proxies, throughout the region, and to really meet the demands of hardliners, within the theocracy that wants to see something done."

"But on the other hand, they're not going to want to make this a wider war," he continued. "They don't want to escalate. They know that a major conflict with Israel, let alone Israel and the United States would be disastrous for Iran. So, I suspect that they will limit the attack to Israel, Israeli targets."3

Unbelievable Food Items in the Shuk


When the US Killed 7 Children in a "tragic mistake"


Just in Time for Pesach ... Delicious Frogs



WATCH as Students of Slobodka Yeshiva Use ‘Decoy’ Rosh Yeshiva to Fool Protesters


 On Friday morning, a group of leftist protesters accosted the Slobodka Yeshiva, demonstrating against the Charedi community. They were specifically seeking to harass the Rosh Yeshiva.

The protesters made noise with horns and chanted against Charedim. The demonstrators declared that they were waiting for Rabbi Dov Landau shlit’a, to exit the building so they could confront him in person.

The Rosh Yeshiva was scheduled to leave the building for an important conference of Roshei Yeshiva, but the protesters blocked the road, so that he would not be able to exit.

In order to help Rabbi Landau escape without being blocked, the bochurim came up with a clever strategy to resolve the situation. With the assistance of law enforcement, they orchestrated a plan, asking R’ Yossi Rosenfeld, the yeshiva‘s cook, he agreed to wear a hat and a long coat, dressing as the Rosh Yeshiva.

The students accompanied him with singing and the respect customary for a Rosh Yeshiva.

The protesters, believing it was Rav Landau, dispersed after the chef got into a car. Several minutes later, Rabbi Landau exited the building

Friday, April 5, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Shemini


Jill Biden Screams At her demented Husband privately to end the war in Gaza: 'Stop, stop it now'


First Lady Jill Biden has reportedly been privately urging President Biden to stop the war in Gaza, according to a conversation the president had with one of the attendees at a White House meeting with the Muslim community on Tuesday. 

A guest at Biden's meeting told the president that his wife disapproved of him attending the event over the Israel-Hamas war, according to The New York Times.

"Mr. Biden replied that he understood. The first lady, he said, had been urging him to ‘Stop it, stop it now,’ according to an attendee who heard his remarks," the outlet reported. 

The Times cited Salima Suswell, the founder of the Black Muslim Leadership Council, who witnessed the back and forth, and told the paper it was "striking" to hear that the first lady felt that way about the conflict. 

Biden hosted a small event at the White House with Muslim administration staffers and leaders of the Muslim community, who also joined the president for a dinner to break the fast during the holy Islamic month of Ramadan.

The first lady was asked about the state of Biden's re-election campaign during an appearance on "CBS Mornings" on Wednesday, and was specifically questioned about a recent Wall Street Journal survey that found the Democratic incumbent trailing former President Trump in six of seven 2024 swing states.

CBS host Tony Dokoupil began asking the first lady about the polling results before she cut him off.

"No, he's not losing in all the battleground states. He's coming up," she said before the host could finish asking the question.

Hamas celebrating Biden's apparent shift in war, Israeli official warns: 'Stand against evil'


Israeli Economy and Industry Minister Nir Barkat accused President Biden on Thursday of emboldening Hamas after he warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the U.S. policy in Gaza could change if the Israeli military doesn’t do more to protect civilians in the region.

In an appearance on "Kudlow," Barkat urged Biden to re-establish his commitment to Israel, emphasizing the importance of the United States' unwavering support as they fight to eradicate the "Nazis" behind the Oct. 7 terror attack

His comment came moments after Biden wrapped up a phone call with the Israeli leader, during which the U.S. president threatened a change in his policy toward the war if Israel doesn't do more to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

"After things like this, you know what happens with Hamas?" Barkat asked, referring to Biden's warning to Netanyahu. "They’re happy. They toughen their negotiation stance. They give candy to everyone."

WHITEHOUSE TURNS ON ISRAEL: Gives Them “Hours And Days To Make Changes


At a Wednesday news briefing, White House national security communications adviser John Kirby faced questions from reporters about whether President Joe Biden is considering withholding aid to Israel.

ABC News correspondent Mary Bruce queried Kirby about potential aid withholding if changes aren’t made by Israel. Kirby also mentioned that the U.S. anticipates seeing these changes from Israel in the “coming hours and days.”

BRUCE: The president seems to have said to the prime minister today, make these concrete changes or else. It’s the or else that I want to make clear here. Is the president threatening to withhold aid to Israel if they do not make these changes?

KIRBY: The president made it clear that our policies with respect to Gaza, will be dependent upon our assessment of how well the Israelis, make changes and implement changes, to make the situation in Gaza better for the Palestinian people.

BRUCE: And how much time are you giving them to make these changes to implement these concrete steps?

KIRBY: We we would hope to see some announcements of changes here in coming hours and days. And I’ll leave it at that.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Blinken had the following to say:

“If we don’t see the changes [from Israel] that we need to see [in Gaza], there’ll be changes in our own policy.”

Fetterman Slams Hamas, Says Netanyahu is Right Leader for Israel

 Senator John Fetterman, a rare and refreshing Democrat who, despite being an avowed leftist, has been a staunch supporter of Israel since October 7, reaffirmed his support on Wednesday.

Appearing on the CBS News morning show, Fetterman stood tough in the face of news anchors who grilled him on Israel’s military approach ‘to destroy Hamas at all costs’.

The hosts seemed to agree that Israel has the right to destroy Hamas, but criticized Israel’s “means” of dismantling the terror group.

 In response, Fetterman flipped the onus of civilian deaths onto Hamas, saying, “It’s absolutely heartbreaking…it’s a war and it’s absolutely terrible. What is going on, Hamas is hiding behind civilians…Israel has the right to defend themselves and destroy Hamas.

Another anchor then chimed in, “I think everybody wants Hamas destroyed, but the position Netanyahu seems to be taking is to destroy Hamas at all costs, and many of the victims are women and children.”

She continued, “At what point do you come up with another strategy that at least keeps the innocent, the women and children, safe?”

Not budging, Fetterman kept the focus on the monster terrorists who are responsible for the civilian deaths. He replied, “It is very important to minimize collateral damage and protect civilization [sic] lives as well, and I would hope that Hamas decides to not hiding behind civilians and creating circumstances that make it difficult as well. And now even hospitals and tunnels as well.”

Fetterman added, “You don’t have to agree with every leader’s views, but we have an opportunity to stand with Israel…and that’s what I’ve decided to do.”

He was then asked “Is Netanyahu the right person?”

Fetterman replied: “Yeah…”

Murphy Stabs Lakewood Vaad that Endorsed Him ...Calls for Gaza Ceasefire


 Turns out that the Lakewood Vaad has been on the wrong side on every single issue. Who are these guys? 

Gov. Phil Murphy’s unexpected statement on March 27 supporting a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has “disappointed and saddened” New Jersey’s Jewish community and prompted a response from the Jewish Federations of New Jersey, signed by more than 70 synagogues, organizations and institutions.

“While we appreciate his condemning Hamas and acknowledging the urgent need to bring all the hostages home, we find his announcement tone-deaf,” read the statement. “Since October 7th, the Jewish community in New Jersey has been under siege due to the 400 % rise in antisemitism in our schools, universities and municipalities.”

The response went on to disagree with the governor’s belief that an end to the fighting would ensure long-term peace and border security for Israelis.

“By calling for a ceasefire, he endangers the survival of the only democracy in the Middle East and ignores the root causes of the war,” said the statement. It noted that “conflating a two-state solution with a ceasefire is dangerous, enables antisemitism to soar, and heightens division among the very people who elected Gov. Murphy to lead our state.”

It further pointed out that “New Jersey is now the first in the nation to issue such a statement in favor of a ceasefire.”

After Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco, why should Israel take his advice?


“Great, now we’re taking lessons from the losers.” 

So said Captain Hawkeye Pierce in the TV comedy “M*A*S*H” after a U.S. general invoked a German war practice. Israeli leaders likely had the same thought when asked to listen to Biden officials’ ideas for completing the Gaza war.  

The very day the White House requested Israel send a delegation to Washington to discuss a war plan — a meeting Israel first agreed to, then canceled, and then occurred yesterday virtually  — the House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on one of the leading foreign policy debacles in recent memory: the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. The White House architects of that fiasco have no credibility to dictate military strategy to Israel. 

The immediate issue between the United States and Israel is the planned, impending Israel Defense Forces operation to clear the last remaining major Hamas stronghold — about 4 battalions or 6,000 fighters, presumably including Hamas’s senior leadership and their hostages — holed up in Rafah. Israel must conquer Rafah to destroy Hamas, free Israeli hostages and ensure that Hamas will never again threaten Israel. 

As Israeli war council member and Biden favorite Benny Gantz, told U.S. officials recently, “Ending the war without clearing out Rafah is like sending a firefighter to extinguish 80 percent of the fire.”