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Monday, March 4, 2024

New York Man Who Killed Girl After Wrong Turn Into His Driveway Gets 25 Years To Life


A man who fatally shot a 20-year-old woman after the SUV she was riding in mistakenly drove into his rural driveway in upstate New York was sentenced Friday to more than 25 years to life in prison.

Kevin Monahan, 66, was convicted of second-degree murder in the death last April of Kaylin Gillis. She was riding in a caravan of two cars and a motorcycle that was trying to leave after pulling into Monahan’s long, winding driveway while looking for a party at another person’s house in the town of Hebron.

“I think it’s important that people know that it is not OK to shoot people and kill them who drive down your driveway,” Judge Adam Michelini said. Apart from the wider deterrent effect, Michelini said it’s important that Monahan remain behind bars rather than be free to harm more people.

The judge handed down the maximum sentence after Gillis’ father, boyfriend and best friend told Monahan and the packed court room about their anguish and the immeasurable void in their lives.

“Kaylin was a sweet and loving soul, something you can only wish to achieve,” boyfriend Blake Walsh said from the stand, as Monahan sat with a stony face. “Kaylin was everything you wish you could be. I will never be able to forgive you for your actions. I wouldn’t even think about it.”

The judge sentenced Monahan to 25 years to life for the second-degree murder and handed down a consecutive sentence of one-and-a-third to four years for tampering with physical evidence. A sentence for reckless endangerment will be served concurrently.

Michelini scolded Monahan for showing no remorse.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Harav Meir Bergman of Kollel Chazon Ish States That He "Is not 'mevatter" on Torah ! All While the "teirah" Learners are out blocking Traffic!!

זקן חברי המועצת: "אף אחד לא בעל הבית לוותר על התורה

בדברים שנשא בהיכל כולל חזון איש התייחס ראש הישיבה הגאון רבי מאיר צבי ברגמן לסוגיית גיוס בני הישיבות וביקש לנצל את המעמד ולהשמיע דברים נחרצים כנגד הדיבורים על חקיקת חוק לחייב את בני הישיבות בגיוס לצבא; "אני רוצה כאן להכריז במעמד זה שאנחנו לא נסכים לשום דבר בנוגע לגיוס בני הישיבות" 


‎In his speech at the Kollel Chazon Ish Hall, the Gaon Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Meir Zvi Bergman addressed the issue of recruiting yeshiva students to the IDF,  saying that he will take  advantage of the occasion and make strong statements against the talk of enacting a law to require yeshiva children to enlist in the army. "I want to declare here on this occasion that we will not agree to anything regarding the recruitment of yeshiva students." ‎

Rav Bergman Shlitah  must have been kidding? 
What "torah" is he talking about? 
They are not learning "teirah" they are on the streets day and night, protesting all kinds of narishkeitin!v 
Can someone tell the kind rabbi what is really going on? 

Beit Shemesh Chareidim Freaking Out and in Panic Afraid That Dr Aliza Bloch Will Win


LOL!!!! Chareidim are themselves fighting like cats and dogs, yet they blame Aliza Bloch for trying to split the Chareidie Vote.

I hope it's true! Why shouldn't she try? ... 

The Chareidim don't admit that Deri threw Abutbul in to knock out Grinberg! What did they think was going to happen?
At any rate, they are running around like poisoned mice to make sure they have some achdus amongst themselves! So far as of this afternoon, Shas and Aguda are supporting Dr. Bloch. 
Things may change as Grinberg is offering Shas and Aguda high positions in his administration, but Grinberg is a bald-faced liar as he already promised those positions to Degel! 
Both Shas and Aguda will get a much bigger piece of the pie if they back Dr. Aliza Bloch since  so far she hasn't offered anyone any positions. 
So pass the popcorn! 


The Same Chareidim That Scream "Tzneeis" and "Shiksah" Have No problems Sitting with Women At Elections


These are the same individuals who throw women in the back of the bus and would never allow them to sit next to them but when it comes to elections everything is permitted! 

Peleg Leaves Torah to the Dati Leumi Guys To Go and Riot in Bnei-Brak

 They need to be drafted ASAP! The sooner the better, as you see no one is learning so lets draft them all. 


A Runoff In Beit Shemesh For Mayor .... Will Aliza Bloch Win This One?


It looks like the majority of the residents of Beit Shemesh are Chareidie. Which I have no problem with except I don't want them anywhere in charge of anything!

During the reign of the Chareidie Abutbul as Mayor, the corruption was rampant with many of his administration arrested for being on the take.  In addition, he allowed the extremists free reign and they got out of control spitting on children going to school while screaming and barking "Shiksas" "tznuah" etc. Basically, terrorizing the rest of Beit Shemesh. 

When Dr. Aliza Bloch won in the last election, the extremists were a little bit more restrained, as Dr. Bloch is not a Chareidie but is basically from the Dati Leumi crowd, and they were not comfortable raising the bar, though, they did do much damage to the city, both physically and besmirching the name of entire Beit Shemesh. Just recently when Dr. Bloch came to visit a school, they surrounded her car and almost killed her, the army had to rescue her from these untamed barbarians. People hearing that I live in Beit Shemesh ask right away "How do you live with these extremists?" The truth is that the extremists are a minority of a minority and when they make trouble it is always in the news. 

Being that the city has turned Chareidie, I thought that Dr. Aliza Bloch would have as much chance of winning this election as a snowball in Eilat! 

So Hashem sent Deri to throw a hatchet into the election. 

Until Deri put his nose in, it was between Dr. Bloch the present Mayor and Shmuel Grinberg, a non-English speaker, running in a more or less Anglo community! Deri asked Abutbul the previous Mayor whose administration was plagued by scandal after scandal, to run, to knock out Grinberg. 


Deri doesn't really care about Beit Shemesh and doesn't care what happens there! He actually lives in Har Nof in Yerushalyim and his power base is in Yerushalayim and Bnei-Brak. So why get involved?

Politics!!!! And Politics brings the shekels. Deri needs to get Shas guys elected in all Chareidie cities to wield power.

He is the leader of the Shas party founded by Rav Avadia Yosef z"l after Rav Yosef had a huge falling out with Rav Shach z"l! He is a Sfardie, and he hates Ashkenazim, (for good reason, I may add). 

Supposedly he had a deal in Bnei Brak and in Elad with Aguda and Degel about some candidate running for Mayor where they were all on the same page. For some reason, Degel had a falling out with Shas, they may have breached their agreement, so to even the score so to speak,  he pushed Abutbul to run in Beit Shemesh, he got Ger and the Aguda on board. This was to knock out Grinberg who was endorsed by Degel.  No Chareidie endorsed Dr. Bloch.

 Just that you guys know, the loshon hara between the candidates Abutbul and Grinberg hit the roof, and both bad-mouthed Dr. Bloch. Dr. Bloch the classy lady, stayed above the fray and didn't badmouth either candidate, she just kept repeating her record of trying to help everyone. 

Understand so far? 

Good because I don't, either way, all hell broke loose! 

To become the Mayor of Beit Shemesh, you need at least 40% of the vote. No one reached the 40% mark but Abutbul got the least and so he is out! Good riddance! 

In a Chareidie Town you would think that Dr. Aliza Bloch, a Dati Leumi person, would have no chance. But Hashem has a sense of humor and sent in the Gerer troops to put a hex on Grinberg! 

The Gerers hate Grinberg because he was endorsed by Degel. He was also endorsed by their arch-enemy Rav Shaul Alter. 

Shmuel Grinberg the guy who cannot utter one English word in a town dominated by Anglos dragged in old feeble out-of-town rabbis to a huge, massive gathering to endorse his candidacy. This gathering was in a Beit Shemesh Sports Center where for years the Chareidim yelled that one is not allowed to step in there. How we change things for "teirah" 

All those rabbis kept talking about doing "histadlus" yet not one mentioned the concept of "Betachon," I guess when it comes to Chareidie interests in elections there is no concept of "Betachon." only "hishtadlus" plays a role. 

As an aside that when it comes to serving our country, "hishtadlus" is thrown out the window and only "bitachon" plays a role! Chareidim are the only ones who have the license to decide when to invoke "hishtadlus" and when to invoke  "Betachon." The author of Chovas Halvovos is turning in his grave.

So now that the Gerers who endorsed Abutbul, will not in any way endorse Grinberg, Dr. Aliza Bloch has a chance of winning.

 All this may change at any time since the political situation is so volatile. 

I hear as I am typing this that Grinberg is reaching out to Ger and Aguda and offering them high positions in his cabinet 

How the Eida Hachreidis Murdered the Author of "Rashi Kepshuto"

I had written way back in October about how the Eida Hachreidis Savages went after Harav Zalman Gottleib, the publisher of "Peshuto Shel Mikra/ Rashi Kepshuto," a sefer that explains each pasuk and Rashi in a very concise and easy to understand format. The Gangsters had initially given him an "haskama." 
After the great success of this Sefer, the jealous Eida issued a "fatwa" that his sefarim was "chazir treif" Why? Only G-d knows. They pressured all Seforim Stores to remove the sefarim. Harav Zalman Gottleib republished the set but removed the "Rashi Kepshuto." which was edited by none other than Harav Naftali Anshin z"l who died Erev Shabbas Kodesh at the young age of 66 years old. He was the father of 15 children. 
After the set was republished minus "Rashi Kepshuto" no one bought it. 
But instead of rejoicing that they were able to defeat and practically bankrupt Rav Gottleib they went harassed with outright "achzurious" cruelty, the editor, Harav Anshin z"l, who being a very sensitive soul and whose heart couldn't take the vicious campaign of abuse, collapsed of a heart attack! , 
May Hashem Avenge His soul! HY"D 

Below is a synopsis in Hebrew and a loose translation of this murder story!

רוצחים פשוטו כמשמעו, כל מי שלחמו בו על ספרו הם רוצחים במלוא מובן המילה, מפני שהם ביקשו לרוצחו, הם ידעו שבהתקפות כאלו אדם רגיש כמוהו לא יוכל לעמוד בזה, וכאשר ממשיכים וממשיכים בלי סוף לפגוע ובתקופה כל כך ארוכה, היה ברור כי הוא ימות, ליבו לא יוכל לשאת את הצער שהם גורמים לו, בשל דבר שאין כל הצדקה לכך. מותר לחלוק על כל מה שכותב מאן דהוא באיזה ספר שלא יהיה, אבל לרדוף אדם שכתב פירוש על התורה בדרך שיש בה רציחה ברורה, - מעט אנשים מסוגלים לעמוד בהתקפות כאלה, - הם רוצחים על פי כל דין

לא אכנס כאן לכל ההיסטוריה של הספר, הבאנו בעבר הרבה על מה שמתחולל מסביב המערכה שמנהלים כמה רשעים נגד אדם שכתב ספר פירוש על התורה ושם ספרו 'פשוטו של מקרא', וכמו בכל ספר יש מי שלא אוהבים את הספר וחולקים, כאן החליטו כי יורדים לחייו בכל דרך, הסיתו רבנים שיחתמו נגדו, ניהלו בו מלחמה מן הגרועים שידעה ירושלים, גייסו את כל אנשיהם שיסייעו לרוצחו, ומאחר ואי אפשר לעשות זאת על ידי אקדח כי יישבו בבית הסוהר אז יש להם את השיטה הידועה יוצאים במודעות ובאיסורים חמורים וכותבים נוסחאות שישברו אותו שבר על גבי שבר, עד אשר הוא התמוטט ומת

בשל קוצר הזמן היום יום שישי היום שנפל ומת לאחר מסע דמים נורא, אני מסתפק במה שאני כותב כאן, אבל בל"נ כל אלו אשר נתנו יד לרצח הזה לא ייצאו נקיים, נעמיד את מי שצריך על מקומם. חיים אנו בדור של רוצחים ממש בלבוש קנאי מן הסוג של עדה'ניקעס עץ'ניקים ודומיהם  שכל עניינם הוא לשפוך דמים ממש ונוכיח זאת, כשלצידם סיקריקים וקבוצות חותמים, כשברור שזה ישפוך דם, מעטים הם החזקים היכולים לעמוד מול השמצות מן הסוג הזה, הם יודעים כי מודעות מן הסוג הזה כפי שעשו יכול לשפוך דם, כך שאינם יכולים להתחמק בטענה כי לא ידעו, ברור היה מראש כי שופכים את דמו, מעידים כל מי שהכירוהו כי הוא בכה בלילות על מה שעשו לו, הוא התהלך שבור על הרדיפות שרדפו אותו - כולל באלימות - רק בגלל שהסביר את החומש כפי שהוא מבין את הדברים, ולא הפסיקו, מילא כשכותבים מגלים דעת ובכך זה נגמר, המערכה נגדו הייתה מתוך מגמה ברורה לרוצחו נפש, כל מי שהיה לו חלק בעניין הזה הוא רוצח ושופך דמים ולא ינוקה
חיים שאולזון

Murderers literally!!! Everyone who fought him and were against his sefer are murderers in the full sense of the word, because they wanted to murder him, they knew that in such attacks, a sensitive person like him would not be able to withstand it, and when they continued to hurt him endlessly and for such a long period of time, it was clear that he would die, his heart would not be able to bear the sorrow they were causing him, because there was no justification for it.
 It is permissible to disagree with everything that anyone writes in any Sefer, but to persecute a person who wrote a commentary on the Torah, in a way that they did , involves obvious murder, - few people are able to withstand such attacks, - they are murderers according to any law!!!

I will not go into the entire history of the Sefer here, we have written a lot in the past about what is happening around the campaign waged by some wicked people against a man who wrote a commentary Sefer on the Torah; the name of his book is "Peshuto Shel Mikrah", and as in any sefer there are those who do not like the sefer and disagree, here they decided that they would descend into his life in every way, incited rabbis to sign against him, waged one of the worst war in Jerusalem, 

They also recruited all their men to help his murderer, and since it couldn't be done with a gun because they would have to spend time in prison,  they used a well-known method, of posting pashkevels, Kol Koras issuing fatwa after fatwa, issuing severe prohibitions against this Sefer , breaking him, limb by limb, knowing full well that this would kill him, until he did collapse and die!

Due to the shortness of time, today is Friday, erev shabbas, the day he fell and died after a terrible bloody journey, I am satisfied with the little that I write now, but bli neder all those who gave a hand to this murder will not come out clean, we will put those who need to, in their place. 

We live in a generation of murderers in fanatical clothing of the kind of Extremists and the like, whose only business is to spill blood, and we will expose those who tormented him and go after those who signed those Kol Koras, knowing full well that these Kol Koras would spill blood. Very few are those who can stand up to slander of this kind, they knew full well that this kind of Kol Koras can shed blood, so they cannot get away with claiming that they did not know,
 It was clear from the outset that his blood was shed, everyone who knew him testified that he cried at night for what was done to him, he walked around broken by the persecutions that persecuted him - including violence - just because he explained the Pentateuch as he understood things. The campaign against him was with a clear intention of murdering his soul, everyone who had a part in this matter is a murderer and whose blood and will not be cleansed.
Some of the signatories in the Fatwa above who will give "din ve'cheshbon" are the Roshei Yeshiva of Lakewood, which does not surprise me at all. One of those Roshei Yeshiva is a guy who has two wives, one in Israel and one in Lakewood.
Interesting that this RY got a "Heter Meah Rabbanim" to get himself an additional wife after she refused to accept his get, yet this very RY does nothing when a guy refused to grant his wife a get and got himself "Heter Meah Rabbanim" to marry another one, after he said that his "wife has a get waiting in Bais Din" but this menuval featured many times on this blog doesn't tell you that the get is attached with a condition that his first wife must cough up a fortune to get it! 
Please Note that that according to Halacha no one sitting as a Dayan has a right to issue a verdict unless he has heard the other side. I checked, years ago, on the "Heter Meah Rabbanim" of the rasha "get refuser" who lives on the West Coast, and none of the rabbanim who signed ever met his wife. NOT ONE! I naively asked one of them how he signed on knowing he hadn't met the other side, he laughed, and told me "you will never understand how this heter works." Little does he know that I know exactly how this works, and the answer is simple...................... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
Woe to us!!!! Woe to our generation. 


Palestinian Bitch Wonders Why No One Stood Up In Cleveland City Council Meeting


In Miami Beach Pro-Hamas Holligans Harass Jews Leaving Shul Friday Night


New bill would make illegal immigrants eligible for first time homebuyer loans


Joaquin Arambula, a Democratic assemblyman from California, introduced Assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year, which could create an alternative way for illegal immigrants to achieve homeownership.

The bill is set to expand eligibility criteria for a state loan program to expand these loans to include undocumented migrants that are first-time buyers.

Arambula’s update to the bill states, "an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status."

"It’s that ambiguity for undocumented individuals, despite the fact that they’ve qualified under existing criteria, such as having a qualified mortgage [that] underscores the pressing need for us to introduce legislation," Arambula told the LA Times.

Susan Sarandon at NYC Pro-Hamas Protest barks ‘our enemy is silence’


 Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon addressed the crowd at a Pro-Hamas protest in Washington Square Park Saturday afternoon – where she urged attendees to disrupt “the narrative of the powerful.”

“Our enemy is greed, and our enemy is silence,” the 77-year-old actress told the hundreds of protestors who braved the rain and the wind for the Millions March for Palestine, according to a video shared by independent journalist Katie Smith.

“The silence of those who look away when you see crushed children, starving babies, wailing mothers, fathers digging through the rubble to try to find their families…this is unacceptable!” she continued.

Sarandon has been a regular at anti-Israel events in New York City since the start of the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023.

In late November, the “Dead Man Walking” star was dropped from a top Hollywood talent agency after telling one rally that Jews in the United States are “getting a taste of how it feels to be Muslim in America” in the wake of the Oct. 7 terror attack.

Dems stick together while Republicans Throw Each other Under the Bus

Three examples of how today’s Dems play by the cutthroat rules formerly ascribed to leaders of the Soviet Union: What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is negotiable.

First, despite a historically-narrow House margin and internal splits, Republicans took the rare step of expelling one of their own, George Santos, after he was indicted on federal charges.

A Democrat, Tom Suozzi, recently won the special election for the New York seat.

By comparison, Dems control the razor-tight Senate, but there was no push to expel one of their own, New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, who was indicted on more serious charges, which included being a foreign agent.

Second, consider how each side views impeachment.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Dem-controlled House ginned-up charges against Trump over Ukraine during his presidency, and produced two articles of impeachment.

Both were approved, with only two Dems voting no on the first and only three voting no on the second.

On the second Trump impeachment, after Jan. 6, 10 Republicans joined all Dems in voting yes and GOP Rep. Liz Cheney was a chief architect of the House hearings that followed.

Now Republicans have the House, but struggled even to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for his refusal to secure the border.

The first vote failed in a tie, a second vote succeeded by one vote as three Republicans joined all Dems voting no.

Notice how Dems, whatever their differences, stick together for the big votes?

As for impeaching Joe Biden over his corrupt family schemes, the GOP had trouble getting a majority of its members just to support a formal impeachment inquiry.

All Dems voted no.

During hearings, Dems try to derail witnesses and downplay testimony, and unite in defending the president despite evidence Biden participated in the schemes.

No matter that testimony and bank records show he got money from his brother Jim Biden, who got it from foreign clients.

There is no Dem version of Liz Cheney willing to break ranks, nor is there enough GOP support to even consider an impeachment vote.

Ruthless politics

Third, there’s the unprecedented move to prosecute and bankrupt Trump, with indictments and civil cases coming from New York, Georgia and federal authorities — all led by Democrats.

In addition, numerous blue states outrageously considered or tried to ban Trump from appearing on ballots.

The Supreme Court is expected to rule soon on the matter.

Lest anyone think the legal assault is organic, The New York Times reported two years ago that Biden was unhappy that Attorney General Merrick Garland had not prosecuted Trump.

Soon, Garland saluted and obeyed.

On the Georgia case, chief prosecutor Fani Willis hired her lover and appears to have lied about it under oath.

Records show Willis & Co. spent days in the White House, suggesting Biden aides helped direct prosecution of his Republican opponent.

That’s the united, ruthless front Republicans are up against, and it’s why Trump, and only Trump, is the last candidate standing.


In Times Square Police blocked from reaching car with grenade by Pro-Hamas protestors


An NYPD bomb squad was prevented from reaching an Uber where an inert grenade was found in Times Square byPro-Hamas protesters yesterday (Saturday), the New York Post reported.

The incident occurred when an Uber driver looked in his back seat after dropping off a passenger on 42nd Street and saw a grenade there.

The police were summoned to the scene, but could not reach the vehicle as quickly as hoped due to an pro-Hamasl protest happening at the time, dubbed the 'Millions March for Palestine.'

Multiple anti-Israel protestors were arrested for blocking the police vehicle from reaching the area. The incident became violent as riot police attempted to move demonstrators out of the way so the bomb squad vehicle could reach the car containing the grenade.

NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry posted a video of the incident on X and wrote, "Happy Saturday to all! Except the people who thought it was a good idea to block an NYPD ESU vehicle on the way to a bomb threat call. They will be spending their Saturday where they belong - in jail!"

After the arrests, police were able to cordon off the Uber vehicle and secure the grenade, which was found to be inert.

Gantz Flying To US Without Approval, Netanyahu Is Furious

 National Unity chairman Benny Gantz is flying to Washington on Motzei Shabbos for a series of meetings with US officials.

Gantz is scheduled to meet with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan as well as senior members of Congress.  Reuters reported that he is also meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris.

According to a Ynet report, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious as Gantz planned his trip without the prime minister’s approval and contrary to government regulations, which “requires every minister to approve his travel in advance with the prime minister, including approval of the travel plan.”

According to Netanyahu’s associates, “the Prime Minister made it clear to Minister Gantz that the State of Israel has only one prime minister.”

Following his trip to Washington, Gantz will fly to London for a series of “high-level meetings,” his office said.

Muslim Shouting “Death To Jews!” Stabs Chareidie In Zurich ..Laughed While being Arrested

A Charedi man in his 50s was stabbed in the city of Zurich in Switzerland on Saturday night. The victim, who suffered serious injuries, was evacuated to a local hospital for treatment.

According to an eyewitness who was at the scene, the stabbing is an antisemitic hate crime. Other reports indicated that the assailant, a 15-year-old teenager, yelled "death to the Jews" or "death to Israel" during the attack.

The police later arrested the attacker. Local news websites reported the attacker laughed when he was arrested.

Local authorities confirmed that a man was stabbed in Zurich did not provide additional information about his identity.

The incident comes amid the sharp rise in incidents of antisemitism in recent years.

On Friday, a man wearing a kippah was attacked as he was leaving a synagogue in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. The attacker called him a "dirty Jew", before punching and kicking him.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said that "great efforts are being made to catch the perpetrator of this serious crime."

Elsewhere in Europe, a Jewish man was verbally accosted by a Muslim man in the London underground. The incident took place after the Muslim passenger set opposite the Jewish one, noticed he was wearing a kippah, and began to confront him.

Moments later, the Jewish man asked if the Muslim passenger had a problem. The Muslim passenger replied, “Your religion kills Muslims,” which caused a heated exchange in which the Muslim passenger repeated his accusations and pointed out the kippah the Jewish passenger wore.

The Jewish passenger accused the Muslim passenger of antisemitism, and claimed that the Muslim passenger did not properly know him.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Wednesday announced 54 million pounds in new funding to protect Jewish communities against antisemitism over the next four years.

The announcement comes after Jewish advisory body the Community Security Trust (CST) said earlier this month that Britain recorded thousands of antisemitic incidents after the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas in October, making 2023 the worst year for UK antisemitism since its records began in 1984.

The Jewish community gathered to recite Tehillim for the victim on Motzei Shabbos for the recovery of the victim.

Meir Tzvi ben Sarah.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

In this Crazed State.. The AG Letitia James sends Nassau County cease-and-desist order over trans sport ban, threatens legal action


New York Attorney General Letitia James sent a cease-and-desist order to Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman Friday, demanding he rescind an executive order prohibiting transgender athletes from competing in girls' and women's sports in the area. 

In a press release issued by the Attorney General’s office, the executive order Blakeman signed last week was slammed as discriminatory and a violation of New York’s Civil and Human Rights Laws.

"The executive order discriminates against transgender women and girls simply for being who they are, and against teams that include transgender women and girls on their rosters, in clear violation of New York’s Civil and Human Rights Laws," the press release states. 

"In a cease-and-desist order sent today, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) demanded that Nassau County rescind the order in five days or else face additional legal action." 

James reiterated the threat of legal action in a statement released by the office.   

"The law is perfectly clear: You cannot discriminate against a person because of their gender identity or expression. We have no room for hate or bigotry in New York," James said. "This executive order is transphobic and blatantly illegal. Nassau County must immediately rescind the order, or we will not hesitate to take decisive legal action." 

Blakeman’s executive order prevents transgender athletes or teams with transgender athletes from using the county’s sports venues. 

"What we are saying here today with our executive order is that if a league or team identifies themselves or advertises themselves to be a girls or women’s league or team, then biological males should not be competing in those leagues," Blakeman said at a recent press conference announcing the law. 

Blakeman responded to Friday’s cease-and-desist notice on social media, indicating no plans to rescind the executive order. 

"My EO stops the bullying of women and girls by transgender males who have many outlets to compete without putting the safety and security of females in danger," he said in a post on X. 

"In Nassau we will continue to fight for females’ right to be safe, secure and have a level playing field to compete." 

According to the cease-and-desist letter, the executive order will affect approximately 100 sites. In addition to threats of legal action, the attorney general is asking Blakeman to produce "any and all documents constituting the record supporting your decision to issue the Order."

Jewish singles flock to Philadelphia matchmaking conference ‘YentaCon’

A convention of matchmakers are helping young Jews make love, not war.

Leading “yentas” from New York and around the world descended on Philadelphia Thursday and Friday for the inaugural “YentaCon,” billed as the “first Jewish matchmaking conference” in the country designed to match members of the Tribe. 

But these weren’t little old babushkas like in “Fiddler on the Roof.” These were next-gen millennial matchmakers, one as young as 25, delivering decidedly modern guidance, such as “Judaism and Sexuality,” to discerning singles.

“It’s the year of the yenta,” declared NYC yenta Bonnie Winston, who said that matchmakers are working overtime trying to pair up singles “looking for a Jewish connection” in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks and amid a surge in antisemitism.

“We are all in one room to support one another, despite our differences, to help our Jewish clients find love,” she said to a sea of emphatic nods.

“The closer you get to Fiddler on the Roof-style matchmaking, the better it is,” said Ali Adler of “Matched by Ali,” adding that the emphasis on in-person, face-to-face meetups is back. “It’s as old-fashioned as you can get.”

At the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History in Philly, one block from the Liberty Bell, it was kosher schnitzel, instead of cheesesteaks, on the menu — along with a healthy portion of kvetching, kvelling and kibbitzing.

The crowd, sporting “Yenta”-emblazoned fanny packs against a wall of heart-shaped balloons, included dozens of matchmakers and love coaches — both Hasidic and secular; rabbis both male and female; husband and wife matchmakers; black matchmakers, and one who’s part of a family of Lutheran ministers – with one mission: to help Jews meet and marry one another.

The female-heavy crowd, save for a few male matchmakers, including 31-year-old Nicholas Rosen of Washington Heights, plotzed when a phalanx of armed SWAT team guys entered the room for a security exercise and a matchmaker worth her weight screamed out, “Are they single?”

Indeed, the unofficial commandment, thou shalt get busy, was foremost on everyone’s minds.  During Rabbi Yisroel Bernath’s session, “Kabbalah of Love,” the “Love Rabbi” reiterated the group’s mission, declaring, “The greatest thing since sliced challah is getting someone married.”

Matchmakers showcased their clients during PowerPoint presentations: the bachelor from NYC “with a beach house in East Hampton,” the “quirky cult Disney addict,” the “self-made VC,” and the holy grail of matches — the “single Jewish doctor.” 

During Neisteter’s session on “Judaism and Sexuality,” discussions on the “sex-positive” aspects of Judaism inspired heated proclamations, “The Talmud says a man is obligated to satisfy his wife,” while another yenta chimed in, “It’s grounds for divorce if he doesn’t!”

Aleeza Ben Shalom, star of Netflix’s “Jewish Matchmaking,” told The Post she’s “reclaiming” the word yenta and “wants to spread a lot of seeds” to make Jewish connections. No Jewish singles during the evening took “spread your seed” edict too literally, as many left with only with a new phone number.

As one yenta put it, “When we have love and peace, we have hope — and we all need that,” Jewish or not.