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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Harav Meir Bergman of Kollel Chazon Ish States That He "Is not 'mevatter" on Torah ! All While the "teirah" Learners are out blocking Traffic!!

זקן חברי המועצת: "אף אחד לא בעל הבית לוותר על התורה

בדברים שנשא בהיכל כולל חזון איש התייחס ראש הישיבה הגאון רבי מאיר צבי ברגמן לסוגיית גיוס בני הישיבות וביקש לנצל את המעמד ולהשמיע דברים נחרצים כנגד הדיבורים על חקיקת חוק לחייב את בני הישיבות בגיוס לצבא; "אני רוצה כאן להכריז במעמד זה שאנחנו לא נסכים לשום דבר בנוגע לגיוס בני הישיבות" 


‎In his speech at the Kollel Chazon Ish Hall, the Gaon Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Meir Zvi Bergman addressed the issue of recruiting yeshiva students to the IDF,  saying that he will take  advantage of the occasion and make strong statements against the talk of enacting a law to require yeshiva children to enlist in the army. "I want to declare here on this occasion that we will not agree to anything regarding the recruitment of yeshiva students." ‎

Rav Bergman Shlitah  must have been kidding? 
What "torah" is he talking about? 
They are not learning "teirah" they are on the streets day and night, protesting all kinds of narishkeitin!v 
Can someone tell the kind rabbi what is really going on? 


Anonymous said...

while there are certainly many boys wasting time and not learning, There are tens of thousands who are. The Yeshivos are bursting at the seams with people learning day and night. this entire comment is taken out of context. He is merely reiterating what the Chazon Ish told ben gurion

Anonymous said...

why didnt you publish my fair question? thus is a small group in comparison to the tens of thousands of sweet sincere bachurim learning with hasmada daily

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

to 6:16 and 12:27
Learn your Tanach, Hashem looks at the few as well, Klall Yisrael was punished during the time of Yehoshua because of one single guy. There were only 10 meraglim only 8 spoke Loshon Hara yet all of Klall Yisral was punished I can give hundreds of examples of Tnach where ALL of Klall Yisrael were punished because of a "few"
The Chazon Ish was dealing with 300 boys, now there are over 150,000 it's unsustainable .. something must be done very very soon

Anonymous said...

This rabbi should take a walk around his own block and let's see if he still won't be "mevateir"