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Thursday, February 22, 2024

State Dept Spokesman Reaffirms Administration’s Obsession on Palestinian Statehood

 US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller reiterated the Biden administration’s obsession of establishing a Palestinian state, during a press briefing Wednesday.

In response to a question about where they want the conflict in Gaza to be headed, he replied: “In the short term, we want to see, as I said in response to several other questions, a temporary ceasefire that allows us to get the hostages out, bring more – bring more humanitarian assistance in.”

Miller continued, ““But we have also been very clear, and if you’ve looked at the Secretary’s many public comments on this, he’s been not just clear but quite detailed in what we want to see in the long term. And what we want to see in the long term is a durable agreement that allows – that brings about peace and security for both Israel and Palestinians through the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, with real security guarantees for Israel, Israel further integrated into the region. That is our long-term vision…Now, the first step in that is getting an agreement to get the hostages out while we work on this longer-term plan for the region.”

Later Miller was asked: “Matthew, the majority of the Israeli Knesset has voted today against the unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood. How do you feel this step?”

He replied: “So I again will only continue to speak for the United States and what we are trying to pursue, and we are trying to pursue the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. We are focusing our diplomatic efforts on that, not just because we think – and again, you’ve heard the Secretary speak to this a number of times – not just because we think it’s in the interests of the Palestinian people but because we think it is in Israel’s short, medium, and long-term security interest as well…”

Miller added, “…you have heard the Secretary speak to this, that what we will do is continue to lay out what we think the best choice for the Government of Israel to make and the best choice for the Israeli people to make. Ultimately, Israel will have to make its own decisions, as every sovereign country does. We will present to them the ideas and plans that we are developing with our partners in the region, the commitments that other countries are willing to make to Israel’s security. And every country will have to make its decisions about its – how it’s going to proceed.”

Rooted in Their ‘Deepest Jewish Values,’ Five Self-Hating Jewish NYC State Officials Accuse Israel of ‘Mass Destruction’


Ezra Friedlander Shmoozing With the Jew antisemite Lander

 Note that one of the five vicious hating Jews is Brad Lander who is an intermarried member of the Reform faith. He is close to Chasidic lobbyist Ezra Friedlander, who supported him for years. Lander later employed Friedlander’s wife on his city council staff before becoming comptroller.

Two New York state senators and three city officials—an assembly member, a comptroller and a council member—penned an open letter claiming that their “deep” Jewish faith compels them to denounce Israel for “indiscriminate” bombing, among other war crimes.

“As New Yorkers, many of us have deep connections to Israel and are committed to the existence of a democratic Jewish state,” the five wrote on Tuesday. “We make no excuses for terrorists or their defenders, but we cannot support the actions of the current Israeli government.”

The signatories are senators Liz Krueger and Brad Holyman-Sigal, assembly member Harvey Epstein, city comptroller Brad Lander and city councilmember Lincoln Restler.

The five referred in the letter to Hamas’s “horrific” and “monstrous and indefensible” attack on Oct. 7, and said their position “is rooted in our deepest Jewish values—honoring the life, dignity and safety of all people.”

“We feel deep anguish over the insurmountable loss of life in the region—notably the tens of thousands of civilians,” they wrote. “Judaism teaches that all people are created in the image of God and all people are infinitely valuable.”

The quintet said that Hamas must release all the hostages. “The reality is that this will only happen through the same active negotiations that brought home the first 112 hostages,” they wrote. “Those negotiations must be the critical highest priority.”

The 112 number includes two hostages, whom Israel freed from Rafah earlier this month despite the Biden administration repeatedly putting public limits on what it considered acceptable Israeli military action in Rafah.

The quintet who signed the letter and the Biden administration have presented no evidence that negotiations were responsible for the two hostages whom the Israel Defense Forces freed, apparently based on intelligence about their whereabouts in Rafah.

In their letter, the five New York city and state lawmakers accused Israel of “the mass destruction of Gaza and the killing of civilians who are trapped in a war zone with no possibility to flee to safety.”

“Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in shocking numbers by indiscriminate, large-scale bombing, and the rest live in a state of constant fear, hunger and vulnerability to disease,” they stated. “The war there has also led to increased persecution against Palestinians living in the West Bank and violence from some Israeli settlers who are using the Gaza war to hasten the evictions of Palestinians from their land to expand settlements that are illegal under international law.”

They also appeared to blame the Jewish state for at least some Jew-hatred worldwide.

“Others throughout the mid-east, looking for reasons to destroy Israel, are attacking from the north and fomenting antisemitism and anti-Zionism throughout the world,” the five wrote.

The five lawmakers also stated that they stand in “solidarity with Israelis who are organizing to replace this historically unpopular government with one that stands for universal human rights, for democracy in Israel and for peace with its neighbors.” And they claimed that there is a “rapidly increasing number of antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents occurring right here in our diverse city.”

Extensive recent data has shown that Jew-hatred, which was already disproportionately high before Oct. 7, has been surging since Hamas’s attack. Anti-Muslim hate incidents have also risen in many places, but at significantly lower levels than have antisemitic incidents.

The five also said that the “extreme right in this country” is endangering life for Jews in the United States. Per recent data, the number of far left and of far right anti-Jewish incidents was nearly identical in 2023.

“As Jewish elected officials in both the City and State of New York, we thank President Biden for all his efforts to date, and we call upon the federal government of the United States to push for an end to this war as soon as possible,” the quintet concluded.

The West is about to hand victory to Hamas


Just a few short months ago, the West claimed to stand united with Israel as it launched a war of self-defense after the atrocities of October 7. Now even Jerusalem’s closest allies seem to want to stop the conflict in Gaza before the Israel Defense Forces have achieved its objectives of the destruction of Hamas and the release of the hostages taken by the terrorists.

The West has developed a defeatist tendency in recent years of pursuing negotiated settlements that never really lead to peace, only to running sores that inevitably flare up again and again, or indeed to the victory of our enemies. Iraq and Afghanistan are both cases in point. The US’s new draft United Nations Security Council resolution on the war in Gaza could well be set to become another.

The text says that a major Israeli ground offensive into Rafah should not proceed “under current circumstances” – that is, with a heavy concentration of refugees from elsewhere in Gaza on top of the existing residents. The US is also calling for a “temporary” ceasefire “as soon as practicable”.

It is what the resolution doesn’t demand that is perhaps most telling. The US appears to have little interest in practical solutions consistent with both safeguarding the civilians of Gaza and permitting Israel to achieve victory over Hamas.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

In Beit Shemesh Chareidim Beat Up Frum IDF Soldiers Trying to Vote

The elections are actually next week, but soldiers can vote starting today, so the city of Beit Shemesh put up "portable voting booths" around town so that the soldiers on their way to fight either in Gaza or the North could vote! Only Soldiers can vote today and until the official election day !

The elections in Beit Shemesh are for the Mayor and the city council. The present mayor is Dr. Aliza Bloch. Chareidim are fighting amongst themselves on who to endorse, none of them are endorsing Bloch because she cannot be bought and she wears a dress. 

They need someone who meets the criteria of promising shekels to their Torah moisid, and only those who meet this qualification will get their endorsement. 

Tonight Degel shelepped out Rabbi Landau from his bed in Bnei Brak and brought him kicking and screaming to Beit Shemesh to officially endorse a guy who calls himself Greenberg! Why someone will listen to the advice of someone from Bnei Brak, is anyone's guess! 

To make sure that Greenberg goes nowhere, Arye Deri of Shas, who doesn't live in Beit Shemesh but lives in Har Nof took Moshe Abutbul, now an MK in the Knesset, from mothballs, was "mechye meisim" him; he was the previous mayor who singlehandedly literally destroyed Beit Shemesh, (and who lost the last mayoral election to Bloch,) and made him run for mayor again, against Aliza Bloch and this Greenberg character. 
Now, Deri knows that Abutbul's chances of becoming Mayor is the same as a snowball in hell, but he threw the "abutbul wrench" in so that Greenberg endorsed by Viznitz and Belz (Yes, Visnitz from Bnei-Brak, and Belz from Yerushalyim) loses. Deri being a Sfardie, hates Chassidim. 
Aye....  this move will split the Chareidie vote which would give Dr Bloch a chance of winning, they don't care .... as Shimshon (Who is buried on top of Ikea, yes.. ironically in Beit Shemesh) said before his demise ..תמות נפשי עם פלישתים

The Shaar Habitachon writes that one must do השתדלות; the Shas faction seemingly learns this sefer and so they strongly believe that one has to do "histadlus" so what better way to do "hishtadlus" than beating the crap out of soldiers that put their very lives on the line to protect those very Chareidim, and who want to vote. So the Shas faction went and destroyed the "portable polling places" and stole the ballots, all in front of children who were looking on watching as Bnei- Torah with Tzizes flying, beat the hell out of the soldiers trying to vote, destroying property and stealing ballots.   All this happened in Ramat Alef in the "mercaz" not in the extremist area of Beit Shemesh Bet but in the "peaceful" Anglo area! זו תורה וזו שכרה

אימה בקלפי הנודד ברמה א׳: פעילי אבוטבול התפרעו והיכו באלימות לוחם צה״ל 

 לאחר שהשחיתו שלטי בחירות בליל אמש - פעילים של משה אבוטבול התפרעו הערב באלימות ב״קלפי הנודד״ של אתר ׳המחדש׳ שהגיע למרכז המסחרי ברמת בית שמש א׳.

המתפרעים הגיעו עם שלטי ש״ס ואבוטבול, גנבו את פתקי ההצבעה של הקלפי הנודד ואמרו שצריך להצביע רק לש״ס ואבוטבול.

בהמשך החלו לפעול באלימות נגד איש הדיגיטל החרדי ולוחם צה"ל אברומי לינשה, שצילם את הראיון של מוטי לייטנר, יו״ר הרשימה הכלל חרדית ׳דרך׳. בנס האירוע הסתיים ללא פצועים.

Migrant family of four could get $15,200-a-year of taxpayer cash under NYC Mayor Eric Adams debit card scheme


A family of migrants with two children under the age of 17 could be given up to $15,200-a-year under New York City mayor Eric Adams' $53million debit card scheme.

The Immediate Response Card initiative will see the city partner with the New Jersey bank Mobility Capital Finance to give prepaid cards to new arrivals to allow them to buy food and baby supplies instead of the current food services in shelters.

Under the scheme, a single migrant could be given $345 a month, while a family of eight could be given $2,203 a month, according to a new cost breakdown seen by The New York Post.  

Likewise, a family of three could receive $932 per month and a family of four could be given $1,195 per month to spend on food at local grocery stores, supermarkets and bodegas.

A start date for the scheme has not been set but the pilot will include 500 families at the Roosevelt Hotel and could eventually include up to 6,500 families, with officials saying it will save $600,000 per month and $7.2 million annually.

Elon Musk was not convinced, sharing a news article about the scheme on X with the caption: 'Wow.' 

The allowances are increased for those with young children. A family with a child under five is given $100 more a month or $36 for a child between five and 17. 

Meanwhile a pregnant asylum seeker can also receive an extra $36 a month on the pre paid cards. 

Following backlash earlier this month, Adams defended the scheme, explaining that at present, each migrant meal costs $11, so feeding a family of four for a day could cost up to $132.

'Not only will this provide families with the ability to purchase fresh food for their culturally relevant diets and the baby supplies of their choosing, but the pilot program is expected to save New York City more than $600,000 per month, or more than $7.2 million annually,' said Kayla Mamelak, Adams's spokesperson.

The mayor added that the program, which is being rolled out with 500 migrant families currently residing in the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan, will avoid food waste.

Migrants, he said, will be able to purchase food they want to eat, as opposed to wasting some amount of what the city has been providing for them because they don't like it. 

The cards, which are pre-paid debit cards - 'not an American Express card,' Adams clarified - are intended to be used exclusively for food and baby supplies for the migrants.

Additionally, Adams argues that the funds will be pumped back into the local NYC economy. Migrants, again theoretically, will only be able to use the cards in local bodegas, delis, and grocery stores. 

At the end of the video, Adams said the plan is 'saving us bucks.'

But questions have been raised over the scheme and the choice of partner bank. 

This in the USA!!! Child removed from home for improper pronoun usage

A Catholic couple in Indiana is asking the Supreme Court to hold the state accountable for keeping their child out of their home after they declined to use his chosen name and pronouns. 

In M.C. and J.C. v. Indiana Department of Child ServicesMary and Jeremy Cox are appealing to the Supreme Court after they were investigated by Indiana officials for refusing to refer to their son using pronouns and a name inconsistent with his biological sex. 

Becket is pursuing the case on behalf of the Coxes, arguing state courts allowed Indiana to keep the child from living in his parents' home due to their disagreement with the child's gender identity because of their religious beliefs. Notably, upon completing the investigation, the state determined the allegations of abuse against Mary and Jeremy were unsubstantiated, but still argued that the disagreement over gender identity was distressing to their child. 

Lori Windham, vice president and senior counsel at Becket, told Fox News Digital that no parent should ever have to endure what Mary and Jeremy have been forced to go through. 

 "Keeping a child away from loving parents because of their religious beliefs—even when the state admits there was no abuse or neglect—is wrong and it’s against the law," she said. "The Court should take this case and make clear that other states can’t take children away because of ideological disagreements."

In 2019, Mary and Jeremy's son told them that he identified as a girl, but in line with their Catholic religious beliefs that God created human beings with an immutable sex, male or female, they did not believe in referring to him using pronouns and a name inconsistent with his biology. 

Seattle radio host mocks irony of gay, pro-Hamas activists seeking 'homosexual Intifada': 'Stark oxymoron'

Gays thrown off a roof by Palestinians 

Seattle talk radio host Jason Rantz skewered a group of LGBTQ pro-Palestinian demonstrators in his city that have recently called for a "homosexual Intifada," noting the very idea is a "stark oxymoron."

Rantz, who is gay and Jewish, ridiculed the pro-Palestinian group that has been putting up posters in the city of late, spelling out in a recent Seattle radio station column that Palestinians and Hamas hate gay people about as much as they hate the Jews.

Rantz opened his piece by describing these LGTBQ flyers that have popped up on city street corners in the wake of new anti-Israel marches.

He wrote, "The extremists plastered their signage around downtown Seattle. That’s when we started seeing a new flyer showing two men with faces covered with keffiyeh while embracing in a kiss. The pink-hued message says ‘homosexual Intifada’ in all caps."

As Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., recently described it in a House Committee hearing on the rise in antisemitism on college campuses last year, "the use of the term intifada in the context of the Israeli-Arab conflict is indeed a call for violent armed resistance against the state of Israel, including violence against, civilians and the genocide of Jews."

The Seattle radio host noted how LGBTQ people calling for Intifada are ignoring the fact that the same people they are supporting would most likely harm them.

"Seattle’s homosexual intifada flyer is a stark oxymoron as brazen as it is ignorant. It signals LGBT Seattle activists are willing to become more violent in support of a terrorist organization that would order them tossed from the highest rooftop the moment they accuse someone of misgendering them," he said. 

Spelling it out for these demonstrators, he noted that in Gaza – which is governed by terror group Hamas – "being openly gay isn’t just a social taboo; it’s a fast track to execution. LGBT people face arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings based purely on sexual orientation."

Rantz continued, noting that this hatred for LGBTQ people doesn’t just belong to an extremist terror group like Hamas, but also among the general Palestinian people as well. "The situation is not much different in the Palestinian-controlled West Bank, where there are no LGBT rights. Palestinians in Gaza are as hostile, with, ironically, gay Palestinians fleeing to Israel for refuge."

World’s tallest man and shortest woman reunite


Sultan Kösen, 41, who holds the Guinness World Record for the tallest living man, and Jyoti Amge, 30, the world’s shortest living woman, had breakfast together in California on Monday, according to media reports. They last met in 2018 for a photo shoot in Egypt.

An incredible 8 feet, 2.8 inches tall, Kösen in 2009 became the first man over 8 feet tall to be measured by Guinness World Records in more than 20 years.

The part-time farmer from Turkey grew nearly 2 inches, to his current height, in the two years after he was initially measured.

Kösen was diagnosed with acromegaly, which is typically caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland.

The tumor produces an excess amount of growth hormone, which can lead to gigantism.

Kösen stopped growing in 2011 after undergoing treatment at the University of Virginia Medical Center to control the production of the growth hormone.

He holds the Guinness record for the largest hands on a living person, each one measuring 11.22 inches from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.

He also once held the record for the largest feet on a living person (each about 1 foot, 2 inches).

Kösen is four times taller than Amge. At Monday’s meeting, Kösen can be seen sitting on his knees behind Amge and resting in a chair while Amge stands on his right leg. He also holds one of his shoes next to Amge for good measure.

Amge, an actress from India, is a little over 2 feet tall. She has achondroplasia, a rare form of dwarfism.

Following her 18th birthday, on Dec. 16, 2011, Guinness officially declared her the world’s shortest living woman.

She played Ma Petite in “American Horror Story: Freak Show,” which premiered in 2014.

Kösen and Amge met in January 2018 to pose for photos in front of Egypt’s Giza Pyramids.

The Egyptian Tourism Promotion Board extended the invite to help boost tourism.

Turkey’s Anadolu news agency reported the pair traveled to California for Monday’s meeting at the behest of an unidentified American producer.

Biden Ready to Endanger Israel’s Existence to gain support of a voting bloc where Jew hatred is prevalent.


by Michael Goodwin NYP 

Just days ago, I wrote that Joe Biden was “inching toward a full betrayal of Israel.”

Forget the inching.

He’s now sprinting toward the final act. 

And he’s doing it at the United Nations, a forum that has been openly promoting antisemitism for decades.

Biden’s latest salvo against the Jewish state is a new plan to have the UN Security Council support his demand for a cease-fire in Gaza.

The resolution’s text, now being circulated for reactions, reportedly does not put a deadline on a halt in the fighting and also calls for Hamas to release all the hostages it holds.

Both features are appealing, but ultimately serve only to mask the real danger of Biden’s gambit.


For one thing, the White House, despite its growing criticism of Israel’s approach and especially of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has refrained from actually stopping his response to the Oct. 7 terrorist invasion

While it has tried to micromanage military decisions, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken attending war cabinet meetings, it has not withheld assistance or otherwise penalized combat leaders for refusing to follow American requests.

Another sign of restraint is that the US has vetoed three anti-Israel Security Council resolutions.

Just Tuesday, Algeria sponsored one demanding an immediate cease-fire, which gained 13 votes, with Britain abstaining, making it clear that America is Israel’s only defender.

But that defense is on life support now that Biden is jumping on the cease-fire bandwagon.

The widespread assumption is that once the hostages were released, he would lead the charge to make the temporary fighting halt a permanent one. 

The logic would be to spare upwards of an estimated 1.4 million civilians gathered in Rafah, the last unconquered urban area in Gaza and where Israel has turned its focus.

But the effect would be to bring the war to a close before Israel can rout the final elements of Hamas hiding there, many in tunnels.

An Israeli assault could possibly lead many civilians, and some Hamas terrorists, to flee to Jordan and Egypt.

Settlers Are Now the Target of the Biden Administration ..The IDF Is Next!!!!!!

This past Last Saturday afternoon, 71-year-old Hagar Gefen was driving through the Jordan Valley when she was waylaid by Palestinian assailants. They pulled her from her car, beat her and stole her vehicle.

Gefen is an anti-Zionist activist affiliated with the radical NGO Looking the Occupation in the Eye. Her group’s modus operandi is to harass Israeli civilians and military forces in Judea and Samaria in order to demonize them. As the organization’s leaders wrote recently, “We initiate direct actions that get in the face of the settlers and challenge the security forces. We work in cooperation with Palestinian colleagues who often stand together with us in the West Bank.”

Gefen was carjacked just after she had just finished such a “direct action”: “Protecting” Palestinian shepherds from Israelis who live in the area. When security forces came to help the elderly woman as she sat beaten on the side of the highway, Gefen refused to file a complaint against her assailants.

Her story is notable because all aspects of it—the carjacking, her efforts as an anti-Israel activist to demonize Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria, and her refusal to report on Palestinian violent attacks, even when she is the victim of those attacks—expose the nature of the current international campaign against Israel’s civilian and military presence in Judea and Samaria. This campaign reached its pinnacle on Feb. 1 with an executive order issued by U.S. President Joe Biden, directly targeting Israeli civilians in Judea and Samaria as quasi-terrorists.

Galloping Palestinian terrorism

British Chaplain and Family in Hiding Following Death Threats Over Stint as Idf Reservist

A rabbi at several British universities who drew hundreds of death threats after flying to Israel to serve as a reserve soldier after Oct. 7 is now in hiding with his wife and two children on the recommendation of police.

Both the University of Leeds and British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis have condemned the threats against Rabbi Zecharia Deutsch, his wife Nava, and their two children, which began shortly after Oct. 7 and escalated recently with antisemitic phone calls and an attack on the school’s Hillel House.

“Tell that Jewish son of a bitch we are coming for him,” a message left for Nava Deutsch said, according to the Daily Mail, which listened to some of the messages.

State Department Official Requests $1 Million Grant to Investigate Israel Not Hamas!


A U.S. State Department prospectus in February 2022 for one or two grants—each valued between $493,827 and $987,654—called for “strengthening human rights and accountability in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza.” One of the aims of the project to possibly include was the “documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land and property rights.”

The latter drew criticism from a State Department official, The Washington Free Beacon reported on Tuesday.

The notice “specifically says it may include documentation of violation of land property rights! (I mean, come on!) Who wrote this thing??” the official penned to colleagues, per the online publication.

The employee’s issue wasn’t that the department’s democracy, human rights and labor (DRL) bureau “funds programs in European countries or other countries we are allied with,” the official wrote. “The issue is that DRL is funding a program to collect evidence of human rights abuses and atrocities in a country that is our ally.”

The official told colleagues that such department grants had only been issued previously for major human-rights violators.

“I went down a bit of a rabbit hole” on the Israel notice, “but from what I saw, I think our DRL colleagues are in a bit of denial and don’t want to see the reality,” the official wrote.

Foggy Bottom wouldn’t tell the Free Beacon if any of the grants have been issued. It said the grants were “part of internal deliberations processes.”

Finally!!!! Israel’s AG Threatens to Draft all Charedim in Weeks if No Agreement Reached


DIN: This is not sustainable! We can no longer have 6 foot, "ois'ge'pasheter" bulvans, sitting drinking coffee, munching bamba while their brothers and sisters are fighting and protecting us. Families in Bnei-Brak and parts of Yerushlayim , Beitar Elite, Beit Shemesh, have no idea that there is even a war going on, and those that do know could care less. Their Rosh Yeshiva are tell them that those who go to war are no better than "garbage collectors." They do not even show up to the daily funerals of those who gave up their lives! Moshe Rabbeinu said it best 
"?האחיכם יבאו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה"
"Shall your brothers go out to battle while you settle here"
Why didn't they just tell Moshe ... "We will learn Torah, and Torah is matzil" 
For those who argue that those who went to war were tzaddikim, then let's draft those learning in Brisk, Ponovitz and the Mir. Aren't they tzaddikim? 

In a shocking threat, Israel’s Attorney General has threatened to draft all military-age Charedim–including full-time yeshiva students.

According to Kan 11 News, AG Gali Baharav-Miara announced the devastating threat, which would be catastrophic for the Charedi community, and greatly diminish the amount of Torah being learned, at a time when z’chusim are badly needed for Klal Yisrael, in addition to dealing a massive blow to PM Netanyahu’s fragile coalition, at a meeting held between the Justice and Defense Ministries.

She announced that if by the end of next month, the government does not extend the draft exemption for yeshiva students, and declare its intent to enact a new draft law, all conscription obligations would immediately apply to all yeshiva students, even those who are ‘Torasam Umanusam’ (full-time yeshiva students). It was also announced that yeshiva funding would be cut off.

To avoid such a result, Likud and its coalition would need to renew the exemption for Charedim in the next few weeks, and need to work on a new draft law that would resolve military service issues for Charedim, which has not been successfully accomplished in decades.

The government is reportedly considering appealing the decision to the High Court, on the grounds that such a move is destructive during an all-out war in Gaza. However the AG said that should such an appeal be filed, she would not be able to represent the government, since she is the recipient of the lawsuit.

Biden Sends the Total Moron Bonnie Jenkins to testify to Congress in Support of Two-State Solution


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

US moves to stop Israel’s invasion of Rafah to Make Sure Israel Loses War

The US said on Monday night that Israel’s planned invasion of Rafah “should not proceed under current circumstances” as it sought to use the UN to halt fighting.

Joe Biden is pushing for a United Nations vote on a “temporary ceasefire” in a break with the Israeli government as its troops prepare for an assault on the city, in south Gaza.

In a draft resolution, the US warns that a ground offensive into the city, where more than one million Palestinians are sheltering, would have “serious implications for regional peace and security”.

The move comes as Israel has rebuffed efforts by frustrated Western allies to call off its planned invasion of Rafah, the only remaining city controlled by Hamas.

The Left's Disruption Over "judicial Reform" Encouraged Hamas to Attack

Leftists dressed as Handmaids Protesting Judicial Reform 

 The controversy over the judicial reform proposed by the government of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year was what likely encouraged Iran’s terror proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis to attack Israel. The mullahs in Tehran and the three Iran-backed Palestinian, Lebanese and Yemeni terror groups viewed the dispute over the reform as proof of Israel’s perceived weakness, disunity and a sign of its imminent demise.

Israel’s enemies have always shown great interest in political, security, economic and social events in Israel. They closely follow these events and devote huge efforts to analyzing them as part of the “know thy enemy” doctrine.

The judicial reform, a set of five changes to the judicial system, proposed in January 2033, would shift the balance of power in Israel from a few unelected judges in Israel’s Supreme Court back to the public and their elected representatives. The proposed reform sparked an unprecedented wave of protests and strikes. As part of the opposition to the judicial reform, some military reservists, including air force pilots, threatened, if the legislation proceeded, not to show up for military reserve duty.

The Iranian regime had closely monitored the dispute. For the regime’s media, the scenes of Israelis clashing with the police after blocking highways and the entrance to Ben Gurion Airport for months on end were an indication that the Jews in Israel were headed toward civil war. In addition, the reports about military reservists threatening not to report for duty created the impression among the mullahs and their terror proxies that the Israeli security establishment had been seriously undermined and was on the verge of collapse.

It was against this backdrop of reports about the imminent “collapse of the Zionist entity” that Hamas launched its October 7, 2023 massacre of Israelis. Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 people, wounded 5,000, and kidnapped more than 240 others, half of whom are still being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Like their patrons in Tehran, Hamas and Hezbollah were also convinced that the judicial reform infighting had weakened Israel to a point where it would no longer be interested in defending itself against a massive invasion.

Chinese migrants spotted entering US illegally in California border town say they’re here to ‘take the money’


 Shocking images and video taken in California this weekend show Chinese migrants lined up at the border town of Jacumba and telling reporters shamelessly how they’re here to ‘take the money’.

Dozens and dozens, possibly up to hundreds of migrants, crossed the international boundary, according to Griff Jenkins of Fox News, who recorded the footage.

‘This is one of the largest groups of Chinese I have ever come across and there were […] two groups at the same time crossing in Jacumba, CA,’ the correspondent tweeted last week.