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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

“I’m Ready To Serve” VP Harris

In an interview for a profile in the Wall Street Journal, Vice President Kamala Harris insisted that she’s ready to assume the mantle of the presidency, if the need were to arise.

“I am ready to serve. There’s no question about that,” Harris said, adding that anyone who sees her doing her current job “walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead.”

Her comments come on the heels of the special counsel report released last Thursday that demonstrated President Joe Biden’s declining cognitive abilities and as whispers of replacing him in the White House grow increasingly louder.

Wall Street Journal: In Nir Oz, Many Residents Are Dead & So Is The “Two-State Solution”

 “There were around 150 houses in Nir Oz, including those that were burned down, and everyone is empty now, its residents dead, kidnapped or living elsewhere as “internally displaced persons”—IDPs in refugee-speak,” an article in the Wall Street Journal stated over the weekend. “Only four houses remain undamaged.”

“There is beauty amid the destruction, a reminder of a paradise lost. Flowers, glossy in the rain, bloom alongside charred houses. A magnificent Ficus tree, chock full of parrots, stands unharmed. Yet abandoned tricycles and strollers tell of a place that was full of children. A soccer ball sits punctured in a yard. A young boy’s saxophone lies blackened in the rubble. Ravenous cats emerge as if from thin air as you walk by. The household bins from which they once scavenged are now empty. The ‘Cat Man,’ a resident who put food out for them at stations around the kibbutz, is dead.”

“Also dead is the two-state solution—the idea of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, which would give sovereignty to the people from whose midst came those who laid waste to this kibbutz on Oct. 7. For eight hours they hunted down the kibbutzniks, murdering 46 people and abducting 71, amounting to well over a quarter of those who lived here, making Nir Oz proportionately the hardest-hit of the kibbutzim that Hamas invaded.

Harvard Doubles Down on its Antisemitism and Hosts "Klavtah" UN Official that was Banned for Blaming Hamas Attack on Israel


Harvard University is set to host a UN official who was just banned from Israel for saying that the Hamas terror attack was Israel’s fault

Francesca Albanese, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian territories, was banned from Israel on Monday for saying that the Hamas attack had nothing to do with anti-Semitism, and was a “response to Israel’s oppression.”

Yet disgracefully, she was still scheduled to be a featured speaker for Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. “Join us for a virtual conversation with UN Special Rapporteur, Francesca Albanese, as she discusses her perspective on the current situation in the Gaza area as well as her experiences working on the protection of Palestinian refugees and migrants,” the event’s website states.

Albanese on Saturday pushed back against French President Emmanuel Macron for calling the Hamas attack an “anti-Semitic massacre.”

“The ‘greatest anti-Semitic massacre of our century’? No, Mr. @EmmanuelMacron,” Albanese tweeted in response to France’s president honoring the victims. “The victims of 10/7 were not killed because of their Judaism, but in response to Israel’s oppression.”

Israeli officials said Albanese should be fired permanently by the UN.

“The era of Jews being silent is over,” Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz and Interior Minister Moshe Arbel said in a statement. “If the UN wants to return to being a relevant body, its leaders must publicly disavow the anti-Semitic words of the ‘Special Envoy’ – and fire her permanently. Preventing her from entering Israel might remind her of the real reason why Hamas slaughtered babies, women and adults.”

Monday, February 12, 2024

Watch the Hostages Being Rescued Filmed on an IDF Helmet and a Helicopter


From Above

The Satmar Newspaper "Der Goy" Takes Headline Straight From Al Jazira "State of Israel Ignores US Warning on Rafa Operation"

 This would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic. As I reported previously "Der Goy" the Satmar Yiddish Newspaper with a circulation of over 500,000 takes it's news about the Hamas/Israel war directly from Al Jazira. 

The fact that the entire world including the demented Biden wants Israel out of Rafa, is proof positive that the key to victory is actually in Rafa, that is where the Hamas leadership is hiding and that is where the hostages are. In fact just last night the IDF was able to rescue in a daring operation two hostages on its very first day in Rafa! 

If you remember the US warned Israel not to go into Gaza predicting that Israeli troops would be killed by the thousands, and even though "one" is too much, only 226 soldiers were killed, the ratio of civilian deaths is also the lowest of any recent war anywhere in the world. 

But the headline of Der Goy straight out of a headline in Al Jazira  angrily Shouts: 

 "State of Israel Ignores US Warning on Rafa Operation" 

The article is also very antagonistic against the only Jewish country in the entire world, that houses the majority of the Jewish people, the brothers and sisters of those writing the article!

The article begins

"Tel Aviv:" 

Tel Aviv?????????? Isn't the capital of Israel, "Yerushalayim?" 

But Der Goy doesn't recognize the State of Israel nor its capital! So to supposedly stay "woke" they begin with the words "Tel Aviv." 

The following is a loose translation that reads like an article by Der Shturmer! 

DR GOY: "The prime minister of Medinas Yisrael, Bibi Netanyahu, openly defied the Biden Administration, stating that the IDF will continue their planned operation in Rafa! 

DIN: Bibi is not the PM of "Medinas Yisrael" he is the PM of the State of Israel. He didn't "defy the Biden Administration, he did what every single leader of every sovereign country should do, and that is to do what he thinks is best for his country and to protect its citizens! Israel would not tell the US what to do to protect its citizens. Did Israel protest US policies as the BLM marchers destroyed and burned down half of Portland?

DR GOY: The American Government warned that an operation in Rafa would result in many deaths of Palestinian civilians, since many of the refugees from the other parts of Gaza that relocated there! 

DIN: This is the same government that gave the same warning when the IDF went into Gaza in October, and judging from the wars that the US started and engaged in like Vietnam and Afghanistan, the IDF is doing a suburb job. 

Der Goy is quoting the demented Biden about "Innocent Palestinian lives" Let's not forget these Palestinians elected Hamas and in a poll made by Al Jasira just two weeks ago, over 90% of Palestinians are thrilled with Hamas! In addition these "innocent Palestinians, cheered on while their neighbors were parading naked girl victims and watched them being tortured and raped! 

I am not translating anything further, it's parroting Al Jazira! 

Satmar should stick to bringing Chicken Soup to the sick and stay out of Jewish affairs. 

Area in Rafah where Operation "Yad Zahav" was conducted to rescue the captives last night


Listen to her as G-d Listened to her and freed her father and uncle in Rafa


‘Migrant’ walks through a subway station ruthlessly attacking everyone he passes!


Airplane with Ad to "Free Malky" Over Kiryas Yoel ,as the Yoilis Refuse to Free Her!!


Moshiach Times?

Here's a post written by Hillel Fuld who shared it on Facebook.

The most twisted aspects of the Israeli-Hamas war that prove just how morally bankrupt the anti-Israel crowd is:

- The fact that anyone, in their right mind, would call for a ceasefire when Hamas proudly declares it’ll repeat October 7th over and over.

- The fact that a Palestinian state is even being discussed when there has yet to be one Palestinian leader who has said that they are willing to live alongside Israel.

- The fact that there are otherwise normal people who walk around quoting casualty numbers provided by Hamas despite the fact that Hamas is a terror organization that has zero problem making things up out of thin air.

- The fact that anyone denies the barbaric Hamas atrocities of October 7th despite the fact that there is HD footage of it all, and even Hamas doesn’t deny it.

- The fact that after October 7th, instead of support for Israel skyrocketing, it was antisemitism that skyrocketed.

- The fact that there are actual terrorists protesting on the streets of London and so many other cities who call for an intifada and somehow, these people are not arrested.

- The fact that the UN, and specifically UNRWA, have been proven to actively support Hamas and there are still countries funding them and still people debating their legitimacy.

- The fact that the head of UNRWA can claim he didn’t know that a multi million dollar tunnel that uses the electricity from UNRWA HQ was being built right under his nose.

- The fact that otherwise moral people and even human rights activists literally support rape and pedophilia as long as the victims are Jews. 

- The fact that there are literal human beings in the west repeating Nazi rhetoric in public and no one blinks an eye.

- The fact that Blinken and the US State Department think they have a right to dictate to Israel how it should and should not defend itself.

- The fact that the world is losing its sh_t about the necessary Rafah operation despite the clear knowledge that the hostages are there and Hamas leadership is hiding there. It’s as if the world wants Hamas to survive.

- The fact that the Red Cross hasn’t visited the hostages or gotten them medical care and no one seems to care.

- The fact that there is hard evidence that Hamas steals the foreign aid going into Gaza and countries are still sending in aid and forcing Israel to send in aid.

- The fact that Egypt won’t let a single Palestinian in and no one seems to think that is strange despite pressuring Israel to do the same.

- The fact that anyone in the western world is calling for Israel to stop instead of calling for the release of the hostages.

- The fact that America is not using its influence over Qatar to make them pressure Hamas to release the hostages.

- The fact that Israel is being accused of genocide when Hamas’ declared goal is exactly that, genocide. And they don’t even hide it.

- The fact that the world is even talking about this war and totally ignoring other conflicts/wars around the world with significantly more casualties.

- The fact that so many people around the world are chanting ‘From the river to the sea’ without even knowing what it means (the total erasure of Israel) or what sea and river they’re even talking about.

- The fact that the same people calling for a ceasefire are calling for an intifada, even though those two things are mutually exclusive.

- The fact that the Iron Dome is a defensive system that has saved millions but there are actual politicians who oppose it. Like AOC.

- The fact that the same American politicians who use old antisemitic tropes like double loyalty have literally declared their double loyalty, and everyone just goes on with their day like that’s normal.

- The fact that there are actual Nazi accounts on the various social platforms calling for the literal extermination of Jews and somehow, they’re allowed to continue to spew the hatred because “Free speech”.

- The fact that anyone accuses Israel of discrimination aka an apartheid state despite endless evidence and even testimonies from actual Arabs living in Israel that Israel is anything but an apartheid state.

- The fact that there are Jews who support Hamas and spread full blown antisemitism despite the fact that Hamas and all the other radical Islamic organizations they are defending would kill them the first chance they got.

- The fact that any liberal is standing against Israel despite the fact that their liberal values align with Israel and are the literal opposite of the values of the people they are defending.

- The fact that women’s rights activists haven’t said a word about the savage sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas, and some even deny it.

- The fact that no pressure is being applied to Lebanon and Hezbolloh to stop attacking Israel but as soon as Israel retaliates to defend itself, and Israel WILL retaliate; the world will magically wake up.

- The fact that Abbas denies the Holocaust and pays terrorists but somehow governments and politicians around the world continue to pretend that he’s a moderate and can take over for Hamas in Gaza.

- The fact that according to every survey, the vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas and are proud of October 7th and somehow the narrative that most of the Palestinians are innocent keeps being pumped out and shoved down our throats.

- The fact that the world compares innocent hostages kidnapped from their homes to literal murderers and terrorists that were arrested and are in Israeli prisons.

- The fact that the Palestinian lies are so clear and obvious, and yet, the world eats them up. The pallywood videos are a perfect example. Dead bodies moving, fake babies, and familiar faces that play different roles in every video.

- The fact that everyone knows Iran is behind all of this and not only do we ignore that fact, but the world continues to give Iran money and legitimacy as if they’re not a genocidal regime that wants to erase the west.

- The fact that Iran is weeks away from a nuclear bomb and we’re just sitting by and waiting even though they admit openly they want to destroy Israel and America.

- The fact that we have actual footage of Palestinian terrorists attacking Israelis and the world only shows the second half of the video of those Israelis eliminating the terrorists. Over and over.

- The fact that everyone knew that Germany had to be denazified at all costs; the same for Japan, but when it comes to Gaza, despite evidence of indoctrination from age zero, things are different.

- The fact that the world is obsessed with Gaza casualty numbers even though that wasn’t even discussed in any other war ever.

Ok, I’ll stop here even though I could continue on and on.

The double standard and hypocrisy surrounding this war and Israel, in general, is astounding and disgraceful.

My only hope is that the Israeli leadership doesn’t cave to the hypocritical international pressure and continues to do what it needs to do until complete victory over Hamas.

Anything less than that would be a historic and colossal failure.

Dear world, we see you. We see you, and we won’t forget.

Jill Biden can spare us the fake outrage over the damning special counsel report

 So, Jill Biden has lashed out at special counsel Robert Hur over his report that let her husband off the hook for willfully retaining and sharing classified files — due to the commander in chief’s total lack of recall while being questioned.

It’s as predictable as it is risible.

“I hope you can imagine how it felt to read that attack — not just as Joe’s wife, but as Beau’s mother,” the First Lady lamented on in a campaign email on the weekend. 

“I don’t know what this Special Counsel was trying to achieve… I can’t imagine why someone would try to use our son’s death to score political points.”

Spare us. The president was the one who brought up his late son Beau during his interview with Hur.

It’s what he always does when he’s in trouble.

Every time he feels the political heat, he finds a way to turn the spotlight onto his life’s tragedies and disarm his antagonists.

It is his shield against accountability, and he has wielded it to great effect his entire career. 

You hate to attribute base cynical motives to anyone, but Biden walking through the family graveyard on his way out of mass, where waiting cameras will capture the perfect poignant image of a grief-burdened man among the tombstones, does tug at the idea.

It is uncanny how these images always emerge when he is in hot water. Sometimes, in Washington, you can never be too cynical.

As for Hur’s conclusion that a jury would probably acquit Biden because he has mush for brains, aka, a “well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory,” that really got Dr Jill and hubby hot under the collar. 

“My memory is fine,” thundered the president in his calamitous Thursday night press conference, and the Sunday shows were full of VIPs saying how astute and sharp and on the ball he is. Might even be half true.

Sly Joe from Scranton wouldn’t be the first crook who feigns memory loss to avoid incriminating himself when law enforcement comes knocking.

It worked. He didn’t get indicted. What’s he complaining about?

by Miranda Devine JP 

“Those Who Say Not To Enter Rafah Want Us To Lose The War”


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told ABC News that “those who say that we shouldn’t enter Rafah under any circumstances are basically saying lose the war – keep Hamas there.”

Speaking in an interview on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” Netanyahu elaborated: “Victory is within reach. We’re going to do it. We’re going to get the remaining Hamas terrorist battalions in Rafah, which is the last bastion.”

The last four remaining Hamas battalions are in the southern Gazan city of Rafah, embedded among over a million civilians who fled to the city from other parts of the Strip.

Netanyahu added that Israeli is working on a “detailed plan” to evacuate civilians from the area. “We’re working out a detailed plan to do so,” he said. “And that’s what we’ve done up until now. We’re not cavalier about this. This is part of our war effort – to get civilians out of harm’s way. It’s part of Hamas’s efforts to keep them in harm’s way.

“But we’re going to do it – and I agree with the Americans – we’re going to do it while providing a safe passage for the civilian population so they can leave.”

The Biden administration, along with Egypt and the “international community,” are opposing Israel’s plan for a military operation in Gaza, saying that it will cause a “humanitarian catastrophe.”

In Australia: At least on Jewish family has gone into hiding due to antisemitic harassment... Jews on high alert


Australian police are investigating threats against a 5-year-old Jewish child amid an uproar over the publication online of a list of hundreds of Jewish creatives’ personal information by pro-Palestinian activists.

Hundreds of Jewish academics and creatives who joined a private WhatsApp group last year had their personal information shared publicly by prominent pro-Palestinian activists this week.

At least one family has gone into hiding amid ensuing harassment, Josh Burns, a Jewish Australian lawmaker, said during a radio interview on Friday morning, prompting shock from the interviewer.

“They were completely shattered by this whole experience, where a sort of lynch mob of people were attacking them,” Burns said. “We’re not talking about people who are in any way connected to the conflict in the Middle East. We’re talking about ordinary Australian citizens who happen to be Jewish.”

Chief of Staff warns ministers not to end war


IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi during Sunday's general cabinet meeting discussed the continuation of the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

"The military is following the objectives of the war and is advancing much better than we thought at the beginning of the war. There is still a big distance between us and fulfilling the war's objectives, and there is no doubt that we will reach those goals that we have set for ourselves. But we need to know that there's still a distance and it will take more time."

Halevi added: "I do not doubt that we would never manage to free 100 hostages without the progression of the military maneuver in Gaza and if we stop the maneuver now Hamas will go into a mindset of 'there's time.' Hamas at the moment can not function as it would like and therefore Hamas and the senior leadership are stressed. If we stop like they demand we do in a hostage deal, we can find ourselves in years of fighting instead of months."

The Chief of Staff hinted to the ministers that it would be wrong to stop the fighting in Gaza. Regarding the release of hostages, he said clearly to the ministers that the more Israel pushes and advances in the combat in Gaza there is more chance to free the hostages.

Halevi also discussed pulling troops out of the Gaza Strip, and said: "We haven't finished the war and we are constantly winning and are on our way to victory, it is important to continue and not to stop."

Al Jazeera 'journalist' was a Hamas commander


 The IDF’s Arabic spokesman, Avichay Adraee, revealed that the IDF had found the laptop of a Gazan journalist in a Hamas base.

According to Adraee, the laptop belonged to Muhammad Washah, a journalist for Al Jazeera. It was found several weeks ago in a Hamas base in northern Gaza.

The IDF claims that the journalist also served as a senior commander in Hamas’s antitank missile system, and moved to the research and development department of its air force at the end of 2022.

Investigation of the laptop revealed photos that connect Muhamed to Hamas' activities.

Adraee commented: “Who knows how many other details we’ll soon discover about the presence of other terrorists dressed as journalists.”

Smotrich gains strength in latest polls


A poll conducted on Sunday by pollster Camil Fuchs for Channel 13 News found that the Religious Zionist Party, led by Minister Bezalel Smotrich, gains 6 seats.

Benny Gantz has 37 seats in the poll, the Likud has 18 seats, Yesh Atid wins 13 seats and Yisrael Beytenu has 10 seats. Shas maintains its strength with 9 seats and Itamar Ben Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit Party has 8.

United Torah Judaism wins 7 seats in this poll, Ra'am and Hadash each win 4 seats, and Labor and Balad do not pass the electoral threshold.

The poll found that Gideon Sa’ar’s New Hope Party wins five seats in the event that it separates from the National Unity Party.

If New Hope runs separately, National Unity would win 32 seats, five fewer than it would if it runs on a joint ticket with New Hope.

To the question of whether extensive conscription of haredim should be forced within the Draft Law, or whether the current exemption should remain in place, 54% of the respondents claimed that haredim should be forced to enlist in the army, and 29% answered that the current exemption should remain in place.

In addition, 30% of the respondents claimed that their preferred option is to hold elections immediately, another 30% support the continuation of the term of the current government, and 29% said that a new government should be established within the current Knesset.

Israeli troops free two hostages from Hamas captivity in daring nighttime operation


It was cleared for publication that during a joint IDF, Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), and Israel Police operation in Rafah overnight, two Israeli hostages were rescued, Fernando Simon Marman (60) and Louis Har (70).

Both were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak on October 7, together with Louis’ partner Clara Merman, his sister Gabriela Leimberg and her daughter Mia Leimberg, who were freed during the hostage release deal with Hamas in November.

They are both in good medical condition and were transferred for medical examination at the Sheba Tel Hashomer hospital.

Sheba Hospital said, "This morning, two Israeli hostages who were freed by our forces from the Gaza Strip arrived at the Sheba Medical Center. After an initial medical examination, the condition of the two was determined to be good and they are now staying in a designated compound."

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari provided additional details about the operation, noting that the two hostages were held by Hamas in Rafah. The operation was led by the Shin Bet's Special Operations Command and was carried out by IDF soldiers and the Shin Bet's operational unit.

Hagari also said that the IDF and the Shin Bet have been working on the operation for an extended period of time, but until now the conditions were not ripe to carry it out.

The forces arrived at the destination secretly around 1:00 in the morning, and carried out a very complex operation on a building complex, on the second floor where the hostages were kept. When the forces arrived at the building, they broke into the building, where three terrorists were guarding the hostages.

The forces stormed into the building using explosives, entered the building and pulled the two hostages out. A gun battle developed at the scene, while the Air Force attacked in the area and fire was also opened from nearby buildings.

One IDF soldier was lightly injured in the operation, but beyond that - there were no injuries to the Israeli forces.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Whopping 86% of voters say Joe Biden is 'too old' for another term after bombshell DOJ report suggests president is too feeble to be charged in classified documents case


A vast majority of American voters – 86 percent – say President Joe Biden, 81, is too old for another term in office, according to a new poll.

It comes after a damning Justice Department report emerged last week claiming Biden's failing memory and 'diminished faculties' as a reason not to charge him in the classified documents case.

Meanwhile, 62 percent of respondents in the ABC News/Ipsos poll say that former President Donald Trump, 77, is also too old for another White House term.

Fifty-nine percent of respondents say that both top 2024 competitors are too old while 27 percent think only the current president is elderly enough to be taken out of consideration.

A separate poll from the Financial Times released this weekend shows Trump with an 11 point lead over Biden in those who trust them to handle the economy – 42 percent to 31 percent.

Concern over Trump and Biden's ages and fitness for office has increased since September, when an ABC News/Washington Post poll found 74 percent of Americans thought Biden was too old to serve and 49 percent felt the same about Trump.

Biden is the oldest president in U.S. history. He broke Trump's record by eight years when entering office at the age of 78 in January 2021.

If elected for a second term, Biden would be 82 at the time of inauguration.

When taking into consideration only their own party's preferences, 73 percent of Democrats think Biden is too old and only 35 percent of Republicans think that about Trump.

Ninety-one percent of independents say Biden is too old and 71 percent of this voting block say the same about the former president.

The latest negative polling for Biden's reelection bid comes following Thursday's release of the long-awaited DOJ report, which did not recommend charges against the former president.

It was, however, still just as damaging for Biden as it heightens questions over his fitness for office.

In interviews with investigators, Biden forgot the years he was vice president and could not remember the year his son Beau died. While it did not recommend charges, the report claimed Biden's lax attitude about classified documents posed a significant national security risk.

A reason investigators decided not recommend pressing charges was because 'at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.'

Biden held a press conference the same day the report was released to defend himself as Special Counsel Robert Hur's report will likely undermine the president's campaign's attempts to use the classified documents charges against Trump in the 2024 election.

Blood in the Water as The New York Times Dumps Biden


Joe Biden is incapable of assuring voters he can handle another presidential term, his team has 'no plan' on how to deal with his senile behavior, and he should simply 'not be running for re-election,' according to New York Times authors.  

Anxieties from the liberal Times' Editorial Board and opinion writers show how worried they are that ailing Biden may not be able to beat 'bad man' Donald Trump this year. 

The back-to-back opinion pieces knifing the elderly president, 81, over the weekend comes after a Justice Department report ripped into his handling of classified documents and portrayed him as a forgetful old man. 

The 388-page report by Special Counsel Robert Hur confirmed he would not be charged - but it said that was because a jury would probably conclude he had 'diminished faculties' and was a 'well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.'

Biden's lack of enthusiasm on the campaign trail, coupled with his doddering public appearances and 'crotchety grandpa' attitude, are huge concerns during this 'dark time' in his presidential tenure, according to the left-leaning broadsheet paper. 

'He needs to do more to show the public that he is fully capable of holding office until age 86,' the Times board stated on Sunday.  

On February 9, the New York Times' Editorial Board published a damning, honest opinion piece, titled: 'The Challenges of an Aging President.'

The team at the newspaper concluded: 'This is a dark moment for Mr. Biden’s presidency. 

Biden now Openly Displaying His Hate Against the Jewish State Using Jewish "Useful idiots" in His Administration


Biden to Sanction IDF Commanders and Soldiers Serving in Judea & Samaria

According to an internal report of Israel’s foreign ministry, the Biden administration is preparing to impose sanctions on IDF officers and soldiers who serve in Judea and Samaria, Kan11 News reported Friday night. The report cites a series of claims that have been submitted to the administration against the conduct of IDF units in the area.

The report cites a US warning that if the military attorney’s office does not submit answers to the administration’s inquiries in less than 60 days, sanctions would be imposed against IDF soldiers, including commanders. In addition, the report shows that the Biden administration warned Israel many times about the lack of enforcement against “settler violence,” and Israel’s answers have been unsatisfactory.

According to Kan11, Netanyahu’s cabinet is planning a session with the military attorney next week to discuss ways to prevent the Americans from also imposing sanctions on heads of municipalities in Judea and Samaria, as well as MKs and government ministers.

With every passing day, it is becoming clear that the Biden administration has marked the Israeli right for demolition, from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, and every right-wing minister and MKs in between.

Last Thursday, in one of his most stressful public appearances, President Joe Biden revealed his disdain for Israel and its efforts to secure its future during the war in Gaza. Engulfed in a cloud of lion-in-Winter rage, Biden attacked his favorite pin cushion – PM Netanyahu and his stupid war in Gaza (Mired in Terrifying Haze of Dementia, Biden Declares Israel’s Response in Gaza Is ‘Over the Top’).

“I’m of the view, as you know, that the conduct of the response in Gaza, in the Gaza Strip, has been over the top,” Biden said in response to a question from the press. “I’ve been pushing really hard, really hard, to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza. There are a lot of innocent people who are starving. There are a lot of innocent people who are in trouble and dying. And it’s got to stop.”

Selma Blair Slams Rashida Tlaib "“Deport all these terrorist-supporting goons"

 Selma Blair is under fire for an anti-Islam comment she posted on Instagram last week.

The “Cruel Intentions” star is one of the latest American actors to weigh in on the Israel-Hamas conflict, claiming that Islam has “destroyed Muslim countries” and then destroys “minds” in the United States.

Fellow actor Michael Rapaport, who recently visited Israel to support the country’s army, replied, “Love it.”

Debra Messing was even more effusive and wrote, “THANK YOU.”

Blair did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment. 

Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack killed around 1,200 people, Israel has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. Hospitals, schools and refugee camps have been bombed, amid a lack of potable water and anesthesia.

Blair made her remarks under an Instagram video that slammed U.S. Reps. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) for voting against a bill with the stated goal of preventing immigration into the United States by people “who participated in or otherwise facilitated” Hamas’ October attack on Israel.

Tlaib said the bill was “unnecessary” because it would be “redundant with already existing federal law.” She also characterized it, along with three other bills related to immigration, as “inciting racism that puts our immigrant neighbors at risk.” 

Blair did not agree, as indicated by her viral and since-deleted comment.

“Thank you very much,” the actor wrote in response to the video slamming Tlaib. “Deport all these terrorist-supporting goons. Islam has destroyed Muslim countries and then they come here and destroy minds. They know they are liars. Twisted justifications. May they meet their fate.”

Are DemonRats Planning to Nominate Michelle Obama ? DemonRats Scrambling to Get out of "demented" Biden Report!


The thunderous, blind rage with which Democrats and their media stooges are greeting the special counsel report on Joe Biden is a thing to behold.

With apologies to Jack Nicholson and “A Few Good Men,” they can’t handle the truth.

It’s as if Dems and their handmaidens really believed Biden was fit for duty, that the stumbling, mumbling, confusion and hiding were normal.

And now they are wild with fury because they’ve been embarrassed by the revelation of explosive facts they should have known.

That’s a possible explanation, but not the likely one.

A more reasonable view is that their fury stems from the fact that they, too, were part of a great con job, and their dirty little secret has been exposed by the devastating portrait of the president in special counsel Robert Hur’s report.

It doesn’t take a press critic to realize most of the White House press corps spent three years covering up for Biden instead of covering him.

On the few occasions when they allowed themselves to see his decrepitude, they quickly pivoted to defending him against those mean Republicans.

As a group, they are the least curious journalists ever, failing even to ask about the president’s obvious decline.

Instead, they did their Democratic duty by pretending that Old Joe was a good guy doing his best in a troubled world that would be much worse if the fiendish Donald Trump got back in power.

These are the same people who continue to overlook the president’s involvement in son Hunter Biden’s crooked business deals, preferring to paint a picture of him as a doting dad to his troubled boy.

With part of the curtain pulled back — by Biden’s own Department of Justice, no less — the party and media must deal with a changing political landscape.

The campaign will be polling furiously to see how much damage the president suffered from the finding that he escaped charges on illegally keeping classified documents largely because his memory was so poor that he would be a sympathetic defendant.

Although Hur wrote that he “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials,” he said he was not recommending criminal charges in part because he believes no jury would convict an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

Talk about killing with kindness!

When You Hire a "Goy" to Bang "Yalah Ve'Yovoh