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Saturday, January 13, 2024

INSANE!!!! Montreal Police Warn that Posting Videos of Thieves is a "Violation of Privacy"


In a surprising development in the ongoing issue of porch piracy in Montreal West, local police have advised against sharing videos of thieves online, citing concerns over defamation. This guidance from Quebec’s provincial police force, The Sûreté du Québec (SQ), emphasizes the protection of the alleged perpetrator’s privacy, sparking disbelief and ridicule among local residents and online commentators.

SQ communications officer Lt. Benoit Richard, in a statement to CTV News Montreal, explained, “You cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember, in Canada, we have a presumption of innocence and posting that picture could be a violation of private life.” This notion of defamation, legally defined as damaging someone’s reputation through slander or libel, has led many to view the police’s caution as overly protective of criminals at the expense of victims’ rights.

This stance by the police has triggered a host of reactions online, with one user mockingly commenting, “You ALL know every court in Canada would LOVE to rule that thieves have a reasonable right to privacy while stealing.”

Montreal West councillor Lauren Small-Pennefather acknowledged the regularity of porch thefts, noting, “It’s something we deal with on a daily basis.” The irony is palpable as residents grapple with the legal implications of using security cameras, intended for deterring theft, in a way that could potentially result in legal issues.

Online discussions have extended beyond the SQ’s statement, with one user pointing out the broader legal landscape in Canada, referencing a B.C. Supreme Court ruling on drug use in playgrounds. “Congratulations LiberalNDP, we have reached that point where criminals have more rights than law-abiding citizens,” the user remarked.

The frustration is evident among those who view the police’s warning as an impediment to effectively addressing crime. The sentiment that criminals’ rights are being prioritized over victims’ is a common theme in the online discourse, with over 700 replies to a related post by Canada Proud.

One user highlighted the misconception about defamation, stating, “Defamation involves making false statements that harms someone’s reputation. Posting a video of someone stealing a package is not defamation (laughing emoji).” This conversation comes at a time when porch thefts are increasing, with a FedEx survey showing that 28% of Canadians have experienced package theft, and 70% of online shoppers are concerned about it.

FedEx suggests tracking shipments and monitoring delivery notifications as preventive measures, with 61% of shoppers reportedly doing so. However, Small-Pennefather pointed out that thieves are becoming more sophisticated, often following delivery vehicles to target parcels.

She recommends requiring signatures for parcel delivery or picking up packages from carriers as additional precautions. Lt. Benoit Richard urges citizens to report thefts to the police, assuring that they will investigate and pursue justice. “If you get some proof that somebody might have stolen something, call the police, give that proof to the police. We’ll do the investigation, bring that person to justice and file some charges,” he stated.

For the First Time A new Multidimensional Unit takes out terrorist


For the first time since its establishment, the Multidimensional Unit was activated in a ground operation.

The unit, established four years ago, integrates innovative technologies with special capabilities alongside teams of soldiers operating in parallel.

The unit's soldiers were the first to eliminate terrorists using advanced drones and a combination of technological capabilities for target identification and direction of fire.

The soldiers destroyed dozens of anti-tank missile launch positions, observation posts, and weapons storage facilities in the northern Gaza Strip, and eliminated dozens of Hamas terrorists posing a threat to our forces.

In one operation, the unit located numerous weapons in a school and a mosque.

Should We All Make Aliyah?


Anti-Israel mob blocks traffic during the morning commute in Los Angeles, on Dec. 13, 2023,

October 7 was the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Since that horrible day, Hamas has fired thousands upon thousands of rockets at Israel. Now, the IDF is facing a dangerous battle on the ground in Gaza that will likely last for several months.

Despite all this devastating news coming out of Israel, so many of us are asking, “Should we all make aliyah?”

I think this every morning when I wake up and see another case of antisemitism on a college campus, or pro-Hamas protestors shutting down highways and bridges or another foiled terrorist plot to blow up a shul. I am terrified to be a Jew here right now.

494 Physicians and 83 Nurses Made Aliyah in 2023


According to figures presented on Wednesday to the Knesset Committee for Immigration, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs, chaired by MK Oded Forer (Yisrael Beitenu) by the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, 494 physicians made Aliyah in 2023, as did 83 nurses, 42% of whom came from Russia.

The average age of physicians who immigrate to Israel is 41.4, and the median age is 37.

The Health Ministry reported that over the past five years, 1,753 new olim doctors have been absorbed into Israel’s healthcare system.

The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration helped 928 new immigrant physicians find employment in the healthcare system.

The committee debated ways to remove obstacles to hiring immigrant physicians. The committee heard a report by the Finance Ministry, through the Medical Directorate in the Health Ministry, that 70 positions are allocated annually, on a waitlist basis, for the specialization of immigrant doctors. Over the past five years, 149 new immigrant doctors have filled these positions. On average, 1-3 of these positions become available every month, and doctors from the waitlist are first to be considered.

Israel’s Opening Statement to the ICJ by Dr. Tal Becker but Shockingly State Dept. Spokesman Won’t Side with Israel


Below State Department Spokesman Vedant Patel 

State Dept. Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel on Thursday refused to take a stand regarding the insane South African charges at the International Court of Justice in the Hague that Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. Instead of declaring outright that America’s strongest ally in the Middle East is a moral and law-abiding democracy, and the IDF goes out of its way to avoid harming civilians, in Gaza and everywhere else, Patel demurred.

On Tuesday, the State Dept. issued a statement saying, “Allegations that Israel is committing genocide are unfounded. In fact, it is those who are violently attacking Israel who continue to openly call for the annihilation of Israel and the mass murder of Jews,” and, “Israel is operating in an exceptionally challenging environment in Gaza, an urban battlespace where Hamas intentionally embeds itself with and hides behind civilians.”

So, it was surprising to those of us who read and analyze the State Dept. press conferences (so you won’t have to) to realize that the Department’s spokesperson had such a hard time keeping up with the above clear statement.

AFP State Dept. correspondent Shaun Tandon asked if the US is watching the proceedings in the Hague, and if there was a chance that it could be persuaded by South Africa’s arguments.

Our Boys in Gaza Singing with gunfire heard outside


Friday, January 12, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Ve'eirah


Tom Friedman's Soft Jihad Against Israel

Tom Friedman YM"S with his Friend Arafat YM"S 

 The New York Times employs a diverse group of anti-Israel writers, such as Soliman Hijjy, who loves Hitler, and Raja Abdulrahim, who blames Israel for Palestinian suicide bombers. Occasionally their over-zealous anti-Zionists get carried away, like Jazmine Hughes and Jamie Lauren Keiles whom the Times fired in November after they signed a letter accusing Israel of "ethnic cleansing," "apartheid," and genocide."

But the Times' most effective anti-Israel scribe is not a raving, knuckle-dragging "river to the sea" enthusiast. Rather, it is Thomas Friedman, the Pulitzer prize-winning columnist whose polished anti-Israel rhetoric has done more damage to Israel than that of the Times' hardcore Israel haters.

As William McGurn observed in comparing Barack Obama's anti-Israel sentiments to those expressed by Rashida Tlaib, "Obama would never be so crude as to invoke river-to-the-sea language or actually come out and say that Israel is as evil as Hamas ... his argument is smooth and sophisticated. That's what makes it so pernicious."

Likewise, Friedman's appeal is his claim to have staked out a consistently moderate and objective approach to Middle East affairs. His soft jihad against Israel is more subtle and acceptable, making it dangerous precisely because it is entertained by rational people and policymakers, especially Democrats.

Friedman loves the PLO/PA

US, British Militaries Launch Massive Retaliatory Strike Against Iranian-Backed Houthis in Yemen... DIN CALLS FOR CEASEFIRE!


DIN: How many innocent Houthis were murdered by these US attacks? How many innocent women and children will now be widows and orphans? We call for an immediate ceasefire, and we want to see humanitarian aid delivered to Yemen ASAP!! We must get college students to protest these unprovoked attacks. This is not a proportionate response, this is genocide! 

The U.S. and British militaries bombed more than a dozen sites used by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen on Thursday, in a massive retaliatory strike using warship- and submarine-launched Tomahawk missiles and fighter jets, U.S. officials said. The military targets included logistical hubs, air defense systems and weapons storage and launching locations, they said.

President Joe Biden said the strikes were meant to demonstrate that the U.S. and its allies “will not tolerate” the militant group’s ceaseless attacks on the Red Sea. And he said they only made the move after attempts at diplomatic negotiations and careful deliberation.

“These strikes are in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea — including the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles for the first time in history,” Biden said in a statement. He noted the attacks endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners and jeopardized trade, and he added, “I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”

Associated Press journalists in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, heard four explosions early Friday local time. Two residents of Hodieda, Amin Ali Saleh and Hani Ahmed, said they heard five strong explosions hitting the western port area of the city, which lies on the Red Sea and is the largest port city controlled by the Houthis. Explosions also were heard by residents of Taiz, a southwestern city near the Red Sea.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Arab MK Facing Impeachment Want Chareidie Parties to Support Him! Will They????

 First publication: After more than 85 Knesset members signed MK Oded Forer's (Yisrael Beytenu) proposal to impeach MK Ofer Cassif from the Knesset, his party, Hadash-Ta'al is trying to thwart the move by pressuring the haredi parties.

All the Knesset members of Shas, all the Knesset members of the Degel Hatorah faction of the United Torah Judaism Party, and MKs Yaakov Tesler and Moshe Shimon Roth from the Agudat Yisrael faction of United Torah Judaism, signed the request to impeach Cassif, together with members of the Knesset from Otzma Yehudit, the Religious Zionist Party, Likud, Yisrael Beytenu, the National Unity Party and Yesh Atid.

In the next step of the impeachment, the House Committee must convene and vote with a majority of 75% in favor of the move. After that, the Knesset plenum has to approve it with a majority of 90 Knesset members.

Arutz Sheva-Israel National News has learned that MK Cassif asked to speak with senior members of the haredi parties in an attempt to convince them not to support his impeachment in the upcoming proceedings. He claimed that he always stood alongside the haredi public, and that supporting the impeachment process is a precedent that will ultimately harm the haredi representatives themselves.

The chairman of the Joint List faction, MK Ahmad Tibi, who has a long-standing relationship with many of the haredi MKs, also began to pressure the haredi parties to stop the impeachment of Cassif.

Qatar Funds a Brooklyn Public School "Arab Culture Arts Program" that Erases "Israel" From the Middle East Map

 A public New York City elementary school is being accused of “Jewish erasure” because a map in one of its classrooms showed all of the countries in the Middle East except for Israel — which it labeled as Palestine.

The map, labeled the “Arab World,” appears in a classroom at PS 261 in Brooklyn, where Rita Lahoud gives students lessons in the Arab Culture Arts program — which is funded by Qatar Foundation International, the American wing of the Qatar Foundation, a nonprofit owned by the country’s wealthy ruling family.

It was manufactured by Arab education company Ruman and features Islamic landmarks in each of the countries in northern Africa and the Middle East.

At the school, the map is posted under the heading “Arab World” with hand-drawn labels marking each country, except for Israel which Lahoud labeled “Palestine.”

“It’s not just that we’re experiencing Jewish hate in NYC public schools, we’re actually experiencing Jewish erasure,” Tova Plaut, a New York City public school instructional coordinator for preschool through fifth grade, told the Free Press.

With Blinken in Tel Aviv, 7,000 IDF Mothers Protest US Interference in War

  A group composed of some 7,000 mothers of Israeli soldiers fighting in the Gaza Strip held up huge posters depicting the children of senior U.S. officials as IDF recruits during a protest in front of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s Tel Aviv hotel on Tuesday.

The message: 

What if it were your children fighting in the Gaza Strip? Would you continue to demand the resupply of the enemy?

The group behind the protest, Imahot HaLohamim (“Mothers of Combat Soldiers”) is demanding an end to U.S. pressure on Israel.

“Our message is very simple. Our soldiers’ lives have to come first and foremost, and be prioritized over those of enemy civilians,” Mirit Hoffman, the group’s spokesperson, told JNS.

Paramedic shares her story about an injured soldier wish to say Shma Yisrael

 Oshrit Hadad, an Ashdod-based paramedic, shares her experience from the initial day of the war:

"A severely injured soldier held my hand, requesting me to say "Shma Yisrael" with him" 

Blinken to Israel: You Must Die So a Palestinian State May Live


The Biden administration, like many before it, is your rich American uncle who suffers from halitosis. He keeps padding your pockets with much-needed cash (or much-needed arms and ammunition), but sooner or later he’ll kiss you.

A case in point is Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s press conference Tuesday night, when, after going through the motions about the Hamas atrocities, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the need to bring back the hostages (reminder: the American hostages were kept in Tehran for 444 days, from 1979 to 1981, and the US couldn’t release them – they tried and failed), the Secretary treated us to this:

“Finally, we continue to discuss how to build a more durable peace and security for Israel within the region. As I told the prime minister, every partner that I met on this trip said that they’re ready to support a lasting solution that ends the long-running cycle of violence and ensures Israel’s security. But they underscored that this can only come through a regional approach that includes a pathway to a Palestinian state.”

That is a lie. Instead of trying for the umpteenth time a solution that started failing back in 1936, and came crashing down many different times with dire consequences for both Arabs and Jews, a durable peace and security could be achieved faster and with far fewer casualties with immigration. It worked for refugees from North Africa, Syria, Iraq, India, Pakistan, and Vietnam: millions of suffering people in crisis areas are absorbed by wealthy countries, and within a generation become thriving, industrious members of their new home countries. This could resolve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza practically overnight – but no…

Hundreds of Students Protest the Principal, Degani, Who Tried to Prevent Chabad from Offering them to put on Tefillin


Below see a lady at the protest offer a Chabadnicker "chazir" but he handles it as a gentleman 

Quick understanding of the Chabad Tunnels


Social media rips San FranSicko board for dancing, clapping after passing resolution calling for Gaza cease-fire


Pro-Israel social media users mocked a video showing happy San Francisco Board of Supervisors members celebrating their recent vote to pass a resolution calling for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

The city’s board voted 8-3 on Tuesday to pass a resolution calling for a sustained cease-fire in Israel’s war on Hamas. The conflict started as a response to the terror group’s massacre of Israelis on Oct. 7. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Arabs Damage Car and Storefront but Store Owner Will Have None of That


Rebbe from Boyan at the Funeral of Slain IDF Soldier at Har Herzl



Chassidishe Guy Had Enough With the "Free Palestine" Tells them "to get a job"


Poiskim Looking Into The Kohler bidet that takes verbal orders and will make a splash in the toilet market — here’s the straight poop... Can You Use it on Shabbos?

Since this is activated by "voice" serious poiskim are "klering" if one can utilize this on Shabbos. Others are "teitiching up" that this could be "muktza machmas meeus."  Still others want to "taaneh" that this is "psik reisha de'neecha lei" but this was "shlooged up" by a Lakewood "alter bocher" who said that all this is "not the reid" since its definitely not "reisha" its actually "tachton" and we don't have this "klall" of "psik tachton de'neecha lei." It could be an "issur" of "Kol Isha" since women will use it too. but "kol isha" is not shayich by halachos of Shabbos.The "daf ha'Yoiminickers are klerring what the "tolda" would be with this bidet, but if the "Av" wasn't determined yet, how can we have a "tolda?" The Christians would "mistaameh" answer that you can have a "tolda without an av, its called the "Immaculate conception." 

Butt it seems, and I was going over all the "nosei keilim," that all are "maskim" that you would need to make "shiur Chazon Ish" and in this case this would actually be a "kuleh"

"Bottom" line is that this is a "shverre sugye" that kollel guys will be "me'ayin" in the weeks to come.

"Ve'Tzurich Eeyun"

A new artificially intelligent bidet responding to verbal commands aims to make a splash in the toilet market.

Promising a squeaky clean, “hands-free” experience, Kohler’s PureWash E930 is a sentient piece of potty technology that can be vocally activated — via Amazon Alexa or Google Home — to emit a sprinkling of water, air dry your unmentionables, and even activate an ultraviolet-powered self-cleaning mode.

The bowel-blasting breakthrough, spotted at CES 2024, is also equipped with a heated seat, motion activation, and automated deodorization, along with being “ergonomically” shaped for a comfy session.

Butt there’s a catch — the rather steep starting price of $2,149.

Kohler’s latest innovation is, however, good clean fun for the whole family, thanks to a safe mode that can be activated for children, according to marketing manager Maria Evraets.

“That allows even the youngest of users to experience an enhanced clean,” Evraets told The Post.

The tush tickler, which can be preset via the Kholer Konnect app, is currently available in white and biscuit and will be made available in black by late February.

“A unique challenge with PureWash E930 is that our team was focused on developing a really slim profile, which required some creative engineering to fit all of the mechanics of a bidet into a much smaller footprint,” Evraets said.

PureWash E930 is also designed for its bowl to be “automatically misted prior to use for more effective rinsing while flushing,” according to the company.

The royal flush also includes dual front and rear “wash modes” with adjustable pressure and temperature settings.

There is also an LED light for nighttime use along with a quiet close feature, to prevent seat slamming.

The seat also detaches for swift and “convenient cleaning.”


Hezbollah drone master responsible for series of strikes on Israel taken out — by a drone

A senior Hezbollah commander responsible for a series of drone attacks across northern Israel since Oct. 7 was ironically taken out by a drone strike, according to reports.

Ali Hussein Barji, chief of Hezbollah’s aerial forces in southern Lebanon, was killed Tuesday in an explosion in the town of Khirbet Selm, where members of the Iranian-backed terror group were attending the funeral of senior officer Wissam al-Tawilthe Times of Israel reported.

Barji was believed to have been the mastermind behind the drone attacks that have plagued northern Israel since the Lebanese terrorists with Hezbollah launched their own assault on the Jewish state in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza.

Those attacks included a strike against the Israel Defense Forces’ Northern Command headquarters in Safed on Tuesday — before Barji died the same day.

The key Israeli base was hit with an explosives-laden drone, with Hezbollah claiming responsibility for the attack in response to al-Tawil’s death Monday, as well as the killing of Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut last week.

The IDF said the attack on the Safed base triggered rocket sirens across multiple cities in northern Israel. The Israeli military said there were no casualties in Tuesday’s attacks.

The IDF did not comment on the drone strike that killed Barji.

But the Israeli military did acknowledge that it carried out a series of airstrikes against Hezbollah on Tuesday morning across southern Lebanon.

The IDF confirmed that a Hezbollah drone-launching squad was taken out before it could carry out its own attack against the Jewish state.

Along with Barji, Hezbollah confirmed that three other members were killed Tuesday when an Israeli airstrike hit a vehicle in the town of Ghandouriyeh, according to Reuters.  

The Iranian-backed terror group identified the slain members as Sharif Sayyid Nasser, Issa Ali Nour a-Din and Hassan Abdel Hussein Ismail.

Inside the mysterious 50-foot-long tunnel beneath 770 that sparked the riot.. Hamas Looking to sue Chabad over Copyright Laws


Video reveals the inside of a bizarre tunnel built by a group of young Hasidic Jewish men underneath a historic Brooklyn synagogue.

The footage, posted on CrownHeights.Info’s Instagram, leads viewers down stairs and through hallways to a dirt-filled room where a roughly 2-foot-by-2-foot grate has been removed from the wall of the building, which is adjacent to the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights.

The videographer then crawls through the hole, which leads to a 3-foot-high dirt tunnel that reportedly extends about 50 feet and around two corners to the headquarters’ location of its shuttered men’s ritual bath.

Photos shared on CrownHeights.Info’s website show a beer can on the side of the tunnel and an electrical wire hanging.

In the adjacent building’s dirt-filled room, clothes and other items can be seen scattered around, apparently left by the renegade diggers of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

The alleged rogue members of the movement advanced by the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson had reportedly been digging the tunnel under the 100-year-old synagogue for nearly a year.

The tunnel apparently was designed to reach the abandoned men’s mikvah — or ritual bath — around the corner to “expand” the synagogue, according to the Jewish outlet Forward.

The underground pathway was not discovered until last month, when neighbors reported suspicious noises coming from beneath their homes, Israel National News reported.

“Some time ago, a group of extremist students, broke through a few walls in adjacent properties to the synagogue at 784-788 Eastern Parkway, to provide them unauthorized access,” Rabbi Motti Seligson, spokesman for Chabad-Lubavitch, said in an emailed statement to The Post.

“Earlier today, a cement truck was brought in to repair those walls. Those efforts were disrupted by the extremists who broke through the wall to the synagogue, vandalizing the sanctuary, in an effort to preserve their unauthorized access.”

“They have since been arrested and the building closed pending a structural safety review.

“Lubavitch officials have attempted to gain proper control of the premises through the New York State court system; unfortunately, despite consistently prevailing in court, the process has dragged on for years,” Seligson said.

“This is, obviously, deeply distressing to the Lubavitch movement, and the Jewish community worldwide. We hope and pray to be able to expeditiously restore the sanctity and decorum of this holy place.”

Another statement from the headquarters added that “the group of young agitators” were “primarily in the U.S. on student visas.

“These individuals have been squatting in the synagogue and attempted to take control by demolishing walls to connect the basement to the adjacent building, intending to ‘expand’ the sanctuary,” it said.

“Steps are being taken to revoke their student visas and repatriate them to their countries of origin.”

After the tunnel’s discovery, the synagogue leadership called in structural engineers to assess the building damage, and on Monday, cement mixers arrived to fill it in, sparking a riot.

The group of renegade Orthodox Jewish men, thought to be mostly in their teens and early 20s, were filmed tearing down wood panels and wooden support beams as they desperately tried to get into their tunnel.

Other footage from the temple on Eastern Parkway showed cops trying to hold back dozens of Hasidic Jewish men as they pushed their way into the 20-foot-wide enclosure, toppling over wooden pews in their anger.

At least a dozen men were taken into custody, sources told The Post. Ten received criminal misdemeanor charges, another was charged with obstructing governmental administration, while one other received a summons for disorderly conduct, sources said.

No injuries were reported in the brawl.

The clash involves the headquarters and former home of Schneerson, a site that has been at the center of previous controversies.

A violent incident in 2004 over a plaque outside the building led to a lawsuit over who was the proper owner, and in 2006, a New York court gave control of the building to the Agudath Chaseidi Chabad.


Netanyahu orders halt to home demolitions in Gush Etzion


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued instructions this evening (Tuesday) not to demolish the homes of soldiers and reservists during wartime.

The Prime Minister's Office stated that to prevent a recurrence of incidents like today in Gush Etzion, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered that as long as the war continues, the evacuation and demolition of the homes of soldiers and reservists of settlers in Judea and Samaria must be stopped.

Earlier today, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel contacted the legal advisor to the security system, attorney Itai Ofir, following the destruction of the houses, some of which belong to soldiers and reservists.

Arbel wrote, "This morning the Civil Administration, with the assistance of the Central Command and the police, evacuated and destroyed ten buildings in Pnei Kedem, claiming that these were built illegally. According to reports, the houses that were destroyed included two houses of reserve duty soldiers, who are currently serving the people of Israel and the citizens of Israel in the war in Gaza."

Arbel mentioned that "at the beginning of the war, the Land Enforcement Authority at the Ministry of Finance, responsible for fighting against illegal construction, with the consent of the Deputy Legal Adviser to the government, decided not to issue new orders, not to impose new fines, and not to take enforcement procedures during the war, even with regard to illegal buildings for which proceedings have been going on for a long time."

According to Arbel, "The decision was reached due both to the recruitment of hundreds of thousands of reservists who are unable these days to conduct a legal battle or settle their case with the Authority, and due to the needs of the Authority, many of whose employees have been recruited, as well as the prioritization of tasks which does not justify a focus at this time on taking draconian procedures against citizens, for not complying with the directives of planning and construction.”

In the letter, Minister Arbel claimed that "many of the residents of Pnei Kedem and other communities in Judea and Samaria are currently being recruited for a long and bloody war, that was launched by the murderous terrorist organization Hamas on October 7th. It is not reasonable that these soldiers, their family members or their neighbors, who also have relatives in the reserves, are among the hostages, murdered or evacuees, will now have to deal with the bureaucracy and regulations or worry that their homes will be destroyed."

In conclusion, the Minister wrote, "I demand that the enforcement on land be frozen until the end of the war, as has been done in other parts of the State of Israel, so should also be in Judea and Samaria. This is the most justified and appropriate solution during this period of time, also from a legal point of view, and there is no reason why it should not be adopted by the security establishment as well."

Rabbi Chaim Dalfin On the 770 Debacle: Chabad Educators, Rabbonim And Leadership Are To Blame


As reported a group of violent “Meshichist” Bochrim have taken full control of Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway, and smashed a wall down after digging an illegal tunnel to “expand the Bais HaMedrash”. When the NYPD arrived to make arrests, a brawl took place, as these Bochrim fought with the police.

Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a respected author and historian, as well as a Lubavitcher Chosid made a video about the terrible Chillul Hashem which occurred at Chabad World headquarters, 770 Eastern Parkway, on Monday night:

“The fact that some Bochrim can do such things is because of the unfortunate Chinuch (education) that they got from youth. And the only ones who are to blame are their educators…and the other ones to blame are the leaders of our community are our Rbabonim, Meckaz Linyonei Chinuch…. they let people do what they want….. this is a result of a breakdown in leadership…..”

“Leadership…either you do what you need to, or get out of the kitchen! If it’s too hot in the kitchen, [get] out!…. you are not doing this properly… you are creating this monster. And if it means firing heads and getting new people, then so be it. If it means closing 770 for a week, Chas Vesholom, to get this all corrected, fine.”