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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Arab Website Says that Turkey Hired Ezra Friedlander to Lobby for F16 Fighter Jets ..


From Alarabia News 

The article below was posted by the antisemitic Arab Website about 6 months ago! 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s envoy to the US was being turned away by lawmakers for months despite seeking meetings on Capitol Hill. So, Ankara turned to new lobbyists as it sought to salvage what was left of Turkey’s reputation in the US capital, according to Congressional aides and public records.

“They [Turkey] had been asking to meet us for almost two years now,” said one senior Congressional aide, a Republican, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the matter.

Head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Bob Menendez, a Democrat, has repeatedly vowed not to allow weapons sales to Turkey.Turkey has been asking to buy F-16 fighter jets from the US, but the bipartisan opposition to this sale continues despite the Biden administration supporting the deal.

Earlier this month, the top US diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, said the Biden administration “very much supports” providing F-16s to Turkey or upgrading the F-16s that it has, “just as we very much and very strongly support Sweden’s immediate accession to NATO.” He added: “But these are two distinct issues. They’re not related to each other.”

A shift in attitude appears to be on the horizon, however, as the Turkish ambassador to the US has been seen in House and Senate offices following the re-election of Erdogan.

Ambassador Murat Mercan has had separate meetings with Republican Congressman Nathaniel Moran, Democratic Congressman John Garamendi, Republican Congressman Joe Wilson and Republican Congressman Clay Higgins this month.

These were meetings the Turkish embassy in Washington disclosed on its official Twitter account. A review of similar posts shows the last such engagement between Mercan and a US lawmaker on the Hill appeared to take place in January.

Turkish officials say there was little time for these types of engagements in the run-up to Turkey’s presidential election.

Mercan has also met with Senator Chris Coons in recent days, one of President Joe Biden’s closest Senate allies.

Meanwhile, sources familiar with US-Turkey relations anticipate increased engagement with Biden administration officials and US lawmakers in the coming weeks and months.

A high-level Congressional delegation is expected to visit Ankara later this month and could meet with new members of Erdogan’s new cabinet. Erdogan appointed new individuals to lead the foreign ministry and defense ministry in what observers believe could be a sign of the Turkish president’s willingness to ease tensions with much of the West and other countries he had issues with in recent years.

US frustration with Turkey

Anger with the NATO-ally increased under the Trump administration after they issued sanctions over Turkey’s purchase of Russian-made missile defense systems.The Biden administration did not ease pressure, and then came the Erdogan government’s crackdown on journalists, increased provocative behavior against Greece and the blocking of Sweden’s and Finland’s NATO membership. “[If] they don’t let them into NATO, the attitude towards Turkey is not going to change,” another senior Congressional aide said.

Another point of conflict between Washington and its NATO ally is Syria, where the US continues to back Kurdish fighters helping its mission to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS. Turkey says the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are part of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a designated terrorist group. The US repeatedly warned Turkey against pushing ahead with its threats to launch a ground operation to drive out the SDF from the area.

Also in Syria, the Pentagon has accused Ankara of endangering American troops through its air raids and expressed “deep concern” over Turkey’s actions.

Turkey’s new top diplomat Hakan Fidan, formerly the head of the country’s intel agency, was the subject of secret peace talks with the PKK almost a decade ago. And the new defense minister, Yasar Guler, was a top military general during Turkey’s military operations inside Syria in 2019 and 2020.

Lobbying efforts

According to the US Justice Department, Turkey hired Ezra Friedlander last year to lobby on its behalf, paying him $35,000 monthly.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) says the services Friedlander was to provide included: arranging speaking engagements and meetings locally and nationally for the ambassador; engaging with members of Congress and the Administration on issues of importance to Turkey; and proposing and pursuing passage of legislation and other US government action that promotes Turkey’s interests… and provides a positive image of Turkey.

Another lobbyist hired by Turkey as of late was Kalman Chaim Sporn. He was paid $50,000 for “strategic consulting services” from October to November last year. Sporn and Friedlander are both Jewish and are said to have strong ties with influential officials on the Hill. Friedlander was also hired this year by the government of Azerbaijan to “enhance US-Azerbaijan relations.”

Turkey and Israel have embarked on a path of rapprochement after years of animosity between the two regional powers. That, coupled with relations Sporn and Friedlander have on the Hill, is among the reasons Ankara turned to the lobbyists.

Russian Thugs Break into Russian Airport Searching For Jews to Murder


Soros ym"s Pouring Millions into Pro-Palestine Protests

Far-left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants’ craven terrorist attacks on Israel.

A Post examination of Open Society Foundations records shows Soros’ grant-making network gave $13.7 million of the money through Tides Center, a deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state are the real victims.

Tides’ beneficiaries include Illinois-based Adalah Justice Project, which on the day of the Oct. 7 massacre posted a photo on Instagram of a bulldozer tearing part of Israel’s border fence down and a caption: “Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap two million people in an open-air prison… no cage goes unchallenged.”

Elon Musk Wants to Give Gaza Internet Thru a Satellite


Israel denounced on Saturday a proposal by Elon Musk to provide internet connectivity to aid organizations in Gaza, saying Hamas would take advantage.

With electricity and internet connectivity nearly non-existent, Musk said on X, formerly Twitter, “Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza.”

Starlink is a constellation of satellites providing internet connectivity in more than 60 countries, in areas with limited telecommunications infrastructure. Starlink is operated by Musk’s California-based SpaceX spacecraft manufacturer and launch service provider.

Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi criticized the idea on X, formerly Twitter.

“Israel will use all means at its disposal to fight this. Hamas will use it for terrorist activities. There is no doubt about it, we know it, and musk knows it. Hamas is ISIS,” Karhi wrote.

“Perhaps Musk would be willing to condition it with the release of our abducted babies, sons, daughters, elderly people. All of them! By then, my office will cut any ties with Starlink,” he added.

Last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with the billionaire Musk in California.

During a 45-minute, live-streamed one-on-one discussion, Netanyahu and Musk discussed artificial intelligence, Iran, antisemitism and judicial reform, among other subjects.

Ezra Friedlander Continues Taking $$$ from Turkey While Israel Reassessing Ties Over Erdoğan’s Pro-hamas Stance


 Israel withdrew its ambassador from Ankara on Saturday and is reassessing relations with Turkey due to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s pro-Hamas stance, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen announced on Saturday night.

“Given the grave statements coming from Turkey, I have ordered the return of diplomatic representatives there in order to conduct a reevaluation of the relations between Israel and Turkey,” Cohen posted to X, formerly Twitter.

At a mass rally in Istanbul earlier Saturday, Erdoğan said, “Hamas is not a terrorist organization” but rather “a liberation group fighting to protect its lands.”

The rally was organized by Erdoğan’s ruling AK Party.

Really... What Bracha do you make on Sushi?


Miracle: Watch How a Family Misses a Direct Rocket Hit by Seconds


This in Hallandale Beach Florida

 Warning: Very disturbing language! 

Watch Jews of Teaneck Singing Over the Shouts of "Free Palestine"




Thank You New York


Saturday, October 28, 2023

NYC street vendors cheer Hamas terrorism on Israel: ‘Leave our land’


Their views are hard to swallow.

New York City’s omnipresent halal and other street vendors expressed near universal support for Hamas with many telling The Post the terror group’s Oct. 7 attack in Israel which killed roughly 1,400 people was justified.

“I am Muslim. I am Egyptian. We support Gaza,” declared a Columbus Circle vendor who would only provide his first name, Ahmed.

“Hamas no attacks Israel. Hamas defends herself. Hamas is self-defense, to protect Islam,” he continued.

“Leave our land. No place to Jewish. Israel must leave.”

Israel may use new ‘Sponge Bombs’ to seal and block off Hamas tunnels


Israel may use a new weapon called “sponge bombs” to seal and block off Hamas tunnels.

The Israel Defense Force could deploy the new handheld devices to negotiate Hamas’ labyrinthine tunnel system –and trap any hidden fighters in them once they launch their long-awaited ground invasion into Gaza, according to reports.

The sponge bombs consist of chemical compounds based around a liquid emulsion.

It can be thrown into a tunnel where it swiftly expands and hardens.

The device would leave Hamas fighters with no escape and allow Israeli commandos to secure safe routes to travel while searching for hostages.

The Hamas tunnels are believed to stretch for hundreds of miles underground, although the blockaded Gaza Strip itself is just 25 miles in length.

The IDF has reportedly trained soldiers to use the sponge bombs at the Israeli military’s “mini Gaza,” a mock-up of the underground tunnel system constructed at the Urban Warfare Training Center in the Negev desert.

The bombs feature a barrier that keeps two volatile liquids separate.

When it is removed, the liquids combine and immediately react.

The dangerous material left some Israeli soldiers blinded during training, according to reports.

It’s not the first time foam or slime was considered for military use — American soldiers used foam as a non-lethal tactic against rioters in Somalia.

Broadway producer James L. Simon tears down Israeli hostage flier in Heavy Jewish Neighborhood

A Broadway theater producer is the latest New Yorker to be caught on film brazenly tearing down fliers of civilians in Israel kidnapped by Hamas terrorists, The Post has learned. 

In a video shared online by neighborhood blog I Love the Upper West Side, James L. Simon, who co-produced the 2022 Broadway revival of Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman,” is seen at West 62nd Street and Broadway using scissors to remove a poster featuring one of the roughly 200 hostages taken by Hamas during its Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israel.

The stone-faced Simon then crumpled up the flier, which had been taped to a traffic sensor box in the heavily Jewish neighborhood, before chucking it into a garbage can and silently walking off, the footage showed. 

“You’re going to a dark and devious place if you’ve come to a place where you’re ripping posters off the wall of Israeli hostages, of innocent people held captive by terrorists,” former Broadway producer Adam Epstein, who hosts the podcast Dirty Moderate, told The Post.

Simon, who has also produced Broadway revivals of “Pippin” and “Bells Are Ringing,” told The Post he took down the fliers for the purpose of keeping the city’s streets clean, not for antisemitic reasons, and apologized for offending anyone.

“I’m a strong supporter of free speech and encourage people to express their opinions, but all I’m asking is to do it legally,” he said, citing city Sanitation Department rules.