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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Detroit Synagogue President Samantha Woll Stabbed to Death...She Co-Founded Muslim-Jewish Forum of Detroit


Samantha Woll, 40, board president of the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue in Detroit, Michigan, was murdered Saturday, and was found stabbed to death outside her home.

Update: In addition to being a Jewish community leader and a prominent Democratic Party activist, Woll was a co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish Forum of Greater Detroit, an interfaith organization. The forum posted on Facebook: “Sam was one of the dear founders of this forum. She was such a sweet, cheerful, thoughtful soul. May her memory be a blessing.”

The Detroit Free Press reported:

A politically connected Detroit synagogue president was found stabbed dead this morning outside her home in the city’s Lafayette Park neighborhood, east of downtown.

Samantha Woll, 40, led the Isaac Agree Downtown Detroit Synagogue and previously worked for Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin and on the re-election campaign of Attorney General Dana Nessel, both Democrats.

“I am shocked, saddened and horrified to learn of Sam’s brutal murder,” Nessel said in a statement. “Sam was as kind a person as I’ve ever known. She was driven by her sincere love of her community, state and country. Sam truly used her faith and activism to create a better place for everyone.”

No motive has yet been identified, but Jewish institutions have been under threat ever since the Palestinian terror group Hamas carried out a massive attack in Israel on October 7, murdering over 1,400 people.

The Detroit area is home to a large Arab population, and a large rally in support of Hamas was held in nearby Dearborn on Oct. 12.

Developing Story: Shin Bet Thwarted an "immediate timeframe" Attack in Jenin Moments ago ..Multiple terrorists eliminated


Israel Brings the BBC antisemites to see the devastation in the Kibbutzim


Chareidim from Beit Shemesh See off IDF Neighbors with Food and Drink

Saturday, October 21, 2023

2,000 Chareidim Ask to Join the IDF


 IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says there have been increasing requests by ultra-Orthodox Israelis to join the military amid the war.

Hagari says the IDF has so far received more than 2,000 requests, and on Monday, they will begin to be drafted as volunteers.

Israel-Hamas war articles in New York Times are Written by an Avowed Nazi


Thde Nazi 

A New York Times reporter who came under fire last year for a praising Adolf Hitler in multiple resurfaced Facebook posts was rehired by the Gray Lady to cover the Israel-Palestine war.

Palestinian filmmaker Soliman Hijjy hailed the Nazi leader as recently as 2018 in a post on Facebook, when he shared a photo of himself captioned that he was “in a state of harmony as Hitler was during the Holocaust,” per a translation from Arabic by pro-Israel media watchdog site HonestReporting.

That same year, Hijjy was hired by the Times as a freelance journalist and worked on a slew of “visual investigations” published by the organization through 2021, including one on an Israeli airstrike that killed 44 people.

Hijjy’s 2018 post — including a 2012 Facebook post where he wrote, “How great you are, Hitler” in Arabic alongside a photoshopped image of Hitler seemingly taking a selfie — were unearthed last year, when pro-Israel outlets called out the Times for hiring antisemitic journalists as freelancers.

At the time, Hijjy didn’t appear to be working for the Times anymore, and had since taken down his controversial pro-Hitler posts.

However, the Times rehired the antisemitic freelancer last week.

Hijjy’s byline has appeared in the publication nearly every day since Oct. 12, with his latest story from Gaza published on Thursday.

Hijjy wrote a piece titled, “At a hospital in southern Gaza, a backup generator becomes a critical lifeline,” about a facility two miles from the Ahli Arab hospital bombing by a Palestinian terrorist organization that falsely blamed Israel for the attack.

A Times spokesperson defended the outlet’s decision to rehire Hijjy.

“We reviewed problematic social media posts by Mr. Hijjy when they first came to light in 2022 and took a variety of actions to ensure he understood our concerns and could adhere to our standards if he wished to do freelance work for us in the future,” the rep said.

Once Israel denied any involvement, the Times swapped it out with one that said: “Hundreds Dead in Blast at Gaza Hospital, Palestinians Say.”

“Mr. Hijjy followed those steps and has maintained high journalistic standards. He has delivered important and impartial work at great personal risk in Gaza during this conflict.”

The Post has sought comment from Hijjy.

The Times had drawn scorn from media critics for running an initial headline about the hospital explosion that pointed the finger at the Jewish State: “Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinian Officials Say.”

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan slammed the Times for its decision to bring back Hijjy.

“The @nytimes has just rehired a NAZI. Let that sink in. Soliman Hijjy praises Hitler, and the NYT rehired him,” Erdan tweeted Friday.

Meanwhile, Times freelance photographer Hosam Salem was also accused last year of sharing antisemitic social media posts, though he shared last October that the outlet severed ties with him.

“After years of covering the Gaza Strip as a freelance photojournalist for the New York Times, I was informed via an abrupt phone call from the US outlet that they will no longer work with me in the future,” Salem shared on X, then known as Twitter, in October 2022.

Salem went on to blame an article by HonestReporting, which pointed to his pro-Palestine Facebook posts, as reason for his firing.

It’s unclear why the Times didn’t make similar moves to distance itself from Hijjy, whose pro-Hitler posts were included in the same HonestReporting story.

Biden is being played by Hamas, Iran and Qatar — with American and Israeli lives at stake


Despite telling the world Hamas is evil, President Joe Biden is pursuing policies of appeasement toward the terrorist group’s two largest patrons and, in so doing, undermining American and Israeli deterrence.

To secure the release of hostages, enable an Israeli victory over Hamas and hold off a Hezbollah assault on Israel’s northern border, Washington must first put the squeeze on Iran and Qatar.

While Biden Thursday night promised the American people we would hold Iran accountable for its sponsorship of Hamas, the mullahs in Tehran do not today perceive any credible threat of coercion from the United States.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

NYC Department of Education won’t let Jewish staffer stuck in Israel work remotely "DOE preaches equity" Except for Jews


The city Department of Education is refusing to let an early-childhood staffer work remotely while stranded in war-torn Israel, raising questions whether it’s simply bureaucratic callousness or antisemitism.

“It just sickens me that I work for a government institution in the USA which preaches equity, harmony and caring for everyone, but in fact there is an exception — for Jews,” Tova Plaut, an instructional coordinator for pre-K classroom teachers, told The Post from Israel.

Plaut, 53, an Orthodox Jew, was visiting relatives for Sukkot when Hamas terrorists attacked on Oct. 7 and war erupted. US airlines immediately suspended all return flights until at least Oct. 31. 

Plaut went on a waiting list for Israeli airline El Al.

She turned down a US government offer to ride a cruise ship to Cyprus or take US chartered flights to Europe because it would be too hard on her 78-year-old mom, who traveled with her.

But, still hunkering down with her family just north of Tel Aviv, she is eager to work until she can get back to New York.

Fully equipped with a computer and Internet service, Plaut asked permission to advise teachers by phone or email and attend Zoom meetings – instead of using her sick and personal days and not working.

Plaut and her co-workers each get seven sick days and three personal days a year.

Once that’s used up, she would have to take a non-medical leave of absence — and lose her pay, $76,000 a year, and health insurance.

As of today, she has lost seven days while stuck in Israel.

“Hamas does not have a humanitarian bone in their body.” “They [returned the Raanans] for calculated reasons,”


Palestinians transport a captured Israeli civilian from Kibbutz Kfar Azza into the Gaza Strip during a deadly attack on the community on Oct. 7.

Hamas terrorists only returned the American mother and daughter who were being held as hostages on Friday for “calculated” reasons, one expert claimed.

In a conversation with The Post Friday, former FBI agent and hostage team expert Christopher O’Leary cautioned the public not to fall for Hamas’ claim that they released Judith Raanan and her 17-year-old daughter, Natalie, for “humanitarian reasons.”

“They [returned the Raanans] for calculated reasons,” O’Leary scoffed, noting that “Hamas does not have a humanitarian bone in their body.”

“This is a deliberate and calculated move, not a good-will or good-faith gesture … they are playing a long game with the hostages,” he concluded.

O’Leary speculated that either Judith or Natalie possibly had “medical issues” that precluded the terror group from holding them in Gaza long-term; sources later told the Times of Israel that the two women were released due to Judith’s health.

“[Hamas] may be doing this to build some credibility as negotiators,” O’Leary opined, referring to the ongoing effort to broker some peace between Hamas and Israel, who had been locked in a bloody back-and-forth since the former unleashed Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on Oct. 7.

“Right now they do not seem like a legitimate negotiator,” he explained.

“You need to be able to demonstrate that you are a legitimate partner in an exchange.”

“[Releasing the Raanans] also helps counter the narrative Biden put out yesterday, going directly after Hamas, categorizing them as a terrorist organization,” O’Leary added.

But despite Hamas’ supposed best efforts, O’Leary concluded, the group is still “the quintessential terrorist organization.”

“The taking of hostages is a violation of international law and human rights,” he noted.

Speaking to The Post just one day before Judith and Natalie Raanan were released, O’Leary admitted that military rescue was likely out of the question for the 203 hostages being held in the Gaza Strip..

“We’ve not seen a case quite like this in the modern era,” he said.

Instead, he suggested, the US and Qatar should take the lead on negotiating favorable releases.

In its official statement on the Raanans’ release, Hamas confirmed that the agreement was reached in part due to Qatar’s intervention.

X (Twitter) Platform Removes NYT Gold Verification Badge, Likely Due to their constant Fake News


The New York Times, the ‘paper of record’ that was once considered the gold standard of journalism, has come stunningly close to being labeled fake news by X (formerly Twitter).

The Times is no longer a gold-badge verified account on Elon Musk’s platform. However the outlet does now have a blue-check verification.

Hours after Twitter users discovered that the Times was missing its original golden check mark which media accounts are given, a new blue check mark appeared, paid for by the outlet (something presumably the Ayatollah of Iran can do as well).

Musk has long been critical of the outlet, and engages with a NY Times parody account on the platform.

Although no official reason has been given, the Times has been guilty of reporting false and premature information, which can be harmful and toxic, especially regarding Israel.

This week, the Times rushed to publish a fake news story, with the headline and subhead: “ISRAEL STRIKE KILLS HUNDREDS AT HOSPITAL, PALESTINIANS SAY. At least 500 dead; Israel urges caution as it investigates.”

The story was debunked at every level, and while the death toll was exaggerated by hundreds, the actual culprits were the Palestinians themselves.

“The ‘New York’ Times is a declining, once-powerful, but fundamentally doomed to be regional & increasingly archaic legacy publication,” Musk tweeted in August.

Musk also once said the Times’ readership “is tiny compared to this platform.”

Drugs that stimulate and keep you up and suppress hunger and fear Were Found on the Bodies of Dead Hamas Murderers


 According to a News12 report, some of the terrorists who participated in the surprise attack on October 7 used the drug Heptagon when they committed the inhuman murders. Evidence of this was found both on the person of Hamas prisoners and in the pockets of terrorists’ corpses.

Captagon, Biocapton, and Fitton are brand names for the psychostimulant Fenethylline. Fenethylline is metabolized by the body to form two drugs, amphetamine, and theophylline, both of which are active stimulants. Fenethylline is mostly produced in Syria and Lebanon. Reports in the British press have suggested the drug is playing a role in the Syrian Civil War, as the production and sale of fenethylline generates large revenues, and fenethylline is used as a stimulant by combatants.

ISIS fighters were known to ingest fenethylline to suppress their fear before going to battle.

IDF eliminates senior Hamas engineer


The IDF on Friday eliminated Mahmud Sabih, a senior Hamas terrorist who served as a senior engineer and unit head in Hamas’ projects and development department, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said.

The department operated in order to increase Hamas' weapons capabilities, exchanging knowledge with terrorist organization across the Middle East, it added.

Mahmud Sabih operated to facilitate the transfer of information for Hamas in the production of weapons and UAVs, said the IDF.

Overnight Thursday, the IDF struck over a hundred operational targets belonging to Hamas terrorist organization, and killed a Hamas terrorist who took part in the murderous massacres in southern Israel.

The targets struck include an underground tunnel, weapon warehouses, and dozens of operational command centers.

During the strikes, Amjad Majed Muhammad Abu 'Odeh, a Hamas naval operative who took part in the massacre of Israeli civilians in southern Israel, was killed.

In addition, a terror squad belonging to the Hamas aerial array was neutralized in a targeted strike on Gaza City, after they attempted to fire rockets at a jet.

The forces also destroyed terror assets and weapons located in a mosque in the Jabaliya neighborhood, which was used as an observation post and staging ground by Hamas terrorists.

Hamas frees mother and daughter nearly two weeks after they were abducted to Gaza


Hamas on Friday evening freed two of the hostages it captured during its deadly terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, citing “humanitarian reasons” for doing so.

The two have been identified as Judith Raanan, 59, and Natalie Raanan, 18, a mother and her daughter who are dual Israeli and US nationals.

The two are residents of Chicago and had been visiting family in Kibbutz Nahal Oz on the day of the attack.

Israeli sources confirmed that the two had been handed over to the Red Cross and would be transferred to Egypt. Their families have been notified.

A source told CNN that the two are being released on “humanitarian grounds” because the mother is in poor health.

Gal Hirsch, the coordinator of the issue of prisoners and missing persons, said that the two are in Israeli territory and are making their way to meet their family.

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari confirmed in a press statement that Judith and Natalie Raanan were met by Hirsch at the border.

The Prime Minister’s Office said, “This evening, Judith Raanan and Natalie Raanan were released from the hands of the terrorist organization Hamas.”

“The two were kidnapped by the terrorist organization Hamas in the murderous surprise attack on Saturday, October 7, 2023, when they were staying at Kibbutz Nahal Oz.”

“The person in charge of the abductees and the missing, Brigadier General Gal Hirsch, together with the IDF and the security forces, received them at the Gaza Strip border and at the moment they are on their way to a meeting point at a military base in the center of the country, where their family members are waiting for them.”

“The Government of Israel, the IDF and the entire defense establishment will continue to operate to the best of their abilities and efforts in order to locate all of the missing and return all of the hostages,” the statement concluded.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “Two of our kidnapped are home. We will not relent in our effort to return all of the kidnapped and the missing.”

“At the same time, we continue to fight till victory,” he added.

The release of the two is the result of negotiations between Qatar and Hamas which started after Hamas abducted around 200 people from Israel during its October 7 attack.

The Hostage and Missing Families Forum welcomed the return of the two hostages, saying, "Continuing the holding of the hostages is a war crime. Hundreds of families are expecting assistance from the leaders of Arab countries after the actions of Hamas shocked the entire world."

Friday, October 20, 2023

‘Mutiny Brewing’ Inside State Department Over Israel-Palestine Policy


Story by Akbar Shahid Ahmed from Huffington Post

President Joe Biden’s approach to the ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine is fueling mounting tensions at the U.S. government agency most involved in foreign policy: the State Department.

Officials told HuffPost that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his most senior advisers are overlooking widespread internal frustration. Some department staff said they feel as if Blinken and his team are uninterested in their own experts’ advice as they focus on supporting Israel’s expanding operation in Gaza, where the Palestinian militant group Hamas is based.

“There’s basically a mutiny brewing within State at all levels,” one State Department official said.

Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel, fighting in the region has killed more than 4,000 people, and Israel is preparing a ground invasion of Gaza that is expected to claim tens of thousands of additional lives.

Target Aventura Florida Employees Tearing Apart Images Of Missing Jewish Children Held Hostage in Gaza


Zera Shimshon Parshas Noach


Citi fires banker over ‘revolting’ Israel remark: ‘No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them’


Citibank has fired one of its staffers after she posted “revolting” commentary on Instagram that endorsed the mass murder of Jewish people during the Holocaust.

“No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them,” Nozima Husainova wrote with a smiley face emoji in an Instagram story, which has since been deleted along with the 25-year-old’s Instagram and other social media accounts.

The post was a screenshot shared to X, formerly Twitter, by non-profit watchdog StopAntisemitism late Wednesday, which also posted a photo of her Instagram profile that boasted over 4,500 followers.

Husainova had written the explosive comment in response to a post about the Gaza hospital bombing that was initially blamed on Israel, but was later revealed to be caused by the Islamic Jihad terror group after its operatives misfired a rocket.

The investment bank confirmed to The Post that Husainova was fired after the remark, which was earlier reported on by the Daily Mail.

More Than 300 From Far-Left Jewish Radical Arab Stooges Arrested in a Capitol Hill Demonstration Urging a Israel-Hamas War Cease-Fire


More than 300 self-hating Jewish Fools were arrested for illegally demonstrating and three people were charged with assaulting police after protesters descended on Capitol Hill to call for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

Hundreds of demonstrators from Jewish advocacy groups, including Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, poured into a congressional office building on Wednesday. They wore shirts that read “Jews say cease fire now” and they chanted “let Gaza live” and “not in my name” before they were detained by Capitol Police.

Demonstrations are not allowed inside Capitol buildings, and police said they warned the crowd gathered in the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building to stop before they began making the arrests.

The 305 people arrested for illegally demonstrating were subsequently released and those charged with assault were held in custody pending an appearance before a judge.

A few liberal members of Congress have been pushing for a resolution in the latest Hamas-Israel war, saying that Israeli bombardment of civilians in Gaza is leading to a humanitarian crisis.

The protesters were never in the U.S. Capitol, as some falsely stated on social media.

HaRav Zilberstein Visits Survivor Hero, Siren Blares During Visit


 HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein made a special bikur cholim visit to Amichai Shindler of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom in Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer on Thursday.

Kerem Shalom is a mixed religious-secular kibbutz that is less than 100 meters [.06 miles] from the Gaza Strip. That Shabbos/Simchas Torah morning, Amichai, 33, and his wife and six children went into their safe room when they heard rocket sirens blare early in the morning – a routine occurrence in the Gaza border area. But then they heard the sound of men shouting inside their home. Amichai ran to the door and held it shut, while his wife and small children huddled inside. The men called to them in Hebrew that they’re IDF soldiers and they should open the door. But Amichai heard their accents and screamed at them to leave or he’ll shoot them.

When the Hamas animals failed to open the door, they tried to blow it open by throwing an explosive device at it. The resulting blast seriously injured Amichai, blowing off one of his forearms, breaking his other arm, and crushing his face and jaw. Amichai fell to the floor of the room – still conscious but bleeding profusely. He lay there for three and a half hours while meanwhile, members of the kibbutz security team engaged in a gun battle with the terrorists outside. Eventually, IDF soldiers reached the kibbutz and evacuated Amichai to the hospital. Fortunately, his wife and children were physically unharmed.

Amichai was sedated and ventilated and treated in the ICU for several days before being transferred to the critical care surgical ward – although he is still ventilated. When he regained consciousness, he requested to meet HaRav Zilberstein since he feels very connected to the Rav and his Torah – listening to his shiurim at home every Erev Shabbos.

HaRav Zilberstein agreed to visit and did so on Thursday, beginning his visit by davening for Amichai’s refuah sheleimah. But then a rocket alert siren blared when a barrage of rockets hit central Israel. At first, HaRav Zilberstein said he doesn’t need to leave since in the zechus of Amichai, nothing would happen. But he did go to the fortified area, where he recited “יושב בסתר” before returning to Amichai’s room.

HaRav Zilberstein was accompanied on the visit by HaRav Shlomo Ra’anan, the founder and head of Ayelet Hashachar, a kiruv organization, and HaRav Eliezer Roth, Rav Zilberstein’s son-in-law.

Israeli Police Chief Threatens To Ship Pro-Hamas Protesters To Gaza On Buses


Israel’s Police Chief Kobi Shabtai announced a policy of “zero tolerance” for pro-Hamas demonstrations within Israel, suggesting that those expressing solidarity with the Gaza Strip should consider relocating there.

In a video posted on Tuesday to the Israel Police’s Arabic TikTok channel, Chief Shabtai extended a welcoming message, saying, “Whoever wants to be a citizen of Israel, ahalan wasahlan,” using common Arabic slang meaning “welcome.” However, he added, “Anyone who wants to identify with Gaza is welcome — I’ll put them on buses that will send them there, I’ll help them get there.”

US Navy Warship in Red Sea Intercepts Three Missiles Heading Out of Yemen Towards Israel ?


A U.S. Navy warship on Thursday took out three missiles that had been fired from Yemen and were heading north, U.S. officials said.

The officials said the USS Carney, a Navy destroyer, was in the Red Sea and intercepted the three missiles. It wasn’t immediately certain if they were aimed at Israel. One of the officials said the U.S. does not believe the missiles were aimed at the ship.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss military operations not yet announced.

Iranian-backed Houthi rebels have expressed support for the Palestinians and threatened Israel. Last week, in Yemen’s Sanaa, which is held by the Houthi rebels still at war with a Saudi-led coalition, demonstrators crowded the streets waving Yemeni and Palestinian flags. The rebels’ slogan long has been, “God is the greatest; death to America; death to Israel; curse of the Jews; victory to Islam.”

Last week, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi, the rebel group’s leader, warned the United States against intervening in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, threatening that his forces would retaliate by firing drones and missiles.

Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, led by Duvi Honig, has announced that it ended its boycott of Starbucks

The Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, led by Duvi Honig, has announced that it ended its boycott of the coffee giant, after Starbucks filed a lawsuit against an anti-Israel employee union.

Amazingly, Mr. Honig had a strong impact on the Starbucks corporation, so much so, that founder Howard Schultz personally called him and asked him to rescind a scathing op-ed which was published on VINnews. 

After the impact of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of commerce’s Starbucks Boycott announcement stating “Drinking a cup of Starbucks is Drinking a Cup of Jewish Blood”, Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks, reached out to Duvi to discuss his ongoing support for Israel and his strong condemnation of the 300 union stores and its 3000 employees who support Hamas.

Duvi, representing the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, expressed his concerns about having Starbucks employees who support Hamas serving beverages to customers.

During the conversation, it was made clear by the Chamber’s leadership that a statement alone would not be sufficient to address the issue and remove the boycott, as the boycott was not on the corporate level but on the union workers themselves. Duvi suggested that Howard should close down the stores in question, but Howard explained that it would be illegal for him to do so. However, he expressed his desire to close down every single one of those stores and terminate the employment of those who support Hamas, if he had the power to do so.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

'Son of Hamas' tells Fox News how Hamas must be fought


Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef who became disillusioned with the brutal terrorist organization and spied for Israel before writing the book "Son of Hamas," spoke to Fox News about the massacre of 1,400 Israelis by Hamas and how the resulting war should be conducted.

Yousef said that women, children, and the elderly in Gaza must be encouraged to evacuate to Egypt during the war and that northern Gaza must be besieged.

"We need to have a solid siege for long enough to deplete the enemy and to starve them," he said, suggesting that gas may need to be used to deal with the extensive tunnel network under Gaza.

"We need to finish Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip," he said, "then we need to replace their regime."

Miriam Ezagui Frum Lady Has 500 Thousand Followers on Face Book .. Wants to get to know her "Muslim Cousins" And "does not support the IDF" Calls it "genicide


She thinks that the IDF is committing genocide! Sick indeed! Sick and perverted! 
I wonder if her daughter would G-d forbid be a hostage whether she would want to still learn about the Muslim Culture. 
Let's ship her to Gaza or Ramallah  where she can learn more about her "Muslim cousins" 

She should be listening to the video below of a daughter whose parents were murdered by Ezagui's cousins

Marjorie Taylor Greene Moves to Censure Rashida Tlaib on Her Despicable Lies About Israel


Marjorie Taylor Greene said on Wednesday she's moving to censure fellow congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, after the Democratic lawmaker refused to apologize for blaming Israel for a deadly strike on a Gaza hospital.

The al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City was hit by a devastating blast on Tuesday night, hours before President Joe Biden's planned visit to Israel the following day. According to Palestinian officials, at least 471 people were killed in the strike, more than 314 were wounded, and hundreds of others remain under the rubble of the building.

Tlaib refused to apologize for her statement and joined thousands of protesters at a solidarity rally calling for a cease-fire in Gaza on Capitol Hill.

She criticized Biden for his supportive stance towards Israel, saying: "To my president, to our president ... I want him to know, as a Palestinian American and somebody in Muslim faith, I'm not going to forget this. And I think a lot of people are not going to forget this."

Israel's Strategy in Gaza Revealed

 *Israel's Strategy in Gaza (via Ynet):*

1️⃣ Capture northern Gaza to dismantle Hamas and Islamic Jihad's military capabilities and eliminate their leadership.

2️⃣ Use precise intelligence and targeted strikes to neutralize terror assets and leadership in southern Gaza.

3️⃣ Establish a heavily fortified defense line, including a closed military zone, near the Gaza border.

4️⃣ Continue pinpoint military operations in Gaza post-war to prevent the rebuilding of terrorist infrastructure and foil future terror plots.

5️⃣ IDF to exit Gaza post-war. Aim for full and final demilitarization within 5-10 years, in close cooperation with the United States. - via Bernie News