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Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Meraglim .. Rav Avigdar Miller.. Vayoel Moshe

The parsha read in Israel is Parshas Shlach, the parsha of the meraglim. It is therefore no coincidence that the FJJ the Flatbush Jewish Journal, decided to print the following question and answer transcribed from one of the Rabbi Avigdar Tapes. 

*לא נוכל לעלות*

Question: Must one undergo a special spiritual preparation in order to go to Eretz Yisroel? 

Answer: And the answer is, absolutely! 

 Yermiyahu Hanavi said in the name of Hashem, “You came and you defiled My land” (Yermiyahu 2:7). And therefore, it is of the utmost importance that someone should be ready to behave if he wants to go to Eretz Yisroel. He should learn how to conduct himself perfectly al pi hatorah before he goes to Eretz Yisroel. 

And even if he is good here, he must make a resolve to be even better there. There are no two ways about that. It’s Eretz Hakodesh and it’s only for Jews who live b’kedusha. 

Now you’ll ask me, what about the Arabs? 

First of all, the Arabs don’t ask us any questions.  They’re not asking me for my opinion. And second is that an Arab, we consider him just like a bird.  There birds who fly into Eretz Yisroel don’t have to have any kedusha. But the Am Yisroel is a different story. They are pogem, they cause damage. When they do a sin they cause great harm in the world. And therefore it’s of the utmost importance that a Jew, before he goes to Eretz Yisroel, must make up his mind to be there b’kedusha. Even if it’s just for a visit. 

Nobody should go unless he’ll go b’kedusha.  The land of Eretz Yisroel has to have something made to its taste. It’s a land of And the land will vomit out its inhabitants (Achrei Mos 18:25). 

Eretz Yisroel is Finicky. It’s a delicate land and only those people who behave properly can please the land. 

TAPE # 200 (January 1977)

*עלה נעלה*

I feel that this answer from Harav Avigdar Miller must be challenged, as this view has proliferated in the minds of the Flatbush Beards  as "Toras Moshe."

The idea that only "tzaddikim" should make Aliyah, learned from this pasuk, is also the view of the Vayoel Moshe.

But this idea that only "tzaddikim" should make aliyah derived from this pasuk is very dangerous and can lead to heresy, G-d Forbid.

The pasuk in Parshas Achrei Mos 18:25 states:

ולא תקיא הארץ אתכם בטמאכם אתה

"You should not cause the land (Eretz Yisrael) to vomit you out when you defile it" 

The Torah prior to this verse lists a number of prohibitions and abominations and concludes with the above quoted verse.

If Rabbi Miller's and the Vayoel Moshe are correct, then how would they explain the following?

In the year 1012, Jews from Mainz were "vomited out", in 1276 all Jews from Upper Bavaria were "vomited out", In 1182 Philip Augustus "vomited out" Jews from Paris. In France, Jews were "vomited out" in 1254, 1306, 1322, 1359, and in 1394. In 1288 Jews were "vomited out" from Italy, in the year 1290 England "vomited out" all its Jews. In 1294 in Berne, Switzerland all Jews were "vomited out" .In 1360 Hungary "vomited out" its Jews. In 1420 Jews were "vomited out" of Austria, in 1442 Jews were again "vomited out" of Bavaria. In 1492 Jews were "vomited out" of Spain and Sicily. In 1496 Portugal "vomited out" its Jews and in 1499 Nuremberg "vomited out" its Jews. 

Biden'$ Crimes vs Trump Crimes


The indictment of Donald Trump is a detailed recounting of his decisions to keep classified documents and to involve others in his alleged refusal to come clean about everything he had.

Based on a grand jury search warrant, federal agents raided Mar-a-Lago and the evidence they gathered was bolstered with FBI interviews of Trump aides, employees and even his lawyers. 

Weaving in seized texts and emails from key moments, prosecutors have created a compelling picture of their case, with Trump’s personality and habits of deception coming through loud and clear in the 49-page charging document. 

However, I believe that if federal prosecutors had empaneled a grand jury and obtained a search warrant for Joe Biden’s properties and if FBI agents had put his aides, employees and lawyers under oath, scoured their phones and emails and confronted them with evidence to get them to talk, agents would have found that Biden knowingly kept classified documents for many years in his homes and offices, including in the four years between his being vice president and president. 

Honest agents unencumbered by any political bias of their own or their bosses’ might also have discovered that Hunter Biden and other family members and associates had access to the supposedly secret documents and possibly used them in drawing up their lucrative business schemes with foreign officials and businesses.

Instead, a special counsel assigned to the case appears to be about as vigorous as Joe. 

I also believe that had the Department of Justice empaneled a grand jury and executed a search warrant on Hillary Clinton’s home and offices in 2013 or 2014 and seized her private computer server, phones and electronic devices, along with the devices of her aides and interviewed her lawyers under oath, FBI agents would have found many thousands of unsecured critical documents that were still in her possession long after she left the Department of State. 

As it was, more than 2,000 documents deemed to be classified, top secret or confidential were recovered from her devices in 2015 and 2016, despite the fact that Clinton deleted some 33,000 emails she claimed were not work-related.

Although the FBI oddly accepted her claim, then-Director James Comey said Clinton was wrong to use a private server and there was evidence she and aides were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

New York Lady Commits Suicide after Family Court Cuts Her off From Daughters ages 9,12 and 13


Catherine Kassenoff faced off against hardened criminals and gang members as a federal prosecutor, and beat breast cancer twice, but said the broken New York family court system would be what killed her.

In a letter posted to Facebook on May 27, the Westchester, NY, mother of three announced she was scheduled to die by assisted suicide in Switzerland later that day.

“It is with a profound heartbreak … that I am writing my last post ever. Today, I will be ending my own life … In the last four years of my life I have woken up every day to a nightmare like no other,” she wrote in her public suicide note.

Trump indictment will disrupt the nation as Biden Walks Doing the Same thing and Taking a $5 million Bribe from the Chinese


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said on Friday that the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump will “disrupt the nation” and argued that it violates the principle of equal justice under the law.

Speaking to Fox News, McCarthy said that other public officials, like President Joe Biden, also possessed documents they should not, but the other officials are not facing charges like Trump is.

“This is going to disrupt this nation because it goes to the core of equal justice for all, which is not being seen today. And we’re not going to stand for it,” said McCarthy.

McCarthy also said he has spoken to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) on what they can do to ensure “equal justice.”

He added that Steven D’Antuono, a former assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington, D.C., field office who opposed the surprise search of Mar-a-Lago the FBI conducted in August, testified before the Judiciary Committee and revealed the investigation was conducted improperly.

“When you learn of some of the things that he had said of how this investigation was carried out, you’ll see then that this judgment is wrong by this DOJ, that they treated President Trump differently than they treat others, and it didn’t have to be this way,” McCarthy told Fox News.

McCarthy’s comments came after the indictment against former US President Donald Trump in the classified documents probe was unsealed.

Trump faces 37 counts in the case, including 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information, according to the indictment.

Walt Nauta, an aide to Trump, was also indicted in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the mishandling of classified documents.

Trump and Nauta both face a count of conspiracy to obstruct justice, according to the federal indictment. Trump is also accused of showing classified documents on two occasions to others, according to the indictment.

Speaking after the indictment was unsealed, Special Counsel Jack Smith urged Americans to read the indictment to understand the "gravity of the crimes", and also stated that US laws "apply to everyone".

Smith, who was appointed in November 2022 by Attorney General Merrick Garland to oversee the investigations against Trump, defended the FBI and Justice Department’s conduct.

“The prosecutors in my office are among the most talented and experienced in the Department of Justice. They have investigated this case hewing to the highest ethical standards, and they will continue to do so as this case proceeds,” he said.

Trump insists that he declassified the documents in question before leaving office. The former President and his lawyers have publicly insinuated on multiple occasions that the agents who carried out the raid planted evidence during the search.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Shlach


Half of American 'Jews' are not Jewish


Reform leader Rick Jacobs travels the USA proudly proclaiming that “interfaith families are now the majority of the movement.”

The recent Israel-bashing, Jew-hating graduation speech by a “Palestinian Arab” at CUNY Law School made national news. 

The Zionist Organization of America took the lead, as it almost always does among the Presidents’ Conference “major” Jewish organizations, in fighting back.

 ZOA demanded that the CUNY Law den of corruption be defunded by New York State, that the administrators who approved and facilitated the Nazi-like speech be fired, and that the Jew-hater graduate be denied a New York State Bar license to practice.

Amazingly, the school’s so-called “Jewish Law Student Association” praised the speaker’s vicious anti-Zionist venom and lies. Their pathetic self-hate appears here in its entirety. That self-flagellating screed is so warped that one initially would suppose it a forgery, impossible to be authored by Jews even in a world of self-hating Jewish apostates like George Soros, Bernie Sanders, and Ben & Jerry.

That document helpfully demonstrates that almost half the people in America who call themselves “Jews” are in fact not Jews.

Russian Ger Tzedek Takes His life After Zionists Wanted Documentation of his Conversion and He Wouldn't Show it to Them


"Friends" of a Russian Ger Tzedek who had converted in Russia in the Beis Din of Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, which is recognized by Israel’s chief rabbinate, made up a story, that he took his life "after Israeli government authorities refused to accept the geirus."

Police are still investigating whether he died at his own hands or whether there were other causes of death involved.

The immigration authorities rejected the claims by the lying friends of Gavriel, stating that “the details provided are partial and imprecise. 

On 22.7.22 he came to Israel and was summoned three times to the ministry but once he arrived without documents, once he came to another place and the third time he didn’t show up.

“We didn’t deal with his requests as he didn’t submit anything. The whole procedure for arriving as a tourist and submitting documentation is usually fast and humane. It is hard for us to respond to claims if he didn’t submit the request and come to the appointments.”

The Ger, known as Gavriel Ben Avraham (Koliochevski), decided to convert in Russia and contacted the Moscow Jewish community, which was then headed by Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt. Together with Rabbi Moshe Lebel, the Rosh Yeshiva of the local yeshiva, it was decided after a certain point that he could convert. It is important to note that the conversions of Rabbi Goldschmidt are unanimously recognized in Israeli rabbinical courts.

According to his lying friends, Gavriel decided to immigrate to Israel after the war between Russia and Ukraine began, and they insist that  despite having all the relevant documents to obtain citizenship,he was met with a bureaucratic brick wall. 

They claim without any proof, that in recent months, after realizing that he could not deal alone with the Israeli bureaucracy, he became deeply depressed. He was 31, with no family and few friends, and had taken the step of converting to be part of the Jewish people, which then apparently turned its back on him.

His "friends" all this time were nowhere to be found! They only came out like roaches when he was found dead! 

One of his "friends" said that “during the last few weeks, when he saw that nothing was moving, he realized that he wasn’t going to get citizenship soon and this prevented him from working, earning a livelihood, marrying, driving and other basic acts, so he was very depressed. Last Shabbat apparently he got fed up and did something unfortunate which caused his death. We blame the Immigration Authority for not finding a solution for his problems.”

Thursday, June 8, 2023

"What Can Be Unburdened by What Has Been"


Farbrengen Goes South


David Wasserman "the Rasha" Who Refuses to Grant His wife a Get Will Go to Jail If He doesnt Give the get in 8 days

 Please note that any comments supporting this vile scumbag David Wasserman will not be published. Also, any negative comments about Flatbush Girl in this post will not be published.

Thomas Nides Stabs Israel in the heart on his way out and approves grant aimed at delegitimizing Israel


The Biden administration’s outgoing ambassador to Israel personally signed off on a controversial $1 million grant to a program critics said was meant to delegitimize Israel, according to internal State Department communications obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

U.S. ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides approved the funding project in a January 2022 internal “action memo,” according to a trove of internal emails obtained by the America First Legal Foundation through a Freedom of Information Act request for information about the grant. The emails detail how Nides personally cleared the State Department to offer $987,654 for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.

Those applying for the grant were instructed to probe the Israeli government for “documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land, and property rights.”

US National Weather Service warns smoky haze likely to persist for days across the US, Canada


The thick, hazardous haze blanketing the Northeast disrupting daily life for millions of people across the U.S. and Canada could persist until the weekend, a U.S. National Weather Service meteorologist said. 

 The weather system that’s driving the great Canadian-American smoke out, a low-pressure system over Maine and Nova Scotia, "will probably be hanging around at least for the next few days," U.S. National Weather Service meteorologist Bryan Ramsey said.

 "Conditions are likely to remain unhealthy, at least until the wind direction changes or the fires get put out," Ramsey said. "Since the fires are raging — they’re really large — they’re probably going to continue for weeks. But it’s really just going to be all about the wind shift."

The weather system is expected to hardly budge, the smoky blanket billowing from wildfires in Quebec and Nova Scotia and sending plumes of fine particulate matter as far away as South Carolina.

The dystopian-looking haze covering bustling metropolises like New York City has left the city veiled in a yellow and orange haze as residents resort to wearing pandemic-era masks to block thick smoke.

Health officials from Vermont to South Carolina and as far west as Ohio and Kansas are warning residents that spending time outdoors could cause respiratory problems due to high levels of fine particulates in the atmosphere.

In Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered schools to cancel outdoor recess, sports and field trips Thursday. In suburban Philadelphia, officials set up an emergency shelter so people living outside can take refuge from the haze.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul called the situation an "emergency crisis." 

The normal air quality index is 50. However, in parts New York on Wednesday, June 7, the air quality index was nearly 8 times the normal level-- reaching over 400. 

More than 400 blazes burning across Canada have left 20,000 people displaced. The U.S. has sent more than 600 firefighters and equipment to Canada. Other countries are also helping.

Ukranian Soldiers Continue Wearing Nazi Symbols

Ukrainian citizens welcoming the invading German Wehrmacht, June 1941

by David Israel

David writes news at JewishPress.com.

Remember when Vladimir Putin suggested he was justified in attacking Ukraine because it was home to neo-Nazis?

 Did you consider back then that maybe the Russian president was at least partially correct?

Almost a year to the day after I said as much on July 3, 2022 (Was Putin Wrong? Ukrainian Ambassador in Hot Water for Praising Nazi Collaborator), the New York Times revealed on Monday that since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine, NATO and Ukraine have been busy deleting images of Ukrainian soldiers wearing Nazi symbols, like this one:

Belz Rebbe Dances Mitzva Tanz

Dancing with the Chassan 

Belzer Rebbetzin Gives a Bracha to Beit Shemesh Mayor Aliza BLock at the Ger/Belz Wedding


Today is 40 Years Since Satmar Terrorists Cut Off Like Nazis the Beard of a Chabad Guy


What was his crime?
Sit down for this! 
He was teaching Tanye in a private home with neighbors who were a mixture of  Satmar Chassidim and some non-Satmar guys! 
Yes! His crime was teaching Tanye, a sefer written by the first Chabad Rabbi, the Baal Ha"Tanye. 

Until this incident, the only time someone else cut off someone's beard was in Nazi Germany.

So why bring this up again? 40 Years later?

The "beard cutter" himself subsequently went thru personal tragedies himself, and Chabad and Satmar now get along. They get along not because of ideology in which they have a lot in common, they get along because many Satmar guys became very successful businessmen and travel a lot and need a place to eat and daven. Chabad has centers all over the world and these centers is an oasis for these frum business people. 
Also, the young Satmar business people became "oif'geklared" meaning being outside the confines of Williamsburg and Monroe they saw that the world does not revolve around them and this opened their eyes to a totally different world.

For example, just last week I met a bunch of Satmar businessmen from Monroe that came to Israel for a StartUp Convention. They davened in a nearby shul and schmoozing with them I found that many of them were here for the very first time. I asked them for their impressions, and ALL OF THEM, said that they were floored by what they saw here in Israel. They thought that Israel was a third world country, and they couldn't believe the number of Jews living here in Israel.  They were literarily in shock to see a Jewish country for the very first time surrounded by love, even, they said, from the "meeinim un apikorsim." I asked if they were living in a cave all these years and they all laughed and said "we are kept in the dark and our leaders make Israel look like an evil bad place to be." 

As I see it, there is hope, that this new generation of Satmar Chassidim will not buy the garbage taught by their elders and embrace others, not only by bringing them cookies in hospitals and waiting for a Jew that doesn't believe in their ideology to become sick, but embrace them when they are healthy.  

השבוע בט"ו סיון תשפ"ג לפ"ק מלאו ארבעים שנה לתקיפת הרה"ח פיניע ע"ה קארף ובהמשך את הרה"ח מענדל שיחי' וועכטר

הסאטמארים גזרו את זקנו בגלל שהוא למד תניא עם אנשים בשכונה כולל מי שאינם סאטמארים בבית פרטי

Meraglim ... Then and Now!


At the center of this week’s Torah portion read in Israel is the tragic episode of the Spies in the Wilderness.

 Rashi informs us that they were important men, Torah scholars, the leaders of the tribes, yet they discouraged the Children of Israel from journeying on into the Promised Land. 

In punishment, Hashem slew the entire male generation, some 600,000 men, making the sin of the Spies perhaps the greatest national transgression in our history. In comparison, in the wake of the sin of the Golden Calf only a few thousand people were slain. 

In Chapter 19 of the universally revered book, “Mesillat Yesharim,” the Ramchal explains that the Spies (excluding Joshua and Caleb ben Nun) feared that they would lose their authority and honor upon entering the Promised Land since a new type of leadership was needed in conquering and settling the Land.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Israeli Traveler Changes HisMind about Chareidim in Mid Flight


Chadashot HaSkopim reported on an Israeli social media post that went viral about the experience of an Israeli traveler that changed his mind about Chareidim.

“Yesterday, I returned from Hungary,” the Israeli wrote on Sunday. “And during the flight, I saw a group of religious bochurim beginning to distribute cakes and snacks to all the passengers.”

“I first thought they were crazy but they said that they were doing it for the zechus of a Rebbe whose kever they had just visited who would regularly distribute food.”

“Less than five minutes later, they approached the flight attendants and requested to buy all the drinks and began giving out cups and drinks. That’s what they did the whole flight.”

“I was so moved by the sight that I offered to pay for all their expenses until the last shekel. But they refused to take even a prutah from me.”

“I swear to you that until the day before yesterday, I would have thrown them out the window of the plane – that’s how much I disliked them. Yesterday, I got to know a new sector well and I realized that the reality is completely different. It’s important to me to publicize this to other people like me.”

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Gershon Kranczer Faces Brooklyn Judge After Being Extradited From Israel to Face Sexual Abuse Charges


A Brooklyn rabbi and former Yeshiva school principal appeared in a New York court on Monday on charges of sexually assaulting his minor female relatives - after spending a decade on the run in Israel.

Gershon Kranczer, 67, appeared before Judge Jill Konviser in Brooklyn Supreme Court in handcuffs belted to his waist. He did not speak during the brief hearing [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9353843/Rabbi-fled-Israel-2010-accused-molesting-children-extradited-New-York.html].

A father of 14 who is married to his first cousin, he is accused of molesting one of the girls from when she was eight in August 1996 to February 2003.

A second girl was allegedly sexually abused from March 2001 to September 2002, when she was 11, Reuters reported [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-rabbi-abuse/brooklyn-rabbi-sons-charged-with-sexual-abuse-idUKTRE6B26T820101203].

He was accused of sexual abuse along with three of his sons, including one aged 15. The boys are accused of having abused other female relatives.

Kranczer was founder and principal of the Yeshiva Tehila L'Dovid in Brooklyn - but resigned when the allegations emerged in 2010. 

He then fled to Israel with one of his sons, Asher, who is legally blind.

Kranczer changed his name and went on the run, evading capture until January 2020, when Israeli authorities located and arrested him.

He was extradited and appeared in Brooklyn Supreme Court in March 2021, charged with sexual conduct against a child, criminal sexual act and sexual abuse.

He has been held in jail since then.

Jewish Community Watch, a watchdog organization that works to combat child sexual abuse within the Orthodox Jewish community, told Forward at the time of his arrest that the group was dismayed at how long it has taken to get justice.

Angel’s Boycott Ends


For nearly an entire month, the chareidi community in Israel has unanimously avoided consuming items from Angel’s bakery, the famous and most prominent bakery providing bread for the community. After Angel’s director Omer Bar-Lev chose to demonstrate opposite the home of Rabbi Gershon Edelstein during a protest against the yeshiva students [called ‘parasites’ by some demonstrators], chareidim on social media initiated a boycott of Angel’s products, causing a sharp reaction from the public.

Neither Bar Lev nor Angel’s saw fit to apologize for the demonstration, instead claiming that the boycott was ineffective and that they did not intend to apologize for Bar-Lev’s actions as that would be “surrendering to the boycotters.” Despite Angel’s claims, there was a significant drop in orders from the company and many stores with Angel franchises elected to leave the franchise rather than lose customers.

In the wake of Rabbi Edelstein’s passing, Bar Lev and Yaron Angel, the owner of the Angel bakery’s enterprises, decided to pay a condolence call on his family as well as offering a written apology, ending the boycott with an apparent victory for the chareidim.