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Monday, June 20, 2022

Germany will finally limit use of gas but too late for the 6 million Jews they already gassed

 Germany’s economy minister said Sunday that the country will limit the use of natural gas for electricity production amid concerns about possible shortages caused by a cut in supplies from Russia.

Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that Germany will try to compensate for the move by increasing the burning of coal, a more polluting fossil fuel.

“That’s bitter, but it’s simply necessary in this situation to lower gas usage,” said Habeck, a member of the environmentalist Green party.

Russian gas company Gazprom announced last week that it was sharply reducing supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline for technical reasons, but which Habeck said appeared to be politically motivated.

Germany, which has long relied heavily on energy imports from Russia, began significantly scaling back its imports because of the war in Ukraine.

The government has nevertheless insisted that Russian gas will be needed for a while until alternative sources of energy, such as LNG brought in by ship, are available. Over the past months the German government has taken measures to fill gas storage facilities to 90% capacity by November to ensure enough gas is available as a heating fuel through the winter.

Habeck said storage facilities — currently at 56.7% capacity — were still able to make up the shortfall from Russia with purchases from elsewhere, but nevertheless described the situation as “serious" and said further measures may be necessary.

The German government recently called on citizens to cut back their energy use in light of the tense supply situation.

“It's obvious that (Russian President Vladimir) Putin's strategy is to unsettle us by driving up the price and dividing us," Habeck said. “We won't let that happen.”

Is the Pope is about to RESIGN ?


Pope Francis has fuelled speculation that he could resign after postponing a trip to Africa and announcing an unusual meeting of cardinals. 

Hobbled by pain in his knee and forced to use a wheelchair in recent weeks, the 85-year-old pontiff postponed a July trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan last week.

He also announced an unusual decision to hold a consistory to name new cardinals during a Vatican vacation month and arranged meetings to ensure his reforms stay intact.

The extraordinary consistory will be held on August 27, a slow summer month at the Catholic headquarters, to create 21 new cardinals - 16 of whom will be under the age of 80, thereby eligible to elect his successor in a future conclave.

Israel Should tell the EU "No Gas Until You Cut out your anti-Israel Actions"

 People dining this week on the charming terrace at Jerusalem's King David Hotel were surprised to find at the next table Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission.

Given the EU's long-standing hostility towards Israel, it was a bit like spotting Amber Heard knocking back the tequila with Johnny Depp in a Los Angeles bar.

That may be unfair to von der Leyen herself, who was described later that day by Israel's prime minister, Naftali Bennett, as "a great friend of the Jewish people and a great friend of Israel."

She had certainly come to Israel on a charm offensive. In a speech at Ben-Gurion University, where she was awarded an honorary degree, she said: "I have put the fight against anti-Semitism and fostering Jewish life in Europe at the core of the European Commission's agenda. Our democracy flourishes if Jewish life in Europe flourishes, too. Throughout the centuries, the Jewish people have been 'a light unto the nations.' And they shall be a light unto Europe for many centuries ahead."

So she pressed all the right buttons about the Jewish people. The real reason for her trip, however, was panic.

Saudi Calls for Palestinian State in Jordan


Jordan’s King Abdullah II (L) in Ramallah with his host, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, 

Ali al-Shihabi, an author and commentator on Middle Eastern politics and economics with a particular focus on Saudi Arabia, last week threw a bombshell into regional Arab politics with an op-ed in the pro-Saudi TV channel and website Al Arabiya, headlined: “The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine.”

Al-Shihabi is a graduate of Princeton University and the Harvard Business School, and his articles are considered mainstream in the Sunni Arab world, which is why his op-ed caused such a stir and outrage on social media and news sites in Jordan. Former Jordanian Information Minister Muhammad al-Momani responded in an article headlined, “The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine – unrealistic, illogical, and not patriotic.” Some in Jordan have suggested that al-Shihabi’s article was part of a Saudi-Israeli plot designed to “bring the Palestinian issue to an end at the expense of the Palestinian people and the expense of Jordan.”

Sunday, June 19, 2022

There is a permanent shortage of everything throughout the entire world and it's the fault of the Leftists' Elite


First it was baby formula, now there’s a tampon shortage. Tampon prices are up 10% due to the rising price of oil affecting the cost of plastic and higher cotton prices due to mask manufacturing and the war in Ukraine. A whole lot of fertilizer comes out of Ukraine and Russia. So does neon, which is used to make semiconductor chips. The chip shortage is shutting down car plants.

This is the thoroughly interconnected world celebrated in prose by journalists like Thomas Friedman, who marveled at how Big Data and globalization brought everything together.

“No two countries that both have a McDonald’s have ever fought a war against each other,” Friedman once claimed. In his greatest paean to globalization, “The World Is Flat,” he argued that, “No two countries that are both part of a major global supply chain, like Dell’s, will ever fight a war against each other as long as they are both part of the same global supply chain.”

McDonald’s in Russia has closed and the ones in Ukraine might be blown up any time. Russia restricted its neon exports while Ukraine’s neon exports have fallen sharply. Dell CEO Michael Dell has warned that the global chip shortage could last for years.

So much for the Golden Arches and Dell theory of globalist conflict prevention.

Rav Yoel Roth who was the last to see the missing Moshe Kleinerman Speaks up


Rabbi Yoel Roth, one of the most famous rabbis in the Breslav hasidic movement and probably one of the last people to see missing child Moshe Kleinerman, spoke over the weekend about the time he met the boy.

Rabbi Roth is the head of the Tiferet HaTorah yeshiva in Williamsburg, which serves hasidic youth who have dropped out of the usual yeshiva framework.

Many rumors have circulated about Moshe Kleinerman since his disappearance, including rumors that he has been spotted in a hasidic community outside of Israel.

Kleinerman was last seen on March 25 in the Meron area in the north of the country. Despite the passage of time, police still have no clue as to the boy's location and have continually appealed to the general public to report any sighting of the boy, who is described as slim with dark hair and sidelocks with glasses. Kleinerman also has a prominent scar over his left eye.

Last Friday, blogger Daniel Amram, who lives in the United States, decided to go to Rabbi Roth's yeshiva and talk to him about his last meeting with the missing boy more than 80 days ago in Meron. 

"I do not know him," Rabbi Roth said in a conversation with Amram.

 "When were were in Israel, he ran after me, and I don't know why. We couldn't get rid of him. We went around to the kivrei Tzaddikim (graves of the righteous), and I do not know why he jumped in the bus, we told him there was no place [for him] so he jumped in the trunk."

Amram spoke about the meeting with Rabbi Roth in a video on his YouTube channel.

 "When we arrived (at rabbi Roth's Yeshivah) he was in the middle of a class,".

 "Rabbi Roth  told us he had no problem with us waiting until he finished his class. At the end of the class I turned to him to asked  him if I could take a selfie with him  but then I showed him Moishe's picture and asked him if he knew where he was."

 "At first he ignored my question and just picked up the phone and started showing everyone, asking them if they knew where he was. After that he answered me about what happened then in Meron with him."

Beit Shemesh Boy dies after concrete pillar falls on him

 A 13-year-old boy from Beit Shemesh died on Saturday, half a year after he was critically injured when a concrete beam fell on him in his family's yard.

Moshe Yehuda Abels died at the Herzog Rehabilitation Hospital, where he had recently been hospitalized, after being transferred from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where the doctors fought for his life.

The funeral was held at 1:30 AM Sunday, during which he was buried in the Har Hamenuhot cemetery in Jerusalem.

During the Hanukkah holiday in December, Moshe and his brothers were playing in a hammock which was in the yard of their house. During the game, a concrete pillar to which the hammock was attached, detached from the ground and fell on the children.

All three children were injured, with Moshe suffering the most serious injuries.

The family celebrated Moshe's bar mitzva over the Passover holiday, but Moshe himself was not able to attend the celebration due to the seriousness of his condition.

Trump Right again as WHO head Dr. Tedros says that SARS-CoV-2 resulted from a lab leak


Despite public statements denying any level of certainty regarding the origins of SARS-CoV-2, WHO head Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus privately believes that the novel coronavirus was the result of a leak from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Dr. Tedros confided his thoughts to a European politician described as a "senior government source," who divulged the information to the Mail on Sunday.

The Institute of Virology in Wuhan is one of the largest such institutions in the world and the only institution in China that researches "gain of function" in viruses, manipulating them in order to make them more virulent or change their characteristics in some other form. Such research has been conducted in Wuhan for decades, and has been partially funded by the U.S. government.

The National Institutes of Health recently admitted that it had hidden information related to COVID-19's origins, in accordance with a Chinese request.

Watch Democratic Candidates Long History of Claiming Elections Were Stolen


Joe Biden Offers Condolences By Saying The Deceased "Dropped Dead"



The principal of a tony Chicago private school allegedly ignored a bullied 15-year-old, who then committed suicide — 

 The mother of the dead boy wants to warn parents in New York, where the administrator is set to start a new job next month. 

Randall Dunn, 57, head of the Board of Trustees of the National Association of Independent Schools, has run the Latin School of Chicago since 2011 but will take over the top job at the posh Rye Country Day School in Westchester, the school announced.

 Rosellene Bronstein, the teenager’s mother, believes Rye Country Day students, who pay $50,000 a year in tuition, would be at risk. “Dunn does not care about students. He cares about himself and his career. He’s a fraud. He is dishonest,” an emotional Rosellene Bronstein, 48, told The Post.

 Rosellene’s son, Nate, killed himself in January. In April, Bronstein and her husband Robert filed a $100 million lawsuit against Dunn and a blizzard of other school officials and parents in Illinois, alleging their son committed suicide after months of relentless bullying.

Naftuuuuuleh Moster:"After ten years, I am leaving Yaffed"


Ten years ago, I embarked on a journey that I never thought would bring me to where I am today. Struggling to secure a decent job and succeed in college due to the near complete lack of secular education in my Hasidic Yeshiva growing up, I decided to do something that so many before me chose not to do. I began advocating for Yeshivas to follow the law and for education agencies to enforce it.

It started as a passion project: a letter to the New York State Regents Chancellor; a handful of meetings with yeshiva administrators and local rabbis; a fax to a civil rights attorney; a meeting with a school superintendent. I had no advocacy skills or community organizing experience going into this work. I had no government relations experience, no media, budgeting, legal or education policy experience. I was just a young adult who was seriously handicapped by my lack of education.

With the help of our many supporters and generous donors I was able to grow Yaffed from a volunteer-based startup into a non-profit with a near 1 million dollar budget employing multiple full-time staff and additional contractors. In that time I went from being a nameless yeshiva bochur to a public figure.

It has been an incredible journey and a great adventure.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Palestinian gunmen abduct & beat hell out of Palestinian reporter working for Iran


A Palestinian reporter working for an Iranian news agency was briefly abducted, beaten and threatened by Palestinian gunmen after covering the violent dispersal of an Islamist student demonstration in the West Bank earlier this week.

The Tasnim news agency says the men forced Samer Khuaira into a car at gunpoint on Tuesday, beat him and threatened him. The men said his coverage harmed the Palestinian Authority and the secular Fatah movement that dominates it, Tasnim said. He was released around a half-hour later.

Khuaira identified one of his abductors as a member of Palestinian security forces, Tasnim reported Thursday. The Palestinian Journalists Union condemned the attack on their colleague.

There was no comment from Palestinian officials.

Security guards at al-Najah University in Nablus had violently dispersed the Islamist students earlier on Tuesday. Videos circulated online showed the guards beating students and what appeared to be plainclothes security forces firing into the air near the university.

Fatah dominates security agencies that operate in the parts of the West Bank where the PA has limited autonomy.

Both the Fatah-led PA and its main rival, the Islamic terror group Hamas that rules Gaza, routinely crack down on political opponents in the areas they control. Iran supports Hamas and other Islamic terror groups.

Even Yahoo Hating Trump' Poll :" Biden disapproval hits new high as more Americans say they would vote for Trump"

 As inflation keeps rising and recession fears loom, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that Joe Biden is currently in the worst shape of his presidency.

The survey of 1,541 U.S. adults, which was conducted from June 10-13, found that if another presidential election were held today, more registered voters say they would cast ballots for Donald Trump (44%) than for Biden (42%) — even though the House Jan. 6 committee has spent the last week linking Trump to what it called a “seditious conspiracy” to overturn the 2020 election and laying the groundwork for possible criminal prosecution.

Since Biden took office, no previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll has shown him trailing Trump (though Biden’s most recent leads have been within the margin of error, like this one is for Trump). One year ago, Biden led Trump by 9 percentage points. In 2020, Biden won the White House by more than 7 million votes.

Yet Biden’s job approval rating has been atrophying for much of the last year, and the new survey shows that it has never been weaker. A full 56% of Americans now disapprove of the president’s performance — the highest share to date — while just 39% approve. Three weeks ago, those numbers were 53% and 42%, respectively.

On average, Biden’s job approval scores are now a few points worse than Trump’s were at the parallel stage of his presidency.

The Face of Evil: This is the top Iranian official plotting attacks against Israelis in Turkey


 Israeli officials said on Friday evening that the head of the intelligence unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hossein Taib, is the official who is plotting terrorist attacks against Israelis in Turkey.

In recent days, there have been reports from Iran quoting sources in the Iranian security establishment demanding that Taib be ousted. The reason for the calls is that Taib and his organization have failed to halt alleged Israeli operations inside Iran, while at the same time continuing to fail to advance retaliatory attacks outside Iran, with an emphasis on the Turkish arena.

These reports describe Taib in recent days as "a wounded animal in a frenzy, who out of deep anxiety for his position vis-à-vis Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, is in a deep frenzy trying to carry out an attack against Israelis in Turkey and elsewhere at all costs."

Friday, June 17, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Shlach


Debunking the Satmar/Lakewood Liars


There doesn't go by a week that the Satmar Yiddish propaganda newspapers like Der Yid, Der Blatt, Der Zeitung and Der Shturmer write articles how the Jews and the Arabs got along fine up until Zionism developed. This of course has been proven to be fabricated .  But proven facts mean nothing to the Hungarian/Romanian liars and they have succeeded to shlep the naïve  Litvishe/Yeshivisha Roshei Yeshiva to their nests of lies. 

In Israel we are going to read this Shabbas Parshas Shlach the parsha of the spies. 

The meraglim weren't just simple Jews, they were hand chosen by Moshe Rabbeinu thru prophecy. 

The Torah itself states:

כלם אנשים ראשי בני ישראל המה "they were all distinguished men leaders of the Children of Israel"

They were the "moetzes gedoilei ha'Torah" of that generation. They were indeed the"daas Torah" of that generation, and yet they succumbed to Satan. 

And what was their sin, the sin that Hashem never forgave, and that the  entire generation, save a few, had to die in the desert and couldn't enter Eretz Yisrael? Talking Loshon Hara? Against who? 

Against earth, wood and stones! 

Hashem gave the children of Avraham this land as a gift to his descendants, and these "gedoilim" wanted no part of it! 

Parshas Shlach has an important message: one can be a "gadol" and yet can at the same time destroy the Jewish people, making them wander 40 years thereby forcing Klall Yisrael to have a "Tisha Be'ov for thousands of years.

Rav Teichtal in his sefer "Eim Habonim Semeicha" writes: "Are any of us bigger tzaddikim than the meraglim? But because they had "ne'geeus" they had personal bias in their hearts , they turned on eretz Yisrael."

and he adds:

אפילו צדיקים יכולים להיות מרגלים. על כן תדעו, שכל אלו אשר המה גם בזמן כזה שאנו בו כעת, נגד העליה ונגד הבנין וישוב הארץ. המה מכת המרגלים,וכל אלו הבוחרים בעליה, המה מכת יהושע וכלב

"Even Tzaddikim can be from the meraglim. Therefore take notice, those today who are against building and settling Eretz Yisrael, are from the meraglim. Those who choose Aliyah are from the camp of Yehoshua and Calev"

I have mentioned many times that the Yaavetz wrote in his siddur that all the tzuris that the Jewish people had to endure, like banishment of Spain, England, the crusades and Chelemetzki  pogroms was only because the Jews didn't read the signs to emigrate to Israel. 

Yes... but what about the three oaths? 

I have written time and again explaining this issue, but let me just say this now. Even if you should erroneously say that they apply today, they don't apply to each individual Jew. Every single Jew has an obligation to make Aliyah. And that's how the Vilna Gaon,the Baal Shem Tov learned pshat  in the 3 oaths, as they did everything they could to emigrate. The Chafetz Chayim also made concrete plans to make aliyah. 

The Jews clinging on to the 3 oaths remained in Europe only to be slaughtered to the tune of 6 million. You would think that the survivors would now see this as a sign to get out of Europe once and for all, and finally make Aliyah but no. The Rabbis told them that the Zionists were evil, that the new state created in 1948 was an abomination. They told them  to either stay in Europe and rebuild from the bottom up or emigrate to the USA which they themselves pre WW2 called "the trifene medinah" the "Treif Country" 

The Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum even predicted in 1957 and again in 1963 that there would be no Torah Institutions in 20 years in Israel. He predicted that 95% of all Jews in Israel would assimilate with the Arabs. I remember in the  60's when Satmar predicted that the State of Israel would no longer exist in 40 years

To bolster their arguments against the Zionist State, they brazenly re-wrote history and fabricated a false narrative  of  the relationship  between Arabs and Jews and made up stories that Jews and Arabs lived in peace side by side. By the way this narrative is used by the Arab murderers as well.

Even though Satmar shouts לשנה הבא בירושלים and  say in bentching ובנה ירושלים עיר הקדש and say three times a day in Shemona Esra ברוך אתה ה' בונה ירושלים 

they don't believe it for one second .

I'm old enough to remember that when the goy, the then President Trump moved the US embassy to Yerushalayim and declared Yerushalyim as the capital, R' Aron Teitelbaum, the Monroe Satmar Rebbe who is married to a Hebrew speaking wife, said this declaration has no "shaichis" "no connection" to the Jewish people. 

How does someone even utter such blasphemous words and remain a leader? How is it that his sheep still remained with him? The reason is because they get their news from the Yiddish Der Shturmer and are indoctrinated while they are still nursing, to hate fellow Jews. 

I am reminded of what R' Chaim Volozhiner writes in Nefesh Ha'Chayim. When the Mishna in Sota 49b lists all the terrible developments that will precede the arrival of Moshiach. Chazal conclude 

ועל מה יש לנו להשען על אבינו שבשמים

"Upon what, then, can we lean on? Upon our Father in Heaven"

R' Chaim explains that this last line is actually part of the negative forecast, in that instead of trying to correct things ourselves, we will simply say that it's up to Hashem and doesn't require our own hishtadlus!

This "orgy of violence took place 26 years before Herzl was even born!

The article below from a newspaper called "The Near East" does not mention "Zionism" at all. The "friendly" Arabs  just killed Jews because they could. That's why we need a State! That's why we need an army. It's not perfect but we should thank Hashem for it ..

"Groiser Rebbe" From Ramat Beit Shemesh & Montreal Charged with incest


A Canadian rabbi has been arrested by Peel Regional Police and is now charged with three counts of sex crimes against a minor, dating back to 1997.

Rabbi Shlomo Leib Mund, 79, was picked up on an arrest warrant by the police at Toronto’s Pearson airport on April 13, when he flew from his home in Israel to spend Passover with one of his children.

Rabbi Mund has been charged with sexual assault, sexual interference with a victim under 16 years of age, and incest.

The victim, now an adult, can’t be named due to a court-ordered publication ban on his or her identity. He or she went to police in Montreal two years ago, where the alleged attack happened some 25 years ago.

Rabbi Mund was taken to Montreal where he spent a day in jail. He was released on bail under strict conditions to not contact the victim, and to remain at the house of one of his sons, Philip Mund, a Toronto real estate professional. The rabbi also cannot leave the country.

“Honestly, I don’t really have any specific hope for the outcome of what this is,” said the victim, in an interview with The CJN Daily. “But just that he’s arrested and that the word will go out and the victims will have a chance to speak up is enough for me… I don’t know if justice will ever be served for him, but that’s not really anything I could control.”

Rabbi Mund’s lawyer, Jessy Heroux, said his client would not be making any statements, except that he intends to defend himself against the charges.

“Mr. Mund categorically denies the allegations,” Heroux said in an email.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Reform Rabbis Give a big "Kabalas Panim" to Mansor Abbas

Workers of the "Light Rail" beat the hell out of Chassidishe protestors.

The protestors forgot that these guys are workers who need to make a living. 

Were R' Chaim Kaneivski's Signature Forged for the last 5 years?


Who signed all the hundreds of "psaks" from R' Chaim Kanievsky z"l in the last 5 years? Was it R' Chaim? 

Because his grandchildren wanting a chunk of the inheritance worth millions, ran to Bais Din stating that R' Chaim z"l wasn't in the right frame of mind for the last 5 years and couldn't possibly make a decision on who will inherit him. 

This claim if true, is very scary! Because that means all those close to him knew the situation very well and exploited him. They dragged him to events knowing full well that he wasn't well. For five years!

I witnessed one event myself, a rally in Yerushalyim  to get the vote out a day before elections. I was stuck in heavy traffic in Yerushalyim and couldn't figure out what was going on. I asked people who were rushing to a large square what was going on. They told me about the rally and that R' Chaim just arrived. I pulled over to the nearest parking spot I could and walked quickly to the rally where there were already thousands waiting. 

Suddenly R' Chaim z"l appeared and you cannot imagine the excitement in the air. R' Chaim was escorted to the dais where there were many "gedoilim" sitting. 

Suddenly the entire crowd heard what I heard!

As they introduced him, he asked on an open mike ..."vus tooh ich do?" "what am I doing here?" then he innocently asked "vus iz dus" "what is this?" 

And of course, this was his entire speech. Lucky for the crowd, most don't understand Yiddish! Standing next to me was a Yeshivish guy, who asked me if I understand Yiddish? And when I replied in the affirmative, he asked if I can translate what R' Chaim just said. 

I really didn't want to disappoint him, a sincere looking guy that was there to drink in every single word of R' Chaim's wisdom, so I told him that R' Chaim just said "Go Vote".

I myself had a one on one with R' Chaim z"l four years ago and believe me it took a lot of "protekzia" to get in, I needed pull from a friend of mine who lives in Monsey. I will not go into what happened, but it was bizarre and till today I really don't know what really occurred. But I was thrilled to have had the merit to see him and shake his hand, after all he was a giant in Torah and Righteousness, I didn't take that lightly, but I was traumatized to put it mildly.

 I am angry at his immediate family who would said things in his name and said it was "ruach ha'koidesh" 

Now I am wondering? Did he really want the crowd to go out and vote? Did he really want everyone including children to get the vaccine? 

What really happened?

 When Covid hit full force and there was a total lockdown in Israel, the Chevra Kadisha was overwhelmed as people were dropping dead like flies in Bnei-Brak, and yet they said that R' Chaim ruled that Yeshivois remain open. There was a video long since removed where you see the chief of police visiting him and pleading with him to close them. On the video you clearly hear R' Chaim asking the Chief what was going on? Yeshivos were then ordered closed by "Reb Chaim z"l" 

Did he initially order Yeshivois to be open, and then after being informed that there was a plague, ordered them shut? If he had ruach ha'koidesh, how didn't he know about the plague?

When did he find out? Was it before he instructed the Yeshivois to remain open?

Was it really him or was it Yanki, his grandchild?

Will we ever know?

There is however, one thing we know for sure, that his own grandchildren are arguing in Bais Din that R' Chaim  was in "no frame of mind to make decisions for 5 years."


So women want to "control their own bodies?" Only if they can murder their babies!


Uh Oh! Journalist who broke Clinton-Lynch tarmac meet story dies by suicide


Did Humans live on Venus? Because Official report states that "Climate Change" Made in Uninhabitable



Iran & Israel "celebrate" the Same event!


Republican who voted twice to impeach Trump gets wiped out in election


Hasidic boys like mine don’t receive the education they deserve


Beatrice Weber

by Beatrice Weber 

In September 2019, almost 1,000 days ago, I filed a complaint with New York City and Yeshiva Mesivta Arugath Habosem, alleging that my youngest son, who was 6 years old at the time, was not receiving a secular education as required by NYS law. 

The New York Supreme Court this past week finally confirmed [https://forward.com/fast-forward/505315/state-supreme-court-sides-with-mother-in-dispute-over-sons-yeshiva-education] what I’ve known all along: The Education Department is not following up on complaints that the Hasidic yeshivas are failing to provide a secular education, but instead is giving parents the runaround.

I am a mother of 10 children, six of them boys, all of whom have attended Hasidic yeshivas where they receive six hours of instruction in basic English and math a week at best, for just five of their elementary school years.

Mrs Weinberger of Wesley Hills Gets Killed in accident near New Square


This occurred last friday on the intersection of route 45 and New Hempstead Road. 

The traffic light wasn't working and cars were slowly trying to navigate the intersection, when a fast moving landscaping truck ran into the car that Mrs Weinberger 83 was driving. Unfortunately she didn't make it, her husband who is on the zoning board in Wesley Hills  was a passenger and was lightly wounded.

Israel cancels youth trips to Poland for Holocaust programs

 Israel cancelled this summer’s youth trips to Poland amid a disagreement over security arrangements for the trips on Wednesday.

An initial Israeli announcement also cited Polish interference in the educational content, but Israel’s Walla News subsequently reported that an unspecified compromise was reached.

“It has been decided at this time that the activities of the youth delegations to Poland will be frozen,” said the Education Ministry in a message to some 7,000 students who already booked travel arrangements.

According to Hebrew media reports, the Polish government is not allowing Shin Bet security guards accompanying the students to carry weapons. In previous years, the guards were permitted to carry guns on Polish soil.

Polish officials have not commented on the matter.

Stacy Abrams the Governor Dem nominee funnels thousands to Terrorists and Encourages Violence Against Jews

 Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams sits on the board of a foundation that funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to an anti-Israel activist who has praised terrorists and encouraged violence against Jews.

Abrams joined the Marguerite Casey Foundation board in May 2021, business filings show. Roughly six months later, the foundation announced its 2021 cohort of “Freedom Scholars,” a group of “leading thinkers and scholars … in critical fields including abolitionist, Black, feminist, queer, radical, and anti-colonialist studies.”

Included in the group was UCLA professor Robin D.G. Kelley, a leading Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) activist who works with groups that collaborate with Palestinian terrorists.

Kelley, who received $250,000 through the program, praised the Palestine Liberation Organization—a U.S.-designated terror group—as “revolutionary combatants” and “models for those of us dedicated to Black liberation and socialism” in a 2016 article.

Three years prior, Kelley encouraged Palestinians to use violence against Israelis, calling the notion that Palestinians should only protest non-violently a “bludgeon to beat down Palestinian organizations.” Kelley also advises

"Alteh Katchke" finds it necessary to teach "Sotah" to little children


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

German Court rules that the Pig Statue on a Church which depicts a Jew will have to remain


Germany’s top court ruled on Tuesday that a medieval antisemitic sculpture can stay on the facade of a church in the eastern town of Wittenberg, rejecting an appeal by a Jewish plaintiff who has for years argued it is an insult to all Jews. 

The 13th century “Judensau” or “Jew Sow” on the town church depicts a caricature of a rabbi lifting the tail of a sow and two Jewish children suckle on the teats. 

Pigs are considered unclean in Judaism. At a time when politicians are warning about rising antisemitism in Germany, the ruling is a reminder of widespread anti-Jewish sentiment in the Middle Ages.

Remember When Ahed Tamimi Slapped an Israeli Soldier? The European Police Weren't so polite


The New Trend in Chassidishe Circles celebrating the "Upsharing"


CNN Turns on Biden


FBI Instigated the Jan 6 Riots?


Biden has no answer on the "Baby Formula Shortage"


Now watch your demented meshiginar scream  

Bleich the "fake" chief rabbi in Ukraine who lives in Monsey denies sexual misconduct allegations


The main organization representing British Jews has suspended its ties with the European Jewish Congress over unspecified “misconduct” allegations against the Congress’ treasurer, Yaakov Dov Bleich, a chief rabbi of Ukraine.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews announced the move on Twitter May 31 without naming Bleich. In the tweet, the group said the EJC did not respond satisfactorily to “misconduct allegations,” whose exact nature has not been reported in the media or specified by the Board.

Bleich, who has been featured in news coverage of the war in Ukraine, has denied all allegations against him, Haaretz reported on Tuesday.

“Anyone in public life, over five to six years, you’re going to make changes, especially at my age, where I am less active,” Bleich told Haaretz. “If you come with something concrete, OK, but everybody who investigated said there’s nothing concrete behind these allegations.”