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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Rabbi Eliezer Waldman one of the pioneers of the renewed Jewish community in Hebron Passes Away


Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, Rosh Yeshivat Nir in Kiryat Arba, has passed away.

His funeral will take place today at 12:30 from the Nir Yeshiva building in Kiryat Arba to the ancient cemetery in Hebron.

On the eve of Sukkot, Rabbi Waldman fell in his home in Kiryat Arba and was injured. He was hospitalized for several days and from there was transferred to rehabilitation at Herzog Medical Center.

After about a month and a half of rehabilitation, he healed and was welcomed back with happiness at the Nir Yeshiva. Together with Rabbi Noam Waldman, the head of the yeshiva and the son of Rabbi Waldman, his students accompanied him to his home singing and dancing.

About two weeks ago, the rabbi was hospitalized at Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem, and since then many prayers have been offered for his healing.

Rabbi Waldman was one of the founders of the Or Etzion Yeshiva and served as a rabbi there. Following the Six-Day War, he was one of the pioneers who renewed the Jewish community in Hebron and, from 1972, headed the Nir Hesder Yeshiva.

He was a partner in the founding of Gush Emunim and the Tekiuma Party. Over the years, he served as a member of the World Secretariat of the Bnei Akiva movement and later as a member of the national administration.

The chairman of the Religious Zionist Party, MK Bezalel Smotrich, paid tribute to the late Rabbi Waldman. "I weep with all of the House of Israel over the ascension to heaven of the head of the Nir Yeshiva, among the renewers of the Jewish community in Hebron, Rabbi Elierzer Waldman. A Torah scholar with a radiating countenance, among the great students of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Hacohen Kook and one of the faithful purveyors of the teachings of Rabbi Abraham Yitzhak Hacohen Kook for decades. Condolences to his thousands upon thousands of students and dear family. May we find comfort in the continued building of the Torah in the Land of Israel.."

"Der Groiser Chuchim" Mordechai Ben David claims 'coronavirus is flu,' says it's 'Pfizer's money mill.'


I don't know too much about covid, I'll admit. But MBD is not the sharpest bulb in the lamp. He is not known for being a "chuchim" he has more "mazel vee sichel" but that doesn't stop people from interviewing him.

Popular singer Mordechai Ben David, commonly known as MBD, claimed that COVID-19 is "just flu" and that the media is fear-mongering.

"Coronavirus is flu," Ben David said in an interview with Radio Kol Hai's Menachem Toker. "In my opinion it's just money, it's Pfizer's money mill. The media is trying to instill fear in us, so that everyone will get vaccinated out of fear."

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Family reunited decades after mothers separated at Auschwitz


Dora on the left and Eva on the right 

Torn apart during the Holocaust, this family spent decades separated until they finally reunited recently, thanks to the internet. 

While at the concentration camp Auschwitz during World War II, the Nazis separated a woman named Dora and her 2-year-old daughter, Eva. The pair would spend the rest of their lives searching for each other, but would never see one another again. 

After the war, Dora moved to the US and had two more daughters. Unbeknownst to her, Eva had survived the atrocities of the Holocaust, and was brought to Israel, where she was adopted and later taken to Britain. 

Both women have since passed away, but Eva’s daughter, Clare Reay, was miraculously able to reunite herself with the two children Dora had in the US after her son bought her a MyHeritage DNA test. 

The test revealed that Reay’s great-grandmother had living children in Ohio. Immediately, she sought to meet her long-lost aunts.

myheritage family reunion holocaust
The family’s 2021 reunion, over 75 years since the Nazis separated their mothers.

“We always knew about Eva, but we didn’t know where to begin to find her,” Dena Morris, 73, one of Dora’s two US children, said of her long-lost aunt in a blog post by MyHeritage. “Now we have pictures, and she could be the twin of my mother. It’s insane because Reay’s mother looks identical to mum.”

In 2020, the families virtually reunited over 75 years since their respective mothers were separated in Poland (Reay was unable to come to the US due to COVID travel restrictions).

Then, this year, they finally reunited in person when Reay came to Louisville, Ohio, in a surprise visit to Morris and her sister Jean Gerhart, 75. 

“I’m hoping that they’re both in heaven, their souls together, and they know,” Morris said of their mothers’ reaction to the reunion. “It is just incredible.”

ADL Supports the Self-Hating Jewish Antisemite Soros by Pressuring Fox News To Remove a Cartoon


Fox News deleted a cartoon depicting leftist billionaire activist George Soros as a puppet master and the Anti-Defamation League accused the news network of wading into antisemitic tropes.

The cartoon shows Soros manipulating a Democratic district attorney who is holding up a sign with the words “defund the police” on it, and a Democratic attorney general holding a sign that says “no bail.”

“As we have told @FoxNews numerous times, casting a Jewish individual as a puppet master who manipulates national events for malign purposes conjures up longstanding antisemitic tropes about Jewish power and contributes to the normalization of antisemitism,” the ADL tweeted.

A frequent target of right-wing ire, Soros – who is a Holocaust survivor – is often the target of many conservatives, upset at his funding of leftist candidates and agendas.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Vayechi


Yerushalayim Family violates quarantine, causes mass infection


A family from Jerusalem who returned from South Africa, which is defined as a “red” country, violated quarantine despite being confirmed as positive for the Omicron strain of COVID-19 and caused mass infection, Channel 12 News reported on Thursday.

According to the report, the parents continued to send their children to school, the infected grandmother continued her work as the director of an educational institution and the infected grandfather continued to visit his synagogue every day.

The report said that even after the discovery of the chain of infection, the family members, most of whom are not vaccinated, are refusing to cooperate with the authorities.

An investigation by the Home Front Command unit in charge of dealing with cases of COVID-19 revealed that even though the family members returned from South Africa, they violated home isolation after receiving negative PCR test results and sent their children to educational institutions even though they were supposed to stay in isolation for seven days.

On the fifth day of quarantine, most of the family members were confirmed to be infected with the Omicron variant and even then, they continued to send the children to school. An investigation by the Home Front Command revealed that another person, who lied during the investigation, was also connected to the contagion incident.

An outbreak reported Thursday at a school in Jerusalem may also be related to this incident.

Hundreds gather for the funeral of terror victim Yehuda Dimentman


Hundreds of people arrived Friday morning to the funeral procession of Yehuda Dimentman, who was shot and murdered last night in a terror attack whilst leaving the town of Homesh.

Hundreds of civilians, Knesset members, rabbis and public figures are expected to attend the funeral.

The funeral procession left Homesh at 9 a.m.

After the eulogies, there will be a stop at the murder scene and from there the funeral procession will continue to Jerusalem and the victim will come to rest in his final resting place on Har Hamenuchot.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Case against Netanyahu Collapsing


The corruption trial of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Jerusalem District Court has been ongoing for the past two months. Things are not going well for the prosecutors.

Israel’s state prosecution submitted a list of 333 witnesses. It frontloaded its best ones. So far, eight have taken the stand. And all of them have obliterated the prosecution’s case. Long-time Israeli jurists and former prosecutors attest that this is the worst presentation of evidence they have ever seen.

For the past three years, Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and his colleagues built their case for indicting Netanyahu—a long-serving, successful and popular prime minister—by claiming their star witnesses had given them proof that Netanyahu is corrupt and dangerous.

Through illegal, selective leaks from investigation rooms and prime-time press conferences, the state prosecution insisted that the witnesses had given them incontrovertible evidence that Netanyahu received a bribe, in the form of positive coverage from a news website. Mandelblit claimed that in exchange for the bribe of positive coverage, Netanyahu compelled regulators to provide the owner of the website with a sweetheart deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

But over the past two months, as one allegedly “star” witness after another took the stand, each rejected Mandelblit’s contention. Netanyahu, in fact, received hostile coverage from the website in question; his political rivals received supportive coverage.

As for the regulatory favors Netanyahu supposedly afforded the owner of the website in exchange for positive coverage, here too, the witnesses have shattered the narrative. The alleged whistleblower, who purportedly made the claim, testified that Netanyahu had no role in the regulatory apparatus in question. Netanyahu, in short, never asked for anything.

Last week, Netanyahu’s former spokesman and one of his most intimate advisors, Nir Hefetz, took the stand to testify against Netanyahu. When Hefetz signed a deal to become a state witness against Netanyahu in March 2018, Mandelblit and his associates presented the development as nothing short of an earthquake. With Hefetz’s decision to turn on his former boss, they had Netanyahu dead to rights.

After Hefetz turned against Netanyahu, the prosecution’s public campaign against the premier went into high gear. Leaks from interrogation rooms turned into geysers. Friendly journalists were briefed, and they duly reported on Netanyahu’s criminal mindset. The police inspector general weirdly alleged that Netanyahu hired private detectives to tail his police investigators.

As Netanyahu appeared increasingly vulnerable, his government also gradually destabilized.

Hefetz’s testimony last week was a watershed event in the trial for two reasons. First, he laid bare the prosecution’s obsession with “getting” Netanyahu. Under oath, Hefetz described the ill-treatment he received from police investigators at the direction of state prosecutors. Hefetz were arrested in the middle of the night in a Hollywood-type scene, with armed officers nearly breaking down his door. He was held in harsh conditions for two weeks. He was denied food, medicine and sleep. He was placed in a flea-ridden cell. He was housed with violent, convicted criminals and terrorists. Investigators threatened to destroy his family and coerced him into firing his attorney and hiring one they chose for him.

All observers of Hefetz’s testimony have agreed that the treatment he received was illegal. Some have alleged that it was torture. Notably, the prosecutors did not dispute Hefetz’s claims, which he made while he was under direct examination by the very prosecutors his testimony was supposed to assist.

Second, in glaring contrast to the hype that surrounded his testimony, like his fellow “star” witnesses, Hefetz shattered the prosecution’s case. Hefetz said Netanyahu did not intervene with the regulators on behalf of the website owner; that he received hostile coverage from the website; and that he didn’t even consider the website important.

Hefetz’s revelation of his treatment at the hands of the prosecutors showed the public that the prosecutors would stop at nothing to incriminate Netanyahu. Hefetz committed no crime whatsoever, yet prosecutors had him locked up and treated like a terrorist until they broke him. And for their efforts, Hefetz didn’t deliver Netanyahu—he exonerated him.

Even before the prosecution began making its case in court, the legal foundations of the indictments were already flimsy. Mandelblit indicted Netanyahu on four counts in three charges. The most serious count is bribery. As top U.S. attorneys argued in a pre-indictment hearing Mandelblit held for Netanyahu, there is no basis in Israeli law, or in the laws of any other Western democratic legal system, for asserting that positive coverage of a politician by a media outlet is a “bribe.” The assertion itself serves to criminalize both politics and journalism. By defining media coverage as bribery, Israel’s prosecutors arrogated to themselves the power to indict any politician and any journalist whose underlying positions they oppose.

Netanyahu is also charged with breach of trust for allegedly discussing a deal for positive coverage with the owner of Israel’s second-largest circulation newspaper, Yediot AhronotYediot has led public campaigns against Netanyahu since he first entered politics in the 1980s. On the other hand, it has provided lavish coverage to Netanyahu’s political rivals in its long-standing effort to oust him from power.

The deal the two discussed was one in which Yediot would provide Netanyahu with more positive coverage and, in exchange, Netanyahu would appeal to the owner of Israel’s largest circulation newspaper, Israel Hayom, which was supportive of Netanyahu, and convince him to limit his circulation for the benefit of Yediot. (Disclosure: In addition to Newsweek, I also write regularly for Israel Hayom.) But Netanyahu never agreed to the deal. And nothing ever came of it. In the meantime, in 2013, then Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett and 42 other members of the Knesset voted in favor of a bill, prepared by Yediot‘s lawyers, that would force the outright closure of Israel Hayom. All 43 lawmakers received positive coverage from Yediot. In the wake of the vote, Netanyahu dissolved his government and the Knesset, precipitating new elections, in order to block the bill from advancing through the legislative process.

Whereas the prosecution indicted Netanyahu for breach of trust for speaking to Yediot‘s owner, it refused to even open an investigation against the 43 Knesset members.

Finally, Netanyahu was indicted for breach of trust for accepting gifts from his friends. This, despite the fact that Israeli law permits politicians to receive gifts from friends, and simply requires politicians to return the gifts or pay a fine if the attorney general determines that they weren’t actually “gifts” from “friends” under relevant law.

The problem with Mandelblit’s determination of Netanyahu’s relations with his friends, like his other determinations in relation to the criminal probes he ordered against Netanyahu, is that his motives were always suspect. His obsessive hounding of Netanyahu reeked of ulterior motives.

Last Tuesday, Mandelblit revealed his motives to the public with the broadcast on Israeli television of the transcript of a conversation he had a month ago regarding the Netanyahu trial.

Mandelblit maintained that Netanyahu had to be ousted from power because he was “a danger to democracy.”

Netanyahu endangered Israeli democracy, in Mandelblit’s view, because he sought to impose checks and balances on Israel’s legal fraternity—the Supreme Court justices, the attorney general and the state prosecution office. For the past generation, all three arms of the legal fraternity have arrogated to themselves the powers of the executive and the legislature. Through fiat, they effectively canceled all legislative and executive checks on their power. The most powerful means that the justices and lawyers have used to effectuate their power grab has been their seizure of power from the government to appoint themselves.

Netanyahu posed a threat to “democracy,” by Mandelblit’s telling, because he intended to restore the government’s power to appoint justices and the attorney general, and to impose limits on the powers of the state prosecutors.

Mandelblit referred to the legal fraternity’s fight with Netanyahu as a “war”—indeed, as an existential conflict. His decision to indict Netanyahu was necessitated by the exigencies of that war.

In his words, “This [indicting Netanyahu] is a decision I had a difficult time with…we suddenly found ourselves in a war over the legitimacy of the attorney general, the DNA of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.”

By Mandelblit’s telling, in this fateful struggle, God almighty himself carried the day. “The grace of Heaven saved us from Netanyahu.”

Mandelblit’s shocking statement proved that his case against Netanyahu has nothing to do with the law. It is entirely political. Israel’s attorney general led a coup of lawless attorneys whose single-minded goal was to oust a democratically elected prime minister to preserve the extra-legal powers the legal fraternity has seized over the decades.

Perhaps the most notable aspect of Mandelblit’s statement is that outside of Netanyahu’s Likud party, it elicited no meaningful protest. By and large, the politicians received Mandelblit’s statement in silence. The reason for that is clear enough. Hefetz’s testimony laid bare the brutal truth: Israel’s unelected legal fraternity, which in the name of “democracy” accepts no limits on its power, will stop at nothing to preserve that power. Challenge it, even in a limited manner, and it will destroy you and everyone you love.

Originally published at Newsweek.com.by Caroline Glick

North Koreans Banned from Laughing or Drinking for 11 days to mark tenth anniversary of former leader Kim Jong Il's death

Kim Jong Il (pictured here in a photo released in 2007) died of a heart attack on December 17 2011 at the age of 69 after ruling the country for 17 years in a brutal and repressive dictatorship

North Koreans have been banned from laughing or drinking for 11 days to mark the tenth anniversary of former leader Kim Jong Il's death.

Government authorities have ordered the public to not show any signs of happiness while North Korea commemorates his death. 

Kim Jong Il ruled North Korea from 1994 until his death in 2011, and was then succeeded by his third and youngest son, current leader Kim Jong Un.

Now, ten years after his death, North Koreans are being forced to observe the 11-day period of mourning where they are not allowed to laugh or drink alcohol

Can anyone Identify this Rebbe?


Man whose wife won a court battle to treat his COVID-19 with ivermectin has died


Keith Smith, whose wife had gone to court to have his COVID-19 infection treated with ivermectin, died Sunday evening, a week after he received his first dose of the controversial drug. 

He was 52. 

Smith had been in UMPC Memorial for nearly three weeks and had been in the hospital’s intensive care unit in a medically induced coma on a ventilator since Nov. 21. He had been diagnosed with the virus on Nov. 10. 

His wife of 24 years, Darla, had gone to court to compel UPMC to treat her husband with ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has not been approved for treatment of COVID-19. 

York County Court Judge Clyde Vedder’s Dec. 3 decision did not compel the hospital to treat Keith with the drug, but it did allow Darla to have an independent physician administer it. He received two doses before Keith’s condition grew worse, and the doctor halted the treatment. 

“Tonight, around 7:45 p.m., my precious husband breathed his last breath,” Darla wrote on the website caringbridge.org.  

He died with Darla and their two sons, Carter and Zach, at his bedside. Darla wrote they had time to speak to Keith, separately and as a group, before he passed away. “My boys are so strong,” she wrote. “They are my rock of solace.” 

Last moments

She described his last moments.  

“The nurses removed that cursed tube from his throat and he breathed on his own for a bit,” she wrote. “Then, slowly, the time between breaths lengthened. His heart hammered in his chest. Such a strong, valiant heart.  Finally his pulse went to zero, his color paled immediately. 

“The man in that bed did not look like Keith. He was gaunt, with scabs on his cheeks from three weeks of torture, having that godforsaken vent attached to his face. He had a full beard and mustache. His hair had grown like a wild man.”

'A Hail Mary'

Darla had sued UPMC to treat her husband with ivermectin after reading about similar cases throughout the country, all filed by an attorney in Buffalo, N.Y. She was assisted by a group called Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, which promotes the use of ivermectin in the treatment of the virus.

Whether the drug is effective in treating COVID-19 is unproven and studies cited by its proponents have been dismissed as being biased and including incomplete or nonexistent data. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved the use of the drug to treat COVID-19, and the National Institutes of Health does not recommend its use. It is not included in UPMC’s COVID-19 treatment protocols. 

He received his first dose on Dec. 5, two days after Vedder’s decision in the court case. After Keith received a second dose, the doctor overseeing the drug’s administration – a physician not affiliated with UPMC – ended the treatment as Keith’s condition deteriorated. 

Darla had written previously that she was unsure whether ivermectin could help her husband, but it was worth a try. The use of the drug was described as “a Hail Mary” intended as a last-ditch effort to save Keith’s life. (She would not say whether her husband had been vaccinated.)

She was angry with UPMC for refusing to administer the treatment, forcing her to sue, and for delaying the treatment for two days as the hospital grappled with the meaning of the court order while Darla arranged to have an independent nurse administer the drug. Citing privacy laws, UPMC had previously declined to disclose details of the case or Keith’s treatment. 

She had kind words for the nurses at UPMC, writing “I still love you.” She wrote, “You cared for Keith for over 21 days. You dosed him with the medicines the doctors prescribed. You cleaned him and groomed him, moved him, propped him up, dealt with every mess, every smell, every trial. Everything. I appreciate you. 

“That’s all I’ll say about UPMC at this time,” she wrote. “You’re incredibly lucky to have the nurses you do, jackwads. Treat them better.” 

An engineer, a Penn State fan and a Christian

Keith Smith was a structural engineer, a vice president of a firm headquartered in Lancaster. He was a graduate of Penn State and was an avid fan of the Nittany Lions football team. He was active, his wife said, and enjoyed woodworking and skiing.  

And he was a devout Christian. His wife told a story about a trip to Baltimore. The family had passed a homeless man on the sidewalk, and as Darla and his sons walked ahead, Keith stopped to speak to him, and after hearing his story, gave the man some money. Darla chastised him for it, saying the man was just going to spend the money on drugs, but Keith told her he said he wanted something to eat, and Keith wanted to help him, a demonstration of his faith. 

“If heaven is indeed real, just as God should be real – but He chose to not reveal Himself, and I will never, ever in a million years understand why – then I know that Keith is at peace,” Darla wrote.  

Her husband’s death has shaken Darla’s faith. 

“And God? Remains to be seen,” she wrote. “At the moment we are not on speaking terms and we may never be again. I don't know. We are where we are.” 

'I want to erase all of this'

She had been looking for signs. Earlier Sunday, she wrote, she was vacuuming when she saw a pack of eight deer in the yard of her family’s home in the Out Door Country Club area of Manchester Township. “It was weird,” she wrote, a sight she had never seen before in her suburban neighborhood.  

She wrote, “I don’t want to remember my husband in that awful bed with that monstrous tube stuck in his throat. I want to erase the IVs, the wires, the lines, the feeding tube. I want to erase all of this.” 

She wrote that she had picked up a prescription for ivermectin the day before Thanksgiving. “I could have given him the drug on the sly. Yes, they would have caught me.” She described preparing the drug in a sterilized Rubbermaid cup to sneak it into the hospital before the court ruled on her lawsuit. “In the end, I didn't do it,” she wrote. “And that will forever be a cloak of guilt that will cover me in shame.” 

Instead, she wrote, “I waited for the stupid court order, a nine-day delay from the date I picked up the script in Paoli. Then, UPMC played nasty, vile, wicked games for two days and delayed further.” 

She wrote, “The only thing keeping me upright is sheer hate and venom.  Don't lecture me - DO NOT. If you've been through this, you know precisely what this feels like. I hope it is momentary, but I'm pretty nasty when cornered, so don't hold your breath. And, if you haven't been through this, drop to your knees and thank GOD that He hasn't dumped this on you. Thank your lucky freaking stars. But do NOT, ever, lecture me or judge me. There but for God's grace go you. Trust me, you do not want this burden.” 

Father informed of the deaths of his children in car accident


Beilinson Hospital reported tonight (Wednesday) about an improvement in the condition of Yaniv Me'oded, who was seriously injured in a serious car accident about two weeks ago.

The medical staff and family members told Yaniv about the deaths of his two children in the accident - Halleli and Tov Re'i, and the loss of his unborn child.

Hodaya, Yaniv's wife, was also seriously injured in the accident and remains in critical condition.

Prof. Pierre Singer, director of the General Intensive Care Unit at Beilinson Hospital, said: "Yaniv's condition has improved to the level that we could talk to him and give him the harsh news that was waiting for him. This was done gently with all the necessary patience and accompanied by professionals, social workers and relatives. Yaniv remains wrapped in the love of relatives. And we will continue to accompany him in the future."

The accident occurred when a Palestinian Authority Arab driver, who was on the road despite not having a driver's license, made an illegal u-turn and collided with the Me'oded family vehicle.

13-year-old Jewish girl rescued from Muslim home in Bolivia

The President of the Association of Communities in Argentina, Eliyahu Hamara, has announced that Naomi Shuroff, the thirteen-year-old girl who went missing yesterday in Buenos Aires, has been found.

Shuroff and her family belong to the Agudat Yisrael orthodox community in Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital. Naomi’s parents reported their daughter’s disappearance to the authorities, when all traces of her were lost after she left her home around midday on Wednesday.

“This is an extremely unusual occurrence in our community,” said Hamara on Wednesday, before Naomi was found. “We are with the family, doing what we can to help, praying that she is found healthy and well. We have appealed to all the security agencies here, asking them to do everything in their power to restore Naomi to her family.”

Relatives feared that Naomi had become acquainted with someone called Said Fanaya, who used TikTok to reach out to her, pretending to be a boy of her age from Bolivia. Naomi’s father appealed to the police to help, and Jewish organizations also stepped in, demanding enhanced search efforts to be made, in light of their suspicions that the girl had been abducted.

Naomi was ultimately located in a Muslim home in Bolivia by local police, according to a report by Behadrey Haredim, after Jewish organizations exerted heavy pressure on the authorities there.

4 children dead after fall from bouncy castle that was blown into air


Four children were killed and five others injured when they fell to the ground from a bouncy castle that was blown into the air by a gust of wind outside an Australian school Thursday.

The unimaginable tragedy took place during a celebration marking the last week of classes before Christmas break at Hillcrest primary school in northern Tasmania, police said.

The children in the bouncy castle were tossed from a height of about 33 feet on a sunny, early summer day that was forecast by local weather services to have “light winds.”

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison called the incident “shattering” and “unthinkably heartbreaking.”

“Young children on a fun day out, together with their families and it turns to such a horrific tragedy, at this time of year, it just breaks your heart,” he said.

The victims were all in sixth grade and included two boys and two girls.

Of the surviving children, four are in critical condition and the other is in serious condition, according to Tasmanian police commissioner Darren Hine.

Some parents witnessed the horrific scene as they were volunteering at the event.

The school closed for the day after the incident.

Thousands of Chassidim celebrate the early release of an admitted convicted rapist, thief and possible Murder suspect


Well at least Berland didn't take photos of kallas in a park. At any rate, sources in Israel say that Berland will not be free for long as new information about the murder of Shitrit is slowly but surely developing.

But what I don't get is his crazed followers. I am talking not of a handful of mishigayim, but thousands of men, women and children following this ugly disgusting excuse of a human. Thousands were there to greet him and escort him back to his stable.. thousands..

Eliezer Berland was released from prison Wednesday, several months before the end of his term.

The infamous head of the Shuvu Bonim cult had been serving time for a fraud conviction, after he cheated sick and elderly followers out of millions of shekels. He was previously convicted in 2016 of committing indecent acts and assault.

Berland was arrested in February of last year, after being accused of selling fake pills and prayers that he claimed had special healing powers. He took advantage of desperate followers, promising families that their disabled relatives would recover, and that convicted family members would be released.

At the time of his arrest, police discovered dozens of boxes of powder and “wonder drugs” that turned out to be over-the-counter painkillers and candy.

The prosecution had multiple complaints and testimony regarding fraudulent receipt (and attempted receipt) of funds as well as extortion and attempted extortion.

The judge said that Berland’s crimes were “committed systematically and out of greed, taking advantage of the victims at their most difficult time.”

After a plea bargain, Berland was sentenced to eighteen months including time served. He was set to go free in February but was granted early release due to poor health.

At one point, Berland was considered a suspect in the murder of 41-year-old Avi Edri in 1990 and the kidnapping and murder of 17-year-old Nissim Shitrit in 1986.

Several of his followers have already been charged in those cases, and he has been accused of sending “tznius squads” to beat and threaten members of his sect. According to one indictment, Berland’s son-in-law, Tzvika Tzuker, organized the squads and ordered them to threaten Mr. Shitrit.

Mr. Edri was found beaten to death in Ramot Forest in the north of Jerusalem in 1990.

Although at one point he was detained in connection with the murders, Berland has not been charged, and according to reports, he has been exonerated due to lack of evidence.


Rabbis Start a New Campaign to Stop ‘Shameful’ Bridal Wedding Pictures In Parks


The entire world is coming apart, civil wars within the Chassidishe & Litvishe courts, rabbanim convicted of rape and molestation, and this guy is now busy with Kallas in a park.....
I really got to get out of here!

Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Dunner, a prominent poseik and dayan in Bnei Brak and the rabbi of the Divrei Shir shul, sharply condemned the practice of taking pictures of the bride in parks on her wedding day. Rabbi Dunner, the son of the renowned London poseik Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dunner zts’l, spoke during a shiur on the tenth of Teves and described the phenomenon:

“A friend told me this week that his friend had made a wedding and showed him the wedding album. My friend said he nearly cried when he saw the album. He saw the kallah on her wedding day going to the park, taking pictures, placing the dress on one bench, two benches, all kinds of pictures…where are we?

“A kallah, her wedding day is like Yom Kippur, it is the day of atonement for her entire life. Who dreamed of this? In the previous generation the wedding day was a day of prayer, Tehillim the entire day, crying for atonement. On Yom Kippur you go to the park? I’m not even talking about the money wasted on this.

“My friend said that he couldn’t understand how his friend was not embarrassed. I would be ashamed, that the kallah goes on her wedding day to the park! Before the wedding, after the wedding, that’s what they want to do? Be like the goyim? Rabbosai, this is forbidden to us.

“It’s a mitzva to publicize this, people should be ashamed to go to the park and take pictures. We need to be strong, Baruch Hashem during the coronavirus we saw weddings without this nonsense and everybody got married with joy.

“It is also not simple at all that the kallah takes pictures in all kinds of poses in front of a male photographer, this is another issue.”

Rabbi Dunner concluded by stating that the destruction of the Temple was because people did not “go beyond the letter of the law” which implies using “a little feeling, a little wisdom, the chasan and kallah should not take pictures before and after in parks and at the sea, it’s all goyish, it’s not for us. Hashem should see that we are not wasting our money, not acting like the goyim, we want to be modest and then we will merit the rebuilding of the Temple.”

Mysterious Virus Infecting Thousands Of Yeshivah Bochurim in Israel & Williamsburg, Kiryas Yoel


Thousands of yeshivah bochurim throughout Israel have fallen ill in recent weeks with a mysterious virus with symptoms of high fever, stomach pain, cold symptoms and especially severe weakness.

The virus, which began before Chanukah in some yeshivos and others more recently, has hit yeshivos in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and Elad as well as in Kfar Chabad and other yishuvim. The virus has hit all types of yeshivos – Litvak, Sefardi, and Chassidish as well as Dati Leumi yeshivos on yishuvim and in towns and cities. As could be expected, most of the ill bochurim got tested for COVID when they became ill but they tested negative.

The yeshivah that seems to have been hit the worse is Yeshivas Torah B’Tifarta in Elad, where over 240 bochurim have fallen ill, with many suffering from high fever. About 150 bochurim in Yeshivas Be’er HaTalmud caught the virus and another 150 in Yeshivas Orchos HaTorah. Dati Leumi Yeshivos throughout Israel have been affected including yeshivos in Nahariya, Mitzpeh Ramon, Yerucham, Nir, Mitzpeh, and others.

According to a B’Chadrei Charedim report, hundreds of bochurim in the US in Satmar and Belz yeshivos have also fallen ill with the virus as well as students in Talmudei Torah in Williamsburg, Kiryas Yoel and Monroe.