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Wednesday, August 25, 2021



Neville Chamberlain can rest easy. He is no longer the most shameful appeaser in modern history. 

Joe Biden is the new champion of cowards.

Biden didn’t just blink in the face of terror. He is groveling before the Taliban, acknowledging their victory and laying the groundwork for their legitimacy as the rulers of Afghanistan.

Who could imagine any American president allowing murderous thugs to set the terms of our military’s surrender? But that’s what has been happening and it crystalized Tuesday. 

The Taliban declared that no more Afghans should go to the Kabul airport, that those already there should leave and then they shut the main airport road. For all practical purposes, those words and actions ended the mercy mission of getting our ­allies out. 

And Biden didn’t object. Not even a whimper, just silent ­acceptance.

Even more unforgivable, by agreeing to the Taliban’s demand that he stick to his own initial deadline of Aug. 31 for the withdrawal of all troops, Biden shows he is willing to strand thousands of Americans behind enemy lines. 

Exactly how many Americans will be left behind is unknown, but most estimates put it in the thousands. They are now hos­tages to Biden’s fear and failure.

Their fate is uncertain, but the fate of the tens of thousands of abandoned Afghans who helped us and whom we promised to rescue is almost certain death.

This is extraordinarily callous and will ricochet around the world as evidence that America is no longer the home of the brave. 

As is always the case with appeasement, our allies will be shaken and our adversaries emboldened.

The crisis at the airport has been building for more than a week, but Biden still had a chance to adapt by moving the deadline back so the evacuation could be completed. 

But as word circulated that he would not extend the mission beyond next Tuesday, the White House said the president would make a statement. 

First he was to speak at 2 p.m., then 3:30, then 4:30, delays that gave the impression policy changes were at least being debated. 

It wasn’t to be. In fact, when he finally appeared shortly after 5 p.m., Biden first started talking about infrastructure and voting-law initiatives working their way through Congress.

The message was clear: I have bad news about Afghanistan and I want to turn attention away from it by feeding my left-wing base and promising the American people more free stuff. 

It was pathetic and as such was consistent with Biden’s entire conduct during this crisis. He created it and, as it spins further and further out of control, he shrinks and opts for deception instead of truth and partisanship instead of completing the ­mission.

Because of the hard deadline, the military reportedly has ­already started its drawdown of the nearly 6,000 troops at or near the airport. The move renders as lies Biden’s many promises to get all Americans out of the country. 

The fact that he didn’t repeat that promise Tuesday reveals he doesn’t have the courage to be straight about the implications of his decisions. 

Even his statement that he asked the military for contingency plans if the evacuations weren’t complete rings hollow. By withdrawing the troops and presumably abandoning the airport, where would any troops added later land safely?

Besides, if such plans were a real option, why are they only now being called for? It would be much easier and safer to stay at the airport longer rather than leave and return.

Coming on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Biden’s bad judgment and poor leadership have undercut the heroes who prevented Afghanistan from again becoming a safe haven for other terrorist attacks on ­America. 

All along, his obsession seems to have been that he would be the president to end the war. He even tried to sell it as a victory by saying the troops would come home on Sept. 11. 

He reversed that piece of ­lunacy, but never adjusted to the changing realities on the ground. Once he ordered the abandonment of our air bases, the Afghan army saw the war was hopeless and collapsed. 

Still, Biden didn’t react until the evacuation became impossible, then he started sending more troops into Kabul. While some 70,000 people have gotten out in the round-the-clock flights, the mission is far from finished. 

But he defends his decision by over and over citing threats of an attack by remnants of the Islamic State terrorists. He talks of “increasing risks . . . every day we’re on the ground.”

No doubt there is some truth to that, but is the possibility reason enough to run away and abandon our citizens, allies and prin­ciples? 

America’s fighting men and women are brave and resourceful beyond measure. They deserve a commander in chief as committed as they are. 

Unfortunately, the one they have has gone wobbly at the most crucial hour.

by Michael Goodwin

Ezra "the saar ha'nashim" Says New Lady Governor very "warm" person


Ezra "the Lisker" with unidentified chickiepoo

No TV.. No Internet.. No Ball Playing? Of Course No Torah Learning .....No Problem .. Let's protest the "Light Rail"

A large protest took place on Tuesday night in Jerusalem’s Bar Ilan intersection where Admorim (?) and the head of the Eidah Chareidis,  HaRav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss, who was shlepped and was totally out of it, and had no clue where he was, were joined by hundreds of bored Charedim in protesting the construction of the Jerusalem Light-rail. 

Rav Weiss, who celebrated his 95th birthday on Tuesday, helped organize the protest (hard to believe) which turned violent as police fired foul-smelling water cannons on the crowds. 

One border police officer was lightly injured and required medical attention from Magen David Adom after she was hit in the face with pepper spray by one of the perverts. In addition to the Gavad, the Toldos Aharon Rebbe also joined the protest from his car, as he can hardly walk.

The Eidah Charedis has previously decided to increase the number and the intensity of the protests against the construction of the light-rail through Chareidi neighborhoods in Jerusalem, because the bochrum are going stir crazy from doing nothing and they had to come up with something to keep them busy .


Viznitzer Bochrum Return from Baal Shem Tov's Kever in Ukraine Only to get Sick from Food Poisoning


Approximately twenty Yeshiva Bochrim who had landed in NYC, were transported to the hospital in Boro Park on Tuesday evening.

 The victims had all just returned from Ukraine where they visited Mezibuz. The group landed in an NYC area airport, and all boarded a bus which took them to Brooklyn. The bus stopped at the Boro Park Hatzolah garage on 14th Avenue, and a mass casualty incident (MCI) was immediately requested.

The Bochrim, all in their upper teens were complaining of nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, fever and other symptoms.

Hatzolah ambulances from Boro Park and Flatbush transported the victims to Maimonides Hospital, Lutheran Hospital and Methodist Hospial, it appeared they were suffering from some type of food poisoning.

They were all reportedly is stable condition.

UPDATE 8:30PM: At least 8 patients are sick in the Monsey area and Rockland Hatzolah are treating them. In the Catskills there are reports of patients in Kiamisha Lake (at Vishnitz Yeshiva). Additionally, Boro Park Hatzolah has responded to private homes to treat additional victims in addition to their original call on 14th Ave. It appears that the Bochrim are all Vishnitzer Chassidim who traveled together.

All Israelis Covid Patients On ECMOs Machines Are Young And Unvaccinated


All of Israel’s COVID patients currently attached to ECMO machines are under age 60 and unvaccinated, Yediot Achranot reported.

Additionally, all coronavirus patients who died after being attached to an ECMO machine during the current fourth COVID wave were unvaccinated, according to data from the Israeli ECMO Society.

Since the beginning of the fourth wave, 31 coronavirus patients have been attached to ECMO machines, five of whom died – all unvaccinated patients under the age of 60.

The most recent patients to be attached to ECMO machines are a 48-year-old man and a 51-year-old woman – both unvaccinated – at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon.

“The main thing we’re seeing from this data is the fact that the patients who aren’t vaccinated are the worst cases,” said Dr. Yigal Kassif, who heads the Israeli ECMO Association.

“These patients in the 40 to 60 age group, who are treated with the ECMO machines – die, while older patients including some with underlying conditions who had been vaccinated – survive.”

“Anyone who has never seen a seriously ill virus patient on the machine can’t understand the horror. These are people who are tragically unable even to bid their families farewell in their final days.”

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Two Sisters Killed By A Truck In Chareidi Kehilla In Antwerp


A terrible tragedy occurred in the Chareidi community in Antwerp, Belgium on Tuesday morning when two sisters crossing the street in the Jewish quarter were run over and killed by a truck.

The accident occurred when a truck turned onto a main street lined with shuls and Jewish stores and failed to notice the two sisters in the crosswalk, crossing the street after the light turned green.

The sisters were identified as Hindel Adler, a’h, age 9, and her sister Gittel, a’h, age 1.5, from a well-known family of six children belonging to the Gerrer community in the city. Their father, Reb Gavriel Adler, is one of the leaders of the kehilla.

Hatzolah of Antwerp quickly arrived at the scene but sadly could do nothing but determine the girls’ deaths. Meanwhile, the police closed the streets near the scene of the accident.

The police have opened an investigation into the circumstances of the incident. The driver is in shock and is being treated at the hospital. He will be questioned when his condition improves.

Two brothers in yeshiva are on the way home for the levaya which will be held on Tuesday afternoon.

Just when you thought you knew all aspirin’s secrets! Scientist says yet more uses of the drug may emerge in time

 As the world’s most commonly taken medicine, aspirin is the go-to pill for everything from headaches and hangovers to maintaining heart health.

But the wonders of aspirin don’t end there, with research suggesting its benefits range from staving off cancer to boosting the odds of pregnancy. Even perking up a man’s love life may be within its powers.

Professor Gino Martini, chief scientist at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, says yet more uses of aspirin may emerge in time.

‘Many biochemical pathways intertwine and it takes time for us to unwind them and understand how a particular drug affects them,’ he says.

‘This means that as our understanding of a medicine increases over time, new uses can emerge. With aspirin, I am sure there are still surprises to be found.’

While many already take aspirin for headaches (typically one to three 300mg tablets every four hours), and millions also take it to prevent heart attacks and strokes (usually 75mg once a day), with so many possible added benefits, should we all be taking it?

The main ingredient, acetylsalicylic acid, is made from salicylic acid, a compound that occurs in the bark of willow trees.

Taliban captures and executes Afghan TikTok comedian - who carried on telling jokes about the militia even as they dragged him away


This is the moment an Afghan comedian continued mocking the Taliban as fighters from the insurgent group dragged him away from his home before later executing him by firing squad.

In a viral video filmed at the end of July, Nazar Mohammad, better known as Khasha Zwan, can be seen in the back of a car with an insurgent on either side of him - one of them brandishing a Kalashnikov machine gun.  

According to Human Rights Watch, Zwan was killed by the Taliban at the end of July in Kandahar after that city fell to the jihadists.  

He was known for routines that poked fun at the Taliban through song and dance, including some that were uploaded to his TikTok account. 

In the video of his final moments, Mohammad continues to make jokes about the group after his capture, causing the Taliban fighter to his right to begin slapping him across the face.

The man to his left is seen laughing throughout before menacingly switching his gun for an even bigger-looking firearm. 

Nazar was later killed after being shot multiple times. 

According to reports, photos showed him backed up against a tree and then lying on the ground with his throat cut.

The Taliban initially denied involvement in the star's death before admitting responsibility - and confirming the two men in the car were Taliban. 

The group said the suspects had been arrested and will be tried in a Taliban court. 

The group alleged that Nazar, from the Kandahar province, was involved in the torture and killing of Taliban - adding that he should have faced a Taliban court instead of being immediately put to death. 

Nazar previously worked for the Afghan National Police - making him a target for revenge killings - and was known for his crude jokes and funny songs. 

He would regularly make fun of topics suggested by his followers - with the Taliban being no exception. 

His brutal killing at the end of July sparked fears of revenge killings as Afghanistan being falling city by city to the Taliban. 

Zwan left behind a wife and daughters. 

After his death, Ziauddin Yousafzai, whose daughter Malala Yousafzai survived being shot in the head by Taliban militants in Pakistan in 2012 - was among those who paid tribute on social media.   

Others who denounced the death included Sarwar Danesh, the Afghan vice president before the Taliban took over Kabul this month.

He said that slapping Zwan was the same as slapping all of the Afghan people and said his killing was against Afghan culture.

It was also one of the first major dents in the insurgent group's attempt to brand itself as Taliban 2.0.

Leaders promised that no harm would come to those working for the Government, the US military or anyone associated with American organisations. 

Trump Out.. Biden In.. ISIS Returns


The U.S. warned that Islamic State poses a threat to Americans in Afghanistan as the Biden administration seeks to evacuate thousands of U.S. citizens and Afghan allies.

“The threat is real. It is acute. It is persistent. And it is something we are focused on with every tool in our arsenal,” Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, told CNN on Sunday when asked whether crowds at the Kabul international airport are vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

President Biden, speaking from the White House, said: “We know that terrorists may seek to exploit the situation and target innocent Afghans or American troops. We’re maintaining constant vigilance to monitor and disrupt threats from any source.”

Concerns over Islamic State attacks were one reason the U.S. Embassy warned Americans on Saturday to avoid traveling to the airport in Kabul and to avoid airport gates, defense officials have said.

Islamic State is among several terrorist groups present in Afghanistan, each with a different relationship with the Taliban. The Taliban had harbored al Qaeda before that group’s terrorist attacks on the U.S. in 2001, and reports have surfaced that the Taliban have freed al Qaeda fighters from prisons as they gained control of the country this month.

Yamina to quit government if Lapid advances Palestinian state


The Yamina Party will quit the government if Foreign Minister Yair Lapid advances Palestinian statehood when he replaces Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked warned on Sunday.
“There will not be a Palestinian state in a government that we [Yamina] are party to,” said Shaked, who is a member of Bennett’s Yamina Party.
There is an agreement that this government will not deal with divisive matters such as this one, Shaked told the KAN News radio program.
Last week Lapid told KAN’s television station Channel 11 that a two-state resolution could be advanced when the government rotates in two years’ time, but until then nothing can happen on this matter because Bennett doesn’t support it.
The question of two states has suddenly resurfaced in the headlines because Bennett is due to meet with US President Joe Biden later in the week.
What happens if Biden asks Bennett to support a two-state resolution to the conflict? KAN asked.
“He will say that he is opposed,” Shaked said, adding, “This is nothing new. Bennett’s opinion is known. We [Yamina] are opposed to a Palestinian state – and even President Biden knows Bennett’s opinion.”
Shaked said she believed the meeting would deal primarily with Iran and the COVID-19 pandemic.
KAN asked what would happen if Biden simply waits until Bennett leaves and then moves forward on two states with Lapid?
“There won’t be a government,” Shaked said. “This is known both to Lapid and to the left-wing partners” in the coalition.”
“The topic of the Palestinians is not the most burning issue on the agenda, not even for the President,” said Shaked.
In contrast to what Shaked said, the White House has been clear that the Palestinian issue will be on the agenda along with Iran.
Biden believes in a two-state resolution to the conflict based on the pre-1967 lines but has not put forward any initiative for the resumption of an Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Taliban Sets A Woman On Fire For Her Bad Cooking


The women of Afghanistan have a lot more to fear from the Taliban than just wearing a burqa.

Speaking with Sky News, activist and former Afghan judge Najla Ayoubi alleged that the Taliban burned a woman for her alleged bad cooking.

“They are forcing people to give them food and cook them food. A woman was put on fire because she was accused of bad cooking for Taliban fighters,” said Ayoubi.

The incident allegedly took place on Thursday in the country’s northern region.

Read more at Breitbart.

Terrorist demands grave of soldier he murdered be dug up


Amit Ben Yigal's father at his son's grave

Nazmi Abu Bakr, the terrorist accused of murdering Golani Brigade soldier Amit Ben Yigal in May 2020, petitioned the High Court to dig up the grave and remove the helmet Ben Yigal he was wearing when he fell.

According to Bakr's lawyer, an examination of the helmet by an expert on behalf of the defense may lead to his acquittal.

The Military Court of Appeals has already denied the terrorist's request. The judge clarified - "this is a serious injury to the deceased without any evidential benefit, as the helmet has already been photographed from every direction." The terrorist's lawyer decided to appeal to the Supreme Court.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) said in response: "In Israel, terrorists are given heaven, and that is what makes them think they can make hell for the families of those killed."

Bakr was convicted of dropping a block on 21-year-old IDF soldier Amit Ben Yigal from the roof of his building in Ya’bad, during an arrest operation on the night of May 12, 2020.

Ben Yigal was part of the IDF force securing the town during the pre-dawn arrest operation, and was struck in the head by a block and killed as the IDF force pulled out of the town.\

Bakr was arrested about a month after the incident and convicted of murdering Ben Yigal.

Biden's World Collapsing All Around Him as Iran Will be holding joint naval drills with Russia, China in coming months


Three of America’s biggest adversaries — China, Iran and Russia — plan to hold naval exercises in the Persian Gulf either later this year or early next year, the Russian ambassador to Iran said Monday.

Levan Dzhagaryan told the RIA Novosti news agency the drills are meant to “practice actions to ensure the safety of international shipping and the fight against sea pirates.”

The three nations held the first of their joint exercises, which Dzhagaryan called “CHIRU,” in 2019. Separately, Iran and Russia held a joint naval drill in the northern Indian Ocean in February of this year.

Moscow’s man in Tehran noted Monday that he expected the exercise to be an annual event among the three nations.

Mayim Bialik takes over as interim ‘Jeopardy!’ host


“Jeopardy!” has a new host . . . again.

Mayim Bialik will fill in as a replacement for the recently resigned Mike Richards this week, Sony announced this afternoon.

Bialik, who was already slated to host prime-time spinoffs and specials for the game show, is now scheduled to tape three weeks’ worth of programs — 15 episodes total — when “Jeopardy!” resumes production this week, according to Sony, which added that the iconic game show will also be announcing “additional guest hosts” for its current season.

A source told The Post that “The Big Bang Theory” actress will still host the spinoffs and specials.

Bialik herself, however, came under fire last week and was accused of being someone who “though vaccinated, spreads vaccine doubt and hawks brain quackery.” But earlier this month, a spokesperson for the actor told the Wrap, “She has been fully vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus and is not at all an anti-vaxxer.”

Last year, Bialik, 45 — who earned a doctorate in neuroscience — also published a detailed video explaining her stance toward vaccines. “I have never, not once, said that vaccines are not valuable, not useful, or not necessary — because they are,” she said in the video.

Richards, 46, stepped down from hosting “Jeopardy!” after allegations arose about his sexist language and self-acknowledged “insensitivity” in the past. He is expected to stay on as executive producer of “Jeopardy!”

‘Get vaccinated’: Florida mom loses two sons to COVID in 12 hours


A heartbroken Florida mom lost her two adult sons to COVID-19 in a span of 12 hours — and now she’s urging others to get the vaccine before it’s “too late.”

Lisa Brandon of Jacksonville says she regrets not pushing her sons Aaron Jaggi, 35, and Free Jaggi, 41, to get vaccinated before they became infected with the virus in late July, news station WJAX-TV reported.

“I wish I could have made them do it. And now it’s too late,” she told the outlet.

Brandon, who was vaccinated, had a mild case of the virus.

But her sons’ health took a turn for the worse.

She brought them both to the hospital, where they were admitted into the intensive-care unit and ultimately put on ventilators.

Her son, Free, died on Aug. 12, and his younger brother, Aaron, followed 12 hours later.

“I think they would be alive today if they would have gotten their shot,” Brandon said.

The mom said she’s speaking out about the ordeal to urge others to get the jab.

“It’s a parent’s worst nightmare,” Brandon said of her sons’ deaths. “The only reason I’m doing this is to put the word out to please get vaccinated.”

Still trust Biden on an Iran nuke deal After Afghanistan?


By Jonathan S. Tobin

If there’s one thing we should’ve learned about Joe Biden by now it’s that once a bad idea gets into his head, there’s no persuading him to drop it or listen to contrary views.

Biden’s stubborn streak and tendency to fix upon a concept without questioning it fully goes a long way toward explaining why he was so optimistic about the Taliban and undeterred by intelligence reports from completing his mad rush out of Afghanistan without first ensuring all Americans, Afghan allies and the treasure trove of US military equipment weren’t left behind.

So: Can anyone now trust his promises on an Iran nuke deal?

Biden was elected supposedly to give us a White House more competent, empathic and truthful than that of his predecessor, yet Afghanistan proved we got the opposite, as even his erstwhile cheering section in the liberal mainstream media has begun to admit.

Perhaps his advisers are right to think the public will soon forget about Afghanistan, but the president’s flawed judgment may be leading him to make an even bigger blunder with Iran.

Biden took office determined to reinstate the Iran nuclear deal that President Donald Trump nixed in 2018. The question now is whether he is still so dead-set on reviving this dangerously weak pact, which has become even more worthless than when it was struck.

Trump was right to try to force Iran’s leaders to fix the flaws in the deal former President Barack Obama reached with them. Since then, the Iranians have done so much cheating and so exploited its loose provisions that it’s hard to see how even a new agreement will keep them from crossing the nuclear threshold. That’s true even if one ignores the sunset provisions due to expire at the end of the decade, which will give them a legal path to a nuclear weapon.

But rather than quickly agree to reenter the 2015 arrangement, as Biden wanted, the Iranians have played hardball in talks in Vienna. As they did with Obama, they sense Biden’s weakness and desire for a deal at any price. Biden’s unconditional cut-and-run in Afghanistan and the damage it did to America’s standing in the world have only emboldened them further. Now Tehran must be absolutely certain it can get Washington to drop all sanctions — which will further enrich and empower an already-dangerous regime — without having to end its nuclear dreams or support for terrorism.

A sensible president would have the courage to walk away from what is already a failed effort to appease Iran. He’d learn to question his own judgment after Afghanistan. He’d redouble economic sanctions and look to allies like Israel and the moderate Arab nations to form a united front and force Tehran to back down.

But that’s not Joe Biden’s way.

As with his foolish reliance on the Taliban to keep their word, Biden is again prepared to bet the West’s security — and that of Israel and the Arab states — that Iran can be relied upon to abide by Obama’s discredited deal or even agree to strengthen it.

And remember, his record of wanting to appease Tehran predates even that of Obama. Now he’s fully committed to a narrative by which diplomacy can magically bring Iran into the community of nations. As with his commitment to bug out of Afghanistan come what may, Biden is likely again doubling down on a foolish concept stuck inside his head long after it stopped making sense.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett will be in Washington this week trying to knock some sense into him and to persuade him to listen to America’s allies on this issue. But Bennett no doubt has drawn some sober conclusions from Afghanistan and can’t possibly be counting on the administration to have Israel’s back.

Everything we know about Joe Biden tells us he’s too pigheaded to reverse course on Iran even when all the evidence dictates he must. And as bad as letting Afghanistan fall quickly to the Taliban is, if Biden follows his instincts and agrees to a new nuke deal with Iran, the consequences for the Middle East and American security may be far worse.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Protests Against the Asra Kadisha Mafia ..and they don't like it at all


Once you let the genie get out of the bottle there isn't a way to get him back in!

Asra Kadisha taught Chareidm how to protest, and now it got to bite them in the proverbial ass... and they don't like it one bit!

Harris cackles as she's asked about tragedy in Afghanistan


Vice President Kamala Harris is under fire for laughing when asked about the deadly chaos in Afghanistan — before Singapore’s prime minister pointed out during a press conference with Harris that the Biden administration’s exit plan went “awry.”

The VP — heavily criticized for her delay in addressing the disaster that started after the US pulled out despite the Taliban’s resurgence — was already grinning widely when she approached reporters Friday.

A reporter attempted to ask about her “response on Americans” — but the VP cut her off before she could finish.

“Hold on, hold on — slow down, everybody!” Harris said, before letting out her now-notorious laugh, shaking her shoulders as she chuckled.

The VP finally controlled herself to insist that the Biden administration “couldn’t have a higher priority right now” than Afghanistan.

Anti- Vaxxers refusers abandon their steadfast beliefs as soon as they are in need of an ambulance.


Israel is in the midst of another infection wave and is galloping towards an imminent national lockdown, yet some Israelis continue to refuse to get vaccinated.

We do not trust the system, they say. The vaccine was approved way too quickly. A healthy body is not going to catch COVID anyway. I will know how to recover on my own if I get it. I am naturally vaccinated.

To all those Israelis who still think so, I say, good for you! Kudos for standing your ground. I have no problem accepting an opinion that is different than mine as long as it does not endanger me and my loved ones.

Wait a second. In this case, they are!

It has long been proven that the vaccine effectively prevents the transfer of the virus and severe illness. I wish vaccine refusers would keep their distance from us and would even somehow stand out in the crowd, so we would know to keep our distance from them, because it has also been proven that non-vaccinated individuals are seven times more likely to get infected than vaccinated ones.

I have no intention of forcing people "to inject their bodies with unreliable substances," which, by the way, sounds ridiculous considering how much harm people expose their bodies to willingly. Vaccines are not questionable. They conform to the highest of medical criteria.

And yet, instead of believing legitimate research and health experts, vaccine refusers turn to "alternative," and often ludicrous "health recommendations."

In Congo, "experts" recommended those infected with COVID to drink their urine, while in Madagascar, they told them to drink certain plant extracts. There were also suggestions of boiling the bark of a mango tree, papaya leaves, ginger and other ingredients "guaranteed to cure the coronavirus." In Israel, the recommendation was to use frankincense.

And while some nations have limited access to vaccines, for Israel, there is no excuse.

Over the weekend, two Israeli doctors shared on social media the conflict they experienced having to treat patients who chose not to get vaccinated for COVID and got infected.

And I get them.

Do vaccine refusers think that the health system is unreliable? Then let them go all the way!

When you, unvaccinated Israeli, get COVID, please do not go to your nearby hospital. Stand by your beliefs. Turn to the abovementioned "remedies."

It is mindboggling how vaccine refusers can abandon their beliefs as soon as they are in need of an ambulance.

Israeli Police Lady Probably a Satmerer Asks Motorcyclist to remove Israeli Flag because it will antagonize the damn Arabs


Bochur Whose Hat was thrown off by Belz Mashigiach "Will never wear a hat again"


Last week I posted a video of a mashgiach throwing off a hat of a bochur's head. The headline of that post was "Belz Haifa Mashgiach Yitzchak Meir Prestor beats the crap out of Bachur in Yeshiva"

I got a lot of flack for the headline because people watching the clip only saw the mashgiach throwing the hat off the bochur's hat, and didn't see the "the crap". The criticism came from readers that are experts in "crap"!

And so my friends.. there is an unfortunate epilogue to this "crap" story.....

The bochur in the video did very well in Talmud Torah, did well in yeshiva ketana. He was a kid that was well liked by his friends and was planning to continue learning after his wedding etc.

But from the moment he stepped into the "ghetto" of the Belz Haifa Yeshiva Gedoilah, he started losing his desire to learn and was slowly falling into the abyss.

And from now on, says the bochur," there will be no one to throw my  hat away, I decided never to wear one again". 

He added that he was told to wear a hat for davening, for eating, when learning, when walking the streets...... and to remove his hat when entering a bathroom, to remove it when entering a mikva,

"Now the mashgiach, whose job is, to influence me in spiritual matters, took this very hat and threw it with contempt on the floor , three times...I will never wear that hat or that chassidishe jacket again, not on Shabbos and not on Yom Tov and certainly not during the week"

Just as an aside, the father of this bochur, recently died and this episode occurred just days after him getting up from Shiva. In addition before this "crap episode" the mashgiach, the cruel  Yitzchok Meir Prestor, wouldn't let the boy daven as a shliach tzibbur even though  he was in the shloishim and he should really be trying to be shliach tzibbur at every opportunity as that is a special tribute to his late father's soul, but the "holy" cruel mashgiach doesn't want the son to mourn properly and honor his father.

So now within days we have a Mashgiach of a prominent yeshiva torturing an orphan, and a Rebbe of thousands torturing a widow who is also his mother ... 

the "Sitra Achra" is batting 1000

Biden's Mask is off ... a coldhearted imbecile


Our Empathizer-in-Chief has no clothes. 

The crisis in Afghanistan, mushrooming with the force and immensity of a nuclear bomb, is clearly a huge nuisance for President Biden. 

His demeanor this week is that of a sullen 12-year-old boy whose summer vacation has been cut short. He had to be dragged from Camp David to address the nation last Monday, and as the week went on he couldn’t believe this was still a thing. 

Irritation is his current mood. Not even gentle questioning from friendly Democrat George Stephanopoulos could elicit sympathy from Joe. 

About those desperate Afghans clinging to the side of an American military plane as it took off, falling to their deaths as the world watched? “That was four days ago, five days ago!” the president snapped. It had actually been two days prior, but that’s not my point. 

Ladies and gentleman, the mask has come off. This isn’t old age. This isn’t political defiance or mental defect. This is stone-cold callous disregard for human life — lives lost due to Biden’s own insistence on a hasty withdrawal, keeping our allies in the dark. American civilians on the ground, now in hiding from the Taliban, were given no heads-up.

Read more at the NY Post

Anti-vaxxer causes mass-infection in special needs kindergarten


An anti-vaxxer got infected with COVID-19 and sent her twins to their special needs kindergarten, sparking a mass-infection.

An anti-vaxxer was the source of a mass-infection of COVID-19 in a special needs kindergarten in Ra’anana last week, Ynet reported. 

The infection was discovered when the kindergarten teacher wrote in the parents’ WhatsApp group that one of the staff had been infected, and so all the children needed to be put in isolation. “It was the last week of kindergarten in any case, so we all immediately got tested and went into isolation,” one of the mothers told Ynet. But another mother, who has twins in the kindergarten, refused to isolate her kids. “I refuse to put the children into isolation, and I won’t get them tested,” she wrote in the WhatsApp group. “I won’t take part in this madness, I’m sorry, it’s enough.”

After a short argument with her ex-husband in the WhatsApp group, the ex-husband wrote: “Get well soon, Nurit. I hope you’re recovering well from COVID-19.” The woman immediately left the group. The next day, the parents received the results of their kids’ tests, and many of them were positive. “We went back through the messages and realized that she was the one who infected them,” a different mother told Ynet. “We went into her Facebook and discovered that she clearly wrote there that she has been sick since the 9th. She still sent her twins to kindergarten. They’re also infected now.”

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